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1 #include "TpcRawWriter.h"
3 #include <trackbase/TpcDefs.h>
4 #include <trackbase/MvtxDefs.h>
5 #include <trackbase/InttDefs.h>
11 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h> // for hitkey, getLayer
12 #include <trackbase/TrkrHit.h>
13 #include <trackbase/RawHitv1.h>
14 #include <trackbase/RawHitTpc.h>
15 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitSet.h>
16 #include <trackbase/RawHitSet.h>
17 #include <trackbase/RawHitSetv1.h>
21 #include <trackbase/ActsGeometry.h>
23 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h> // for SubsysReco
31 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
32 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h> // for PHIODataNode
33 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
34 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
35 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
36 #include <phool/getClass.h>
37 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
39 #include <TMatrixFfwd.h> // for TMatrixF
40 #include <TMatrixT.h> // for TMatrixT, ope...
41 #include <TMatrixTUtils.h> // for TMatrixTRow
43 #include <TFile.h>
45 #include <cmath> // for sqrt, cos, sin
46 #include <iostream>
47 #include <map> // for _Rb_tree_cons...
48 #include <string>
49 #include <utility> // for pair
50 #include <array>
51 #include <vector>
52 #include <limits>
53 // Terra incognita....
54 #include <pthread.h>
59  : SubsysReco(name)
60 { std::cout << PHWHERE << "Construct TpcRawWriter" << std::endl; }
64 {
65  if(topNode)
66  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Init TpcRawWriter" << std::endl;
67  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
69  // Looking for the DST node
70  PHCompositeNode *dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
71  if (!dstNode)
72  {
73  std::cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl;
75  }
77  // Create the Cluster node if required
78  auto trkrclusters = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(dstNode, "TRKR_CLUSTER");
79  if (!trkrclusters)
80  {
81  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
82  PHCompositeNode *DetNode =
83  dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
84  if (!DetNode)
85  {
86  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
87  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
88  }
90  trkrclusters = new TrkrClusterContainerv4;
91  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *TrkrClusterContainerNode =
92  new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(trkrclusters, "TRKR_CLUSTER", "PHObject");
93  DetNode->addNode(TrkrClusterContainerNode);
94  }
96  auto clusterhitassoc = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterHitAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTERHITASSOC");
97  if (!clusterhitassoc)
98  {
99  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
100  PHCompositeNode *DetNode =
101  dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
102  if (!DetNode)
103  {
104  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
105  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
106  }
108  clusterhitassoc = new TrkrClusterHitAssocv3;
109  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(clusterhitassoc, "TRKR_CLUSTERHITASSOC", "PHObject");
110  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
111  }
113  // new containers
114  m_rawhits = findNode::getClass<RawHitSetContainerv1>(topNode, "TRKR_RAWHITSET");
115  if (!m_rawhits)
116  {
117  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
118  auto DetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
119  if (!DetNode)
120  {
121  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
122  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
123  }
126  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(m_rawhits, "TRKR_RAWHITSET", "PHObject");
