Analysis Software
Documentation for sPHENIX simulation software
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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file
1 // use #include "" only for your local include and put
2 // those in the first line(s) before any #include <>
3 // otherwise you are asking for weird behavior
4 // (more info - check the difference in include path search when using "" versus <>)
6 #include "MvtxMon.h"
8 //#include <fun4allraw/SingleMvtxInput.h>
9 //#include <ffarawobjects/MvtxRawHitContainerv1.h>
10 //#include <ffarawobjects/MvtxRawHitv1.h>
11 //#include <ffarawobjects/MvtxRawEvtHeaderv1.h>
13 #include <onlmon/OnlMon.h> // for OnlMon
14 #include <onlmon/OnlMonDB.h>
15 #include <onlmon/OnlMonServer.h>
17 #include <Event/msg_profile.h>
19 #include <TH1.h>
20 #include <TString.h>
21 #include <TList.h>
22 #include <TLatex.h>
23 #include <TH2.h>
24 #include <TH2Poly.h>
25 #include <TLine.h>
26 #include <TH3.h>
28 #include <Event/Event.h>
29 #include <Event/packet.h>
31 #include <cmath>
32 #include <cstdio> // for printf
33 #include <fstream>
34 #include <iostream>
35 #include <sstream>
36 #include <string> // for allocator, string, char_traits
37 #include <utility>
41 enum
42 {
45 };
48  : OnlMon(name)
49 {
50  // leave ctor fairly empty, its hard to debug if code crashes already
51  // during a new MvtxMon()
52  return;
53 }
56 {
57  // you can delete NULL pointers it results in a NOOP (No Operation)
58  return;
59 }
62 {
63  // read our calibrations from MvtxMonData.dat
64  const char *mvtxcalib = getenv("MVTXCALIB");
65  if (!mvtxcalib)
66  {
67  std::cout << "MVTXCALIB environment variable not set" << std::endl;
68  exit(1);
69  }
70  std::string fullfile = std::string(mvtxcalib) + "/" + "MvtxMonData.dat";
71  std::ifstream calib(fullfile);
72  calib.close();
73  // use printf for stuff which should go the screen but not into the message
74  // system (all couts are redirected)
75  printf("doing the Init\n");
78  // register histograms with server otherwise client won't get them
79  mvtxmon_ChipStaveOcc = new TH2D("MVTXMON_RawData_ChipStaveOcc","Average Occupancy: Stave Number and Chip Number",NCHIP,-0.5,NCHIP-0.5,NSTAVE,-0.5,NSTAVE-0.5);
80  mvtxmon_ChipStave1D = new TH1D("MVTXMON_RawData_ChipStave1D","Average Occupancy per Chip Stave",NCHIP*NSTAVE,-0.5,NCHIP * NSTAVE-0.5);
81  mvtxmon_ChipFiredHis= new TH1D("MVTXMON_RawData_ChipFiredHis","Number of Chips Fired per Felix per RCDAQ event Distribution",NCHIP*NSTAVE/6,-0.5,NCHIP*NSTAVE/6 - 0.5);
82  mvtxmon_EvtHitChip= new TH1D("MVTXMON_RawData_EvtHitChip","Number of Hits Per Strobe Per Chip Distribution",101,-0.5,100.5);
83  mvtxmon_EvtHitDis = new TH1D("MVTXMON_RawData_EvtHitDis","Number of Hits Per Strobe Distribution",7201,-0.5,7200.5);
85  mvtxmon_ChipStaveOcc->SetStats(0);
86  mvtxmon_ChipStave1D->SetStats(0);
87  mvtxmon_ChipFiredHis->SetStats(0);
88  mvtxmon_EvtHitChip->SetStats(0);
89  mvtxmon_EvtHitDis->SetStats(0);
91  mvtxmon_ChipStave1D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip*Stave");
92  mvtxmon_ChipStave1D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Occupancy");
94  mvtxmon_ChipFiredHis->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Chips");
95  mvtxmon_ChipFiredHis->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts");
97  mvtxmon_EvtHitChip->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Hits");
98  mvtxmon_EvtHitChip->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts");
100  mvtxmon_EvtHitDis->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Hits");
