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1 #include "OnlMonServer.h"
3 #include "OnlMon.h"
4 #include "OnlMonStatusDB.h"
6 #include "MessageSystem.h"
8 #include <Event/msg_profile.h> // for MSG_SEV_ERROR, MSG_SEV...
10 #include <TFile.h>
11 #include <TH1.h>
12 #include <TROOT.h>
14 #include <odbc++/connection.h>
15 #include <odbc++/drivermanager.h>
16 #include <odbc++/resultset.h>
17 #include <odbc++/statement.h> // for Statement
18 #include <odbc++/types.h> // for SQLException
20 #include <zlib.h>
22 #include <sys/utsname.h>
23 #include <unistd.h> // for sleep
24 #include <algorithm> // for max
25 #include <cstdio> // for printf
26 #include <cstdlib>
27 #include <cstring> // for strcmp
28 #include <fstream>
29 #include <iostream>
30 #include <map>
31 #include <sstream>
32 #include <string>
33 #include <utility> // for pair
34 #include <vector>
38 // root TFile compression level
39 static const int compression_level = 3;
42 {
43  if (__instance)
44  {
45  return __instance;
46  }
47  __instance = new OnlMonServer("OnlMonServer");
48  return __instance;
49 }
52  : OnlMonBase(name)
53 {
54 #ifdef USE_MUTEX
55  pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, nullptr);
56 #endif
58  statusDB = new OnlMonStatusDB();
59  RunStatusDB = new OnlMonStatusDB("onlmonrunstatus");
60  InitAll();
61  return;
62 }
65 {
66 #ifdef USE_MUTEX
67  pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);
68 #endif
69  if (int tret = pthread_cancel(serverthreadid))
70  {
71  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "pthread cancel returned error: " << tret << std::endl;
72  }
73  delete serverrunning;
75 #ifdef USE_MUTEX
76  pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex);
77 #endif
78  while (MonitorList.begin() != MonitorList.end())
79  {
80  delete MonitorList.back();
81  MonitorList.pop_back();
82  }
83  delete statusDB;
84  delete RunStatusDB;
85  while(MonitorHistoSet.begin() != MonitorHistoSet.end())
86  {
87  while(MonitorHistoSet.begin()->second.begin() != MonitorHistoSet.begin()->second.end())
88  {
89  if (CommonHistoMap.find(MonitorHistoSet.begin()->second.begin()->second->GetName()) == CommonHistoMap.end())
90  {
91  delete MonitorHistoSet.begin()->second.begin()->second;
92  }
93  else
94  {
95  if (Verbosity() > 2)
96  {
97  std::cout << "not deleting " << MonitorHistoSet.begin()->second.begin()->second->GetName() << std::endl;
98  }
99  }
100  MonitorHistoSet.begin()->second.erase(MonitorHistoSet.begin()->second.begin());
101  }
102  MonitorHistoSet.erase(MonitorHistoSet.begin());
103  }
104  while(CommonHistoMap.begin() != CommonHistoMap.end())
105  {
106  delete CommonHistoMap.begin()->second;
107  CommonHistoMap.erase(CommonHistoMap.begin());
108  }
109  while (MsgSystem.begin() != MsgSystem.end())
110  {
111  delete MsgSystem.begin()->second;
112  MsgSystem.erase(MsgSystem.begin());
113  }
114  return;
115 }
118 {
119  if (gROOT->FindObject("ClientRunning"))
120  {
121  std::ostringstream msg;
122  msg << "Don't run Server and Client in same session, exiting";
123  send_message(MSG_SEV_FATAL, msg.str(), 1);
124  exit(1);
125  }
126  serverrunning = new TH1F("ServerRunning", "ServerRunning", 1, 0, 1);
127  return;
128 }
131 {
132  TFile *hfile = TFile::Open(filename.c_str(), "RECREATE", "Created by Online Monitor");
133  for (auto &moniiter : MonitorHistoSet)
134  {
