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1 #include "PHG4TpcDetector.h"
2 #include "PHG4TpcDefs.h"
3 #include "PHG4TpcDisplayAction.h"
9 #include <g4main/PHG4Detector.h> // for PHG4Detector
10 #include <g4main/PHG4DisplayAction.h> // for PHG4DisplayAction
11 #include <g4main/PHG4Subsystem.h>
13 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
14 #include <phool/getClass.h>
15 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
16 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
17 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
18 #include <phool/recoConsts.h>
20 #include <TSystem.h>
22 #include <Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh>
23 #include <Geant4/G4Material.hh>
24 #include <Geant4/G4PVPlacement.hh>
25 #include <Geant4/G4String.hh> // for G4String
26 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
27 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh> // for G4ThreeVector
28 #include <Geant4/G4Tubs.hh>
29 #include <Geant4/G4UserLimits.hh>
30 #include <Geant4/G4VPhysicalVolume.hh> // for G4VPhysicalVolume
32 #include <algorithm> // for max, copy
33 #include <cassert>
34 #include <cmath>
35 #include <cstdlib> // for exit
36 #include <iostream> // for basic_ostream::operator<<
37 #include <map> // for map
38 #include <sstream>
40 class G4VSolid;
41 class PHCompositeNode;
43 //_______________________________________________________________
45  : PHG4Detector(subsys, Node, dnam)
46  , m_DisplayAction(dynamic_cast<PHG4TpcDisplayAction *>(subsys->GetDisplayAction()))
47  , m_Params(parameters)
48  , m_ActiveFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("active"))
49  , m_AbsorberActiveFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("absorberactive"))
50  , m_InnerCageRadius(m_Params->get_double_param("gas_inner_radius") * cm - m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_9_thickness") * cm - m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_8_thickness") * cm - m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_7_thickness") * cm - m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_6_thickness") * cm - m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_5_thickness") * cm - m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_4_thickness") * cm - m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_3_thickness") * cm - m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_2_thickness") * cm - m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_1_thickness") * cm)
51  , m_OuterCageRadius(m_Params->get_double_param("gas_outer_radius") * cm + m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_9_thickness") * cm + m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_8_thickness") * cm + m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_7_thickness") * cm + m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_6_thickness") * cm + m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_5_thickness") * cm + m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_4_thickness") * cm + m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_3_thickness") * cm + m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_2_thickness") * cm + m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_1_thickness") * cm)
52 {
53 }
55 //_______________________________________________________________
57 {
58  if (m_ActiveFlag)
59  {
60  if (m_ActiveVolumeSet.find(volume) != m_ActiveVolumeSet.end())
61  {
62  return 1;
63  }
64  }
66  {
67  if (m_AbsorberVolumeSet.find(volume) != m_AbsorberVolumeSet.end())
68  {
69  return -1;
70  }
71  }
72  return 0;
73 }
75 //_______________________________________________________________
76 void PHG4TpcDetector::ConstructMe(G4LogicalVolume *logicWorld)
77 {
78  // create Tpc envelope
79  // tpc consists of (from inside to gas volume, outside is reversed up to now)
80  // 1st layer cu
81  // 2nd layer FR4
82  // 3rd layer HoneyComb
83  // 4th layer cu
84  // 5th layer FR4
85  // 6th layer Kapton
86  // 7th layer cu
87  // 8th layer Kapton
88  // 9th layer cu
90  double steplimits = m_Params->get_double_param("steplimits") * cm;
91  if (std::isfinite(steplimits))
92  {
93  m_G4UserLimits = new G4UserLimits(steplimits);
94  }
96  G4VSolid *tpc_envelope = new G4Tubs("tpc_envelope", m_InnerCageRadius, m_OuterCageRadius, m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_length") * cm / 2., 0., 2 * M_PI);
99  G4LogicalVolume *tpc_envelope_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(tpc_envelope,
100  GetDetectorMaterial(rc->get_StringFlag("WorldMaterial")),
101  "tpc_envelope");
102  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(tpc_envelope_logic, "TpcEnvelope");
104  ConstructTpcExternalSupports(logicWorld);
106  ConstructTpcCageVolume(tpc_envelope_logic);
107  ConstructTpcGasVolume(tpc_envelope_logic);
109  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(m_Params->get_double_param("place_x") * cm, m_Params->get_double_param("place_y") * cm, m_Params->get_double_param("place_z") * cm),
110  tpc_envelope_logic, "tpc_envelope",
111  logicWorld, 0, false, OverlapCheck());
113  // geometry node
117 }
119 int PHG4TpcDetector::ConstructTpcGasVolume(G4LogicalVolume *tpc_envelope)
120 {
121  static std::map<int, std::string> tpcgasvolname =
122  {{PHG4TpcDefs::North, "tpc_gas_north"},
123  {PHG4TpcDefs::South, "tpc_gas_south"}};
125  // Window / central membrane
126  double tpc_window_thickness = m_Params->get_double_param("window_thickness") * cm;
127  double tpc_half_length = (m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_length") * cm - tpc_window_thickness) / 2.;
129  //'window' (modernly called central membrane only) material is ENIG, not Copper:
130  //thickness in this recipe are just a ratio. we set the usual thickness below.
