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1 #include "MbdSig.h"
3 #include <TF1.h>
4 #include <TFile.h>
5 #include <TGraphErrors.h>
6 #include <TH2.h>
7 #include <TMath.h>
8 #include <TPad.h>
9 #include <TSpectrum.h>
10 #include <TSpline.h>
11 #include <TTree.h>
13 #include <fstream>
14 #include <iostream>
15 #include <limits>
17 using namespace std;
19 MbdSig::MbdSig(const int chnum, const int nsamp)
20  : ch{chnum}
21  , nsamples{nsamp}
22  , f_ampl{0}
23  , f_time{0}
25  , // time shift from fit
27  , // time shift from fit
28  hRawPulse{nullptr}
29  , hSubPulse{nullptr}
30  , hpulse{nullptr}
31  , gRawPulse{nullptr}
32  , gSubPulse{nullptr}
33  , gpulse{nullptr}
34  , hPed0{nullptr}
35  , ped0{0}
36  , // ped average
38  , use_ped0{0}
39  , minped0samp{-9999}
40  , maxped0samp{-9999}
41  , minped0x{0.}
42  , maxped0x{0.}
43  ,
44  // time_calib{0},
45  h2Template{nullptr}
46  , h2Residuals{nullptr}
47  ,
48  // range of good amplitudes for templates
49  // units are usually in ADC counts
50  hAmpl{nullptr}
51  , hTime{nullptr}
56  ,
57  // template_min_good_amplitude{20.},
58  // template_max_good_amplitude{4080},
59  // template_min_xrange{0},
60  // template_max_xrange{0},
61  template_fcn{nullptr}
62  , verbose{0}
63 {
64  // cout << "In MbdSig::MbdSig(" << ch << "," << nsamples << ")" << endl;
65 }
67 void MbdSig::Init()
68 {
69  TString name;
71  name = "hrawpulse";
72  name += ch;
73  hRawPulse = new TH1F(name, name, nsamples, -0.5, nsamples - 0.5);
74  name = "hsubpulse";
75  name += ch;
76  hSubPulse = new TH1F(name, name, nsamples, -0.5, nsamples - 0.5);
78  // gRawPulse = new TGraphErrors(nsamples);
79  gRawPulse = new TGraphErrors();
80  name = "grawpulse";
81  name += ch;
82  gRawPulse->SetName(name);
83  // gSubPulse = new TGraphErrors(nsamples);
84  gSubPulse = new TGraphErrors();
85  name = "gsubpulse";
86  name += ch;
87  gSubPulse->SetName(name);
89  hpulse = hRawPulse; // hpulse,gpulse point to raw by default
90  gpulse = gRawPulse; // we switch to sub for default if ped is applied
92  // ped0stats = new RunningStats();
93  name = "hPed0_";
94  name += ch;
95  hPed0 = new TH1F(name, name, 16384, -0.5, 16383.5);
96  // hPed0 = new TH1F(name,name,10000,1,0); // automatically determine the range
98  SetTemplateSize(900, 1000, -10., 20.);
99  // SetTemplateSize(300,300,0.,15.);
100 }
102 void MbdSig::SetTemplateSize(const Int_t nptsx, const Int_t nptsy, const Double_t begt, const Double_t endt)
103 {
104  template_npointsx = nptsx;
105  template_npointsy = nptsy;
106  template_begintime = begt;
107  template_endtime = endt;
