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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CalculateSigmaDca.cxx
1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // 'CalculateSigmaDca.cxx'
3 // Derek Anderson
4 // 10.11.2023
5 //
6 // Quick script to fit sigma-dca/dca distributions
7 // to figure out pt-dependent cut from SCorrelatorJetTree
8 // track QA tuples.
10 // c utilities
11 #include <string>
12 #include <vector>
13 #include <utility>
14 #include <iostream>
15 // root classes
16 #include <TH1.h>
17 #include <TH2.h>
18 #include <TF1.h>
19 #include <TFile.h>
20 #include <TMath.h>
21 #include <TError.h>
22 #include <TNtuple.h>
23 #include <TString.h>
24 #include <TCanvas.h>
25 #include <TObjArray.h>
26 #include <TPaveText.h>
27 #include <TGraphErrors.h>
29 using namespace std;
31 // global constants
32 static const size_t NDca(2);
33 static const size_t NPar(4);
34 static const size_t NObj(2);
35 static const size_t NVtx(4);
41  // lower verbosity
42  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kError;
43  cout << "\n Starting sigma-dca/dca calculation..." << endl;
45  // options ------------------------------------------------------------------
47  // io parameters
48  const string sInput("../SCorrelatorJetTree/output/condor/final_merge/correlatorJetTree.pp200py8jet10run8_forVtxCutTest_onlyPrimTrks.d22m10y2023.root");
49  const string sTuple("QA/Tracks/ntTrkQA");
50  const string sOutput("dcaSigmaCalc.pp200py8jet10run8_smallSample_onlyPrimTrks_withCubicFitAndPtRange.d22m10y2023.root");
52  // histogram parameters
53  const array<string, NDca> sDcaVsPtAll = {"hDcaXYvsPtAll", "hDcaZvsPtAll"};
54  const array<string, NDca> sDcaVsPtSel = {"hDcaXYvsPtSel", "hDcaZvsPtSel"};
55  const array<string, NDca> sDcaName = {"hDcaXY", "hDcaZ"};
56  const array<string, NDca> sWidthName = {"hWidthDcaXY", "hWidthDcaZ"};
57  const array<string, NDca> sTitleWidth = {"#DeltaDCA_{xy} [cm]", "#DeltaDCA_{z} [cm]"};
58  const array<string, NDca> sTitleDca = {"DCA_{xy} [cm]", "DCA_{z} [cm]"};
59  const string sTitlePt("p_{T}^{trk} [GeV/c]");
60  const string sDcaXYvsZAll("hDcaXYvsZAll");
61  const string sDcaXYvsZSel("hDcaXYvsZSel");
63  // fit parameters
64  const uint16_t cut(0);
65  const string sDcaFit("gaus(0)");
66  const string sWidthFit("[0]+[1]/x+[2]/(x*x)+[3]/(x*x*x)");
67  const string sDcaOpt("QNR");
68  const string sWidthOpt("R");
69  const string sParam("_2");
70  const pair<float, float> ptFitRange = {1., 15.};
71  const array<string, NDca> sDcaFitName = {"fFitDcaXY", "fFitDcaZ"};
72  const array<string, NDca> sWidthFitName = {"fFitWidthXY", "fFitWidthZ"};
73  const array<float, NPar> fWidthGuess = {1., 1., 1., 1.};
75  // cut parameters
76  const bool doOtherCuts(true);
77  const float nMvtxMin(2.);
78  const float nInttMin(1.);
79  const float nTpcMin(24.);
80  const float qualMax(10.);
81  const float etaMax(1.1);
82  const float ptMin(0.1);
83  const float nCut(3.);
84  const string sAll("all tracks");
85  const string sSel("selected tracks");
87  // plot options
88  const pair<float, float> ptPlotRange = {0., 25.};
89  const pair<float, float> dcaPlotRange = {-0.5, 0.5};
90  const pair<float, float> widthPlotRange = {0.001, 0.05};
91  const array<string, NDca> sDcaWidthPlot = {"cWidthDcaXY", "cWidthDcaZ"};
92  const array<string, NDca> sDcaVsPtPlot = {"cDcaXYvsPt", "cDcaZvsPt"};
93  const string sDcaXYvsZPlot("cDcaXYvsZ");
95  // text parameters
96  const vector<string> sText = {
97  "#bf{#it{sPHENIX}} simulation [Run 8]",
98  "PYTHIA-8, JS 10 GeV sample",
99  "#bf{reco. tracks}"
100  };
102  // open files & initialize tuple --------------------------------------------
104  // open file
105  TFile* fOutput = new TFile(, "recreate");
106  TFile* fInput = new TFile(, "read");
107  if (!fOutput || !fInput) {
108  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't open a file!\n"
109  << " fOutput = " << fOutput << ", " << fInput << "\n"
110  << endl;
111  return;
112  }
113  cout << " Opened files." << endl;
115  // grab input tuple
