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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BoundaryCheck.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
14 #include <cfloat>
15 #include <cmath>
16 #include <iterator>
17 #include <vector>
19 namespace Acts {
37  public:
39  BoundaryCheck(bool check);
47  BoundaryCheck(bool checkLocal0, bool checkLocal1, double tolerance0 = 0,
48  double tolerance1 = 0);
54  BoundaryCheck(const SquareMatrix2& localCovariance, double sigmaMax = 1);
56  operator bool() const { return (m_type != Type::eNone); }
57  bool operator!() const { return !bool(*this); }
69  template <typename Vector2Container>
70  bool isInside(const Vector2& point, const Vector2Container& vertices) const;
80  bool isInside(const Vector2& point, const Vector2& lowerLeft,
81  const Vector2& upperRight) const;
94  template <typename Vector2Container>
95  double distance(const Vector2& point, const Vector2Container& vertices) const;
106  double distance(const Vector2& point, const Vector2& lowerLeft,
107  const Vector2& upperRight) const;
109  enum class Type {
110  eNone,
111  eAbsolute,
112  eChi2
113  };
116  Type type() const;
118  // Broadcast the tolerance
119  const Vector2& tolerance() const;
121  // Return the covariance matrix
122  SquareMatrix2 covariance() const;
124  private:
129  BoundaryCheck transformed(const ActsMatrix<2, 2>& jacobian) const;
132  bool isTolerated(const Vector2& delta) const;
135  double squaredNorm(const Vector2& x) const;
138  template <typename Vector2Container>
140  const Vector2Container& vertices) const;
144  const Vector2& point, const Vector2& lowerLeft,
145  const Vector2& upperRight) const;
154  // To access the m_type
155  friend class CylinderBounds;
156  friend class RectangleBounds;
157  // To be able to use `transformed`
158  friend class CylinderBounds;
159  friend class DiscTrapezoidBounds;
160  // EllipseBounds needs a custom implementation
161  friend class EllipseBounds;
162 };
164 } // namespace Acts
167  return m_type;
168 }
171  return m_tolerance;
172 }
175  return m_weight.inverse();
176 }
179  : m_weight(SquareMatrix2::Identity()),
180  m_tolerance(0, 0),
181  m_type(check ? Type::eAbsolute : Type::eNone) {}
183 inline Acts::BoundaryCheck::BoundaryCheck(bool checkLocal0, bool checkLocal1,
184  double tolerance0, double tolerance1)
185  : m_weight(SquareMatrix2::Identity()),
186  m_tolerance(checkLocal0 ? tolerance0 : DBL_MAX,
187  checkLocal1 ? tolerance1 : DBL_MAX),
188  m_type(Type::eAbsolute) {}
190 inline Acts::BoundaryCheck::BoundaryCheck(const SquareMatrix2& localCovariance,
191  double sigmaMax)
192  : m_weight(localCovariance.inverse()),
193  m_tolerance(sigmaMax, 0),
194  m_type(Type::eChi2) {}
197  const ActsMatrix<2, 2>& jacobian) const {
198  BoundaryCheck bc = *this;
199  if (m_type == Type::eAbsolute) {
200  // project tolerances to the new system. depending on the jacobian we need
201  // to check both tolerances, even when the initial check does not.
202  bc.m_tolerance = (jacobian * m_tolerance).cwiseAbs();
203  } else /* Type::eChi2 */ {
204  bc.m_weight =
205  (jacobian * m_weight.inverse() * jacobian.transpose()).inverse();
206  }
207  return bc;
208 }
210 template <typename Vector2Container>
212  const Vector2& point, const Vector2Container& vertices) const {
213  if (m_type == Type::eNone) {
214  // The null boundary check always succeeds
215  return true;
216  } else if (detail::VerticesHelper::isInsidePolygon(point, vertices)) {
217  // If the point falls inside the polygon, the check always succeeds
218  return true;
219  } else if (m_tolerance == Vector2(0., 0.)) {
220  // Outside of the polygon, since we've eliminated the case of an absence of
221  // check above, we know we'll always fail if the tolerance is zero.
