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3 #include <trackbase/TpcDefs.h>
5 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
6 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
7 #include <trackbase/ActsSurfaceMaps.h> // for ActsSurfaceMaps
8 #include <trackbase/ActsTrackingGeometry.h> // for ActsTrackingG...
9 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
11 #include <trackbase/TrkrClusterContainer.h> // for TrkrClusterCo...
12 #include <trackbase/TrkrClusterHitAssoc.h> // for TrkrClusterHi...
13 #include <trackbase/TrkrHit.h> // for TrkrHit
15 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h> // for hitkey, getLayer
16 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitSet.h>
20 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h> // for SubsysReco
25 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
26 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
27 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
28 #include <phool/getClass.h>
29 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
31 #include <TF1.h>
32 #include <TFile.h>
33 #include <TTree.h>
35 #include <cmath> // for sqrt, cos, sin
36 #include <iostream>
37 #include <map> // for _Rb_tree_cons...
38 #include <string>
39 #include <utility> // for pair
40 #include <vector>
42 namespace
43 {
44  template <class T>
45  inline constexpr T square(const T &x)
46  {
47  return x * x;
48  }
49 } // namespace
51 int findRBin(float R)
52 {
53  // Finding pad number from the center (bin) for hits
54  int binR = -1;
55  //Realistic binning
56  //double r_bins[r_bins_N+1] = {217.83,
57  // 311.05,317.92,323.31,329.27,334.63,340.59,345.95,351.91,357.27,363.23,368.59,374.55,379.91,385.87,391.23,397.19,402.49,
58  // 411.53,421.70,431.90,442.11,452.32,462.52,472.73,482.94,493.14,503.35,513.56,523.76,533.97,544.18,554.39,564.59,574.76,
59  // 583.67,594.59,605.57,616.54,627.51,638.48,649.45,660.42,671.39,682.36,693.33,704.30,715.27,726.24,737.21,748.18,759.11};
60  const int r_bins_N = 53;
61  double r_bins[r_bins_N + 1];
62  r_bins[0] = 30.3125;
63  double bin_width = 0.625;
64  for (int i = 1; i < r_bins_N; i++)
65  {
66  if (i == 16) bin_width = 0.9375;
67  if (i > 16) bin_width = 1.25;
68  if (i == 31) bin_width = 1.1562;
69  if (i > 31) bin_width = 1.0624;
71  r_bins[i] = r_bins[i - 1] + bin_width;
72  }
74  double R_min = 30;
75  while (R > R_min)
76  {
77  binR += 1;
78  R_min = r_bins[binR];
79  }
80  return binR;
81 }
83 //____________________________________________________________________________..
85  : SubsysReco(name)
86 {
87  std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift(const std::string &name) Calling ctor" << std::endl;
88 }
91 {
92  bool reject_it = false;
94  // sector boundaries occur every 1/12 of the full phi bin range
95  int PhiBins = layergeom->get_phibins();
96  int PhiBinsSector = PhiBins / 12;
98  double radius = layergeom->get_radius();
99  double PhiBinSize = 2.0 * radius * M_PI / (double) PhiBins;
101  // sector starts where?
102  int sector_lo = sector * PhiBinsSector;
103  int sector_hi = sector_lo + PhiBinsSector - 1;
105  int sector_fiducial_bins = (int) (SectorFiducialCut / PhiBinSize);
107  if (phibin < sector_lo + sector_fiducial_bins || phibin > sector_hi - sector_fiducial_bins)
108  {
109  reject_it = true;
110  }
112  return reject_it;
113 }
114 //____________________________________________________________________________..
116 {
117  std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::~PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift() Calling dtor" << std::endl;
118 }
120 //____________________________________________________________________________..
122 {
123  //outfile = new TFile(_filename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
124  _hit_z = 0;
125  _hit_r = 0;
126  _hit_phi = 0;
127  _hit_e = 0;
128  _hit_adc = 0;
129  _hit_adc_bls = 0;
130  _hit_layer = -1;
131  _hit_sector = -1;
132  if (_writeTree == 1)
133  {
134  outfile = new TFile(_filename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
135  _rawHits = new TTree("hTree", "tpc hit tree for base-line shift tests");
136  _rawHits->Branch("z", &_hit_z);
137  _rawHits->Branch("r", &_hit_r);
138  _rawHits->Branch("phi", &_hit_phi);
139  _rawHits->Branch("e", &_hit_e);
140  _rawHits->Branch("adc", &_hit_adc);
141  _rawHits->Branch("adc_BLS", &_hit_adc_bls);
142  _rawHits->Branch("hit_layer", &_hit_layer);
143  _rawHits->Branch("_hit_sector", &_hit_sector);
144  }
145  return 0;
146  //std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::Init(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Initializing" << std::endl;
147  //return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK;
148 }
150 //____________________________________________________________________________..