116  TNtuple* ntInput = (TNtuple*) fInput -> Get(;
117  if (!ntInput) {
118  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't grab input tuple!\n" << endl;
119  return;
120  }
121  cout << " Grabbed input tuple." << endl;
123  // declare leaves
124  float pt;
125  float eta;
126  float phi;
127  float energy;
128  float dcaxy;
129  float dcaz;
130  float deltapt;
131  float quality;
132  float nmvtxlayer;
133  float ninttlayer;
134  float ntpclayer;
136  // set branch addresses
137  ntInput -> SetBranchAddress("pt", &pt);
138  ntInput -> SetBranchAddress("eta", &eta);
139  ntInput -> SetBranchAddress("phi", &phi);
140  ntInput -> SetBranchAddress("energy", &energy);
141  ntInput -> SetBranchAddress("dcaxy", &dcaxy);
142  ntInput -> SetBranchAddress("dcaz", &dcaz);
143  ntInput -> SetBranchAddress("deltapt", &deltapt);
144  ntInput -> SetBranchAddress("quality", &quality);
145  ntInput -> SetBranchAddress("nmvtxlayer",&nmvtxlayer);
146  ntInput -> SetBranchAddress("ninttlayer",&ninttlayer);
147  ntInput -> SetBranchAddress("ntpclayer", &ntpclayer);
148  cout << " Set input tuple branches." << endl;
150  // initialize histograms ----------------------------------------------------
152  // histogram binning
153  const tuple<size_t, pair<float, float>> dcaBins = {2000, make_pair(-5., 5.)};
154  const tuple<size_t, pair<float, float>> ptBins = {100, make_pair(0., 100.)};
156  // declare histograms
157  array<TH1D*, NDca> arrDcaWidth;
158  array<TH2D*, NDca> arrDcaVsPtAll;
159  array<TH2D*, NDca> arrDcaVsPtSel;
160  for (size_t iDca = 0; iDca < NDca; iDca++) {
161  arrDcaWidth[iDca] = new TH1D(
162  sWidthName[iDca].data(),
163  "",
164  get<0>(ptBins),
165  get<1>(ptBins).first,
166  get<1>(ptBins).second
167  );
168  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] = new TH2D(
169  sDcaVsPtAll[iDca].data(),
171  get<0>(ptBins),
172  get<1>(ptBins).first,
173  get<1>(ptBins).second,
174  get<0>(dcaBins),
175  get<1>(dcaBins).first,
176  get<1>(dcaBins).second
177  );
178  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] = new TH2D(
179  sDcaVsPtSel[iDca].data(),
181  get<0>(ptBins),
182  get<1>(ptBins).first,
183  get<1>(ptBins).second,
184  get<0>(dcaBins),
185  get<1>(dcaBins).first,
186  get<1>(dcaBins).second
187  );
188  }
190  TH2D* hDcaXYvsZAll = new TH2D(
193  get<0>(dcaBins),
194  get<1>(dcaBins).first,
195  get<1>(dcaBins).second,
196  get<0>(dcaBins),
197  get<1>(dcaBins).first,
198  get<1>(dcaBins).second
199  );
200  TH2D* hDcaXYvsZSel = new TH2D(
203  get<0>(dcaBins),
204  get<1>(dcaBins).first,
205  get<1>(dcaBins).second,
206  get<0>(dcaBins),
207  get<1>(dcaBins).first,
208  get<1>(dcaBins).second
209  );
210  cout << " Initialized output histograms." << endl;
212  // 1st entry loop -------------------------------------------------------------
214  // start entry loop
215  uint64_t nEntries = ntInput -> GetEntries();
216  cout << " Starting 1st entry loop: " << nEntries << " to process" << endl;
218  uint64_t nBytes = 0;
219  for (uint64_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < nEntries; iEntry++) {
221  // grab entry
222  const uint64_t bytes = ntInput -> GetEntry(iEntry);
223  if (bytes < 0) {
224  cerr << "WARNING: issue with entry " << iEntry << "! Aborting loop!" << endl;
225  break;
226  } else {
227  nBytes += bytes;
228  }
230  // announce progress
231  const uint64_t iProg = iEntry + 1;
232  if (iProg == nEntries) {
233  cout << " Processing entry " << iProg << "/" << nEntries << "..." << endl;
234  } else {
235  cout << " Processing entry " << iProg << "/" << nEntries << "...\r" << flush;
236  }
238  // apply cuts other than dca if needed
239  if (doOtherCuts) {
240  const bool isNumMvtxGood = (nmvtxlayer > nMvtxMin);
241  const bool isNumInttGood = (ninttlayer > nInttMin);
242  const bool isNumTpcGood = (ntpclayer > nTpcMin);
243  const bool isQualityGood = (quality < qualMax);
244  const bool isEtaGood = (abs(eta) < etaMax);
245  const bool isPtGood = (pt > ptMin);
