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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file LineSurface.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
23 #include <algorithm>
24 #include <cmath>
25 #include <limits>
26 #include <stdexcept>
27 #include <utility>
29 namespace Acts {
30 class DetectorElementBase;
31 } // namespace Acts
34  double halez)
35  : GeometryObject(),
36  Surface(transform),
37  m_bounds(std::make_shared<const LineBounds>(radius, halez)) {}
40  std::shared_ptr<const LineBounds> lbounds)
41  : GeometryObject(), Surface(transform), m_bounds(std::move(lbounds)) {}
43 Acts::LineSurface::LineSurface(std::shared_ptr<const LineBounds> lbounds,
44  const DetectorElementBase& detelement)
45  : GeometryObject(), Surface(detelement), m_bounds(std::move(lbounds)) {
46  throw_assert(m_bounds, "LineBounds must not be nullptr");
47 }
50  : GeometryObject(), Surface(other), m_bounds(other.m_bounds) {}
53  const LineSurface& other,
54  const Transform3& shift)
55  : GeometryObject(), Surface(gctx, other, shift), m_bounds(other.m_bounds) {}
58  if (this != &other) {
59  Surface::operator=(other);
60  m_bounds = other.m_bounds;
61  }
62  return *this;
63 }
66  const Vector2& lposition,
67  const Vector3& direction) const {
68  Vector3 unitZ0 = lineDirection(gctx);
70  // get the vector perpendicular to the momentum direction and the straw axis
71  Vector3 radiusAxisGlobal = unitZ0.cross(direction);
72  Vector3 locZinGlobal =
73  transform(gctx) * Vector3(0., 0., lposition[eBoundLoc1]);
74  // add eBoundLoc0 * radiusAxis
75  return Vector3(locZinGlobal +
76  lposition[eBoundLoc0] * radiusAxisGlobal.normalized());
77 }
80  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& position,
81  const Vector3& direction, double tolerance) const {
82  using VectorHelpers::perp;
84  // Bring the global position into the local frame. First remove the
85  // translation then the rotation.
86  Vector3 localPosition = referenceFrame(gctx, position, direction).inverse() *
87  (position - transform(gctx).translation());
89  // `localPosition.z()` is not the distance to the PCA but the smallest
90  // distance between `position` and the imaginary plane surface defined by the
91  // local x,y axes in the global frame and the position of the line surface.
92  //
93  // This check is also done for the `PlaneSurface` so I aligned the
94  // `LineSurface` to do the same thing.
95  if (std::abs(localPosition.z()) > std::abs(tolerance)) {
96  return Result<Vector2>::failure(SurfaceError::GlobalPositionNotOnSurface);
97  }
99  // Construct result from local x,y
100  Vector2 localXY = localPosition.head<2>();
102  return Result<Vector2>::success(localXY);
103 }
106  return "Acts::LineSurface";
107 }
110  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& /*position*/,
111  const Vector3& direction) const {
112  Vector3 unitZ0 = lineDirection(gctx);
113  Vector3 unitD0 = unitZ0.cross(direction).normalized();
114  Vector3 unitDistance = unitD0.cross(unitZ0);
116  RotationMatrix3 mFrame;
117  mFrame.col(0) = unitD0;
118  mFrame.col(1) = unitZ0;
119  mFrame.col(2) = unitDistance;
121  return mFrame;
122 }
125  const Vector3& /*pos*/,
126  const Vector3& /*mom*/) const {
127  return 1.;
128 }
131  const GeometryContext& gctx, BinningValue /*bValue*/) const {
132  return center(gctx);
133 }
136  const Vector2& /*lpos*/) const {
137  throw std::runtime_error(
138  "LineSurface: normal is undefined without known direction");
139 }
142  if (m_bounds) {
143  return (*m_bounds.get());
144  }
145  return s_noBounds;
146 }
