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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file EcoMug.h
2 // EcoMug: Efficient COsmic MUon Generator //
3 // Copyright (C) 2021 Davide Pagano <> //
4 // EcoMug is based on the following work: //
5 // D. Pagano, G. Bonomi, A. Donzella, A. Zenoni, G. Zumerle, N. Zurlo, //
6 // "EcoMug: an Efficient COsmic MUon Generator for cosmic-ray muons applications", //
7 // doi:10.1016/j.nima.2021.165732 //
8 // //
9 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //
10 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
11 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //
12 // (at your option) any later version. //
13 // //
14 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
15 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
17 // GNU General Public License for more details. //
18 // //
19 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
20 // along with this program. If not, see <>. //
23 #ifndef EcoMug_H
24 #define EcoMug_H
26 //#include <math.h>
27 #include <array>
28 #include <functional>
29 #include <random>
34 class EMRandom
35 {
36  public:
38  {
39  std::random_device rd;
40  std::mt19937 gen(rd());
41  std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t> dis(0, std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
42  s[0] = 12345.; //dis(gen);
43  s[1] = 12345; //dis(gen);
44  };
46  void SetSeed(uint64_t seed)
47  {
48  s[0] = seed;
49  s[1] = seed;
50  };
53  {
54  uint64_t x = next();
55  return to_double(x);
56  };
58  double GenerateRandomDouble(double x1, double x2)
59  {
60  return (x2 - x1) * GenerateRandomDouble() + x1;
61  };
63  int64_t rotl(const uint64_t x, int k)
64  {
65  return (x << k) | (x >> (64 - k));
66  };
68  uint64_t next()
69  {
70  const uint64_t s0 = s[0];
71  uint64_t s1 = s[1];
72  const uint64_t result = s0 + s1;
73  s1 ^= s0;
74  s[0] = rotl(s0, 55) ^ s1 ^ (s1 << 14);
75  s[1] = rotl(s1, 36);
76  return result;
77  };
79  double to_double(uint64_t x)
80  {
81  union U
82  {
83  uint64_t i;
84  double d;
85  };
86  U u = {UINT64_C(0x3FF) << 52 | x >> 12};
87  return u.d - 1.0;
88  };
90  uint64_t s[2];
91 };
98 {
99  private:
101  size_t mPopSize;
102  size_t mNIter;
103  int mGenMethod; // 0 = sky, 1 = cylinder, 2 = hspere
104  double m_a;
105  double m_a2;
106  std::vector<std::vector<double> > mRanges;
107  std::vector<std::vector<double> > mPopulation;
108  double mBestCost;
109  std::vector<double> mBestSolution;
110  std::function<double(double, double)> mFunc;
112  public:
113  EMMaximization(const EMRandom& random, int genMethod)
114  : mRandom(random)
115  , mPopSize(200)
116  , mNIter(500)
117  , mGenMethod(genMethod)
118  , m_a(0.)
119  , m_a2(0.)
120  , mBestCost(-1.)
