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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file icGlauber.cpp
1 #include <fstream>
2 #include <iomanip>
3 #include <iomanip>
4 #include <TF1.h>
5 #include <TF2.h>
6 #include <TGraph.h>
8 #include "fld.h"
9 #include "eos.h"
10 #include "icGlauber.h"
11 #include "inc.h"
13 using namespace std;
15 // --------------------------------------------
16 // Initial state from optical Glauber model
17 // --------------------------------------------
19 // Au nucleus parameters for optical Glauber
20 const double A = 197.0; // mass number
21 const double Ra = 6.37; // radius
22 const double dlt = 0.54; // diffuseness
23 const double sigma = 4.0; // NN cross section in fm^2
25 const int nphi = 301;
27 ICGlauber::ICGlauber(double e, double impactPar, double _tau0) {
28  epsilon = e;
29  b = impactPar;
30  tau0 = _tau0;
31 }
35 double ICGlauber::eProfile(double x, double y) {
36  prms[0] = sqrt((x + b / 2.0) * (x + b / 2.0) + y * y);
37  iff->SetParameters(prms);
38  const double tpp = iff->Integral(-3.0 * Ra, 3.0 * Ra, 1.0e-9);
39  prms[0] = sqrt((x - b / 2.0) * (x - b / 2.0) + y * y);
40  iff->SetParameters(prms);
41  const double tmm = iff->Integral(-3.0 * Ra, 3.0 * Ra, 1.0e-9);
42  return epsilon *
43  pow(1. / rho0 * (tpp * (1.0 - pow((1.0 - sigma * tmm / A), A)) +
44  tmm * (1.0 - pow((1.0 - sigma * tpp / A), A))),
45  1.0);
46 }
48 void ICGlauber::findRPhi(void) {
49  _rphi = new double[nphi];
50  for (int iphi = 0; iphi < nphi; iphi++) {
51  double phi = iphi * C_PI * 2. / (nphi - 1);
52  double r = 0., r1 = 0., r2 = 2. * Ra;
53  while (fabs((r2 - r1) / r2) > 0.001 && r2 > 0.001) {
54  r = 0.5 * (r1 + r2);
55  if (eProfile(r * cos(phi), r * sin(phi)) > 0.5)
56  r1 = r;
57  else
58  r2 = r;
59  }
60  _rphi[iphi] = r;
61  }
62 }
65 double ICGlauber::rPhi(double phi) {
66  const double cpi = C_PI;
67  phi = phi - 2. * cpi * floor(phi / 2. / cpi);
68  int iphi = (int)(phi / (2. * cpi) * (nphi - 1));
69  int iphi1 = iphi + 1;
70  if (iphi1 == nphi) iphi = nphi - 2;
71  return _rphi[iphi] * (1. - (phi / (2. * cpi) * (nphi - 1) - iphi)) +
72  _rphi[iphi1] * (phi / (2. * cpi) * (nphi - 1) - iphi);
73 }
77  double e, nb, nq, vx = 0., vy = 0., vz = 0.;
78  Cell *c;
79  ofstream fvel("velocity_debug.txt");
81  TF2 *ff = 0;
82  double prms2[2], intgr2;
83  cout << "finding normalization constant\n";
84  ff = new TF2("ThicknessF", this, &ICGlauber::Thickness, -3.0 * Ra, 3.0 * Ra,
85  -3.0 * Ra, 3.0 * Ra, 2, "IC", "Thickness");
86  prms2[0] = Ra;
87  prms2[1] = dlt;
88  ff->SetParameters(prms2);
89  intgr2 = ff->Integral(-3.0 * Ra, 3.0 * Ra, -3.0 * Ra, 3.0 * Ra, 1.0e-9);
90  if (intgr2 == 0.0) {
91  cerr << "IC::setICGlauber Error! ff->Integral == 0; Return -1\n";
92  delete ff;
93  exit(1);
94  }
95  delete ff;
96  cout << "a = " << A / intgr2 << endl;
97  prms[1] = A / intgr2;
98  prms[2] = Ra;
99  prms[3] = dlt;
100  iff = new TF1("WoodSaxonDF", this, &ICGlauber::WoodSaxon, -3.0 * Ra, 3.0 * Ra, 4,
101  "IC", "WoodSaxon");
102  prms[0] = 0.0;
103  iff->SetParameters(prms);
104  const double tpp = iff->Integral(-3.0 * Ra, 3.0 * Ra, 1.0e-9);
105  rho0 = 2.0 * tpp * (1.0 - pow((1.0 - sigma * tpp / A), A));
107  findRPhi(); // fill in R(phi) table
108  cout << "R(phi) = ";
109  for (int jj = 0; jj < 5; jj++) cout << rPhi(jj * C_PI / 2.) << " "; // test
110  cout << endl;
111  //--------------
112  double avv_num = 0., avv_den = 0.;
113  double Etotal = 0.0;
115  for (int ix = 0; ix < f->getNX(); ix++)
116  for (int iy = 0; iy < f->getNY(); iy++)
117  for (int iz = 0; iz < f->getNZ(); iz++) {
118  c = f->getCell(ix, iy, iz);
119  double x = f->getX(ix);
120  double y = f->getY(iy);
121  double eta = f->getZ(iz);
122  double etaFactor;
123  double eta1 = fabs(eta) < 1.3 ? 0.0 : fabs(eta) - 1.3;
124  etaFactor = exp(-eta1 * eta1 / 2.1 / 2.1) * (fabs(eta) < 5.3 ? 1.0 : 0.0);
125  e = eProfile(x, y) * etaFactor;
126  if (e < 0.5) e = 0.0;
127  vx = vy = 0.0;
128  nb = nq = 0.0;
129  vz = 0.0;
131  avv_num += sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy) * e;
132  avv_den += e;
134  c->setPrimVar(eos, tau0, e, nb, nq, 0., vx, vy, vz);
135  double _p = eos->p(e, nb, nq, 0.);
136  const double gamma2 = 1.0 / (1.0 - vx * vx - vy * vy - vz * vz);
137  Etotal +=
138  ((e + _p) * gamma2 * (cosh(eta) + vz * sinh(eta)) - _p * cosh(eta));
139  c->saveQprev();
141  if (e > 0.) c->setAllM(1.);
142  }
143  fvel.close();
144  cout << "average initial flow = " << avv_num / avv_den << endl;
145  cout << "total energy = " << Etotal *f->getDx() * f->getDy() * f->getDz() *
146  tau0 << endl;
147 }
149 double ICGlauber::Thickness(double *x, double *p) {
150  // p[0]: Ra radius; p[1]: delta = 0.54fm
151  double intgrl, prms[4];
152  TF1 *iff = 0;
153  iff = new TF1("WoodSaxonDF", this, &ICGlauber::WoodSaxon, -3.0 * p[0], 3.0 * p[0], 4,
154  "IC", "WoodSaxon");
155  prms[0] = sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1]); //
156  prms[1] = 1.0; // normalization parameter which must be found.
157  prms[2] = p[0];
158  prms[3] = p[1];
159  iff->SetParameters(prms);
160  intgrl = iff->Integral(-3.0 * p[0], 3.0 * p[0], 1.0e-9);
161  if (iff) delete iff;
162  return intgrl;
163 }
165 double ICGlauber::WoodSaxon(double *x, double *p) {
166  return p[1] / (exp((sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + p[0] * p[0]) - p[2]) / p[3]) + 1.0);
167 }