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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SEnergyCorrelator.sys.h
1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // 'SEnergyCorrelator.sys.h'
3 // Derek Anderson
4 // 01.27.2023
5 //
6 // A module to implement Peter Komiske's EEC library
7 // in the sPHENIX software stack for the Cold QCD
8 // Energy-Energy Correlator analysis.
9 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 #pragma once
13 using namespace std;
14 using namespace fastjet;
18 namespace SColdQcdCorrelatorAnalysis {
20  // system methods -----------------------------------------------------------
22  void SEnergyCorrelator::InitializeMembers() {
24  // print debug statement
25  if (m_inDebugMode) PrintDebug(0);
27  m_ptJetBins.clear();
28  m_inFileNames.clear();
29  m_eecLongSide.clear();
30  m_subEvtsToUse.clear();
31  m_jetCstVector.clear();
32  m_outHistVarDrAxis.clear();
33  m_outHistErrDrAxis.clear();
34  m_outHistVarLnDrAxis.clear();
35  m_outHistErrLnDrAxis.clear();
36  return;
38  } // end 'InitializeMembers()'
42  void SEnergyCorrelator::InitializeTree() {
44  // print debug statement
45  if (m_inDebugMode) PrintDebug(4);
47  // check for tree
48  if (!m_inChain) {
49  PrintError(10);
50  assert(m_inChain);
51  }
52  m_fCurrent = -1;
53  m_inChain -> SetMakeClass(1);
55  // set truth vs. reco branch addresses
56  if (m_isInputTreeTruth) {
57  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("Parton3_ID", &m_partonID[0], &m_brPartonID[0]);
58  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("Parton4_ID", &m_partonID[1], &m_brPartonID[1]);
59  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("Parton3_MomX", &m_partonMomX[0], &m_brPartonMomX[0]);
60  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("Parton3_MomY", &m_partonMomY[0], &m_brPartonMomY[0]);
61  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("Parton3_MomZ", &m_partonMomZ[0], &m_brPartonMomZ[0]);
62  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("Parton4_MomX", &m_partonMomX[1], &m_brPartonMomX[1]);
63  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("Parton4_MomY", &m_partonMomY[1], &m_brPartonMomY[1]);
64  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("Parton4_MomZ", &m_partonMomZ[1], &m_brPartonMomZ[1]);
65  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("EvtSumParEne", &m_evtSumPar, &m_brEvtSumPar);
66  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("CstID", &m_cstID, &m_brCstID);
67  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("CstEmbedID", &m_cstEmbedID, &m_brCstEmbedID);
68  } else {
69  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("EvtNumTrks", &m_evtNumTrks, &m_brEvtNumTrks);
70  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("EvtSumECalEne", &m_evtSumECal, &m_brEvtSumECal);
71  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("EvtSumHCalEne", &m_evtSumHCal, &m_brEvtSumHCal);
72  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("CstMatchID", &m_cstMatchID, &m_brCstMatchID);
73  }
75  // set generic branch addresses
76  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("EvtVtxX", &m_evtVtxX, &m_brEvtVtxX);
77  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("EvtVtxY", &m_evtVtxY, &m_brEvtVtxY);
78  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("EvtVtxZ", &m_evtVtxZ, &m_brEvtVtxZ);
79  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("EvtNumJets", &m_evtNumJets, &m_brEvtNumJets);
80  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("JetNumCst", &m_jetNumCst, &m_brJetNumCst);
81  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("JetID", &m_jetID, &m_brJetID);
82  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("JetEnergy", &m_jetEnergy, &m_brJetEnergy);
83  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("JetPt", &m_jetPt, &m_brJetPt);
84  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("JetEta", &m_jetEta, &m_brJetEta);
