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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ANEdepPercent.C
1 void EdepPercentE()//(const char * particle = "e-", const int pz = 4, const int thickness = 18)
2 {
3  char infile[100];
4  //char *particles[2] = {"pi-","e-"};
5  int pz[10] = {1,2,4,8,12,16,32,40,50,90};
6  //int th[3] = {5,10,18};
7  int h1int[36];
8  // for (int i=0; i<10;i++)
9  // {
10  // for (int j=0; j<5; j++)
11  // {
12  // for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
13  // {
14  sprintf(infile, "an1out.root");
15  char hname [100];
16  sprintf(hname, "Ean1d");
17  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "Ean1d", 100, 0, 1);
18  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
19  gROOT->cd();
20  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
21  nt->Project(hname,"(EA+ES)/(EA+ES+HOA+HOS+HIA+HIS+BH+MAG)");
22  f->Close();
23  h1->Draw();
24  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
25  h1->Write();
26  fout->Write();
27  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
28  //fout->Write();
29  fout->Close();
31  sprintf(infile, "an2out.root");
32  char hname [100];
33  sprintf(hname, "Ean2d");
34  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "Ean2d", 100, 0, 1);
35  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
36  gROOT->cd();
37  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
38  nt->Project(hname,"(EA+ES)/(EA+ES+HOA+HOS+HIA+HIS+BH+MAG)");
39  f->Close();
40  h1->Draw();
41  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
42  h1->Write();
43  fout->Write();
44  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
45  //fout->Write();
46  fout->Close();
48  sprintf(infile, "an4out.root");
49  char hname [100];
50  sprintf(hname, "Ean4d");
51  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "Ean4d", 100, 0, 1);
52  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
53  gROOT->cd();
54  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
55  nt->Project(hname,"(EA+ES)/(EA+ES+HOA+HOS+HIA+HIS+BH+MAG");
56  f->Close();
57  h1->Draw();
58  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
59  h1->Write();
60  fout->Write();
61  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
62  //fout->Write();
63  fout->Close();
65  sprintf(infile, "an8out.root");
66  char hname [100];
67  sprintf(hname, "Ean8d");
68  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "Ean8d", 100, 0, 1);
69  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
70  gROOT->cd();
71  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
72  nt->Project(hname,"(EA+ES)/(EA+ES+HOA+HOS+HIA+HIS+BH+MAG)");
73  f->Close();
74  h1->Draw();
75  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
76  h1->Write();
77  fout->Write();
78  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
79  //fout->Write();
80  fout->Close();
82  sprintf(infile, "an12out.root");
83  char hname [100];
84  sprintf(hname, "Ean12d");
85  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "Ean12d", 100, 0, 1);
86  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
87  gROOT->cd();
88  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
89  nt->Project(hname,"(EA+ES)/(EA+ES+HOA+HOS+HIA+HIS+BH+MAG)");
90  f->Close();
91  h1->Draw();
92  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
93  h1->Write();
94  fout->Write();
95  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
96  //fout->Write();
97  fout->Close();
99  sprintf(infile, "an16out.root");
100  char hname [100];
101  sprintf(hname, "Ean16d");
102  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "Ean16d", 100, 0, 1);
103  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
104  gROOT->cd();
105  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
106  nt->Project(hname,"(EA+ES)/(EA+ES+HOA+HOS+HIA+HIS+BH+MAG)");
107  f->Close();
108  h1->Draw();
109  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
110  h1->Write();
111  fout->Write();
112  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
113  //fout->Write();
114  fout->Close();
116  sprintf(infile, "an32out.root");
117  char hname [100];
118  sprintf(hname, "Ean32d");
119  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "Ean32d", 100, 0, 1);
120  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
121  gROOT->cd();
122  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
123  nt->Project(hname,"(EA+ES)/(EA+ES+HOA+HOS+HIA+HIS+BH+MAG)");
124  f->Close();
125  h1->Draw();
126  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
127  h1->Write();
128  fout->Write();
129  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
130  //fout->Write();
131  fout->Close();
133  sprintf(infile, "an40out.root");
134  char hname [100];
135  sprintf(hname, "Ean40d");
136  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "Ean40d", 100, 0, 1);
137  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
