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1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) The JETSCAPE Collaboration, 2018
3  *
4  * Modular, task-based framework for simulating all aspects of heavy-ion collisions
5  *
6  * For the list of contributors see AUTHORS.
7  *
8  * Report issues at
9  *
10  * or via email to
11  *
12  * Distributed under the GNU General Public License 3.0 (GPLv3 or later).
13  * See COPYING for details.
14  ******************************************************************************/
16 #include "ColorlessHadronization.h"
17 #include "JetScapeXML.h"
18 #include "JetScapeLogger.h"
19 #include "tinyxml2.h"
20 #include "JetScapeConstants.h"
21 #include <sstream>
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <fstream>
24 #include <sstream>
25 #include <random>
27 using namespace Jetscape;
28 using namespace Pythia8;
30 // Hadrons output file
31 //ofstream hadfile;
33 // Register the module with the base class
35  ColorlessHadronization::reg("ColorlessHadronization");
37 // Initialize static helper here
38 Pythia8::Pythia ColorlessHadronization::pythia("IntentionallyEmpty", false);
41  SetId("ColorlessHadronization");
42  VERBOSE(8);
43 }
48  // Open output file
49  //"CH_myhad.dat");
51  std::string s = GetXMLElementText({"JetHadronization", "name"});
52  JSDEBUG << s << " to be initializied ...";
54  // Read sqrts to know remnants energies
55  double p_read_xml =
56  GetXMLElementDouble({"JetHadronization", "eCMforHadronization"});
57  p_fake = p_read_xml;
59  take_recoil = GetXMLElementInt({"JetHadronization", "take_recoil"});
61  JSDEBUG << "Initialize ColorlessHadronization";
62  VERBOSE(8);
64  // No event record printout.
65  pythia.readString("Next:numberShowInfo = 0");
66  pythia.readString("Next:numberShowProcess = 0");
67  pythia.readString("Next:numberShowEvent = 0");
69  // Standard settings
70  pythia.readString("ProcessLevel:all = off");
71  pythia.readString("PartonLevel:FSR=off");
73  // General settings for hadron decays
74  std::string pythia_decays = GetXMLElementText({"JetHadronization", "pythia_decays"});
75  double tau0Max = 10.0;
76  double tau0Max_xml = GetXMLElementDouble({"JetHadronization", "tau0Max"});
77  if(tau0Max_xml >= 0){tau0Max = tau0Max_xml;}
78  else{JSWARN << "tau0Max should be larger than 0. Set it to 10.";}
79  if(pythia_decays == "on"){
80  JSINFO << "Pythia decays are turned on for tau0Max < " << tau0Max;
81  pythia.readString("HadronLevel:Decay = on");
82  pythia.readString("ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on");
83  pythia.readString("ParticleDecays:tau0Max = " + std::to_string(tau0Max));
84  } else {
85  JSINFO << "Pythia decays are turned off";
86  pythia.readString("HadronLevel:Decay = off");
87  }
89  // Settings for decays (old flag, will be depracted at some point)
90  // This overwrites the previous settings if the user xml file contains the flag
91  std::string weak_decays =
92  GetXMLElementText({"JetHadronization", "weak_decays"});
93  if (weak_decays == "off") {
94  JSINFO << "Hadron decays are turned off.";
95  JSWARN << "This parameter will be depracted at some point. Use 'pythia_decays' instead.\nOverwriting 'pythia_decays'.";
96  pythia.readString("HadronLevel:Decay = off");
97  } else if(weak_decays == "on") {
