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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file GammaNeutronEnergy.C
1 void EdepPercentSmall (/*TH1 *h1*/)//const char *part="e")//,int nevent = 1000)
2 {
3  cout << "TEST VII" << endl;
4  char infile[100];
5  int pz[9] = {1,2,4,8,12,16,32,40,50};
6  double x[9];
7  double means[9] = {0};
8  double y[9];
9  double mval = 0;
10  int lastbincont = 0;
11  bool lastbin = false;
12  int var = 11;
13  double intnum[1000] = {0};
14  double varnum[1000] = {0};
15  char *part[] = {"anti_neutron"};
16  int i = 0;
17  int w =4;
18  //TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("TresGraphitos","stupid graph",1);
19  // TH1F *h4 = new TH1F("histo","histo",1000,0,.5);
20  //TH2F *h3 = new TH2F("HistoGraph","HistoGraph",1000,0,.55,1000,0,1.2);
21  // TMarker *grmark = new TMarker();
22  // TCanvas *c19 = new TCanvas();
23  // h3->Draw();
24  for (int q=0; q<1; q++)
25  {
26  for (int w=0; w<9;w++)
27  {
28  cout << "TEST VI" << endl;
29  char ffile[100];
30  sprintf(ffile,"/phenix/u/jpinkenburg/sPHENIX/analysis/AntiSigma/macros/HistoBaseFiles/%s_ThinBins.root", part[q]);
31  TFile *f = TFile::Open(ffile);
32  char hname[100];
33  sprintf(hname,"%s%dd",part[q],pz[w]);
34  TH1F *h1 = (TH1F *)f->Get(hname);
35  var = 11;
36  i = 0;
37  while (var <= 8001)
38  {
40  if (i<1000)
41  {
42  varnum[i] = .005*(i);
43  intnum[i] = (h1->Integral(1,var))/(h1->Integral());
44  i++;
45  }
46  var+=10;
47  }
48  varnum[0] = 0;
49  intnum[0] = 0;
50  char fname [100];
51  sprintf(fname, "Gamma_Neutron_Energy_Graphs.root");
52  TFile *fout = TFile::Open(fname,"UPDATE");
53  // h1->Write();
54  //fout->Write();
55  f->Close();
56  //char hname[100];
57  //sprintf(hname,"%s%dGeV",part[q],pz[w]);
58  // cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << " " << pz[i] << endl;
59  //TH2 *h2 = new TH2F("hname","hname",1,0,5,1,0,1.2);
60  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
63  TMarker *mean = new TMarker();
64  mean->SetMarkerStyle(20);
65  mean->SetMarkerColor(3);
66  char canvname[100];
67  sprintf(canvname,"%s%d",part[q],pz[w]);
68  //TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas(canvname,"stupid graph",1);
69  //double dtot[9] = {0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9};
70  cout << "TEST V" << endl;
71  TGraph *gr = new TGraph((i-2),varnum,intnum);
72  char gtitle[100];
73  sprintf(gtitle,"%s%dGeV;ConeSize;Percentage of Energy Deposited",part[q],pz[w]);
74  char gname[100];
75  sprintf(gname,"%s%dGeV",part[q],pz[w]);
76  cout << intnum[50] << " " << varnum[50] << endl;
77  gr->SetTitle(gtitle);
78  gr->SetName(gname);
79  gr->SetMarkerStyle(20);
80  if (part[q] == "anti_neutron")
81  {
82  gr->SetMarkerColor(4);
83  }
84  else if (part[q] == "neutron")
85  {
86  gr->SetMarkerColor(2);
87  }
88  else if (part[q] == "gamma")
89  {
90  gr->SetMarkerColor(3);
91  }
92  else
93  {
94  cout << "idiot" << endl;
95  }
96  gr->SetMaximum(1.2);
97  //h2->Draw();
98  //gr->Draw("A*");
99  //gr->Draw("ALP")
100  //c3->DrawFrame(0,0,0.5,1.2);
101  // gr->PaintGrapHist((i-1),varnum,intnum,"chopt");
102  // gr->SetHistogram(h4);
103  //h4->Write();
104  gr->Write();
105  cout << "TEST 1" << endl;
106  // TH2F *h3 = (TH2F *) "HistoGraph";
107  cout << "TEST II" << endl;
109  cout << "TEST III" << endl;
110  //h3->Write();
111  cout << "TEST IV" << endl;
112  //double x;
113  //double y;
114  //gr()->GetPoint(
116  fout->Write();
117  fout->Close();
118  // gr->Close();
119  for (int a=0;a<1000;a++)
120  {
121  intnum[a] = 0;
122  varnum[a] = 0;
123  }
125  }
126  }
128  /* int engy[2] = {2,50};
129  for (int j=2;j<2;j++)
130  {
131  cout << "TEST VIII" << endl;
132  TFile *fhist = TFile::Open("PosterHistos.root");
133  cout << "TEST IX" << endl;
134  // char anhtotname[300];
135  //sprintf(anhtotname,"anti_neutron%dGeV;ConeSize;Percentage of Energy Deposited",pz[j]);
136  // auto h32 = (TH2F*)fhist->Get(anhtotname);
137  char nhtotname[300];
138  sprintf(nhtotname,"neutron%dGeV;ConeSize;Percentage of Energy Deposited",engy[j]);
139  auto h12 = (TH2F*)fhist->Get(nhtotname);