138  gROOT->cd();
139  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
140  nt->Project(hname,"(EA+ES)/(EA+ES+HOA+HOS+HIA+HIS+BH+MAG)");
141  f->Close();
142  h1->Draw();
143  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
144  h1->Write();
145  fout->Write();
146  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
147  //fout->Write();
148  fout->Close();
150  sprintf(infile, "an0out.root");
151  char hname [100];
152  sprintf(hname, "an50d");
153  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "an50d", 100, 0, 1);
154  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
155  gROOT->cd();
156  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
157  nt->Project(hname,"(EA+ES)/(EA+ES+HOA+HOS+HIA+HIS+BH+MAG)");
158  f->Close();
159  h1->Draw();
160  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
161  h1->Write();
162  fout->Write();
163  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
164  //fout->Write();
165  fout->Close();
167  /* sprintf(infile, "e90out.root");
168  char hname [100];
169  sprintf(hname, "e90d");
170  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "e90d", 100, 0, 90);
171  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
172  gROOT->cd();
173  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
174  nt->Project(hname,"(EA+ES)/(EA+ES+HOA+HOS+HIA+HIS+BH+MAG)");
175  f->Close();
176  h1->Draw();
177  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
178  h1->Write();
179  fout->Write();
180  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
181  //fout->Write();
182  fout->Close();
183  */
188 // }
189  //}
190 // }
191 }
201 {
202  TFile *fin = TFile::Open("anpercent.root");
203  gROOT->cd();
204  TH2 *h2 = new TH2F("htot","EMCAL",1,0,50,1,0,1);
205  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
206  TMarker *spf = new TMarker();
207  spf->SetMarkerStyle(20);
208  spf->SetMarkerColor(4);
209  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas();
210  h2->Draw();
212  char hname[100];
213  sprintf(hname, "an1d");
214  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
215  spf->DrawMarker(1, h1->GetMean(1));
217  char hname[100];
218  sprintf(hname, "an2d");
219  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
220  spf->DrawMarker(2, h1->GetMean(1));
222  char hname[100];
223  sprintf(hname, "an4d");
224  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
225  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
226  spf->DrawMarker(4, h1->GetMean(1));
228  char hname[100];
229  sprintf(hname, "an8d");
230  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
231  // int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
232  spf->DrawMarker(8, h1->GetMean(1));
234  char hname[100];
235  sprintf(hname, "an12d");
236  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
237  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
238  spf->DrawMarker(12, h1->GetMean(1));
240  char hname[100];
241  sprintf(hname, "an16d");
242  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
243  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
244  spf->DrawMarker(16, h1->GetMean(1));
246  char hname[100];
247  sprintf(hname, "an32d");
248  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
249  // int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
250  spf->DrawMarker(32, h1->GetMean(1));
252  char hname[100];
253  sprintf(hname, "an40d");
254  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
255  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
256  spf->DrawMarker(40, h1->GetMean(1));
258  char hname[100];
259  sprintf(hname, "an50d");
260  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
261  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
262  spf->DrawMarker(50, h1->GetMean(1));
264  /* char hname[100];
265  sprintf(hname, "e90d");
266  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
267  int meanval = h1->GetMean();
268  spf->DrawMarker(90, h1->GetMean(1));
269  */
270  fin->Close();
276  /* //const int N = 50;
277  //int count = 0;
278  //int i1 = 1;
279  double temp1, temp2, temp3;
280  //double arr1[N];
281  //double arr2[N];
282  //double arr3[N];
283 char filename1[350], filename2[350], filename3[350];
284  // open the files
285 // while (i1<50) {
286  temp1 = 0.; temp2 = 0.; temp3 = 0.;
287  sprintf(filename1,"e8out.root");
288  TFile* f1 = new TFile(filename1,"READONLY");
289  if (!f1 || f1->IsZombie()) {
290  printf("Cannot open %s!", filename1);
291  return;
292  }
293  //f1->cd("folder1");
294  TH1D* h1 = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("histo");
295  if (!h1) {
296  printf("Cannot read histo!");
297  return;
298  }
299  h1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.45,2);
300  temp1 = h1->Integral();
301  // h1->Delete(); - NO, use delete h1, but histograms are owned by files,
302  // so just don't delete it, will be done by delete f1.