101  mvtxmon_EvtHitDis->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts");
107  se->registerHisto(this, mvtxmon_EvtHitDis);
110  mRCDAQevt = new TH1I("RCDAQ_evt", "Number of RCDAQ events processed", 6,-0.5,5.5);
111  mRCDAQevt->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("FELIX server");
112  mRCDAQevt->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts");
113  mRCDAQevt->SetStats(0);
114  se->registerHisto(this, mRCDAQevt);
116  for (int i = 0; i < NFlags; i++) {
117  mvtxmon_LaneStatusOverview[i] = new TH2Poly();
118  mvtxmon_LaneStatusOverview[i]->SetName(Form("MVTXMON_LaneStatus_laneStatusOverviewFlag%s", mLaneStatusFlag[i].c_str()));
119  TString title = Form("Fraction of lanes into %s", mLaneStatusFlag[i].c_str());
120  //title += ";mm (IB 3x);mm (IB 3x)";
121  title += ";mm;mm";
122  mvtxmon_LaneStatusOverview[i]->SetTitle(title);
124  se->registerHisto(this, mvtxmon_LaneStatusOverview[i]); // mLaneStatusOverview
125  }
127  //fee
128  mTriggerVsFeeId = new TH2I("MVTXMON_FEE_TriggerVsFeeid", "Trigger count vs Trigger ID and Fee ID", NFees, 0, NFees, NTrigger, 0.5, NTrigger + 0.5);
129  mTriggerVsFeeId->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("FeeID");
130  mTriggerVsFeeId->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Trigger ID");
131  mTriggerVsFeeId->SetStats(0);
132  for (int i = 0; i < NTrigger; i++) {
133  mTriggerVsFeeId->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, mTriggerType[i]);
134  }
135  se->registerHisto(this, mTriggerVsFeeId);
137  mTrigger = new TH1I("MVTXMON_FEE_TriggerFlag", "Trigger vs counts", NTrigger, 0.5, NTrigger + 0.5);
138  mTrigger->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Trigger ID");
139  mTrigger->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts");
140  mTrigger->SetStats(0);
141  for (int i = 0; i < NTrigger; i++) {
142  mTrigger->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, mTriggerType[i]);
143  }
144  se->registerHisto(this, mTrigger);
146  /* mLaneInfo = new TH2I("MVTXMON/FEE/LaneInfo", "Lane Information", NLanesMax, -.5, NLanesMax - 0.5, NFlags, -.5, NFlags - 0.5);
147  mLaneInfo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Lane");
148  mLaneInfo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Flag");
149  mLaneInfo->SetStats(0);
150  se->registerHisto(this, mLaneInfo);*/
152  for (int i = 0; i < NFlags; i++) {
153  mLaneStatus[i] = new TH2I(Form("MVTXMON_LaneStatus_laneStatusFlag%s", mLaneStatusFlag[i].c_str()), Form("Lane Status Flag: %s", mLaneStatusFlag[i].c_str()), NFees, 0, NFees, NLanesMax, 0, NLanesMax);
154  mLaneStatus[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("FEE ID");
155  mLaneStatus[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Lane");
156  mLaneStatus[i]->SetStats(0);
157  for (const int& lay : LayerBoundaryFEE) {
158  auto l = new TLine(lay, 0, lay, mLaneStatus[i]->GetNbinsY());
159  mLaneStatus[i]->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(l);
160  }
161  se->registerHisto(this, mLaneStatus[i]);
163  mLaneStatusCumulative[i] = new TH2I(Form("MVTXMON_LaneStatus_laneStatusFlagCumulative%s", mLaneStatusFlag[i].c_str()), Form("Lane Status Flags since SOX: %s", mLaneStatusFlag[i].c_str()), NFees, 0, NFees, NLanesMax, 0, NLanesMax);
164  mLaneStatusCumulative[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("FEE ID");
165  mLaneStatusCumulative[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Lane");
166  mLaneStatusCumulative[i]->SetStats(0);
167  for (const int& lay : LayerBoundaryFEE) {