152 {
153  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
155  // Looking for the DST node
156  PHCompositeNode *dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
157  if (!dstNode)
158  {
159  std::cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl;
161  }
163  std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::InitRun(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Initializing for Run XXX" << std::endl;
165 }
167 //____________________________________________________________________________..
169 {
170  // int print_layer = 18;
172  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
173  {
174  std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::Process_Event" << std::endl;
175  }
177  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
178  PHCompositeNode *dstNode = static_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
179  if (!dstNode)
180  {
181  std::cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl;
183  }
185  // get node containing the digitized hits
186  m_hits = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
187  if (!m_hits)
188  {
189  std::cout << PHWHERE << "ERROR: Can't find node TRKR_HITSET" << std::endl;
191  }
193  // get node for clusters
194  m_clusterlist = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTER");
195  if (!m_clusterlist)
196  {
197  std::cout << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find TRKR_CLUSTER." << std::endl;
199  }
201  // get node for cluster hit associations
202  m_clusterhitassoc = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterHitAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTERHITASSOC");
203  if (!m_clusterhitassoc)
204  {
205  std::cout << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find TRKR_CLUSTERHITASSOC" << std::endl;
207  }
209  PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer *geom_container =
210  findNode::getClass<PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, "CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX");
211  if (!geom_container)
212  {
213  std::cout << PHWHERE << "ERROR: Can't find node CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX" << std::endl;
215  }
217  m_tGeometry = findNode::getClass<ActsTrackingGeometry>(topNode,
218  "ActsTrackingGeometry");
219  if (!m_tGeometry)
220  {
221  std::cout << PHWHERE
222  << "ActsTrackingGeometry not found on node tree. Exiting"
223  << std::endl;
225  }
227  m_surfMaps = findNode::getClass<ActsSurfaceMaps>(topNode,
228  "ActsSurfaceMaps");
229  if (!m_surfMaps)
230  {
231  std::cout << PHWHERE
232  << "ActsSurfaceMaps not found on node tree. Exiting"
233  << std::endl;
235  }
237  // The hits are stored in hitsets, where each hitset contains all hits in a given TPC readout (layer, sector, side), so clusters are confined to a hitset
238  // The TPC clustering is more complicated than for the silicon, because we have to deal with overlapping clusters
240  // loop over the TPC HitSet objects
242  //const int num_hitsets = std::distance(hitsetrange.first,hitsetrange.second);
244  //Loop over R positions & sectors
245  for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitsetitr = hitsetrange.first;
246  hitsetitr != hitsetrange.second;
247  ++hitsetitr)
248  {
249  TrkrHitSet *hitset = hitsetitr->second;
250  unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitsetitr->first);
251  int side = TpcDefs::getSide(hitsetitr->first);
252  unsigned int sector = TpcDefs::getSectorId(hitsetitr->first);
253  PHG4TpcCylinderGeom *layergeom = geom_container->GetLayerCellGeom(layer);
255  _hit_sector = sector;
256  _hit_layer = layer;
258  double radius = layergeom->get_radius(); //in cm
260  _hit_r = radius;
262  unsigned short NPhiBins = (unsigned short) layergeom->get_phibins();
263  unsigned short NPhiBinsSector = NPhiBins / 12;
264  unsigned short NZBins = (unsigned short) layergeom->get_zbins();
265  unsigned short NZBinsSide = NZBins / 2;
266  unsigned short NZBinsMin = 0;
267  unsigned short PhiOffset = NPhiBinsSector * sector;
269  if (side == 0)
270  {
271  NZBinsMin = 0;
272  NZBinsMax = NZBins / 2 - 1;
273  }
274  else
275  {
276  NZBinsMin = NZBins / 2;
277  NZBinsMax = NZBins;
278  }
279  unsigned short ZOffset = NZBinsMin;
280  //Gives per pad ADC for particular R and sector in event
281  int perPadADC = 0;
282  unsigned short phibins = NPhiBinsSector;
283  unsigned short phioffset = PhiOffset;
284  unsigned short zbins = NZBinsSide;
285  unsigned short zoffset = ZOffset;
286  float sumADC = perPadADC; // 14 lines later just set to zero
288  //phibins - number of pads in the sector
289  //The Sampa clock time is 18.8 MHz, so the sampling time is 53.2 ns = 1 Z bin.
290  //The Z bin range for one side of the TPC is 0-248.
291  //Check: 249 bins x 53.2 ns = 13.2 microseconds.
292  //The maximum drift time in the TPC is 13.2 microseconds.
293  //So, 53.2 ns / Z bin.
