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1 #include "g4evaltools.h"
17 #include <trackbase/TrkrCluster.h>
20 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
21 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
22 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
23 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
24 #include <phool/getClass.h>
25 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
27 #include <TFile.h>
28 #include <TObjString.h>
30 #include <iostream>
32 namespace G4Eval
33 {
34  std::vector<int> unmatchedSvtxTrkIds(EmbRecoMatchContainer* matches, SvtxTrackMap* m_SvtxTrackMap)
35  {
36  std::set<unsigned int> ids_matched{};
37  for (auto trkid : matches->ids_RecoMatched())
38  {
39  ids_matched.insert(trkid);
40  }
42  std::set<int> ids_unmatched;
43  for (auto& reco : *m_SvtxTrackMap)
44  {
45  auto trkid = reco.first;
46  if (ids_matched.count(trkid) == 0)
47  {
48  ids_unmatched.insert(trkid);
49  }
50  }
51  std::vector<int> ids_vec;
52  ids_vec.reserve(ids_unmatched.size());
53  for (auto id : ids_unmatched)
54  {
55  ids_vec.push_back((int) id);
56  }
57  std::sort(ids_vec.begin(), ids_vec.end());
58  return ids_vec;
59  }
61  // function implementation mostly from
62  //
63  // Note that there is also the code there to read it back from a TFile
64  void write_StringToTFile(const std::string& msg_name, const std::string& msg)
65  {
66  // the string is either written to the current file, or to a new file
67  // that is named f_outname
68  TFile* s_current = gDirectory->GetFile();
69  if (s_current == nullptr)
70  {
71  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Error no TFile open to which to wrote the "
72  << std::endl
73  << " TObjString mesaged." << std::endl;
74  return;
75  }
76  TObjString obj(msg.c_str());
77  s_current->WriteObject(&obj, msg_name.c_str());
78  return;
79  }
81  // return the layer of the hit: 0:Mvtx 1:Intt 2:Tpc 3:Tpot
83  {
84  auto layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(key);
85  if (layer < 3)
86  {
87  return 0;
88  }
89  if (layer < 7)
90  {
91  return 1;
92  }
93  if (layer < 55)
94  {
95  return 2;
96  }
97  return 3;
98  }
100  // Implementation of Cluster comparator
101  TrkrClusterComparer::TrkrClusterComparer(float _nphi_widths, float _nz_widths)
102  : m_nphi_widths{_nphi_widths}
103  , m_nz_widths{_nz_widths} {};
105  const std::string& name_phg4_clusters,
106  const std::string& name_reco_clusters)
107  {
108  // fill bin/pixel sizes
109  // ------ MVTX data ------
110  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer* geom_container_mvtx = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, "CYLINDERGEOM_MVTX");
111  if (!geom_container_mvtx)
112  {
113  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Could not locate CYLINDERGEOM_MVTX " << std::endl;
115  }
116  for (int this_layer = 0; this_layer < 3; ++this_layer)
117  {
118  auto layergeom = dynamic_cast<CylinderGeom_Mvtx*>(geom_container_mvtx->GetLayerGeom(this_layer));
119  const double pitch = layergeom->get_pixel_x();
120  const double length = layergeom->get_pixel_z();
121  m_phistep[this_layer] = pitch;
122  if (this_layer == 0)
123  {
125  }
126  }
128  // ------ INTT data ------
129  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer* geom_container_intt = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, "CYLINDERGEOM_INTT");
130  if (!geom_container_intt)
131  {
132  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Could not locate CYLINDERGEOM_INTT " << std::endl;
134  }
135  // get phi and Z steps for intt
136  for (int this_layer = 3; this_layer < 7; ++this_layer)
137  {
138  CylinderGeomIntt* geom =
139  dynamic_cast<CylinderGeomIntt*>(geom_container_intt->GetLayerGeom(this_layer));
140  float pitch = geom->get_strip_y_spacing();
141  m_phistep[this_layer] = pitch;
