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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file photonEff.C
1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <fstream>
3 using namespace std;
5 #include "TFile.h"
6 #include "Scalar.h"
7 #include "TTree.h"
8 #include "TChain.h"
9 #include "TLegend.h"
10 #include "math.h"
11 #include "TH1.h"
12 #include "TH2.h"
13 #include "TEfficiency.h"
14 #include "TLine.h"
15 #include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
17 namespace {
18  unsigned replot=0;
19 }
21 TChain* handleFile(string name, string extension, string treename, unsigned int filecount){
22  TChain *all = new TChain(treename.c_str());
23  string temp;
24  for (int i = 0; i < filecount; ++i)
25  {
27  ostringstream s;
28  s<<i;
29  temp = name+string(s.str())+extension;
30  all->Add(temp.c_str());
31  }
32  return all;
33 }
35 void makephotonM(TChain* ttree,TChain* back,TFile* out_file){
36  float photon_m;
37  float tphoton_m;
38  float back_m;
39  float back_Vtx;
40  float back_pt;
41  std::vector<TH1F*> plots;
42  ttree->SetBranchAddress("photon_m", &photon_m );
43  back->SetBranchAddress("photon_m", &back_m );
44  back->SetBranchAddress("vtx_radius", &back_Vtx );
45  back->SetBranchAddress("track_pT", &back_pt );
46  //ttree->SetBranchAddress("rephoton_m", &rephoton_m );
47  plots.push_back(new TH1F("m^{#gamma}_{reco}","",60,0,.18));
48  plots.push_back(new TH1F("m^{bkgd}_{reco}","",60,0,.18));
49  //plots.push_back(new TH1F("m^{#gamma}_{recoRefit}","",40,-2,10));
51  for (int i = 0; i < plots.size(); ++i)
52  {
53  plots[i]->Sumw2();
54  }
55  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
56  {
57  ttree->GetEvent(event);
58  plots[0]->Fill(photon_m);
59  // plots[1]->Fill(rephoton_m);
60  }
61  for (int event = 0; event < back->GetEntries(); ++event)
62  {
63  back->GetEvent(event);
64  if(back_Vtx<21.&&back_pt>2.5)
65  plots[1]->Fill(back_m);
66  // plots[1]->Fill(rephoton_m);
67  }
68  cout<<"Background mass in range count= "<<plots[1]->Integral()<<'\n';
69  for (int i = 0; i < plots.size(); ++i)
70  {
71  plots[i]->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
72  }
73  out_file->Write();
74  ttree->ResetBranchAddresses();
75 }
77 void makeVtxR(TChain* ttree, TTree* vtxTree,TFile* out_file){
78  float vtxr;
79  float vtxX;
80  float vtxY;
81  float tvtxr;
82  ttree->SetBranchAddress("vtx_radius",&vtxr);
83  ttree->SetBranchAddress("tvtx_radius",&tvtxr);
84  vtxTree->SetBranchAddress("vtx_x",&vtxX);
85  vtxTree->SetBranchAddress("vtx_y",&vtxY);
87  std::vector<TH1F*> plots;
88  plots.push_back(new TH1F("vtx_reco","",30,0,40));
89  plots.push_back(new TH1F("vtx_corrected","",30,0,40));
90  plots.push_back(new TH1F("vtx_truth","",30,0,40));
92  plots[0]->Sumw2();
93  plots[1]->Sumw2();
94  plots[2]->Sumw2();
96  double calc=0;
97  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
98  {
99  ttree->GetEvent(event);
100  plots[1]->Fill(vtxr);
101  plots[2]->Fill(tvtxr);
102  calc+=TMath::Abs(vtxr-tvtxr);
103  }
104  calc/=ttree->GetEntries();
105  for (int i = 0; i < vtxTree->GetEntries(); ++i)
106  {
107  vtxTree->GetEvent(i);
108  plots[0]->Fill(sqrt(vtxX*vtxX+vtxY*vtxY));
109  }
110  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
111  {
112  plots[i]->Scale(1./plots[2]->GetEntries(),"width");
113  }
114  out_file->Write();
115  std::cout<<"mean deviation="<<calc<<std::endl;
116 }
118 void makeVtxRes(TChain* ttree,TFile* out_file){
119  float r;
120  float tr;
121  ttree->SetBranchAddress("vtx_radius",&r);
122  ttree->SetBranchAddress("tvtx_radius",&tr);