246  const bool isTrackGood = (isNumMvtxGood && isNumInttGood && isNumTpcGood && isQualityGood && isEtaGood && isPtGood);
247  if (!isTrackGood) continue;
248  }
250  // fill histograms
251  arrDcaVsPtAll[0] -> Fill(pt, dcaxy);
252  arrDcaVsPtAll[1] -> Fill(pt, dcaz);
253  hDcaXYvsZAll -> Fill(dcaz, dcaxy);
255  } // end entry loop 1
256  cout << " Finished 1st entry loop!" << endl;
258  // get & fit widths ---------------------------------------------------------
260  array<TF1*, NDca> arrWidthFits;
261  for (size_t iDca = 0; iDca < NDca; iDca++) {
263  // create result name
264  TString sResult(sDcaVsPtAll[iDca].data());
265  sResult.Append(;
267  // determine dca range
268  const uint64_t iStart = arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> FindFirstBinAbove(0., 1);
269  const uint64_t iStop = arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> FindLastBinAbove(0., 1);
270  const float start = arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinLowEdge(iStart);
271  const float stop = arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> GetBinLowEdge(iStop + 1);
273  // declare fit and parameter pointers
274  TF1* fDcaFit = new TF1(sDcaFitName[iDca].data(),, start, stop);
275  TObjArray* arrParams = NULL;
277  // fit slices of dca vs pt
278  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> FitSlicesY(fDcaFit, iStart, iStop, cut,, arrParams);
279  arrDcaWidth[iDca] = (TH1D*) gDirectory -> Get(sResult.Data()) -> Clone();
281  // declare width fit function
282  arrWidthFits[iDca] = new TF1(sWidthFitName[iDca].data(),, start, stop);
283  for (size_t iPar = 0; iPar < NPar; iPar++) {
284  arrWidthFits[iDca] -> SetParameters(iPar, fWidthGuess[iPar]);
285  }
287  // fit width of dca distributions
288  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> Fit(arrWidthFits[iDca],, "", ptFitRange.first, ptFitRange.second);
289  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> SetName(sWidthName[iDca].data());
290  } // end dca variable loop
292  // 2nd entry loop -------------------------------------------------------------
294  // start entry loop
295  cout << " Starting 2nd entry loop: applying a cut of " << nCut << " times the DCA width" << endl;
297  nBytes = 0;
298  for (uint64_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < nEntries; iEntry++) {
300  // grab entry
301  const uint64_t bytes = ntInput -> GetEntry(iEntry);
302  if (bytes < 0) {
303  cerr << "WARNING: issue with entry " << iEntry << "! Aborting loop!" << endl;
304  break;
305  } else {
306  nBytes += bytes;
307  }
309  // announce progress
310  const uint64_t iProg = iEntry + 1;
311  if (iProg == nEntries) {
312  cout << " Processing entry " << iProg << "/" << nEntries << "..." << endl;
313  } else {
314  cout << " Processing entry " << iProg << "/" << nEntries << "...\r" << flush;
315  }
317  // apply cuts other than dca if needed
318  if (doOtherCuts) {
319  const bool isNumMvtxGood = (nmvtxlayer > nMvtxMin);
320  const bool isNumInttGood = (ninttlayer > nInttMin);
321  const bool isNumTpcGood = (ntpclayer > nTpcMin);
322  const bool isQualityGood = (quality < qualMax);
323  const bool isEtaGood = (abs(eta) < etaMax);
324  const bool isPtGood = (pt > ptMin);
325  const bool isTrackGood = (isNumMvtxGood && isNumInttGood && isNumTpcGood && isQualityGood && isEtaGood && isPtGood);
326  if (!isTrackGood) continue;
327  }
329  // calculate max dca
330  const double dcaWidthXY = arrWidthFits[0] -> Eval(pt);
331  const double dcaWidthZ = arrWidthFits[1] -> Eval(pt);
332  const double dcaMaxXY = nCut * dcaWidthXY;
333  const double dcaMaxZ = nCut * dcaWidthZ;
335  // apply cuts
336  const bool isTrkInDcaCutXY = (abs(dcaxy) < dcaMaxXY);
337  const bool isTrkInDcaCutZ = (abs(dcaz) < dcaMaxZ);
338  const bool isTrkInDcaCut = (isTrkInDcaCutXY && isTrkInDcaCutZ);
339  if (!isTrkInDcaCut) continue;
341  // fill histograms
342  arrDcaVsPtSel[0] -> Fill(pt, dcaxy);
343  arrDcaVsPtSel[1] -> Fill(pt, dcaz);
344  hDcaXYvsZSel -> Fill(dcaz, dcaxy);
346  } // end entry loop 1
347  cout << " Finished 2nd entry loop!" << endl;