168  auto l = new TLine(lay, 0, lay, mLaneStatusCumulative[i]->GetNbinsY());
169  mLaneStatusCumulative[i]->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(l);
170  }
171  se->registerHisto(this, mLaneStatusCumulative[i]);
172  }
175  for (int i = 0; i < NLAYERS; i++) {
176  mLaneStatusSummary[i] = new TH1I(Form("MVTXMON_LaneStatusSummary_LaneStatusSummaryL%i", i), Form("Lane Status Summary L%i", i), 3, 0, 3);
177  mLaneStatusSummary[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#Lanes");
178  for (int j = 0; j < NFlags; j++) {
179  mLaneStatusSummary[i]->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(j + 1, mLaneStatusFlag[j].c_str());
180  }
181  mLaneStatusSummary[i]->GetXaxis()->CenterLabels();
182  mLaneStatusSummary[i]->SetStats(0);
183  se->registerHisto(this, mLaneStatusSummary[i]);
184  }
186  mLaneStatusSummaryIB = new TH1I("MVTXMON_LaneStatusSummary_LaneStatusSummary", "Lane Status Summary", 3, 0, 3);
187  mLaneStatusSummaryIB->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#Lanes");
188  for (int j = 0; j < NFlags; j++) {
189  mLaneStatusSummaryIB->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(j + 1, mLaneStatusFlag[j].c_str());
190  }
191  mLaneStatusSummaryIB->GetXaxis()->CenterLabels();
192  mLaneStatusSummaryIB->SetStats(0);
195  //raw task
196  hErrorPlots = new TH1D("MVTXMON_General_ErrorPlots", "Decoding Errors", NError, 0.5, NError + 0.5);
197  hErrorPlots->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts");
198  hErrorPlots->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Error ID");
199  hErrorPlots->SetMinimum(0); //remove
200  hErrorPlots->SetFillColor(kRed); //remove
201  hErrorPlots->SetStats(0);
203  TPaveText* pt[NError]={nullptr};
204  for (int i = 0; i < NError; i++) {
205  pt[i] = new TPaveText(0.20, 0.80 - i * 0.05, 0.85, 0.85 - i * 0.05, "NDC");
206  pt[i]->SetTextSize(0.04);
207  pt[i]->SetTextAlign(12);
208  pt[i]->SetFillColor(0);
209  pt[i]->SetTextColor(2);
210  pt[i]->AddText(ErrorType[i].Data());
211  hErrorPlots->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(pt[i]);
212  }
213  se->registerHisto(this, hErrorPlots);
215  hErrorFile = new TH2D("MVTXMON_General_ErrorFile", "Decoding Errors vs Packet ID", 6*8, 0, 6*8+1, NError, 0.5, NError + 0.5);
216  hErrorFile->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Error ID");
217  hErrorFile->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Packet ID");
218  hErrorFile->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Counts");
219  hErrorFile->SetMinimum(0);
220  hErrorFile->SetStats(0);
222  for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
223  auto l = new TLine(i*8+0.5+((i-3)*0.15), 0.5, i*8+0.5+((i-3)*0.15), hErrorFile->GetNbinsY()+0.5);
224  hErrorFile->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(l);
225  }
227  se->registerHisto(this, hErrorFile);
229  for (int aLayer = 0; aLayer < 3; aLayer++) {
230  hOccupancyPlot[aLayer] = new TH1D(Form("MVTXMON_Occupancy_Layer%dOccupancy", aLayer), Form("MVTX Layer %d, Occupancy Distribution", aLayer), 301, -3, 0.05);
231  hOccupancyPlot[aLayer]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts");
232  hOccupancyPlot[aLayer]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("log10(Pixel Occupancy)");
233  hOccupancyPlot[aLayer]->SetStats(0);
234  se->registerHisto(this, hOccupancyPlot[aLayer]);
236  hChipStaveOccupancy[aLayer] = new TH2D(Form("MVTXMON_Occupancy_Layer%d_Layer%dChipStave", aLayer, aLayer), Form("MVTX Layer%d, Occupancy vs Chip and Stave", aLayer), 9, -.5, 9 - .5, NStaves[aLayer], -.5, NStaves[aLayer] - .5);
