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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file INTTVtxZ.cxx
1 #include <cmath>
2 #include <fstream>
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <sstream>
5 #include <string>
6 #include <vector>
8 #include <TCanvas.h>
9 #include <TF1.h>
10 #include <TFile.h>
11 #include <TH1F.h>
12 #include <TH2F.h>
13 #include <TKDE.h>
14 #include <TRandom.h>
15 #ifndef __CINT__
16 #include "Math/DistFunc.h"
17 #endif
18 #include <TLegend.h>
19 #include <TLine.h>
20 #include <TMath.h>
21 #include <TObjString.h>
22 #include <TProfile.h>
23 #include <TRandom3.h>
24 #include <TText.h>
25 #include <TTree.h>
26 #include <TTreeIndex.h>
28 #include "Hit.h"
29 #include "Utilities.h"
30 #include "Vertex.h"
32 int NevtToPlot = 10;
33 float degreetoradian = TMath::Pi() / 180.;
34 float radianstodegree = 180. / TMath::Pi();
36 double gaus_func(double *x, double *par)
37 {
38  // note : par[0] : normalization
39  // note : par[1] : mean
40  // note : par[2] : width
41  // note : par[3] : constant offset
42  return par[0] * TMath::Gaus(x[0], par[1], par[2]) + par[3];
43 }
45 void draw_demoplot(TH1F *h, TF1 *f, float dcacut, TString plotname)
46 {
47  TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 700);
48  c->cd();
49  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("v_{z}^{candidate} segments [cm]");
50  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts");
51  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5);
52  h->SetMaximum(h->GetMaximum() * 1.2);
53  h->SetLineColor(1);
54  h->SetLineWidth(2);
55  h->Draw("hist");
56  f->SetLineColor(kRed);
57  f->SetLineWidth(2);
58  f->SetNpx(1000);
59  f->Draw("L same");
60  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.47, 0.8, 0.9, 0.92);
61  leg->SetHeader();
62  leg->SetBorderSize(0);
63  leg->SetFillStyle(0);
64  leg->SetTextSize(0.035);
65  leg->AddEntry((TObject *)0, Form("DCA < %.2f cm", dcacut), "");
66  leg->AddEntry((TObject *)0, Form("#mu_{Gaussian} = %.2f #pm %.2f cm", f->GetParameter(1), f->GetParError(1)), "");
67  leg->Draw();
68  c->SaveAs(Form("%s.pdf", plotname.Data()));
69  c->SaveAs(Form("%s.png", plotname.Data()));
71  delete c;
72 }
74 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
75 {
77  gStyle->SetPalette(kThermometer);
79  bool IsData = (TString(argv[1]).Atoi() == 1) ? true : false;
80  int NevtToRun = TString(argv[2]).Atoi();
81  float avgVtxX = TString(argv[3]).Atof(); // float avgVtxX = -0.0015 (ana.382) / -0.04 (ana.398) /
82  float avgVtxY = TString(argv[4]).Atof(); // avgVtxY = 0.0012 (ana.382) / 0.24 (ana.398) /
83  float dPhi_cut = TString(argv[5]).Atof(); // Example: 0.11 radian; 0.001919862 radian = 0.11 degree
84  float dca_cut = TString(argv[6]).Atof(); // Example: 0.05cm
85  TString infilename = TString(argv[7]); // /sphenix/user/hjheng/TrackletAna/data/INTT/ana382_zvtx-20cm_dummyAlignParams/sim/INTTRecoClusters_sim_merged.root
86  TString outfilename = TString(argv[8]); // /sphenix/user/hjheng/TrackletAna/minitree/INTT/VtxEvtMap_ana382_zvtx-20cm_dummyAlignParams
87  TString demoplotpath = TString(argv[9]); // ./plot/RecoPV_demo/RecoPV_sim/INTTVtxZ_ana382_zvtx-20cm_dummyAlignParams
88  bool debug = (TString(argv[10]).Atoi() == 1) ? true : false;
89  bool makedemoplot = (TString(argv[11]).Atoi() == 1) ? true : false;
91  // int initevt = process * NevtToRun;
93  // loop argv and cout
94  for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
95  {
96  cout << "argv[" << i << "] = " << argv[i] << endl;