303  sprintf(filename2,"/sphenix/user/jpinkenburg/sPHENIX/analysis/AntiSigma/macros/e4out.root",1);
304  TFile* f2 = new TFile(filename2,"READONLY");
305  if (!f2 || f2->IsZombie()) {
306  printf("Cannot open %s!", filename2);
307  return;
308  }
309  //f2->cd("folder1");
310  TH1D* h2 = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("histo");
311  h2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.45,2);
312  temp2 = h2->Integral();
313  // h2->Delete(); - NO, see above
314  arr1[count] = temp1;
315  arr2[count] = temp2;
316  arr3[count] = temp3;
317  cout << temp1 << " " << temp2 << endl;
318  i1 += 5;
319 count += 1;
321 delete f1;
322 delete f2;
323  */
324  }
327 void EdepPercentIH()//(const char * particle = "e-", const int pz = 4, const int thickness = 18)
328 {
329  char infile[100];
330  //char *particles[2] = {"pi-","e-"};
331  int pz[10] = {1,2,4,8,12,16,32,40,50,90};
332  //int th[3] = {5,10,18};
333  int h1int[36];
334  // for (int i=0; i<10;i++)
335  // {
336  // for (int j=0; j<5; j++)
337  // {
338  // for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
339  // {
340  sprintf(infile, "an1out.root");
341  char hname [100];
342  sprintf(hname, "HIan1d");
343  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HIan1d", 100, 0, 1);
344  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
345  gROOT->cd();
346  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
347  nt->Project(hname,"(HIA+HIS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
348  f->Close();
349  h1->Draw();
350  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
351  h1->Write();
352  fout->Write();
353  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
354  //fout->Write();
355  fout->Close();
357  sprintf(infile, "an2out.root");
358  char hname [100];
359  sprintf(hname, "HIan2d");
360  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HIan2d", 100, 0, 1);
361  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
362  gROOT->cd();
363  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
364  nt->Project(hname,"(HIA+HIS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
365  f->Close();
366  h1->Draw();
367  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
368  h1->Write();
369  fout->Write();
370  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
371  //fout->Write();
372  fout->Close();
374  sprintf(infile, "an4out.root");
375  char hname [100];
376  sprintf(hname, "HIan4d");
377  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HIan4d", 100, 0, 1);
378  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
379  gROOT->cd();
380  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
381  nt->Project(hname,"(HIA+HIS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
382  f->Close();
383  h1->Draw();
384  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
385  h1->Write();
386  fout->Write();
387  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
388  //fout->Write();
389  fout->Close();
391  sprintf(infile, "an8out.root");
392  char hname [100];
393  sprintf(hname, "HIan8d");
394  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HIan8d", 100, 0, 1);
395  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
396  gROOT->cd();
397  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
398  nt->Project(hname,"(HIA+HIS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
399  f->Close();
400  h1->Draw();
401  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
402  h1->Write();
403  fout->Write();
404  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
405  //fout->Write();
406  fout->Close();
408  sprintf(infile, "an12out.root");
409  char hname [100];
410  sprintf(hname, "HIan12d");
411  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HIan12d", 100, 0, 1);
412  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
413  gROOT->cd();
414  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
415  nt->Project(hname,"(HIA+HIS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
416  f->Close();
417  h1->Draw();
418  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
419  h1->Write();
420  fout->Write();
421  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
422  //fout->Write();
423  fout->Close();
425  sprintf(infile, "an16out.root");
426  char hname [100];
427  sprintf(hname, "HIan16d");
428  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HIan16d", 100, 0, 1);
429  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
430  gROOT->cd();
431  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
432  nt->Project(hname,"(HIA+HIS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
433  f->Close();
434  h1->Draw();
435  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
436  h1->Write();
437  fout->Write();
438  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
439  //fout->Write();
440  fout->Close();
442  sprintf(infile, "an32out.root");
443  char hname [100];
444  sprintf(hname, "HIan32d");
445  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HIan32d", 100, 0, 1);
446  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
447  gROOT->cd();
448  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
449  nt->Project(hname,"(HIA+HIS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
450  f->Close();
451  h1->Draw();
452  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
453  h1->Write();
454  fout->Write();
455  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
456  //fout->Write();
457  fout->Close();
459  sprintf(infile, "an40out.root");
460  char hname [100];
461  sprintf(hname, "HIan40d");
462  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HIan40d", 100, 0, 1);
463  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
464  gROOT->cd();
465  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
466  nt->Project(hname,"(HIA+HIS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
467  f->Close();
468  h1->Draw();
469  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
470  h1->Write();
471  fout->Write();
