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2 // ROOT macro for simulating the signal of different shapes, superimposed with the
3 // gaussian noise and to process resulting sequence using matching filter,
4 // extracting amplitude and time of the signal.
5 //
6 // Usage:
7 // To load the tools
8 // .L matchedfilter.C
9 // To generate signal with unipolar shape with 16 samples and calculate corrections
10 // init(16,0)
11 // The filter coefficients can be manually modified using, for example:
12 // g[2] = 0.5; // to set filter coeffcient 2 to 0.5
13 // To generate signal and noise,
14 // for example signal positioned at sample 50 with amplitude 100 and rms noise 10:
15 // series(50.,10.,100);
16 //
17 #define PRECISION_COEFF 1./64. // Precision of the filter coefficients. 1/64 is good enough
18 //#define PRECISION_SAMPLING 1.e-9 // High precision of the ADC sampling
19 //#define PRECISION_SAMPLING 1./10. // 14-bit precision of the ADC sampling
21 #define SMAL_UNDEF 1.0e-99
22 #define ALevel 100.0 // Amplitude level
24 #define NNX 400
25 Int_t NX = NNX;
26 Double_t x[NNX],y[NNX],yma[NNX],dy[NNX],dyma[NNX],s[NNX],v[NNX],ni[NNX];
27 //Double_t y_s[NNX];
28 Double_t gmax, gmaxx;
29 Double_t tau =0.;
30 Double_t ymax =0.;
31 Int_t quiet = 0;
32 #define NN 128;
33 Int_t N ; // filter length, set during initialization
34 Double_t fN; // widely used (Double_t)N;
35 Double_t g[NN], gma[NN];
36 Double_t norm, norm_ma;
37 Double_t gpos, gnoise;
38 Int_t npars = 2;
39 Double_t pars[] = {1.,0.,0,0};
40 #define grf_NPTS 15
41 #define grf_NY 8
42 Double_t serY[grf_NY];
43 Double_t grf_x[grf_NPTS] = {2000.,1000.,500.,200.,80.,60.,40.,30.,20.,10.,7.,5.,4.,2.5,2.0};
44 Double_t grf_y[grf_NY][grf_NPTS];
45 Double_t grf_ey[grf_NY][grf_NPTS];
46 Double_t grf_ex[grf_NPTS];
47 Char_t * grf_name[grf_NY] =
48  {
49  "T/SigmaT, T/ErrorT",
50  "A/SigmaA, A/ErrorA",
51  "Mean(Time)",
52  "Mean(A)",
53  "1/(Systematic Error) of Time",
54  "1/(Systematic Error) of Amplitude",
55  "T/StDev(Time)",
56  "A/StDev(A)"
57  };
58 TGraph * gr = 0;
59 TF1 * gf;
61 #define NCorr 256 //number of correction points
62 Double_t serCorr[2][NCorr];
63 Double_t aCorr[NCorr],tCorr[NCorr];
64 TCanvas * gCnv=NULL;
66 //shapes
67 Int_t SigShape;
68 #define UNIPOLAR 0
69 #define BIPOLAR 1
70 #define RECTANGULAR 2
71 #define GAUSS 3
72 #define STRIANGLE 4 //symmetric triangle
73 #define RTRIANGLE 5 //rigth triangle
74 #define UTRIANGLE 6
75 #define UNKNOWN_SHAPE 7
77 #define NEED_FILTER_NOISE // define when you are interested in the noise output of the filter
79 //#define TRY_WEIGHTED // to try weighted average finding of the max of the filtered signal
80 #ifdef TRY_WEIGHTED
81 Double_t tauw=0.;
82 #endif
84 // **********************************************************************************************
86 TCanvas *gCanv[5];
87 void init(UChar_t nsamples=16, UChar_t sigshape=0)
88 {
89 // This macro loads necessary functions and initialize the system.