127  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
128  }
131 }
134 {
135  // int print_layer = 18;
137  // if (Verbosity() > 1000)
138  if(topNode)
139  std::cout << "TpcRawWriter::Process_Event" << std::endl;
141  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
142  PHCompositeNode *dstNode = static_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
143  if (!dstNode)
144  {
145  std::cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl;
147  }
149  // get node containing the digitized hits
150  m_hits = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
151  if (!m_hits)
152  {
153  std::cout << PHWHERE << "ERROR: Can't find node TRKR_HITSET" << std::endl;
155  }
157  // new containers
158  m_rawhits = findNode::getClass<RawHitSetContainerv1>(topNode, "TRKR_RAWHITSET");
159  if (!m_rawhits)
160  {
161  std::cout << PHWHERE << "ERROR: Can't find node TRKR_HITSET" << std::endl;
163  }
165  // get node for clusters
166  m_clusterlist = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTER");
167  if (!m_clusterlist)
168  {
169  std::cout << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find TRKR_CLUSTER." << std::endl;
171  }
173  // get node for cluster hit associations
174  m_clusterhitassoc = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterHitAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTERHITASSOC");
175  if (!m_clusterhitassoc)
176  {
177  std::cout << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find TRKR_CLUSTERHITASSOC" << std::endl;
179  }
181  PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer *geom_container =
182  findNode::getClass<PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, "CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX");
183  if (!geom_container)
184  {
185  std::cout << PHWHERE << "ERROR: Can't find node CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX" << std::endl;
187  }
189  m_tGeometry = findNode::getClass<ActsGeometry>(topNode,
190  "ActsGeometry");
191  if(!m_tGeometry)
192  {
193  std::cout << PHWHERE
194  << "ActsTrackingGeometry not found on node tree. Exiting"
195  << std::endl;
197  }
200  // The hits are stored in hitsets, where each hitset contains all hits in a given TPC readout (layer, sector, side), so clusters are confined to a hitset
201  // The TPC clustering is more complicated than for the silicon, because we have to deal with overlapping clusters
203  // loop over the MVTX HitSet objects
204  std::cout << "processing mvtx" << std::endl;
206  // const int num_hitsets = std::distance(hitsetrange.first,hitsetrange.second);
208  int count = 0;
209  for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitsetitr = mvtxhitsetrange.first;
210  hitsetitr != mvtxhitsetrange.second;
211  ++hitsetitr)
212  {
213  TrkrHitSet *hitset = hitsetitr->second;
215  m_rawhits->findOrAddHitSet(hitsetitr->first);
216  RawHitSetv1 *rhitset = dynamic_cast<RawHitSetv1 *>(m_rawhits->findHitSet(hitsetitr->first));
217  TrkrHitSet::ConstRange hitrangei = hitset->getHits();
219  for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator hitr = hitrangei.first;
220  hitr != hitrangei.second;
221  ++hitr){
222  unsigned short adc = (unsigned short)(hitr->second->getAdc());
223  if(adc>0){
224  RawHitv1 *rHit = new RawHitv1;
225  unsigned short iphi = MvtxDefs::getCol(hitr->first);
226  unsigned short it = MvtxDefs::getRow(hitr->first);
227  rHit->setPhiBin(iphi);
228  rHit->setTBin(it);
229  rHit->setAdc(adc);
230  rhitset->addHit(rHit);
231  }
232  }
234  count++;
235  }
236  std::cout << "processing intt" << std::endl;
237  // loop over the INTT HitSet objects
239  // const int num_hitsets = std::distance(intt_hitsetrange.first,intt_hitsetrange.second);
241  for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitsetitr = intt_hitsetrange.first;
242  hitsetitr != intt_hitsetrange.second;
243  ++hitsetitr)