97  }
99  // system(Form("mkdir -p %s", outfilepath.Data()));
100  if (makedemoplot)
101  system(Form("mkdir -p %s", demoplotpath.Data()));
103  vector<Hit *> INTTlayer1, INTTlayer2;
104  VtxData vtxdata = {};
106  TFile *f = new TFile(infilename, "READ");
107  TTree *t = (TTree *)f->Get("EventTree");
108  t->BuildIndex("event"); // Reference:
109  TTreeIndex *index = (TTreeIndex *)t->GetTreeIndex();
110  int event, NTruthVtx;
111  float TruthPV_trig_x, TruthPV_trig_y, TruthPV_trig_z, centrality_bimp, centrality_impactparam, centrality_mbd, centrality_mbdquantity;
112  vector<int> *ClusLayer = 0;
113  vector<float> *ClusX = 0, *ClusY = 0, *ClusZ = 0, *ClusPhiSize = 0, *ClusZSize = 0;
114  vector<uint8_t> *ClusLadderZId = 0, *ClusLadderPhiId = 0;
115  t->SetBranchAddress("event", &event);
116  if (!IsData)
117  {
118  t->SetBranchAddress("NTruthVtx", &NTruthVtx);
119  t->SetBranchAddress("TruthPV_trig_x", &TruthPV_trig_x);
120  t->SetBranchAddress("TruthPV_trig_y", &TruthPV_trig_y);
121  t->SetBranchAddress("TruthPV_trig_z", &TruthPV_trig_z);
122  t->SetBranchAddress("centrality_bimp", &centrality_bimp);
123  t->SetBranchAddress("centrality_impactparam", &centrality_impactparam);
124  // The data DST doesn't have centrality_mbd and centrality_mbdquantity branches
126  t->SetBranchAddress("centrality_mbd", &centrality_mbd);
127  t->SetBranchAddress("centrality_mbdquantity", &centrality_mbdquantity);
128  }
129  // t->SetBranchAddress("centrality_mbd", &centrality_mbd);
130  // t->SetBranchAddress("centrality_mbdquantity", &centrality_mbdquantity);
131  t->SetBranchAddress("ClusLayer", &ClusLayer);
132  t->SetBranchAddress("ClusX", &ClusX);
133  t->SetBranchAddress("ClusY", &ClusY);
134  t->SetBranchAddress("ClusZ", &ClusZ);
135  t->SetBranchAddress("ClusPhiSize", &ClusPhiSize);
136  t->SetBranchAddress("ClusZSize", &ClusZSize);
137  t->SetBranchAddress("ClusLadderZId", &ClusLadderZId);
138  t->SetBranchAddress("ClusLadderPhiId", &ClusLadderPhiId);
140  TFile *outfile = new TFile(outfilename.Data(), "RECREATE");
141  TTree *minitree = new TTree("minitree", "Minitree of reconstructed vertices");
142  SetVtxMinitree(minitree, vtxdata);
144  for (int ev = 0; ev < NevtToRun; ev++)
145  {
146  Long64_t local = t->LoadTree(index->GetIndex()[ev]);
147  t->GetEntry(local);
148  // cout << "event = " << event << " local = " << local << endl;
149  cout << "event=" << event << " has a total of " << ClusLayer->size() << " clusters" << endl;
151  CleanVec(INTTlayer1);
152  CleanVec(INTTlayer2);
154  for (size_t ihit = 0; ihit < ClusLayer->size(); ihit++)
155  {
156  if ((ClusLayer->at(ihit) < 3 || ClusLayer->at(ihit) > 6) || (ClusLadderZId->at(ihit) < 0 || ClusLadderZId->at(ihit) > 3))
157  {
158  cout << "Cluster (layer, ladderZId) = (" << ClusLayer->at(ihit) << "," << ClusLadderZId->at(ihit) << ") is not in the INTT acceptance. Exit and check." << endl;
159  exit(1);
160  }
162  if (ClusPhiSize->at(ihit) >= 5)
163  continue;
165  int layer = (ClusLayer->at(ihit) == 3 || ClusLayer->at(ihit) == 4) ? 0 : 1;
167  Hit *hit = new Hit(ClusX->at(ihit), ClusY->at(ihit), ClusZ->at(ihit), avgVtxX, avgVtxY, 0., layer);
168  float edge = (ClusLadderZId->at(ihit) == 0 || ClusLadderZId->at(ihit) == 2) ? 0.8 : 0.5;
169  hit->SetEdge(ClusZ->at(ihit) - edge, ClusZ->at(ihit) + edge);
171  if (layer == 0)
172  INTTlayer1.push_back(hit);
173  else
174  INTTlayer2.push_back(hit);
175  }
177  cout << "# of clusters in inner layer (layer ID 3+4, after cluster phi size selection) = " << INTTlayer1.size() << ", outer layer (layer ID 5+6) = " << INTTlayer2.size() << endl;