349  // make cut lines -----------------------------------------------------------
351  // line options
352  const uint16_t fColLin(2);
353  const uint16_t fStyLin(1);
354  const uint16_t fWidLin(2);
356  array<TF1*, NDca> arrFitsNeg;
357  array<TF1*, NDca> arrFitsPos;
358  array<float, NPar> arrNegParams;
359  array<float, NPar> arrPosParams;
360  for (size_t iDca = 0; iDca < NDca; iDca++) {
362  // make name
363  const TString sFitBase = arrWidthFits[iDca] -> GetName();
364  TString sFitNeg = sFitBase;
365  TString sFitPos = sFitBase;
366  sFitNeg.Append("_Neg");
367  sFitPos.Append("_Pos");
369  // set parameters
370  for (size_t iPar = 0; iPar < NPar; iPar++) {
371  arrNegParams[iPar] = arrWidthFits[iDca] -> GetParameter(iPar);
372  arrPosParams[iPar] = arrWidthFits[iDca] -> GetParameter(iPar);
373  arrNegParams[iPar] *= (-1. * nCut);
374  arrPosParams[iPar] *= nCut;
375  }
377  // make functions
378  arrFitsNeg[iDca] = (TF1*) arrWidthFits[iDca] -> Clone();
379  arrFitsPos[iDca] = (TF1*) arrWidthFits[iDca] -> Clone();
380  arrFitsNeg[iDca] -> SetName(sFitNeg.Data());
381  arrFitsPos[iDca] -> SetName(sFitPos.Data());
382  arrFitsNeg[iDca] -> SetLineColor(fColLin);
383  arrFitsPos[iDca] -> SetLineColor(fColLin);
384  arrFitsNeg[iDca] -> SetLineStyle(fStyLin);
385  arrFitsPos[iDca] -> SetLineStyle(fStyLin);
386  arrFitsNeg[iDca] -> SetLineWidth(fWidLin);
387  arrFitsPos[iDca] -> SetLineWidth(fWidLin);
388  for (size_t iPar = 0; iPar < NPar; iPar++) {
389  arrFitsNeg[iDca] -> SetParameter(iPar, arrNegParams[iPar]);
390  arrFitsPos[iDca] -> SetParameter(iPar, arrPosParams[iPar]);
391  }
392  } // end variable loops
393  cout << " Made cut lines." << endl;
395  // make plots ---------------------------------------------------------------
397  // hist options
398  const uint16_t fCol(1);
399  const uint16_t fMar(20);
400  const uint16_t fLin(1);
401  const uint16_t fWid(1);
402  const uint16_t fFil(0);
403  const uint16_t fTxt(42);
404  const uint16_t fCnt(1);
405  const float fOffX(1.1);
406  const float fOffY(1.3);
407  const float fTtl(0.04);
408  const float fLbl(0.03);
410  // set dca-specific hist options
411  for (size_t iDca = 0; iDca < NDca; iDca++) {
413  // figure out dca vs. pt z-axis ranges
414  const float minVsPtAll = arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetMinimum(0.);
415  const float minVsPtSel = arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetMinimum(0.);
416  const float maxVsPtAll = arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetMaximum();
417  const float maxVsPtSel = arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetMaximum();
418  const float minVsPtZ = TMath::Min(minVsPtAll, minVsPtSel);
419  const float maxVsPtZ = TMath::Max(maxVsPtAll, maxVsPtSel);
421  // set 1d hist options
422  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> SetMarkerColor(fCol);
423  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> SetMarkerStyle(fMar);
424  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> SetLineColor(fCol);
425  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> SetLineStyle(fLin);
426  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> SetLineWidth(fWid);
427  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> SetFillColor(fCol);
428  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> SetFillStyle(fFil);
429  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
430  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> SetTitle("");
431  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(ptPlotRange.first, ptPlotRange.second);
432  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
433  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle(;
434  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
435  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTtl);
436  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffX);
437  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
438  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(widthPlotRange.first, widthPlotRange.second);