222  //
223  // This allows us to avoid the expensive computeClosestPointOnPolygon
224  // computation in this simple case.
225  //
226  // TODO: When tolerance is not 0, we could also avoid this computation in
227  // some cases by testing against a bounding box of the polygon, padded
228  // on each side with our tolerance. Check if this optimization is
229  // worthwhile in some production workflows, and if so implement it.
230  return false;
231  } else {
232  // We are outside of the polygon, but there is a tolerance. Must find what
233  // the closest point on the polygon is and check if it's within tolerance.
234  auto closestPoint = computeClosestPointOnPolygon(point, vertices);
235  return isTolerated(closestPoint - point);
236  }
237 }
240  const Vector2& lowerLeft,
241  const Vector2& upperRight) const {
242  if (detail::VerticesHelper::isInsideRectangle(point, lowerLeft, upperRight)) {
243  return true;
244  } else {
245  Vector2 closestPoint;
247  if (m_type == Type::eNone || m_type == Type::eAbsolute) {
248  // absolute, can calculate directly
249  closestPoint =
250  computeEuclideanClosestPointOnRectangle(point, lowerLeft, upperRight);
252  } else /* Type::eChi2 */ {
253  // need to calculate by projection and squarednorm
254  Vector2 vertices[] = {{lowerLeft[0], lowerLeft[1]},
255  {upperRight[0], lowerLeft[1]},
256  {upperRight[0], upperRight[1]},
257  {lowerLeft[0], upperRight[1]}};
258  closestPoint = computeClosestPointOnPolygon(point, vertices);
259  }
261  return isTolerated(closestPoint - point);
262  }
263 }
265 template <typename Vector2Container>
267  const Acts::Vector2& point, const Vector2Container& vertices) const {
268  // TODO 2017-04-06 msmk: this should be calculable directly
269  double d = squaredNorm(point - computeClosestPointOnPolygon(point, vertices));
270  d = std::sqrt(d);
271  return detail::VerticesHelper::isInsidePolygon(point, vertices) ? -d : d;
272 }
275  const Vector2& lowerLeft,
276  const Vector2& upperRight) const {
277  if (m_type == Type::eNone || m_type == Type::eAbsolute) {
278  // compute closest point on box
279  double d = (point - computeEuclideanClosestPointOnRectangle(
280  point, lowerLeft, upperRight))
281  .norm();
282  return detail::VerticesHelper::isInsideRectangle(point, lowerLeft,
283  upperRight)
284  ? -d
285  : d;
287  } else /* Type::eChi2 */ {
288  Vector2 vertices[] = {{lowerLeft[0], lowerLeft[1]},
289  {upperRight[0], lowerLeft[1]},
290  {upperRight[0], upperRight[1]},
291  {lowerLeft[0], upperRight[1]}};
292  return distance(point, vertices);
293  }
294 }
296 inline bool Acts::BoundaryCheck::isTolerated(const Vector2& delta) const {
297  if (m_type == Type::eNone) {
298  return true;
299  } else if (m_type == Type::eAbsolute) {
300  return (std::abs(delta[0]) <= m_tolerance[0]) &&
301  (std::abs(delta[1]) <= m_tolerance[1]);
302  } else /* Type::eChi2 */ {
303  // Mahalanobis distances mean is 2 in 2-dim. cut is 1-d sigma.
