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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file hLabHelper.C
2  // whenever it is instanciated manually (not from detector helpers) it sets all dimensions to
3  // defaults one can change to get access to something in the data
4  // if request for Helper is from one of the project specific helpers then hLabHelper job is
5  // only to handle input/output related functions. The problem - all my detector specific
6  // helpers want to create detector with all presentation tools (and there are many) first
7  // and would like to have all that material available in the root file. Unfortunately it
8  // can't be created unique before the run number is known (it's a part of its name).
9  // I want all my presentation material to be in the TFile directory so they will go outside
10  // by default and so I create a temporary storage TFile with "host" dependent name for
11  // the period the program runs and use system tools to rename that file when program is
12  // ready for termination.
13  runnumber = 0;
14  runKind = ""; // default
15  eventseq = 0;
16  eventsread = 0;
17  fhcl = NULL;
18  thcl = NULL;
19  rootTempFileName = "";
20  host = gSystem->HostName();
21  host.Remove(host.First('.'));
27  // compute total number of HG & LG channels in detector setup
28  hgDetChannels = 0;
29  lgDetChannels = 0;
30  for(int ich = 0; ich<detchannels; ich++){
31  if(feechinsp[ich]%2==HIGH) hgDetChannels ++; else lgDetChannels ++;
32  }
33  cout<<"<hLabHelper:: hLabHelper > Initializing as primary with "<<ACTIVECHANNELS<<" active channels"<<endl;
34  } else {
35  // detectorHelper will taks care of all its data - it needs only file handling utilities from labHelper
36  // create and open buffer TFile so detector helper will be able to use it to place all its presentation
37  // data in its directory
38  cout<<"<hLabHelper:: hLabHelper> Initializing as secondary";
39  rootTempFileName = (host.Contains("rcas"))? RCFrootDir : HLABrootDir;
40  TDatime T;
41  TString fN = "hcalHelper_"; fN += T.GetDate(); fN += "_"; fN += T.GetTime(); fN += ".root";
43  cout<<"<hLabHelper:: hLabHelper> ROOT graphic objects will be written into TFile "<<rootTempFileName<<endl;
44  fhcl = new TFile(rootTempFileName, "recreate");
45  FileStat_t buf;
46  if(gSystem->GetPathInfo(rootTempFileName, buf)) {
47  cout<<"<runToRootFile> : File "<<rootTempFileName<<" still does not exist"<<endl;
48  } else {cout<<"<hLabHelper:: hLabHelper> ROOT file "<<rootTempFileName<<" created"<<endl;}
49  fhcl->cd();
50  return;
51  }
52  active = new Int_t [ACTIVECHANNELS];
53  adc = new Float_t * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
54  fitResults = new Double_t * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
55  for (int ich=0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++) {
56  adc[ich] = new Float_t [NSAMPLES];
57  fitResults[ich] = new Double_t [NPARAMETERS];
58  }
59  pedestal = new Float_t [ACTIVECHANNELS]; // [ACTIVECHANNELS] */
60  rawPeak = new Float_t [ACTIVECHANNELS];
61  rawTime = new Float_t [ACTIVECHANNELS];
62  fitPeak = new Float_t [ACTIVECHANNELS];
63  fitTime = new Float_t [ACTIVECHANNELS];
64  fitInt = new Float_t [ACTIVECHANNELS];
65  fitChi2 = new Float_t [ACTIVECHANNELS];
66  fitPeakRMS = new Float_t [ACTIVECHANNELS];
67  fitTimeRMS = new Float_t [ACTIVECHANNELS];
68  rdata = new TH2F("rdata", "Raw Peak Values for all active channels",ACTIVECHANNELS, 0, ACTIVECHANNELS, 1024, -2048., 2048.);
69  shapes = new TF1 * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
70  sigFit = new TF1 * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
71  rvsc = new TF1 * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
72  fmsc = new TF1 * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
73  gpulse = new TGraph * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
74  ft = new TH1 * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
75  fm = new TH1 * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
76  fw = new TH1 * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
77  fint = new TH1 * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
78  fpd = new TH1 * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
79  fchi2 = new TH1 * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
80  fitPar = new TH1 ** [ACTIVECHANNELS];
81  rpeak = new TH1 * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
82  rtm = new TH1 * [ACTIVECHANNELS];
83  for (int ich = 0; ich < ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++) {
84  fitPar[ich] = new TH1 * [NPARAMETERS];