439  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
440  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleWidth[iDca].data());
441  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
442  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTtl);
443  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffY);
444  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
446  // set dca vs. pt hist options
447  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> SetMarkerColor(fCol);
448  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> SetMarkerStyle(fMar);
449  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> SetLineColor(fCol);
450  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> SetLineStyle(fLin);
451  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> SetLineWidth(fWid);
452  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> SetFillColor(fCol);
453  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> SetFillStyle(fFil);
454  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
455  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(ptPlotRange.first, ptPlotRange.second);
456  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
457  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle(;
458  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
459  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTtl);
460  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffX);
461  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
462  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(dcaPlotRange.first, dcaPlotRange.second);
463  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
464  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleDca[iDca].data());
465  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
466  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTtl);
467  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffY);
468  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
469  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetZaxis() -> SetRangeUser(minVsPtZ, maxVsPtZ);
470  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> GetZaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
471  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> SetMarkerColor(fCol);
472  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> SetMarkerStyle(fMar);
473  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> SetLineColor(fCol);
474  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> SetLineStyle(fLin);
475  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> SetLineWidth(fWid);
476  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> SetFillColor(fCol);
477  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> SetFillStyle(fFil);
478  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
479  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(ptPlotRange.first, ptPlotRange.second);
480  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
481  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle(;
482  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
483  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTtl);
484  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffX);
485  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetXaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
486  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(dcaPlotRange.first, dcaPlotRange.second);
487  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
488  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleDca[iDca].data());
489  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
490  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTtl);
491  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffY);
492  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetYaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
493  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetZaxis() -> SetRangeUser(minVsPtZ, maxVsPtZ);