123  TH1F *vtxeffPlot = new TH1F("#frac{#Deltar_{vtx}_^{#it{reco}}}{r_{vtx}^{#it{truth}}}","",40,-2,2);
124  TH2F *vtxefffuncPlot = new TH2F("vtx_resolution_to_truthvtx","",20,0,21,40,-1.5,1.5);
125  vtxeffPlot->Sumw2();
126  vtxefffuncPlot->Sumw2();
127  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
128  {
129  ttree->GetEvent(event);
130  if(r<0) continue;
131  vtxeffPlot->Fill((r-tr)/tr);
132  vtxefffuncPlot->Fill(tr,(r-tr)/tr);
133  }
134  vtxeffPlot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
135  vtxefffuncPlot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
136  out_file->Write();
137  ttree->ResetBranchAddresses();
138 }
140 void makeVtxEff(TChain* ttree,TFile* out_file){
141  float r;
142  float tr;
143  float pT;
144  ttree->SetBranchAddress("vtx_radius",&r);
145  ttree->SetBranchAddress("tvtx_radius",&tr);
146  ttree->SetBranchAddress("track_pT",&pT);
147  TEfficiency *vtxEff;
148  TH1F *recoR= new TH1F("vtxrecoR","",30,0,40);
149  TH1F *truthR= new TH1F("vtxtruthR","",30,0,40);
150  recoR->Sumw2();
151  truthR->Sumw2();
152  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
153  {
154  ttree->GetEvent(event);
155  if(r>0) recoR->Fill(tr);
156  truthR->Fill(tr);
157  }
158  vtxEff = new TEfficiency(*recoR,*truthR);
159  vtxEff->SetName("vtxEff");
160  vtxEff->Write();
161  out_file->Write();
162  ttree->ResetBranchAddresses();
163 }
165 void makepTRes(TChain* ttree){
166  float pT;
167  float tpT;
168  ttree->SetBranchAddress("photon_pT",&pT);
169  ttree->SetBranchAddress("tphoton_pT",&tpT);
170  TH1F *pTRes = new TH1F("#frac{#it{p}^{T}_{reco}}{#it{p}_{#it{truth}}^{T}}","",40,0,2.5);
171  pTRes->Sumw2();
172  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
173  {
174  ttree->GetEvent(event);
175  if(pT>0)pTRes->Fill(pT/tpT);
176  }
177  pTRes->Scale(1./pTRes->Integral());
178  ttree->ResetBranchAddresses();
179  pTRes->Write();
180 }
182 TEfficiency* makepTDist(TChain* ttree,TTree* allTree,TFile* out_file){
183  float pT;
184  float tpT;
185  float track_pT;
186  ttree->SetBranchAddress("photon_pT",&pT);
187  ttree->SetBranchAddress("tphoton_pT",&tpT);
189  vector<float> *allpT=NULL;
190  allTree->SetBranchAddress("photon_pT",&allpT);
192  TH1F *pTeffPlot = new TH1F("#frac{#it{p}^{T}}{#it{p}_{#it{truth}}^{T}}","",40,-2,2);
193  TH2F *pTefffuncPlot = new TH2F("pT_resolution_to_truthpt","",40,1,35,40,-1.5,1.5);
194  TH1F *converted_pTspec = new TH1F("converted_photon_truth_pT","",25,5,30);
195  TH1F *all_pTspec = new TH1F("all_photon_truth_pT","",25,5,30);
196  //TH1F *trackpTDist = new TH1F("truthpt","",40,0,35);
197  pTeffPlot->Sumw2();
198  converted_pTspec->Sumw2();
199  all_pTspec->Sumw2();
200  pTefffuncPlot->Sumw2();
201  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
202  {
203  ttree->GetEvent(event);
204  if(pT>0)pTeffPlot->Fill(pT/tpT);
205  converted_pTspec->Fill(tpT);
206  if(pT>0)pTefffuncPlot->Fill(tpT,pT/tpT);
207  //trackpTDist->Fill(track_pT);
208  }
209  for (int event = 0; event < allTree->GetEntries(); ++event)
210  {
211  allTree->GetEvent(event);
212  for(auto i : *allpT){
213  all_pTspec->Fill(i);
214  }
215  }
216  TEfficiency* uni_rate = new TEfficiency(*converted_pTspec,*all_pTspec);
217  pTeffPlot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
218  pTefffuncPlot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries());
219  TProfile* resProfile = pTefffuncPlot->ProfileX("func_prof",5,30);
220  resProfile->Write();
221  //trackpTDist->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
222  out_file->Write();
223  ttree->ResetBranchAddresses();
224  return uni_rate;
225 }