85  shapes[ich] = NULL;
86  gpulse[ich] = NULL;
87  }
88  for (int ig = 0; ig<2; ig++){
89  evtadcsum[ig] = new Double_t [NSAMPLES];
90  evtGraph[ig] = new TGraph;
91  TString sum = "adcsum_"; sum += (ig==HIGH)? "HG" : "LG";
92  TString sig = "signal_"; sig += (ig==HIGH)? "HG" : "LG";
93  evtShape[ig] = new TF1(sum, &signalShape, 0., (Double_t)NSAMPLES, NPARAMETERS);
94  evtSignal[ig] = new TF1(sig, &signalShape, 0., (Double_t)NSAMPLES, NPARAMETERS);
95  // Double_t times[ACTIVECHANNELS];
96  // Double_t chi2 [ACTIVECHANNELS];
97  evtfitpar[ig] = new Double_t [NPARAMETERS];
98  }
99  }
100 // **************************************************************************
102 bool hLabHelper::evDisplay(Int_t rn){
103  if(rn<=0) return false;
104  runnumber = rn;
105  if(!runToPRDFFile(rn)) {
106  cout<<"<setPRDFRun> Failed to find the .prdf file for run number "<<rn<<endl;
107  return false;
108  }
109  // Open up PRDFF
110  int status;
111  Eventiterator *it = new fileEventiterator(prdfName, status);
112  if (status)
113  {
114  cout << "Couldn't open input file " << prdfName << endl;
115  delete(it);
116  return false;
117  }
118  // update channel map
119  updateMap();
120  int chperpanel = DISPLAYX*DISPLAYX;
121  int panels = (ACTIVECHANNELS%chperpanel==0? ACTIVECHANNELS/chperpanel : ACTIVECHANNELS/chperpanel+1);
122  int nx_c = DISPLAYX;
123  int ny_c(0);
124  if(panels>1||ACTIVECHANNELS%chperpanel==0) {
125  ny_c = DISPLAYX;
126  } else {
128  }
130  // cout<<"Display "<<panels<<" "<<nx_c<<"/"<<ny_c<<endl;
132  gStyle->SetOptFit(111);
133  gStyle->SetFitFormat("5.2g");
134  // creating Canvases
135  TCanvas * evdisplay[panels];
136  TString cnvsName = "EvDisplay_";
137  TString cnvsTitle = "sPhenix Channel display for CHANNELS ";
138  for (int iC = 0; iC < panels; iC++) {
139  TString cN = cnvsName;
140  cN += iC;
141  TString cT = cnvsTitle;
142  cT += (chperpanel*iC);
143  cT += " - ";
144  cT += (chperpanel*(iC+1)-1);
145  evdisplay[iC] = new TCanvas(cN, cT, 300*nx_c, 150*ny_c);
146  evdisplay[iC]->SetEditable(kTRUE);
147  evdisplay[iC]->Divide(nx_c,ny_c);
148  // if(iC==panels) {
149  // evdisplay[iC]->SetBit(TPad::kClearAfterCR);
150  // }
151  }
152  // ====================================================================================
153  // now TGraph for every channel
154  for (int ich = 0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++)
155  {
156  gpulse[ich] = new TGraph(NSAMPLES);
157  TString name = "gch"; name += ich;
158  gpulse[ich]->SetName(name);
159  name = "Channel "; name += ich; name += " / "; name += feechinsp[ich]; name += (feechinsp[ich]%2==HIGH? " HG" : " LG");
160  gpulse[ich]->SetTitle(name);
161  gpulse[ich]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
162  gpulse[ich]->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
163  //gpulse[ich]->SetMarkerColor(ich+1);
164  //gpulse[ich]->SetLineColor(ich+1);
165  }
166  Event *evt;
168  // Loop over events
169  while ( (evt = it->getNextEvent()) != 0 )
170  {
171  eventseq = evt->getEvtSequence();
173  if ( evt->getEvtType() != 1 ) {
174  cout << "eventseq " << eventseq << " event type = " << evt->getEvtType() <<" ignored "<< endl;
175  } else {
176  // Get sPHENIX Packet
177  Packet_hbd_fpgashort *spacket = dynamic_cast<Packet_hbd_fpgashort*>( evt->getPacket(21101) );
178  if ( spacket ) {
179  spacket->setNumSamples( NSAMPLES );
180  cout <<"PRDF FILE "<<prdfName<<" EVENT "<<eventseq <<endl;
181  for (int ich=0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++) {
182  for (int is=0; is<NSAMPLES; is++) {
183  adc[ich][is] = spacket->iValue(active[ich],is);
184  // cout<<"<evDisplay Event "<< eventseq<<" ich/is/adc "<<ich<<" - "<<is<<" - "<<adc[ich][is]<<endl;
185  }
186  }
187  dofixes();
189  // cout<<"<TileFit> Peak "<< evtsum.evtpeak<<" Time "<<evtsum.evttime<<" Chi2 "<<evtsum.tChi2 <<endl;
190  displaySumEvent();
191  // we do generic display of square TCanvases DISPLAYX x DISPLAYX size
192  // for (int evD = 0; evD<panels; evD++){
193  // TString evDName = cnvsName + evD;
194  // TString evDTitle = cnvsTitle + evD;
195  // evdisplay->SetBit(TPad::kClearAfterCR);
196  // evdisplay->Divide(nx_c,ny_c);
198  for (int ich=0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++) {
199  for (int is=0; is<NSAMPLES; is++) gpulse[ich]->SetPoint(is,(Double_t)is, adc[ich][is]);
200  int iC = ich/chperpanel;
201  int iPad = (ich-chperpanel*iC);
202  int iPx = iPad%nx_c;
203  int iPy = ny_c - iPad/nx_c - 1;
204  iPad = iPy*nx_c + iPx + 1;
205  evdisplay[iC] ->cd(iPad);
206  // cout<<iC<< " "<<ich<<" "<<iPx<<" "<<iPy<<" "<<iPad<<endl;