140  cout << "TEST X" << endl;
141  char ghtotname[300];
142  sprintf(ghtotname,"gamma%dGeV;ConeSize;Percentage of Energy Deposited",engy[j]);
143  auto h22 = (TH2F*)fhist->Get(ghtotname);
144  cout << "TEST XI" << endl;
145  TCanvas *c12 = new TCanvas();
146  cout << "TEST XII" << endl;
147  // h32->Draw();
148  cout << "TEST XIII" << endl;
149  h12->Draw();
150  h22->Draw("PMC same");
151  cout <<"TEST XIV" << endl;
152  fhist->Close();
153  cout << "DONE" << endl;
154  }
155  TCanvas *c123 = new TCanvas();
156  TFile *ff = TFile::Open("PosterHistos.root");
157  auto h101 = (TH2F*)ff->Get("gamma1GeV;ConeSize;Percentage of Energy Deposited");
158  h101->Draw();
159  ff->Close();
160  for (int o=0;o<8;o++)
161  {
162  TFile *f_all = TFile::Open("PosterHistos.root");
163  char aname[200];
164  sprintf(aname,"gamma%dGeV;ConeSize;Percentage of Energy Deposited",pz[(o+1)]);
165  auto h100 = (TH2F*)f_all->Get(aname);
166  h100->Draw("PMC same");
167  f_all->Close();
169  }
170  */
171 }
174 void ThreeGraphs (/*TH1 *h1*/)//const char *part="e")//,int nevent = 1000)
175 {
177  char infile[100];
178  int pz[9] = {1,2,4,8,12,16,32,40,50};
179  double x[9];
180  double means[9] = {0};
181  double y[9];
182  double mval = 0;
183  int lastbincont = 0;
184  bool lastbin = false;
185  int var = 11;
186  double intnum[1000] = {0};
187  double varnum[1000] = {0};
188  char *part[] = {"gamma","neutron","anti_neutron"};
189  int i = 0;
190 TGraph *gr = new TGraph();
192  for (int q=0; q<3; q++)
193  {
194  // for (int w=0; w<9;w++)
195  // {
196  char ffile[100];
197  sprintf(ffile,"%s_ThinBins.root", part[q]);
198  TFile *f = TFile::Open(ffile);
199  char hname[100];
200  sprintf(hname,"%s12d",part[q]/*,pz[w]*/);
201  TH1F *h1 = (TH1F *)f->Get(hname);
202  var = 11;
203  i = 0;
204  while (var <= 8001)
205  {
207  if (i<100)
208  {
209  varnum[i] = .005*(i+1);
210  intnum[i] = (h1->Integral(1,var))/(h1->Integral());
211  }
212  var+=10;
213  i++;
214  }
215  /* mval = h1->Integral();
216  // cout << "mval " << mval << endl;
217  cout << "mval_supposed_to_be " << h4->Integral() << endl;
218  means[i] += mval;
219  mval = 0;
220  cout << "6" << endl;
221  */
223  char fname [100];
224  sprintf(fname, "PosterHistos.root");
225 y TFile *fout = TFile::Open(fname,"UPDATE");
226  h1->Write();
227  //fout->Write();
228  f->Close();
229  // cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << " " << pz[i] << endl;
230  //char canvname[100];
231  // sprintf(canvname,"%s12",part[q]/*,pz[w]*/);
233  // TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("3Graphs","stupid graph",1);
234  TH2 *h2 = new TH2F("meanvals","anti_neutron",1,0,4,1,0,50);
235  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
236  TMarker *mean = new TMarker();
237  mean->SetMarkerStyle(20);
238  mean->SetMarkerColor(3);
239  //double dtot[9] = {0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9};
240  // TGraph *gr = TGraph((i-1),varnum,intnum);
241  gr->TGraph((i-1),varnum,intnum);
242  char gname[100];
243  sprintf(gname,"12GeV;xtitle;ytitle"/*,part[q]/*,pz[w]*/);
244  gr->SetTitle(gname);
245  gr->SetName(gname);
246  gr->Draw("A*");
247  // gr->Write();
248  // c3->Update();
249  //c3->Modified();
250  // fout->Write();
251  // fout->Close();
252  // gr->Close();
253  for (int a=0;a<1000;a++)
254  {
255  intnum[a] = 0;
256  varnum[a] = 0;
257  }
258  // }
259  // }
260  }
261  fout->Write();
262  fout->Close();
263 }
269 void StupidGraphs (/*TH1 *h1*/)//const char *part="e")//,int nevent = 1000)
270 {
271  TFile *fin = TFile::Open("PosterHistos.root");
272  gROOT->cd();
273  TH2 *h2 = new TH2F("DumbGraph","TresLines",1,0,10,1,0,50);
274  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
275  TMarker *spf = new TMarker();
276  spf->SetMarkerStyle(20);
277  spf->SetMarkerColor(4);
278  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas();
279  h2->Draw();
280  double x;
281  double y;
283  char hname[100];
284  sprintf(hname, "meanvals");
285  TH2 *gr = (TH2F *) fin->Get(hname);
286  cout << "herro" << endl;
287  cout << gr()->GetPoint(1,x,y) << endl;
288 //spf->DrawMarker();
290 }