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1 //____________________________________________________________________________..
2 //
3 // This is a template for a Fun4All SubsysReco module with all methods from the
4 // $OFFLINE_MAIN/include/fun4all/SubsysReco.h baseclass
5 // You do not have to implement all of them, you can just remove unused methods
6 // here and in dNdEtaINTT.h.
7 //
8 // dNdEtaINTT(const std::string &name = "dNdEtaINTT")
9 // everything is keyed to dNdEtaINTT, duplicate names do work but it makes
10 // e.g. finding culprits in logs difficult or getting a pointer to the module
11 // from the command line
12 //
13 // dNdEtaINTT::~dNdEtaINTT()
14 // this is called when the Fun4AllServer is deleted at the end of running. Be
15 // mindful what you delete - you do loose ownership of object you put on the node tree
16 //
17 // int dNdEtaINTT::Init(PHCompositeNode *topNode)
18 // This method is called when the module is registered with the Fun4AllServer. You
19 // can create historgrams here or put objects on the node tree but be aware that
20 // modules which haven't been registered yet did not put antyhing on the node tree
21 //
22 // int dNdEtaINTT::InitRun(PHCompositeNode *topNode)
23 // This method is called when the first event is read (or generated). At
24 // this point the run number is known (which is mainly interesting for raw data
25 // processing). Also all objects are on the node tree in case your module's action
26 // depends on what else is around. Last chance to put nodes under the DST Node
27 // We mix events during readback if branches are added after the first event
28 //
29 // int dNdEtaINTT::process_event(PHCompositeNode *topNode)
30 // called for every event. Return codes trigger actions, you find them in
31 // $OFFLINE_MAIN/include/fun4all/Fun4AllReturnCodes.h
32 // everything is good:
33 // return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK
34 // abort event reconstruction, clear everything and process next event:
35 // return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORT_EVENT;
36 // proceed but do not save this event in output (needs output manager setting):
37 // return Fun4AllReturnCodes::DISCARD_EVENT;
38 // abort processing:
39 // return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORT_RUN
40 // all other integers will lead to an error and abort of processing
41 //
42 // int dNdEtaINTT::ResetEvent(PHCompositeNode *topNode)
43 // If you have internal data structures (arrays, stl containers) which needs clearing
44 // after each event, this is the place to do that. The nodes under the DST node are cleared
45 // by the framework
46 //
47 // int dNdEtaINTT::EndRun(const int runnumber)
48 // This method is called at the end of a run when an event from a new run is
49 // encountered. Useful when analyzing multiple runs (raw data). Also called at
50 // the end of processing (before the End() method)
51 //
52 // int dNdEtaINTT::End(PHCompositeNode *topNode)
53 // This is called at the end of processing. It needs to be called by the macro
54 // by Fun4AllServer::End(), so do not forget this in your macro
55 //
56 // int dNdEtaINTT::Reset(PHCompositeNode *topNode)
57 // not really used - it is called before the dtor is called
58 //
59 // void dNdEtaINTT::Print(const std::string &what) const
60 // Called from the command line - useful to print information when you need it
61 //
62 //____________________________________________________________________________..
64 #include "dNdEtaINTT.h"
67 #include <fun4all/PHTFileServer.h>
68 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
69 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitv2.h>
71 namespace
72 {
73 template <class T> void CleanVec(std::vector<T> &v)
74 {
75  std::vector<T>().swap(v);
76  v.shrink_to_fit();
77 }
78 } // namespace
80 //____________________________________________________________________________..
81 dNdEtaINTT::dNdEtaINTT(const std::string &name, const std::string &outputfile, const bool &isData)
82  : SubsysReco(name), _get_truth_pv(true), _get_reco_cluster(true), _get_centrality(true), _get_trkr_hit(true), _outputFile(outputfile), IsData(isData), svtx_evalstack(nullptr), truth_eval(nullptr), clustereval(nullptr), hiteval(nullptr),
83  dst_clustermap(nullptr), clusterhitmap(nullptr), hitsets(nullptr), _tgeometry(nullptr), m_truth_info(nullptr), m_CentInfo(nullptr)
84 {
85  std::cout << "dNdEtaINTT::dNdEtaINTT(const std::string &name) Calling ctor" << std::endl;
86 }
88 //____________________________________________________________________________..