142  }
144  // ------ TPC data ------
145  auto geom_tpc =
146  findNode::getClass<PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, "CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX");
147  if (!geom_tpc)
148  {
149  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Could not locate CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX node " << std::endl;
151  }
152  for (int this_layer = 7; this_layer < 55; ++this_layer)
153  {
154  PHG4TpcCylinderGeom* layergeom = geom_tpc->GetLayerCellGeom(this_layer);
155  if (this_layer == 7)
156  {
157  m_zstep_tpc = layergeom->get_zstep();
158  }
159  m_phistep[this_layer] = layergeom->get_phistep();
160  }
163  findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, name_phg4_clusters.c_str());
164  if (!m_TruthClusters)
165  {
166  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Could not locate " << name_phg4_clusters << " node" << std::endl;
168  }
171  findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, name_reco_clusters.c_str());
172  if (!m_TruthClusters)
173  {
174  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Could not locate " << name_reco_clusters << " node" << std::endl;
176  }
178  m_ActsGeometry = findNode::getClass<ActsGeometry>(topNode, "ActsGeometry");
179  if (!m_ActsGeometry)
180  {
181  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Could not locate ActsGeometry node" << std::endl;
183  }
186  }
188  // ok return tuple<bool is_match, float stat,
189  // float delta_phi (in pixels), float half_phi_width (in pixels),
190  // float half_eta_width (in pixels)
191  // float delta_z (in bins), flaot
192  //
195  {
196  // note: can use returned values, or just pull from these values
197  layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(key_T);
198  if (layer > 55)
199  {
200  std::cout << " Error! Trying to compar cluster in layer > 55, "
201  << "which is not programmed yet!" << std::endl;
202  return {false, 0.};
203  }
205  in_mvtx = (layer < 3);
206  in_intt = (layer > 2 && layer < 7);
207  in_tpc = (layer > 6 && layer < 55);
209  float phi_step = m_phistep[layer];
210  float z_step = in_mvtx ? m_zstep_mvtx : m_zstep_tpc;
215  phi_T = clus_T->getPosition(0);
216  phi_R = clus_R->getPosition(0);
217  phisize_R = clus_R->getPhiSize() * m_nphi_widths; // * phi_step;
218  phisize_T = clus_T->getPhiSize() * m_nphi_widths; // * phi_step; // only for user to get, if they want
220  z_T = clus_T->getPosition(1);
221  z_R = clus_R->getPosition(1);
223  if (!in_intt)
224  {
225  zsize_R = clus_R->getZSize() * m_nz_widths; // * z_step;
226  zsize_T = clus_R->getZSize() * m_nz_widths; // * z_step;
227  }
229  phi_delta = fabs(phi_T - phi_R);
230  while (phi_delta > M_PI)
231  {
232  phi_delta = fabs(phi_delta - 2 * M_PI);
233  }
234  phi_delta /= phi_step;
236  z_delta = fabs(z_T - z_R) / z_step;
238  /* float phi_stat = (m_nphi_widths * phisize_R ); */
240  float phi_stat = std::max(phisize_T, phisize_R);
241  float fit_statistic = (phi_delta / phi_stat);
242  is_match = (fit_statistic <= 1.);
244  float z_stat = 0;
245  if (!in_intt)
246  {
247  z_stat = std::max(zsize_T, zsize_R);
249  is_match = is_match && (z_delta < z_stat);
250  fit_statistic += z_delta / z_stat;
251  }
252  return {is_match, fit_statistic};
253  }
256  std::pair<TrkrDefs::hitsetkey, TrkrDefs::cluskey> input)
257  {
258  auto cluster = m_TruthClusters->findCluster(input.second);
259  Eigen::Vector3d gloc = m_ActsGeometry->getGlobalPosition(input.second, cluster);
260  return {TrkrDefs::getLayer(input.first), gloc,
261  (int) cluster->getPhiSize(), (int) cluster->getZSize()};
262  }
265  std::pair<TrkrDefs::hitsetkey, TrkrDefs::cluskey> input)
266  {
267  auto cluster = m_RecoClusters->findCluster(input.second);
268  Eigen::Vector3d gloc = m_ActsGeometry->getGlobalPosition(input.second, cluster);