112  Double_t xbinwid = (template_endtime - template_begintime) / (template_npointsx - 1);
113  Double_t ybinwid = (1.1 + 0.1) / template_npointsy; // yscale... should we vary this?
114  if (h2Template)
115  {
116  delete h2Template;
117  }
118  if (h2Residuals)
119  {
120  delete h2Residuals;
121  }
123  TString name = "h2Template";
124  name += ch;
125  h2Template = new TH2F(name, name, template_npointsx, template_begintime - xbinwid / 2., template_endtime + xbinwid / 2,
126  template_npointsy, -0.1 + ybinwid / 2.0, 1.1 + ybinwid / 2.0);
128  name = "h2Residuals";
129  name += ch;
130  h2Residuals = new TH2F(name, name, template_npointsx, template_begintime - xbinwid / 2., template_endtime + xbinwid / 2,
131  80, -20, 20);
133  /*
134  int nbins[] = { template_npointsx, nbinsy };
135  Double_t lowrange[] = { template_begintime-xbinwid/2.0, -0.1+ybinwid/2.0 };
136  Double_t highrange[] = { template_endtime+xbinwid/2.0, 1.1+ybinwid/2.0 };
137  h2Template = new THnSparseF(name,name,2,nbins,lowrange,highrange);
138  */
139  // h2Template->cd( gDirectory );
140 }
142 void MbdSig::SetMinMaxFitTime(const Double_t mintime, const Double_t maxtime)
143 {
144  fit_min_time = mintime;
145  fit_max_time = maxtime;
146 }
149 {
150  delete hRawPulse;
151  delete hSubPulse;
152  delete gRawPulse;
153  delete gSubPulse;
154  // delete ped0stats;
155  delete hPed0;
156  // h2Template->Write();
157  delete h2Template;
158  delete h2Residuals;
159  delete hAmpl;
160  delete hTime;
161  delete template_fcn;
162 }
164 // This sets y, and x to sample number (starts at 0)
165 void MbdSig::SetY(const Float_t* y, const int invert)
166 {
167  if (hRawPulse == nullptr)
168  {
169  Init();
170  }
172  hpulse->Reset();
173  f_ampl = -9999.;
174  f_time = -9999.;
176  for (int isamp = 0; isamp < nsamples; isamp++)
177  {
178  hRawPulse->SetBinContent(isamp + 1, y[isamp]);
179  gRawPulse->SetPoint(isamp, Double_t(isamp), y[isamp]);
180  }
182  // Apply pedestal
183  if (use_ped0 != 0 || minped0samp >= 0 || minped0x != maxped0x || ped_presamp != 0)
184  {
185  // cout << "sub" << endl;
187  if (minped0samp >= 0)
188  {
190  }
191  else if (minped0x != maxped0x)
192  {
194  }
195  else if (ped_presamp != 0)
196  {
198  }
200  for (int isamp = 0; isamp < nsamples; isamp++)
201  {
202  hSubPulse->SetBinContent(isamp + 1, invert * (y[isamp] - ped0));
203  hSubPulse->SetBinError(isamp + 1, ped0rms);
204  gSubPulse->SetPoint(isamp, (Double_t) isamp, invert * (y[isamp] - ped0));
205  gSubPulse->SetPointError(isamp, 0., ped0rms);
206  }
207  }
208 }
210 void MbdSig::SetXY(const Float_t* x, const Float_t* y, const int invert)
211 {
212  if (hRawPulse == nullptr)
213  {
214  Init();
215  }
217  hRawPulse->Reset();
218  hSubPulse->Reset();
219  _status = 0;
221  f_ampl = -9999.;
222  f_time = -9999.;
224  // cout << "nsamples " << nsamples << endl;
225  // cout << "use_ped0 " << use_ped0 << "\t" << ped0 << endl;
227  for (int isamp = 0; isamp < nsamples; isamp++)
228  {
229  // cout << "aaa\t" << isamp << "\t" << x[isamp] << "\t" << y[isamp] << endl;
230  hRawPulse->SetBinContent(isamp + 1, y[isamp]);
231  gRawPulse->SetPoint(isamp, x[isamp], y[isamp]);
232  }
234  if (use_ped0 != 0 || minped0samp >= 0 || minped0x != maxped0x || ped_presamp != 0)
235  {
236  if (minped0samp >= 0)
237  {
239  }
240  else if (minped0x != maxped0x)
241  {
243  }