89 dNdEtaINTT::~dNdEtaINTT() { std::cout << "dNdEtaINTT::~dNdEtaINTT() Calling dtor" << std::endl; }
91 //____________________________________________________________________________..
93 {
94  std::cout << "dNdEtaINTT::Init(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Initializing" << std::endl << "Running on Data or simulation? -> IsData = " << IsData << std::endl;
96  PHTFileServer::get().open(_outputFile, "RECREATE");
97  outtree = new TTree("EventTree", "EventTree");
98  outtree->Branch("event", &event_);
99  if (!IsData)
100  {
101  outtree->Branch("ncoll", &ncoll_);
102  outtree->Branch("npart", &npart_);
103  outtree->Branch("centrality_bimp", &centrality_bimp_);
104  outtree->Branch("centrality_impactparam", &centrality_impactparam_);
105  outtree->Branch("centrality_mbd", &centrality_mbd_);
106  outtree->Branch("centrality_mbdquantity", &centrality_mbdquantity_);
107  outtree->Branch("NTruthVtx", &NTruthVtx_);
108  outtree->Branch("TruthPV_trig_x", &TruthPV_trig_x_);
109  outtree->Branch("TruthPV_trig_y", &TruthPV_trig_y_);
110  outtree->Branch("TruthPV_trig_z", &TruthPV_trig_z_);
111  outtree->Branch("NGenPart", &NGenPart_);
112  outtree->Branch("UniqueAncG4P_Pt", &UniqueAncG4P_Pt_);
113  outtree->Branch("UniqueAncG4P_Eta", &UniqueAncG4P_Eta_);
114  outtree->Branch("UniqueAncG4P_Phi", &UniqueAncG4P_Phi_);
115  outtree->Branch("UniqueAncG4P_E", &UniqueAncG4P_E_);
116  outtree->Branch("UniqueAncG4P_PID", &UniqueAncG4P_PID_);
117  }
119  outtree->Branch("NClus_Layer1", &NClus_Layer1_);
120  outtree->Branch("NClus", &NClus_);
121  outtree->Branch("NTrkrhits", &NTrkrhits_);
122  outtree->Branch("TrkrHitRow", &TrkrHitRow_);
123  outtree->Branch("TrkrHitColumn", &TrkrHitColumn_);
124  outtree->Branch("TrkrHitLadderZId", &TrkrHitLadderZId_);
125  outtree->Branch("TrkrHitLadderPhiId", &TrkrHitLadderPhiId_);
126  outtree->Branch("TrkrHitLayer", &TrkrHitLayer_);
127  outtree->Branch("TrkrHitADC", &TrkrHitADC_);
128  outtree->Branch("ClusLayer", &ClusLayer_);
129  outtree->Branch("ClusX", &ClusX_);
130  outtree->Branch("ClusY", &ClusY_);
131  outtree->Branch("ClusZ", &ClusZ_);
132  outtree->Branch("ClusR", &ClusR_);
133  outtree->Branch("ClusPhi", &ClusPhi_);
134  outtree->Branch("ClusEta", &ClusEta_);
135  outtree->Branch("ClusAdc", &ClusAdc_);
136  outtree->Branch("ClusPhiSize", &ClusPhiSize_);
137  outtree->Branch("ClusZSize", &ClusZSize_);
138  outtree->Branch("ClusLadderZId", &ClusLadderZId_);
139  outtree->Branch("ClusLadderPhiId", &ClusLadderPhiId_);
140  outtree->Branch("ClusTrkrHitSetKey", &ClusTrkrHitSetKey_);
141  outtree->Branch("ClusTimeBucketId", &ClusTimeBucketId_);
144 }
146 //____________________________________________________________________________..
