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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file AmbiguityTrackClassifier.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
16 #include <map>
17 #include <unordered_map>
18 #include <vector>
20 #include <onnxruntime_cxx_api.h>
22 namespace Acts {
26  public:
30  AmbiguityTrackClassifier(const char* modelPath)
31  : m_env(ORT_LOGGING_LEVEL_WARNING, "MLClassifier"),
32  m_duplicateClassifier(m_env, modelPath) {}
39  template <typename track_container_t, typename traj_t,
40  template <typename> class holder_t>
41  std::vector<std::vector<float>> inferScores(
42  std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<int>>& clusters,
44  const {
45  // Compute the number of entry (since it is smaller than the number of
46  // track)
47  int trackNb = 0;
48  for (const auto& [_, val] : clusters) {
49  trackNb += val.size();
50  }
51  // Input of the neural network
52  Acts::NetworkBatchInput networkInput(trackNb, 8);
53  int inputID = 0;
54  // Get the input feature of the network for all the tracks
55  for (const auto& [key, val] : clusters) {
56  for (const auto& trackID : val) {
57  auto track = tracks.getTrack(trackID);
59  tracks.trackStateContainer(), track.tipIndex());
60  networkInput(inputID, 0) = trajState.nStates;
61  networkInput(inputID, 1) = trajState.nMeasurements;
62  networkInput(inputID, 2) = trajState.nOutliers;
63  networkInput(inputID, 3) = trajState.nHoles;
64  networkInput(inputID, 4) = trajState.NDF;
65  networkInput(inputID, 5) = (trajState.chi2Sum * 1.0) /
66  (trajState.NDF != 0 ? trajState.NDF : 1);
67  networkInput(inputID, 6) = Acts::VectorHelpers::eta(track.momentum());
68  networkInput(inputID, 7) = Acts::VectorHelpers::phi(track.momentum());
69  inputID++;
70  }
71  }
72  // Use the network to compute a score for all the tracks.
73  std::vector<std::vector<float>> outputTensor =
75  return outputTensor;
76  }
83  std::vector<int> trackSelection(
84  std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<int>>& clusters,
85  std::vector<std::vector<float>>& outputTensor) const {
86  std::vector<int> goodTracks;
87  int iOut = 0;
88  // Loop over all the cluster and only keep the track with the highest score
89  // in each cluster
90  for (const auto& [key, val] : clusters) {
91  int bestTrackID = 0;
92  float bestTrackScore = 0;
93  for (const auto& track : val) {
94  if (outputTensor[iOut][0] > bestTrackScore) {
95  bestTrackScore = outputTensor[iOut][0];
96  bestTrackID = track;
97  }
98  iOut++;
99  }
100  goodTracks.push_back(bestTrackID);
101  }
102  return goodTracks;
103  }
110  template <typename track_container_t, typename traj_t,
111  template <typename> class holder_t>
112  std::vector<int> solveAmbuguity(
113  std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<int>>& clusters,
115  const {
116  std::vector<std::vector<float>> outputTensor =
117  inferScores(clusters, tracks);
118  std::vector<int> goodTracks = trackSelection(clusters, outputTensor);
120  return goodTracks;
121  }
123  private:
124  // ONNX environment
125  Ort::Env m_env;
126  // ONNX model for the duplicate neural network
128 };
130 } // namespace Acts