90 // To simulate the series of measurements:
91 // root[] doSeries(pos, ntry);
92 // where the 'pos' is the position of the pulse in sample numbers
93 // the ntry is number of tries in each series
94  Int_t ii;
95  TCanvas *canv;
97  gCanv[0] = new TCanvas();
98  gCanv[1] = new TCanvas();
99  gCnv=gCanv[1]; //standard canvas for show
100  gCanv[2] = new TCanvas();
101  gCanv[3] = new TCanvas();
102  gCanv[4] = new TCanvas();
103  gCanv[5] = new TCanvas();
105  // consistency check
106  if(sigshape >= UNKNOWN_SHAPE)
107  {cout<<"Unknown shape, >= "<<UNKNOWN_SHAPE<<"\n"; exit(1);}
108  SigShape = (Int_t) sigshape;
109  if(nsamples > NN)
110  {cout<<"The filter length too long, >= "<<NN<<"\n"; exit(1);}
111  N = (Int_t)nsamples;
112  fN = (Double_t)N;
114  cout<<"Preparing simulation of ";
115  switch (SigShape)
116  {
117  case UNIPOLAR: cout<<"UNIPOLAR"; break;
118  case BIPOLAR: cout<<"BIPOLAR"; break;
119  case RECTANGULAR: cout<<"RECTANGULAR"; break;
120  case GAUSS: cout<<"GAUSS"; break;
121  }
122  cout<<" shape["<<N<<"]\n";
124  for(ii=0;ii<NX;ii++) ni[ii] = (Double_t) ii;
126  getCoeffs();
128  cout<<"Round coefficients to precision "<<PRECISION_COEFF<<endl;
131  getCorrections();
133  showShape();
138  cout<<"Attention, NEED_FILTER_NOISE is active, it slows down the calculations\n";
139  #endif
140  cout<<"The filter coefficients g[i] can be modified now."<<endl;
141  cout<<"If they have been modified, execute: showShape(); getCorrections();"<<endl;
142  cout<<"To simulate, execute: doSeries(pos,ntry)\n";
143 }
145 // **********************************************************************************************
147 Double_t shape(Double_t xx)
148 {
149  return fshape(&xx,pars);
150 }
152 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
153 Double_t fshape(Double_t *xx, Double_t *par)
154 {
155  //Double_t r;
156  Double_t x1 = xx[0] - par[1],v1,v;
157  if(x1 < 0.) x1 = 0.;
158  switch (SigShape)
159  {
160  case UNIPOLAR:
161  // Landau-like
162  return par[0]*pow(x1,4.)*(exp(-x1*16./fN)); // fN is set to (float)NSAMPLES
163 0 case BIPOLAR:
164  // bipolar shape, simply derivative of the UNIPOLAR
165  return par[0]*pow(x1,3.)*exp(-x1*16./fN) * (4.-16./fN*x1);
166  case RECTANGULAR:// symmetrical trapezoidal
167  v1 = 1.;
168  if(x1<v1) v = par[0]*x1/v1;
169  else if(x1<=fN-v1) v = par[0];
170  else v = par[0]*(fN-x1)/v1;
171  return v;
172  case GAUSS:
173  x1 -= fN/2.;
174  return par[0]*exp(-(x1*x1)/1.);
175  case STRIANGLE: // symmetrical triangle
176  return (x1<fN/2.) ? par[0]*x1 : par[0]*(fN-x1);
177  case RTRIANGLE:
178  v1 = 1.;
179  return (x1<v1) ? par[0]*(fN-v1)*x1/v1 : par[0]*(fN-x1);
180  case UTRIANGLE: // asimmetrical triangle
181  v1 = 1.1;
182  return (x1<v1) ? par[0]*(fN-v1)*x1/v1 : par[0]*(fN-x1);
183  default:
184  cout<<"Unknown shape\n";
185  exit(1);
186  }
187 }
189 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 Double_t fshapeACorr(Double_t *xx, Double_t *par)
192 {// AutoCorrelation at shift par[0]
193  Double_t par0[10],vv;
194  for(Int_t ii=0;ii<10;ii++) par0[ii] = par[ii];
195  par0[2] = par[0]; // the shift parameter for fshape
196  vv = fshape(xx,par0+1)*fshape(xx,par+1);
197  //cout<<"fshapeACorr("<<*xx<<","<<par[0]<<")="<<vv<<"\n";
198  return vv;
199 }
201 // **********************************************************************************************
203 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 // first derivative of the unipolar shape
206 Double_t difup(Double_t *xx, Double_t *par)
207 {
208  Double_t x1 = xx[0] - par[1];
209  if(x1 < 0.) x1 = 0.;
210  return par[0]*pow(x1,3.)*exp(-x1*16./fN) * (4.-16./fN*x1);
211 }
213 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
215 // **********************************************************************************************
217 void show(Double_t *xx, Int_t nn=200, Char_t *xname=NULL, Char_t *yname=NULL, Int_t lcolor=kBlue, Int_t mstyle=kStar, Double_t msize=0.75)