237  hChipStaveOccupancy[aLayer]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Stave Number");
238  hChipStaveOccupancy[aLayer]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip Number");
239  hChipStaveOccupancy[aLayer]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Hits");
240  hChipStaveOccupancy[aLayer]->SetStats(0);
241  se->registerHisto(this, hChipStaveOccupancy[aLayer]);
243  TString tmp = Form("MVTX Layer %d", aLayer);
244  tmp += ", Number of noisy pixels (>20\% stobes in event) per RCDAQ event";
246  hChipStaveNoisy[aLayer] = new TH2D(Form("MVTXMON_Noisy_Layer%d_ChipStave", aLayer), tmp, 9, -.5, 9 - .5, NStaves[aLayer], -.5, NStaves[aLayer] - .5);
247  hChipStaveNoisy[aLayer]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Stave Number");
248  hChipStaveNoisy[aLayer]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip Number");
249  //hChipStaveNoisy[aLayer]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Noisy Pixels");
250  hChipStaveNoisy[aLayer]->SetStats(0);
251  se->registerHisto(this, hChipStaveNoisy[aLayer]);
252  }
254  hChipHitmap = new TH3I(Form("MVTXMON_chipHitmapFLX%d", this->MonitorServerId()), Form("MVTXMON_chipHitmapFLX%d", this->MonitorServerId()), 1024, -.5, 1023.5, 512, -.5, 511.5,8*9*6,-.5,8*9*6-0.5);
255  hChipHitmap_evt = new TH3I(Form("MVTXMON_chipHitmapFLX%d_evt", this->MonitorServerId()), Form("MVTXMON_chipHitmapFLX%d_evt", this->MonitorServerId()), 1024, -.5, 1023.5, 512, -.5, 511.5,8*9*6,-.5,8*9*6-0.5);
256  hChipHitmap->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Col");
257  hChipHitmap->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Row");
258  hChipHitmap->SetStats(0);
259  se->registerHisto(this, hChipHitmap);
261  hChipStrobes = new TH1I("hChipStrobes", "Chip Strobes vs Chip*Stave", 8*9*6,-.5,8*9*6-0.5);
262  hChipStrobes->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip*Stave");
263  hChipStrobes->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts");
264  hChipStrobes->SetStats(0);
265  se->registerHisto(this, hChipStrobes);
267  hChipL1 = new TH1I("hChipL1", "L1 triggers vs Chip*Stave", 8*9*6,-.5,8*9*6-0.5);
268  hChipL1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip*Stave");
269  hChipL1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts");
270  hChipL1->SetStats(0);
271  se->registerHisto(this, hChipL1);
273  //fhr
274  mErrorVsFeeid = new TH2I("MVTXMON_General_ErrorVsFeeid", "Error count vs Error id and Fee id", 3 * StaveBoundary[3], 0, 3 * StaveBoundary[3], NErrorExtended, 0.5, NErrorExtended + 0.5);
275  mErrorVsFeeid->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("FEE ID");
276  mErrorVsFeeid->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Error ID");
277  mErrorVsFeeid->SetStats(0);
278  se->registerHisto(this, mErrorVsFeeid);
280  mGeneralOccupancy = new TH2Poly();
281  mGeneralOccupancy->SetTitle("General Occupancy;mm;mm");
282  mGeneralOccupancy->SetName("MVTXMON_General_Occupancy");
283  //mGeneralOccupancy->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");
284  //mGeneralOccupancy->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("");
285  mGeneralOccupancy->SetStats(0);
287  mGeneralNoisyPixel = new TH2Poly();
288  mGeneralNoisyPixel->SetTitle("Noisy Pixel Number;mm (IB 3x);mm (IB 3x)");
289  mGeneralNoisyPixel->SetName("MVTXMON_General_Noisy_Pixel");
290  mGeneralNoisyPixel->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("");
291  mGeneralNoisyPixel->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("");