472  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
473  //fout->Write();
474  fout->Close();
476  sprintf(infile, "an50out.root");
477  char hname [100];
478  sprintf(hname, "HIan50d");
479  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HIan50d", 100, 0, 1);
480  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
481  gROOT->cd();
482  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
483  nt->Project(hname,"(HIA+HIS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
484  f->Close();
485  h1->Draw();
486  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
487  h1->Write();
488  fout->Write();
489  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
490  //fout->Write();
491  fout->Close();
493  /* sprintf(infile, "e90out.root");
494  char hname [100];
495  sprintf(hname, "e90d");
496  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "e90d", 100, 0, 90);
497  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
498  gROOT->cd();
499  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
500  nt->Project(hname,"(EA+ES)/(EA+ES+HOA+HOS+HIA+HIS+BH+MAG)");
501  f->Close();
502  h1->Draw();
503  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
504  h1->Write();
505  fout->Write();
506  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
507  //fout->Write();
508  fout->Close();
509  */
514 // }
515  //}
516 // }
517 }
527 {
528  TFile *fin = TFile::Open("anpercent.root");
529  gROOT->cd();
530  TH2 *h2 = new TH2F("htot","Inner_HCAL",1,0,50,1,0,.1);
531  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
532  TMarker *spf = new TMarker();
533  spf->SetMarkerStyle(20);
534  spf->SetMarkerColor(8);
535  TLine *rlin = new TLine();
536  rlin->SetLineColor(8);
537  rlin->SetLineStyle(1);
538  rlin->SetLineWidth(1);
539  TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
540  h2->Draw();
542  char hname[100];
543  sprintf(hname, "HIan1d");
544  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
545  spf->DrawMarker(1, h1->GetMean(1));
546  rlin->DrawLine(1,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),1,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
547  char hname[100];
548  sprintf(hname, "HIan2d");
549  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
550  spf->DrawMarker(2, h1->GetMean(1));
551  rlin->DrawLine(2,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),2,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
552  char hname[100];
553  sprintf(hname, "HIan4d");
554  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
555  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
556  spf->DrawMarker(4, h1->GetMean(1));
557  rlin->DrawLine(4,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),4,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
558  char hname[100];
559  sprintf(hname, "HIan8d");
560  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
561  // int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
562  spf->DrawMarker(8, h1->GetMean(1));
563  rlin->DrawLine(8,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),8,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
564  char hname[100];
565  sprintf(hname, "HIan12d");
566  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
567  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
568  spf->DrawMarker(12, h1->GetMean(1));
569  rlin->DrawLine(12,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),12,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
570  char hname[100];
571  sprintf(hname, "HIan16d");
572  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
573  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
574  spf->DrawMarker(16, h1->GetMean(1));
575  rlin->DrawLine(16,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),16,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
577  char hname[100];
578  sprintf(hname, "HIan32d");
579  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
580  // int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
581  spf->DrawMarker(32, h1->GetMean(1));
582  rlin->DrawLine(32,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),32,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
583  char hname[100];
584  sprintf(hname, "HIan40d");
585  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
586  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
587  spf->DrawMarker(40, h1->GetMean(1));
588  rlin->DrawLine(40,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),40,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
590  char hname[100];
591  sprintf(hname, "HIan50d");
592  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
593  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
594  spf->DrawMarker(50, h1->GetMean(1));
595  rlin->DrawLine(50,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),50,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
597  /* char hname[100];
598  sprintf(hname, "e90d");
599  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
600  int meanval = h1->GetMean();
601  spf->DrawMarker(90, h1->GetMean(1));
602  */
603  fin->Close();
609  /* //const int N = 50;
610  //int count = 0;
611  //int i1 = 1;
612  double temp1, temp2, temp3;
613  //double arr1[N];
614  //double arr2[N];
615  //double arr3[N];
616 char filename1[350], filename2[350], filename3[350];
617  // open the files
618 // while (i1<50) {
619  temp1 = 0.; temp2 = 0.; temp3 = 0.;
620  sprintf(filename1,"e8out.root");
621  TFile* f1 = new TFile(filename1,"READONLY");
622  if (!f1 || f1->IsZombie()) {
623  printf("Cannot open %s!", filename1);
624  return;
625  }
626  //f1->cd("folder1");
627  TH1D* h1 = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("histo");
628  if (!h1) {
629  printf("Cannot read histo!");
630  return;
631  }
632  h1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.45,2);
633  temp1 = h1->Integral();
634  // h1->Delete(); - NO, use delete h1, but histograms are owned by files,
635  // so just don't delete it, will be done by delete f1.