218 {
219  gr = new TGraph(nn,ni,xx);
220  gr->SetLineColor(lcolor);
221  gr->SetLineWidth(2);
222  gr->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);
223  gr->SetMarkerStyle(mstyle);
224  gr->SetMarkerSize(msize);
225  gr->SetTitle("");
226  if (xname) {gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xname);}
227  else gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sample");
228  //if (yname) {gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yname);}
229  if (yname) {gr->SetTitle(yname);}
230  //gr->Draw("ACP");
231  gr->Draw("APL");
232  if(gCnv == NULL) gCnv = c1;
233  gCnv->SetGridx(); gCnv->SetGridy();
234  gCnv->SetCrosshair();gCnv->SetTickx(); gCnv->SetTicky();
235  gCnv = NULL;
236 }
238 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 void showsig(Double_t ampl, Double_t position, Double_t length, Char_t *fname=NULL)
241 {
242  if(fname==NULL) fname="f1_";
243  cout<<"drawing "<<fname<<"\n";
244  TF1 *tf = new TF1(fname,fshape,position,position+length,2);
245  tf->SetParameter(0,ampl);
246  tf->SetParameter(1,position);
247  tf->SetLineStyle(1);
248  tf->SetLineWidth(2);
249  tf->Draw("same");
250 }
252 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
254 Double_t rms(Double_t *xx, Int_t nn=NX)
255 {
256  Double_t sum=0., sum2=0., xmax=0.,fN=(Double_t)nn;
257  for(Int_t ii=0;ii<nn;ii++)
258  {
259  if(xx[ii]>xmax) xmax = xx[ii];
260  sum += xx[ii];
261  sum2 += xx[ii]*xx[ii];
262  }
263  sum2 = sqrt(sum2/fN);
264  cout<<"srsq="<<sum2*sqrt(fN)<<", rms="<<sum2<<", mean="<<sum/fN<<", max="<<xmax<<"\n";
265  return sum2;
266 }
269 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
271 Double_t meanw(Double_t *xx, Int_t pos, Int_t nn)
272 {
273  Double_t sumw=0.,sumwin=0.;
274  for(Int_t ii=pos-nn+1;ii<=pos;ii++)
275  {
276  sumwin += xx[ii];
277  sumw += xx[ii]*((Double_t)ii);
278  }
279  return sumw/sumwin;
280 }
282 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
284 TRandom grand;
285 void setSample(Double_t shift, Double_t noise_rms=10.)
286 {
287  Double_t vv;
288  Int_t ishift = (Int_t) shift;
289  Int_t ii;
290  gpos = shift; gnoise = noise_rms;
291  for(ii=0;ii<NX;ii++)
292  {
293  v[ii] = grand.Gaus(0.,noise_rms);
294  x[ii] = v[ii];
295  s[ii] = 0.;
296  if(ii>=shift && ii<shift+N)
297  {
298  s[ii] = shape((Double_t) (ii-shift))*ALevel/gmax;
299  x[ii] += s[ii];
300  }
301  }
302  if(!quiet)
303  {
304  cout<<"Signal: ";
305  vv = rms((s+ishift),N);
306  cout<<"Noise: ";
307  vv = rms(v+ishift,N);
308  cout<<"S+N: ";
309  vv = rms(x+ishift,N);
310  }
311 }
313 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
315 //Double_t round(Double_t val, Double_t precision = PRECISION_SAMPLING)
316 //{
317 // return = floor(val/precision)*precision;
318 //}
319 Double_t round(Double_t x) {return x;}
320 void go()
321 {
322  // Calculate filter output and t/T
323  Int_t ii,i1,imax;
324  Int_t timewin = 10;
325  ymax = 0.;
326  for (ii=N;ii<NX;ii++) {y[ii] = 0.;yma[ii] = 0.;}//y_s[ii] = 0.;}
328  for (ii=N;ii<NX;ii++)
329  #else
330  for (ii=N;ii<=((Int_t)gpos+1+3*N);ii++)
331  #endif
332  {
333  for(i1=0;i1<N;i1++)
334  {
335  y[ii] += round(x[ii-i1])*g[N-i1]; // calculate filter output
336  yma[ii] += x[ii-i1]*gma[N-i1]; // the same for moving average, for comparison
337  }
338  if(ymax<y[ii]) {ymax=y[ii]; imax=ii;}
339  dy[ii] = round(y[ii]) - round(y[ii-1]);
340  dyma[ii] = round(yma[ii]) - round(yma[ii-1]);
341  }
342  if(dy[imax]-dy[imax+1] <= 0.) {cout<<"Computational error!\n";exit();}
343  //tau = imax + dy[imax]/(dy[imax]-dy[imax+1]);
344  // parabolic approximation
345  tau = round(dy[imax])/(round(dy[imax])-round(dy[imax+1])) - 0.5;
346  //cout<<tau<<" - tau\n";
347  //correction line for parabolic approximation of amplitude is broken
348  //at point tau=1/2. The corrected max(Y) estimator is more stable and
349  //it is more easy implement in hardware.