304  return (squaredNorm(delta) < (2 * m_tolerance[0]));
305  }
306 }
308 inline double Acts::BoundaryCheck::squaredNorm(const Vector2& x) const {
309  return (x.transpose() * m_weight * x).value();
310 }
312 template <typename Vector2Container>
314  const Acts::Vector2& point, const Vector2Container& vertices) const {
315  // calculate the closest position on the segment between `ll0` and `ll1` to
316  // the point as measured by the metric induced by the weight matrix
317  auto closestOnSegment = [&](auto&& ll0, auto&& ll1) {
318  // normal vector and position of the closest point along the normal
319  auto n = ll1 - ll0;
320  auto weighted_n = m_weight * n;
321  auto f =;
322  auto u = std::isnormal(f)
323  ? (point - ll0).dot(weighted_n) / f
324  : 0.5; // ll0 and ll1 are so close it doesn't matter
325  // u must be in [0, 1] to still be on the polygon segment
326  return ll0 + std::clamp(u, 0.0, 1.0) * n;
327  };
329  auto iv = std::begin(vertices);
330  Vector2 l0 = *iv;
331  Vector2 l1 = *(++iv);
332  Vector2 closest = closestOnSegment(l0, l1);
333  auto closestDist = squaredNorm(closest - point);
334  // Calculate the closest point on other connecting lines and compare distances
335  for (++iv; iv != std::end(vertices); ++iv) {
336  l0 = l1;
337  l1 = *iv;
338  Vector2 current = closestOnSegment(l0, l1);
339  auto currentDist = squaredNorm(current - point);
340  if (currentDist < closestDist) {
341  closest = current;
342  closestDist = currentDist;
343  }
344  }
345  // final edge from last vertex back to the first vertex
346  Vector2 last = closestOnSegment(l1, *std::begin(vertices));
347  if (squaredNorm(last - point) < closestDist) {
348  closest = last;
349  }
350  return closest;
351 }
353 inline Acts::Vector2
355  const Vector2& point, const Vector2& lowerLeft,
356  const Vector2& upperRight) const {
357  /*
358  *
359  * | |
360  * IV | V | I
361  * | |
362  * ------------------------------
363  * | |
364  * | |
365  * VIII | INSIDE | VI
366  * | |
367  * | |
368  * ------------------------------
369  * | |
370  * III | VII | II
371  * | |
372  *
373  */
375  double l0 = point[0], l1 = point[1];
376  double loc0Min = lowerLeft[0], loc0Max = upperRight[0];
377  double loc1Min = lowerLeft[1], loc1Max = upperRight[1];
379  // check if inside
380  if (loc0Min <= l0 && l0 < loc0Max && loc1Min <= l1 && l1 < loc1Max) {
381  // INSIDE
382  double dist = std::abs(loc0Max - l0);
383  Vector2 cls(loc0Max, l1);
385  double test = std::abs(loc0Min - l0);
386  if (test <= dist) {
387  dist = test;
388  cls = {loc0Min, l1};
389  }
391  test = std::abs(loc1Max - l1);
392  if (test <= dist) {
393  dist = test;
394  cls = {l0, loc1Max};
395  }
397  test = std::abs(loc1Min - l1);
398  if (test <= dist) {
399  return {l0, loc1Min};
400  }
401  return cls;
402  } else {
403  // OUTSIDE, check sectors
404  if (l0 > loc0Max) {
405  if (l1 > loc1Max) { // I
406  return {loc0Max, loc1Max};
407  } else if (l1 <= loc1Min) { // II
408  return {loc0Max, loc1Min};
409  } else { // VI
410  return {loc0Max, l1};
411  }
412  } else if (l0 < loc0Min) {
413  if (l1 > loc1Max) { // IV
414  return {loc0Min, loc1Max};
415  } else if (l1 <= loc1Min) { // III
416  return {loc0Min, loc1Min};
417  } else { // VIII
418  return {loc0Min, l1};
419  }
420  } else {
421  if (l1 > loc1Max) { // V
422  return {l0, loc1Max};
423  } else { // l1 <= loc1Min # VII
424  return {l0, loc1Min};
425  }
426  // third case not necessary, see INSIDE above
427  }
428  }
429 }