85  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("JetPhi", &m_jetPhi, &m_brJetPhi);
86  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("JetArea", &m_jetArea, &m_brJetArea);
87  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("CstZ", &m_cstZ, &m_brCstZ);
88  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("CstDr", &m_cstDr, &m_brCstDr);
89  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("CstEnergy", &m_cstEnergy, &m_brCstEnergy);
90  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("CstJt", &m_cstPt, &m_brCstPt);
91  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("CstEta", &m_cstEta, &m_brCstEta);
92  m_inChain -> SetBranchAddress("CstPhi", &m_cstPhi, &m_brCstPhi);
94  // announce tree setting
95  if (m_inStandaloneMode) PrintMessage(2);
96  return;
98  } // end 'InitializeTree()'
102  void SEnergyCorrelator::InitializeHists() {
104  // print debug statement
105  if (m_inDebugMode) PrintDebug(5);
107  for (size_t iPtBin = 0; iPtBin < m_nBinsJetPt; iPtBin++) {
108  TH1D* hInitialVarDrAxis = NULL;
109  TH1D* hInitialErrDrAxis = NULL;
110  TH1D* hInitialVarLnDrAxis = NULL;
111  TH1D* hInitialErrLnDrAxis = NULL;
112  m_outHistVarDrAxis.push_back(hInitialVarDrAxis);
113  m_outHistVarLnDrAxis.push_back(hInitialVarLnDrAxis);
114  m_outHistErrDrAxis.push_back(hInitialErrDrAxis);
115  m_outHistErrLnDrAxis.push_back(hInitialErrLnDrAxis);
116  }
118  // for weird cst check
119  if (m_doSecondCstLoop) {
120  vector<double> drBinEdges = m_eecLongSide[0] -> bin_edges();
121  size_t nDrBinEdges = drBinEdges.size();
123  double drBinEdgeArray[nDrBinEdges];
124  for (size_t iDrEdge = 0; iDrEdge < nDrBinEdges; iDrEdge++) {
125  drBinEdgeArray[iDrEdge] =;
126  }
127  hCstPtOneVsDr = new TH2D("hCstPtOneVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 200, 0., 100.);
128  hCstPtTwoVsDr = new TH2D("hCstPtTwoVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 200, 0., 100.);
129  hCstPtFracVsDr = new TH2D("hCstPtFracVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 500, 0., 5.);
130  hCstPhiOneVsDr = new TH2D("hCstPhiOneVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 360, -3.15, 3.15);;
131  hCstPhiTwoVsDr = new TH2D("hCstPhiTwoVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 360, -3.15, 3.15);
132  hCstEtaOneVsDr = new TH2D("hCstEtaOneVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 400, -2., 2.);
133  hCstEtaTwoVsDr = new TH2D("hCstEtaTwoVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 400, -2., 2.);
134  hDeltaPhiOneVsDr = new TH2D("hDeltaPhiOneVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 720, -6.30, 6.30);
135  hDeltaPhiTwoVsDr = new TH2D("hDeltaPhiTwoVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 720, -6.30, 6.30);
136  hDeltaEtaOneVsDr = new TH2D("hDeltaEtaOneVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 800, -4., 4.);
137  hDeltaEtaTwoVsDr = new TH2D("hDeltaEtaTwoVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 800, -4., 4.);
138  hJetPtFracOneVsDr = new TH2D("hJetPtFracOneVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 500, 0., 5.);
139  hJetPtFracTwoVsDr = new TH2D("hJetPtFracTwoVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 500, 0., 5.);
140  hCstPairWeightVsDr = new TH2D("hCstPairWeightVsDr", "", m_nBinsDr, drBinEdgeArray, 100, 0., 1.);
141  }
143  // announce histogram initialization
144  if (m_inStandaloneMode) PrintMessage(3);
145  return;
147  } // end 'InitializeHists()'
151  void SEnergyCorrelator::InitializeCorrs() {
153  // print debug statement
154  if (m_inDebugMode) PrintDebug(6);
156  // initialize correlator for each jet pt bin
157  for (size_t iPtBin = 0; iPtBin < m_nBinsJetPt; iPtBin++) {
158  m_eecLongSide.push_back(new contrib::eec::EECLongestSide<contrib::eec::hist::axis::log>(m_nPointCorr, m_nBinsDr, {m_drBinRange.first, m_drBinRange.second}));
159  }
161  // announce correlator initialization
162  if (m_inStandaloneMode) PrintMessage(4);
163  return;
165  } // end 'InitializeCorrs()'