121  {
122 // cppcheck-suppress [useInitializationList]
123  mFunc = &DefaultJ;
124  };
127  static double DefaultJ(double p, double theta)
128  {
129  double n = std::max(0.1, 2.856 - 0.655 * log(p));
130  return 1600 * pow(p, 0.279) * pow(cos(theta), n);
131  }
134  void SetParameters(double minP, double maxP, double minTheta, double maxTheta)
135  {
136  mRanges.push_back({minP, maxP});
137  mRanges.push_back({minTheta, maxTheta});
138  }
141  void SetParameters(double minP, double maxP, double minTheta, double maxTheta, double minPhi, double maxPhi)
142  {
143  mRanges.push_back({minP, maxP});
144  mRanges.push_back({minTheta, maxTheta});
145  mRanges.push_back({minPhi, maxPhi});
146  mRanges.push_back({0, M_PI / 2.});
147  }
150  void SetFunction(std::function<double(double, double)> func)
151  {
152  mFunc = func;
153  }
156  double SkyFunc(double p, double theta)
157  {
158  return mFunc(p, theta) * cos(theta) * sin(theta);
159  }
162  double CylFunc(double p, double theta)
163  {
164  return mFunc(p, theta) * pow(sin(theta), 2);
165  }
168  double HSFunc(double p, double theta, double phi, double theta0)
169  {
170  return mFunc(p, theta) * (sin(theta0) * sin(theta) * cos(phi) + cos(theta0) * cos(theta)) * sin(theta);
171  }
174  double Evaluate(std::vector<double>& v)
175  {
176  if (mGenMethod == 0)
177  {
178  return SkyFunc(v[0], v[1]);
179  }
180  else if (mGenMethod == 1)
181  {
182  return CylFunc(v[0], v[1]);
183  }
184  else
185  {
186  return HSFunc(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
187  }
188  return -1;
189  }
192  void Evaluate()
193  {
194  double value;
195  for (size_t i = 0; i < mPopSize; ++i)
196  {
197  value = Evaluate(mPopulation[i]);
198  if (value > mBestCost)
199  {
200  mBestCost = value;
202  }
203  }
204  }
207  void Init()
208  {
209  size_t dim = mRanges.size();
210  mPopulation.resize(mPopSize);
211  for (size_t i = 0; i < mPopSize; ++i)
212  {
213  mPopulation[i].resize(dim);
214  for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; ++j)
215  {
217  }
218  }
219  }
222  void UpdateParameters(size_t t)
223  {
224  m_a = 2. - t * (2. / mNIter);
225  m_a2 = -1. + t * ((-1.) / mNIter);
226  }
229  void Move()
230  {
231  double r1, r2, A, C, b, l, rw, p, D_tmp, D_best, distance;
232  std::vector<double> tmp;
233  for (size_t i = 0; i < mPopulation.size(); ++i)
234  {
237  A = 2 * m_a * r1 - m_a;
238  C = 2 * r2;
239  b = 1.;
240  l = (m_a2 - 1) * mRandom.GenerateRandomDouble() + 1;
243  for (size_t j = 0; j < mPopulation[0].size(); ++j)
244  {
245  if (p < 0.5)
246  {
247  if (fabs(A) >= 1)
248  {
249  rw = floor(mRandom.GenerateRandomDouble() * mPopulation.size());
250  tmp = mPopulation[rw];
251  D_tmp = fabs(C * tmp[j] - mPopulation[i][j]);
252  mPopulation[i][j] = tmp[j] - A * D_tmp;
253  }
254  else
255  {
256  D_best = fabs(C * mBestSolution[j] - mPopulation[i][j]);
257  mPopulation[i][j] = mBestSolution[j] - A * D_best;
258  }
259  }
260  else
261  {
262  distance = fabs(mBestSolution[j] - mPopulation[i][j]);
263  mPopulation[i][j] = distance * exp(b * l) * cos(l * 2 * M_PI) + mBestSolution[j];
264  }
265  if (mPopulation[i][j] < mRanges[j][0]) mPopulation[i][j] = mRanges[j][0];
266  if (mPopulation[i][j] > mRanges[j][1]) mPopulation[i][j] = mRanges[j][1];
267  }
268  }
269  }
272  double Maximize()
273  {
274  Init();
275  Evaluate();
276  for (size_t iter = 1; iter < mNIter; ++iter)
277  {
278  UpdateParameters(iter);
279  Move();
280  Evaluate();
281  }
282  return mBestCost;
283  }
284 };
289 class EcoMug
290 {
291  friend class EMRandom;
293  public:
296  {
297  Sky,
300  };
302  private:
304  std::array<double, 3> mGenerationPosition;
312  double mMinimumPhi;
313  double mMaximumPhi;
314  int mCharge;
323  double mJPrime;
324  double mN;
325  double mRandAccRej;
326  double mPhi0;
327  double mTheta0;
328  bool mAccepted;
329  std::array<double, 2> mSkySize;
330  std::array<double, 3> mSkyCenterPosition;
333  std::array<double, 3> mCylinderCenterPosition;
335  // double mMaxFuncSkyCylinder;
336  std::array<double, 3> mHSphereCenterPosition;
338  std::array<double, 3> mMaxJ;
339  std::array<double, 3> mMaxCustomJ;
340  std::function<double(double, double)> mJ;
342  public:
343  // Default constructor
345  : mGenMethod(Sky)
346  , mGenerationPosition({{0., 0., 0.}})
347  , mGenerationTheta(0.)