244  {
245  TrkrHitSet *hitset = hitsetitr->second;
247  m_rawhits->findOrAddHitSet(hitsetitr->first);
248  RawHitSet *rhitset = m_rawhits->findHitSet(hitsetitr->first);
249  TrkrHitSet::ConstRange hitrangei = hitset->getHits();
251  for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator hitr = hitrangei.first;
252  hitr != hitrangei.second;
253  ++hitr){
254  //int sector = InttDefs::getLadderPhiId(hitsetitr->first);
255  //int side = InttDefs::getLadderZId(hitsetitr->first);
256  //int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitsetitr->first);
257  unsigned short adc = (unsigned short)(hitr->second->getAdc());
258  if(adc>0){
259  RawHitv1 *rHit = new RawHitv1;
260  unsigned short iphi = InttDefs::getCol(hitr->first);
261  unsigned short it = InttDefs::getRow(hitr->first);
262  //std::cout << " layer " << layer << " sector: " << sector << " side " << side << " col: " << iphi << " row " << it << std::endl;
263  rHit->setPhiBin(iphi);
264  rHit->setTBin(it);
265  rHit->setAdc(adc);
266  rhitset->addHit(rHit);
267  }
268  }
270  count++;
271  }
272  std::cout << "processing mm" << std::endl;
273  // loop over the micromega HitSet objects
275  // const int num_hitsets = std::distance(mm_hitsetrange.first,mm_hitsetrange.second);
277  for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitsetitr = mm_hitsetrange.first;
278  hitsetitr != mm_hitsetrange.second;
279  ++hitsetitr)
280  {
281  TrkrHitSet *hitset = hitsetitr->second;
283  m_rawhits->findOrAddHitSet(hitsetitr->first);
284  RawHitSet *rhitset = m_rawhits->findHitSet(hitsetitr->first);
285  TrkrHitSet::ConstRange hitrangei = hitset->getHits();
287  for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator hitr = hitrangei.first;
288  hitr != hitrangei.second;
289  ++hitr){
291  unsigned short adc = (unsigned short)(hitr->second->getAdc());
292  if(adc>0){
293  RawHitv1 *rHit = new RawHitv1;
294  // TrkrDefs::hitkey tmp = (hitr->first >> MicromegasDefs::kBitShiftStrip);
295  unsigned short iphi = MicromegasDefs::getStrip( hitr->first );
296  unsigned short it = 0;
297  rHit->setPhiBin(iphi);
298  rHit->setTBin(it);
299  rHit->setAdc(adc);
300  rhitset->addHit(rHit);
301  }
302  }
304  count++;
305  }
306  std::cout << "processing tpc" << std::endl;
307  // loop over the TPC HitSet objects
309  // const int num_hitsets = std::distance(hitsetrange.first,hitsetrange.second);
311  int ncheck = 0;
312  int allbad = 0;
314  for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitsetitr = tpc_hitsetrange.first;
315  hitsetitr != tpc_hitsetrange.second;
316  ++hitsetitr)
317  //TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitsetitr = tpc_hitsetrange.first;
318  {
319  TrkrHitSet *hitset = hitsetitr->second;
320  unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitsetitr->first);
321  // if(layer!=7) continue;
322  // int side = TpcDefs::getSide(hitsetitr->first);
323  unsigned int sector= TpcDefs::getSectorId(hitsetitr->first);
324  PHG4TpcCylinderGeom *layergeom = geom_container->GetLayerCellGeom(layer);
325  unsigned short NPhiBins = (unsigned short) layergeom->get_phibins();
326  unsigned short NPhiBinsSector = NPhiBins/12;
327  unsigned short NZBins = (unsigned short)layergeom->get_zbins();
328  //unsigned short NZBinsSide = NZBins/2;
329  unsigned short NZBinsSide = NZBins;
330  unsigned short NZBinsMin = 0;
331  unsigned short PhiOffset = NPhiBinsSector * sector;
332  unsigned short ZOffset = NZBinsMin;
333  std::vector<int> nhits_thispad;
334  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned short>> adcval;
335  adcval.resize(NPhiBins);
336  for(int nphi= 0; nphi < NPhiBins;nphi++){
337  for(int nz= 0; nz < NZBins;nz++){
338  adcval[nphi].push_back(0);
339  nhits_thispad.push_back(0);
340  }
341  }
342  //std::vector<std::vector<unsigned short>> outadc;
343  //outadc.resize(NPhiBins);
345  // RawHitSetContainerv1::Iterator rawhitset_iter =