227 void compareDeta(TTree* signalTree, TTree* background){
228  float detas,detab;
229  signalTree->SetBranchAddress("track_deta",&detas);
230  background->SetBranchAddress("track_deta",&detab);
231  TH1F *detaS_plot = new TH1F("detaS","",3000,-.001,1);
232  TH1F *detaB_plot = new TH1F("detaB","",3000,-.001,1);
233  detaS_plot->Sumw2();
234  detaB_plot->Sumw2();
236  for (int i = 0; i < signalTree->GetEntries(); ++i)
237  {
238  signalTree->GetEvent(i);
239  detaS_plot->Fill(detas);
240  }
241  for (int i = 0; i < background->GetEntries(); ++i)
242  {
243  background->GetEvent(i);
244  detaB_plot->Fill(detab);
245  }
246  detaB_plot->Scale(1/detaB_plot->Integral());
247  detaS_plot->Scale(1/detaS_plot->Integral());
248  detaS_plot->Write();
249  detaB_plot->Write();
250 }
252 void testCuts(TChain* ttree,TFile* out_file){
253  float dphi;
254  float prob;
255  float track_pT;
256  float deta;
257  float radius;
258  int layer;
259  int dlayer;
260  ttree->SetBranchAddress("cluster_dphi",&dphi);
261  ttree->SetBranchAddress("cluster_prob",&prob);
262  ttree->SetBranchAddress("track_layer",&layer);
263  ttree->SetBranchAddress("track_dlayer",&dlayer);
264  ttree->SetBranchAddress("track_pT",&track_pT);
265  ttree->SetBranchAddress("track_deta",&deta);
266  ttree->SetBranchAddress("vtx_radius",&radius);
268  TH1F *layerDist = new TH1F("layer","",16,-.5,15.5);
269  TH1F *probDist = new TH1F("clust_prob","",30,-.5,1.);
270  TH1F *deta_plot = new TH1F("deta","",30,-.001,.01);
271  TH1F *dlayer_plot = new TH1F("dlayer","",11,-.5,10.5);
272  TH1F *r_plot = new TH1F("signal_vtx_radius_dist","",26,-.5,25.5);
273  layerDist->Sumw2();
274  probDist->Sumw2();
275  deta_plot->Sumw2();
276  dlayer_plot->Sumw2();
277  r_plot->Sumw2();
278  unsigned badLayCount=0;
279  unsigned badClusCount=0;
280  unsigned bigDetaCount=0;
281  unsigned shortRadiusCount=0;
283  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
284  {
285  ttree->GetEvent(event);
286  if(layer==0)badLayCount++;
287  if(dphi<0&&track_pT>.6){
288  badClusCount++;
289  }
290  if(track_pT>.6&&dphi>=0){
291  layerDist->Fill(layer);
292  probDist->Fill(prob);
293  deta_plot->Fill(deta);
294  dlayer_plot->Fill(TMath::Abs(dlayer));
295  if(deta>.0082||TMath::Abs(dlayer)>9)bigDetaCount++;
296  else{
297  r_plot->Fill(radius);
298  if(radius<1.84) shortRadiusCount++;
299  }
300  }
302  }
303  layerDist->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries());
304  deta_plot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries());
305  dlayer_plot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries());
306  r_plot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries());
307  cout<<"Signal rejection through layer cut= "<<(float)badLayCount/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
308  cout<<"error= "<<sqrt((float)badLayCount)/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
309  cout<<"Signal rejection through clus cut= "<<(float)badClusCount/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
310  cout<<"error= "<<sqrt((float)badClusCount)/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
311  cout<<"Signal rejection through deta cut= "<<(float)bigDetaCount/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
312  cout<<"error= "<<sqrt((float)bigDetaCount)/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
313  cout<<"Signal rejection through radius cut= "<<(float)shortRadiusCount/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
314  cout<<"error= "<<sqrt((float)shortRadiusCount)/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
315  out_file->Write();
316 }