494  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> GetZaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
495  } // end variable loop
497  // figure out dca xy vs. z z-axis ranges
498  const float minVsDcaAll = hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetMinimum(0.);
499  const float minVsDcaSel = hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetMinimum(0.);
500  const float maxVsDcaAll = hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetMaximum();
501  const float maxVsDcaSel = hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetMaximum();
502  const float minVsDcaZ = TMath::Min(minVsDcaAll, minVsDcaSel);
503  const float maxVsDcaZ = TMath::Max(maxVsDcaAll, maxVsDcaSel);
505  // set dca xy vs. z hist options
506  hDcaXYvsZAll -> SetMarkerColor(fCol);
507  hDcaXYvsZAll -> SetMarkerStyle(fMar);
508  hDcaXYvsZAll -> SetLineColor(fCol);
509  hDcaXYvsZAll -> SetLineStyle(fLin);
510  hDcaXYvsZAll -> SetLineWidth(fWid);
511  hDcaXYvsZAll -> SetFillColor(fCol);
512  hDcaXYvsZAll -> SetFillStyle(fFil);
513  hDcaXYvsZAll -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
514  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(dcaPlotRange.first, dcaPlotRange.second);
515  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
516  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleDca[1].data());
517  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
518  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTtl);
519  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffX);
520  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetXaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
521  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(dcaPlotRange.first, dcaPlotRange.second);
522  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
523  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleDca[0].data());
524  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
525  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTtl);
526  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffY);
527  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetYaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
528  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetZaxis() -> SetRangeUser(minVsDcaZ, maxVsDcaZ);
529  hDcaXYvsZAll -> GetZaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
530  hDcaXYvsZSel -> SetMarkerColor(fCol);
531  hDcaXYvsZSel -> SetMarkerStyle(fMar);
532  hDcaXYvsZSel -> SetLineColor(fCol);
533  hDcaXYvsZSel -> SetLineStyle(fLin);
534  hDcaXYvsZSel -> SetLineWidth(fWid);
535  hDcaXYvsZSel -> SetFillColor(fCol);
536  hDcaXYvsZSel -> SetFillStyle(fFil);
537  hDcaXYvsZSel -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
538  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(dcaPlotRange.first, dcaPlotRange.second);
539  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
540  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleDca[1].data());
541  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
542  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTtl);
543  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffX);
544  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetXaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
545  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(dcaPlotRange.first, dcaPlotRange.second);
546  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
547  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleDca[0].data());
548  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
549  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTtl);
550  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffY);
551  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetYaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
552  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetZaxis() -> SetRangeUser(minVsDcaZ, maxVsDcaZ);
553  hDcaXYvsZSel -> GetZaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLbl);
554  cout << " Set histogram options." << endl;