292  mGeneralNoisyPixel->SetStats(0);
296  se->registerHisto(this, mGeneralOccupancy);
299  for (int mLayer = 0; mLayer < 3; mLayer++) {
300  mDeadChipPos[mLayer] = new TH2D(Form("MVTXMON_Occupancy_Layer%d_Layer%dDeadChipPos", mLayer, mLayer), Form("DeadChipPos on Layer %d", mLayer), 9, -0.5, 9 - 0.5, NStaves[mLayer], -0.5, NStaves[mLayer] - 0.5);
301  mDeadChipPos[mLayer] ->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip Number");
302  mDeadChipPos[mLayer] ->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Stave Number");
303  mDeadChipPos[mLayer]->SetStats(0);
304  mAliveChipPos[mLayer] = new TH2D(Form("MVTXMON_Occupancy_Layer%d_Layer%dAliveChipPos", mLayer, mLayer), Form("Fraction of RCDAQ events a chip received data on Layer %d", mLayer), 9, -0.5, 9 - 0.5, NStaves[mLayer], -0.5, NStaves[mLayer] - 0.5);
305  mAliveChipPos[mLayer]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip Number");
306  mAliveChipPos[mLayer]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Stave Number");
307  mAliveChipPos[mLayer]->SetStats(0);
309  mDeadChipPos[mLayer]->SetStats(0);
310  mAliveChipPos[mLayer]->SetStats(0);
312  for (int binx = 0; binx < mDeadChipPos[mLayer]->GetNbinsX(); binx++) {
313  for (int biny = 0; biny < mDeadChipPos[mLayer]->GetNbinsY(); biny++) {
314  mDeadChipPos[mLayer]->SetBinContent(binx+1,biny+1,1);
315  }
316  }
319  mOccupancyPlot[mLayer] = new TH1D(Form("MVTXMON_Occupancy_Layer%dOccupancy_LOG", mLayer), Form("MVTX Layer %d Noise pixels occupancy distribution", mLayer), 301, -3, 0.05);
320  mOccupancyPlot[mLayer]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("log(Occupancy)");
321  mOccupancyPlot[mLayer]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("");
322  mOccupancyPlot[mLayer]->SetStats(0);
323  se->registerHisto(this, mDeadChipPos[mLayer]);
324  se->registerHisto(this, mAliveChipPos[mLayer]);
325  se->registerHisto(this, mOccupancyPlot[mLayer]);
326  }
328  mTotalDeadChipPos = new TH2D(Form("MVTXMON_Occupancy_TotalDeadChipPos"), Form("TotalDeadChipPos "), 9, -0.5, 9 - 0.5, NStaves[2], -0.5, NStaves[2] - 0.5);
329  mTotalDeadChipPos->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip Number");
330  mTotalDeadChipPos->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Stave Number");
331  se->registerHisto(this, mTotalDeadChipPos);
333  mTotalAliveChipPos = new TH2D(Form("MVTXMON_Occupancy_TotalAliveChipPos"), Form("TotalAliveChipPos "), 9, -0.5, 9 - 0.5, NStaves[2], -0.5, NStaves[2] - 0.5);
334  mTotalAliveChipPos->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Chip Number");
335  mTotalAliveChipPos->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Stave Number");
336  se->registerHisto(this, mTotalAliveChipPos);
339  Reset();
340  return 0;
341 }
343 int MvtxMon::BeginRun(const int /* runno */)
344 {
345  // if you need to read calibrations on a run by run basis
346  // this is the place to do it
347  return 0;
348 }
351 {
352  evtcnt++;
353  mRCDAQevt->Fill(this->MonitorServerId());
354  //std::cout << "Processing Event " << evtcnt << std::endl;
357  plist = new Packet *[2];
358  //SingleMvtxInput *reader = new SingleMvtxInput("onlmonreader");
360  for(int l = 0; l < NLAYERS; l++){
361  for(int i = 0; i < NStaves[l]; i++){
362  for(int j = 0; j < NCHIP; j++){
363  mHitPerChip[l][i][j] = 0;
364  }
365  }
366  }
367  hChipHitmap_evt->Reset("ICESM");
369  int nChipStrobes[8*9*6] = {0};
372  int npackets = evt->getPacketList(plist, 2);
374  if (npackets > 2)
375  {
376  exit(1);
377  }
379  for (int i = 0; i < npackets; i++)
380  {