636  sprintf(filename2,"/sphenix/user/jpinkenburg/sPHENIX/analysis/AntiSigma/macros/e4out.root",1);
637  TFile* f2 = new TFile(filename2,"READONLY");
638  if (!f2 || f2->IsZombie()) {
639  printf("Cannot open %s!", filename2);
640  return;
641  }
642  //f2->cd("folder1");
643  TH1D* h2 = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("histo");
644  h2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.45,2);
645  temp2 = h2->Integral();
646  // h2->Delete(); - NO, see above
647  arr1[count] = temp1;
648  arr2[count] = temp2;
649  arr3[count] = temp3;
650  cout << temp1 << " " << temp2 << endl;
651  i1 += 5;
652 count += 1;
654 delete f1;
655 delete f2;
656  */
657  }
660 void EdepPercentOH()//(const char * particle = "e-", const int pz = 4, const int thickness = 18)
661 {
662  char infile[100];
663  //char *particles[2] = {"pi-","e-"};
664  int pz[10] = {1,2,4,8,12,16,32,40,50,90};
665  //int th[3] = {5,10,18};
666  int h1int[36];
667  // for (int i=0; i<10;i++)
668  // {
669  // for (int j=0; j<5; j++)
670  // {
671  // for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
672  // {
673  sprintf(infile, "an1out.root");
674  char hname [100];
675  sprintf(hname, "HOan1d");
676  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HOan1d", 100, 0, 1);
677  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
678  gROOT->cd();
679  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
680  nt->Project(hname,"(HOA+HOS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
681  f->Close();
682  h1->Draw();
683  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
684  h1->Write();
685  fout->Write();
686  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
687  //fout->Write();
688  fout->Close();
690  sprintf(infile, "an2out.root");
691  char hname [100];
692  sprintf(hname, "HOan2d");
693  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HOan2d", 100, 0, 1);
694  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
695  gROOT->cd();
696  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
697  nt->Project(hname,"(HOA+HOS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
698  f->Close();
699  h1->Draw();
700  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
701  h1->Write();
702  fout->Write();
703  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
704  //fout->Write();
705  fout->Close();
707  sprintf(infile, "an4out.root");
708  char hname [100];
709  sprintf(hname, "HOan4d");
710  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HOan4d", 100, 0, 1);
711  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
712  gROOT->cd();
713  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
714  nt->Project(hname,"(HOA+HOS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
715  f->Close();
716  h1->Draw();
717  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
718  h1->Write();
719  fout->Write();
720  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
721  //fout->Write();
722  fout->Close();
724  sprintf(infile, "an8out.root");
725  char hname [100];
726  sprintf(hname, "HOan8d");
727  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HOan8d", 100, 0, 1);
728  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
729  gROOT->cd();
730  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
731  nt->Project(hname,"(HOA+HOS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
732  f->Close();
733  h1->Draw();
734  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
735  h1->Write();
736  fout->Write();
737  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
738  //fout->Write();
739  fout->Close();
741  sprintf(infile, "an12out.root");
742  char hname [100];
743  sprintf(hname, "HOan12d");
744  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HOan12d", 100, 0, 1);
745  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
746  gROOT->cd();
747  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
748  nt->Project(hname,"(HOA+HOS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
749  f->Close();
750  h1->Draw();
751  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
752  h1->Write();
753  fout->Write();
754  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
755  //fout->Write();
756  fout->Close();
758  sprintf(infile, "an16out.root");
759  char hname [100];
760  sprintf(hname, "HOan16d");
761  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HOan16d", 100, 0, 1);
762  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
763  gROOT->cd();
764  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
765  nt->Project(hname,"(HOA+HOS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
766  f->Close();
767  h1->Draw();
768  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