244  else if (ped_presamp != 0)
245  {
247  }
249  for (int isamp = 0; isamp < nsamples; isamp++)
250  {
251  // How do we handle data which is not in samples, but is in time,
252  // such as DRS4 data
253  // if ( isamp==(nsamples-1) ) cout << "bbb\t" << isamp << "\t" << x[isamp] << "\t" << invert*(y[isamp]-ped0) << endl;
254  hSubPulse->SetBinContent(isamp + 1, invert * (y[isamp] - ped0));
255  hSubPulse->SetBinError(isamp + 1, ped0rms);
256  gSubPulse->SetPoint(isamp, x[isamp], invert * (y[isamp] - ped0));
257  gSubPulse->SetPointError(isamp, 0., ped0rms);
258  }
259  }
260 }
262 Double_t MbdSig::GetSplineAmpl()
263 {
264  if (gSubPulse == nullptr)
265  {
266  cout << "gsub bad " << (uint64_t) gSubPulse << endl;
267  return 0.;
268  }
270  TSpline3 s3("s3", gSubPulse);
272  // First find maximum, to rescale
273  f_ampl = -999999.;
274  double step_size = 0.01;
275  // cout << "step size " << step_size << endl;
276  for (double ix = 0; ix < nsamples; ix += step_size)
277  {
278  Double_t val = s3.Eval(ix);
279  if (val > f_ampl)
280  {
281  f_ampl = val;
282  }
283  }
285  return f_ampl;
286 }
288 void MbdSig::FillPed0(const Int_t sampmin, const Int_t sampmax)
289 {
290  Double_t x, y;
291  for (int isamp = sampmin; isamp <= sampmax; isamp++)
292  {
293  gRawPulse->GetPoint(isamp, x, y);
294  // gRawPulse->Print("all");
295  hPed0->Fill(y);
297  /*
298  // chiu taken out
299  ped0stats->Push( y );
300  ped0 = ped0stats->Mean();
301  ped0rms = ped0stats->RMS();
302  */
304  // cout << "ped0 " << ch << " " << n << "\t" << ped0 << endl;
305  // cout << "ped0 " << ch << "\t" << ped0 << endl;
306  }
307 }
309 void MbdSig::FillPed0(const Double_t begin, const Double_t end)
310 {
311  Double_t x, y;
312  Int_t n = gRawPulse->GetN();
313  for (int isamp = 0; isamp < n; isamp++)
314  {
315  gRawPulse->GetPoint(isamp, x, y);
316  if (x >= begin && x <= end)
317  {
318  hPed0->Fill(y);
320  /*
321  ped0stats->Push( y );
322  ped0 = ped0stats->Mean();
323  ped0rms = ped0stats->RMS();
324  */
326  // cout << "ped0 " << ch << " " << n << "\t" << x << "\t" << y << endl;
327  }
329  // quit if we are past the ped region
330  if (x > end)
331  {
332  break;
333  }
334  }
335 }
337 void MbdSig::SetPed0(const Double_t mean, const Double_t rms)
338 {
339  ped0 = mean;
340  ped0rms = rms;
341  use_ped0 = 1;
342  hpulse = hSubPulse;
343  gpulse = gSubPulse;
344  // if ( ch==8 ) cout << "ch " << ch << " Ped = " << ped0 << endl;
345 }
347 // Get Event by Event Ped0 if requested
348 void MbdSig::CalcEventPed0(const Int_t minpedsamp, const Int_t maxpedsamp)
349 {
350  // if (ch==8) cout << "In MbdSig::CalcEventPed0(int,int)" << endl;
351  hPed0->Reset();
352  // ped0stats->Clear();
354  Double_t x, y;
355  for (int isamp = minpedsamp; isamp <= maxpedsamp; isamp++)
356  {
357  gRawPulse->GetPoint(isamp, x, y);
359  hPed0->Fill(y);
360  // ped0stats->Push( y );
361  // if ( ch==8 ) cout << "ped0stats " << isamp << "\t" << y << endl;
362  }
364  // use straight mean for pedestal
365  // Could consider using fit to hPed0 to remove outliers
366  float mean = hPed0->GetMean();
367  float rms = hPed0->GetRMS();
369  // SetPed0( ped0stats->Mean(), ped0stats->RMS() );
371  SetPed0(mean, rms);
372  // if (ch==8) cout << "ped0stats mean, rms " << mean << "\t" << rms << endl;
373 }
375 // Get Event by Event Ped0 if requested
376 void MbdSig::CalcEventPed0(const Double_t minpedx, const Double_t maxpedx)