346  m_rawhits->findOrAddHitSet(hitsetitr->first);
347  RawHitSetv1 *rhitset = dynamic_cast<RawHitSetv1 *>(m_rawhits->findHitSet(hitsetitr->first));
348  rhitset->setTpcPhiBins(NPhiBins);
350  TrkrHitSet::ConstRange hitrangei = hitset->getHits();
351  int zbinmax = 498;
352  int zbinmin = 0;
353  if(layer>=7 && layer <22){
354  int etacut = 249 - ((50+(layer-7))/105.5)*249;
355  zbinmin = etacut;
356  zbinmax -= etacut;
357  }
358  if(layer>=22 && layer <=48){
359  int etacut = 249 - ((65+((40.5/26)*(layer-22)))/105.5)*249;
360  zbinmin = etacut;
361  zbinmax -= etacut;
362  }
364  // std::cout << " layer: " << layer << " zbin limit " << zbinmin << " | " << zbinmax <<std::endl;
365  for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator hitr = hitrangei.first;
366  hitr != hitrangei.second;
367  ++hitr){
368  if( TpcDefs::getPad(hitr->first) - PhiOffset < 0 ){
369  continue;
370  }
371  if( TpcDefs::getTBin(hitr->first) - ZOffset < 0 ){
372  //std::cout << "WARNING zbin out of range: " << TpcDefs::getTBin(hitr->first) - zoffset << " | " << zbins <<std::endl;
373  continue;
374  }
375  unsigned short phibin = TpcDefs::getPad(hitr->first) - PhiOffset;
376  unsigned short zbin = TpcDefs::getTBin(hitr->first) - ZOffset;
377  unsigned short zbinorg = TpcDefs::getTBin(hitr->first);
378  if(phibin>=NPhiBinsSector){
379  //std::cout << "WARNING phibin out of range: " << phibin << " | " << phibins << std::endl;
380  continue;
381  }
382  if(zbin>=NZBinsSide){
383  //std::cout << "WARNING z bin out of range: " << zbin << " | " << zbins << std::endl;
384  continue;
385  }
386  if(zbinorg>zbinmax||zbinorg<zbinmin)
387  continue;
388  float_t fadc = (hitr->second->getAdc()) - pedestal; // proper int rounding +0.5
389  unsigned short adc = 0;
390  if(fadc>0) adc = (unsigned short) fadc;
392  if(adc>0){
393  nhits_thispad[phibin]++;
394  unsigned short it = TpcDefs::getTBin(hitr->first);
395  adcval[phibin][it] = adc;
396  //if(layer==20&&sector==4&&phibin==77)
397  //std::cout << "input sector: " << sector << " lay: " << layer << " # " << phibin << "|"<< it <<" adc: " << (int)adcval[phibin][it] << " pack: " << std::endl;
398  /*RawHitTpc *rHit = new RawHitTpc;
399  unsigned short it = TpcDefs::getTBin(hitr->first);
400  rHit->setTBin(it);
401  unsigned short iadc = adc;
402  rHit->setAdc(iadc);
403  rhitset->addTpcHit(phibin,rHit);
404  */
405  }
406  }
407  // assert(adcval);
408  for(int nphi= 0; nphi < NPhiBins;nphi++){
409  for(int nz= 0; nz < NZBins;nz++){
410  /*if(nphi>=1&&nz<NZBins-1)//Remove isolated single timebin hits
411  if(layer==29&&sector==0&&nphi==0){
412  if(nz>209&&nz<215){
413  std::cout << "single check sector: " << sector << " lay: " << layer << " # " << nphi << "|"<< nz <<" adc: " << (int)adcval[nphi][nz] << " pack: " << std::endl;
414  }
415  }
416  */
417  if(adcval[nphi][nz]>0)
418  if((adcval[nphi][nz-1]==0)&&(adcval[nphi][nz+1]==0)){
419  // std::cout << "single hit sector: " << sector << " lay: " << layer << " # " << nphi << "|"<< nz <<" adc: " << (int)adcval[nphi][nz] << " pack: " << std::endl;
420  adcval[nphi][nz] = 0;
421  }
422  }
423  }
424  for(int nphi= 0; nphi < NPhiBins;nphi++){
425  int zero_count = 0;
426  // int outpos = 0;
427  if(nhits_thispad[nphi]==0)continue;
428  for(int nz= 0; nz < NZBins;nz++){
430  uint8_t thisadc = 0;
431  if(nphi>=1&&nz<NZBins-1)//Remove isolated single timebin hits
432  if(adcval[nphi][nz]>0)
433  if((adcval[nphi][nz-1]==0)&&(adcval[nphi][nz+1]==0))
434  adcval[nphi][nz] = 0;
436  if(adcval[nphi][nz]>255){//take care of overflows, we want to store 8 bit ADC values
437  thisadc=255;
438  // adcval[nphi][nz]=255;
439  }
440  else{
441  thisadc = adcval[nphi][nz];
442  }
443  //std::cout << "nz: " << nz << " adc " << (int)thisadc << std::endl;
444  if(thisadc>0){//non zero adc, fill adc
445  zero_count = 0;