149  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& position,
150  const Vector3& direction, const BoundaryCheck& bcheck,
151  ActsScalar tolerance) const {
152  // The nomenclature is following the header file and doxygen documentation
154  const Vector3& ma = position;
155  const Vector3& ea = direction;
157  // Origin of the line surface
158  Vector3 mb = transform(gctx).translation();
159  // Line surface axis
160  Vector3 eb = lineDirection(gctx);
162  // Now go ahead and solve for the closest approach
163  Vector3 mab = mb - ma;
164  double eaTeb =;
165  double denom = 1 - eaTeb * eaTeb;
167  // `tolerance` does not really have a meaning here it is just a sufficiently
168  // small number so `u` does not explode
169  if (std::abs(denom) < std::abs(tolerance)) {
170  // return a false intersection
171  return {{Intersection3D::invalid(), Intersection3D::invalid()}, this};
172  }
174  double u = ( - * eaTeb) / denom;
175  // Check if we are on the surface already
176  Intersection3D::Status status = std::abs(u) > std::abs(tolerance)
177  ? Intersection3D::Status::reachable
178  : Intersection3D::Status::onSurface;
179  Vector3 result = ma + u * ea;
180  // Evaluate the boundary check if requested
181  // m_bounds == nullptr prevents unnecessary calculations for PerigeeSurface
182  if (bcheck and m_bounds) {
183  // At closest approach: check inside R or and inside Z
184  Vector3 vecLocal = result - mb;
185  double cZ =;
186  double hZ = m_bounds->get(LineBounds::eHalfLengthZ) + tolerance;
187  if ((std::abs(cZ) > std::abs(hZ)) or
188  ((vecLocal - cZ * eb).norm() >
189  m_bounds->get(LineBounds::eR) + tolerance)) {
190  status = Intersection3D::Status::missed;
191  }
192  }
194  return {{Intersection3D(result, u, status), Intersection3D::invalid()}, this};
195 }
198  const GeometryContext& gctx, const BoundVector& boundParams) const {
199  // Transform from bound to free parameters
200  FreeVector freeParams =
201  detail::transformBoundToFreeParameters(*this, gctx, boundParams);
202  // The global position
203  Vector3 position = freeParams.segment<3>(eFreePos0);
204  // The direction
205  Vector3 direction = freeParams.segment<3>(eFreeDir0);
206  // Get the sines and cosines directly
207  double cosTheta = std::cos(boundParams[eBoundTheta]);
208  double sinTheta = std::sin(boundParams[eBoundTheta]);
209  double cosPhi = std::cos(boundParams[eBoundPhi]);
210  double sinPhi = std::sin(boundParams[eBoundPhi]);
211  // retrieve the reference frame
212  auto rframe = referenceFrame(gctx, position, direction);
214  // Initialize the jacobian from local to global
215  BoundToFreeMatrix jacToGlobal = BoundToFreeMatrix::Zero();
217  // the local error components - given by the reference frame
218  jacToGlobal.topLeftCorner<3, 2>() = rframe.topLeftCorner<3, 2>();
219  // the time component
220  jacToGlobal(eFreeTime, eBoundTime) = 1;
221  // the momentum components
222  jacToGlobal(eFreeDir0, eBoundPhi) = -sinTheta * sinPhi;
223  jacToGlobal(eFreeDir0, eBoundTheta) = cosTheta * cosPhi;
224  jacToGlobal(eFreeDir1, eBoundPhi) = sinTheta * cosPhi;
225  jacToGlobal(eFreeDir1, eBoundTheta) = cosTheta * sinPhi;
226  jacToGlobal(eFreeDir2, eBoundTheta) = -sinTheta;
227  jacToGlobal(eFreeQOverP, eBoundQOverP) = 1;
229  // the projection of direction onto ref frame normal
230  double ipdn = 1. /;
231  // build the cross product of d(D)/d(eBoundPhi) components with y axis
232  Vector3 dDPhiY = rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 1).cross(
233  jacToGlobal.block<3, 1>(eFreeDir0, eBoundPhi));
234  // and the same for the d(D)/d(eTheta) components