350  //ymax += (tau/4.)*(dy[imax]+dy[imax+1]);;
351  tau += (Double_t)imax - fN;
352  #ifdef TRY_WEIGHTED
353  tauw = meanw(y,imax+timewin/2.,timewin);
354  #endif
355  if(!quiet)
356  {
357  cout<<"ymax["<<tau<<"]= "<<ymax<<"\n";
358  #ifdef TRY_WEIGHTED
359  cout<<"weigthed mean = "<<tauw<<"\n";
360  #endif
361  }
362 }
364 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
367 // Generate set of 'ntry' sequences with signal positioned at 'pos',
368 // superimposed with 'noise'
369 // If nscan > 1 then collect the correction coeffcients
370 // If acorr > 0 - do the amplitude correction
371 // Time correseries(ction is always performed.
372 // Evidently, if pos is integral number then corrections would be zero
373 Double_t series(Double_t pos, Double_t noise, Int_t ntry, Int_t nscans=1, Int_t acorr=1)
374 {
375  cout<<"series("<<pos<<","<<noise<<","<<ntry<<","<<nscans<<","<<acorr<<")"<<endl;
376  Int_t ii,iscan,i1;//,previ;
377  Double_t sumt,sumt2,ty[4];
378  #ifdef TRY_WEIGHTED
379  Double_t sumw=0.,sumw2=0.;
380  #endif
381  Double_t suma, suma2;
382  Double_t sumdevt2,sumdeva2;
383  //Double_t meana=ALevel/gmax*(1.+aCorr[(Int_t)(((pos-floor(pos))*NCorr))]);
384  Double_t meana=ALevel/gmax;
385  Double_t mean,sigma,ns,rc,poss;
386  Double_t v1,v2;
387  TCanvas *CnvAcc[2];
388  quiet = 1;
389  //cout<<"Attention. quiet set to 1\n";
390  //if(ntry>1000) return;
391  for(iscan=0;iscan<nscans;iscan++)
392  {
393  poss = pos + (Double_t)iscan / (Double_t)nscans;
394  suma = 0.; suma2=0.; sumt=0.; sumt2=0.; sumdevt2=0.; sumdeva2=0.;
395  for(ii = 0; ii<ntry; ii++)
396  {
397  // generate signal and noise
398  setSample(poss,noise);
399  // process the signal
400  go();
401  // the rest is to get the deviations of the corrected paremeters from the actual ones
402  sumt += tau; sumt2 += tau*tau;
403  #ifdef TRY_WEIGHTED
404  sumw += tauw; sumw2 += tauw*tauw;
405  #endif
406  suma += ymax; suma2 += ymax*ymax;
407  // first, get the index from the correction table
408  i1 = TMath::Nint((tau-floor(tau))*NCorr);
409  if(i1>=NCorr) {cout<<"Index error "<<i1<<endl; continue;}
410  //cout<<"poss="<<poss<<", tau="<<tau<<", Corr["<<i1<<"]="<<tCorr[i1]<<","<<aCorr[i1]<<"\n";
411  v2 = tau - tCorr[i1];
412  v1 = v2 - pos;
413  sumdevt2 += v1*v1;
414  // for amplitude use corrected index
415  v1 = ymax/(1.+aCorr[i1]) - meana;
416  //v1 = ymax - meana;
417  //cout<<ii<<": nc="<<v1<<", corrected="<<ymax*(1.-aCorr[i1]) - meana<<"\n";
418  sumdeva2 += v1*v1;
419  // periodical print
420  if(ii%1000==999)
421  {
422  //cout<<"["<<ii<<"]"<<tau<<", "<<tauw<<"\n";
423  ns=(Double_t)(ii+1);
424  mean = sumt/ns; sigma = sqrt(fabs(sumt2/ns - mean*mean));
425  cout<<"["<<ii<<"] mean="<<mean<<", s="<<sigma;