135  std::cout << "saving " << moniiter.first << std::endl;
136  for (auto &histiter : moniiter.second)
137  {
138  std::cout << "saving " << histiter.first << std::endl;
139  histiter.second->Write();
140  }
141  }
142  hfile->Close();
143  delete hfile;
144  return;
145 }
148 {
149  CommonHistoMap.insert(std::make_pair(h1d->GetName(), h1d));
150  return;
151 }
153 void OnlMonServer::registerHisto(const OnlMon *monitor, TH1 *h1d)
154 {
155  registerHisto(monitor->Name(), h1d->GetName(), h1d, 0);
156  return;
157 }
159 void OnlMonServer::registerHisto(const std::string &monitorname, const std::string &hname, TH1 *h1d, const int replace)
160 {
161  if (hname.find(' ') != std::string::npos)
162  {
163  std::cout << "No empty spaces in registered histogram names : " << hname << std::endl;
164  exit(1);
165  }
166  auto moniiter = MonitorHistoSet.find(monitorname);
167  if (moniiter == MonitorHistoSet.end())
168  {
169  std::map<std::string, TH1 *> histo;
170  histo[hname] = h1d;
171  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " inserting " << monitorname << " hname " << hname << std::endl;
172  MonitorHistoSet.insert(std::make_pair(monitorname, histo));
173  return;
174  }
175  auto histoiter = moniiter->second.find(hname);
176  if (histoiter == moniiter->second.end())
177  {
178  moniiter->second.insert(std::make_pair(hname, h1d));
179  }
180  else
181  {
182  if (replace)
183  {
184  delete histoiter->second;
185  histoiter->second = h1d;
186  }
187  else
188  {
189  std::cout << "Histogram " << hname << " already registered with " << monitorname
190  << ", it will not be overwritten" << std::endl;
191  }
192  }
193  return;
194 }
196 void OnlMonServer::registerHisto(const std::string &hname, TH1 *h1d, const int replace)
197 {
198  if (hname.find(' ') != std::string::npos)
199  {
200  std::cout << "No empty spaces in registered histogram names : " << hname << std::endl;
201  exit(1);
202  }
203  const std::string &tmpstr = hname;
204  std::map<const std::string, TH1 *>::const_iterator histoiter = CommonHistoMap.find(tmpstr);
205  std::ostringstream msg;
206  int histoexist;
207  TH1 *delhis;
208  if (histoiter != CommonHistoMap.end())
209  {
210  delhis = histoiter->second;
211  histoexist = 1;
212  }
213  else
214  {
215  delhis = nullptr;
216  histoexist = 0;
217  }
218  if (histoexist && replace == 0)
219  {
220  msg << "Histogram " << hname << " already registered, I won't overwrite it";
221  send_message(MSG_SEV_WARNING, msg.str(), 2);
222  msg.str("");
223  msg << "Use a different name and try again" << std::endl;
224  send_message(MSG_SEV_WARNING, msg.str(), 2);
225  }
226  else
227  {
228  if (verbosity > 1)
229  {
230  if (strcmp(h1d->GetName(), tmpstr.c_str()))
231  {
232  msg.str("");
233  msg << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "Histogram " << h1d->GetName()
234  << " at " << h1d << " renamed to " << tmpstr;
235  send_message(MSG_SEV_INFORMATIONAL, msg.str(), 3);
236  }
237  }
238  CommonHistoMap[tmpstr] = h1d;
239  if (delhis)
240  {
241  delete delhis;
242  }
243  h1d->SetName(tmpstr.c_str());
244  }
245  return;
246 }
248 OnlMon *
250 {
251  for (OnlMon *mon : MonitorList)
252  {
253  if (name == mon->Name())
254  {
255  return mon;
256  }
257  }
258  std::cout << "Could not locate monitor" << name << std::endl;
259  return nullptr;
260 }
263 {
264  for (OnlMon *mon : MonitorList)
265  {