377 {
378  hPed0->Reset();
379  // ped0stats->Clear();
381  Double_t x, y;
382  Int_t n = gRawPulse->GetN();
384  for (int isamp = 0; isamp < n; isamp++)
385  {
386  gRawPulse->GetPoint(isamp, x, y);
388  if (x >= minpedx && x <= maxpedx)
389  {
390  hPed0->Fill(y);
391  // ped0stats->Push( y );
392  }
393  }
395  // use straight mean for pedestal
396  // Could consider using fit to hPed0 to remove outliers
397  SetPed0(hPed0->GetMean(), hPed0->GetRMS());
398  /*
399  Double_t mean = ped0stats->Mean();
400  Double_t rms = ped0stats->RMS();
401  SetPed0( mean, rms );
402  */
403  // cout << "ped0stats " << mean << "\t" << rms << endl;
404 }
406 // Get Event by Event Ped0, num samples before peak
407 // presample is number of samples before peak, nsamps is how many samples
408 void MbdSig::CalcEventPed0_PreSamp(const int presample, const int nsamps)
409 {
410  hPed0->Reset();
411  // ped0stats->Clear();
413  Double_t x, y;
414  // Int_t n = gRawPulse->GetN();
415  // Int_t max = gRawPulse->GetHistogram()->GetMaximumBin();
416  Long64_t max = TMath::LocMax(gRawPulse->GetN(), gRawPulse->GetY());
417  Int_t minsamp = max - presample - nsamps + 1;
418  Int_t maxsamp = max - presample;
419  // cout << "CalcEventPed0_PreSamp: " << max << endl;
421  if (minsamp < 0)
422  {
423  minsamp = 0;
424  _status = 1; // bad pedestal
425  }
426  if (maxsamp < 0)
427  {
428  maxsamp = 0;
429  _status = 1;
430  }
432  for (int isamp = minsamp; isamp <= maxsamp; isamp++)
433  {
434  gRawPulse->GetPoint(isamp, x, y);
436  hPed0->Fill(y);
437  // ped0stats->Push( y );
438  }
440  // use straight mean for pedestal
441  // Could consider using fit to hPed0 to remove outliers
442  // Double_t mean = ped0stats->Mean();
443  // Double_t rms = ped0stats->RMS();
444  Double_t mean = hPed0->GetMean();
445  Double_t rms = hPed0->GetRMS();
446  SetPed0(mean, rms);
447  static int counter = 0;
448  if (verbose > 0 && counter < 10)
449  {
450  cout << "CalcEventPed0_PreSamp: ped0stats " << mean << "\t" << rms << endl;
451  counter++;
452  }
453 }
455 Double_t MbdSig::LeadingEdge(const Double_t threshold)
456 {
457  // Find first point above threshold
458  // We also make sure the next point is above threshold
459  // to get rid of a high fluctuation
460  int n = gSubPulse->GetN();
461  Double_t* x = gSubPulse->GetX();
462  Double_t* y = gSubPulse->GetY();
464  int sample = -1;
465  for (int isamp = 0; isamp < n; isamp++)
466  {
467  if (y[isamp] > threshold)
468  {
469  if (isamp == (n - 1) || y[isamp + 1] > threshold)
470  {
471  sample = isamp;
472  break;
473  }
474  }
475  }
476  if (sample < 1)
477  {
478  return -9999.; // no signal above threshold
479  }
481  // Linear Interpolation of start time
482  Double_t dx = x[sample] - x[sample - 1];
483  Double_t dy = y[sample] - y[sample - 1];
484  Double_t dt1 = y[sample] - threshold;
486  Double_t t0 = x[sample] - dt1 * (dx / dy);
488  return t0;
489 }
491 Double_t MbdSig::dCFD(const Double_t fraction_threshold)
492 {
493  // Find first point above threshold
494  // We also make sure the next point is above threshold
495  // to get rid of a high fluctuation
496  int n = gSubPulse->GetN();
497  Double_t* x = gSubPulse->GetX();
498  Double_t* y = gSubPulse->GetY();
500  // Get max amplitude
501  Double_t ymax = TMath::MaxElement(n, y);
502  if (f_ampl == -9999.)