148 {
149  std::cout << "dNdEtaINTT::InitRun(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Initializing for Run XXX" << std::endl;
151 }
153 //____________________________________________________________________________..
155 {
156  // std::cout << "dNdEtaINTT::process_event(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Processing Event" << InputFileListIndex * NEvtPerFile + eventNum << std::endl;
157  std::cout << "dNdEtaINTT::process_event(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Processing Event" << eventNum << std::endl;
159  PHNodeIterator nodeIter(topNode);
161  if (!svtx_evalstack)
162  {
163  svtx_evalstack = new SvtxEvalStack(topNode);
167  }
169  svtx_evalstack->next_event(topNode);
171  // eventheader = findNode::getClass<EventHeader>(topNode, "EventHeader");
172  // if (!eventheader)
173  // {
174  // std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error, can't find EventHeader" << std::endl;
175  // return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT;
176  // }
178  // Centrality info
179  m_CentInfo = findNode::getClass<CentralityInfo>(topNode, "CentralityInfo");
180  if (!m_CentInfo)
181  {
182  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error, can't find CentralityInfov1" << std::endl;
184  }
186  dst_clustermap = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainerv4>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTER");
187  if (!dst_clustermap)
188  {
189  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error, can't find trkr clusters" << std::endl;
191  }
193  clusterhitmap = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterHitAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTERHITASSOC");
194  if (!clusterhitmap)
195  {
196  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error, can't find cluster-hit map" << std::endl;
198  }
200  hitsets = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
201  if (!hitsets)
202  {
203  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error, can't find cluster-hit map" << std::endl;
205  }
207  _tgeometry = findNode::getClass<ActsGeometry>(topNode, "ActsGeometry");
208  if (!_tgeometry)
209  {
210  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error, can't find Acts geometry" << std::endl;
212  }
214  // Truth information for truth vertex
215  m_truth_info = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(topNode, "G4TruthInfo");
216  if (!m_truth_info)
217  {
218  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error, can't find G4TruthInfo" << std::endl;
220  }
222  if (!IsData)
223  {
224  std::cout << "Running on simulation" << std::endl;
226  eventheader = findNode::getClass<EventHeader>(topNode, "EventHeader");
227  if (!eventheader)
228  {
229  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error, can't find EventHeader" << std::endl;
231  }
233  if (_get_truth_pv)
234  GetTruthPVInfo(topNode);
235  }
237  if (_get_centrality)
238  GetCentralityInfo(topNode);
240  if (_get_trkr_hit)
241  GetTrkrHitInfo(topNode);
243  if (_get_reco_cluster)
244  GetRecoClusterInfo(topNode);
246  // event_ = InputFileListIndex * NEvtPerFile + eventNum;
247  event_ = eventNum;
248  outtree->Fill();
249  eventNum++;
251  ResetVectors();
254 }
256 //____________________________________________________________________________..
258 {
259  std::cout << "dNdEtaINTT::ResetEvent(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Resetting internal structures, prepare for next event" << std::endl;
261 }
263 //____________________________________________________________________________..
265 {
266  std::cout << "dNdEtaINTT::EndRun(const int runnumber) Ending Run for Run " << runnumber << std::endl;
268 }
270 //____________________________________________________________________________..
272 {
273  std::cout << "dNdEtaINTT::End(PHCompositeNode *topNode) This is the End - Output to " << _outputFile << std::endl;
276  outtree->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
278  delete svtx_evalstack;
281 }
283 //____________________________________________________________________________..
285 {
286  std::cout << "dNdEtaINTT::Reset(PHCompositeNode *topNode) being Reset" << std::endl;
288 }
290 //____________________________________________________________________________..
291 void dNdEtaINTT::Print(const std::string &what) const { std::cout << "dNdEtaINTT::Print(const std::string &what) const Printing info for " << what << std::endl; }
292 //____________________________________________________________________________..