426  mean = suma/ns; sigma = sqrt(fabs(suma2/ns - mean*mean));
427  cout<<", F="<<mean<<" sF="<<sigma
428  <<", A="<<mean*gmax<<" sA="<<sigma*gmax<<"\n";
429  //cout<<"srt="<<sqrt(sumdevt2/ns)<<","<<1./sqrt(sumdevt2/ns)
430  // <<". sra="<<sqrt(sumdeva2/ns)<<","<<1./sqrt(sumdeva2/ns)<<"\n";
431  }
432  }
433  ns=(Double_t)ntry;
434  //cout<<"lindif: ";
435  ty[2] = sumt/ns;
436  ty[3] = suma/ns;
437  ty[0] = sqrt(fabs(sumt2/ns-ty[2]*ty[2]));
438  //ty[1] = gmax*sqrt(fabs(suma2/ns - (ty[3]*ty[3])));
439  ty[1] = sqrt(fabs(suma2/ns - (ty[3]*ty[3])));
440  if(ty[0]!=0.) ty[0] = 1./ty[0]; else ty[0] = 1.e100;
441  if(ty[1]!=0.) ty[1] = 1./ty[1]; else ty[1] = 1.e100;
442  ty[1] *= ty[3];
443  ty[3] *= gmax;
444  if(nscans>1)
445  {// collect corrections
446  if(iscan==0) v1= 0.; // often having floor problem here
447  else v1 = (ty[2] - floor(ty[2]))*(Double_t)NCorr;
448  i1 = TMath::Nint(v1); if(i1>=NCorr) i1=NCorr-1; if(i1<0) i1=0;
449  //if(i1==previ) cout<<"Replaced element "<<i1<<", try to increase corr. table\n"; previ = i1;
450  //i1 = (Int_t)v1;
451  //cout<<"p["<<iscan<<"]="<<poss<<" t="<<ty[2]<<","<<v1<<" i="<<i1<<" tc="<<(ty[2] - poss)<<" ac="<<(ty[3]/ALevel - 1.)<<"\n";
452  serCorr[0][i1] = ty[2] - poss;
453  serCorr[1][i1] = ty[3]/ALevel - 1.;
454  }
455  //record only the first scan
456  if(iscan==0)
457  {
458  serY[0]=ty[0]; serY[1]=ty[1]; serY[2]=ty[2]; serY[3]=ty[3];
459  serY[6] = 1./sqrt(sumdevt2/ns);
460  serY[7] = meana/sqrt(sumdeva2/ns);
461  // make correction if requested
462  if(acorr!=0)
463  {
464  // index of correction element calculated from the time/period
465  //i1 = (Int_t)((ty[2]-floor(ty[2]))*NCorr);
466  i1 = TMath::Nint((ty[2]-floor(ty[2]))*NCorr);
467  cout<<"Corr["<<i1<<"]="<<tCorr[i1]<<","<<aCorr[i1]<<"\n";
468  serY[2] -= tCorr[i1];
469  cout<<"time correction["<<i1<<"]="<<tCorr[i1]<<" 1/stdev="<<1./(gpos-serY[2])<<" from "<<ty[2]<<" to "<<serY[2]<<"\n";
470  serY[3] /= (1.+aCorr[i1]);// correct amplitudes
471  cout<<"ampl. correction="<<aCorr[i1]<<" from "<<ty[3]<<" to "<<serY[3]<<"\n";
472  }
473  }
474  /*
475  * cout<<"time="<<ty[2]<<", 1/s="<<ty[0]<<", Acc="<<serCorr[0][iscan]<<"\n";
476  * cout<<"ampl="<<ty[3]<<", M/s="<<ty[1]<<", Acc="<<serCorr[1][iscan]<<"\n";
477  */
478  }
479  #ifdef TRY_WEIGHTED
480  cout<<"weighted:";
481  mean = sumw/ns; sigma = sqrt(fabs(sumw2/ns-mean*mean));
482  cout<<"mean="<<mean<<", "<<sigma<<"\n";
483  #endif
484  quiet = 0;
485  return rc;
486 }
488 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
490 void nfits(Double_t pos, Double_t noise, Int_t ntry)
491 {
492  Double_t sumt=0.,sumt2=0.,sum=0.,sum2=0.;
493  Double_t v,vi,ca=gmax/pars[0];
494  Double_t mean,sigma,ns=(Double_t)ntry;
495  quiet = 1;
496  for(Int_t ii=0;ii<ntry;ii++)
497  {
498  setSample(pos,noise);