207  gpulse[ich]->Draw("acp");
208  // Double_t peakVal;
209  // Int_t peakPos;
210  // fitShape(ich, peakVal, peakPos, (ich<detchannels? 1 : 0));
211  // Double_t fMax = shapes[ich]->GetMaximum(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
212  // Double_t fPos = shapes[ich]->GetMaximumX(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
213  // Double_t fChi2 = shapes[ich]->GetChisquare()/shapes[ich]->GetNDF();
214  // cout<<"EVENT "<<eventseq<<" SHAPE "<<(char*)(shapes[ich]->GetName())<<" peakVal "<<peakVal<<" peakPos "<<peakPos<<" fitMax "<<fMax<<" fitPos "<<fPos<<" fChi2 "<<fChi2<<endl;
215  // shapes[ich]->Draw("same");
216  // evdisplay[iC]->Update();
217  }
218  for (int iC = 0; iC < panels; iC++) evdisplay[iC]->Update();
219  char dummy;
220  cin>>dummy;
221  // }
222  delete spacket;
223  // for (int iC = 0; iC < panels; iC++) evdisplay[iC]->Clear();
224  } else cout<<"<evDisplay> Packet hbd not found. EventSeq "<<eventseq<<" EventType "<< evt->getEvtType()<<endl;
225  }
226  delete evt;
227  }
228  cout<<"<evDisplay> EoF reached "<<endl;
230  return true;
231 }
233 // **************************************************************************
235  for (int ich = 0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++) active[ich] = feechinsp[ich] ;
236 }
238 // **************************************************************************
239 void hLabHelper::setRunKind(TString kind){
240  runKind = kind;
241  cout<<"hLabHelper::setRunKind> will look for run data in "<<runKind<<endl;
242 }
246 // **************************************************************************
248  // cout<<"<getFileLists> hostname "<<host<<endl;
249  // ====================================================================================
250  // parsing .root file name from runnumber
251  rootdirname = (host.Contains("rcas"))? RCFrootDir : HLABrootDir;
252  prdfdirname = (host.Contains("rcas"))? RCFdataDir : HLABdataDir;
253  // in t1044 we have "junk", "cosmics", "led" and "beam" kinds of events
254  cout<<"<hLabHelper::getFileLists> "<<rootdirname<<endl;
255  cout<<"<hLabHelper::getFileLists> "<<prdfdirname<<endl;
256  if(!runKind.IsNull()) {
257  prdfdirname += runKind; prdfdirname +="/";
258  cout<<"hLabHelper::getFileLists> PRDF Directory name updated "<<prdfdirname<<endl;
259  }
260  TSystemDirectory rdir(rootdirname, rootdirname);
261  TSystemDirectory pdir(prdfdirname, prdfdirname);
262  TList * rootfiles = rdir.GetListOfFiles();
263  TList * prdffiles = pdir.GetListOfFiles();
264  Int_t rn;
265  TString rid;
266  if(rootfiles){
267  TSystemFile * file;
268  TString fname;
269  TIter next(rootfiles);
270  while((file = (TSystemFile *) next())) {
271  fname = file->GetName();
272  if(!file->IsDirectory() && fname.EndsWith(".root")) {
273  // .root file found - get run number
274  decoderun(fname, rn, rid);
275  TString name = rootdirname;
276  name += fname;
277  rootfile rf(name, rn, rid);
278  roots.push_back(rf);
279  // cout<<".root entry "<<name<<endl;
280  } else {
281  // cout<<"<getFileList> candidate root "<<fname<<" ignored "<<endl;
283  }
284  }
285  }
286  if(prdffiles){
287  TSystemFile * file;
288  TString fname;
289  TIter next(prdffiles);
290  while((file = (TSystemFile *) next())) {
291  fname = file->GetName();
292  // cout<<fname<<endl;
293  if(!file->IsDirectory() && fname.EndsWith(".prdf")) {
294  // .prdf file found - get run number
295  decoderun(fname, rn, rid);
296  TString name = prdfdirname;
297  name += fname;
298  prdffile rf(name, rn, rid);
299  prdfs.push_back(rf);
300  // cout<<".prdf entry "<<name<<endl;
301  } else {
302  // cout<<"<getFileList> candidate prdf "<<fname<<" ignored "<<endl;
304  }
305  }
307  }
308  cout<<"<getFileLists> .root files found "<<roots.size()<<" .prdf files found "<<prdfs.size()<<endl;
309 }
311 // **************************************************************************
312 void hLabHelper::decoderun(TString & fname, Int_t & rn, TString & rid){
313  if(fname.Contains(".root") || fname.Contains(".prdf")) {
314  // cout<<"<decoderun> : HCAL file "<<fname<<" confirmed"<<endl;
315  rid = fname; // get run number from root file name
316  rid.ReplaceAll(".root",""); rid.ReplaceAll(".prdf","");
317  Ssiz_t lastslash = rid.Last('/');
318  rid.Remove(0,lastslash+1);
319  rid.ReplaceAll("HClab_",""); rid.ReplaceAll("rc-",""); rid.ReplaceAll("cosmics_",""); rid.ReplaceAll("beam_","");
321  TString id = rid;
322  id.Remove(rid.Last('-'));
323  rn = id.Atoi();
324  // cout<<"<decoderun> "<<fname<<" runnumber "<<rn<<" runId "<<rid<<endl;
325  }
326 }