318 void makeRefitDist(TChain* ttree, TFile *out_file){
319  float diffx;
320  float diffy;
321  float diffz;
322  ttree->SetBranchAddress("refitdiffx",&diffx);
323  ttree->SetBranchAddress("refitdiffy",&diffy);
324  ttree->SetBranchAddress("refitdiffz",&diffz);
325  TH1F *diffplotx= new TH1F("x_{0}-x_{refit}","",40,-10,10);
326  TH1F *diffploty= new TH1F("y_{0}-y_{refit}","",40,-10,10);
327  TH1F *diffplotz= new TH1F("z_{0}-z_{refit}","",40,-10,10);
329  diffplotx->Sumw2();
330  diffploty->Sumw2();
331  diffplotz->Sumw2();
333  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
334  {
335  ttree->GetEvent(event);
336  diffplotx->Fill(diffx);
337  diffploty->Fill(diffy);
338  diffplotz->Fill(diffz);
339  }
341  diffplotx->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
342  diffploty->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
343  diffplotz->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
345  out_file->Write();
346  ttree->ResetBranchAddresses();
347 }
349 void makepTCaloGraph(string filename,TFile* outfile){
350  ifstream caloFile;
352  double x,y;
353  string s;
354  vector<double> xData, yData;
355  /*if(!(caloFile >>x>>y)){
356  cout<<"file error"<<endl;
357  if(!caloFile.is_open()) cout<<"file not opened"<<endl;
358  }*/
359  while(caloFile >>x>>s>>y){
360  xData.push_back(x);
361  yData.push_back(y);
362  }
363  double *xArray, *yArray;
364  xArray=&xData[0];
365  yArray=&yData[0];
366  TGraph *pTResCaloGraph = new TGraph(xData.size(),xArray,yArray);
367  pTResCaloGraph->SetNameTitle("calopTRes","calopTRes");
368  pTResCaloGraph->Sort();
369  pTResCaloGraph->Write();
370  outfile->Write();
371 }
373 TH1F* makePythiaSpec(TChain* ttree,TFile* out_file,string type=""){
374  vector<float>* tpT= NULL;
375  ttree->SetBranchAddress("photon_pT",&tpT);
376  string title;
377  if(!type.empty()){
378  title=type;
379  title+="_photon_truth_pT";
380  }
381  else title="photon_truth_pT";
382  TH1F *tpTspec = new TH1F(title.c_str(),"",20,5,25);
383  tpTspec->Sumw2();
384  cout<<"pythia tree with: "<<ttree->GetEntries()<<" entries"<<endl;
385  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
386  {
387  ttree->GetEvent(event);
388  for(auto i: *tpT){
389  if(i>5)tpTspec->Fill(i);
390  }
391  }
392  out_file->Write();
393  ttree->ResetBranchAddresses();
394  return tpTspec;
395 }
397 TH1F removeFirstBin(TH1F h){
398  if(h.GetNbinsX()>1){
399  string rname = h.GetName();
400  rname+=to_string(replot++);
401  TH1F r = TH1F(rname.c_str(),h.GetTitle(),h.GetNbinsX()-1,h.GetBinLowEdge(2),h.GetBinLowEdge(h.GetNbinsX()+1));
402  r.Sumw2();
403  for(unsigned i=1; i<r.GetNbinsX();++i){
404  r.SetBinContent(i,h.GetBinContent(i+1));
405  r.SetBinError(i,h.GetBinError(i+1));
406  }
407  return r;
408  }
409  else {
410  return h;
411  }
412 }
414 double ADtoP(double ad){
415  cout<<"AD:"<<ad<<endl;
416  double r=-1;
417  if(ad<.2) r= 1-TMath::Exp(-13.436+101.14*ad-223.74*ad*ad);
418  else if (ad<.34) r= 1-TMath::Exp(-8.31+42.79*ad-59.938*ad*ad);
419  else if (ad<.6) r= 1-TMath::Exp(.917-4.279*ad-1.38*ad*ad);
420  else r= 1-TMath::Exp(1.29-5.709*ad+.0186*ad*ad);
421  cout<<"P:"<<r<<endl;
422  return r;
423 }
425 float smartChi2(TH1F hard, TH1F soft){
426  hard.Scale(1/hard.Integral());
427  soft.Scale(1/soft.Integral());
428  return soft.Chi2Test(&hard,"WW CHI2/NDF");
429 }
431 void chopHard(TH1F hard,TH1F soft){
432  unsigned bins = soft.GetNbinsX();
433  while(ADtoP(hard.AndersonDarlingTest(&soft))>.05&&bins>2){
434  cout<<"Hard/Soft p="<<ADtoP(hard.AndersonDarlingTest(&soft))<<" n bins="<<hard.GetNbinsX()<<endl;
435  cout<<"chi2 p="<<smartChi2(hard,soft)<<" n bins="<<hard.GetNbinsX()<<endl;