499  gf->SetParameter(0,ALevel/gmax);
500  gf->SetParameter(1,pos);
501  if(gr) delete gr;
502  gr = new TGraph(200,ni,x);
503  gr->Fit(gf,"Q");
504  v = gf->GetParameter(0);
505  sum += v; sum2 += v*v;
506  v = gf->GetParameter(1);
507  sumt += v; sumt2 += v*v;
508  if(ii%100==99)
509  {
510  vi = (Double_t)(ii+1.);
511  mean = sumt/vi; sigma = sqrt(fabs(sumt2/vi - mean*mean));
512  cout<<"["<<ii<<"] Pos="<<mean<<", sigma="<<sigma
513  <<". ParError="<<gf->GetParError(1)<<"\n";
514  }
515  }
516  mean = sumt/ns; sigma = sqrt(fabs(sumt2/ns - mean*mean));
517  cout<<"Pos="<<mean<<", sPos="<<sigma<<", ePos="<<gf->GetParError(1);
518  mean = sum/ns; sigma = sqrt(fabs(sum2/ns - mean*mean));
519  cout<<". A="<<mean*ca<<", sA="<<sigma*ca<<", eA="<<ca*gf->GetParError(0)<<"\n";
520  quiet = 0;
521 }
523 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
526 {
527  Double_t v1,v2;
528  Int_t ii,kk,i1;
529  for(kk=0;kk<NCorr;kk++)
530  {
531  //if((serCorr[0][kk])==SMAL_UNDEF)
532  if((serCorr[0][kk])==SMAL_UNDEF)
533  {// some correction could be undefined, then use average from neighbors
534  //linear interpolation till next defined index
535  for(ii=1;ii<10;ii++) if((serCorr[0][kk+ii])!=SMAL_UNDEF) break;
536  //cout<<"kk="<<kk<<" ii="<<ii<<"\n";
537  for(i1=0;i1<ii;i1++)
538  {
539  tCorr[kk+i1] = serCorr[0][kk-1] + (serCorr[0][kk+ii] - serCorr[0][kk-1])*(Double_t)(i1+1.)/(Double_t)ii;
540  aCorr[kk+i1] = serCorr[1][kk-1] + (serCorr[1][kk+ii] - serCorr[1][kk-1])*(Double_t)(i1+1.)/(Double_t)ii;
541  }
542  kk += ii-1;
543  }
544  else
545  {
546  aCorr[kk] = serCorr[1][kk];
547  tCorr[kk] = serCorr[0][kk];
548  }
549  }
550  v1 = fabs(TMath::MinElement(NCorr,serCorr[0]));
551  v2 = fabs(TMath::MaxElement(NCorr,serCorr[0]));
552  serY[4] = 1./TMath::Max(v1,v2);
553  v1 = fabs(TMath::MinElement(NCorr,serCorr[1]));
554  v2 = fabs(TMath::MaxElement(NCorr,serCorr[1]));
555  serY[5] = 1./TMath::Max(v1,v2);
556  cout<<"1/syserr for t,A = "<<serY[4]<<", "<<serY[5]<<"\n";
557 }
559 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
561 TCanvas *fc[grf_NY];
562 TGraphErrors *fg[grf_NY];
563 void doSeries(Double_t pos=50., Int_t ntry=100)
564 {
565  Int_t ii,kk;
567  //for(ii=0;ii<4;ii++) if(fc[ii]) {cout<<"Deleting canvas "<<ii<<"\n";delete fc[ii];}
568  for(ii=0;ii<grf_NPTS;ii++)
569  {
570  grf_ex[ii] = 0.;
571  cout<<"Series "<<ii<<" out of "<<grf_NPTS
572  <<" for "<<ntry<<" points with S/N="<<grf_x[ii]<<"\n";
573  series(pos, ALevel/grf_x[ii],ntry,1,1);
574  for(kk=0;kk<grf_NY;kk++)
575  {
576  grf_y[kk][ii] = serY[kk];
577  if(kk==2) grf_ey[kk][ii] = 1./serY[kk-2];
578  else if(kk==3) grf_ey[kk][ii] = serY[kk]/serY[kk-2];
579  else grf_ey[kk][ii] = 0.;
580  }
581  }
582  // draw graphs
583  for(kk=0;kk<grf_NY;kk++)
