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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file
1 // this is the new trackbase version
3 #include "PHG4MvtxHitReco.h"
6 #include <mvtx/MvtxHitPruner.h>
8 #include <trackbase/MvtxDefs.h>
9 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h>
10 #include <trackbase/TrkrHit.h> // // make iwyu happy
11 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitSet.h>
12 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitSetContainer.h> // make iwyu happy
14 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitTruthAssoc.h> // make iwyu happy
16 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitv2.h> // for TrkrHit
26 #include <g4detectors/PHG4CylinderGeom.h> // for PHG4CylinderGeom
29 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
31 #include <g4main/PHG4Utils.h>
35 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h> // for SubsysReco
37 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
38 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
39 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
40 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
41 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
42 #include <phool/PHRandomSeed.h> // for PHRandomSeed
43 #include <phool/getClass.h>
44 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
46 #include <G4SystemOfUnits.hh> // for microsecond
48 #include <TVector3.h> // for TVector3, ope...
50 #include <cassert> // for assert
51 #include <cmath>
52 #include <cstdlib>
53 #include <iostream>
54 #include <memory> // for allocator_tra...
55 #include <vector> // for vector
56 #include <set> // for vector
59  : SubsysReco(name)
60  , PHParameterInterface(name)
61  , m_detector(detector)
62  , m_tmin(-5000.)
63  , m_tmax(5000.)
64  , m_strobe_width(5.)
65  , m_strobe_separation(0.)
66  , m_truth_hits { new TrkrHitSetContainerv1 }
67 {
68  if (Verbosity())
69  {
70  std::cout << "Creating PHG4MvtxHitReco for detector = " << detector << std::endl;
71  }
72  // initialize rng
73  const uint seed = PHRandomSeed();
74  m_rng.reset(gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937));
75  gsl_rng_set(m_rng.get(), seed);
78 }
81 {
84  m_tmin = get_double_param("mvtx_tmin");
85  m_tmax = get_double_param("mvtx_tmax");
86  m_strobe_width = get_double_param("mvtx_strobe_width");
87  m_strobe_separation = get_double_param("mvtx_strobe_separation");
88  m_in_sphenix_srdo = (bool) get_int_param("mvtx_in_sphenix_srdo");
92  // printout
93  std::cout
94  << "PHG4MvtxHitReco::InitRun\n"
95  << " m_tmin: " << m_tmin << "ns, m_tmax: " << m_tmax << "ns\n"
96  << " m_strobe_width: " << m_strobe_width << "\n"
97  << " m_strobe_separation: " << m_strobe_separation << "\n"
98  << " m_extended_readout_time: " << m_extended_readout_time << "\n"
99  << " m_in_sphenix_srdo: " << (m_in_sphenix_srdo ? "true" : "false") << "\n"
100  << std::endl;
103  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
104  auto dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
105  assert(dstNode);
108  auto runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
109  assert(runNode);
111  PHNodeIterator runiter(runNode);
112  auto runDetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(runiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", m_detector));
113  if (!runDetNode)
114  {
115  runDetNode = new PHCompositeNode(m_detector);
116  runNode->addNode(runDetNode);
117  }
118  std::string paramNodeName = "G4CELLPARAM_" + m_detector;
119  SaveToNodeTree(runDetNode, paramNodeName);
121  // create hitset container if needed
122  auto hitsetcontainer = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
123  if (!hitsetcontainer)
124  {
125  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
126  auto trkrnode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