179  TH1F *hM_vtxzprojseg = new TH1F(Form("hM_vtxzprojseg_ev%d", ev), Form("hM_vtxzprojseg_ev%d", ev), 2800, -70, 70);
180  int goodpaircount = 0;
181  for (size_t i = 0; i < INTTlayer1.size(); i++)
182  {
183  for (size_t j = 0; j < INTTlayer2.size(); j++)
184  {
185  if (fabs(deltaPhi(INTTlayer1[i]->Phi(), INTTlayer2[j]->Phi())) > dPhi_cut)
186  continue;
188  // find the equation connecting two hits in the X-Y plane
189  // y = mx + b
190  float m = (INTTlayer2[j]->posY() - INTTlayer1[i]->posY()) / (INTTlayer2[j]->posX() - INTTlayer1[i]->posX());
191  float b = INTTlayer1[i]->posY() - m * INTTlayer1[i]->posX();
192  // calculate the distance of closest approach from the line to (avgVtxX, avgVtxY)
193  float dca = fabs(m * avgVtxX - avgVtxY + b) / sqrt(m * m + 1);
195  if (dca > dca_cut)
196  continue;
198  float rho1 = sqrt(pow((INTTlayer1[i]->posX() - avgVtxX), 2) + pow((INTTlayer1[i]->posY() - avgVtxY), 2));
199  float rho2 = sqrt(pow((INTTlayer2[j]->posX() - avgVtxX), 2) + pow((INTTlayer2[j]->posY() - avgVtxY), 2));
200  float z = INTTlayer1[i]->posZ() - (INTTlayer2[j]->posZ() - INTTlayer1[i]->posZ()) / (rho2 - rho1) * rho1;
201  float edge1 = INTTlayer1[i]->Edge().first - (INTTlayer2[j]->Edge().second - INTTlayer1[i]->Edge().first) / (rho2 - rho1) * rho1;
202  float edge2 = INTTlayer1[i]->Edge().second - (INTTlayer2[j]->Edge().first - INTTlayer1[i]->Edge().second) / (rho2 - rho1) * rho1;
204  if (debug)
205  {
206  cout << "----------" << endl
207  << "Cluster pair (i,j) = (" << i << "," << j << "); position (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2) mm =(" << INTTlayer1[i]->posX() * 10. << "," << INTTlayer1[i]->posY() * 10. << "," << INTTlayer1[i]->posZ() * 10. << ","
208  << INTTlayer2[j]->posX() * 10. << "," << INTTlayer2[j]->posY() * 10. << "," << INTTlayer2[j]->posZ() * 10. << ")" << endl;
209  cout << "Cluster [phi1 (deg),eta1,phi2(deg),eta2]=[" << INTTlayer1[i]->Phi() * radianstodegree << "," << INTTlayer1[i]->Eta() << "," << INTTlayer2[j]->Phi() * radianstodegree << "," << INTTlayer2[j]->Eta() << "]" << endl
210  << "delta phi (in degree) = " << fabs(deltaPhi(INTTlayer1[i]->Phi(), INTTlayer2[j]->Phi())) * radianstodegree << "-> pass dPhi selection (<" << dPhi_cut
211  << " rad)=" << ((fabs(deltaPhi(INTTlayer1[i]->Phi(), INTTlayer2[j]->Phi())) < dPhi_cut) ? 1 : 0) << endl;
212  cout << "DCA cut = " << dca_cut << " [cm]; vertex candidate (center,edge1,edge2) = (" << z << "," << edge1 << "," << edge2 << "), difference = " << edge2 - edge1 << endl;
213  cout << "dca w.r.t (avgVtxX [cm], avgVtxY [cm]) (in mm) = " << dca * 10 << endl;
214  }
216  goodpaircount++;
217  if (fabs(z) < 70)
218  {
219  int bin1 = hM_vtxzprojseg->FindBin(edge1);
220  int bin2 = hM_vtxzprojseg->FindBin(edge2);
222  for (int ibin = bin1; ibin <= bin2; ibin++)
223  {
224  float bincenter = hM_vtxzprojseg->GetBinCenter(ibin);
225  float binwidth = hM_vtxzprojseg->GetBinWidth(ibin);
226  // for bin1 and bin2, find the distance of the edge1 and edge2 to the respective bin edge
227  float w;
228  if (ibin == bin1)
229  w = ((bincenter + 0.5 * binwidth) - edge1) / binwidth;
230  else if (ibin == bin2)
231  w = (edge2 - (bincenter - 0.5 * binwidth)) / binwidth;
232  else
233  w = 1.;
235  hM_vtxzprojseg->Fill(bincenter, w);
236  // cout << "bincenter = " << bincenter << ", bincontent = " << bincontent << endl;
237  }
238  }
239  }
240  }
242  cout << "Number of entries in hM_vtxzprojseg = " << hM_vtxzprojseg->Integral(-1, -1) << endl;