328 // **************************************************************************
329 TFile * hLabHelper::attachrootrun(Int_t rn){
330  if(!roots.size()) {
331  cout<<"<attachrootrun> No .root files in the list: Collecting "<<endl;
332  getFileLists();
333  }
334  // find the rootfile rn in the local list of files kept by Helper
335  std::list<rootfile>::iterator it = roots.begin();
337  while (it!=roots.end()) {
338  // it->print();
339  if(it->runnumber==rn) {
340  runnumber = rn;
341  runId = it->runid;
342  cout<<"<hLabHelper::attachrootrun> ROOT file with "<<runId<<" identifier found: "<<it->name<<endl;
343  // this is dangerous
344  return new TFile(it->name);
345  } else it++;
346  }
347  cout<<"<hLabHelper::attachrootrun> Requested ROOT file for Run "<<rn<<" not found"<<endl;
348  return NULL;
349  // auto it = std::find_if( std::begin( roots ),
350  // std::end( roots ),
351  // [&]( const rootfile rf ){ return 1 == ( rf.runnumber==rn ); } );
352  // if(roots.end() == it) return NULL;
353  // return new TFile(it->name);
354 }
358 // const int pos = std::distance( myList.begin(), it ) + 1;
359 // std::cout << "item is found at position " << pos << std::endl;
362 // **************************************************************************
363 Bool_t hLabHelper::setPRDFRun(int run, Bool_t bookH){
364  if(run<=0) return false;
365  runnumber = run;
366  if(!runToPRDFFile(run)) {
367  cout<<"<setPRDFRun> Failed to find the .prdf file for run number "<<run<<endl;
368  return false;
369  }
370  initPRDFRun(bookH);
371  return true;
372 }
376 // **************************************************************************
378  if(!runToRootFile(run)) {
379  cout<<"<setROOTRun> Failed to find the .root file for run number "<<run<<endl;
380  return false;
381  }
382  return true;
383 }
386 // **************************************************************************
388 // The assumption hear is that the .root file is either already attached to this ROOT session or
389 // must be looked for using its runnumber
391  if(run<=0) {
392  cout<<"<runToRootFile> WARNING : Requested run number = "<<run<<endl;
393  TSeqCollection * sq = gROOT->GetListOfFiles();
394  if(!sq->IsEmpty()) {
395  // there are already attached files - let's see if we may find something over there
396  // now it is really .rootf into runId not what is in the name
397  TString current = ((TObject *)(sq->First()))->GetName();
398  // check the extension first
399  if(current.Contains(".root")) {
400  cout<<"<hLabHelper::runToRootFile> : attached .root file "<<current<<" found"<<endl;
401  rootfName = current;
402  runId = current; // get run number from root file name
403  runId.ReplaceAll(".root","");
404  Ssiz_t lastslash = runId.Last('/');
405  runId.Remove(0,lastslash+1);
406  runId.ReplaceAll("HClab_","");
407  TString rn = runId;
408  rn.Remove(rn.Last('-'));
409  runnumber = rn.Atoi();
410  return(runnumber);
411  }
412  } else return 0;
413  } else {
414  // TODO: check if TFile for requested run is already attached
415  // let's try to find and attach file with the right runnumber
416  // find where I am
417  cout<<"<runToRootFile> : looking into .root directory for runnumber "<<run<<endl;
418  // ====================================================================================
419  // parsing .root file name from runnumber
420  rootfName = (host.Contains("rcas"))? RCFrootDir : HLABrootDir;
421  TString fname = rootfName;
422  FileStat_t buf;
423  runId = "00"; runId += run; runId += "-0";
424  fname += "HClab_"; fname += runId; fname += ".root";
425  if(gSystem->GetPathInfo(fname, buf)) {
426  fname = rootfName;
427  runId = "0"; runId += run; runId += "-0";
428  fname += "HClab_"; fname += runId; fname += ".root";
429  rootfName = fname;
430  if(gSystem->GetPathInfo(fname, buf)) {
431  cout<<"<runToRootFile> : File "<<fname<<" does not exist"<<endl;
432  } else cout<<"<runToRootFile> : File "<<fname<<" already exist and will be recreated"<<endl;
433  }
434  runnumber = run;
435  }
436  if(!rootTempFileName.IsNull()) {
437  cout<<"<hLabHelper:: runToRootFile> found temporaly root file "<<rootTempFileName<<endl; } else {
438  fhcl = new TFile(rootfName,"recreate");
439  cout<<"hLabHelper:: runToRootFile> "<<rootfName<<" opened"<<endl;
440  }
441  return runnumber;
442 }
444 // **************************************************************************
447  // ====================================================================================
448  // find where I am
449  // ====================================================================================