127  if (!trkrnode)
128  {
129  trkrnode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
130  dstNode->addNode(trkrnode);
131  }
133  hitsetcontainer = new TrkrHitSetContainerv1;
134  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(hitsetcontainer, "TRKR_HITSET", "PHObject");
135  trkrnode->addNode(newNode);
136  }
138  // create hit truth association if needed
139  auto hittruthassoc = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitTruthAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC");
140  if (!hittruthassoc)
141  {
142  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
143  auto trkrnode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
144  if (!trkrnode)
145  {
146  trkrnode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
147  dstNode->addNode(trkrnode);
148  }
150  hittruthassoc = new TrkrHitTruthAssocv1;
151  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(hittruthassoc, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC", "PHObject");
152  trkrnode->addNode(newNode);
153  }
155  // get the nodes for the truth clustering
156  m_truthtracks = findNode::getClass<TrkrTruthTrackContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_TRUTHTRACKCONTAINER");
157  if (!m_truthtracks)
158  {
159  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
161  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(m_truthtracks, "TRKR_TRUTHTRACKCONTAINER", "PHObject");
162  dstNode->addNode(newNode);
163  }
165  m_truthclusters = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_TRUTHCLUSTERCONTAINER");
166  if (!m_truthclusters)
167  {
169  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(m_truthclusters, "TRKR_TRUTHCLUSTERCONTAINER", "PHObject");
170  dstNode->addNode(newNode);
171  }
173  m_truthinfo = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(topNode, "G4TruthInfo");
174  if (!m_truthinfo)
175  {
176  std::cout << PHWHERE << " PHG4TruthInfoContainer node not found on node tree" << std::endl;
178  }
181  // get the node
182  mClusHitsVerbose = findNode::getClass<ClusHitsVerbosev1>(topNode, "Trkr_TruthClusHitsVerbose");
183  if (!mClusHitsVerbose)
184  {
185  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
186  auto DetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
187  if (!DetNode)
188  {
189  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
190  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
191  }
193  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(mClusHitsVerbose, "Trkr_TruthClusHitsVerbose", "PHObject");
194  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
195  }
196  }
199 }
202 {
203  ActsGeometry *tgeometry = findNode::getClass<ActsGeometry>(topNode, "ActsGeometry");
204  if (!tgeometry)
205  {
206  std::cout << "Could not locate acts geometry" << std::endl;
207  exit(1);
208  }
210  // G4Hits
211  const std::string g4hitnodename = "G4HIT_" + m_detector;
212  auto g4hitContainer = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, g4hitnodename);
213  assert(g4hitContainer);
215  // geometry
216  const std::string geonodename = "CYLINDERGEOM_" + m_detector;
217  auto geoNode = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, geonodename);
218  assert(geoNode);
220  // Get the TrkrHitSetContainer node
221  auto trkrHitSetContainer = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
222  assert(trkrHitSetContainer);
224  // Get the TrkrHitTruthAssoc node
225  auto hitTruthAssoc = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitTruthAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC");
226  assert(hitTruthAssoc);
228  // Generate strobe zero relative to trigger time
229  double strobe_zero_tm_start = generate_strobe_zero_tm_start();
231  // assumes we want the range of accepted times to be from 0 to m_extended_readout_time