169  void SEnergyCorrelator::PrintMessage(const uint32_t code, const uint64_t nEvts, const uint64_t event) {
171  // print debug statement
172  if (m_inDebugMode && (m_verbosity > 5)) PrintDebug(22);
174  switch (code) {
175  case 0:
176  cout << "\n Running standalone correlator calculation...\n"
177  << " Set name & modes:\n"
178  << " module name = " << << "\n"
179  << " complex mode? = " << m_inComplexMode << "\n"
180  << " standalone mode? = " << m_inStandaloneMode << "\n"
181  << " debug mode? = " << m_inDebugMode << "\n"
182  << " batch mode? = " << m_inBatchMode
183  << endl;
184  break;
185  case 1:
186  cout << " Opened files:\n"
187  << " output = " << << "\n"
188  << " inputs = {"
189  << endl;
190  for (const string& inFileName : m_inFileNames) {
191  cout << " " << << endl;
192  }
193  cout << " }" << endl;
194  break;
195  case 2:
196  cout << " Initialized input chain:\n"
197  << " tree name = " <<
198  << endl;
199  break;
200  case 3:
201  cout << " Initialized output histograms." << endl;
202  break;
203  case 4:
204  cout << " Initialized correlators." << endl;
205  break;
206  case 5:
207  cout << " Set correlator parameters:\n"
208  << " n-point = " << m_nPointCorr << ", number of dR bins = " << m_nBinsDr << "\n"
209  << " dR bin range = (" << m_drBinRange.first << ", " << m_drBinRange.second << ")"
210  << endl;
211  break;
212  case 6:
213  cout << " Set jet parameters:\n"
214  << " eta range = (" << m_etaJetRange.first << ", " << m_etaJetRange.second << ")\n"
215  << " pt range = (" << m_ptJetRange.first << ", " << m_ptJetRange.second << ")\n"
216  << " Set pTjet bins:"
217  << endl;
218  for (uint32_t iPtBin = 0; iPtBin < m_nBinsJetPt; iPtBin++) {
219  cout << " bin[" << iPtBin << "] = (" << << ", " << << ")" << endl;
220  }
221  break;
222  case 7:
223  cout << " Beginning event loop: " << nEvts << " events to process..." << endl;
224  break;
225  case 8:
226  if (m_inBatchMode) {
227  cout << " processing event " << (event + 1) << "/" << nEvts << "..." << endl;
228  } else {
229  cout << " processing event " << (event + 1) << "/" << nEvts << "...\r" << flush;
230  if ((event + 1) == nEvts) cout << endl;
231  }
232  break;
233  case 9:
234  cout << " Analysis finished!" << endl;
235  break;
236  case 10:
237  cout << " Saved output histograms." << endl;
238  break;
239  case 11:
240  cout << " Finished correlator calculation!\n" << endl;
241  break;
242  case 12:
243  cout << " Set constituent parameters:\n"
244  << " apply constituent cuts? = " << m_applyCstCuts << "\n"
245  << " momentum range = (" << m_momCstRange.first << ", " << m_momCstRange.second << ")\n"
246  << " dr range = (" << m_drCstRange.first << ", " << m_drCstRange.second << ")"
247  << endl;
248  break;
249  case 13:
250  cout << " Finished event loop!" << endl;
251  break;
252  case 14:
253  cout << " Extracted output histograms from correlators." << endl;
254  break;
255  case 15:
256  cout << " Set which sub-events to use:" << endl;
257  switch (m_subEvtOpt) {
258  case 1:
259  cout << " Option " << m_subEvtOpt << ": use only signal event" << endl;
260  break;
261  case 2:
262  cout << " Option " << m_subEvtOpt << ": use only background events" << endl;
263  break;
264  case 3:
265  cout << " Option " << m_subEvtOpt << ": use only primary background event" << endl;
266  break;
267  case 4:
268  cout << " Option " << m_subEvtOpt << ": use only pileup events" << endl;
269  break;
270  case 5:
271  cout << " Option " << m_subEvtOpt << ": use events only with these embedding IDs: ";
272  for (size_t iEvtToUse = 0; iEvtToUse < m_subEvtsToUse.size(); iEvtToUse++) {
273  cout << m_subEvtsToUse[iEvtToUse];
274  if ((iEvtToUse + 1) < m_subEvtsToUse.size()) {
275  cout << ", ";
276  } else {
277  cout << endl;
278  }
279  } // end sub-event id loop
280  break;
281  default:
282  cout << " Option " << m_subEvtOpt << ": use everything (check what you entered)" << endl;
283  break;
284  }
285  break;
