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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file layerMaterial.C
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 //
10 // layerMaterial.C
11 //
12 //
13 // Created by Julia Hrdinka on 18/08/16.
14 //
15 //
17 #include <algorithm>
18 #include <iostream>
19 #include <vector>
20 #include "TFile.h"
21 #include "TH1F.h"
22 #include "TObject.h"
23 #include "TROOT.h"
24 #include "TTree.h"
26 // This root script generates material histograms and maps of a layer.
27 // It is foreseen to be used for output generated by the RootMaterialWriter or
28 // the RootMaterialStepWriter. For the indicated Layer it produces the
29 // histograms and maps of the material properties along the local coordinates of
30 // the layer.
31 // It also writes the assigned and real global positions into histograms, if
32 // given.
34 void
36  std::string outFile,
37  int binsLoc1,
38  int binsLoc2,
39  int binsZ,
40  float minGlobZ,
41  float maxGlobZ,
42  int binsR,
43  float minGlobR,
44  float maxGlobR,
45  std::string layerName)
46 {
47  std::cout << "Opening file: " << inFile << std::endl;
48  TFile inputFile(inFile.c_str());
49  TTree* layer = (TTree*)inputFile.Get(layerName.c_str());
50  std::cout << "Reading tree: " << layerName << std::endl;
52  std::vector<float>* loc0 = new std::vector<float>;
53  std::vector<float>* loc1 = new std::vector<float>;
54  std::vector<float>* A = new std::vector<float>;
55  std::vector<float>* Z = new std::vector<float>;
56  std::vector<float>* x0 = new std::vector<float>;
57  std::vector<float>* l0 = new std::vector<float>;
58  std::vector<float>* d = new std::vector<float>;
59  std::vector<float>* rho = new std::vector<float>;
60  std::vector<float>* dInX0 = new std::vector<float>;
61  std::vector<float>* dInL0 = new std::vector<float>;
62  std::vector<float>* t = new std::vector<float>;
64  std::vector<float>* globX = new std::vector<float>;
65  std::vector<float>* globY = new std::vector<float>;
66  std::vector<float>* globZ = new std::vector<float>;
67  std::vector<float>* globR = new std::vector<float>;
69  std::vector<float>* assignedGlobX = new std::vector<float>;
70  std::vector<float>* assignedGlobY = new std::vector<float>;
71  std::vector<float>* assignedGlobZ = new std::vector<float>;
72  std::vector<float>* assignedGlobR = new std::vector<float>;
74  layer->SetBranchAddress("loc0", &loc0);
75  layer->SetBranchAddress("loc1", &loc1);
76  layer->SetBranchAddress("A", &A);
77  layer->SetBranchAddress("Z", &Z);
78  layer->SetBranchAddress("x0", &x0);
79  layer->SetBranchAddress("l0", &l0);
80  layer->SetBranchAddress("thickness", &d);
81  layer->SetBranchAddress("rho", &rho);
82  layer->SetBranchAddress("tInX0", &dInX0);
83  layer->SetBranchAddress("tInL0", &dInL0);
84  layer->SetBranchAddress("thickness", &t);
86  if (layer->FindBranch("globX") && layer->FindBranch("globY")
87  && layer->FindBranch("globZ") && layer->FindBranch("globR")) {
88  layer->SetBranchAddress("globX", &globX);
89  layer->SetBranchAddress("globY", &globY);
90  layer->SetBranchAddress("globZ", &globZ);
91  layer->SetBranchAddress("globR", &globR);
92  }
94  if (layer->FindBranch("assignedGlobX") && layer->FindBranch("assignedGlobY")
95  && layer->FindBranch("assignedGlobZ")
96  && layer->FindBranch("assignedGlobR")) {
97  layer->SetBranchAddress("assignedGlobX", &assignedGlobX);
98  layer->SetBranchAddress("assignedGlobY", &assignedGlobY);
99  layer->SetBranchAddress("assignedGlobZ", &assignedGlobZ);