294 {
295  // std::cout << "In GetG4Ancestor: " << std::endl << "start with original particle: ";
296  // p->identify();
299  PHG4Particle *prevpart = p;
300  while (ancestor != nullptr)
301  {
302  // ancestor->identify();
303  prevpart = ancestor;
304  ancestor = m_truth_info->GetParticle(ancestor->get_parent_id());
305  }
306  return prevpart;
307 }
308 //____________________________________________________________________________..
310 {
311  std::cout << "Get centrality info." << std::endl;
313  if (!IsData)
314  {
315  centrality_bimp_ = m_CentInfo->get_centile(CentralityInfo::PROP::bimp);
316  centrality_impactparam_ = m_CentInfo->get_quantity(CentralityInfo::PROP::bimp);
318  // Glauber parameter information
321  }
322  centrality_mbd_ = m_CentInfo->get_centile(CentralityInfo::PROP::mbd_NS);
323  centrality_mbdquantity_ = m_CentInfo->get_quantity(CentralityInfo::PROP::mbd_NS);
325  std::cout << "Centrality: (bimp,impactparam) = (" << centrality_bimp_ << ", " << centrality_impactparam_ << "); (mbd,mbdquantity) = (" << centrality_mbd_ << ", " << centrality_mbdquantity_ << ")" << std::endl;
326  std::cout << "Glauber parameter information: (ncoll,npart) = (" << ncoll_ << ", " << npart_ << ")" << std::endl;
327 }
328 //____________________________________________________________________________..
330 {
331  std::cout << "Get TrkrHit info." << std::endl;
334  for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitset_iter = hitset_range.first; hitset_iter != hitset_range.second; ++hitset_iter)
335  {
336  TrkrHitSet::ConstRange hit_range = hitset_iter->second->getHits();
337  for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator hit_iter = hit_range.first; hit_iter != hit_range.second; ++hit_iter)
338  {
339  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitKey = hit_iter->first;
340  TrkrDefs::hitsetkey hitSetKey = hitset_iter->first;
342  TrkrHitRow_.push_back(InttDefs::getRow(hitKey));
343  TrkrHitColumn_.push_back(InttDefs::getCol(hitKey));
344  TrkrHitLadderZId_.push_back(InttDefs::getLadderZId(hitSetKey));
345  TrkrHitLadderPhiId_.push_back(InttDefs::getLadderPhiId(hitSetKey));
346  TrkrHitLayer_.push_back(TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitSetKey));
347  TrkrHitADC_.push_back(hit_iter->second->getAdc());
348  }
349  }
350  NTrkrhits_ = TrkrHitRow_.size();
351 }
352 //____________________________________________________________________________..
354 {
355  std::cout << "Get reconstructed cluster info." << std::endl;
357  std::vector<int> _NClus = {0, 0};
358  std::map<int, unsigned int> AncG4P_cluster_count;
359  AncG4P_cluster_count.clear();
361  // Reference:
362  //
363  // for (const auto &hitsetkey : dst_clustermap->getHitSetKeys())
365  {
366  auto range = dst_clustermap->getClusters(hitsetkey);
367  for (auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter)
368  {
369  // std::cout << "----------" << std::endl;
370  TrkrDefs::cluskey ckey = iter->first;
371  TrkrCluster *cluster = dst_clustermap->findCluster(ckey);
373  unsigned int trkrId = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(ckey);
374  if (trkrId != TrkrDefs::inttId)
375  continue; // we want only INTT clusters
377  int layer = (TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckey) == 3 || TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckey) == 4) ? 0 : 1;
378  _NClus[layer]++;
379  if (cluster == nullptr)
380  {
381  std::cout << "cluster is nullptr, ckey=" << ckey << std::endl;