131  std::vector<double> thickness;
132  std::vector<std::string> material;
133  material.push_back("G4_Ni");
134  thickness.push_back(.240 * cm);
135  material.push_back("G4_Au");
136  thickness.push_back(.008 * cm);
137  G4Material *temp = nullptr;
138  temp = GetDetectorMaterial("ENIG", false);
139  if (temp == nullptr)
140  {
141  CreateCompositeMaterial("ENIG", material, thickness); //see new function below
142  }
144  G4VSolid *tpc_window = new G4Tubs("tpc_window", m_Params->get_double_param("gas_inner_radius") * cm, m_Params->get_double_param("gas_outer_radius") * cm, tpc_window_thickness / 2., 0., 2 * M_PI);
145  //we build our CM surface:
146  G4LogicalVolume *tpc_window_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(tpc_window,
147  GetDetectorMaterial("ENIG"),
148  "tpc_window");
149  //previously: GetDetectorMaterial(m_Params->get_string_param("window_surface1_material")),
151  // G4VisAttributes *visatt = new G4VisAttributes();
152  // visatt->SetVisibility(true);
153  // visatt->SetForceSolid(true);
154  // visatt->SetColor(PHG4TPCColorDefs::tpc_cu_color);
155  // tpc_window_logic->SetVisAttributes(visatt);
157  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(tpc_window_logic, "TpcWindow");
158  G4VPhysicalVolume *tpc_window_phys = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0),
159  tpc_window_logic, "tpc_window",
160  tpc_envelope, false, PHG4TpcDefs::Window, OverlapCheck());
162  m_AbsorberVolumeSet.insert(tpc_window_phys);
164  //now build the FR4 layer beneath that:
165  // Window / central membrane core
166  double tpc_window_surface1_thickness = m_Params->get_double_param("window_surface1_thickness") * cm;
167  double tpc_window_surface2_thickness = m_Params->get_double_param("window_surface2_thickness") * cm;
168  double tpc_window_surface2_core_thickness = tpc_window_thickness - 2 * tpc_window_surface1_thickness;
169  double tpc_window_core_thickness = tpc_window_surface2_core_thickness - 2 * (tpc_window_surface2_thickness);
171  G4VSolid *tpc_window_surface2_core =
172  new G4Tubs("tpc_window_surface2_core", m_Params->get_double_param("gas_inner_radius") * cm, m_Params->get_double_param("gas_outer_radius") * cm,
173  tpc_window_surface2_core_thickness / 2., 0., 2 * M_PI);
174  G4LogicalVolume *tpc_window_surface2_core_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(tpc_window_surface2_core,
175  GetDetectorMaterial(m_Params->get_string_param("window_surface2_material")),
176  "tpc_window_surface2_core");
178  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(tpc_window_surface2_core_logic, "TpcWindow");
179  // visatt = new G4VisAttributes();
180  // visatt->SetVisibility(true);
181  // visatt->SetForceSolid(true);
182  // visatt->SetColor(PHG4TPCColorDefs::tpc_pcb_color);
183  // tpc_window_surface2_core_logic->SetVisAttributes(visatt);
184  G4VPhysicalVolume *tpc_window_surface2_core_phys = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0),
185  tpc_window_surface2_core_logic, "tpc_window_surface2_core",