269  return {TrkrDefs::getLayer(input.first), gloc,
270  (int) cluster->getPhiSize(), (int) cluster->getZSize()};
271  }
273  // Implementation of the iterable struct to get cluster keys from
274  // a SvtxTrack. It is used like:
275  // for (auto& cluskey : ClusKeyIter(svtx_track)) {
276  // ... // do things with cluster keys
277  // }
279  : track{_track}
280  , in_silicon{_track->get_silicon_seed() != nullptr}
281  , has_tpc{_track->get_tpc_seed() != nullptr}
282  , no_data{!in_silicon && !has_tpc}
283  {
284  }
287  {
288  ClusKeyIter iter0{track};
289  if (iter0.no_data)
290  {
291  return iter0;
292  }
293  if (iter0.in_silicon)
294  {
295  iter0.iter = track->get_silicon_seed()->begin_cluster_keys();
296  iter0.iter_end_silicon = track->get_silicon_seed()->end_cluster_keys();
297  }
298  else if (has_tpc)
299  {
300  iter0.iter = track->get_tpc_seed()->begin_cluster_keys();
301  }
302  return iter0;
303  }
306  {
307  ClusKeyIter iter0{track};
308  if (iter0.no_data)
309  {
310  return iter0;
311  }
312  if (has_tpc)
313  {
314  iter0.iter = track->get_tpc_seed()->end_cluster_keys();
315  }
316  else if (in_silicon)
317  {
318  iter0.iter = track->get_silicon_seed()->end_cluster_keys();
319  }
320  return iter0;
321  }
324  {
325  if (no_data)
326  {
327  return;
328  }
329  ++iter;
331  {
332  in_silicon = false;
334  }
335  }
338  {
339  if (no_data)
340  {
341  return false;
342  }
343  return iter != rhs.iter;
344  }
347  {
348  return *iter;
349  }
352  {
353  if (comp == nullptr)
354  {
355  return nullptr;
356  }
357  else
358  {
359  return comp->m_TruthClusters;
360  }
361  }
364  {
365  if (comp == nullptr)
366  {
367  return nullptr;
368  }
369  else
370  {
371  return comp->m_RecoClusters;
372  }
373  }
375  std::array<int, 5> ClusCntr::cntclus(Vector& keys)
376  {
377  std::array<int, 5> cnt{0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
378  for (auto& it : keys)
379  {
380  cnt[trklayer_0123(it.first)] += 1;
381  }
382  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
383  {
384  cnt[4] += cnt[i];
385  }
386  return cnt;
387  }
389  std::array<int, 5> ClusCntr::cnt_matchedclus(Vector& keys, std::vector<bool>& matches)
390  {
391  std::array<int, 5> cnt{0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
392  if (keys.size() != matches.size())
393  {
394  std::cout << PHWHERE << " matching and key vector not the same size. "
395  << std::endl
396  << " run find_matches() first." << std::endl;
397  return cnt;
398  }
399  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i)
400  {
401  if (matches[i])
402  {
403  cnt[trklayer_0123(keys[i].first)] += 1;
404  }
405  }
406  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
407  {
408  cnt[4] += cnt[i];
409  }
410  return cnt;
411  }
413  int ClusCntr::addClusKeys(SvtxTrack* track)
414  {
415  svtx_keys.clear();
416  for (auto ckey : ClusKeyIter(track))
417  {
418  svtx_keys.push_back({TrkrDefs::getHitSetKeyFromClusKey(ckey), ckey});
419  }
420  std::sort(svtx_keys.begin(), svtx_keys.end());
421  return svtx_keys.size();
422  }
425  {
426  phg4_keys.clear();
427  for (auto ckey : track->getClusters())
428  {
429  phg4_keys.push_back({TrkrDefs::getHitSetKeyFromClusKey(ckey), ckey});
430  }
431  std::sort(phg4_keys.begin(), phg4_keys.end());
432  return phg4_keys.size();
433  }
435  void ClusCntr::reset()
436  {
437  phg4_keys.clear();
438  phg4_matches.clear();
439  svtx_keys.clear();
440  svtx_matches.clear();
441  }
443  std::array<int, 3> ClusCntr::find_matches()
444  {
445  if (comp == nullptr)
446  {
447  std::cout << PHWHERE
448  << " Won't compare tracks because of missing TrkrClusterComparer" << std::endl;
449  return {0, 0, 0};
450  }
451  // find the matches between the svtx_keys and phg4_keys
452  // also keep track of the sum of the comparison between then
454  // ---------------------------------