382  }
383  auto globalpos = _tgeometry->getGlobalPosition(ckey, cluster);
384  ClusLayer_.push_back(TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckey));
385  ClusX_.push_back(globalpos(0));
386  ClusY_.push_back(globalpos(1));
387  ClusZ_.push_back(globalpos(2));
388  ClusAdc_.push_back(cluster->getAdc());
389  TVector3 pos(globalpos(0), globalpos(1), globalpos(2));
390  ClusR_.push_back(pos.Perp());
391  ClusPhi_.push_back(pos.Phi());
392  ClusEta_.push_back(pos.Eta());
393  ClusPhiSize_.push_back(cluster->getPhiSize());
394  ClusZSize_.push_back(cluster->getZSize());
395  ClusLadderZId_.push_back(InttDefs::getLadderZId(ckey));
397  ClusTrkrHitSetKey_.push_back(hitsetkey);
399  if (!IsData)
400  {
401  // std::cout << "This cluster: (x,y,z)=(" << globalpos(0) << "," << globalpos(1) << "," << globalpos(2) << ")" << std::endl;
403  // if (g4p) g4p->identify();
405  if (g4p)
406  {
407  PHG4Particle *g4pancestor = GetG4PAncestor(g4p);
409  if (g4pancestor && AncG4P_cluster_count[g4pancestor->get_track_id()] == 0)
410  {
411  UniqueAncG4P_PID_.push_back(g4pancestor->get_pid());
412  TLorentzVector g4pAncvec;
413  g4pAncvec.SetPxPyPzE(g4pancestor->get_px(), g4pancestor->get_py(), g4pancestor->get_pz(), g4pancestor->get_e());
414  UniqueAncG4P_E_.push_back(g4pancestor->get_e());
415  UniqueAncG4P_Pt_.push_back(g4pAncvec.Pt());
416  UniqueAncG4P_Eta_.push_back(g4pAncvec.Eta());
417  UniqueAncG4P_Phi_.push_back(g4pAncvec.Phi());
419  ++AncG4P_cluster_count[g4pancestor->get_track_id()];
420  }
421  }
422  }
423  }
424  }
426  NClus_ = _NClus[0] + _NClus[1];
427  NClus_Layer1_ = _NClus[0];
428  std::cout << "Number of clusters (total,0,1)=(" << NClus_ << "," << _NClus[0] << "," << _NClus[1] << ")" << std::endl;
429  NGenPart_ = UniqueAncG4P_PID_.size();
431  int uniqueAncG4P = 0, N_MatchedClus = 0;
432  for (auto it = AncG4P_cluster_count.cbegin(); it != AncG4P_cluster_count.cend(); ++it)
433  {
434  // std::cout << "(Ancestor G4P trackID, matched cluster counts)=(" << it->first << "," << it->second << ")" << std::endl;
435  uniqueAncG4P++;
436  N_MatchedClus += it->second;
437  }
438  std::cout << "(# of unique ancestor G4P, # of matched clusters, ratio)=(" << uniqueAncG4P << "," << N_MatchedClus << "," << (float)uniqueAncG4P / N_MatchedClus << ")" << std::endl;
439 }
440 //____________________________________________________________________________..
442 {
443  std::cout << "Get truth primary vertex info." << std::endl;
445  auto vrange = m_truth_info->GetPrimaryVtxRange();
447  int NTruthPV = 0;
448  for (auto iter = vrange.first; iter != vrange.second; ++iter) // process all primary vertices
449  {
450  const int point_id = iter->first;
451  PHG4VtxPoint *point = iter->second;
453  if (point)
454  {
455  if (m_truth_info->isEmbededVtx(point_id) == 0)
456  {
457  TruthPV_trig_x_ = point->get_x();
458  TruthPV_trig_y_ = point->get_y();
459  TruthPV_trig_z_ = point->get_z();
460  }
462  NTruthPV++;
463  }
464  }
466  // print out the truth vertex information
467  std::cout << "Number of truth primary vertices = " << NTruthPV << "; Triggered truth vtx pos (x,y,z)=(" << TruthPV_trig_x_ << "," << TruthPV_trig_y_ << "," << TruthPV_trig_z_ << ")" << std::endl;
469  NTruthVtx_ = NTruthPV;
470 }
471 //____________________________________________________________________________..
473 {
474  // CleanVec(ClusHitcount_);
476  CleanVec(ClusX_);
477  CleanVec(ClusY_);
478  CleanVec(ClusZ_);
479  CleanVec(ClusR_);
500 }