769  h1->Write();
770  fout->Write();
771  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
772  //fout->Write();
773  fout->Close();
775  sprintf(infile, "an32out.root");
776  char hname [100];
777  sprintf(hname, "HOan32d");
778  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HOan32d", 100, 0, 1);
779  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
780  gROOT->cd();
781  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
782  nt->Project(hname,"(HOA+HOS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
783  f->Close();
784  h1->Draw();
785  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
786  h1->Write();
787  fout->Write();
788  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
789  //fout->Write();
790  fout->Close();
792  sprintf(infile, "an40out.root");
793  char hname [100];
794  sprintf(hname, "HOan40d");
795  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HOan40d", 100, 0, 1);
796  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
797  gROOT->cd();
798  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
799  nt->Project(hname,"(HOA+HOS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
800  f->Close();
801  h1->Draw();
802  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
803  h1->Write();
804  fout->Write();
805  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
806  //fout->Write();
807  fout->Close();
809  sprintf(infile, "an50out.root");
810  char hname [100];
811  sprintf(hname, "HOan50d");
812  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "HOan50d", 100, 0, 1);
813  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
814  gROOT->cd();
815  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
816  nt->Project(hname,"(HOA+HOS)/(EA+ES+HIA+HIS+HOA+HOS+BH+MAG)");
817  f->Close();
818  h1->Draw();
819  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
820  h1->Write();
821  fout->Write();
822  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
823  //fout->Write();
824  fout->Close();
826  /* sprintf(infile, "e90out.root");
827  char hname [100];
828  sprintf(hname, "e90d");
829  TH1F *h1 = new TH1F(hname, "e90d", 100, 0, 90);
830  TFile *f = TFile::Open(infile);
831  gROOT->cd();
832  TNtuple *nt = (TNtuple *)f->Get("ed");
833  nt->Project(hname,"(EA+ES)/(EA+ES+HOA+HOS+HIA+HIS+BH+MAG)");
834  f->Close();
835  h1->Draw();
836  TFile *fout = TFile::Open("anpercent.root","UPDATE");
837  h1->Write();
838  fout->Write();
839  cout << h1->Integral() << " " << hname << endl;
840  //fout->Write();
841  fout->Close();
842  */
847 // }
848  //}
849 // }
850 }
856 {
857  TFile *fin = TFile::Open("anpercent.root");
858  gROOT->cd();
859  TH2 *h2 = new TH2F("htot","Outer_HCAL",1,0,50,1,0,.1);
860  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
861  TMarker *spf = new TMarker();
862  spf->SetMarkerStyle(20);
863  spf->SetMarkerColor(11);
864  TLine *rlin = new TLine();
865  rlin->SetLineColor(3);
866  rlin->SetLineStyle(1);
867  rlin->SetLineWidth(1);
868  TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas();
869  h2->Draw();
871  char hname[100];
872  sprintf(hname, "HOan1d");
873  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
874  spf->DrawMarker(1, h1->GetMean(1));
875  rlin->DrawLine(1,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),1,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
876  double hom1 = h1->GetMean(1);
877  double hor1 = h1->GetRMS(1);
879  char hname[100];
880  sprintf(hname, "HOan2d");
881  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
882  spf->DrawMarker(2, h1->GetMean(1));
883  rlin->DrawLine(2,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),2,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
884  double hom2 = h1->GetMean(1);
885  double hor2 = h1->GetRMS(1);
887  char hname[100];
888  sprintf(hname, "HOan4d");
889  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
890  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
891  spf->DrawMarker(4, h1->GetMean(1));
892  rlin->DrawLine(4,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),4,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
893  double hom4 = h1->GetMean(1);
894  double hor4 = h1->GetRMS(1);
897  char hname[100];
898  sprintf(hname, "HOan8d");
899  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
900  // int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
901  spf->DrawMarker(8, h1->GetMean(1));
902  rlin->DrawLine(8,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),8,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
903  double hom8 = h1->GetMean(1);
904  double hor8 = h1->GetRMS(1);
907  char hname[100];
908  sprintf(hname, "HOan12d");
909  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