455  // set aliases for notation cleaness
456  // use A for PHG4 and B for SVTX
457  auto& vA = phg4_keys;
458  auto& vB = svtx_keys;
460  auto& matchesA = phg4_matches;
461  auto& matchesB = svtx_matches;
463  match_stat = 0.;
465  // matches will say, cluster by cluster, which clusters are matched
466  matchesA = std::vector<bool>(vA.size(), false);
467  matchesB = std::vector<bool>(vB.size(), false);
469  // user iterators to access the vectors
470  auto iA0 = vA.begin();
471  auto iA1 = vA.end();
473  auto iB0 = vB.begin();
474  auto iB1 = vB.end();
476  auto iA = iA0;
477  auto iB = iB0;
479  int n_match{0};
481  while (iA != iA1 && iB != iB1)
482  {
483  if (iA->first == iB->first)
484  {
485  auto hitset = iA->first;
487  // must compare ALL sets of iA and iB with this same hitset
488  auto sAend = iA + 1; // search A end
489  while (sAend != iA1 && sAend->first == hitset)
490  {
491  ++sAend;
492  }
494  auto sBend = iB + 1; // search B end
495  while (sBend != iB1 && sBend->first == hitset)
496  {
497  ++sBend;
498  }
500  for (auto A = iA; A != sAend; ++A)
501  {
502  for (auto B = iB; B != sBend; ++B)
503  {
504  auto comp_val = comp->operator()(A->second, B->second);
505  if (comp_val.first)
506  {
507  matchesA[A - iA0] = true;
508  matchesB[B - iB0] = true;
509  match_stat += comp_val.second;
510  ++n_match;
511  }
512  }
513  }
514  iA = sAend;
515  iB = sBend;
516  }
517  else if (iA->first < iB->first)
518  {
519  ++iA;
520  }
521  else
522  {
523  ++iB;
524  }
525  }
526  return {n_match, (int) phg4_keys.size(), (int) svtx_keys.size()};
527  }
529  std::array<int, 3> ClusCntr::find_matches(TrkrTruthTrack* g4_track, SvtxTrack* sv_track)
530  {
531  addClusKeys(sv_track);
532  addClusKeys(g4_track);
533  return find_matches();
534  }
537  {
538  return std::accumulate(phg4_matches.begin(), phg4_matches.end(), 0);
539  }
542  {
543  return std::accumulate(svtx_matches.begin(), svtx_matches.end(), 0);
544  }
546  std::vector<ClusLoc> ClusCntr::phg4_clusloc_all()
547  {
548  std::vector<ClusLoc> vec{};
549  for (auto& cluspair : phg4_keys)
550  {
551  vec.push_back(comp->clusloc_PHG4(cluspair));
552  }
553  return vec;
554  }
556  std::vector<ClusLoc> ClusCntr::phg4_clusloc_unmatched()
557  {
558  std::vector<ClusLoc> vec{};
559  auto cnt = phg4_keys.size();
560  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
561  {
562  if (!phg4_matches[i])
563  {
564  vec.push_back(comp->clusloc_PHG4(phg4_keys[i]));
565  }
566  }
567  return vec;
568  }
570  std::vector<ClusLoc> ClusCntr::svtx_clusloc_all()
571  {
572  std::vector<ClusLoc> vec{};
573  for (auto& cluspair : svtx_keys)
574  {
575  vec.push_back(comp->clusloc_SVTX(cluspair));
576  }
577  return vec;
578  }
580  std::vector<ClusLoc> ClusCntr::svtx_clusloc_unmatched()
581  {
582  std::vector<ClusLoc> vec{};
583  auto cnt = svtx_keys.size();
584  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
585  {
586  if (!svtx_matches[i])
587  {
588  vec.push_back(comp->clusloc_SVTX(svtx_keys[i]));
589  }
590  }
591  return vec;
592  }
594  std::vector<ClusLoc> ClusCntr::clusloc_matched()
595  {
596  std::vector<ClusLoc> vec{};
597  auto cnt = phg4_keys.size();
598  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
599  {
600  if (phg4_matches[i])
601  {
602  vec.push_back(comp->clusloc_PHG4(phg4_keys[i]));
603  }
604  }
605  return vec;
606  }
608  /* ClusCntr::layer_xyzLoc ClusCntr::xyzLoc(std::pair<TrkrDefs::hitsetkey,TrkrDefs::cluskey) { */
609  /* if (geom == nullptr) { */
610  /* std::cout << PHWHERE << " fatal: geom, type ActsGeometry*, must be set to call xyzLoc!" << std::endl; */
611  /* return {-1,{FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX}}; */
612  /* } */
613  /* Eigen::Vector3d gloc = m_ActsGeometry->getGlobalPosition(reco_ckey, cluster); */
614  /* } */
616 } // namespace G4Eval