446  rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].push_back(thisadc);
447  if(layer==222&&sector==6&&nphi==10)std::cout << "0#"<<nphi<<"nz= " << nz << " filling " << (int)thisadc << " at " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size() << std::endl;
448  }
449  else{
450  zero_count++;
451  // if(nz==0){
452  // rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].push_back(0);
453  //std::cout << " 1filling " << 0 << "|" << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].back() << " | " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][outpos++] << std::endl;
454  // if(layer==222&&sector==6&&nphi==10)std::cout << "1#"<<nphi<<"nz= " << nz << " filling " << 0 << " at " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size() << std::endl;
455  // }else
456  /*
457  if(adcval[nphi][nz-1]>0){ //trailing edge 0
458  rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].push_back(0);
459  if(layer==222&&sector==6&&nphi==10)std::cout << "2#"<<nphi<<"nz= " << nz << " filling " << 0 << " at " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size() << std::endl;
460  //std::cout << " 2filling " << 0 << "|" << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].back() << " | " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][outpos++] << std::endl;
461  }
462  */
463  }
464  if(zero_count>1){
465  if(nz<NZBins-2){
466  if(adcval[nphi][nz+2]>0&&adcval[nphi][nz+1]==0){//fill zero count, end of zero series
467  rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].push_back(zero_count-1);
468  zero_count = 0;
469  if(layer==222&&sector==6&&nphi==10)
470  std::cout << "3#"<<nphi<<"nz= " << nz << " filling " << zero_count-1 << " at " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size() << " nz+2 " << (nz+2) << " adcval[nz+2]" << (int) adcval[nphi][nz+2] << std::endl;
471  }
472  if(adcval[nphi][nz+1]>0){
473  rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].push_back(0);//leading edge zero
474  if(layer==222&&sector==6&&nphi==10)std::cout << "4#"<<nphi<<"nz= " << nz << " filling " << 0 << " at " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size() << std::endl;
476  //std::cout << " 4filling " << 0 << "|" << ((int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].back()) << " | " << ((int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][outpos++]) << std::endl;
477  }
478  }
480  }else{
481  if(zero_count==1){
482  rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].push_back(0);
483  if(layer==222&&sector==6&&nphi==10)std::cout << "5#"<<nphi<<"nz= " << nz << " filling " << 0 << " at " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size() << std::endl;
484  //std::cout << " 5filling " << 0 << "|" << ((int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].back()) << " | " << ((int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][outpos++]) << std::endl;
485  }
486  }
487  if(zero_count == 254){
488  zero_count = 0;
489  rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].push_back(254-2);
490  rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].push_back(0);
491  if(layer==222&&sector==6&&nphi==10)std::cout << "6#"<<nphi<<"nz= " << nz << " filling " << 254-1 << " at " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size() << std::endl;
492  //std::cout << "6 filling " << 254-1 << "|" << ((int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].back()) << " | " << ((int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][outpos++]) << std::endl;
493  // rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].push_back(0);
494  // if(layer==222&&sector==6&&nphi==10)std::cout << "7#"<<nphi<<"nz= " << nz << " filling " << 0 << " at " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size() << std::endl;
495  //std::cout << " 7filling " << 0 << "|" << ((int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].back()) << " | " << ((int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][outpos++]) << std::endl;