584  {
585  Int_t lcolor,lwidth,lstyle,lmcolor,lmstyle;
586  Double_t lmsize;
587  //if(kk==5)continue; // skip "1/(Systematic Error) of Amplitude"
588  if(kk<4)
589  {
590  //cout<<"Creating canvas "<<kk<<"\n";
591  if(fc[kk]==NULL) fc[kk] = new TCanvas();
592  else fc[kk]->Clear();
593  //lstyle = (kk<2) ? kBlack : kBlack;
594  lstyle = 1;
595  lcolor = (kk<2) ? kBlack : kBlue;
596  lmstyle = kStar;
597  lwidth=2; lmcolor=lcolor; lmsize=1.;
598  fc[kk]->SetLogx(1);
599  if(kk<2)
600  {
601  fc[kk]->SetLogy(1);
602  }
603  }
604  else if(kk<6)
605  {//graph 4 and 5
606  // basic graphs
607  fc[kk-4]->cd();
608  lcolor=kRed; lwidth=4; lstyle=7; lmcolor=2; lmstyle=kDot; lmsize=.75;
609  }
610  else
611  {//graph 6 and 7
612  fc[kk-6]->cd();
613  lcolor=kBlue; lwidth=2; lstyle=2; lmcolor=lcolor; lmstyle=kCircle; lmsize=1.;
614  }
615  fg[kk] = new TGraphErrors(grf_NPTS,grf_x,grf_y[kk],grf_ex,grf_ey[kk]);
616  //gr = new TGraph(nn,ni,xx);
617  fg[kk]->SetLineColor(lcolor);
618  fg[kk]->SetLineWidth(lwidth);
619  fg[kk]->SetLineStyle(lstyle);
620  fg[kk]->SetMarkerColor(lmcolor);
621  fg[kk]->SetMarkerStyle(lmstyle);
622  fg[kk]->SetMarkerSize(lmsize);
623  //fg[kk]->SetTitle("");
624  (fg[kk]->GetXaxis())->SetTitle("A/RMS(noise)");
625  //fg[kk]->Draw("ACP");
626  if(kk<4)
627  {
628  fg[kk]->Draw("APL");
629  fg[kk]->SetTitle(grf_name[kk]);
631  fc[kk]->SetGridx();
632  fc[kk]->SetGridy();
633  fc[kk]->SetCrosshair();
634  fc[kk]->SetTickx();
635  fc[kk]->SetTicky();
637  }
638  else fg[kk]->Draw("PL");
639  }
640 }
642 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
644 void getCoeffs()
645 {
646  Int_t ii;
647  pars[0] = 1.;
649  // calculate maximum of the shape
650  gf = new TF1("gf",fshape,0,N,npars);
651  gf->SetParameter(0,pars[0]);
652  gmax = gf->GetMaximum();
653  gmaxx = gf->GetMaximumX();
654  cout<<"Filter max["<<gmaxx<<"]="<<gmax<<"\n";
655  // set up the matching filter
656  // Use L2 normalization
657  norm = 0.; norm_ma = 0.;
658  for(ii=0;ii<N;ii++)
659  {
660  g[ii] = shape(ii);
661  norm += g[ii]*g[ii];
662  gma[ii] = 1.;
663  norm_ma += gma[ii]*gma[ii];
664  }
665  //norm = sqrt(norm/N);
666  norm = sqrt(norm);
667  //norm_ma = sqrt(norm_ma/N);
668  norm_ma = sqrt(norm_ma);
669  cout<<"normalization = "<<norm<<", "<<norm_ma<<"\n";
670  for(ii=0;ii<N;ii++)
671  {
672  g[ii] = g[ii]/norm;
673  gma[ii] /= norm_ma;
674  y[ii]=0.; dy[ii]=0.; dyma[ii]=0.;
675  }
676  // Lets have the function normalized the same way
677  pars[0] = 1./norm;
678  gf->SetParameter(0,pars[0]);
679  gmax = gf->GetMaximum();
680  gmaxx = gf->GetMaximumX();
681  cout<<"Filter max["<<gmaxx<<"]="<<gmax<<"\n";
682 }
684 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
686 void roundCoeffs(Double_t precision=1./64.)