503  {
504  f_ampl = ymax;
505  }
507  Double_t threshold = fraction_threshold * ymax; // get fraction of amplitude
508  // cout << "threshold = " << threshold << "\tymax = " << ymax <<endl;
510  int sample = -1;
511  for (int isamp = 0; isamp < n; isamp++)
512  {
513  if (y[isamp] > threshold)
514  {
515  if (isamp == (n - 1) || y[isamp + 1] > threshold)
516  {
517  sample = isamp;
518  break;
519  }
520  }
521  }
522  if (sample < 1)
523  {
524  return -9999.; // no signal above threshold
525  }
527  // Linear Interpolation of start time
528  Double_t dx = x[sample] - x[sample - 1];
529  Double_t dy = y[sample] - y[sample - 1];
530  Double_t dt1 = y[sample] - threshold;
532  Double_t t0 = x[sample] - dt1 * (dx / dy);
534  return t0;
535 }
537 Double_t MbdSig::MBD(const Int_t max_samp)
538 {
539  // Get the amplitude of the sample number to get time
540  Double_t* y = gSubPulse->GetY();
542  if (y == nullptr)
543  {
544  std::cout << "ERROR y == 0" << std::endl;
545  return NAN;
546  }
549  f_time = y[max_samp];
551  // Get max amplitude, and set it if it hasn't already been set
552  int n = gSubPulse->GetN();
553  Double_t ymax = TMath::MaxElement(n, y);
554  if (f_ampl == -9999.)
555  {
556  f_ampl = ymax;
557  }
559  return f_time;
560 }
562 Double_t MbdSig::Integral(const Double_t xmin, const Double_t xmax)
563 {
564  Int_t n = gSubPulse->GetN();
565  Double_t* x = gSubPulse->GetX();
566  Double_t* y = gSubPulse->GetY();
568  f_integral = 0.;
569  for (int ix = 0; ix < n; ix++)
570  {
571  if (x[ix] >= xmin && x[ix] <= xmax)
572  {
573  // Get dx
574  Double_t dx = (x[ix + 1] - x[ix - 1]) / 2.0;
575  f_integral += (y[ix] * dx);
576  }
577  }
579  return f_integral;
580 }
582 void MbdSig::LocMax(Double_t& x_at_max, Double_t& ymax, Double_t xminrange, Double_t xmaxrange)
583 {
584  // Find index of maximum peak
585  Int_t n = gSubPulse->GetN();
586  Double_t* x = gSubPulse->GetX();
587  Double_t* y = gSubPulse->GetY();
589  // if flipped or equal, we search the whole range
590  if (xmaxrange <= xminrange)
591  {
592  xminrange = -DBL_MAX;
593  xmaxrange = DBL_MAX;
594  }
596  x_at_max = -DBL_MAX;
597  ymax = -DBL_MAX;
599  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
600  {
601  // Skip if out of range
602  if (x[i] < xminrange)
603  {
604  continue;
605  }
606  if (x[i] > xmaxrange)
607  {
608  break;
609  }
611  if (y[i] > ymax)
612  {
613  ymax = y[i];
614  x_at_max = x[i];
615  }
616  }
617 }
619 void MbdSig::LocMin(Double_t& x_at_max, Double_t& ymin, Double_t xminrange, Double_t xmaxrange)
620 {
621  // Find index of minimum peak (for neg signals)
622  Int_t n = gSubPulse->GetN();
623  Double_t* x = gSubPulse->GetX();
624  Double_t* y = gSubPulse->GetY();
626  // if flipped or equal, we search the whole range
627  if (xmaxrange <= xminrange)
628  {
629  xminrange = -DBL_MAX;
630  xmaxrange = DBL_MAX;
631  }
633  ymin = DBL_MAX;
635  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