266  if (Monitor->Name() == mon->Name())
267  {
268  std::ostringstream msg;
269  msg << "Monitor " << Monitor->Name() << " already registered, I won't overwrite it";
270  send_message(MSG_SEV_SEVEREERROR, msg.str(), 4);
271  msg.str("");
272  msg << "Use a different name and try again";
273  send_message(MSG_SEV_SEVEREERROR, msg.str(), 4);
274  return;
275  }
276  }
277  MonitorList.push_back(Monitor);
278  MsgSystem[Monitor->Name()] = new MessageSystem(Monitor->Name());
279  Monitor->InitCommon(this);
280  Monitor->Init();
281  return;
282 }
284 TH1 *OnlMonServer::getHisto(const unsigned int ihisto) const
285 {
286  std::map<const std::string, TH1 *>::const_iterator histoiter = CommonHistoMap.begin();
287  unsigned int size = CommonHistoMap.size();
288  if (Verbosity() > 3)
289  {
290  std::ostringstream msg;
292  msg << "Map contains " << size << " Elements";
293  send_message(MSG_SEV_INFORMATIONAL, msg.str(), 5);
294  }
295  if (ihisto < size)
296  {
297  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ihisto; i++)
298  {
299  ++histoiter;
300  }
301  return histoiter->second;
302  }
303  else
304  {
305  std::ostringstream msg;
306  msg << "OnlMonServer::getHisto: ERROR Invalid histogram number: "
307  << ihisto << ", maximum number is " << size;
308  send_message(MSG_SEV_ERROR, msg.str(), 6);
309  }
310  return nullptr;
311 }
313 const std::string
314 OnlMonServer::getHistoName(const unsigned int ihisto) const
315 {
316  std::map<const std::string, TH1 *>::const_iterator histoiter = CommonHistoMap.begin();
317  unsigned int size = CommonHistoMap.size();
318  if (verbosity > 3)
319  {
320  std::ostringstream msg;
321  msg << "Map contains " << size << " Elements";
322  send_message(MSG_SEV_INFORMATIONAL, msg.str(), 5);
323  }
324  if (ihisto < size)
325  {
326  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ihisto; i++)
327  {
328  ++histoiter;
329  }
330  return histoiter->first.c_str();
331  }
332  else
333  {
334  std::ostringstream msg;
335  msg << "OnlMonServer::getHisto: ERROR Invalid histogram number: "
336  << ihisto << ", maximum number is " << size;
337  send_message(MSG_SEV_ERROR, msg.str(), 6);
338  }
339  return nullptr;
340 }
342 TH1 *OnlMonServer::getHisto(const std::string &subsys, const std::string &hname) const
343 {
344  if (Verbosity() > 2)
345  {
346  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " checking for subsys " << subsys << ", hname " << hname << std::endl;
347  }
348  auto moniiter = MonitorHistoSet.find(subsys);
349  if (moniiter != MonitorHistoSet.end())
350  {
351  auto histoiter = moniiter->second.find(hname);
352  if (histoiter != moniiter->second.end())
353  {
354  return histoiter->second;
355  }
356  }
357  std::ostringstream msg;
359  msg << "OnlMonServer::getHisto: ERROR Unknown Histogram " << hname
360  << ", The following are implemented: ";
361  send_message(MSG_SEV_ERROR, msg.str(), 7);
362  Print("HISTOS");
363  return nullptr;
364 }
367 {
368  std::map<const std::string, TH1 *>::const_iterator histoiter = CommonHistoMap.find(hname);
369  if (histoiter != CommonHistoMap.end())
370  {
371  return histoiter->second;
372  }
373  std::ostringstream msg;
375  msg << "OnlMonServer::getHisto: ERROR Unknown Histogram " << hname
376  << ", The following are implemented: ";
377  send_message(MSG_SEV_ERROR, msg.str(), 7);
378  Print("HISTOS");
379  return nullptr;