186  tpc_window_logic, false, PHG4TpcDefs::WindowCore, OverlapCheck());
188  m_AbsorberVolumeSet.insert(tpc_window_surface2_core_phys);
190  //and now the honeycomb core:
191  G4VSolid *tpc_window_core =
192  new G4Tubs("tpc_window", m_Params->get_double_param("gas_inner_radius") * cm, m_Params->get_double_param("gas_outer_radius") * cm,
193  tpc_window_core_thickness / 2., 0., 2 * M_PI);
194  G4LogicalVolume *tpc_window_core_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(tpc_window_core,
195  GetDetectorMaterial(m_Params->get_string_param("window_core_material")),
196  "tpc_window_core");
198  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(tpc_window_core_logic, "TpcHoneyComb");
199  G4VPhysicalVolume *tpc_window_core_phys = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0),
200  tpc_window_core_logic, "tpc_window_core",
201  tpc_window_surface2_core_logic, false, PHG4TpcDefs::WindowCore, OverlapCheck());
203  m_AbsorberVolumeSet.insert(tpc_window_core_phys);
205  // Gas
206  G4VSolid *tpc_gas = new G4Tubs("tpc_gas", m_Params->get_double_param("gas_inner_radius") * cm, m_Params->get_double_param("gas_outer_radius") * cm, tpc_half_length / 2., 0., 2 * M_PI);
208  G4LogicalVolume *tpc_gas_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(tpc_gas,
210  "tpc_gas");
212  tpc_gas_logic->SetUserLimits(m_G4UserLimits);
213  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(tpc_gas_logic, "TpcGas");
214  G4VPhysicalVolume *tpc_gas_phys = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, (tpc_half_length + tpc_window_thickness) / 2.),
215  tpc_gas_logic, tpcgasvolname[PHG4TpcDefs::North],
216  tpc_envelope, false, PHG4TpcDefs::North, OverlapCheck());
217  std::cout << "north copy no: " << tpc_gas_phys->GetCopyNo() << std::endl;
219  m_ActiveVolumeSet.insert(tpc_gas_phys);
220  tpc_gas_phys = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, -(tpc_half_length + tpc_window_thickness) / 2.),
221  tpc_gas_logic, tpcgasvolname[PHG4TpcDefs::South],
222  tpc_envelope, false, PHG4TpcDefs::South, OverlapCheck());
224  std::cout << "south copy no: " << tpc_gas_phys->GetCopyNo() << std::endl;
225  m_ActiveVolumeSet.insert(tpc_gas_phys);
227 #if G4VERSION_NUMBER >= 1033
228  const G4RegionStore *theRegionStore = G4RegionStore::GetInstance();
229  G4Region *tpcregion = theRegionStore->GetRegion("REGION_TPCGAS");
230  tpc_gas_logic->SetRegion(tpcregion);
231  tpcregion->AddRootLogicalVolume(tpc_gas_logic);
232 #endif
233  return 0;
234 }
236 int PHG4TpcDetector::ConstructTpcExternalSupports(G4LogicalVolume *logicWorld)
237 {
238  //note that these elements are outside the tpc logical volume!
240  // Two two-inch diam. 304 Stainless Steel solid 'hanger beams' at 32.05" from beam center
241  // at +/- 41.39 degrees left and right of vertical
242  //stainless steel: 0.695 iron, 0.190 chromium, 0.095 nickel, 0.020 manganese.
243  //if we're being pedantic, that is. But store-bought stainless is probably okay.