636  {
637  // Skip if out of range
638  if (x[i] < xminrange)
639  {
640  continue;
641  }
642  if (x[i] > xmaxrange)
643  {
644  break;
645  }
647  if (y[i] < ymin)
648  {
649  ymin = y[i];
650  x_at_max = x[i];
651  }
652  }
654  // old way of getting locmax
655  // int locmax = TMath::LocMin(n,y);
656 }
658 void MbdSig::Print()
659 {
660  Double_t x, y;
661  cout << "CH " << ch << endl;
662  for (int isamp = 0; isamp < nsamples; isamp++)
663  {
664  gpulse->GetPoint(isamp, x, y);
665  cout << isamp << "\t" << x << "\t" << y << endl;
666  }
667 }
669 void MbdSig::PadUpdate()
670 {
671  // Make sure TCanvas is created externally!
672  gPad->Modified();
673  gPad->Update();
674  cout << ch << " ? ";
675  TString junk;
676  cin >> junk;
678  if (junk[0] == 'w' || junk[0] == 's')
679  {
680  TString name = "ch";
681  name += ch;
682  name += ".png";
683  gPad->SaveAs(name);
684  }
685 }
687 Double_t MbdSig::TemplateFcn(const Double_t* x, const Double_t* par)
688 {
689  // par[0] is the amplitude (relative to the spline amplitude)
690  // par[1] is the start time (in sample number)
691  // x[0] units are in sample number
692  Double_t xx = x[0] - par[1];
693  Double_t f = 0.;
695  // verbose = 100;
697  // When fit is out of limits of good part of spline, ignore fit
698  if (xx < template_begintime || xx > template_endtime)
699  {
700  TF1::RejectPoint();
701  if (xx < template_begintime)
702  {
703  // Double_t x0,y0;
704  Double_t y0 = template_y[0];
705  return par[0] * y0;
706  }
707  else if (xx > template_endtime)
708  {
709  // Double_t x0,y0;
710  Double_t y0 = template_y[template_npointsx - 1];
711  return par[0] * y0;
712  }
713  }
715  // Linear Interpolation of template
716  Double_t x0 = 0.;
717  Double_t y0 = 0.;
718  Double_t x1 = 0.;
719  Double_t y1 = 0.;
721  // find the index in the vector which is closest to xx
722  Double_t step = (template_endtime - template_begintime) / (template_npointsx - 1);
723  Double_t index = (xx - template_begintime) / step;
725  int ilow = TMath::FloorNint(index);
726  int ihigh = TMath::CeilNint(index);
727  if (ilow < 0 || ihigh >= template_npointsx)
728  {
729  if (verbose > 0)
730  {
731  cout << "ERROR, ilow ihigh " << ilow << "\t" << ihigh << endl;
732  cout << " " << xx << " " << x[0] << " " << par[1] << endl;
733  }
735  if (ilow < 0)
736  {
737  ilow = 0;
738  }
739  else if (ihigh >= template_npointsx)
740  {
741  ihigh = template_npointsx - 1;
742  }
743  }
745  if (ilow == ihigh)
746  {
747  f = par[0] * template_y[ilow];
748  }
749  else
750  {
751  x0 = template_begintime + ilow * step;
752  y0 = template_y[ilow];
753  x1 = template_begintime + ihigh * step;
754  y1 = template_y[ihigh];
755  f = par[0] * (y0 + ((y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)) * (xx - x0)); // linear interpolation
756  }
758  // reject points with very bad rms in shape
759  if (template_yrms[ilow] >= 1.0 || template_yrms[ihigh] >= 1.0)
760  {