450  // parsing .prdf file name from runnumber
451  prdfName = (host.Contains("rcas"))? RCFdataDir : HLABdataDir;
452  if(!runKind.IsNull()) {
453  prdfName += runKind; prdfName += "/";
454  cout<<"hLabHelper::runToPRDFFile> PRDF Directory name updated "<<prdfName<<endl;
455  }
456  TString fname = prdfName;
457  FileStat_t buf;
458  // runId = "00"; runId += run; runId += "-0";
459  // fname += "rc-"; fname += runId; fname += ".prdf";
460  runId = "0000"; runId += run; runId += "-0000";
461  fname += runKind; fname += "_";
462  fname += runId; fname += ".prdf";
463  if(gSystem->GetPathInfo(fname, buf)) {
464  fname = prdfName;
465  // runId = "00"; runId += run; runId += "-0";
466  // fname += "rc-"; fname += runId; fname += ".prdf";
467  runId = "0000"; runId += runnumber; runId += "-0000";
468  fname += runKind; fname += "_";
469  fname += runId; fname += ".prdf";
470  if(gSystem->GetPathInfo(fname, buf)) {
471  cout<<"<runToPRDFFile> File "<<fname<<" with runId "<<runId<<" does not exist"<<endl;
472  return 0;
473  }
474  }
475  prdfName = fname;
476  // ====================================================================================
477  cout<<"<runToPRDFFile> Parsed prdf file name "<<prdfName<<endl;
478  // ====================================================================================
480  cout << "<runToPRDFFile> prdfName "<<prdfName << " RunId "<<runId<<" Run Number "<<runnumber<<endl;
482  // ====================================================================================
483  return runnumber;
484 }
487 // **************************************************************************
488 void hLabHelper::initPRDFRun(Bool_t bookH){
490  // ====================================================================================
491  // initialize root file and TTree (the idea is to save all data and histos at the end of run)
492  if(runnumber<=0) {
493  cout<<"<hLabHelper::initPRDFRun> Cant instantiate run with runnumber = 0. Exiting"<<endl;
494  return;
495  }
496  // ====================================================================================
497  // TApplication theApp("theApp",&argc,argv);
499  gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
500  /*
501  gStyle->SetLabelSize(0.1,"xyz");
502  gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.08,"xyz");
503  gStyle->SetStatH(0.4);
504  */
505  if(!bookH) return;
506  // fit parameters (for templating)
507  for (int ich = 0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich ++){
508  TString fhn = "ft_"; fhn += ich; TString fht = "Fitted pulse peak time CH="; fht += ich;
509  ft[ich] = new TH1F(fhn, fht, 100, 0., NSAMPLES);
510  fhn = "fm_"; fhn += ich; fht = "Fitted pulse amplitude CH="; fht += ich;
511  fm[ich] = new TH1F(fhn, fht, 4100, 0., 4100.);
512  fhn = "fw_"; fhn += ich; fht = "Fitted pulse width CH="; fht += ich;
513  fw[ich] = new TH1F(fhn, fht, 100, 0., 5.);
514  fhn = "fpd_"; fhn += ich; fht = "Fitted pedestal at t=PEAK CH="; fht += ich;
515  fpd[ich] = new TH1F(fhn, fht, 200, 2000., 2100.);
516  fhn = "fint_"; fhn += ich; fht = "Integral of fitted curve (pedestal suppressed) CH="; fht += ich;
517  fint[ich] = new TH1F(fhn, fht, 4000, 0., 4000.);
518  fhn = "fchi2_";fhn += ich; fht = "Chi2 of fit CH="; fht += ich;
519  fchi2[ich] = new TH1F(fhn, fht, 500, 0., 100.);
521  for(int ip=0; ip<NPARAMETERS; ip++){ TString phn = "p_"; phn += ip; phn += "_"; phn += ich;
522  TString pht = "Fit Parameter "; pht += ip; pht += " Channel "; pht += ich;
523  fitPar[ich][ip] = new TH1F(phn, pht, 100, par0Min[ip], par0Max[ip]);
524  }
526  TString rvn = "rv_"; rvn += ich; TString rvt = "Raw peak value CH = "; rvt += ich;
527  rpeak[ich] = new TH1F(rvn, rvt, 4100, 0., 4100.);
528  TString rtn = "rt_"; rtn += ich; TString rtt = "Raw peak time CH = "; rtt += ich;
529  rtm[ich] = new TH1F(rtn, rtt, NSAMPLES, 0., NSAMPLES);
530  }
531  for (int ich=0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++) {
532  TString fn = "S_"; fn += ich;
533  sigFit[ich] = new TF1(fn, &signalShape, 0., (Double_t)NSAMPLES, 6);
534  // sigFit[ich]->AbsValue(true);
535  } // This version of plotting is for High/Low gain preamplifier sending its outputs into two sequential readout channels
536  // int nx_c = 2;
538  // ev_display = new TCanvas("sphenix","sphenix display",400*nx_c,200*ny_c);
540  // fitFunc = new TCanvas("fitFunc","Fit Functions", 400*nx_c,200*ny_c);
541  // ev_display->SetEditable(kTRUE);
542  // ev_display->Divide(nx_c,ny_c);
543  // ev_display->SetBit(TPad::kClearAfterCR);
544  // fitFunc->SetEditable(kTRUE);
