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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file LayerCreator.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
14 #include "Acts/Geometry/Extent.hpp"
15 #include "Acts/Geometry/Layer.hpp"
24 #include <algorithm>
25 #include <array>
26 #include <iterator>
27 #include <ostream>
28 #include <set>
29 #include <utility>
31 namespace Acts {
32 class PlanarBounds;
33 } // namespace Acts
39  std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger)
40  : m_cfg(lcConfig), m_logger(std::move(logger)) {}
43  const Acts::LayerCreator::Config& lcConfig) {
44  // @todo check consistency
45  // copy the configuration
46  m_cfg = lcConfig;
47 }
49 void Acts::LayerCreator::setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> newLogger) {
50  m_logger = std::move(newLogger);
51 }
54  const GeometryContext& gctx,
55  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, size_t binsPhi,
56  size_t binsZ, std::optional<ProtoLayer> _protoLayer,
57  const Transform3& transform, std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad) const {
58  ProtoLayer protoLayer =
59  _protoLayer ? *_protoLayer : ProtoLayer(gctx, surfaces);
61  // Remaining layer parameters - they include the envelopes
62  double layerR = protoLayer.medium(binR);
63  double layerZ = protoLayer.medium(binZ);
64  double layerHalfZ = 0.5 * protoLayer.range(binZ);
65  double layerThickness = protoLayer.range(binR);
67  ACTS_VERBOSE("Creating a cylindrical Layer:");
68  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with layer R = " << layerR);
69  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - from R min/max = " << protoLayer.min(binR, false) << " / "
70  << protoLayer.max(binR, false));
71  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with R thickness = " << layerThickness);
72  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - incl envelope = " << protoLayer.envelope[binR][0u]
73  << " / "
74  << protoLayer.envelope[binR][1u]);
76  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with z min/max = "
77  << protoLayer.min(binZ, false) << " (-"
78  << protoLayer.envelope[binZ][0u] << ") / "
79  << protoLayer.max(binZ, false) << " (+"
80  << protoLayer.envelope[binZ][1u] << ")");
82  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - z center = " << layerZ);
83  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - halflength z = " << layerHalfZ);
85  // create the layer transforms if not given
86  // we need to transform in case layerZ != 0, so that the layer will be
87  // correctly defined using the halflength
88  Translation3 addTranslation(0., 0., 0.);
89  if (transform.isApprox(Transform3::Identity())) {
90  addTranslation = Translation3(0., 0., layerZ);
91  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - layer z shift = " << -layerZ);
92  }
94  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with phi min/max = " << protoLayer.min(binPhi, false)
95  << " / "
96  << protoLayer.max(binPhi, false));
97  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - # of modules = " << surfaces.size() << " ordered in ( "
98  << binsPhi << " x " << binsZ << ")");
99  std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> sArray;
100  if (!surfaces.empty()) {
101  sArray = m_cfg.surfaceArrayCreator->surfaceArrayOnCylinder(
102  gctx, std::move(surfaces), binsPhi, binsZ, protoLayer);
104  checkBinning(gctx, *sArray);
105  }
107  // create the layer and push it back
108  std::shared_ptr<const CylinderBounds> cBounds(
109  new CylinderBounds(layerR, layerHalfZ));
111  // create the layer
113  addTranslation * transform, cBounds, std::move(sArray), layerThickness,
114  std::move(ad), active);
116  if (!cLayer) {
117  ACTS_ERROR("Creation of cylinder layer did not succeed!");
118  }
119  associateSurfacesToLayer(*cLayer);
121  // now return
122  return cLayer;
123 }
126  const GeometryContext& gctx,
127  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, BinningType bTypePhi,
128  BinningType bTypeZ, std::optional<ProtoLayer> _protoLayer,
129  const Transform3& transform, std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad) const {
130  ProtoLayer protoLayer =
131  _protoLayer ? *_protoLayer : ProtoLayer(gctx, surfaces);
133  // remaining layer parameters
134  double layerR = protoLayer.medium(binR);
135  double layerZ = protoLayer.medium(binZ);
136  double layerHalfZ = 0.5 * protoLayer.range(binZ);
137  double layerThickness = protoLayer.range(binR);
139  // adjust the layer radius
140  ACTS_VERBOSE("Creating a cylindrical Layer:");
141  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with layer R = " << layerR);