244  // G4Material *StainlessSteel = new G4Material("StainlessSteel", density = 8.02*g/cm3, 5);
245  //StainlessSteel->AddMaterial(matman->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Si"), 0.01);
246  //StainlessSteel->AddMaterial(matman->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Mn"), 0.02);
247  //StainlessSteel->AddMaterial(matman->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Cr"), 0.19);
248  //StainlessSteel->AddMaterial(matman->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Ni"), 0.10);
249  //StainlessSteel->AddMaterial(matman->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Fe"), 0.68);
250  G4Material *stainlessSteel = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_STAINLESS-STEEL");
251  double inch = 2.54 * cm;
252  // double hangerAngle = 41.39 * M_PI / 180.;
253  // double hangerRadius = 32.05 * inch;
254  double hangerX = 21.193 *inch;
255  double hangerY = 24.246* inch;
256  double hangerDiameter = 2. * inch;
257  double extra_length = 0.941*inch;
262  G4VSolid *hangerSupport = new G4Tubs("tpc_hanger_support", 0, hangerDiameter / 2., (6*inch)+extra_length, 0., 2 * M_PI);
263  G4LogicalVolume *hangerSupportLogic = new G4LogicalVolume(hangerSupport,
264  stainlessSteel,
265  "tpc_hanger_support");
267  double tpc_steel_location = (90 * inch) / 2 - 3 *inch - extra_length / 2.0;
269  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(hangerSupportLogic, "TpcHangerSupport");
270  G4VPhysicalVolume *tpc_hanger_support_phys[4] = {nullptr, nullptr,nullptr,nullptr};
271  tpc_hanger_support_phys[0] = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(hangerX, hangerY, tpc_steel_location),
272  hangerSupportLogic, "tpc_hanger_support_northleft",
273  logicWorld, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
274  tpc_hanger_support_phys[1] = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(-hangerX, hangerY, tpc_steel_location),
275  hangerSupportLogic, "tpc_hanger_support_northright",
276  logicWorld, false, 1, OverlapCheck());
277  tpc_hanger_support_phys[2] = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(hangerX, hangerY, -tpc_steel_location),
278  hangerSupportLogic, "tpc_hanger_support_southleft",
279  logicWorld, false, 2, OverlapCheck());
280  tpc_hanger_support_phys[3] = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(-hangerX, hangerY, -tpc_steel_location),
281  hangerSupportLogic, "tpc_hanger_support_southright",
282  logicWorld, false, 3, OverlapCheck());
284  m_AbsorberVolumeSet.insert(tpc_hanger_support_phys[0]);
285  m_AbsorberVolumeSet.insert(tpc_hanger_support_phys[1]);
286  m_AbsorberVolumeSet.insert(tpc_hanger_support_phys[2]);
287  m_AbsorberVolumeSet.insert(tpc_hanger_support_phys[3]);
290  G4Material *carbonFiber = GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT");
291  double hangerBeamInnerDiameter = 2.0 * inch;
292  double hangerBeamOuterDiameter = 2.521 * inch;
294  G4VSolid *hangerBeam = new G4Tubs("tpc_hanger_beam", hangerBeamInnerDiameter / 2., hangerBeamOuterDiameter / 2., (90 * inch) / 2., 0., 2 * M_PI);
295  G4LogicalVolume *hangerBeamLogic = new G4LogicalVolume(hangerBeam,
296  carbonFiber,
297  "tpc_hanger_beam");
299  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(hangerBeamLogic, "TpcHangerBeam");
300  G4VPhysicalVolume *tpc_hanger_beam_phys[2] = {nullptr, nullptr};
301  tpc_hanger_beam_phys[0] = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(hangerX, hangerY, 0),
302  hangerBeamLogic, "tpc_hanger_beam_left",
303  logicWorld, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
304  tpc_hanger_beam_phys[1] = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(-hangerX, hangerY, 0),
305  hangerBeamLogic, "tpc_hanger_beam_right",
306  logicWorld, false, 1, OverlapCheck());
308  m_AbsorberVolumeSet.insert(tpc_hanger_beam_phys[0]);
309  m_AbsorberVolumeSet.insert(tpc_hanger_beam_phys[1]);
318  //Twelve one-inch diam carbon fiber rods of thickness 1/16" at 31.04" from beam center
319  //borrowed from the INTT specification of carbon fiber
320  //note that this defines a clocking!