100  layer->SetBranchAddress("assignedGlobR", &assignedGlobR);
101  }
102  layer->GetEntry(0);
104  // get minima and maxima for different layers
105  auto minmax0 = std::minmax_element(loc0->begin(), loc0->end());
106  float min0 = *minmax0.first;
107  float max0 = *minmax0.second;
109  auto minmax1 = std::minmax_element(loc1->begin(), loc1->end());
110  float min1 = *minmax1.first;
111  float max1 = *minmax1.second;
113  inputFile.Close();
114  std::cout << "Creating new output file: " << outFile
115  << " and writing "
116  "material maps"
117  << std::endl;
118  TFile outputFile(outFile.c_str(), "update");
119  TDirectory* dir = outputFile.mkdir(layerName.c_str());
120  dir->cd();
121  // thickness in X0
122  TProfile* dInX0_loc1
123  = new TProfile("dInX0_loc1", "dInX0_loc1", binsLoc1, min1, max1);
124  TProfile* dInX0_loc0
125  = new TProfile("dInX0_loc0", "dInX0_loc0", binsLoc1, min0, max0);
126  TProfile2D* dInX0_map = new TProfile2D(
127  "dInX0", "dInX0", binsLoc1, min1, max1, binsLoc1, min0, max0);
128  // thickness in L0
129  TProfile* dInL0_loc1
130  = new TProfile("dInL0_loc1", "dInL0_loc1", binsLoc2, min1, max1);
131  TProfile* dInL0_loc0
132  = new TProfile("dInL0_loc0", "dInL0_loc0", binsLoc1, min0, max0);
133  TProfile2D* dInL0_map = new TProfile2D(
134  "dInL0", "dInL0", binsLoc2, min1, max1, binsLoc1, min0, max0);
135  // A
136  TProfile* A_loc1 = new TProfile("A_loc1", "A_loc1", binsLoc2, min1, max1);
137  TProfile* A_loc0 = new TProfile("A_loc0", "A_loc0", binsLoc1, min0, max0);
138  TProfile2D* A_map
139  = new TProfile2D("A", "A", binsLoc2, min1, max1, binsLoc1, min0, max0);
140  // Z
141  TProfile* Z_loc1 = new TProfile("Z_loc1", "Z_loc1", binsLoc2, min1, max1);
142  TProfile* Z_loc0 = new TProfile("Z_loc0", "Z_loc0", binsLoc1, min0, max0);
143  TProfile2D* Z_map
144  = new TProfile2D("Z", "Z", binsLoc2, min1, max1, binsLoc1, min0, max0);
145  // Rho
146  TProfile* rho_loc1
147  = new TProfile("rho_loc1", "rho_loc1", binsLoc2, min1, max1);
148  TProfile* rho_loc0
149  = new TProfile("rho_loc0", "rho_loc0", binsLoc1, min0, max0);
150  TProfile2D* rho_map = new TProfile2D(
151  "rho", "rho", binsLoc2, min1, max1, binsLoc1, min0, max0);
152  // x0
153  TProfile* x0_loc1 = new TProfile("x0_loc1", "x0_loc1", binsLoc2, min1, max1);
154  TProfile* x0_loc0 = new TProfile("x0_loc0", "x0_loc0", binsLoc1, min0, max0);
155  TProfile2D* x0_map
156  = new TProfile2D("x0", "x0", binsLoc2, min1, max1, binsLoc1, min0, max0);
157  // l0
158  TProfile* l0_loc1 = new TProfile("l0_loc1", "l0_loc1", binsLoc2, min1, max1);
159  TProfile* l0_loc0 = new TProfile("l0_loc0", "l0_loc0", binsLoc1, min0, max0);
160  TProfile2D* l0_map
161  = new TProfile2D("l0", "l0", binsLoc2, min1, max1, binsLoc1, min0, max0);
163  // thickness
164  TProfile* t_loc1 = new TProfile("t_loc1", "t_loc1", binsLoc2, min1, max1);
165  TProfile* t_loc0 = new TProfile("t_loc0", "t_loc0", binsLoc1, min0, max0);
166  TProfile2D* t_map
167  = new TProfile2D("t", "t", binsLoc2, min1, max1, binsLoc1, min0, max0);
169  // global
170  TH2F* glob_r_z = new TH2F(
171  "r_z", "r_z", binsZ, minGlobZ, maxGlobZ, binsR, minGlobR, maxGlobR);
172  TH2F* assigned_r_z = new TH2F("r_z_assigned",
173  "r_z_assigned",
174  binsZ,
175  minGlobZ,
176  maxGlobZ,
177  binsR,
178  minGlobR,
179  maxGlobR);
181  TH2F* glob_x_y = new TH2F(
182  "x_y", "x_y", binsR, -maxGlobR, maxGlobR, binsR, -maxGlobR, maxGlobR);
183  TH2F* assigned_x_y = new TH2F("x_y_assigned",
184  "x_y_assigned",
185  binsR,
186  -maxGlobR,
187  maxGlobR,