142  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - from R min/max = " << protoLayer.min(binR, false) << " / "
143  << protoLayer.max(binR, false));
144  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with R thickness = " << layerThickness);
145  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - incl envelope = " << protoLayer.envelope[binR][0u]
146  << " / "
147  << protoLayer.envelope[binR][1u]);
148  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with z min/max = "
149  << protoLayer.min(binZ, false) << " (-"
150  << protoLayer.envelope[binZ][0u] << ") / "
151  << protoLayer.max(binZ, false) << " (+"
152  << protoLayer.envelope[binZ][1u] << ")");
153  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - z center = " << layerZ);
154  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - halflength z = " << layerHalfZ);
156  // create the layer transforms if not given
157  // we need to transform in case layerZ != 0, so that the layer will be
158  // correctly defined using the halflength
159  // create the layer transforms if not given
160  Translation3 addTranslation(0., 0., 0.);
161  if (transform.isApprox(Transform3::Identity()) && bTypeZ == equidistant) {
162  addTranslation = Translation3(0., 0., layerZ);
163  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - layer z shift = " << -layerZ);
164  }
166  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with phi min/max = " << protoLayer.min(binPhi, false)
167  << " / "
168  << protoLayer.max(binPhi, false));
169  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - # of modules = " << surfaces.size() << "");
171  // create the surface array
172  std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> sArray;
173  if (!surfaces.empty()) {
174  sArray = m_cfg.surfaceArrayCreator->surfaceArrayOnCylinder(
175  gctx, std::move(surfaces), bTypePhi, bTypeZ, protoLayer);
177  checkBinning(gctx, *sArray);
178  }
180  // create the layer and push it back
181  std::shared_ptr<const CylinderBounds> cBounds(
182  new CylinderBounds(layerR, layerHalfZ));
184  // create the layer
186  addTranslation * transform, cBounds, std::move(sArray), layerThickness,
187  std::move(ad), active);
189  if (!cLayer) {
190  ACTS_ERROR("Creation of cylinder layer did not succeed!");
191  }
192  associateSurfacesToLayer(*cLayer);
194  // now return
195  return cLayer;
196 }
199  const GeometryContext& gctx,
200  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, size_t binsR,
201  size_t binsPhi, std::optional<ProtoLayer> _protoLayer,
202  const Transform3& transform, std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad) const {
203  ProtoLayer protoLayer =
204  _protoLayer ? *_protoLayer : ProtoLayer(gctx, surfaces);
206  double layerZ = protoLayer.medium(binZ);
207  double layerThickness = protoLayer.range(binZ);
209  // adjust the layer radius
210  ACTS_VERBOSE("Creating a disk Layer:");
211  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - at Z position = " << layerZ);
212  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - from Z min/max = " << protoLayer.min(binZ, false) << " / "
213  << protoLayer.max(binZ, false));
214  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with Z thickness = " << layerThickness);
215  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - incl envelope = " << protoLayer.envelope[binZ][0u]
216  << " / "
217  << protoLayer.envelope[binZ][1u]);
218  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with R min/max = "
219  << protoLayer.min(binR, false) << " (-"
220  << protoLayer.envelope[binR][0u] << ") / "
221  << protoLayer.max(binR, false) << " (+"
222  << protoLayer.envelope[binR][1u] << ")");
223  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with phi min/max = " << protoLayer.min(binPhi, false)
224  << " / "
225  << protoLayer.max(binPhi, false));
226  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - # of modules = " << surfaces.size() << " ordered in ( "
227  << binsR << " x " << binsPhi << ")");
229  // create the layer transforms if not given
230  Translation3 addTranslation(0., 0., 0.);
231  if (transform.isApprox(Transform3::Identity())) {
232  addTranslation = Translation3(0., 0., layerZ);
233  }
234  // create the surface array
235  std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> sArray;
236  if (!surfaces.empty()) {
237  sArray = m_cfg.surfaceArrayCreator->surfaceArrayOnDisc(
238  gctx, std::move(surfaces), binsR, binsPhi, protoLayer, transform);
240  checkBinning(gctx, *sArray);
241  }
243  // create the share disc bounds