910  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
911  spf->DrawMarker(12, h1->GetMean(1));
912  rlin->DrawLine(12,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),12,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
913  double hom12 = h1->GetMean(1);
914  double hor12 = h1->GetRMS(1);
917  char hname[100];
918  sprintf(hname, "HOan16d");
919  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
920  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
921  spf->DrawMarker(16, h1->GetMean(1));
922  rlin->DrawLine(16,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),16,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
923  double hom16 = h1->GetMean(1);
924  double hor16 = h1->GetRMS(1);
927  char hname[100];
928  sprintf(hname, "HOe32d");
929  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
930  // int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
931  spf->DrawMarker(32, h1->GetMean(1));
932  rlin->DrawLine(32,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),32,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
933  double hom32 = h1->GetMean(1);
934  double hor32 = h1->GetRMS(1);
937  char hname[100];
938  sprintf(hname, "HOan40d");
939  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
940  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
941  spf->DrawMarker(40, h1->GetMean(1));
942  rlin->DrawLine(40,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),40,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
943  double hom40 = h1->GetMean(1);
944  double hor40 = h1->GetRMS(1);
947  char hname[100];
948  sprintf(hname, "an50d");
949  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
950  //int meanval = h1->GetMean(1);
951  spf->DrawMarker(50, h1->GetMean(1));
952  rlin->DrawLine(50,(h1->GetMean(1)-h1->GetRMS(1)),50,(h1->GetMean(1) + h1->GetRMS(1)));
953  double hom50 = h1->GetMean(1);
954  double hor50 = h1->GetRMS(1);
957  double x[9] = {1,2,4,8,12,16,32,40,50};
958  double y[9] = {hom1,hom2,hom4,hom8,hom12,hom16,hom32,hom40,hom50};
959  double xer[9] = {0};
960  double yer[9] = {hor1,hor2,hor4,hor8,hor12,hor16,hor32,hor40,hor50};
961  gr = new TGraphErrors(9,x,y,xer,yer);
962  gr->Draw("ALP");
963  gr->SetMarkerStyle(20);
964  gr->SetMarkerColor(2);
966  /* char hname[100];
967  sprintf(hname, "e90d");
968  TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
969  int meanval = h1->GetMean();
970  spf->DrawMarker(90, h1->GetMean(1));
971  */
972  fin->Close();
978  /* //const int N = 50;
979  //int count = 0;
980  //int i1 = 1;
981  double temp1, temp2, temp3;
982  //double arr1[N];
983  //double arr2[N];
984  //double arr3[N];
985 char filename1[350], filename2[350], filename3[350];
986  // open the files
987 // while (i1<50) {
988  temp1 = 0.; temp2 = 0.; temp3 = 0.;
989  sprintf(filename1,"e8out.root");
990  TFile* f1 = new TFile(filename1,"READONLY");
991  if (!f1 || f1->IsZombie()) {
992  printf("Cannot open %s!", filename1);
993  return;
994  }
995  //f1->cd("folder1");
996  TH1D* h1 = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("histo");
997  if (!h1) {
998  printf("Cannot read histo!");
999  return;
1000  }
1001  h1->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.45,2);
1002  temp1 = h1->Integral();
1003  // h1->Delete(); - NO, use delete h1, but histograms are owned by files,
1004  // so just don't delete it, will be done by delete f1.
1005  sprintf(filename2,"/sphenix/user/jpinkenburg/sPHENIX/analysis/AntiSigma/macros/e4out.root",1);
1006  TFile* f2 = new TFile(filename2,"READONLY");
1007  if (!f2 || f2->IsZombie()) {
1008  printf("Cannot open %s!", filename2);
1009  return;
1010  }
1011  //f2->cd("folder1");
1012  TH1D* h2 = (TH1D*)gDirectory->Get("histo");
1013  h2->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.45,2);
1014  temp2 = h2->Integral();
1015  // h2->Delete(); - NO, see above
1016  arr1[count] = temp1;
1017  arr2[count] = temp2;
1018  arr3[count] = temp3;
1019  cout << temp1 << " " << temp2 << endl;
1020  i1 += 5;
1021 count += 1;
1023 delete f1;
1024 delete f2;
1025  */
1026  }
1039 void EdepSmall(const char *calo="HOan")
1040 {
1041  int pz[9] = {1,2,4,8,12,16,32,40,50};
1042  double x[9];
1043  double y[9];
1044  double xer[9] = {0};
1045  double yer[9];
1046  char hname[100];
1047  TFile *fin = TFile::Open("anpercent.root");
1048  gROOT->cd();
1049  for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
1050  {
1051  x[i] = pz[i];
1052  sprintf(hname,"%s%dd",calo,pz[i]);
1053 TH1 *h1 = (TH1F *) fin->Get(hname);
1054  y[i] = h1->GetMean(1);
1055  yer[i] = h1->GetRMS(1);
1056  }
1057  gr = new TGraphErrors(9,x,y,xer,yer);
1058  gr->Draw("ALP");
1059  gr->SetMarkerStyle(20);
1060  gr->SetMarkerColor(2);
1061  fin->Close();
1062 }