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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file factory.cpp
9 #include "factory.h"
11 #include <TBranch.h>
12 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
13 #include <TTree.h>
14 #include <TVector3.h>
16 #include <eicsmear/erhic/EventPythia.h>
17 #include <eicsmear/erhic/Kinematics.h>
19 #include "pythia_commons.h"
20 #include "pythia_erhic.h"
22 // =====================================================================
23 // =====================================================================
25 : mEvent(new erhic::EventPythia()) {
26 }
28 // =====================================================================
29 // =====================================================================
31  if(mEvent) {
32  delete mEvent;
33  mEvent = NULL;
34  } // if
35 }
37 // =====================================================================
38 // Populate the stored event with the current contents of
39 // PYTHIA and return a pointer to the event.
40 // Do not delete this pointer!
41 // =====================================================================
42 erhic::EventPythia* Factory::Create() {
43  mEvent->Clear("");
44  // See the PYTHIA manual for more details about the meaning
45  // of the various msti(), pari(), vint() variables.
46  mEvent->SetGenEvent(__pythia6_MOD_genevent);
47  mEvent->SetProcess(msti(1));
48  mEvent->SetNucleon(msti(12));
49  mEvent->SetTargetParton(msti(16));
50  mEvent->SetBeamParton(msti(15));
51  mEvent->SetTargetPartonX(pari(34));
52  mEvent->SetBeamPartonX(pari(33));
53  mEvent->SetBeamPartonTheta(pari(53));
54  mEvent->SetLeptonPhi(vint(313));
55  mEvent->SetF1(__pythia6_MOD_f1);
56  mEvent->SetF2(__pythia6_MOD_f2);
57  mEvent->SetSigmaRad(__pythia6_MOD_sigma_rad);
58  mEvent->SetHardS(pari(14));
59  mEvent->SetHardT(pari(15));
60  mEvent->SetHardU(pari(16));
61  mEvent->SetHardQ2(pari(22));
62  mEvent->SetHardPt2(pari(18));
63  mEvent->SetSigRadCor(__pythia6_MOD_sigradcor);
64  mEvent->SetEBrems(__pythia6_MOD_ebrems);
65  mEvent->SetPhotonFlux(vint(319));
66  mEvent->SetTrueY(vint(309));
67  mEvent->SetTrueQ2(vint(307));
68  mEvent->SetTrueX(__pythia6_MOD_truex);
69  mEvent->SetTrueW2(__pythia6_MOD_truew2);
70  mEvent->SetTrueNu(__pythia6_MOD_truenu);
71  mEvent->SetR(__pythia6_MOD_r);
72  static std::stringstream stream;
73  const int ntracks = pyjets_.n;
74  // Loop with indices from [1, N] as per Fortran convention.
75  // Accessor functions k(), p(), v() take care of correct indexing
76  // of the equivalent C++ arrays.
77  for(int i(1); i <= ntracks; ++i) {
78  erhic::ParticleMC* track = new erhic::ParticleMC;
79  track->SetIndex(i);
80  track->SetStatus(k(i, 1));
81  track->SetId(k(i, 2));
82  track->SetParentIndex(k(i, 3));
83  track->SetChild1Index(k(i, 4));
84  track->SetChildNIndex(k(i, 5));
85  track->Set4Vector(TLorentzVector(p(i, 1), p(i, 2),
86  p(i, 3), p(i, 4)));
87  track->SetM(p(i, 5));
88  track->SetVertex(TVector3(v(i, 1), v(i, 2), v(i, 3)));
89  track->SetEvent(mEvent);
90  mEvent->AddLast(track);
91  } // for
92  // If a radiative photon was generated append it to the track record.
93  if(__pythia6_MOD_ebrems > 0.) {
94  erhic::ParticleMC* track = new erhic::ParticleMC;
95  track->SetIndex(mEvent->GetNTracks() + 1);
96  track->SetStatus(55);
97  track->SetId(22);
98  track->SetParentIndex(1);
99  track->SetChild1Index(0);
100  track->SetChildNIndex(0);
101  track->Set4Vector(TLorentzVector(__pythia6_MOD_radgamp[0],
105  track->SetVertex(TVector3(0., 0., 0.));
106  track->SetEvent(mEvent);
107  mEvent->AddLast(track);
108  } // if
109  // After adding all tracks, compute event kinematics.
110  // Compute using all three methods: electron, Jacquet-Blondel
111  // and double angle.
112  erhic::DisKinematics* nm =
113  erhic::LeptonKinematicsComputer(*mEvent).Calculate();
114  erhic::DisKinematics* jb =
115  erhic::JacquetBlondelComputer(*mEvent).Calculate();
116  erhic::DisKinematics* da =
117  erhic::DoubleAngleComputer(*mEvent).Calculate();
118  if(nm) {
119  mEvent->SetLeptonKinematics(*nm);
120  delete nm;
121  } // if
122  if(jb) {
123  mEvent->SetJacquetBlondelKinematics(*jb);
124  delete jb;
125  } // if
126  if(da) {
127  mEvent->SetDoubleAngleKinematics(*da);
128  delete da;
129  } // if
130  // Set particle properties that depend on other particles.
131  // This has to come last as some of these properties depend
132  // on the computed event kinematics.
133  for(unsigned i(0); i < mEvent->GetNTracks(); ++i) {
134  mEvent->GetTrack(i)->ComputeEventDependentQuantities(*mEvent);
135  } // for
136  return mEvent;
137 }
139 // =====================================================================
140 // Returns a string with the full (including namespace) class name
141 // of the event type produced.
142 // This is important for use with ROOT TTree to ensure the correct
143 // event type in branches.
144 // =====================================================================
146  return mEvent->Class()->GetName();
147 }
149 // =====================================================================
150 // Add a branch named "name" for the event type generated
151 // by this factory to a ROOT TTree.
152 // Returns a pointer to the branch, or NULL in the case of an error.
153 // =====================================================================
154 TBranch* Factory::Branch(TTree& tree, const std::string& name) {
155  return tree.Branch(name.c_str(), &mEvent);
156 }