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7 #include "TpcClusterMover.h"
12 #include <cmath>
13 #include <iostream>
14 #include <climits>
19 {
20  // initialize layer radii
24  for(int i=0; i < 16; ++i)
25  {
27  }
28  for(int i=0; i < 16; ++i)
29  {
31  }
32  for(int i=0; i < 16; ++i)
33  {
35  }
36 }
39 {
41  int layer=0;
43  for (PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer::ConstIterator layeriter = layerrange.first;
44  layeriter != layerrange.second;
45  ++layeriter)
46  {
47  layer_radius[layer] = layeriter->second->get_radius();
48  layer++;
49  }
51 }
53 //____________________________________________________________________________..
54 std::vector<std::pair<TrkrDefs::cluskey, Acts::Vector3>> TpcClusterMover::processTrack(std::vector<std::pair<TrkrDefs::cluskey,Acts::Vector3>> global_in )
55 {
57  // Get the global positions of the TPC clusters for this track, already corrected for distortions, and move them to the surfaces
58  // The input object contains all clusters for the track
60  std::vector<std::pair<TrkrDefs::cluskey, Acts::Vector3>> global_moved;
62  std::vector<Acts::Vector3> tpc_global_vec;
63  std::vector<TrkrDefs::cluskey> tpc_cluskey_vec;
65  for(unsigned int i=0; i< global_in.size(); ++i)
66  {
67  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluskey = global_in[i].first;
68  unsigned int trkrid = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(cluskey);
69  if(trkrid == TrkrDefs::tpcId)
70  {
71  tpc_global_vec.push_back(global_in[i].second);
72  tpc_cluskey_vec.push_back(global_in[i].first);
73  }
74  else
75  {
76  // si clusters stay where they are
77  global_moved.push_back(std::make_pair(cluskey, global_in[i].second));
78  }
79  }
81  // need at least 3 clusters to fit a circle
82  if(tpc_global_vec.size() < 3)
83  {
84  if(_verbosity > 0)
85  { std::cout << " -- skip this tpc track, not enough clusters: " << tpc_global_vec.size() << std::endl; }
86  return global_in;
87  }
89  // fit a circle to the TPC clusters
90  const auto [R, X0, Y0] = TrackFitUtils::circle_fit_by_taubin( tpc_global_vec );
92  // get the straight line representing the z trajectory in the form of z vs radius
93  const auto [A, B] = TrackFitUtils::line_fit( tpc_global_vec );
95  // Now we need to move each TPC cluster associated with this track to the readout layer radius
96  for(unsigned int i=0; i< tpc_global_vec.size(); ++i)
97  {
98  TrkrDefs::cluskey cluskey = tpc_cluskey_vec[i];
99  unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluskey);
100  Acts::Vector3 global = tpc_global_vec[i];
102  // get circle position at target surface radius
103  double target_radius = layer_radius[layer-7];
104  int ret = get_circle_circle_intersection(target_radius, R, X0, Y0, global[0], global[1], _x_proj, _y_proj);
105  if(ret == Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT) continue; // skip to next cluster
106  // z projection is unique
107  _z_proj = B + A * target_radius;
109  // get circle position at cluster radius
110  double cluster_radius = sqrt(global[0] * global[0] + global[1] * global[1]);
111  ret = get_circle_circle_intersection(cluster_radius, R, X0, Y0, global[0], global[1], _x_start, _y_start);
112  if(ret == Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT) continue; // skip to next cluster
113  // z projection is unique
114  _z_start = B + A * cluster_radius;
116  // calculate dx, dy, dz along circle trajectory from cluster radius to surface radius
117  double xnew = global[0] - (_x_start - _x_proj);
118  double ynew = global[1] - (_y_start - _y_proj);
119  double znew = global[2] - (_z_start - _z_proj);
121  // now move the cluster to the surface radius
122  // we keep the cluster key fixed, change the surface if necessary
124  Acts::Vector3 global_new(xnew, ynew, znew);
126  // add the new position and surface to the return object
127  global_moved.push_back(std::make_pair(cluskey, global_new));
128  }
130  return global_moved;
131 }
133 int TpcClusterMover::get_circle_circle_intersection(double target_radius, double R, double X0, double Y0, double xclus, double yclus, double &x, double &y)
134 {
135  // finds the intersection of the fitted circle with the cylinder having radius = target_radius
136  const auto [xplus, yplus, xminus, yminus] = TrackFitUtils::circle_circle_intersection(target_radius, R, X0, Y0 );
138  // We only need to check xplus for failure, skip this TPC cluster in that case
139  if(std::isnan(xplus))
140  {
141  {
142  if(_verbosity > 1)
143  {
144  std::cout << " circle/circle intersection calculation failed, skip this cluster" << std::endl;
145  std::cout << " target_radius " << target_radius << " fitted R " << R << " fitted X0 " << X0 << " fitted Y0 " << Y0 << std::endl;
146  }
147  }
148  return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT; // skip to next cluster
149  }
151  // we can figure out which solution is correct based on the cluster position in the TPC
152  if(fabs(xclus - xplus) < 5.0 && fabs(yclus - yplus) < 5.0) // 5 cm, large and arbitrary
153  {
154  x = xplus;
155  y = yplus;
156  }
157  else
158  {
159  x = xminus;
160  y = yminus;
161  }
163  }