321  double rodAngleStart = M_PI / 12.;
322  double rodAngularSpacing = 2 * M_PI / 12.;
323  double rodRadius = 31.5 * inch;
324  double rodWallThickness = 1. / 8. * inch;
325  double rodDiameter = 3. / 4. * inch;
326  G4VSolid *tieRod = new G4Tubs("tpc_tie_rod", rodDiameter / 2. - rodWallThickness, rodDiameter / 2., (m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_length") * cm) / 2., 0., 2 * M_PI);
327  G4LogicalVolume *tieRodLogic = new G4LogicalVolume(tieRod,
328  carbonFiber,
329  "tpc_tie_rod");
331  G4VPhysicalVolume *tpc_tie_rod_phys[12] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
332  nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr};
334  std::ostringstream name;
335  for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
336  {
337  double ang = rodAngleStart + rodAngularSpacing * i;
338  name.str("");
339  name << "tpc_tie_rod_" << i;
340  tpc_tie_rod_phys[i] = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(rodRadius * cos(ang), rodRadius * sin(ang), 0),
341  tieRodLogic, name.str(),
342  logicWorld, false, i, OverlapCheck());
343  m_AbsorberVolumeSet.insert(tpc_tie_rod_phys[i]);
344  }
346  // G4VisAttributes *visatt = new G4VisAttributes();
347  // visatt->SetVisibility(true);
348  // visatt->SetForceSolid(true);
349  // visatt->SetColor(PHG4TPCColorDefs::tpc_cu_color);
350  // tpc_window_logic->SetVisAttributes(visatt);
352  return 0;
353 }
355 int PHG4TpcDetector::ConstructTpcCageVolume(G4LogicalVolume *tpc_envelope)
356 {
357  // 8th layer cu
358  // 9th layer FR4
359  // 10th layer HoneyComb
360  // 11th layer FR4
361  // 12th layer Kapton
362  // 13th layer FR4
363  static const int nlayers = 9;
364  static const double thickness[nlayers] = {m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_1_thickness") * cm,
365  m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_2_thickness") * cm,
366  m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_3_thickness") * cm,
367  m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_4_thickness") * cm,
368  m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_5_thickness") * cm,
369  m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_6_thickness") * cm,
370  m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_7_thickness") * cm,
371  m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_8_thickness") * cm,
372  m_Params->get_double_param("cage_layer_9_thickness") * cm};
374  static const std::string material[nlayers] = {m_Params->get_string_param("cage_layer_1_material"),
375  m_Params->get_string_param("cage_layer_2_material"),
376  m_Params->get_string_param("cage_layer_3_material"),
377  m_Params->get_string_param("cage_layer_4_material"),
378  m_Params->get_string_param("cage_layer_5_material"),
379  m_Params->get_string_param("cage_layer_6_material"),
380  m_Params->get_string_param("cage_layer_7_material"),
381  m_Params->get_string_param("cage_layer_8_material"),
382  m_Params->get_string_param("cage_layer_9_material")};
384  double tpc_cage_radius = m_InnerCageRadius;
385  std::ostringstream name;
386  for (int i = 0; i < nlayers; i++)
387  {
388  name.str("");
389  int layerno = i + 1;
390  name << "tpc_cage_layer_" << layerno;
391  G4VSolid *tpc_cage_layer = new G4Tubs(name.str(), tpc_cage_radius, tpc_cage_radius + thickness[i], m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_length") * cm / 2., 0., 2 * M_PI);
392  G4LogicalVolume *tpc_cage_layer_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(tpc_cage_layer,
393  GetDetectorMaterial(material[i]),
394  name.str());
395  m_DisplayAction->AddTpcInnerLayer(tpc_cage_layer_logic);
396  G4VPhysicalVolume *tpc_cage_layer_phys = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0),
397  tpc_cage_layer_logic, name.str(),
398  tpc_envelope, false, layerno, OverlapCheck());
399  m_AbsorberVolumeSet.insert(tpc_cage_layer_phys);
400  tpc_cage_radius += thickness[i];
401  }
402  // outer cage
404  tpc_cage_radius = m_OuterCageRadius;
405  for (int i = 0; i < nlayers; i++)
406  {
407  tpc_cage_radius -= thickness[i];
408  name.str("");
409  int layerno = 10 + 1 + i; // so the accompanying inner layer is layer - 10
410  name << "tpc_cage_layer_" << layerno;
411  G4VSolid *tpc_cage_layer = new G4Tubs(name.str(), tpc_cage_radius, tpc_cage_radius + thickness[i], m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_length") * cm / 2., 0., 2 * M_PI);
412  G4LogicalVolume *tpc_cage_layer_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(tpc_cage_layer,
413  GetDetectorMaterial(material[i]),
414  name.str());
415  m_DisplayAction->AddTpcOuterLayer(tpc_cage_layer_logic);
416  G4VPhysicalVolume *tpc_cage_layer_phys = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0),
417  tpc_cage_layer_logic, name.str(),
418  tpc_envelope, false, layerno, OverlapCheck());
419  m_AbsorberVolumeSet.insert(tpc_cage_layer_phys);
420  }
422  return 0;
423 }
426  std::string compositeName,
427  std::vector<std::string> materialName,
428  std::vector<double> thickness)
429 {
430  //takes in a list of material names known to Geant already, and thicknesses, and creates a new material called compositeName.