380 }
383 {
384  int iret = 0;
385  for (int i = 0; i < nevents; i++)
386  {
387  iret = process_event(nullptr);
388  if (iret)
389  {
390  break;
391  }
392  }
393  return iret;
394 }
397 {
398  int i = 0;
399  std::vector<OnlMon *>::iterator iter;
401  for (iter = MonitorList.begin(); iter != MonitorList.end(); ++iter)
402  {
403  i += (*iter)->process_event_common(evt);
404  }
405  for (iter = MonitorList.begin(); iter != MonitorList.end(); ++iter)
406  {
407  i += (*iter)->ResetEvent();
408  }
410  return i;
411 }
414 {
415  int i = 0;
416  std::vector<OnlMon *>::iterator iter;
417  for (iter = MonitorList.begin(); iter != MonitorList.end(); ++iter)
418  {
419  i += (*iter)->Reset();
420  }
421  std::map<const std::string, TH1 *>::const_iterator hiter;
422  for (auto &moniiter : MonitorHistoSet)
423  {
424  for (auto &histiter : moniiter.second)
425  {
426  histiter.second->Reset();
427  }
428  }
430  for (hiter = CommonHistoMap.begin(); hiter != CommonHistoMap.end(); ++hiter)
431  {
432  hiter->second->Reset();
433  }
434  eventnumber = 0;
435  std::map<std::string, MessageSystem *>::const_iterator miter;
436  for (miter = MsgSystem.begin(); miter != MsgSystem.end(); ++miter)
437  {
438  miter->second->Reset();
439  }
440  return i;
441 }
443 int OnlMonServer::BeginRun(const int runno)
444 {
445  int i = 0;
446  i = CacheRunDB(runno);
447  if (i)
448  {
449  printf("bad return code from CacheRunDB(%d): %d\n", runno, i);
450  i = 0;
451  }
453  std::vector<OnlMon *>::iterator iter;
454  activepacketsinit = 0;
455  for (iter = MonitorList.begin(); iter != MonitorList.end(); ++iter)
456  {
457  (*iter)->BeginRunCommon(runno, this);
458  i += (*iter)->BeginRun(runno);
459  }
460  return i;
461 }
463 int OnlMonServer::EndRun(const int runno)
464 {
465  int i = 0;
466  std::vector<OnlMon *>::iterator iter;
467  for (iter = MonitorList.begin(); iter != MonitorList.end(); ++iter)
468  {
469  i += (*iter)->EndRun(runno);
470  }
471  return i;
472 }
474 void OnlMonServer::Print(const std::string &what, std::ostream& os) const
475 {
476  if (what == "ALL" || what == "PORT")
477  {
478  utsname ThisNode;
479  uname(&ThisNode);
480  os << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl << std::endl;
481  os << "Server running on " << ThisNode.nodename
482  << " and is listening on port " << PortNumber() << std::endl
483  << std::endl;
484  }
485  if (what == "ALL" || what == "HISTOS")
486  {
487  os << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl << std::endl;
488  os << "List of Assigned histograms in OnlMonServer:" << std::endl << std::endl;
489  for (auto &moniiter : MonitorHistoSet)
490  {
491  os << "Monitor " << moniiter.first << std::endl;
492  for (auto &histiter : moniiter.second)
493  {
494  os << moniiter.first << " " << histiter.first
495  << " at " << histiter.second << std::endl;
496  }
497  }
498  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
499  os << std::endl << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl << std::endl;
500  os << "List of Common Histograms in OnlMonServer" << std::endl;
501  for (auto &hiter : CommonHistoMap)
502  {
503  os << hiter.first << std::endl;
504  }
505  os << std::endl;
506  }
507  if (what == "ALL" || what == "MONITOR")
508  {
509  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
510  os << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl << std::endl;