436  hard=removeFirstBin(hard);
437  soft=removeFirstBin(soft);
438  bins--;
439  }
440  TH1F* temp = (TH1F*) hard.Clone("hard_chopped");
441  temp->Write();
442 }
444 void calculateConversionRate(TEfficiency* rate, TH1F *pythia,TFile* out_file){
445  TH1F* conversion_rate = (TH1F*) pythia->Clone("rate");
446  TH1* uni_rate = (TH1F*)rate->GetPassedHistogram()->Clone("uni_rate");
447  uni_rate->Divide(rate->GetTotalHistogram());
448  conversion_rate->Multiply(uni_rate);
449  conversion_rate->Scale(1/pythia->Integral());
450  out_file->Write();
451 }
453 double hardWeightFactor(TH1F* hard,TH1F* soft, unsigned matchBin, double* error){
454  double hardTotal=hard->Integral(matchBin,hard->GetNbinsX());
455  double softTotal=soft->Integral(matchBin,soft->GetNbinsX());
456  double r= softTotal/hardTotal;
457  *error = (softTotal+TMath::Power(softTotal,1./2))/hardTotal;
458  cout<<soft->Integral(matchBin,soft->GetNbinsX())<<endl;
459  cout<<hard->Integral(matchBin,soft->GetNbinsX())<<endl;
460  return r;
461 }
463 TH1F* addSpec(TH1F* soft,TH1F* hard,TFile* file){
464  TH1F* combined = new TH1F("combinedpythia","",soft->GetNbinsX(),soft->GetBinLowEdge(1),hard->GetBinLowEdge(hard->GetNbinsX()+1));
465  unsigned matchBin = 10;//getMatchingBin(hard,soft); //hard coded by eye
466  for (int i = 1; i < matchBin; ++i)
467  {
468  combined->SetBinContent(i,soft->GetBinContent(i));
469  combined->SetBinError(i,soft->GetBinError(i));
470  }
471  double systematic;
472  hard->Scale(hardWeightFactor(hard,soft,matchBin,&systematic));
473  for (int i = matchBin; i < combined->GetNbinsX()+1; ++i)
474  {
475  combined->SetBinContent(i,hard->GetBinContent(i));
476  combined->SetBinError(i,sqrt(hard->GetBinError(i)*hard->GetBinError(i)+systematic*systematic));
477  }
478  file->Write();
479  return combined;
480 }
482 void photonEff()
483 {
484  TFile *out_file = new TFile("effplots.root","UPDATE");
485  //string treePath = "/sphenix/user/vassalli/gammasample/truthconversionembededanalysis";
486  string treeExtension = ".root";
487  unsigned int nFiles=1000;
488  string softPath = "/sphenix/user/vassalli/minBiasPythia/softana.root";
489  //string hard0Path = "/sphenix/user/vassalli/minBiasPythia/hard0ana.root";
490  string hard4Path = "/sphenix/user/vassalli/minBiasPythia/hard4ana.root";
491  TChain *softTree = new TChain("photonTree");
492  //TChain *hard0Tree = new TChain("photonTree");
493  TChain *hard4Tree = new TChain("photonTree");
494  softTree->Add(softPath.c_str());
495  //hard0Tree->Add(hard0Path.c_str());
496  hard4Tree->Add(hard4Path.c_str());
497  /*TChain *ttree = handleFile(treePath,treeExtension,"cutTreeSignal",nFiles);
498  TChain *pairBackTree = handleFile(treePath,treeExtension,"pairBackTree",nFiles);
499  TChain *vtxBackTree = handleFile(treePath,treeExtension,"vtxBackTree",nFiles);
500  TChain *vertexingTree = handleFile(treePath,treeExtension,"vtxingTree",nFiles);
501  makephotonM(ttree,vtxBackTree,out_file);*/
502  auto pythiaSpec=makePythiaSpec(softTree,out_file,"soft");
503  //makePythiaSpec(hard0Tree,out_file,"hard0");
504  auto hardSpec = makePythiaSpec(hard4Tree,out_file,"hard4");
505  //chopHard(*hardSpec,*pythiaSpec);
506  pythiaSpec = addSpec(pythiaSpec,hardSpec,out_file);
507  //makepTDist(ttree,observations,out_file);
508  /*makeVtxRes(ttree,out_file);
509  makeVtxEff(ttree,out_file);
510  makepTRes(ttree);
511  compareDeta(ttree,pairBackTree);
512  //testCuts(ttree,out_file);
513  makepTCaloGraph("pTcalodata.csv",out_file);
514  makeVtxR(ttree,vertexingTree,out_file);*/
515  //makeRefitDist(ttree,out_file);
516 }