232  std::pair<double, double> alpide_pulse = generate_alpide_pulse(0.0); // this currently just returns fixed values
233  double clearance = 200.0; // 0.2 microsecond for luck
234  m_tmax = m_extended_readout_time + alpide_pulse.first + clearance;
235  m_tmin = alpide_pulse.second - clearance;
237  // The above limits will select g4hit times of 0 up to m_extended_readout_time (only) with extensions by clearance
238  // But we really want to select all g4hit times that will be strobed, so replace clearance with something derived from
239  // the strobe start time in future
241  if (Verbosity() > 0)
242  std::cout << " m_strobe_width " << m_strobe_width << " m_strobe_separation " << m_strobe_separation << " strobe_zero_tm_start " << strobe_zero_tm_start << " m_extended_readout_time " << m_extended_readout_time << std::endl;
244  // loop over all of the layers in the g4hit container
245  auto layer_range = g4hitContainer->getLayers();
246  for (auto layer_it = layer_range.first; layer_it != layer_range.second; ++layer_it)
247  {
248  // get layer
249  const auto layer = *layer_it;
250  assert(layer < 3);
252  // we need the geometry object for this layer
253  auto layergeom = dynamic_cast<CylinderGeom_Mvtx *>(geoNode->GetLayerGeom(layer));
254  assert(layergeom);
256  // loop over the hits in this layer
257  const PHG4HitContainer::ConstRange g4hit_range = g4hitContainer->getHits(layer);
259  // Get some layer parameters for later use
260  double xpixw = layergeom->get_pixel_x();
261  double xpixw_half = xpixw / 2.0;
262  double zpixw = layergeom->get_pixel_z();
263  double zpixw_half = zpixw / 2.0;
264  int maxNX = layergeom->get_NX();
265  int maxNZ = layergeom->get_NZ();
267  // Now loop over all g4 hits for this layer
268  for (auto g4hit_it = g4hit_range.first; g4hit_it != g4hit_range.second; ++g4hit_it)
269  {
270  // get hit
271  auto g4hit = g4hit_it->second;
273  truthcheck_g4hit(g4hit, topNode);
275  //cout << "From PHG4MvtxHitReco: Call hit print method: " << std::endl;
276  if (Verbosity() > 4)
277  g4hit->print();
279  unsigned int n_replica = 1;
281  //Function returns ns
282  //std::pair<double, double> alpide_pulse = generate_alpide_pulse(g4hit->get_edep());
284  double lead_edge = g4hit->get_t(0) * ns + alpide_pulse.first;
285  double fall_edge = g4hit->get_t(1) * ns + alpide_pulse.second;
287  if (Verbosity() > 0)
288  std::cout << " MvtxHitReco: t0 " << g4hit->get_t(0) << " t1 " << g4hit->get_t(1) << " lead_edge " << lead_edge
289  << " fall_edge " << fall_edge << " tmin " << m_tmin << " tmax " << m_tmax << std::endl;
291  // check that the signal occurred witin the time window 0 to extended_readout_time, discard if not
292  if (lead_edge > m_tmax or fall_edge < m_tmin) continue;
294  double t0_strobe_frame = get_strobe_frame(lead_edge, strobe_zero_tm_start);
295  double t1_strobe_frame = get_strobe_frame(fall_edge, strobe_zero_tm_start);
296  n_replica += t1_strobe_frame - t0_strobe_frame;
298  if (Verbosity() > 1)
299  {
300  std::cout
301  << "MVTX is in strobed timing mode\n"
302  << "layer " << layer << " t0(ns) " << g4hit->get_t(0) << " t1(ns) " << g4hit->get_t(1) << "\n"
303  << "strobe_zero_tm_start(us): " << strobe_zero_tm_start / microsecond << "\n"
304  << "strobe width(us): " << m_strobe_width / microsecond << "\n"
305  << "strobe separation(us): " << m_strobe_separation / microsecond << "\n"
306  << "alpide pulse start(us): " << alpide_pulse.first / microsecond << "\n"
307  << "alpide pulse end(us): " << alpide_pulse.second / microsecond << "\n"
308  << "tm_zero_strobe_frame: " << t0_strobe_frame << "\n"
309  << "tm_one_strobe_frame: " << t1_strobe_frame << "\n"
310  << "number of hit replica: " << n_replica << "\n"
311  << std::endl;
312  }
314  assert(n_replica >= 1);