432  //check that desired material name doesn't already exist
433  G4Material *tempmat = GetDetectorMaterial(compositeName, false);
435  if (tempmat != nullptr)
436  {
437  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Fatal Error: composite material " << compositeName << " already exists" << std::endl;
438  assert(!tempmat);
439  }
441  //check that both arrays have the same depth
442  assert(materialName.size() == thickness.size());
444  //sum up the areal density and total thickness so we can divvy it out
445  double totalArealDensity = 0, totalThickness = 0;
446  for (std::vector<double>::size_type i = 0; i < thickness.size(); i++)
447  {
448  tempmat = GetDetectorMaterial(materialName[i]);
449  if (tempmat == nullptr)
450  {
451  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Fatal Error: component material " << materialName[i] << " does not exist." << std::endl;
452  gSystem->Exit(1);
453  exit(1);
454  }
455  totalArealDensity += tempmat->GetDensity() * thickness[i];
456  totalThickness += thickness[i];
457  }
459  //register a new material with the average density of the whole:
460  double compositeDensity = totalArealDensity / totalThickness;
461  G4Material *composite = new G4Material(compositeName, compositeDensity, thickness.size());
463  //now calculate the fraction due to each material, and register those
464  for (std::vector<double>::size_type i = 0; i < thickness.size(); i++)
465  {
466  tempmat = GetDetectorMaterial(materialName[i]); //don't need to check this, since we did in the previous loop.
467  composite->AddMaterial(tempmat, thickness[i] * tempmat->GetDensity() / totalArealDensity);
468  }
470  //how to register our finished material?
471  return;
472 }
475 //_______________________________________________________________
477 {
479  // create PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer and put on node tree
480  const std::string geonode_name = "CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX";
481  auto geonode = findNode::getClass<PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer>(topNode(), geonode_name);
482  if (!geonode)
483  {
484  geonode = new PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer;
485  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode());
486  auto runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
487  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(geonode, geonode_name, "PHObject");
488  runNode->addNode(newNode);
489  }
491  const std::array<int, 3> NTpcLayers =
492  {{
493  m_Params->get_int_param("ntpc_layers_inner"),
494  m_Params->get_int_param("ntpc_layers_mid"),
495  m_Params->get_int_param("ntpc_layers_outer")
496  }};
498  std::array<double, 3> MinLayer;
499  MinLayer[0] = m_Params->get_int_param("tpc_minlayer_inner");
500  MinLayer[1] = MinLayer[0] + NTpcLayers[0];
501  MinLayer[2] = MinLayer[1] + NTpcLayers[1];
503  const std::array<double, 3> MinRadius =
504  {{
505  m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_minradius_inner"),
506  m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_minradius_mid"),
507  m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_minradius_outer")
508  }};
510  const std::array<double, 3> MaxRadius =
511  {{
512  m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_maxradius_inner"),
513  m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_maxradius_mid"),
514  m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_maxradius_outer"),
515  }};
517  const std::array<double, 5> Thickness =
518  {{
519  0.687,
520  1.012,
521  1.088,
522  0.534,
523  0.595,
524  }};
526  const double drift_velocity = m_Params->get_double_param("drift_velocity");
527  const double tpc_adc_clock = m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_adc_clock");
528  const double MaxZ = m_Params->get_double_param("maxdriftlength");
529  const double TBinWidth = tpc_adc_clock;
530  const double extended_readout_time = m_Params->get_double_param("extended_readout_time");
531  const double MaxT = extended_readout_time + 2.* MaxZ / drift_velocity; // allows for extended time readout
532  const double MinT = 0;
533  const int NTBins = (int) ((MaxT - MinT) / TBinWidth) + 1;
535  std::cout << PHWHERE << "MaxT " << MaxT << " NTBins = " << NTBins << " drift velocity " << drift_velocity << std::endl;