545  // fitFunc->Divide(nx_c,ny_c);
547  TString name, title;
548  for (int ich=0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++)
549  {
550  gpulse[ich] = new TGraph(NSAMPLES);
551  name = "gch"; name += ich;
552  gpulse[ich]->SetName(name);
553  gpulse[ich]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
554  gpulse[ich]->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
555  //gpulse[ich]->SetMarkerColor(ich+1);
556  //gpulse[ich]->SetLineColor(ich+1);
557  }
559 }
561 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
563  if(rootTempFileName.IsNull()) return;
564  fhcl -> Close();
565  gSystem->Rename(rootTempFileName, rootfName);
566  cout<<"<hLabHelper::copyAndCloseRootFile> Renamed "<<endl;
567  cout<<" "<<rootTempFileName<<endl;
568  cout<<"into "<<endl;
569  cout<<" "<<rootfName<<endl;
570 }
573 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
575  rootdirname = (host.Contains("rcas"))? RCFrootDir : HLABrootDir;
576  cDirectory = rootdirname; cDirectory += "canvases/r";
577  cDirectory += runnumber; cDirectory += "/";
578  FileStat_t buf;
579  if(!gSystem->GetPathInfo(cDirectory, buf)) {
580  cout<<"<hLabHelper::makeCanvasDirectory> Directory "<<cDirectory<<" already exists "<<endl;
581  } else {
582  // gSystem->MakeDirectory(cDirectory);
583  TString command = "mkdir "; command += cDirectory;
584  gSystem->Exec(command);
585  cout<<"<hLabHelper::makeCanvasDirectory> Directory "<<cDirectory<<" created "<<endl;
587  }
588 }
589 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
591 void hLabHelper::fitShape(int ich, Double_t & rVal, Int_t & rTime, Int_t mode){
592  if(!shapes[ich]){
593  TString fitName = active[ich]%2? "HG_" : "LG_";
594  fitName += ich/2;
595  fitName += "(";
596  fitName += ich;
597  fitName += ")";
598  shapes[ich] = new TF1(fitName, &signalShape, 0., (Double_t)NSAMPLES, 6);
599  }
600  // GAIN range
601  Int_t ig = feechinsp[ich]%2==HIGH? HIGH : LOW;
602  // zero approximation to fit parameters
603  // use pulse data to find location of maximum
604  // cout<<"<fitShape> Event "<<hclt->eventseq<<" channel "<<ich<<endl;
605  rTime = 0;
606  rVal = 0.;
607  Int_t iss(RISETIME-2), ise(NSAMPLES-FALLTIME);
608  Int_t rMaxVal = adc[ich][iss]; Int_t maxsmpl = iss;
609  Int_t rMinVal = adc[ich][iss]; Int_t minsmpl = iss;
611  for (int is = iss; is<=ise; is++) {
612  if(adc[ich][is]>rMaxVal) {
613  rMaxVal = adc[ich][is];
614  maxsmpl = is;
615  }
616  if(adc[ich][is]<rMinVal) {
617  rMinVal = adc[ich][is];
618  minsmpl = is;
619  }
620  // cout<<ich<<" "<<is<<" "<<adc[ich][is]<<" "<<rVal<<" "<<rTime<<endl;
621  }
622  rMinVal -= PEDESTAL; rMaxVal -= PEDESTAL;
623  if(abs(rMinVal) > abs(rMaxVal)) {
624  rVal = rMinVal; rTime = minsmpl;
625  } else {
626  rVal = rMaxVal; rTime = maxsmpl;
627  }
629  // cout<<" rVal-ped "<<rVal<<endl;
631  par0[0] = rVal/3.;
632  if(mode == 0 ) {
633  par0[1] = max(0.,(Double_t)(rTime-RISETIME));
634  par0[2] = 4.;
635  par0[3] = 1.6;
636  par0[4] = PEDESTAL;
637  // we do not do pedestal subtrastion at this time
638  par0[5] = 0.; // slope of the pedestals is initially set to "0"
639  shapes[ich]->SetParameters(par0);
640  for(int parn=0; parn<6; parn++) shapes[ich]->SetParLimits(parn, par0Min[parn], par0Max[parn]);
641  } else {
642  // channels which belong to detector
643  par0[1] = evtfitpar[ig][1];
644  par0[2] = evtfitpar[ig][2];
645  par0[3] = evtfitpar[ig][3];
646  par0[4] = PEDESTAL;
647  par0[5] = 0.;
648  shapes[ich]->SetParameters(par0);
649  shapes[ich]->SetParLimits(2, evtfitpar[ig][2], evtfitpar[ig][2]);
650  shapes[ich]->SetParLimits(3, evtfitpar[ig][3], evtfitpar[ig][3]);
651  }
652  // fitFunc->cd(ich+1); // shapes[ich]->Draw();
653  // gPad->Modified();
654  gpulse[ich]->Fit(shapes[ich], "RQ", "NQ", 0., (Double_t)NSAMPLES);
655  shapes[ich]->GetParameters(fitResults[ich]);
656  // ev_display->cd(ich+1);
657  // shapes[hHelper->ich]->Draw("same");
659 }
662 // **************************************************************************
663 // The next few functions are to process data from HCal Lab recorded via HBD electronics
665 void hLabHelper::collect(Bool_t fitshape){
666  // Fit parameters
668  // Double_t uSum(0.), cSum(0.), luSum(0.), lcSum(0.), ruSum(0.), rcSum(0.);
669  // Double_t YU(0.), YC(0.), XU(0.), XC(0.);
670  // hits above threshold in this event depending on the threshold (binned in Chi units - 8 counts)
671  Double_t peakVal;
672  Int_t peakPos;
673  for (int ich=0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++) {
674  for (int is=0; is<NSAMPLES; is++){
675  gpulse[ich]->SetPoint(is,(Double_t)is, adc[ich][is]);