244  auto dBounds = std::make_shared<const RadialBounds>(protoLayer.min(binR),
245  protoLayer.max(binR));
247  // create the layers
248  // we use the same transform here as for the layer itself
249  // for disk this is fine since we don't bin in Z, so does not matter
250  MutableLayerPtr dLayer =
251  DiscLayer::create(addTranslation * transform, dBounds, std::move(sArray),
252  layerThickness, std::move(ad), active);
254  if (!dLayer) {
255  ACTS_ERROR("Creation of disc layer did not succeed!");
256  }
257  associateSurfacesToLayer(*dLayer);
258  // return the layer
259  return dLayer;
260 }
263  const GeometryContext& gctx,
264  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, BinningType bTypeR,
265  BinningType bTypePhi, std::optional<ProtoLayer> _protoLayer,
266  const Transform3& transform, std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad) const {
267  ProtoLayer protoLayer =
268  _protoLayer ? *_protoLayer : ProtoLayer(gctx, surfaces);
270  double layerZ = protoLayer.medium(binZ);
271  double layerThickness = protoLayer.range(binZ);
273  // adjust the layer radius
274  ACTS_VERBOSE("Creating a disk Layer:");
275  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - at Z position = " << layerZ);
276  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - from Z min/max = " << protoLayer.min(binZ, false) << " / "
277  << protoLayer.max(binZ, false));
278  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with Z thickness = " << layerThickness);
279  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - incl envelope = " << protoLayer.envelope[binZ][0u]
280  << " / "
281  << protoLayer.envelope[binZ][1u]);
282  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with R min/max = "
283  << protoLayer.min(binR, false) << " (-"
284  << protoLayer.envelope[binR][0u] << ") / "
285  << protoLayer.max(binR, false) << " (+"
286  << protoLayer.envelope[binR][1u] << ")");
287  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with phi min/max = " << protoLayer.min(binPhi, false)
288  << " / "
289  << protoLayer.max(binPhi, false));
290  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - # of modules = " << surfaces.size());
292  // create the layer transforms if not given
293  Translation3 addTranslation(0., 0., 0.);
294  if (transform.isApprox(Transform3::Identity())) {
295  addTranslation = Translation3(0., 0., layerZ);
296  }
298  // create the surface array
299  std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> sArray;
300  if (!surfaces.empty()) {
301  sArray = m_cfg.surfaceArrayCreator->surfaceArrayOnDisc(
302  gctx, std::move(surfaces), bTypeR, bTypePhi, protoLayer, transform);
304  checkBinning(gctx, *sArray);
305  }
307  // create the shared disc bounds
308  auto dBounds = std::make_shared<const RadialBounds>(protoLayer.min(binR),
309  protoLayer.max(binR));
311  // create the layers
312  MutableLayerPtr dLayer =
313  DiscLayer::create(addTranslation * transform, dBounds, std::move(sArray),
314  layerThickness, std::move(ad), active);
315  if (!dLayer) {
316  ACTS_ERROR("Creation of disc layer did not succeed!");
317  }
318  associateSurfacesToLayer(*dLayer);
319  // return the layer
320  return dLayer;
321 }
324  const GeometryContext& gctx,
325  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, size_t bins1,
326  size_t bins2, BinningValue bValue, std::optional<ProtoLayer> _protoLayer,
327  const Transform3& transform, std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad) const {
328  ProtoLayer protoLayer =
329  _protoLayer ? *_protoLayer : ProtoLayer(gctx, surfaces);
331  // remaining layer parameters
332  double layerHalf1 = 0, layerHalf2 = 0, layerThickness = 0;
333  switch (bValue) {
334  case BinningValue::binX: {
335  layerHalf1 = 0.5 * (protoLayer.max(binY) - protoLayer.min(binY));
336  layerHalf2 = 0.5 * (protoLayer.max(binZ) - protoLayer.min(binZ));
337  layerThickness = (protoLayer.max(binX) - protoLayer.min(binX));
338  break;
339  }
340  case BinningValue::binY: {
341  layerHalf1 = 0.5 * (protoLayer.max(binX) - protoLayer.min(binX));
342  layerHalf2 = 0.5 * (protoLayer.max(binZ) - protoLayer.min(binZ));
343  layerThickness = (protoLayer.max(binY) - protoLayer.min(binY));
344  break;
345  }
346  case BinningValue::binZ: {
347  layerHalf1 = 0.5 * (protoLayer.max(binX) - protoLayer.min(binX));
348  layerHalf2 = 0.5 * (protoLayer.max(binY) - protoLayer.min(binY));
349  layerThickness = (protoLayer.max(binZ) - protoLayer.min(binZ));
350  break;
351  }
352  default:
353  throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid binning value");
354  }
356  double centerX = 0.5 * (protoLayer.max(binX) + protoLayer.min(binX));