286  }
287  return;
289  } // end 'PrintMessage(uint32_t)'
292  void SEnergyCorrelator::PrintDebug(const uint32_t code) {
294  // print debug statement
295  if (m_inDebugMode && (m_verbosity > 7)) {
296  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::PrintDebug(uint32_t) printing a debugging statement..." << endl;
297  }
299  switch (code) {
300  case 0:
301  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::InitializeMembers() initializing internal variables..." << endl;
302  break;
303  case 1:
304  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::SEnergyCorrelator(string, bool, bool) calling ctor..." << endl;
305  break;
306  case 2:
307  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::Init(PHCompositeNode*) initializing..." << endl;
308  break;
309  case 3:
310  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::GrabInputNode() grabbing input node..." << endl;
311  break;
312  case 4:
313  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::InitializeTree() initializing input tree..." << endl;
314  break;
315  case 5:
316  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::InitializeHists() initializing histograms..." << endl;
317  break;
318  case 6:
319  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::InitializeCorrs() initializing correlators" << endl;
320  break;
321  case 7:
322  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::process_event(PHCompositeNode*) processing event..." << endl;
323  break;
324  case 8:
325  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::End(PHCompositeNode*) this is the end..." << endl;
326  break;
327  case 9:
328  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::SaveOutput() saving output..." << endl;
329  break;
330  case 10:
331  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::Init() initializing..." << endl;
332  break;
333  case 11:
334  cout << "SenergyCorrelator::OpenInputFile() opening input file..." << endl;
335  break;
336  case 12:
337  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::Analyze() analyzing input..." << endl;
338  break;
339  case 13:
340  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::End() this is the end..." << endl;
341  break;
342  case 14:
343  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::~SEnergyCorrelator() calling dtor..." << endl;
344  break;
345  case 15:
346  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::OpenOutputFile() opening output file..." << endl;
347  break;
348  case 16:
349  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::GetEntry(uint64_t) getting tree entry..." << endl;
350  break;
351  case 17:
352  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::LoadTree(uint64_t) loading tree..." << endl;
353  break;
354  case 18:
355  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::SetInputTree(string, bool) setting input tree name..." << endl;
356  break;
357  case 19:
358  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::SetCorrelatorParameters(uint32_t, uint64_t, pair<double, double>) setting correlator parameters..." << endl;
359  break;
360  case 20:
361  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::SetJetParameters(vector<pair<double, double>>, pair<double, double>) setting jet parameters..." << endl;
362  break;
363  case 21:
364  cout << "SEnergyCorrelators:CheckCriticalParameters() checking critical parameters..." << endl;
365  break;
366  case 22:
367  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::PrintMessage(uint32_t, uint64_t, uint64_t) printing a message..." << endl;
368  break;
369  case 23:
370  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::PrintError(uint32_t) printing an error..." << endl;
371  break;
372  case 24:
373  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::SetConstituentParameters(pair<double, double>, pair<double, double>) setting constituent parameters..." << endl;
374  break;
375  case 25:
376  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::ExtractHistsFromCorr() extracting output histograms..." << endl;
377  break;
378  case 26:
379  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::ApplyJetCuts(double, double) applying jet cuts..." << endl;
380  break;
381  case 27:
382  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::ApplyCstCuts(double, double) applying constituent cuts..." << endl;
383  break;
384  case 28:
385  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::GetJetPtBin(double) getting jet pT bin..." << endl;
386  break;
387  case 29:
388  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::CloseInputFile() closing input file..." << endl;
389  break;
390  case 30:
391  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::CloseOutputFile() closing output file..." << endl;
392  break;
393  case 31:
394  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::DoCorrelatorCalculation() looping over events and calculating correlators..." << endl;
395  break;
396  case 32:
397  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::SetSubEventsToUse(uint16_t, vector<int>) setting sub-events to use..." << endl;
398  break;
399  case 33:
400  cout << "SEnergyCorrelator::CheckIfSubEvtGood(int) checking if sub-event is good..." << endl;
401  break;
402  }
403  return;
405  } // end 'PrintDebug(uint32_t)'
409  void SEnergyCorrelator::PrintError(const uint32_t code, const size_t nDrBinEdges, const size_t iDrBin, const string sInFileName) {
411  // print debug statement
412  if (m_inDebugMode && (m_verbosity > 5)) PrintDebug(23);
414  switch (code) {
415  case 0:
416  if (m_inComplexMode) {
417  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::Init(PHCompositeNode*) PANIC: calling complex method in standalone mode! Aborting!" << endl;
418  } else {
419  cerr << "PANIC: calling complex method in standalone mode! Aborting!" << endl;
420  }
421  break;
422  case 1:
423  if (m_inComplexMode) {
424  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::GrabInputNode() PANIC: couldn't grab node \"" << m_inNodeName << "\"! Aborting!" << endl;
425  } else {
426  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't grab node \"" << m_inNodeName << "\"! Aborting!" << endl;
427  }
428  break;
429  case 2:
430  if (m_inComplexMode) {
431  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::GrabInputNode() PANIC: couldn't grab tree \"" << m_inTreeName << "\" from node \"" << m_inNodeName << "\"! Aborting!" << endl;
432  } else {
433  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't grab tree \"" << m_inTreeName << "\" from node \"" << m_inNodeName << "\"! Aborting!" << endl;
434  }
435  break;
436  case 3:
437  if (m_inComplexMode) {
438  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::process_event(PHCompositeNode*) PANIC: calling complex method in standalone mode! Aborting!" << endl;
439  } else {
440  cerr << "PANIC: calling complex method in standalone mode! Aborting!" << endl;
441  }
442  break;
443  case 4:
444  if (m_inComplexMode) {
445  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::End(PHCompositeNode*) PANIC: calling complex method in standalone mode! Aborting!" << endl;
446  } else {
447  cerr << "PANIC: calling complex method in standalone mode! Aborting!" << endl;
448  }
449  break;
450  case 5:
451  if (m_inComplexMode) {
452  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::Init() PANIC: calling standalone method in complex mode! Aborting!" << endl;
453  } else {
454  cerr << "PANIC: calling standalone method in complex mode! Aborting!" << endl;
455  }
456  break;
457  case 6:
458  if (m_inComplexMode) {
459  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::OpenInputFiles() PANIC: couldn't create input TChain! Aborting" << endl;
460  } else {
461  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't create input TChain! Aborting!" << endl;
462  }
463  break;
464  case 7:
465  if (m_inComplexMode) {