235  Vector3 dDThetaY = rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 1).cross(
236  jacToGlobal.block<3, 1>(eFreeDir0, eBoundTheta));
237  // and correct for the x axis components
238  dDPhiY -= rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 0) * (rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 0).dot(dDPhiY));
239  dDThetaY -=
240  rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 0) * (rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 0).dot(dDThetaY));
241  // set the jacobian components for global d/ phi/Theta
242  jacToGlobal.block<3, 1>(eFreePos0, eBoundPhi) =
243  dDPhiY * boundParams[eBoundLoc0] * ipdn;
244  jacToGlobal.block<3, 1>(eFreePos0, eBoundTheta) =
245  dDThetaY * boundParams[eBoundLoc0] * ipdn;
247  return jacToGlobal;
248 }
251  const GeometryContext& gctx, const FreeVector& parameters) const {
252  // The global posiiton
253  Vector3 position = parameters.segment<3>(eFreePos0);
254  // The direction
255  Vector3 direction = parameters.segment<3>(eFreeDir0);
256  // The vector between position and center
257  Vector3 pcRowVec = position - center(gctx);
258  // The local frame z axis
259  Vector3 localZAxis = lineDirection(gctx);
260  // The local z coordinate
261  double pz =;
262  // Cosine of angle between momentum direction and local frame z axis
263  double dz =;
264  double norm = 1 / (1 - dz * dz);
266  // Initialize the derivative of propagation path w.r.t. free parameter
267  FreeToPathMatrix freeToPath = FreeToPathMatrix::Zero();
269  // The derivative of path w.r.t. position
270  freeToPath.segment<3>(eFreePos0) =
271  norm * (dz * localZAxis.transpose() - direction.transpose());
273  // The derivative of path w.r.t. direction
274  freeToPath.segment<3>(eFreeDir0) =
275  norm * (pz * localZAxis.transpose() - pcRowVec.transpose());
277  return freeToPath;
278 }
281  const GeometryContext& gctx, const FreeVector& parameters) const {
282  // The global posiiton
283  Vector3 position = parameters.segment<3>(eFreePos0);
284  // The direction
285  Vector3 direction = parameters.segment<3>(eFreeDir0);
286  // The vector between position and center
287  Vector3 pcRowVec = position - center(gctx);
288  // The local frame z axis
289  Vector3 localZAxis = lineDirection(gctx);
290  // The local z coordinate
291  double pz =;
292  // Cosine of angle between momentum direction and local frame z axis
293  double dz =;
294  double norm = 1 / (1 - dz * dz);
295  // Calculate the derivative of local frame axes w.r.t its rotation
296  auto [rotToLocalXAxis, rotToLocalYAxis, rotToLocalZAxis] =
299  // Initialize the derivative of propagation path w.r.t. local frame
300  // translation (origin) and rotation
301  AlignmentToPathMatrix alignToPath = AlignmentToPathMatrix::Zero();
302  alignToPath.segment<3>(eAlignmentCenter0) =
303  norm * (direction.transpose() - dz * localZAxis.transpose());
304  alignToPath.segment<3>(eAlignmentRotation0) =
305  norm * (dz * pcRowVec.transpose() + pz * direction.transpose()) *
306  rotToLocalZAxis;
308  return alignToPath;
309 }
312  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& position) const {
313  // calculate the transformation to local coordinates
314  Vector3 localPosition = transform(gctx).inverse() * position;
315  double localPhi = VectorHelpers::phi(localPosition);
317  ActsMatrix<2, 3> loc3DToLocBound = ActsMatrix<2, 3>::Zero();
318  loc3DToLocBound << std::cos(localPhi), std::sin(localPhi), 0, 0, 0, 1;
320  return loc3DToLocBound;
321 }
324  const GeometryContext& gctx) const {
325  return transform(gctx).linear().col(2);
326 }