348  , mGenerationPhi(0.)
349  , mGenerationMomentum(0.)
350  , mMinimumMomentum(0.01)
351  , mMaximumMomentum(1000.)
352  , mMinimumTheta(0.)
353  , mMaximumTheta(M_PI / 2.)
354  , mMinimumPhi(0.)
355  , mMaximumPhi(2. * M_PI)
356  , mCharge(1)
358  , mCylinderMaxPositionPhi(2. * M_PI)
360  , mHSphereMaxPositionPhi(2. * M_PI)
362  , mHSphereMaxPositionTheta(M_PI / 2.)
365  , mJPrime(0.)
366  , mN(0.)
367  , mRandAccRej(0.)
368  , mPhi0(0.)
369  , mTheta0(0.)
370  , mAccepted(false)
371  , mSkySize({{0., 0.}})
372  , mSkyCenterPosition({{0., 0., 0.}})
373  , mCylinderHeight(0.)
374  , mCylinderRadius(0.)
375  , mCylinderCenterPosition({{0., 0., 0.}})
376  , mHSphereRadius(0.)
377  ,
378  /* mMaxFuncSkyCylinder(5.3176), */ mHSphereCenterPosition({{0., 0., 0.}})
379  {
380 // cppcheck-suppress [useInitializationList]
381  mMaxJ = {-1., -1., -1.};
382 // cppcheck-suppress [useInitializationList]
383  mMaxCustomJ = {-1., -1., -1.};
384  };
387  // Methods to access the parameters of the generated muon
390  const std::array<double, 3>& GetGenerationPosition() const
391  {
392  return mGenerationPosition;
393  };
395  double GetGenerationMomentum() const
396  {
397  return mGenerationMomentum;
398  };
400  void GetGenerationMomentum(std::array<double, 3>& momentum) const
401  {
402  momentum = {
406  };
408  double GetGenerationTheta() const
409  {
410  return mGenerationTheta;
411  };
413  double GetGenerationPhi() const
414  {
415  return mGenerationPhi;
416  };
418  int GetCharge() const
419  {
420  return mCharge;
421  };
425  // Methods for the geometry of the generation
428  void SetUseSky()
429  {
430  mGenMethod = Sky;
431  };
434  {
436  };
439  {
441  };
444  {
445  mGenMethod = genM;
446  };
450  {
451  return mGenMethod;
452  };
456  // Common methods to all geometries
461  void SetDifferentialFlux(std::function<double(double, double)> J)
462  {
463  mJ = J;
464  };
466  void SetSeed(uint64_t seed)
467  {
468  if (seed > 0) mRandom.SetSeed(seed);
469  };
472  {
474  };
477  {
479  };
481  void SetMinimumTheta(double theta)
482  {
484  };
486  void SetMaximumTheta(double theta)
487  {
489  };
491  void SetMinimumPhi(double phi)
492  {
493  mMinimumPhi = phi;
494  };
496  void SetMaximumPhi(double phi)
497  {
498  mMaximumPhi = phi;
499  };
502  double GetMinimumMomentum() const
503  {
504  return mMinimumMomentum;
505  };
507  double GetMaximumMomentum() const
508  {
509  return mMaximumMomentum;
510  };
512  double GetMinimumTheta() const
513  {
514  return mMinimumTheta;
515  };
517  double GetMaximumTheta() const
518  {
519  return mMaximumTheta;
520  };
522  double GetMinimumPhi() const
523  {
524  return mMinimumPhi;
525  };
527  double GetMaximumPhi() const
528  {
529  return mMaximumPhi;
530  };
534  // Methods for the plane-based generation
537  void SetSkySize(const std::array<double, 2>& size)
538  {
539  mSkySize = size;
540  };
543  void SetSkyCenterPosition(const std::array<double, 3>& position)
544  {
546  };
550  // Methods for the cylinder-based generation
553  void SetCylinderRadius(double radius)
554  {
555  mCylinderRadius = radius;