537  const std::array<double, 3> SectorPhi =
538  {{
539  m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_sector_phi_inner"),
540  m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_sector_phi_mid"),
541  m_Params->get_double_param("tpc_sector_phi_outer")
542  }};
544  const std::array<int, 3> NPhiBins =
545  {{
546  m_Params->get_int_param("ntpc_phibins_inner"),
547  m_Params->get_int_param("ntpc_phibins_mid"),
548  m_Params->get_int_param("ntpc_phibins_outer")
549  }};
551  const std::array<double, 3> PhiBinWidth =
552  {{
553  SectorPhi[0] * 12 / (double) NPhiBins[0],
554  SectorPhi[1] * 12 / (double) NPhiBins[1],
555  SectorPhi[2] * 12 / (double) NPhiBins[2]
556  }};
558  // should move to a common file
559  static constexpr int NSides = 2;
560  static constexpr int NSectors = 12;
562  std::array<std::vector<double>, NSides > sector_R_bias;
563  std::array<std::vector<double>, NSides > sector_Phi_bias;
564  std::array<std::vector<double>, NSides > sector_min_Phi;
565  std::array<std::vector<double>, NSides > sector_max_Phi;
568  for (int iregion = 0; iregion < 3; ++iregion)
569  {
570  //int zside = 0;
571  for (int zside = 0; zside < 2;zside++)
572  {
573  sector_R_bias[zside].clear();
574  sector_Phi_bias[zside].clear();
575  sector_min_Phi[zside].clear();
576  sector_max_Phi[zside].clear();
577  //int eff_layer = 0;
578  for (int isector = 0; isector < NSectors; ++isector)//12 sectors
579  {
581  // no bias per default
582  // TODO: confirm with what is in PHG4TpcPadPlane Readout
583  sector_R_bias[zside].push_back(0);
584  sector_Phi_bias[zside].push_back(0);
586  double sec_gap = (2*M_PI - SectorPhi[iregion]*12)/12;
587  double sec_max_phi = M_PI - SectorPhi[iregion]/2 - sec_gap - 2 * M_PI / 12 * isector;// * (isector+1) ;
588  double sec_min_phi = sec_max_phi - SectorPhi[iregion];
589  sector_min_Phi[zside].push_back(sec_min_phi);
590  sector_max_Phi[zside].push_back(sec_max_phi);
591  }// isector
592  }
594  double sum_r = 0;
595  for (int layer = MinLayer[iregion]; layer < MinLayer[iregion] + NTpcLayers[iregion]; ++layer)
596  {
597  double r_length = Thickness[iregion];
598  if(iregion == 0 && layer>0){
599  if(layer%2==0) r_length = Thickness[4];
600  else r_length = Thickness[3];
601  }
602  sum_r += r_length;
603  }
604  const double pad_space = (MaxRadius[iregion] - MinRadius[iregion] - sum_r)/(NTpcLayers[iregion]-1);
605  double current_r = MinRadius[iregion];
607  for (int layer = MinLayer[iregion]; layer < MinLayer[iregion] + NTpcLayers[iregion]; ++layer)
608  {
609  if (Verbosity())
610  {
611  std::cout << " layer " << layer << " MinLayer " << MinLayer[iregion] << " region " << iregion
612  << " radius " << MinRadius[iregion] + ((double) (layer - MinLayer[iregion]) + 0.5) * Thickness[iregion]
613  << " thickness " << Thickness[iregion]
614  << " NTBins " << NTBins << " tmin " << MinT << " tstep " << TBinWidth
615  << " phibins " << NPhiBins[iregion] << " phistep " << PhiBinWidth[iregion] << std::endl;
616  }
618  auto layerseggeo = new PHG4TpcCylinderGeom;
619  layerseggeo->set_layer(layer);
621  double r_length = Thickness[iregion];
622  if(iregion == 0 && layer>0)
623  {
624  if(layer%2==0) r_length = Thickness[4];
625  else r_length = Thickness[3];
626  }
627  layerseggeo->set_thickness(r_length);
628  layerseggeo->set_radius(current_r+r_length/2);
629  layerseggeo->set_binning(PHG4CellDefs::sizebinning);
630  layerseggeo->set_zbins(NTBins);
631  layerseggeo->set_zmin(MinT);
632  layerseggeo->set_zstep(TBinWidth);
633  layerseggeo->set_phibins(NPhiBins[iregion]);
634  layerseggeo->set_phistep(PhiBinWidth[iregion]);
635  layerseggeo->set_r_bias(sector_R_bias);
636  layerseggeo->set_phi_bias(sector_Phi_bias);
637  layerseggeo->set_sector_min_phi(sector_min_Phi);
638  layerseggeo->set_sector_max_phi(sector_max_Phi);
640  // Chris Pinkenburg: greater causes huge memory growth which causes problems
641  // on our farm. If you need to increase this - TALK TO ME first
642  if (NPhiBins[iregion] * NTBins > 5100000)
643  {
644  std::cout << "increase Tpc cellsize, number of cells "
645  << NPhiBins[iregion] * NTBins << " for layer " << layer
646  << " exceed 5.1M limit" << std::endl;
647  gSystem->Exit(1);
648  }
649  geonode->AddLayerCellGeom(layerseggeo);
651  current_r += r_length + pad_space;
652  }
653  }
654  }