511  os << "List of Monitors with registered histos in OnlMonServer:" << std::endl;
513  for (auto &miter : MonitorList)
514  {
515  os << miter->Name() << std::endl;
516  }
517  os << std::endl;
518  }
519  if (what == "ALL" || what == "ACTIVE")
520  {
521  os << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl << std::endl;
522  os << "List of active packets:" << std::endl;
523  std::set<unsigned int>::const_iterator iter;
524  for (iter = activepackets.begin(); iter != activepackets.end(); ++iter)
525  {
526  os << *iter << std::endl;
527  }
528  }
529 return;
530 }
533 {
534  std::ofstream fout(fname);
535  Print("ALL",fout);
536  fout.close();
537 }
539 void OnlMonServer::RunNumber(const int irun)
540 {
541  runnumber = irun;
542  // recoConsts *rc = recoConsts::instance();
543  // rc->set_IntFlag("RUNNUMBER", irun);
544  return;
545 }
548 {
549  for (auto &moniiter : MonitorHistoSet)
550  {
551  std::string dirname = "./";
552  if (getenv("ONLMON_SAVEDIR"))
553  {
554  dirname = std::string(getenv("ONLMON_SAVEDIR")) + "/";
555  }
556  std::string filename = dirname + "Run_" + std::to_string(RunNumber()) + "-" + moniiter.first + ".root";
557  if (Verbosity() > 2)
558  {
559  std::cout << "saving histos for " << moniiter.first << " in " << filename << std::endl;
560  }
561  TFile *hfile = TFile::Open(filename.c_str(), "RECREATE", "Created by Online Monitor");
562  for (auto &histiter : moniiter.second)
563  {
564  histiter.second->Write();
565  }
566  hfile->Close();
567  delete hfile;
568  }
569  return 0;
570 }
572 int OnlMonServer::send_message(const OnlMon *Monitor, const int msgsource, const int severity, const std::string &err_message, const int msgtype) const
573 {
574  int iret = -1;
575  std::map<std::string, MessageSystem *>::const_iterator iter = MsgSystem.find(Monitor->Name());
576  std::ostringstream msg("Run ");
577  int irun = RunNumber();
578  msg << "Run " << irun << " Event# " << eventnumber << ": " << err_message;
579  if (iter != MsgSystem.end())
580  {
581  iret = iter->second->send_message(msgsource, severity, msg.str(), msgtype);
582  }
583  else
584  {
585  // in case there are messages from the ctor before the subsystem is registered
586  // print them out from the server
587  iter = MsgSystem.find(ThisName);
588  iret = iter->second->send_message(msgsource, severity, msg.str(), 0);
589  }
590  if (severity > MSG_SEV_WARNING)
591  {
592  WriteLogFile(Monitor->Name(), err_message);
593  }
594  return iret;
595 }
597 int OnlMonServer::send_message(const int severity, const std::string &err_message, const int msgtype) const
598 {
599  std::map<std::string, MessageSystem *>::const_iterator iter = MsgSystem.find(ThisName);
600  int iret = iter->second->send_message(MSG_SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED, severity, err_message, msgtype);
601  return iret;
602 }
605 {
606  int irun = RunNumber();
607  // if no run is opened yet, I don't want to produce a -1 file which will
608  // increase in size indefinitely
609  if (irun <= 0)
610  {
611  return 0;
612  }
613  // no logifles for junk and calibration runs
614  if (RunType == "JUNK" || RunType == "CALIBRATION")
615  {
616  return 0;
617  }
618  std::ostringstream logfilename, msg;
619  const char *logdir = getenv("ONLMON_LOGDIR");
620  if (logdir)
621  {
622  logfilename << logdir << "/";
623  }