316  // get_property_int(const PROPERTY prop_id) const {return INT_MIN;}
317  int stave_number = g4hit->get_property_int(PHG4Hit::prop_stave_index);
318  int chip_number = g4hit->get_property_int(PHG4Hit::prop_chip_index);
320  TVector3 local_in(g4hit->get_local_x(0), g4hit->get_local_y(0), g4hit->get_local_z(0));
321  TVector3 local_out(g4hit->get_local_x(1), g4hit->get_local_y(1), g4hit->get_local_z(1));
322  TVector3 midpoint((local_in.X() + local_out.X()) / 2.0, (local_in.Y() + local_out.Y()) / 2.0, (local_in.Z() + local_out.Z()) / 2.0);
324  if (Verbosity() > 2)
325  {
326  std::cout
327  << " world entry point position: "
328  << g4hit->get_x(0) << " " << g4hit->get_y(0) << " " << g4hit->get_z(0) << "\n"
329  << " world exit point position: "
330  << g4hit->get_x(1) << " " << g4hit->get_y(1) << " " << g4hit->get_z(1) << "\n"
331  << " local coords of entry point from G4 "
332  << g4hit->get_local_x(0) << " " << g4hit->get_local_y(0) << " " << g4hit->get_local_z(0)
333  << std::endl;
335  TVector3 world_in(g4hit->get_x(0), g4hit->get_y(0), g4hit->get_z(0));
336  auto hskey = MvtxDefs::genHitSetKey(layer, stave_number, chip_number, 0);
337  auto surf = tgeometry->maps().getSiliconSurface(hskey);
339  TVector3 local_in_check = layergeom->get_local_from_world_coords(surf, tgeometry, world_in);
340  std::cout
341  << " local coords of entry point from geom (a check) "
342  << local_in_check.X() << " " << local_in_check.Y() << " " << local_in_check.Z() << "\n"
343  << " local coords of exit point from G4 "
344  << g4hit->get_local_x(1) << " " << g4hit->get_local_y(1) << " " << g4hit->get_local_z(1)
345  << "\n"
346  << " local coords of exit point from geom (a check) "
347  << local_out.X() << " " << local_out.Y() << " " << local_out.Z()
348  << std::endl;
349  }
350  /*
351  if (Verbosity() > 4)
352  {
353  // As a check, get the positions of the hit pixels in world coordinates from the geo object
354  auto hskey = MvtxDefs::genHitSetKey(*layer,stave_number,chip_number,strobe);
355  auto surf = tgeometry->maps().getSiliconSurface(hskey);
357  TVector3 location_in = layergeom->get_world_from_local_coords(surf,tgeometry, local_in);
358  TVector3 location_out = layergeom->get_world_from_local_coords(surf,tgeometry, local_out);
360  std::cout
361  << std::endl
362  << " PHG4MvtxHitReco: Found world entry location from geometry for "
363  << " stave number " << stave_number
364  << " half stave number " << half_stave_number
365  << " module number " << module_number
366  << " chip number " << chip_number
367  << std::endl
368  << " x = " << location_in.X()
369  << " y = " << location_in.Y()
370  << " z = " << location_in.Z()
371  << " radius " << sqrt(pow(location_in.X(), 2) + pow(location_in.Y(), 2))
372  << " angle " << atan(location_in.Y() / location_in.X())
373  << std::endl;
374  << " PHG4MvtxHitReco: The world entry location from G4 was "
375  << " x = " << g4hit->get_x(0)
376  << " y = " << g4hit->get_y(0)
377  << " z = " << g4hit->get_z(0)
378  << " radius " << sqrt(pow(g4hit->get_x(0), 2) + pow(g4hit->get_y(0), 2))
379  << " angle " << atan(g4hit->get_y(0) / g4hit->get_x(0))
380  << std::endl;
381  << " difference in x = " << g4hit->get_x(0) - location_in.X()
382  << " difference in y = " << g4hit->get_y(0) - location_in.Y()
383  << " difference in z = " << g4hit->get_z(0) - location_in.Z()
384  << " difference in radius = "
385  << sqrt(pow(g4hit->get_x(0), 2) + pow(g4hit->get_y(0), 2)) - sqrt(pow(location_in.X(), 2) + pow(location_in.Y(), 2))
386  << " in angle = " << atan(g4hit->get_y(0) / g4hit->get_x(0)) - atan(location_in.Y() / location_in.X())
387  << std::endl;
388  }
389  */
390  // Get the pixel number of the entry location
391  int pixel_number_in = layergeom->get_pixel_from_local_coords(local_in);
392  // Get the pixel number of the exit location