98  JSINFO << "Hadron decays inside a range of 10 mm/c are turned on.";
99  JSWARN << "This parameter will be depracted at some point. Use 'pythia_decays' and 'tau0Max' for more control on decays.\nOverwriting 'pythia_decays' and fix 'tau0Max' to 10.";
100  pythia.readString("HadronLevel:Decay = on");
101  pythia.readString("ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on");
102  pythia.readString("ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10.0");
103  }
105  std::stringstream lines;
106  lines << GetXMLElementText({"JetHadronization", "LinesToRead"}, false);
107  while (std::getline(lines, s, '\n')) {
108  if (s.find_first_not_of(" \t\v\f\r") == s.npos)
109  continue; // skip empty lines
110  JSINFO << "Also reading in: " << s;
111  pythia.readString(s);
112  }
114  // Initialize random number distribution
115  ZeroOneDistribution = std::uniform_real_distribution<double> { 0.0, 1.0 };
116  // And initialize
117  pythia.init();
118 }
120 void ColorlessHadronization::WriteTask(weak_ptr<JetScapeWriter> w) {
121  VERBOSE(8);
122  auto f = w.lock();
123  if (!f)
124  return;
125  f->WriteComment("Hadronization Module : " + GetId());
126 }
129  vector<vector<shared_ptr<Parton>>> &shower,
130  vector<shared_ptr<Hadron>> &hOut, vector<shared_ptr<Parton>> &pOut) {
131  VERBOSE(1) << "Start Hadronizing using PYTHIA Lund string model (does NOT "
132  "use color flow, needs to be tested)...";
133  Event &event = pythia.event;
134  ParticleData &pdt = pythia.particleData;
136  // Hadronize positive (status = 0) and negative (status = -1) partons in a different space
137  for (int want_pos = 1; want_pos >= 0; --want_pos) {
138  event.reset();
140  if (!take_recoil && want_pos == 0)
141  continue; // SC: don't need negative if don't take recoil
143  // Set remnants momentum
144  double random_direction = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator());
145  if (random_direction>0.5) {
146  random_direction = 1.0;
147  }else{
148  random_direction = -1.0;
149  };
151  double rempx = 0.2;
152  double rempy = 0.2;
153  double rempz = random_direction*p_fake;
154  double reme = std::sqrt(std::pow(rempx, 2.) + std::pow(rempy, 2.) +
155  std::pow(rempz, 2.));
157  // Hadronize all showers together
158  vector<shared_ptr<Parton>> pIn;
159  vector<vector<Parton>> shower_in;
160  for (unsigned int ishower = 0; ishower < shower.size(); ++ishower) {
161  vector<Parton> p_sh;
162  for (unsigned int ipart = 0; ipart <; ++ipart) {
163  p_sh.push_back(*(shower[ishower][ipart]));
164  }
165  shower_in.push_back(p_sh);
166  }
167  for (unsigned int ishower = 0; ishower < shower_in.size(); ++ishower) {
168  for (unsigned int ipart = 0; ipart < shower_in[ishower].size(); ++ipart) {
169  //if (>pstat()==0 && want_pos==1) pIn.push_back(; // Positive
170  if (want_pos == 1) { // Positive
171  if (take_recoil && shower_in[ishower][ipart].pstat() == 1) {
172  pIn.push_back(make_shared<Parton>(shower_in[ishower][ipart]));
173  }
174  if (shower_in[ishower][ipart].pstat() == 0) {
175  pIn.push_back(make_shared<Parton>(shower_in[ishower][ipart]));
176  }
177  if (shower_in[ishower][ipart].pstat() == 22) {
178  pIn.push_back(make_shared<Parton>(shower_in[ishower][ipart])); //Allow photons with status code 22 to pass through Colorless hadronization.