381  // Ignoring packet not from MVTX detector
382  if ( (plist[i]->getIdentifier() < 2001) || (plist[i]->getIdentifier() > 2052) )
383  {
384  continue;
385  }
386  if (Verbosity() > 1)
387  {
388  plist[i]->identify();
389  }
390  int num_feeId = plist[i]->iValue(-1, "NR_LINKS");
391  if (Verbosity() > 1)
392  {
393  std::cout << "Number of feeid in RCDAQ events: " << num_feeId << " for packet "
394  << plist[i]->getIdentifier() << std::endl;
395  }
396  if (num_feeId > 0)
397  {
398  for (int i_fee{0}; i_fee < num_feeId; ++i_fee)
399  {
400  auto feeId = plist[i]->iValue(i_fee, "FEEID");
401  auto link = DecodeFeeid(feeId);
402  auto num_strobes = plist[i]->iValue(feeId, "NR_STROBES");
403  ntriggers = num_strobes;
404  auto num_L1Trgs = plist[i]->iValue(feeId, "NR_PHYS_TRG");
405  for ( int iL1 = 0; iL1 < num_L1Trgs; ++iL1 )
406  {
407  //auto l1Trg_bco = plist[i]->lValue(feeId, iL1, "L1_IR_BCO");
408  hChipL1->Fill((StaveBoundary[link.layer]+link.stave)*9 + 3 * link.gbtid + 0); //same for chip id 0 1 and 2
409  hChipL1->Fill((StaveBoundary[link.layer]+link.stave)*9 + 3 * link.gbtid + 1);
410  hChipL1->Fill((StaveBoundary[link.layer]+link.stave)*9 + 3 * link.gbtid + 2);
411  }
413  //m_FeeStrobeMap[feeId] += num_strobes;
414  for (int i_strb{0}; i_strb < num_strobes; ++i_strb)
415  {
416  auto strb_bco = plist[i]->lValue(feeId, i_strb, "TRG_IR_BCO");
417  //auto strb_bc = plist[i]->iValue(feeId, i_strb, "TRG_IR_BC");
418  auto num_hits = plist[i]->iValue(feeId, i_strb, "TRG_NR_HITS");
419  if (Verbosity() > 4)
420  {
421  if(link.layer == 0){
422  std::cout << "evtno: " << ", Fee: " << feeId;
423  std::cout << " Layer: " << link.layer << " Stave: " << link.stave;
424  std::cout << " GBT: " << link.gbtid << ", bco: 0x" << std::hex << strb_bco << std::dec;
425  std::cout << ", n_hits: " << num_hits << std::endl;
426  }
427  }
428  hChipStrobes->Fill((StaveBoundary[link.layer]+link.stave%20)*9 + 3 * link.gbtid + 0); //same for chip id 0 1 and 2
429  hChipStrobes->Fill((StaveBoundary[link.layer]+link.stave%20)*9 + 3 * link.gbtid + 1);
430  hChipStrobes->Fill((StaveBoundary[link.layer]+link.stave%20)*9 + 3 * link.gbtid + 2);
431  nChipStrobes[(StaveBoundary[link.layer]+link.stave%20)*9 + 3 * link.gbtid + 0]++;
432  nChipStrobes[(StaveBoundary[link.layer]+link.stave%20)*9 + 3 * link.gbtid + 1]++;
433  nChipStrobes[(StaveBoundary[link.layer]+link.stave%20)*9 + 3 * link.gbtid + 2]++;
438  for (int i_hit{0}; i_hit < num_hits; ++i_hit)
439  {
440  //auto chip_bc = plist[i]->iValue(feeId, i_strb, i_hit, "HIT_BC");
441  auto chip_id = plist[i]->iValue(feeId, i_strb, i_hit, "HIT_CHIP_ID");
442  auto chip_row = plist[i]->iValue(feeId, i_strb, i_hit, "HIT_ROW");
443  auto chip_col = plist[i]->iValue(feeId, i_strb, i_hit, "HIT_COL");
445  mHitPerChip[link.layer][link.stave%20][3 * link.gbtid + chip_id]++;
446  hChipHitmap->Fill(chip_col,chip_row,(StaveBoundary[link.layer]+link.stave%20)*9 + 3 * link.gbtid + chip_id);
447  hChipStaveOccupancy[link.layer]->Fill(3 * link.gbtid + chip_id, link.stave%20);
448  hChipHitmap_evt->Fill(chip_col,chip_row,(StaveBoundary[link.layer]+link.stave%20)*9 + 3 * link.gbtid + chip_id);
450  }
455  //m_BeamClockFEE[strb_bco].insert(feeId);
456  //m_BclkStack.insert(strb_bco);
457  // m_FEEBclkMap[feeId] = strb_bco;
458  }
459  }
460  }
461  delete plist[i];
462  }
464  int firedChips = 0;
465  int firedPixels = 0;
466  int sumstrobes = 0;
467  int nstrobes = 0;
468  for(int l = 0; l < NLAYERS; l++){
469  for(int s = 0; s < NStaves[l]; s++){
470  for(int j = 0; j < NCHIP; j++){
471  if(mHitPerChip[l][s][j] > 0){