295  TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1", "[0]*exp(-(x-[1])/[2])", 0, 1000);
296  f1->SetParameter(0, 0.005);
297  f1->SetParameter(1, 0);
298  f1->SetParameter(2, 60); // in terms of 50nsec time bins
300  // sumADC=0.; // this is set to zero 14 lines up (perPadADC is zero)
301  TrkrHitSet::ConstRange hitrangei = hitset->getHits();
303  std::vector<unsigned short> adcval(zbins, 0);
304  // std::multimap<unsigned short, ihit> all_hit_map;
305  // std::vector<ihit> hit_vect;
306  // Loop over phi & z
307  for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator hitr = hitrangei.first; hitr != hitrangei.second; ++hitr)
308  {
309  unsigned short phibin = TpcDefs::getPad(hitr->first) - phioffset;
310  unsigned short zbin = TpcDefs::getTBin(hitr->first) - zoffset;
311  float_t fadc = (hitr->second->getAdc()); // proper int rounding +0.5
312  unsigned short adc = 0;
313  if (fadc > 0)
314  {
315  adc = (unsigned short) fadc;
316  }
317  if (phibin >= phibins) continue;
318  if (zbin >= zbins) continue; // zbin is unsigned int, <0 cannot happen
319  adcval[zbin] = (unsigned short) adc;
320  sumADC += adc;
321  }
322  //Define ion-induced charge
323  sumADC /= phibins;
324  float ind_charge = -0.5 * sumADC * _CScale; //CScale is the coefficient related to the capacitance of the bottom layer of the bottom GEM
325  double pi = M_PI;
327  for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator hitr = hitrangei.first; hitr != hitrangei.second; ++hitr)
328  {
329  unsigned short phibin = TpcDefs::getPad(hitr->first);
330  unsigned short tbin = TpcDefs::getTBin(hitr->first);
331  // Get the hitkey
333  TrkrHit *hit = nullptr;
334  hit = hitsetitr->second->getHit(hitkey);
336  tbin = TpcDefs::getTBin(hitr->first);
337  phibin = TpcDefs::getPad(hitr->first);
338  double phi_center = layergeom->get_phicenter(phibin);
339  if (phi_center < 0) phi_center += 2 * pi;
340  _hit_phi = phi_center;
341  _hit_z = AdcClockPeriod * MaxTBins * _drift_velocity / 2.0 - layergeom->get_zcenter(tbin) * _drift_velocity;
342  if(side == 0) _hit_z *= -1.0;
344  if (hit) _hit_e = hit->getEnergy();
345  _hit_adc = 0;
346  _hit_adc_bls = 0;
348  float_t fadc = (hitr->second->getAdc()); // proper int rounding +0.5
349  _hit_adc = fadc;
350  _hit_adc_bls = _hit_adc + int(ind_charge);
352  if (hit && _hit_adc > 0)
353  {
354  //Trkr hit has only one value m_adc which is energy and ADC at the same time
355  if (_hit_adc_bls > 0)
356  {
357  hit->setAdc(_hit_adc_bls);
358  }
359  else
360  {
361  hit->setAdc(0);
362  }
363  }
364  if (_writeTree == 1) _rawHits->Fill();
365  }
367  //hitsetitr++;
368  }
370  //pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);
372  // wait for completion of all threads
373  //for( const auto& thread_pair:threads )
374  //{
375  // int rc2 = pthread_join(thread_pair.thread, nullptr);
376  // if (rc2)
377  // { std::cout << "Error:unable to join," << rc2 << std::endl; }
378  //}
380  if (Verbosity() > 0)
381  std::cout << "TPC Clusterizer found " << m_clusterlist->size() << " Clusters " << std::endl;
382  std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::process_event(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Processing Event" << std::endl;
384 }
386 //____________________________________________________________________________..
387 //int PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::ResetEvent(PHCompositeNode *topNode)
388 //{
389 // std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::ResetEvent(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Resetting internal structures, prepare for next event" << std::endl;
390 // return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK;
391 //}
393 //____________________________________________________________________________..
394 //int PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::EndRun(const int runnumber)
395 //{
396 // std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::EndRun(const int runnumber) Ending Run for Run " << runnumber << std::endl;
397 // return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK;
398 //}
400 //____________________________________________________________________________..
402 {
403  if (_writeTree == 1)
404  {
405  outfile->cd();
406  outfile->Write();
407  outfile->Close();
408  std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::End(PHCompositeNode *topNode) This is the End..." << std::endl;
409  }
410  //return 0;
412 }
414 //____________________________________________________________________________..
415 //int PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::Reset(PHCompositeNode *topNode)
416 //{
417 // std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::Reset(PHCompositeNode *topNode) being Reset" << std::endl;
418 // return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK;
419 //}
421 //____________________________________________________________________________..
422 //void PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::Print(const std::string &what) const
423 //{
424 // std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::Print(const std::string &what) const Printing info for " << what << std::endl;
425 //}
427 {
428  _CScale = CScale;
429  std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::setFileName: Scale factor is set to:" << CScale << std::endl;
430 }
432 {
434  std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::setFileName: Output file name for PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift is set to:" << filename << std::endl;
435 }
437 {
438  _writeTree = f_writeTree;
439  std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadBaselineShift::writeTree: True" << std::endl;
440 }