179  }
180  }
181  if (take_recoil && shower_in[ishower][ipart].pstat() == -1 &&
182  want_pos == 0) {
183  pIn.push_back(make_shared<Parton>(shower_in[ishower][ipart]));
184  } // Negative
185  }
186  JSDEBUG << "Shower#" << ishower + 1
187  << ". Number of partons to hadronize so far: " << pIn.size();
188  }
189  if (want_pos == 1)
190  VERBOSE(1) << "# Positive Partons to hadronize: " << pIn.size();
191  else
192  VERBOSE(1) << "# Negative Partons to hadronize: " << pIn.size();
194  // Check whether event is empty (specially important for negative partons case)
195  if (pIn.size() == 0)
196  continue;
198  int col[pIn.size() + 2], acol[pIn.size() + 2], isdone[pIn.size() + 2];
199  memset(col, 0, (pIn.size() + 2) * sizeof(int)),
200  memset(acol, 0, (pIn.size() + 2) * sizeof(int)),
201  memset(isdone, 0, (pIn.size() + 2) * sizeof(int));
203  // Find number of quarks
204  int nquarks = 0;
205  int isquark[pIn.size() + 2];
206  memset(isquark, 0, (pIn.size() + 2) * sizeof(int));
207  for (unsigned int ipart = 0; ipart < pIn.size(); ++ipart) {
208  if (abs(pIn[ipart]->pid()) <= 6) {
209  isquark[nquarks] = ipart;
210  nquarks += 1;
211  }
212  }
213  JSDEBUG << "#Quarks = " << nquarks;
215  // Find number of strings
216  int nstrings = max(int(double(nquarks) / 2. + 0.6), 1);
217  JSDEBUG << "#Strings = " << nstrings;
219  // If there are no quarks, need to attach two of them
220  int istring = 0;
221  int one_end[nstrings], two_end[nstrings];
222  if (nquarks == 0) { // Only attach remnants if event is not empty
223  // First quark
224  FourVector p1(rempx, rempy, rempz, reme);
225  FourVector x1;
226  pIn.push_back(std::make_shared<Parton>(0, 1, 0, p1, x1));
227  isquark[nquarks] = pIn.size() - 1;
228  nquarks += 1;
229  isdone[pIn.size() - 1] = 1;
230  one_end[0] = pIn.size() - 1;
231  VERBOSE(1) << "Attached quark remnant flying down +Pz beam";
232  // Second quark
233  FourVector p2(rempx, rempy, -rempz, reme);
234  FourVector x2;
235  pIn.push_back(std::make_shared<Parton>(0, 1, 0, p2, x2));
236  isquark[nquarks] = pIn.size() - 1;
237  nquarks += 1;
238  isdone[pIn.size() - 1] = 1;
239  two_end[istring] = pIn.size() - 1;
240  VERBOSE(1) << "Attached quark remnant flying down -Pz beam";
241  }
243  // Assign ends of strings (order matters in this algo)
244  for (unsigned int iquark = 0; iquark < nquarks; iquark++) {
245  if (isdone[isquark[iquark]] == 0) {
246  isdone[isquark[iquark]] = 1;
247  one_end[istring] = isquark[iquark];
248  double min_delR = 10000.;
249  int partner = -2;
250  for (unsigned int jquark = 0; jquark < nquarks; jquark++) {
251  if (iquark == jquark)
252  continue;
253  int d_jquark = isquark[jquark];
254  if (isdone[d_jquark] == 0) {
255  fjcore::PseudoJet pf(pIn[d_jquark]->px(), pIn[d_jquark]->py(),
256  pIn[d_jquark]->pz(), pIn[d_jquark]->e());
257  double delR = pIn[isquark[iquark]]->delta_R(pf);
258  if (delR < min_delR)
259  min_delR = delR, partner = jquark;
260  }
261  }
262  if (partner != -2) {
263  isdone[isquark[partner]] = 1;
264  two_end[istring] = isquark[partner];
265  istring += 1;
266  } else {
267  FourVector p(rempx, rempy, rempz, reme);
268  FourVector x;
269  pIn.push_back(std::make_shared<Parton>(0, 1, 0, p, x));
270  isquark[nquarks] = pIn.size() - 1;
271  nquarks += 1;