676  }
677  if(fitshape) fitShape(ich, peakVal, peakPos, (ich<detchannels? 1 : 0));
678  // fitShape(ich, peakVal, peakPos, 1);
679  }
681  for (int ich=0; ich<ACTIVECHANNELS; ich++){
682  int rTime = 0;
683  Double_t rVal = 0.;
684  // Int_t iss(RISETIME-2), ise(NSAMPLES-FALLTIME);
685  Int_t iss(0), ise(NSAMPLES-1);
686  Int_t rMaxVal = adc[ich][iss]; Int_t maxsmpl = iss;
687  Int_t rMinVal = adc[ich][iss]; Int_t minsmpl = iss;
689  for (int is = iss; is<=ise; is++) {
690  if(adc[ich][is]>rMaxVal) {
691  rMaxVal = adc[ich][is];
692  maxsmpl = is;
693  }
694  if(adc[ich][is]<rMinVal) {
695  rMinVal = adc[ich][is];
696  minsmpl = is;
697  }
698  }
699  rMinVal -= PEDESTAL; rMaxVal -= PEDESTAL;
700  if(abs(rMinVal) > abs(rMaxVal)) {
701  rVal = rMinVal; rTime = minsmpl;
702  } else {
703  rVal = rMaxVal; rTime = maxsmpl;
704  }
705  // cout<<"<collect> "<<ich<<" "<<rTime<<" "<<adc[ich][(int)rTime]<<endl;
706  rawTime[ich] = rTime;
707  rawPeak[ich] = rVal;
708  rawPeak[ich] -= (fitshape? (fitResults[ich][4]+fitResults[ich][5]*rTime) : PEDESTAL); //
709  rpeak[ich] -> Fill(rawPeak[ich]); rtm[ich] -> Fill(rawTime[ich]);
710  rdata -> Fill(ich, rawPeak[ich]);
711  // Below only in case if fitshape is required
712  if(fitshape){
713  sigFit[ich]->SetParameters(fitResults[ich]);
714  sigFit[ich]->SetParameter(4, 0.);
715  sigFit[ich]->SetParameter(5, 0.);
717  // Double_t pVal = sigFit[ich]->GetMaximum(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
718  // Double_t pTime = sigFit[ich]->GetMaximumX(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
719  Double_t sgp = sigFit[ich]->GetMaximum(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
720  Double_t tmp = sigFit[ich]->GetMaximumX(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
721  Double_t sgn = sigFit[ich]->GetMinimum(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
722  Double_t tmn = sigFit[ich]->GetMinimumX(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
723  Double_t pVal = rVal;
724  Double_t pTime = rTime;
725  if(tmp!=0&&abs(sgp)>abs(sgn)) {
726  pVal = sgp;
727  pTime = tmp;
728  // cout<<"<getDetectorTimingT>: Positive peak selected"<<endl;
729  } else {
730  pVal = sgn;
731  pTime = tmn;
732  // cout<<"<getDetectorTimingT>: Negative peak selected"<<endl;
733  }
734  Double_t xmin = max(0.,pTime-RISETIME);
735  Double_t xmax = min(Double_t(NSAMPLES), pTime+FALLTIME);
736  Double_t pInt = (pVal!=0? sigFit[ich]->Integral(xmin, xmax) : 0);
737  // if(pInt==0) {
738  // cout<<"<collect> Integral zero Event "<<hclt->eventseq<<" Ch "<<ich<<" pVal/pTime/xmin/xmax "<<pVal<<" "<<pTime<<" "<<xmin<<" "<<xmax<<endl;
739  // }
740  // pVal -= fped;
741  fitPeak[ich] = pVal;
742  fitTime[ich] = pTime;
743  fitInt[ich] = pInt;
744  fitChi2[ich] = shapes[ich]->GetChisquare()/shapes[ich]->GetNDF();
745  // trigger contribution
746  ft[ich] -> Fill(pTime);
747  fm[ich] -> Fill(pVal);
748  // Double_t mean = sigFit[ich]->Mean(xmin, xmax);
749  Double_t mom2 = (pVal!=0? sigFit[ich]->CentralMoment(2, xmin, xmax) : 0.);
750  // if(mom2==0) {
751  // cout<<"<collect> CentralMoment zero Event "<<hclt->eventseq<<" Ch "<<ich<<" pVal/pTime/pInt/xmin/xmax "<<pVal<<" "<<pTime<<" "<<pInt<<" "<<xmin<<" "<<xmax<<endl;
752  // }
753  Double_t rms = sqrt(mom2);
754  fw[ich] -> Fill(rms);
755  fpd[ich] -> Fill(fitResults[ich][4]+pTime*fitResults[ich][5]);
756  fint[ich] -> Fill(pInt);
757  fchi2[ich] -> Fill(fitChi2[ich]);
759  for (int ip=0; ip<NPARAMETERS; ip++) fitPar[ich][ip]->Fill(fitResults[ich][ip]);
760  // Double_t fVal = GetMaximum( par0Min[2], par0Max[2]);
761  }
762  }
764  if(!reject()){
765  // few histogramms for clean sample
766  };
767 }
769 // **************************************************************************
772  // build eventsum (adc sum without pedestal subtruction)
773  // do fitting etc (HG/LG separately)
775  for(int is = 0; is < NSAMPLES; is++){
776  evtadcsum[0][is] = 0.;
777  evtadcsum[1][is] = 0.;
778  for (int ich = 0; ich < detchannels; ich++) {
779  Int_t ig = feechinsp[ich]%2==HIGH? HIGH : LOW;
780  evtadcsum[ig][is] += adc[ich][is];
781  }
782  }
783  for (int is = 0; is < NSAMPLES; is++) {
784  evtGraph[HIGH]->SetPoint(is,(Double_t)is,evtadcsum[HIGH][is]);
785  evtGraph[LOW] ->SetPoint(is,(Double_t)is,evtadcsum[LOW][is]);
786  }
787  Double_t rVal, rTime;
788  for(int ig = 0; ig<2; ig++) {
789  Int_t iss(RISETIME-2), ise(NSAMPLES-FALLTIME);
790  Int_t rMaxVal = evtadcsum[ig][iss]; Int_t maxsmpl = iss;
791  Int_t rMinVal = evtadcsum[ig][iss]; Int_t minsmpl = iss;
793  for (int is = iss; is<=ise; is++) {