393  int pixel_number_out = layergeom->get_pixel_from_local_coords(local_out);
395  if (pixel_number_in < 0 || pixel_number_out < 0)
396  {
397  std::cout
398  << "Oops! got negative pixel number in layer " << layergeom->get_layer()
399  << " pixel_number_in " << pixel_number_in
400  << " pixel_number_out " << pixel_number_out
401  << " local_in = " << local_in.X() << " " << local_in.Y() << " " << local_in.Z()
402  << " local_out = " << local_out.X() << " " << local_out.Y() << " " << local_out.Z()
403  << std::endl;
405  }
407  if (Verbosity() > 3)
408  {
409  std::cout
410  << "entry pixel number " << pixel_number_in
411  << " exit pixel number " << pixel_number_out
412  << std::endl;
413  }
415  std::vector<int> vpixel;
416  std::vector<int> vxbin;
417  std::vector<int> vzbin;
418  std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > venergy;
419  //double trklen = 0.0;
421  //===================================================
422  // OK, now we have found which sensor the hit is in, extracted the hit
423  // position in local sensor coordinates, and found the pixel numbers of the
424  // entry point and exit point
426  //====================================================
427  // Beginning of charge sharing implementation
428  // Find tracklet line inside sensor
429  // Divide tracklet line into n segments (vary n until answer stabilizes)
430  // Find centroid of each segment
431  // Diffuse charge at each centroid
432  // Apportion charge between neighboring pixels
433  // Add the pixel energy contributions from different track segments together
434  //====================================================
436  TVector3 pathvec = local_in - local_out;
438  // See figure 7.3 of the thesis by Lucasz Maczewski (arXiv:10053.3710) for diffusion simulations in a MAPS epitaxial layer
439  // The diffusion widths below were inspired by those plots, corresponding to where the probability drops off to 1/3 of the peak value
440  // However note that we make the simplifying assumption that the probability distribution is flat within this diffusion width,
441  // while in the simulation it is not
442  //double diffusion_width_max = 35.0e-04; // maximum diffusion radius 35 microns, in cm
443  //double diffusion_width_min = 12.0e-04; // minimum diffusion radius 12 microns, in cm
444  double diffusion_width_max = 25.0e-04; // maximum diffusion radius 35 microns, in cm
445  double diffusion_width_min = 8.0e-04; // minimum diffusion radius 12 microns, in cm
447  double ydrift_max = pathvec.Y();
448  int nsegments = 4;
450  // we want to make a list of all pixels possibly affected by this hit
451  // we take the entry and exit locations in local coordinates, and build
452  // a rectangular array of pixels that encompasses both, with "nadd" pixels added all around
454  int xbin_in = layergeom->get_pixel_X_from_pixel_number(pixel_number_in);
455  int zbin_in = layergeom->get_pixel_Z_from_pixel_number(pixel_number_in);
456  int xbin_out = layergeom->get_pixel_X_from_pixel_number(pixel_number_out);
457  int zbin_out = layergeom->get_pixel_Z_from_pixel_number(pixel_number_out);
459  int xbin_max, xbin_min;
460  int nadd = 2;
461  if (xbin_in > xbin_out)
462  {
463  xbin_max = xbin_in + nadd;
464  xbin_min = xbin_out - nadd;
465  }
466  else
467  {
468  xbin_max = xbin_out + nadd;
469  xbin_min = xbin_in - nadd;
470  }
472  int zbin_max, zbin_min;
473  if (zbin_in > zbin_out)
474  {
475  zbin_max = zbin_in + nadd;
476  zbin_min = zbin_out - nadd;
477  }
478  else
479  {
480  zbin_max = zbin_out + nadd;
481  zbin_min = zbin_in - nadd;
482  }
484  // need to check that values of xbin and zbin are within the valid range
485  // YCM: Fix pixel range: Xbin (row) 0 to 511, Zbin (col) 0 to 1023
486  if (xbin_min < 0) xbin_min = 0;
487  if (zbin_min < 0) zbin_min = 0;