472  firedChips++;
473  mvtxmon_EvtHitChip->Fill(mHitPerChip[l][s][j]/nChipStrobes[(StaveBoundary[l]+s)*9+j]);
474  firedPixels+=mHitPerChip[l][s][j];
475  sumstrobes+=nChipStrobes[(StaveBoundary[l]+s)*9+j];
476  nstrobes++;
477  }
478  }
479  }
480  }
481  mvtxmon_ChipFiredHis->Fill(firedChips);
482  mvtxmon_EvtHitDis->Fill((double)firedPixels/((double)sumstrobes/(double)nstrobes));
484  double pixelOccupancy, chipOccupancy;
485  for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < 3; iLayer++) {
486  for (int iStave = 0; iStave < NStaves[iLayer]; iStave++) {
487  for (int iChip = 0; iChip < 9; iChip++) {
488  chipOccupancy = hChipHitmap->Integral(0,-1,0,-1,(StaveBoundary[iLayer]+iStave)*9+iChip+1,(StaveBoundary[iLayer]+iStave)*9+iChip+1); //scale at client
489  double chipOccupancyNorm = chipOccupancy/hChipStrobes->GetBinContent((StaveBoundary[iLayer]+iStave)*9+iChip+1)/1024/512;
490  //if (chipOccupancyNorm > 0) mvtxmon_ChipStave1D->SetBinContent((iLayer==0?iStave:NStaves[iLayer]+iStave)*9+iChip+1,chipOccupancyNorm); //need to remember total number of occ and events and scale here
491  if (chipOccupancyNorm > 0)mvtxmon_ChipStave1D->SetBinContent((StaveBoundary[iLayer]+iStave)*9 + iChip +1,chipOccupancyNorm);
492  if (chipOccupancyNorm > 0)mGeneralOccupancy->SetBinContent(mapstave[iLayer][iStave], chipOccupancyNorm);
493  int nTrg = nChipStrobes[(StaveBoundary[iLayer]+iStave)*9+iChip];
494  for (int iCol = 0; iCol < NCols; iCol++) {
495  for (int iRow = 0; iRow < NRows; iRow++) {
496  pixelOccupancy = hChipHitmap_evt->GetBinContent(iCol + 1, iRow + 1,(StaveBoundary[iLayer]+iStave)*9+iChip+1);
497  if (pixelOccupancy > 0) {
498  if (pixelOccupancy/(double)nTrg > mOccupancyCutForNoisyPixel) {
499  mNoisyPixelNumber[iLayer][iStave][iChip]++;
500  mOccupancyPlot[iLayer]->Fill(log10(pixelOccupancy/(double)nTrg));
501  }
502  hOccupancyPlot[iLayer]->Fill(log10(pixelOccupancy/(double)nTrg));
503  }
504  }
505  }
506  }
507  }
508  }
510  for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < 3; iLayer++) {
511  for (int iStave = 0; iStave < NStaves[iLayer]; iStave++) {
512  for (int iChip = 0; iChip < 9; iChip++) {
513  double noisy = *(std::max_element(mNoisyPixelNumber[iLayer][iStave], mNoisyPixelNumber[iLayer][iStave] + 9));
514  mGeneralNoisyPixel->SetBinContent(mapstave[iLayer][iStave], noisy);
515  if(mNoisyPixelNumber[iLayer][iStave][iChip]>0) hChipStaveNoisy[iLayer]->SetBinContent(iChip+1,iStave+1,mNoisyPixelNumber[iLayer][iStave][iChip]);
516  }
517  }
518  }
520 for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < 3; iLayer++) {
521  for (int iStave = 0; iStave < NStaves[iLayer]; iStave++) {
522  for (int iChip = 0; iChip < 9; iChip++) {
523  if (!mHitPerChip[iLayer][iStave][iChip]) {
524  if(mDeadChipPos[iLayer]->GetBinContent(mDeadChipPos[iLayer]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(iChip), mDeadChipPos[iLayer]->GetYaxis()->FindBin(iStave)) > 0.5) mDeadChipPos[iLayer]->SetBinContent(mDeadChipPos[iLayer]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(iChip), mDeadChipPos[iLayer]->GetYaxis()->FindBin(iStave), 1);
525  if(mTotalDeadChipPos->GetBinContent(mTotalDeadChipPos->GetXaxis()->FindBin(iChip), mTotalDeadChipPos->GetYaxis()->FindBin(iStave)) > 0.5) mTotalDeadChipPos->SetBinContent(mTotalDeadChipPos->GetXaxis()->FindBin(iChip), mTotalDeadChipPos->GetYaxis()->FindBin(iStave), 1);
526  } else {
527  mAliveChipPos[iLayer]->Fill(iChip, iStave);
528  mTotalAliveChipPos->Fill(iChip, iStave);