794  if(evtadcsum[ig][is]>rMaxVal) {
795  rMaxVal = evtadcsum[ig][is];
796  maxsmpl = is;
797  }
798  if(evtadcsum[ig][is]<rMinVal) {
799  rMinVal = evtadcsum[ig][is];
800  minsmpl = is;
801  }
802  // cout<<ich<<" "<<is<<" "<<adc[ich][is]<<" "<<rVal<<" "<<rTime<<endl;
803  }
804  cout<<"getDetectorTiming: Event "<<eventseq<<" Gain "<<ig<<" Min "<<minsmpl<<" / "<<rMinVal<<" Max "<<maxsmpl<<" / "<<rMaxVal<<endl;
805  rMinVal -= (ig==HIGH? PEDESTAL*hgDetChannels : PEDESTAL*lgDetChannels);;
806  rMaxVal -= (ig==HIGH? PEDESTAL*hgDetChannels : PEDESTAL*lgDetChannels);;
807  if(abs(rMinVal) > abs(rMaxVal)) {
808  rVal = rMinVal; rTime = minsmpl;
809  } else {
810  rVal = rMaxVal; rTime = maxsmpl;
811  }
812  cout<<"getDetectorTimingT: Signal at "<<rTime<<" Amplitude "<<rVal<<endl;
814  // if(rVal<0.) rVal = 0.;
815  Double_t par0[6];
816  par0[0] = rVal; //3.;
817  par0[1] = max(0.,(Double_t)(rTime-RISETIME));
818  par0[2] = 4.;
819  par0[3] = 1.6;
820  par0[4] = (ig==HIGH? PEDESTAL*hgDetChannels : PEDESTAL*lgDetChannels); // we do not do pedestal subtrastion at this time
821  par0[5] = 0; // slope of the pedestals is initially set to "0"
822  evtShape[ig]->SetParameters(par0);
823  for(int parn=0; parn<6; parn++) evtShape[ig]->SetParLimits(parn, par0Min[parn], par0Max[parn]);
824  evtShape[ig]->SetParLimits(4, par0[4]-PEDESTAL, par0[4]+PEDESTAL);
825  // fitFunc->cd(chan+1); // shapes[chan]->Draw();
826  // gPad->Modified();
827  evtGraph[ig]->Fit(evtShape[ig], "RQWM", "NQ", 0., (Double_t)NSAMPLES);
828  evtShape[ig]->GetParameters(evtfitpar[ig]);
829  cout<<"<getDetectorTiming>: Gain "<<ig<<" Parameters (0) "<<evtfitpar[ig][0]<<" (1) "<<evtfitpar[ig][1]<<" (2) "<<evtfitpar[ig][2]<<" (3) "<<evtfitpar[ig][3]<<" (4) "<<evtfitpar[ig][4]<<" (5) "<<evtfitpar[ig][5]<<endl;
830  evtpedestal[ig] = (evtfitpar[ig][4]+evtfitpar[ig][5]*rTime); //
831  evtSignal[ig]->SetParameters(evtfitpar[ig]);
832  evtSignal[ig]->SetParameter(4, 0.);
833  evtSignal[ig]->SetParameter(5, 0.);
834  Double_t sgp = evtSignal[ig]->GetMaximum(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
835  Double_t tmp = evtSignal[ig]->GetMaximumX(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
836  Double_t sgn = evtSignal[ig]->GetMinimum(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
837  Double_t tmn = evtSignal[ig]->GetMinimumX(par0Min[1], par0Max[1]);
838  evtpeak[ig] = rVal;
839  evttime[ig] = rTime;
840  cout<<"<getDetectorTimingT>: Gain "<<ig<<" Peak0 "<< evtpeak[ig]<<" Time0 "<< evttime[ig]<<endl;
841  if(tmp!=0&&abs(sgp)>abs(sgn)) {
842  evtpeak[ig] = sgp;
843  evttime[ig] = tmp;
844  cout<<"<getDetectorTimingT>: Positive peak selected"<<endl;
845  } else {
846  evtpeak[ig] = sgn;
847  evttime[ig] = tmn;
848  cout<<"<getDetectorTimingT>: Negative peak selected"<<endl;
849  }
850  tChi2[ig] = evtShape[ig]->GetChisquare()/evtShape[ig]->GetNDF();
851  cout<<"<getDetectorTimingT>: Gain "<<ig<<" Peak "<< evtpeak[ig]<<" Time "<< evttime[ig]<<" Chi2 "<<tChi2[ig]<<endl;
852  }
854 }
855 // **************************************************************************
859  Int_t ng = (lgDetChannels!=0&&hgDetChannels!=0)? 2 : 1;
860  TCanvas * eventSum = (TCanvas *)(gROOT->FindObject("eventSum"));
861  if(!eventSum) eventSum = new TCanvas("eventSum","sPhenix eventSum display", 300, 300, 800, 500);
862  else eventSum->Clear();
863  eventSum -> Divide(1,ng);
864  for(int ig = 0; ig < ng; ig++){
865  eventSum->cd(ig+1);
866  // for (int is = 0; is < NSAMPLES; is++) evtGraph[ig]->SetPoint(is,(Double_t)is,evtadcsum[ig][is]);
867  // cout<<"<tileDisplay> call to fitTileSignal"<<endl;
868  // eventSum->Divide(1,2);
869  // eventSum->cd(1);
870  // eventSum->SetEditable(kTRUE);
871  evtGraph[ig]->SetMarkerStyle(20);
872  evtGraph[ig]->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
873  eventSum->cd(ig+1);
874  evtGraph[ig]->Draw("acp");
875  // eventSum->cd(2);
876  evtShape[ig]->Draw("same");
877  // evtShape[ig]->Draw();
878  // evtGraph[ig]->Draw("same");
879  eventSum->Update();
880  }
881  eventSum->Update();
882  // eventSum->Clear();
883 }
884 // **************************************************************************
885 // FIXES to data
887  // if(runnumber>=1125 && runnumber<1152){
888  // // invert pulse in channel 134 (number 9 in todays parlance
889  // for (int is = 0; is < NSAMPLES; is++) {adc[8][is] -= 2*PEDESTAL; adc[8][is] = abs(adc[8][is]);}
890  // }
891  ;
892 }
894 // **************************************************************************
897  return false;
898 }
899 // **************************************************************************