488  if (xbin_max >= maxNX) xbin_max = maxNX - 1;
489  if (zbin_max >= maxNZ) xbin_max = maxNZ - 1;
491  if (Verbosity() > 1)
492  {
493  std::cout << " xbin_in " << xbin_in << " xbin_out " << xbin_out << " xbin_min " << xbin_min << " xbin_max " << xbin_max << std::endl;
494  std::cout << " zbin_in " << zbin_in << " zbin_out " << zbin_out << " zbin_min " << zbin_min << " zbin_max " << zbin_max << std::endl;
495  }
497  // skip this hit if it involves an unreasonable number of pixels
498  // this skips it if either the xbin or ybin range traversed is greater than 8 (for 8 adding two pixels at each end makes the range 12)
499  if (xbin_max - xbin_min > 12 || zbin_max - zbin_min > 12) continue;
501  // this hit is skipped earlier if this dimensioning would be exceeded
502  double pixenergy[12][12] = {}; // init to 0
503  double pixeion[12][12] = {}; // init to 0
505  // Loop over track segments and diffuse charge at each segment location, collect energy in pixels
506  for (int i = 0; i < nsegments; i++)
507  {
508  // Find the tracklet segment location
509  // If there are n segments of equal length, we want 2*n intervals
510  // The 1st segment is centered at interval 1, the 2nd at interval 3, the nth at interval 2n -1
511  double interval = 2 * (double) i + 1;
512  double frac = interval / (double) (2 * nsegments);
513  TVector3 segvec(pathvec.X() * frac, pathvec.Y() * frac, pathvec.Z() * frac);
514  segvec = segvec + local_out;
516  // Find the distance to the back of the sensor from the segment location
517  // That projection changes only the value of y
518  double ydrift = segvec.Y() - local_out.Y();
520  // Caculate the charge diffusion over this drift distance
521  // increases from diffusion width_min to diffusion_width_max
522  double ydiffusion_radius = diffusion_width_min + (ydrift / ydrift_max) * (diffusion_width_max - diffusion_width_min);
524  if (Verbosity() > 5)
525  {
526  std::cout
527  << " segment " << i
528  << " interval " << interval
529  << " frac " << frac
530  << " local_in.X " << local_in.X()
531  << " local_in.Z " << local_in.Z()
532  << " local_in.Y " << local_in.Y()
533  << " pathvec.X " << pathvec.X()
534  << " pathvec.Z " << pathvec.Z()
535  << " pathvec.Y " << pathvec.Y()
536  << " segvec.X " << segvec.X()
537  << " segvec.Z " << segvec.Z()
538  << " segvec.Y " << segvec.Y()
539  << " ydrift " << ydrift
540  << " ydrift_max " << ydrift_max
541  << " ydiffusion_radius " << ydiffusion_radius
542  << std::endl;
543  }
544  // Now find the area of overlap of the diffusion circle with each pixel and apportion the energy
545  for (int ix = xbin_min; ix <= xbin_max; ix++)
546  {
547  for (int iz = zbin_min; iz <= zbin_max; iz++)
548  {
549  // Find the pixel corners for this pixel number
550  int pixnum = layergeom->get_pixel_number_from_xbin_zbin(ix, iz);
552  if (pixnum < 0)
553  {
554  std::cout
555  << " pixnum < 0 , pixnum = " << pixnum << "\n"
556  << " ix " << ix << " iz " << iz << "\n"
557  << " xbin_min " << xbin_min << " zbin_min " << zbin_min << "\n"
558  << " xbin_max " << xbin_max << " zbin_max " << zbin_max << "\n"
559  << " maxNX " << maxNX << " maxNZ " << maxNZ
560  << std::endl;
561  }
563  TVector3 tmp = layergeom->get_local_coords_from_pixel(pixnum);
564  // note that (x1,z1) is the top left corner, (x2,z2) is the bottom right corner of the pixel - circle_rectangle_intersection expects this ordering
565  double x1 = tmp.X() - xpixw_half;
566  double z1 = tmp.Z() + zpixw_half;
567  double x2 = tmp.X() + xpixw_half;
568  double z2 = tmp.Z() - zpixw_half;
570  // here segvec.X and segvec.Z are the center of the circle, and diffusion_radius is the circle radius
571  // circle_rectangle_intersection returns the overlap area of the circle and the pixel. It is very fast if there is no overlap.