556  };
558  void SetCylinderHeight(double height)
559  {
560  mCylinderHeight = height;
561  };
563  void SetCylinderCenterPosition(const std::array<double, 3>& position)
564  {
566  };
568  {
570  };
572  {
574  };
576  double GetCylinderRadius() const
577  {
578  return mCylinderRadius;
579  };
581  double GetCylinderHeight() const
582  {
583  return mCylinderHeight;
584  };
586  const std::array<double, 3>& GetCylinderCenterPosition() const
587  {
589  };
593  // Methods for the half sphere-based generation
596  void SetHSphereRadius(double radius)
597  {
598  mHSphereRadius = radius;
599  };
601  void SetHSphereCenterPosition(const std::array<double, 3>& position)
602  {
604  };
606  {
608  };
610  {
612  };
614  {
617  };
619  {
622  };
624  double GetHSphereRadius() const
625  {
626  return mHSphereRadius;
627  };
629  const std::array<double, 3>& GetHSphereCenterPosition() const
630  {
631  return mHSphereCenterPosition;
632  };
635  private:
636  double F1Cumulative(double x)
637  {
638  return 1. - 8.534790171171021 / pow(x + 2.68, 87. / 40.);
639  };
641  double F1Inverse(double x)
642  {
643  return (2.68 - 2.68 * pow(1. - x, 40. / 87.)) / pow(1. - x, 40. / 87.);
644  };
646  double maxSkyJFunc()
647  {
648  return 1600 * pow(mMaximumMomentum, 0.279) * pow(cos(0.76158), 1.1) * sin(0.76158);
649  };
651  double maxCylJFunc()
652  {
653  return 1600 * pow(mMaximumMomentum, 0.279) * pow(cos(1.35081), 0.1) * pow(sin(1.35081), 2);
654  };
656  double maxHSJFunc()
657  {
658  return 1600 * pow(mMaximumMomentum, 0.279) * pow(cos(1.26452), 0.1) * (sin(1.26452) * sin(1.26452) + cos(1.26452) * cos(1.26452)) * sin(1.26452);
659  };
662  {
664  return F1Inverse(z);
665  };
668  {
672  };
675  {
680  };
683  {
684  EMMaximization maximizer(mRandom, mGenMethod);
685  maximizer.SetFunction(mJ);
686  if (mGenMethod == 0 || mGenMethod == 1)
687  {
689  }
690  else
691  {
693  }
694  mMaxCustomJ[mGenMethod] = maximizer.Maximize();
695  };
698  {
699  EMMaximization maximizer(mRandom, mGenMethod);
700  if (mGenMethod == 0 || mGenMethod == 1)
701  {
703  }
704  else
705  {
707  }
708  mMaxJ[mGenMethod] = maximizer.Maximize();
709  };
711  public:
715  void Generate()
716  {
717  mAccepted = false;
719  if (mMaxJ[mGenMethod] < 0) ComputeMaximum();
721  // Sky or cylinder generation
722  if (mGenMethod == Sky || mGenMethod == Cylinder)
723  {
724  // Generation of the momentum and theta angle
725  while (!mAccepted)
726  {
730  mN = 2.856 - 0.655 * log(mGenerationMomentum);
731  if (mN < 0.1) mN = 0.1;
733  if (mGenMethod == Sky)
734  {
735  mJPrime = 1600 * pow(mGenerationMomentum, 0.279) * pow(cos(mGenerationTheta), mN + 1) * sin(mGenerationTheta);
736  if (mMaxJ[mGenMethod] * mRandAccRej < mJPrime) mAccepted = true;
737  }
739  if (mGenMethod == Cylinder)
740  {
741  mJPrime = 1600 * pow(mGenerationMomentum, 0.279) * pow(cos(mGenerationTheta), mN) * pow(sin(mGenerationTheta), 2);
742  if (mMaxJ[mGenMethod] * mRandAccRej < mJPrime) mAccepted = true;
743  }
744  }
747  // Generation of the position and phi angle
748  if (mGenMethod == Sky)
749  {
752  }
753  if (mGenMethod == Cylinder)