243  cout << "Number of good pairs = " << goodpaircount << endl;
244  if (debug && !IsData)
245  cout << "Event " << ev << " (Truth PVx, Truth PVy, Truth PVz) = (" << TruthPV_trig_x << ", " << TruthPV_trig_y << ", " << TruthPV_trig_z << ")" << endl;
247  // find the maximum bin of the histogram hM_vtxzedge_dca[2] and fit the histogram with a Gaussian function around the maximum bin
248  float maxbincenter = hM_vtxzprojseg->GetBinCenter(hM_vtxzprojseg->GetMaximumBin());
249  // TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1", "[0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])^2) + [3] + [4]*x + [5]*x*x + [6]*x*x*x", maxbincenter - 9, maxbincenter + 9);
250  // f1->SetParName(0, "Norm");
251  // f1->SetParName(1, "#mu");
252  // f1->SetParName(2, "#sigma");
253  // f1->SetParName(3, "p0");
254  // f1->SetParName(4, "p1");
255  // f1->SetParName(5, "p2");
256  // f1->SetParName(6, "p3");
257  // f1->SetParameter(0, hM_vtxzprojseg->GetMaximum());
258  // f1->SetParameter(1, maxbincenter);
259  // f1->SetParameter(2, 5);
260  // f1->SetParLimits(0, hM_vtxzprojseg->GetMaximum() * 0.01, hM_vtxzprojseg->GetMaximum() * 100);
261  // f1->SetParLimits(1, maxbincenter - 10, maxbincenter + 10);
262  // f1->SetParLimits(2, 0.1, 100);
263  // hM_vtxzprojseg->Fit("f1", "R");
264  // float mean = f1->GetParameter(1);
265  // float meanErr = f1->GetParError(1);
267  TF1 *f1 = new TF1("gaus_fit", gaus_func, maxbincenter - 10, maxbincenter + 10, 4); // Gaussian + const. offset
268  f1->SetParameters(hM_vtxzprojseg->GetBinContent(hM_vtxzprojseg->GetMaximumBin()), hM_vtxzprojseg->GetBinCenter(hM_vtxzprojseg->GetMaximumBin()), 4, 0);
269  f1->SetParLimits(0, 0, 10000);
270  f1->SetParLimits(2, 0, 1000);
271  f1->SetParLimits(3, 0, 1000);
272  hM_vtxzprojseg->Fit(f1, "NQ", "", hM_vtxzprojseg->GetBinCenter(hM_vtxzprojseg->GetMaximumBin()) - 9, hM_vtxzprojseg->GetBinCenter(hM_vtxzprojseg->GetMaximumBin()) + 9);
273  f1->SetParameters(hM_vtxzprojseg->GetBinContent(hM_vtxzprojseg->GetMaximumBin()), hM_vtxzprojseg->GetBinCenter(hM_vtxzprojseg->GetMaximumBin()), 4, 0);
274  f1->SetParLimits(0, 0, 10000);
275  f1->SetParLimits(2, 0, 1000);
276  f1->SetParLimits(3, -20, 1000);
277  hM_vtxzprojseg->Fit(f1, "NQ", "", hM_vtxzprojseg->GetBinCenter(hM_vtxzprojseg->GetMaximumBin()) - 9, hM_vtxzprojseg->GetBinCenter(hM_vtxzprojseg->GetMaximumBin()) + 9);
278  float mean = f1->GetParameter(1);
279  float meanErr = f1->GetParError(1);
281  if (debug)
282  cout << "Event " << ev << " Reco PVz = " << mean << " +/- " << meanErr << " cm" << endl;
284  if (ev < NevtToPlot && makedemoplot)
285  {
286  TString pname = Form("%s/hM_vtxzprojseg_ev%d", demoplotpath.Data(), event);
287  draw_demoplot(hM_vtxzprojseg, f1, dca_cut, pname);
288  }
290  vtxdata.isdata = IsData;
291  vtxdata.event = event;
292  if (!IsData)
293  {
294  vtxdata.NTruthVtx = NTruthVtx;
295  vtxdata.TruthPV_x = TruthPV_trig_x;
296  vtxdata.TruthPV_y = TruthPV_trig_y;
297  vtxdata.TruthPV_z = TruthPV_trig_z;
298  vtxdata.Centrality_bimp = centrality_bimp;
299  vtxdata.Centrality_impactparam = centrality_impactparam;
300  }
301  vtxdata.NClusLayer1 = (int)INTTlayer1.size();
302  vtxdata.PV_x = avgVtxX;
303  vtxdata.PV_y = avgVtxY;
304  vtxdata.PV_z = mean;
305  vtxdata.Centrality_mbd = centrality_mbd;
306  vtxdata.Centrality_mbdquantity = centrality_mbdquantity;
308  minitree->Fill();
309  }
311  outfile->cd();
312  minitree->Write();
313  outfile->Close();
315  f->Close();
317  return 0;
318 }