529  mDeadChipPos[iLayer]->SetBinContent(mDeadChipPos[iLayer]->GetXaxis()->FindBin(iChip), mDeadChipPos[iLayer]->GetYaxis()->FindBin(iStave), 0); // not dead
530  mTotalDeadChipPos->SetBinContent(mTotalDeadChipPos->GetXaxis()->FindBin(iChip), mTotalDeadChipPos->GetYaxis()->FindBin(iStave), 0); // not dead
531  }
532  }
533  }
534  }
537  int packet_init = 2001;
538  //std::cout<<"processing rcdaq event"<<std::endl;
539  for ( int iPkt = 0; iPkt < 8; iPkt++ ){
540  Packet *p = evt->getPacket(packet_init + iPkt);
541  if (p){
542  //std::cout<<"PACKET: "<<iPkt<<std::endl;
543  // std::map<mvtx::InteractionRecord, std::vector<mvtx::ChipPixelData>> *data = reinterpret_cast<std::map<mvtx::InteractionRecord, std::vector<mvtx::ChipPixelData>>*>(p->pValue(-1, "ChipData"));
544  // int nevents_packet = 0;
545  if(false){
546  //std::vector<mvtx::GBTLinkDecodingStat> *linkErrors = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<mvtx::GBTLinkDecodingStat>*>(p->pValue(-1, "linkErrors"));
547 /*
548  if(linkErrors){
549  for (auto error : *linkErrors){
550  for (int ierror = 0; ierror < mvtx::GBTLinkDecodingStat::NErrorsDefined; ierror++) {
551  if (error.errorCounts[ierror] <= 0) {
552  continue;
553  }
554  //mErrorCount[istave][ilink][ierror] = GBTLinkInfo->statistics.errorCounts[ierror];
555  std::cout<<error.feeID<<" "<<ierror<<" "<<error.errorCounts[ierror]<<std::endl;
556  }
558  // for (int i = 0; i < NError; i++) {
559  // hErrorPlots->SetBinContent(i + 1, mErrors[i]);
560  //hErrorFile->SetBinContent((FileID + 1 + (EPID - 4) * 12), i + 1, mErrorPerFile[i]);
561  // }
562  }
563  }
564 */
565  delete p;
566 }
567  }// if(p)
568 }// for packet loop
571  // get temporary pointers to histograms
572  // one can do in principle directly se->getHisto("mvtxhist1")->Fill()
573  // but the search in the histogram Map is somewhat expensive and slows
574  // things down if you make more than one operation on a histogram
577  std::ostringstream msg;
578  msg << "Filling Histos";
580  idummy = 0;
581  return 0;
582 }
585 {
586  // reset our internal counters
587  evtcnt = 0;
588  idummy = 0;
589  return 0;
590 }
593 void MvtxMon::getStavePoint(int layer, int stave, double* px, double* py)
594 {
595  float stepAngle = M_PI * 2 / NStaves[layer]; // the angle between to stave
596  float midAngle = StartAngle[layer] + (stave * stepAngle); // mid point angle
597  float staveRotateAngle = M_PI / 2 - (stave * stepAngle); // how many angle this stave rotate(compare with first stave)
598  px[1] = MidPointRad[layer] * std::cos(midAngle); // there are 4 point to decide this TH2Poly bin
599  // 0:left point in this stave;
600  // 1:mid point in this stave;
601  // 2:right point in this stave;
602  // 3:higher point int this stave;
603  py[1] = MidPointRad[layer] * std::sin(midAngle); // 4 point calculated accord the blueprint
604  // roughly calculate
605  px[0] = 7.7 * std::cos(staveRotateAngle) + px[1];
606  py[0] = -7.7 * std::sin(staveRotateAngle) + py[1];
607  px[2] = -7.7 * std::cos(staveRotateAngle) + px[1];
608  py[2] = 7.7 * std::sin(staveRotateAngle) + py[1];
609  px[3] = 5.623 * std::sin(staveRotateAngle) + px[1];
610  py[3] = 5.623 * std::cos(staveRotateAngle) + py[1];
611 }
613 void MvtxMon::createPoly(TH2Poly *h){
614  for (int ilayer = 0; ilayer < NLAYERS; ilayer++) {
615  for (int istave = 0; istave < NStaves[ilayer]; istave++) {
616  double* px = new double[4];
617  double* py = new double[4];
618  getStavePoint(ilayer, istave, px, py);
619  for (int icoo = 0; icoo < 4; icoo++) {
620  px[icoo] *= 3.;
621  py[icoo] *= 3.;
622  }
623  h->AddBin(4, px, py);
624  }
625  }
626 }