556  // text box options
557  const uint16_t fAln = 12;
558  const uint16_t fColTxt = 0;
559  const uint16_t fFilTxt = 0;
560  const uint16_t fLinTxt = 0;
561  const size_t nTxt = sText.size();
562  const float yTxtStart = 0.1;
563  const float yTxtStop = yTxtStart + (nTxt * 0.05);
565  // text box dimensions
566  const array<float, NVtx> xyTxt = {0.1, yTxtStart, 0.3, yTxtStop};
568  // create text box
569  TPaveText *ptInfo = new TPaveText(xyTxt[0], xyTxt[1], xyTxt[2], xyTxt[3], "NDC NB");
570  ptInfo -> SetFillColor(fColTxt);
571  ptInfo -> SetFillStyle(fFilTxt);
572  ptInfo -> SetLineColor(fColTxt);
573  ptInfo -> SetLineStyle(fLinTxt);
574  ptInfo -> SetTextFont(fTxt);
575  ptInfo -> SetTextAlign(fAln);
576  for (const string text : sText) {
577  ptInfo -> AddText(;
578  }
579  cout << " Made text box." << endl;
581  // plot options
582  const uint16_t fMode(0);
583  const uint16_t fBord(2);
584  const uint16_t fGrid(0);
585  const uint16_t fTick(1);
586  const uint16_t fLogZ(1);
587  const uint16_t fFrame(0);
588  const string sPadAll("pAll");
589  const string sPadSel("pSelect");
591  // plot margins
592  const array<float, NVtx> xyMarginWidth = {0.02, 0.02, 0.15, 0.15};
593  const array<float, NVtx> xyMarginPad = {0.1, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15};
595  // canvas & pad dimensions
596  const pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> widthDim = {750, 750};
597  const pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> allVsSelDim = {1500, 750};
598  const array<float, NVtx> xyAllPad = {0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0};
599  const array<float, NVtx> xySelPad = {0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0};
601  // make dca-specific plots
602  array<TCanvas*, NDca> arrWidthPlots;
603  array<TCanvas*, NDca> arrDcaVsPtPlots;
604  array<TPad*, NDca> arrDcaVsPtAllPad;
605  array<TPad*, NDca> arrDcaVsPtSelPad;
606  for (size_t iDca = 0; iDca < NDca; iDca++) {
608  // make width plots
609  arrWidthPlots[iDca] = new TCanvas(sDcaWidthPlot[iDca].data(), "", widthDim.first, widthDim.second);
610  arrWidthPlots[iDca] -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
611  arrWidthPlots[iDca] -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
612  arrWidthPlots[iDca] -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
613  arrWidthPlots[iDca] -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
614  arrWidthPlots[iDca] -> SetTopMargin(xyMarginWidth[0]);
615  arrWidthPlots[iDca] -> SetRightMargin(xyMarginWidth[1]);
616  arrWidthPlots[iDca] -> SetBottomMargin(xyMarginWidth[2]);
617  arrWidthPlots[iDca] -> SetLeftMargin(xyMarginWidth[3]);
618  arrWidthPlots[iDca] -> cd();
619  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> Draw();
620  ptInfo -> Draw();
621  fOutput -> cd();
622  arrWidthPlots[iDca] -> Write();
623  arrWidthPlots[iDca] -> Close();
625  // make dca vs. pt plots
626  arrDcaVsPtPlots[iDca] = new TCanvas(sDcaVsPtPlot[iDca].data(), "", allVsSelDim.first, allVsSelDim.second);
627  arrDcaVsPtAllPad[iDca] = new TPad(, "", xyAllPad[0], xyAllPad[1], xyAllPad[2], xyAllPad[3]);
628  arrDcaVsPtSelPad[iDca] = new TPad(, "", xySelPad[0], xySelPad[1], xySelPad[2], xySelPad[3]);
629  arrDcaVsPtPlots[iDca] -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
630  arrDcaVsPtPlots[iDca] -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
631  arrDcaVsPtPlots[iDca] -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
632  arrDcaVsPtPlots[iDca] -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
633  arrDcaVsPtAllPad[iDca] -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
634  arrDcaVsPtAllPad[iDca] -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
635  arrDcaVsPtAllPad[iDca] -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
636  arrDcaVsPtAllPad[iDca] -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
637  arrDcaVsPtAllPad[iDca] -> SetLogz(fLogZ);
638  arrDcaVsPtAllPad[iDca] -> SetTopMargin(xyMarginPad[0]);
639  arrDcaVsPtAllPad[iDca] -> SetRightMargin(xyMarginPad[1]);