272  isdone[pIn.size() - 1] = 1;
273  two_end[istring] = pIn.size() - 1;
274  VERBOSE(1) << "Attached quark remnant flying down +Pz beam";
275  }
276  }
277  }
279  // Assign gluons to a certain string
280  int my_string[pIn.size()];
281  memset(my_string, 0, pIn.size() * sizeof(int));
282  for (unsigned int ipart = 0; ipart < pIn.size(); ++ipart) {
283  if (pIn[ipart]->pid() == 21) {
284  double min_delR = 100000.;
285  for (int ns = 0; ns < nstrings; ns++) {
286  int fq = one_end[ns];
287  int sq = two_end[ns];
288  fjcore::PseudoJet pfq(pIn[fq]->px(), pIn[fq]->py(), pIn[fq]->pz(),
289  pIn[fq]->e());
290  double f_delR = pIn[ipart]->delta_R(pfq);
291  fjcore::PseudoJet psq(pIn[sq]->px(), pIn[sq]->py(), pIn[sq]->pz(),
292  pIn[sq]->e());
293  double s_delR = pIn[ipart]->delta_R(psq);
294  double delR = (f_delR + s_delR) / 2.;
295  if (delR < min_delR)
296  my_string[ipart] = ns, min_delR = delR;
297  }
298  }
299  }
301  // Build up chain using gluons assigned to each string, in a closest pair order
302  int lab_col = 102;
303  for (int ns = 0; ns < nstrings; ns++) {
304  int tquark = one_end[ns];
305  if (pIn[tquark]->pid() > 0)
306  col[tquark] = lab_col;
307  else
308  acol[tquark] = lab_col;
309  lab_col += 1;
310  int link = tquark;
311  int changes = 1;
312  do {
313  changes = 0;
314  double min_delR = 100000.;
315  int next_link = 0;
316  for (unsigned int ipart = 0; ipart < pIn.size(); ++ipart) {
317  if (pIn[ipart]->pid() == 21 && isdone[ipart] == 0 &&
318  my_string[ipart] == ns) {
319  changes = 1;
320  fjcore::PseudoJet pf(pIn[ipart]->px(), pIn[ipart]->py(),
321  pIn[ipart]->pz(), pIn[ipart]->e());
322  double delR = pIn[link]->delta_R(pf);
323  if (delR < min_delR)
324  min_delR = delR, next_link = ipart;
325  }
326  }
327  if (changes == 1) {
328  isdone[next_link] = 1;
329  if (col[link] == lab_col - 1)
330  col[next_link] = lab_col, acol[next_link] = lab_col - 1;
331  else
332  col[next_link] = lab_col - 1, acol[next_link] = lab_col;
333  lab_col += 1;
334  JSDEBUG << " Linked parton= " << next_link;
335  link = next_link;
336  }
337  } while (changes == 1);
338  // Attach second end
339  if (col[link] == lab_col - 1)
340  col[two_end[ns]] = 0, acol[two_end[ns]] = lab_col - 1;
341  else
342  col[two_end[ns]] = lab_col - 1, acol[two_end[ns]] = 0;
343  }
344  // Changing identity of quarks to be consistent with color charge
345  for (int iq = 0; iq < nquarks; ++iq) {
346  if (col[isquark[iq]] != 0) {
347  if (pIn[isquark[iq]]->pid() < 0)
348  pIn[isquark[iq]]->set_id(-pIn[isquark[iq]]->pid());
349  } else {
350  if (pIn[isquark[iq]]->pid() > 0)
351  pIn[isquark[iq]]->set_id(-pIn[isquark[iq]]->pid());
352  }
353  }
355  // Introduce partons into PYTHIA
356  /*
357  for (unsigned int ipart=0; ipart < pIn.size(); ++ipart)
358  {
359  JSDEBUG << "Parton #" << ipart << " is a " << pIn[ipart]->pid() << "with energy = " << pIn[ipart]->e() << " with phi= " << pIn[ipart]->phi() << " and has col= " << col[ipart] << " and acol= " << acol[ipart];
360  }
361  */
363  /***************************************************************************************************************/
364  //
365  // Making collinear partons not collinear
366  //
367  // Could have dangerous effects, yet to be tested....