687 {
688  for(Int_t ii=0;ii<N;ii++)
689  {
690  g[ii] = floor(g[ii]/precision)*precision;
691  }
692 }
694 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
696 void showShape()
697 {
698  // show the shape
699  gCanv[0]->cd();
700  show(g,N,0,0,0,21,2.); gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Filter Coefficients");
701  gr->Draw(); showsig(pars[0],0.,N,"f1_shape");
703  // show the input signal superposed with noise
704  gCanv[1]->cd();
705  Double_t rmsnoise = ALevel/10.;
706  series(50.,rmsnoise,100);
707  TString txt = "Signal (A=";
708  txt+=ALevel; txt+=" plus noise (RMS="; txt+=rmsnoise; txt+=")";
709  show(x);
710  //gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Signal (A=100) plus noise (RMS=10)");
711  gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(txt);
712  gr->Draw();
713  showsig(pars[0]*ALevel/gmax,gpos,N,"f1_signal");
715  gCanv[2]->cd();
716  show(y); gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Filter output");
717  gr->Draw();
718 }
720 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
723 {
724  Int_t ii;
725  for(ii=0;ii<NCorr;ii++){ aCorr[ii]=0.; tCorr[ii]=0.;}
726  for(ii=0;ii<NCorr;ii++) {serCorr[0][ii] = SMAL_UNDEF; serCorr[1][ii] = SMAL_UNDEF;}
727 }
729 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
732 {
733  Int_t ii;
734  // Calculate the systematic errors and amplitude corrections
735  // by running series with zero noise and 100-point scan inside one clock
736  // period
738  cout<<"Collecting corrections...\n";
739  gCanv[3]->cd();
740  series(NN,0.,1,NCorr,0);
741  saveCorrections();
742  // show corrections
743  Double_t t1[NCorr];
744  TGraph *corrGraph0,*corrGraph1;
745  for(ii=0;ii<NCorr;ii++) t1[ii] = (Double_t)ii/(Double_t)NCorr;
746  corrGraph0 = new TGraph(NCorr,t1,tCorr);
747  corrGraph0->SetLineColor(kBlue);corrGraph0->SetLineWidth(2);
748  corrGraph0->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);corrGraph0->SetMarkerStyle(kDot);
749  corrGraph0->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t/T");
750  corrGraph0->SetTitle("Time Corrections");
751  gCanv[3]->SetGridx(); gCanv[3]->SetGridy();
752  gCanv[3]->SetTickx(); gCanv[3]->SetTicky();
753  corrGraph0->Draw("APL");
754  gCanv[4]->cd();
755  canv = gCanv[4];
756  corrGraph1 = new TGraph(NCorr,t1,aCorr);
757  corrGraph1->SetLineColor(kRed);corrGraph1->SetLineWidth(2);
758  corrGraph1->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);corrGraph1->SetMarkerStyle(kDot);
759  corrGraph1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t/T");
760  corrGraph1->SetTitle("Amplitude Corrections");
761  canv->SetGridx(); canv->SetGridy();
762  canv->SetTickx(); canv->SetTicky();
763  corrGraph1->Draw("APL");
764  //corrGraph1->Draw("SAME");
765 }
767 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
770 {
771  Int_t ii;
772  cout<<"Drawing the autocorrelation function in the interval [0:1]\n";
773  gCanv[5]->cd();
774  Double_t xacrl[NCorr],yacrl[NCorr],vg;
775  TF1 *facrl = new TF1("facrl",fshapeACorr,0.,NCorr,3);
776  facrl->SetParameter(1,1.);
777  facrl->SetParameter(0,0.);
778  vg = facrl->Integral(0.,fN);
779  for(ii=0;ii<NCorr;ii++)
780  {
781  xacrl[ii] = (Double_t)ii/(Double_t)NCorr;
782  facrl->SetParameter(0,xacrl[ii]);
783  yacrl[ii] = facrl->Integral(0.,fN)/vg;
784  //cout<<"aCorr("<<xacrl[ii]<<"="<<yacrl[ii]<<"\n";
785  }
786  TGraph *gACorr = new TGraph(NCorr,xacrl,yacrl);
787  gACorr->SetLineStyle(1);
788  gACorr->SetLineWidth(2);
789  gACorr->SetTitle("AutoCorrelation");
790  gACorr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("t/T");
791  gACorr->Draw("AL");
792 }