640  arrDcaVsPtAllPad[iDca] -> SetBottomMargin(xyMarginPad[2]);
641  arrDcaVsPtAllPad[iDca] -> SetLeftMargin(xyMarginPad[3]);
642  arrDcaVsPtSelPad[iDca] -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
643  arrDcaVsPtSelPad[iDca] -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
644  arrDcaVsPtSelPad[iDca] -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
645  arrDcaVsPtSelPad[iDca] -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
646  arrDcaVsPtSelPad[iDca] -> SetLogz(fLogZ);
647  arrDcaVsPtSelPad[iDca] -> SetTopMargin(xyMarginPad[0]);
648  arrDcaVsPtSelPad[iDca] -> SetRightMargin(xyMarginPad[1]);
649  arrDcaVsPtSelPad[iDca] -> SetBottomMargin(xyMarginPad[2]);
650  arrDcaVsPtSelPad[iDca] -> SetLeftMargin(xyMarginPad[3]);
651  arrDcaVsPtPlots[iDca] -> cd();
652  arrDcaVsPtAllPad[iDca] -> Draw();
653  arrDcaVsPtSelPad[iDca] -> Draw();
654  arrDcaVsPtAllPad[iDca] -> cd();
655  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> Draw("colz");
656  arrFitsNeg[iDca] -> Draw("same");
657  arrFitsPos[iDca] -> Draw("same");
658  arrDcaVsPtSelPad[iDca] -> cd();
659  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> Draw("colz");
660  ptInfo -> Draw();
661  fOutput -> cd();
662  arrDcaVsPtPlots[iDca] -> Write();
663  arrDcaVsPtPlots[iDca] -> Close();
664  } // end variable loop
666  // make dca xy vs. z plot
667  TCanvas* cDcaXYvsZ = new TCanvas(, "", allVsSelDim.first, allVsSelDim.second);
668  TPad* pDcaXYvsZAll = new TPad(, "", xyAllPad[0], xyAllPad[1], xyAllPad[2], xyAllPad[3]);
669  TPad* pDcaXYvsZSel = new TPad(, "", xySelPad[0], xySelPad[1], xySelPad[2], xySelPad[3]);
670  cDcaXYvsZ -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
671  cDcaXYvsZ -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
672  cDcaXYvsZ -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
673  cDcaXYvsZ -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
674  pDcaXYvsZAll -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
675  pDcaXYvsZAll -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
676  pDcaXYvsZAll -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
677  pDcaXYvsZAll -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
678  pDcaXYvsZAll -> SetLogz(fLogZ);
679  pDcaXYvsZAll -> SetTopMargin(xyMarginPad[0]);
680  pDcaXYvsZAll -> SetRightMargin(xyMarginPad[1]);
681  pDcaXYvsZAll -> SetBottomMargin(xyMarginPad[2]);
682  pDcaXYvsZAll -> SetLeftMargin(xyMarginPad[3]);
683  pDcaXYvsZSel -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
684  pDcaXYvsZSel -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
685  pDcaXYvsZSel -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
686  pDcaXYvsZSel -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
687  pDcaXYvsZSel -> SetLogz(fLogZ);
688  pDcaXYvsZSel -> SetTopMargin(xyMarginPad[0]);
689  pDcaXYvsZSel -> SetRightMargin(xyMarginPad[1]);
690  pDcaXYvsZSel -> SetBottomMargin(xyMarginPad[2]);
691  pDcaXYvsZSel -> SetLeftMargin(xyMarginPad[3]);
692  cDcaXYvsZ -> cd();
693  pDcaXYvsZAll -> Draw();
694  pDcaXYvsZSel -> Draw();
695  pDcaXYvsZAll -> cd();
696  hDcaXYvsZAll -> Draw("colz");
697  pDcaXYvsZSel -> cd();
698  hDcaXYvsZSel -> Draw("colz");
699  ptInfo -> Draw();
700  fOutput -> cd();
701  cDcaXYvsZ -> Write();
702  cDcaXYvsZ -> Close();
703  cout << " Made plots." << endl;
705  // save output & close ------------------------------------------------------
707  // save histograms
708  fOutput -> cd();
709  for (size_t iDca = 0; iDca < NDca; iDca++) {
710  arrDcaWidth[iDca] -> Write();
711  arrWidthFits[iDca] -> Write();
712  arrDcaVsPtAll[iDca] -> Write();
713  arrDcaVsPtSel[iDca] -> Write();
714  arrFitsNeg[iDca] -> Write();
715  arrFitsPos[iDca] -> Write();
716  }
717  hDcaXYvsZAll -> Write();
718  hDcaXYvsZSel -> Write();
720  // close flies
721  fOutput -> cd();
722  fOutput -> Close();
723  fInput -> cd();
724  fInput -> Close();
725  cout << " Finished with calculation!\n" << endl;
727 }
729 // end ------------------------------------------------------------------------