466  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::OpenInputFiles() PANIC: couldn't grab tree \"" << m_inTreeName << "\" from file \"" << sInFileName << "\"! Aborting!" << endl;
467  } else {
468  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't grab tree \"" << m_inTreeName << "\" from file \"" << sInFileName << "\"! Aborting!" << endl;
469  }
470  break;
471  case 8:
472  if (m_inComplexMode) {
473  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::Analyze() PANIC: calling standalone method in complex mode! Aborting!" << endl;
474  } else {
475  cerr << "PANIC: calling standalone method in complex mode! Aborting!" << endl;
476  }
477  break;
478  case 9:
479  if (m_inComplexMode) {
480  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::End() PANIC: calling standalone method in complex mode! Aborting!" << endl;
481  } else {
482  cerr << "PANIC: calling standalone method in complex mode! Aborting!" << endl;
483  }
484  break;
485  case 10:
486  if (m_inComplexMode) {
487  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::InitializeTree() PANIC: no TTree! Aborting!" << endl;
488  } else {
489  cerr << "PANIC: no TTree! Aborting!" << endl;
490  }
491  break;
492  case 11:
493  if (m_inComplexMode) {
494  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::OpenOutputFile() PANIC: couldn't open output file! Aborting!" << endl;
495  } else {
496  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't open output file! Aborting!" << endl;
497  }
498  break;
499  case 12:
500  if (m_inComplexMode) {
501  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelator::ExtraHistsFromCorr() PANIC: number of dR bin edges is no good! Aborting!" << endl;
502  } else {
503  cerr << "PANIC: number of dR bin edges is no good! Aborting!\n"
504  << " nDrBinEdges = " << nDrBinEdges << ", nDrBins = " << m_nBinsDr
505  << endl;
506  }
507  break;
508  case 13:
509  if (m_inStandaloneMode) {
510  cerr << "WARNING: dR bin #" << iDrBin << " with variance has a NAN as content or error..." << endl;
511  }
512  break;
513  case 14:
514  if (m_inStandaloneMode) {
515  cerr << "WARNING: dR bin #" << iDrBin << " with statistical error has a NAN as content or error..." << endl;
516  }
517  break;
518  case 15:
519  if (m_inComplexMode) {
520  cerr << "SEnergyCorrelatorFile::End() PANIC: calling standalone method in complex mode! Aborting!" << endl;
521  } else {
522  cerr << "PANIC: calling standalone method in complex mode! Aborting!" << endl;
523  }
524  break;
525  }
526  return;
528  } // end 'PrintError(unint32_t)'
532  bool SEnergyCorrelator::CheckCriticalParameters() {
534  // print debugging statement
535  if (m_inDebugMode) PrintDebug(21);
537  /* TODO checking goes here */
538  return true;
540  } // end 'CheckCriticalParameters()'
544  int64_t SEnergyCorrelator::GetEntry(const uint64_t entry) {
546  // print debugging statemet
547  if (m_inDebugMode && (m_verbosity > 5)) PrintDebug(16);
549  int64_t entryStatus(-1);
550  if (!m_inChain) {
551  entryStatus = 0;
552  } else {
553  entryStatus = m_inChain -> GetEntry(entry);
554  }
555  return entryStatus;
557  } // end 'GetEntry(uint64_t)'
561  int64_t SEnergyCorrelator::LoadTree(const uint64_t entry) {
563  // print debugging statemet
564  if (m_inDebugMode && (m_verbosity > 5)) PrintDebug(17);
566  // check for tree & load
567  int treeNumber(-1);
568  int64_t treeStatus(-1);
569  if (!m_inChain) {
570  treeStatus = -5;
571  } else {
572  treeNumber = m_inChain -> GetTreeNumber();
573  treeStatus = m_inChain -> LoadTree(entry);
574  }
576  // update current tree number if need be
577  const bool isTreeStatusGood = (treeStatus >= 0);
578  const bool isNotCurrentTree = (treeNumber != m_fCurrent);
579  if (isTreeStatusGood && isNotCurrentTree) {
580  m_fCurrent = m_inChain -> GetTreeNumber();
581  }
582  return treeStatus;
584  } // end 'LoadTree(uint64_t)'
586 } // end SColdQcdCorrelatorAnalysis namespace
588 // end ------------------------------------------------------------------------