188  binsR,
189  -maxGlobR,
190  maxGlobR);
192  size_t nEntries = loc1->size();
193  for (int i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) {
194  // A
195  A_loc1->Fill(loc1->at(i), A->at(i));
196  A_loc0->Fill(loc0->at(i), A->at(i));
197  A_map->Fill(loc1->at(i), loc0->at(i), A->at(i));
198  // Z
199  Z_loc1->Fill(loc1->at(i), Z->at(i));
200  Z_loc0->Fill(loc0->at(i), Z->at(i));
201  Z_map->Fill(loc1->at(i), loc0->at(i), Z->at(i));
202  // x0
203  x0_loc1->Fill(loc1->at(i), x0->at(i));
204  x0_loc0->Fill(loc0->at(i), x0->at(i));
205  x0_map->Fill(loc1->at(i), loc0->at(i), x0->at(i));
206  // l0
207  l0_loc1->Fill(loc1->at(i), l0->at(i));
208  l0_loc0->Fill(loc0->at(i), l0->at(i));
209  l0_map->Fill(loc1->at(i), loc0->at(i), l0->at(i));
210  // rho
211  rho_loc1->Fill(loc1->at(i), rho->at(i));
212  rho_loc0->Fill(loc0->at(i), rho->at(i));
213  rho_map->Fill(loc1->at(i), loc0->at(i), rho->at(i));
214  // thickness in X0
215  dInX0_loc1->Fill(loc1->at(i), dInX0->at(i));
216  dInX0_loc0->Fill(loc0->at(i), dInX0->at(i));
217  dInX0_map->Fill(loc1->at(i), loc0->at(i), dInX0->at(i));
218  // thickness in L0
219  dInL0_loc1->Fill(loc1->at(i), dInL0->at(i));
220  dInL0_loc0->Fill(loc0->at(i), dInL0->at(i));
221  dInL0_map->Fill(loc1->at(i), loc0->at(i), dInL0->at(i));
222  // thickness
223  t_loc1->Fill(loc1->at(i), t->at(i));
224  t_loc0->Fill(loc0->at(i), t->at(i));
225  t_map->Fill(loc1->at(i), loc0->at(i), t->at(i));
227  // fill global r/z
228  if (globZ->size() && globR->size())
229  glob_r_z->Fill(globZ->at(i), globR->at(i));
231  if (assignedGlobZ->size() && assignedGlobR->size())
232  assigned_r_z->Fill(assignedGlobZ->at(i), assignedGlobR->at(i));
234  // fill global x/y
235  if (globX->size() && globY->size())
236  glob_x_y->Fill(globX->at(i), globY->at(i));
238  if (assignedGlobX->size() && assignedGlobY->size())
239  assigned_x_y->Fill(assignedGlobX->at(i), assignedGlobY->at(i));
240  }
242  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
243  // A
244  A_loc1->Write();
245  A_loc0->Write();
246  A_map->Write();
247  delete A_loc1;
248  delete A_loc0;
249  delete A_map;
250  // Z
251  Z_loc1->Write();
252  Z_loc0->Write();
253  Z_map->Write();
254  delete Z_loc1;
255  delete Z_loc0;
256  delete Z_map;
257  // x0
258  x0_loc1->Write();
259  x0_loc0->Write();
260  x0_map->Write();
261  delete x0_loc1;
262  delete x0_loc0;
263  delete x0_map;
264  // l0
265  l0_loc1->Write();
266  l0_loc0->Write();
267  l0_map->Write();
268  delete l0_loc1;
269  delete l0_loc0;
270  delete l0_map;
271  // rho
272  rho_loc1->Write();
273  rho_loc0->Write();
274  rho_map->Write();
275  delete rho_loc1;
276  delete rho_loc0;
277  delete rho_map;
278  // thickness in X0
279  dInX0_loc1->Write();
280  dInX0_loc0->Write();
281  dInX0_map->Write();
282  delete dInX0_loc1;
283  delete dInX0_loc0;
284  delete dInX0_map;
285  // thickness in L0
286  dInL0_loc1->Write();
287  dInL0_loc0->Write();
288  dInL0_map->Write();
289  delete dInL0_loc1;
290  delete dInL0_loc0;
291  delete dInL0_map;
292  // thickness
293  t_loc1->Write();
294  t_loc0->Write();
295  t_map->Write();
297  delete loc0;
298  delete loc1;
299  delete A;
300  delete Z;
301  delete x0;
302  delete l0;
303  delete d;
304  delete rho;
305  delete dInX0;
306  delete dInL0;
307  delete t;
309  glob_r_z->Write();
310  assigned_r_z->Write();
311  glob_x_y->Write();
312  assigned_x_y->Write();
313  delete glob_r_z;
314  delete assigned_r_z;
315  delete glob_x_y;
316  delete assigned_x_y;
317  outputFile.Close();
318 }