368  //
370  for (unsigned int ipart = 0; ipart < pIn.size(); ++ipart) {
371  double px = pIn[ipart]->px();
372  double py = pIn[ipart]->py();
373  double pz = pIn[ipart]->pz();
374  double ee = pIn[ipart]->e();
375  for (unsigned int j = ipart + 1; j < pIn.size(); j++) {
376  double p2x = pIn[j]->px();
377  double p2y = pIn[j]->py();
378  double p2z = pIn[j]->pz();
379  double e2e = pIn[j]->e();
381  double diff =
382  sqrt(pow(px - p2x, 2) + pow(py - p2y, 2) + pow(pz - p2z, 2));
383  double f = 4.0;
384  if (diff < f * Lambda_QCD) {
385  if ((pz >= 0) && (p2z >= 0)) {
386  if (pz >= p2z) {
387  pIn[ipart]->reset_momentum(px, py, pz + f * Lambda_QCD,
388  sqrt(ee * ee +
389  2 * pz * f * Lambda_QCD +
390  f * Lambda_QCD * f * Lambda_QCD));
391  } else
392  pIn[j]->reset_momentum(p2x, p2y, p2z + f * Lambda_QCD,
393  sqrt(e2e * e2e + 2 * p2z * f * Lambda_QCD +
394  f * Lambda_QCD * f * Lambda_QCD));
395  } else if ((pz >= 0) && (p2z < 0)) {
396  if (abs(pz) >= abs(p2z)) {
397  pIn[ipart]->reset_momentum(px, py, pz + f * Lambda_QCD,
398  sqrt(ee * ee +
399  2 * pz * f * Lambda_QCD +
400  f * Lambda_QCD * f * Lambda_QCD));
401  } else
402  pIn[j]->reset_momentum(p2x, p2y, p2z - f * Lambda_QCD,
403  sqrt(e2e * e2e - 2 * p2z * f * Lambda_QCD +
404  f * Lambda_QCD * f * Lambda_QCD));
405  } else if ((pz < 0) && (p2z >= 0)) {
406  if (abs(pz) >= abs(p2z)) {
407  pIn[ipart]->reset_momentum(px, py, pz - f * Lambda_QCD,
408  sqrt(ee * ee -
409  2 * pz * f * Lambda_QCD +
410  f * Lambda_QCD * f * Lambda_QCD));
411  } else
412  pIn[j]->reset_momentum(p2x, p2y, p2z + f * Lambda_QCD,
413  sqrt(e2e * e2e + 2 * p2z * f * Lambda_QCD +
414  f * Lambda_QCD * f * Lambda_QCD));
415  } else {
416  if (abs(pz) >= abs(p2z)) {
417  pIn[ipart]->reset_momentum(px, py, pz - f * Lambda_QCD,
418  sqrt(ee * ee -
419  2 * pz * f * Lambda_QCD +
420  f * Lambda_QCD * f * Lambda_QCD));
421  } else
422  pIn[j]->reset_momentum(p2x, p2y, p2z - f * Lambda_QCD,
423  sqrt(e2e * e2e - 2 * p2z * f * Lambda_QCD +
424  f * Lambda_QCD * f * Lambda_QCD));
425  }
426  }
427  }
428  }
430  /**************************************************************************************************************************/
432  for (unsigned int ipart = 0; ipart < pIn.size(); ++ipart) {
433  int ide = pIn[ipart]->pid();
434  double px = pIn[ipart]->px();
435  double py = pIn[ipart]->py();
436  double pz = pIn[ipart]->pz();
437  double ee = pIn[ipart]->e();
438  double mm = pdt.m0(int(ide));
439  ee = std::sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz + mm * mm);
440  if (col[ipart] == 0 && acol[ipart] == 0 && (ide == 21 || abs(ide) <= 6)) {
441  JSINFO << "Stopping because of colorless parton trying to be "
442  "introduced in PYTHIA string";
443  exit(0);
444  }
445  event.append(int(ide), 23, col[ipart], acol[ipart], px, py, pz, ee, mm);
446  }
449  for (unsigned int ipart = 0; ipart < event.size(); ++ipart) {
450  if (event[ipart].isFinal()) {
451  int ide = pythia.event[ipart].id();
452  FourVector p(pythia.event[ipart].px(), pythia.event[ipart].py(),
453  pythia.event[ipart].pz(), pythia.event[ipart].e());
454  FourVector x;
455  if (want_pos == 1)
456  hOut.push_back(
457  std::make_shared<Hadron>(Hadron(0, ide, 0, p, x))); // Positive
458  else
459  hOut.push_back(
460  std::make_shared<Hadron>(Hadron(0, ide, -1, p, x))); // Negative
461  //JSINFO << "Produced Hadron has id = " << pythia.event[ipart].id();
462  // Print on output file
463  //hadfile << pythia.event[ipart].px() << " " << pythia.event[ipart].py() << " " << pythia.event[ipart].pz() << " " << pythia.event[ipart].e() << " " << pythia.event[ipart].id() << " " << pythia.event[ipart].charge() << endl;
464  }
465  }
466  VERBOSE(1) << "#Showers hadronized together: " << shower.size()
467  << ". There are " << hOut.size() << " hadrons and "
468  << pOut.size() << " partons after PYTHIA Hadronization";
469  //hadfile << "NEXT" << endl;
471  } // End of positive or negative loop
472 }