761  TF1::RejectPoint();
762  // return f;
763  }
765  // Reject points where ADC saturates
766  int samp_point = static_cast<int>(x[0]);
767  Double_t temp_x, temp_y;
768  gRawPulse->GetPoint(samp_point, temp_x, temp_y);
769  if (temp_y > 16370)
770  {
771  // cout << "XXXX " << ch << "\t" << samp_point << "\t" << temp_x << "\t" << temp_y << std::endl;
772  TF1::RejectPoint();
773  }
775  // verbose = 0;
776  return f;
777 }
780 {
781  // verbose = 100; // uncomment to see fits
782  if (verbose > 0)
783  {
784  cout << "Fitting ch " << ch << endl;
785  }
787  // Check if channel is empty
788  if (gSubPulse->GetN() == 0)
789  {
790  f_ampl = -9999.;
791  f_time = -9999.;
792  // cout << "gSubPulse empty" << endl;
793  return 1;
794  }
796  // Get x-position of maximum
797  Double_t x_at_max, ymax;
798  // LocMax(x_at_max, ymax);
800  Int_t xsamp = (fit_min_time + fit_max_time) / 2 + 2; // use max samp
801  gSubPulse->GetPoint(xsamp, x_at_max, ymax);
803  template_fcn->SetParameters(ymax, x_at_max);
804  // template_fcn->SetParLimits(1, fit_min_time, fit_max_time);
805  // template_fcn->SetParLimits(1, 3, 15);
806  // template_fcn->SetRange(template_min_xrange,template_max_xrange);
807  template_fcn->SetRange(0, nsamples);
809  if (verbose == 0)
810  {
811  gSubPulse->Fit(template_fcn, "RNQ");
812  }
813  else
814  {
815  gSubPulse->Fit(template_fcn, "R");
816  }
818  // Get fit parameters
819  f_ampl = template_fcn->GetParameter(0);
820  f_time = template_fcn->GetParameter(1);
822  if (verbose > 0 && fabs(f_ampl) > 0.)
823  {
824  cout << "FitTemplate " << ch << "\t" << f_ampl << "\t" << f_time << endl;
825  gSubPulse->Draw("ap");
826  template_fcn->SetLineColor(4);
827  template_fcn->Draw("same");
828  PadUpdate();
829  }
831  // verbose = 0;
832  return 1;
833 }
835 int MbdSig::SetTemplate(const std::vector<float>& shape, const std::vector<float>& sherr)
836 {
837  template_y = shape;
838  template_yrms = sherr;
840  if (verbose)
841  {
842  std::cout << "SHAPE " << ch << "\t" << template_y.size() << std::endl;
843  for (size_t i = 0; i < template_y.size(); i++)
844  {
845  if (i % 10 == 0)
846  {
847  std::cout << i << ":\t" << std::endl;
848  }
849  std::cout << " " << template_y[i];
850  }
851  std::cout << std::endl;
852  }
854  if (template_fcn == nullptr)
855  {
856  TString name = "template_fcn";
857  name += ch;
858  // template_fcn = new TF1(name,this,&MbdSig::TemplateFcn,template_min_xrange,template_max_xrange,2,"MbdSig","TemplateFcn");
859  // template_fcn = new TF1(name,this,&MbdSig::TemplateFcn,-10,20,2,"MbdSig","TemplateFcn");
860  template_fcn = new TF1(name, this, &MbdSig::TemplateFcn, 0, nsamples, 2, "MbdSig", "TemplateFcn");
861  template_fcn->SetParameters(1, 10);
862  SetTemplateSize(900, 1000, -10., 20.);
864  if (verbose)
865  {
866  std::cout << "SHAPE " << ch << std::endl;
867  template_fcn->Draw("acp");
868  gPad->Modified();
869  gPad->Update();
870  }
871  }
873  return 1;
874 }