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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file conversionRate.C
2 TChain* handleFile(string name, string extension, string treename, unsigned int filecount){
3  TChain *all = new TChain(treename.c_str());
4  string temp;
5  for (int i = 0; i < filecount; ++i)
6  {
8  ostringstream s;
9  s<<i;
10  temp = name+string(s.str())+extension;
11  all->Add(temp.c_str());
12  }
13  return all;
14 }
22 TEfficiency* makepTRes(TFile* out_file,TChain* ttree=NULL,TTree* allTree=NULL){
23  //check if the spectra are in the file
24  out_file->ReOpen("READ");
25  if(out_file->Get("converted_photon_truth_pT")&&out_file->Get("all_photon_truth_pT"))
26  return new TEfficiency(*(TH1F*)out_file->Get("converted_photon_truth_pT"),*(TH1F*)out_file->Get("all_photon_truth_pT"));
27  //if they are not in the file check if the trees are NULL
28  else if(!ttree||!allTree){
29  return NULL;
30  }
31  out_file->ReOpen("UPDATE");
32  float pT;
33  float tpT;
34  float track_pT;
35  ttree->SetBranchAddress("photon_pT",&pT);
36  ttree->SetBranchAddress("tphoton_pT",&tpT);
38  vector<float> *allpT=NULL;
39  allTree->SetBranchAddress("photon_pT",&allpT);
41  TH1F *pTeffPlot = new TH1F("#frac{#it{p}^{T}}{#it{p}_{#it{truth}}^{T}}","",40,-2,2);
42  TH2F *pTefffuncPlot = new TH2F("pT_resolution_to_truthpt","",40,1,35,40,-1.5,1.5);
43  TH1F *converted_pTspec = new TH1F("converted_photon_truth_pT","",20,5,25);
44  TH1F *all_pTspec = new TH1F("all_photon_truth_pT","",20,5,25);
45  //TH1F *trackpTDist = new TH1F("truthpt","",40,0,35);
46  pTeffPlot->Sumw2();
47  converted_pTspec->Sumw2();
48  all_pTspec->Sumw2();
49  pTefffuncPlot->Sumw2();
50  //TODO need to turn off other branches
51  //make the pT spectra fo converted
52  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
53  {
54  ttree->GetEvent(event);
55  if(pT>0)pTeffPlot->Fill(pT/tpT);
56  converted_pTspec->Fill(tpT);
57  if(pT>0)pTefffuncPlot->Fill(tpT,pT/tpT);
58  //trackpTDist->Fill(track_pT);
59  }
60  //make the pT spectra for unconverted
61  for (int event = 0; event < allTree->GetEntries(); ++event)
62  {
63  allTree->GetEvent(event);
64  for(auto i : *allpT){
65  all_pTspec->Fill(i);
66  }
67  }
68  //format and save the data
69  TEfficiency* uni_rate = new TEfficiency(*converted_pTspec,*all_pTspec);
70  uni_rate->SetName("uni_rate");
71  uni_rate->Write();
72  pTeffPlot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
73  pTefffuncPlot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries());
74  TProfile* resProfile = pTefffuncPlot->ProfileX("func_prof",5,30);
75  resProfile->Write();
76  //trackpTDist->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
77  out_file->Write();
78  ttree->ResetBranchAddresses();
79  return uni_rate;
80 }
82 unsigned totalMB(string path, string extension, string hardname, string softname){
83  string name = path+hardname+extension;
84  TFile *hardFile=new TFile(name.c_str(),"READ");
85  name=path+softname+extension;
86  TFile *softFile=new TFile(name.c_str(),"READ");
87  TTree* noPhoton = (TTree*) softFile->Get("nophotonTree");
88  unsigned r=noPhoton->GetEntries()*2000000;
89  noPhoton = (TTree*) hardFile->Get("nophotonTree");
90  r+=noPhoton->GetEntries()*2000000;
91  return r;
92 }
97 TH1F* calculateRate(TEfficiency* rate,TFile* file,unsigned nMB){
98  //get the combined pythiaspec from the file then clone it to rate
99  TH1F* conversion_rate = (TH1F*)((TH1F*) file->Get("combinedpythia"))->Clone("rate");
100  //make a histogram for the uniform rate
101  TH1* uni_rate = (TH1F*)rate->GetPassedHistogram()->Clone("uni_rate");
102  uni_rate->Divide(rate->GetTotalHistogram());
103  conversion_rate->Multiply(uni_rate);
104  conversion_rate->Scale(1./nMB);
105  file->ReOpen("UPDATE");
106  conversion_rate->Write();
107  return conversion_rate;
108 }
110 void derivitvePlot(TH1F* finalrate){
111  TH1F *dplot = new TH1F("derivative","",finalrate->GetNbinsX(),5,25);
112  for (int i = 1; i < finalrate->GetNbinsX(); ++i)
113  {
114  double error;
115  dplot->SetBinContent(i,finalrate->IntegralAndError(i,finalrate->GetNbinsX(),error));
116  dplot->SetBinError(i,error);
117  }
118  dplot->Write();
119 }
122  TFile *out_file = new TFile("effplots.root","UPDATE");
123  TEfficiency* uni_rate=makepTRes(out_file);
124  string treeExtension = ".root";
125  if(!uni_rate){
126  string treePath = "/sphenix/user/vassalli/gammasample/truthconversiononlineanalysis";
127  unsigned int nFiles=200;
128  TChain *ttree = handleFile(treePath,treeExtension,"cutTreeSignal",nFiles);
129  TChain *observations = handleFile(treePath,treeExtension,"observTree",nFiles);
130  cout<<"Got tree: "<<ttree->GetName()<<" and "<<ttree->GetEntries()<<" entries"<<endl;
131  cout<<"Got tree: "<<observations->GetName()<<" and "<<observations->GetEntries()<<" entries"<<endl;
132  uni_rate=makepTRes(out_file,ttree,observations);
133  }
134  out_file->ReOpen("READ");
135  string treePath="/sphenix/user/vassalli/minBiasPythia/";
136  string softname = "softana";
137  string hardname = "hard4ana";
138  auto conversion_rate=calculateRate(uni_rate,out_file,totalMB(treePath,treeExtension,softname,hardname));
139  derivitvePlot(conversion_rate);
140 }