496  }
497  /*
498  if(layer%15==0){
499  std::cout << "nz #" << nz << " adc " << adcval[nphi][nz] << " n zero " << zero_count << " last (" << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size() << ") " << ((int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].back()) << std::endl;
500  if(rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size()>=3)
501  std::cout << " [ " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size()-1 << ": "<< ((int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size()-1]) << " ] "
502  << " [ " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size()-2 << ": "<< ((int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size()-2]) << " ] "
503  << " [ " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size()-3<< ": "<< ((int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size()-3]) << " ] "
504  << std::endl;
505  }
506  */
507  }
508  if(zero_count>0&&rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].back()!=0)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].push_back(0); //pad zero at the end
509  // std::cout << "sector: " << sector << " lay: " << layer << " nphi: " << nphi << "|" << NPhiBins<< " nzfilled: " << rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size() << std::endl;
510  }
511  count++;
513  // std::cout << "unpacking..." << std::endl;
514  // unpack and check for correctness
515  std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> outval;
516  outval.resize(NPhiBins);
517  for(int nphi= 0; nphi < NPhiBins;nphi++){
518  outval[nphi].resize(NZBins,0);
519  for(int nz= 0; nz < NZBins;nz++){
520  if(outval[nphi][nz]!=0)
521  std::cout << "WARNING!" << std::endl;
522  }
523  }
524  // now we have a clean output array
525  for(int nphi= 0; nphi < NPhiBins;nphi++){
526  if(rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size()==0) continue;
528  int pindex = 0;
529  for(unsigned int nzo = 0;nzo<rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size();nzo++){
530  uint8_t val = rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][nzo];
532  if(val==0)
533  pindex++;
534  else{
535  if(nzo==0){
536  outval[nphi][pindex++]=val;
537  }else{
538  if((rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][nzo-1]==0)&&(rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][nzo+1]==0))//found zero count
539  pindex+=val;
540  else{
541  outval[nphi][pindex++]=val;
542  }
543  }
544  }
545  }
546  }
547  {
548  // std::cout << "checking..." << std::endl;
549  for(int nphi= 0; nphi < NPhiBins;nphi++){
550  // std::cout << "nphi: " << nphi << "|" << NPhiBins<< std::endl;
551  // std::cout << " adcval size " << adcval[nphi].size() << std::endl;
552  // std::cout << " outval size " << outval[nphi].size() << std::endl;
553  int bad = 0;
554  for(int nz= 0; nz < NZBins;nz++){
555  ncheck++;
556  if(adcval[nphi][nz]!=outval[nphi][nz]){
557  if(outval[nphi][nz]!=255){
558  bad++;
559  allbad++;
560  }
561  }
562  }
564  if(bad>0){
565  std::cout << "sector: " << sector << " lay: " << layer << " # " << nphi << " bad:" << bad << " packsize: "<< (int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size() << std::endl;
567  for(int nz= 0; nz < NZBins;nz++){
568  std::cout << "sector: " << sector << " lay: " << layer << " # " << nphi << "|"<< nz << " bad:" << bad <<" org: " << (int)adcval[nphi][nz] << " pack: "<< (int)outval[nphi][nz] << std::endl;
569  }
570  for(int nz= 0; nz < (int)rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi].size() ;nz++){
571  std::cout << "lay: " << layer << " # " << nphi << "|"<< nz << " bad:" << bad <<" pack: " << (int) rhitset->m_tpchits[nphi][nz] << std::endl;
572  }
574  }
576  }
578  }
580  //#ifdef WORK // if(layer==7)
583  }
584  std::cout << " number of hits checked " << ncheck << " bad: " << allbad << std::endl;
587 }
590 {
592 }