572  double pixarea_frac = PHG4Utils::circle_rectangle_intersection(x1, z1, x2, z2, segvec.X(), segvec.Z(), ydiffusion_radius) / (M_PI * pow(ydiffusion_radius, 2));
573  // assume that the energy is deposited uniformly along the tracklet length, so that this segment gets the fraction 1/nsegments of the energy
574  pixenergy[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min] += pixarea_frac * g4hit->get_edep() / (float) nsegments;
575  if (g4hit->has_property(PHG4Hit::prop_eion))
576  {
577  pixeion[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min] += pixarea_frac * g4hit->get_eion() / (float) nsegments;
578  }
579  if (Verbosity() > 5)
580  {
581  std::cout
582  << " pixnum " << pixnum << " xbin " << ix << " zbin " << iz
583  << " pixel_area fraction of circle " << pixarea_frac << " accumulated pixel energy " << pixenergy[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min]
584  << std::endl;
585  }
586  }
587  }
588  } // end loop over segments
590  // now we have the energy deposited in each pixel, summed over all tracklet segments. We make a vector of all pixels with non-zero energy deposited
591  for (int ix = xbin_min; ix <= xbin_max; ix++)
592  {
593  for (int iz = zbin_min; iz <= zbin_max; iz++)
594  {
595  if (pixenergy[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min] > 0.0)
596  {
597  int pixnum = layergeom->get_pixel_number_from_xbin_zbin(ix, iz);
598  vpixel.push_back(pixnum);
599  vxbin.push_back(ix);
600  vzbin.push_back(iz);
601  std::pair<double, double> tmppair = std::make_pair(pixenergy[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min], pixeion[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min]);
602  venergy.push_back(tmppair);
603  if (Verbosity() > 1)
604  {
605  std::cout
606  << " Added pixel number " << pixnum << " xbin " << ix
607  << " zbin " << iz << " to vectors with energy " << pixenergy[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min]
608  << std::endl;
609  }
610  }
611  }
612  }
614  //===================================
615  // End of charge sharing implementation
616  //===================================
618  // loop over all fired cells for this g4hit and add them to the TrkrHitSet
619  for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < vpixel.size(); i1++) // loop over all fired cells
620  {
621  // This is the new storage object version
622  //====================================
623  for (unsigned int i_rep = 0; i_rep < n_replica; i_rep++)
624  {
625  int strobe = t0_strobe_frame + i_rep;
626  // to fit in a 5 bit field in the hitsetkey [-16,15]
627  if (strobe < -16) strobe = -16;
628  if (strobe >= 16) strobe = 15;
630  // We need to create the TrkrHitSet if not already made - each TrkrHitSet should correspond to a chip for the Mvtx
631  TrkrDefs::hitsetkey hitsetkey = MvtxDefs::genHitSetKey(layer, stave_number, chip_number, strobe);
632  // Use existing hitset or add new one if needed
633  TrkrHitSetContainer::Iterator hitsetit = trkrHitSetContainer->findOrAddHitSet(hitsetkey);
635  // generate the key for this hit
636  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = MvtxDefs::genHitKey(vzbin[i1], vxbin[i1]);
637  // See if this hit already exists
638  TrkrHit* hit = nullptr;
639  hit = hitsetit->second->getHit(hitkey);
640  if (!hit)
641  {
642  // Otherwise, create a new one
643  hit = new TrkrHitv2();
644  hitsetit->second->addHitSpecificKey(hitkey, hit);
645  }
647  // Either way, add the energy to it
648  double hitenergy = venergy[i1].first * TrkrDefs::MvtxEnergyScaleup;
649  hit->addEnergy(hitenergy);
651  addtruthhitset(hitsetkey, hitkey, hitenergy);
653  if (Verbosity() > 0)
654  std::cout << " added hit " << hitkey << " to hitset " << hitsetkey << " with strobe id " << strobe << " in layer " << layer
655  << " with energy " << hit->getEnergy() / TrkrDefs::MvtxEnergyScaleup << std::endl;