357  double centerY = 0.5 * (protoLayer.max(binY) + protoLayer.min(binY));
358  double centerZ = 0.5 * (protoLayer.max(binZ) + protoLayer.min(binZ));
360  ACTS_VERBOSE("Creating a plane Layer:");
361  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with layer center = "
362  << "(" << centerX << ", " << centerY << ", " << centerZ << ")");
363  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - from X min/max = " << protoLayer.min(binX) << " / "
364  << protoLayer.max(binX));
365  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - from Y min/max = " << protoLayer.min(binY) << " / "
366  << protoLayer.max(binY));
367  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - with Z thickness = " << layerThickness);
368  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - incl envelope = " << protoLayer.envelope[bValue][0u]
369  << " / "
370  << protoLayer.envelope[bValue][1u]);
372  // create the layer transforms if not given
373  // we need to transform in case centerX/centerY/centerZ != 0, so that the
374  // layer will be correctly defined
375  Translation3 addTranslation(0., 0., 0.);
376  if (transform.isApprox(Transform3::Identity())) {
377  addTranslation = Translation3(centerX, centerY, centerZ);
378  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - layer shift = "
379  << "(" << centerX << ", " << centerY << ", " << centerZ
380  << ")");
381  }
383  std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> sArray;
384  if (!surfaces.empty()) {
385  sArray = m_cfg.surfaceArrayCreator->surfaceArrayOnPlane(
386  gctx, std::move(surfaces), bins1, bins2, bValue, protoLayer, transform);
388  checkBinning(gctx, *sArray);
389  }
391  // create the layer and push it back
392  std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> pBounds(
393  new RectangleBounds(layerHalf1, layerHalf2));
395  // create the layer
396  MutableLayerPtr pLayer =
397  PlaneLayer::create(addTranslation * transform, pBounds, std::move(sArray),
398  layerThickness, std::move(ad), active);
400  if (!pLayer) {
401  ACTS_ERROR("Creation of plane layer did not succeed!");
402  }
403  associateSurfacesToLayer(*pLayer);
405  // now return
406  return pLayer;
407 }
410  if (layer.surfaceArray() != nullptr) {
411  auto surfaces = layer.surfaceArray()->surfaces();
413  for (auto& surface : surfaces) {
414  auto mutableSurface = const_cast<Surface*>(surface);
415  mutableSurface->associateLayer(layer);
416  }
417  }
418 }
421  const SurfaceArray& sArray) const {
422  // do consistency check: can we access all sensitive surfaces
423  // through the binning? If not, surfaces get lost and the binning does not
424  // work
426  ACTS_VERBOSE("Performing consistency check")
428  std::vector<const Surface*> surfaces = sArray.surfaces();
429  std::set<const Surface*> sensitiveSurfaces(surfaces.begin(), surfaces.end());
430  std::set<const Surface*> accessibleSurfaces;
431  size_t nEmptyBins = 0;
432  size_t nBinsChecked = 0;
434  // iterate over all bins
435  size_t size = sArray.size();
436  for (size_t b = 0; b < size; ++b) {
437  std::vector<const Surface*> binContent =;
438  // we don't check under/overflow bins
439  if (!sArray.isValidBin(b)) {
440  continue;
441  }
442  for (const auto& srf : binContent) {
443  accessibleSurfaces.insert(srf);
444  }
445  if (binContent.empty()) {
446  nEmptyBins++;
447  }
448  nBinsChecked++;
449  }
451  std::vector<const Acts::Surface*> diff;
452  std::set_difference(sensitiveSurfaces.begin(), sensitiveSurfaces.end(),
453  accessibleSurfaces.begin(), accessibleSurfaces.end(),
454  std::inserter(diff, diff.begin()));
456  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - Checked " << nBinsChecked << " valid bins");
458  if (nEmptyBins > 0) {
459  ACTS_ERROR(" -- Not all bins point to surface. " << nEmptyBins << " empty");
460  } else {
461  ACTS_VERBOSE(" -- All bins point to a surface");
462  }
464  if (!diff.empty()) {
466  " -- Not all sensitive surfaces are accessible through binning. "
467  "sensitive: "
468  << sensitiveSurfaces.size()
469  << " accessible: " << accessibleSurfaces.size());
471  // print all inaccessibles
472  ACTS_ERROR(" -- Inaccessible surfaces: ");
473  for (const auto& srf : diff) {
474  // have to choose BinningValue here
475  Vector3 ctr = srf->binningPosition(gctx, binR);
476  ACTS_ERROR(" Surface(x=" << ctr.x() << ", y=" << ctr.y()
477  << ", z=" << ctr.z() << ", r=" << perp(ctr)
478  << ", phi=" << phi(ctr) << ")");
479  }
481  } else {
482  ACTS_VERBOSE(" -- All sensitive surfaces are accessible through binning.");
483  }
485  return nEmptyBins == 0 && diff.empty();
486 }