624  logfilename << name << "_" << irun << ".log.gz";
625  gzFile fout = gzopen(logfilename.str().c_str(), "a9");
626  time_t curticks = CurrentTicks();
627  std::string timestr = ctime(&curticks);
628  std::string::size_type backslpos;
629  // get rid of this damn end line of ctime
630  if ((backslpos = timestr.find('\n')) != std::string::npos)
631  {
632  timestr.erase(backslpos);
633  }
634  msg << timestr
635  << ", EventNo " << eventnumber
636  << ": " << message;
637  gzprintf(fout, "%s\n", msg.str().c_str());
638  gzclose(fout);
639  return 0;
640 }
642 int OnlMonServer::CacheRunDB(const int runnoinput)
643 {
644  int runno = -1;
645  if (runnoinput == 221)
646  {
647  runno = runnoinput;
648  }
649  else
650  {
651  runno = 221;
652  }
653  RunType = "PHYSICS";
654  standalone = 0;
655  cosmicrun = 0;
656  borticks = 0;
657  return 0;
658  odbc::Connection *con = nullptr;
659  odbc::Statement *query = nullptr;
660  std::ostringstream cmd;
661  int iret = 0;
662  try
663  {
664  con = odbc::DriverManager::getConnection("daq", "phnxrc", "");
665  }
666  catch (odbc::SQLException &e)
667  {
668  printf(" Exception caught during DriverManager::getConnection, Message: %s\n", e.getMessage().c_str());
669  return -1;
670  }
672  query = con->createStatement();
673  cmd << "select runnumber from run where runnumber = " << runno;
674  odbc::ResultSet *rs = nullptr;
675  int ncount = 10;
676  while (ncount > 0)
677  {
678  try
679  {
680  rs = query->executeQuery(cmd.str());
681  }
682  catch (odbc::SQLException &e)
683  {
684  printf("Exception caught for query %s\nMessage: %s", cmd.str().c_str(), e.getMessage().c_str());
685  }
686  if (!rs->next())
687  {
688  printf("run table query did not give any result, run %d not in DB yet countdown %d\n", runno, ncount);
689  ncount--;
690  sleep(10);
691  delete rs;
692  }
693  else
694  {
695  delete rs;
696  break;
697  }
698  }
699  cmd.str("");
700  cmd << "SELECT runtype,triggerconfig,brunixtime FROM RUN WHERE RUNNUMBER = "
701  << runno;
702  if (verbosity > 0)
703  {
704  printf("command: %s\n", cmd.str().c_str());
705  }
706  try
707  {
708  rs = query->executeQuery(cmd.str());
709  }
710  catch (odbc::SQLException &e)
711  {
712  printf("Exception caught for query %s\nMessage: %s", cmd.str().c_str(), e.getMessage().c_str());
713  }
714  if (rs->next())
715  {
716  RunType = rs->getString("runtype");
717  TriggerConfig = rs->getString("triggerconfig");
718  borticks = rs->getInt("brunixtime");
719  if (TriggerConfig == "StandAloneMode")
720  {
721  standalone = 1;
722  }
723  else
724  {
725  standalone = 0;
726  }
727  if (TriggerConfig.find("Cosmic") != std::string::npos)
728  {
729  cosmicrun = 1;
730  }
731  else
732  {
733  cosmicrun = 0;
734  }
735  }
736  else
737  {
738  iret = -1;
739  }
740  delete con;
741  // printf("CacheRunDB: runno: %d, RunType %s\n",runno,RunType.c_str());
742  return iret;
743 }
746 {
747  if (GetRunType() != "JUNK")
748  {
749  statusDB->UpdateStatus(Monitor->Name(), runnumber, status);
750  }
751  return 0;
752 }
755 {
756  if (GetRunType() == "PHYSICS")
757  {
759  }
760  return 0;
761 }
763 int OnlMonServer::LookAtMe(OnlMon *Monitor, const int level, const std::string &message)
764 {
765  std::cout << "got a LookAtMe from " << Monitor->Name()
766  << ", level: " << level
767  << ", message: " << message
768  << std::endl;
769  return 0;
770 }