754  {
755  mAccepted = false;
757  while (!mAccepted)
758  {
761  if (mRandAccRej < fabs(cos(mGenerationPhi))) mAccepted = true;
762  }
764  if (mGenerationPhi >= 2. * M_PI) mGenerationPhi -= 2. * M_PI;
766  // Check if the muon is inward
767  if (sin(mGenerationTheta) * cos(mGenerationPhi) * mGenerationPosition[0] + sin(mGenerationTheta) * sin(mGenerationPhi) * mGenerationPosition[1] > 0) Generate();
768  }
769  }
771  // Half-sphere generation
772  if (mGenMethod == HSphere)
773  {
774  // Generation point on the half-sphere
776  while (!mAccepted)
777  {
783  mN = 2.856 - 0.655 * log(mGenerationMomentum);
784  if (mN < 0.1) mN = 0.1;
786  mJPrime = 1600 * pow(mGenerationMomentum, 0.279) * pow(cos(mGenerationTheta), mN) * (sin(mGenerationTheta) * sin(mTheta0) * cos(mGenerationPhi) + cos(mGenerationTheta) * cos(mTheta0)) * sin(mGenerationTheta);
787  if (mMaxJ[mGenMethod] * mRandAccRej < mJPrime) mAccepted = true;
788  }
791  mGenerationPosition[1] = mHSphereRadius * sin(mTheta0) * sin(mPhi0) + mHSphereCenterPosition[1];
792  mGenerationPosition[2] = mHSphereRadius * cos(mTheta0) + mHSphereCenterPosition[2];
796  if (mGenerationPhi >= 2 * M_PI) mGenerationPhi -= 2 * M_PI;
798  mGenerationPhi += M_PI;
799  if (mGenerationPhi >= 2 * M_PI) mGenerationPhi -= 2 * M_PI;
800  }
802  // Generate the charge
803  if (mRandom.GenerateRandomDouble(-100,128)>=0) mCharge = 1;
804  else mCharge = -1;
805  };
812  {
813  mAccepted = false;
817  // Sky or cylinder generation
818  if (mGenMethod == Sky || mGenMethod == Cylinder)
819  {
820  // Generation of the momentum and theta angle
821  while (!mAccepted)
822  {
827  if (mGenMethod == Sky)
828  {
831  }
833  if (mGenMethod == Cylinder)
834  {
837  }
838  }
841  // Generation of the position and phi angle
842  if (mGenMethod == Sky)
843  {
846  }
847  if (mGenMethod == Cylinder)
848  {
849  mAccepted = false;
851  while (!mAccepted)
852  {
855  if (mRandAccRej < fabs(cos(mGenerationPhi))) mAccepted = true;
856  }
858  if (mGenerationPhi >= 2. * M_PI) mGenerationPhi -= 2. * M_PI;
860  // Check if the muon is inward
861  if (sin(mGenerationTheta) * cos(mGenerationPhi) * mGenerationPosition[0] + sin(mGenerationTheta) * sin(mGenerationPhi) * mGenerationPosition[1] > 0) Generate();
862  }
863  }
865  // Half-sphere generation
866  if (mGenMethod == HSphere)
867  {
868  // Generation point on the half-sphere
870  while (!mAccepted)
871  {
878  mJPrime = mJ(mGenerationMomentum, mGenerationTheta) * (sin(mTheta0) * sin(mGenerationTheta) * cos(mGenerationPhi) + cos(mTheta0) * cos(mGenerationTheta)) * sin(mGenerationTheta);
880  }
883  mGenerationPosition[1] = mHSphereRadius * sin(mTheta0) * sin(mPhi0) + mHSphereCenterPosition[1];
884  mGenerationPosition[2] = mHSphereRadius * cos(mTheta0) + mHSphereCenterPosition[2];
888  if (mGenerationPhi >= 2 * M_PI) mGenerationPhi -= 2 * M_PI;
890  mGenerationPhi += M_PI;
891  if (mGenerationPhi >= 2 * M_PI) mGenerationPhi -= 2 * M_PI;
892  }
894  // Generate the charge
895  if (mRandom.GenerateRandomDouble(-100,128)>=0) mCharge = 1;
896  else mCharge = -1;
897  };
899 };
903 #endif