657  // now we update the TrkrHitTruthAssoc map - the map contains <hitsetkey, std::pair <hitkey, g4hitkey> >
658  // There is only one TrkrHit per pixel, but there may be multiple g4hits
659  // How do we know how much energy from PHG4Hit went into TrkrHit? We don't, have to sort it out in evaluator to save memory
661  // we set the strobe ID to zero in the hitsetkey
662  // we use the findOrAdd method to keep from adding identical entries
663  TrkrDefs::hitsetkey bare_hitsetkey = zero_strobe_bits(hitsetkey);
664  hitTruthAssoc->findOrAddAssoc(bare_hitsetkey, hitkey, g4hit_it->first);
665  }
666  } // end loop over hit cells
667  } // end loop over g4hits for this layer
670  } // end loop over layers
672  // print the list of entries in the association table
673  if (Verbosity() > 2)
674  {
675  std::cout << "From PHG4MvtxHitReco: " << std::endl;
676  hitTruthAssoc->identify();
677  }
679  // spit out the truth clusters
681  end_event_truthcluster(topNode);
683  if (Verbosity() > 3) {
684  int nclusprint = -1;
685  std::cout << PHWHERE << ": content of clusters " << std::endl;
686  auto& tmap = m_truthtracks->getMap();
687  std::cout << " Number of tracks: " << tmap.size() << std::endl;
688  for (auto& _pair : tmap) {
689  auto& track = _pair.second;
691  printf("id(%2i) phi:eta:pt(", (int)track->getTrackid());
692  std::cout << "phi:eta:pt(";
693  printf("%5.2f:%5.2f:%5.2f", track->getPhi(), track->getPseudoRapidity(), track->getPt());
694  /* Form("%5.2:%5.2:%5.2", track->getPhi(), track->getPseudoRapidity(), track->getPt()) */
695  //<<track->getPhi()<<":"<<track->getPseudoRapidity()<<":"<<track->getPt()
696  std::cout << ") nclusters(" << track->getClusters().size() <<") ";
697  int nclus = 0;
698  for (auto cluskey : track->getClusters()) {
699  std::cout << " "
700  << ((int) TrkrDefs::getHitSetKeyFromClusKey(cluskey)) <<":index(" <<
701  ((int) TrkrDefs::getClusIndex(cluskey)) << ")" << std::endl;
702  ++nclus;
703  if (nclusprint > 0 && nclus >= nclusprint) {
704  std::cout << " ... ";
705  break;
706  }
707  }
708  }
709  std::cout << PHWHERE << " ----- end of clusters " << std::endl;
710  }
712  if (m_is_emb) {
713  cluster_truthhits(topNode); // the last track was truth -- cluster it
714  prior_g4hit = nullptr;
715  }
718 }
720 std::pair<double, double> PHG4MvtxHitReco::generate_alpide_pulse(const double energy_deposited)
721 {
722  // We need to translate energy deposited to num/ electrons released
723  if (Verbosity() > 2)
724  {
725  std::cout << "energy_deposited: " << energy_deposited << std::endl;
726  }
727  //int silicon_band_gap = 1.12; //Band gap energy in eV
728  //int Q_in = rand() % 5000 + 50;
729  //int clipping_point = 110;
730  //double ToT_start = Q_in < 200 ? 395.85*exp(-0.5*pow((Q_in+851.43)/286.91, 2)) : 0.5;
731  //double ToT_end = Q_in < clipping_point ? 5.90*exp(-0.5*pow((Q_in-99.86)/54.80, 2)) : 5.8 - 6.4e-4 * Q_in;
733  //return make_pair(ToT_start*1e3, ToT_end*1e3);
734  // Using constant alpide pulse length
735  return std::make_pair<double, double>(1.5 * microsecond, 5.9 * microsecond);
736 }
739 {
740  return -1. * gsl_rng_uniform_pos(m_rng.get()) * (m_strobe_separation + m_strobe_width);
741 }
743 int PHG4MvtxHitReco::get_strobe_frame(double alpide_time, double strobe_zero_tm_start)
744 {
745  int strobe_frame = int((alpide_time - strobe_zero_tm_start) / (m_strobe_width + m_strobe_separation));
746  strobe_frame += (alpide_time < strobe_zero_tm_start) ? -1 : 0;
747  return strobe_frame;
748 }
750 void PHG4MvtxHitReco::set_timing_window(const int detid, const double tmin, const double tmax)
751 {
752  if (false)
753  {
754  std::cout
755  << "PHG4MvtxHitReco: Set Mvtx timing window parameters from macro for layer = "
756  << detid << " to tmin = " << tmin << " tmax = " << tmax
757  << std::endl;
758  }
760  return;
761 }
764 {
765  //cout << "PHG4MvtxHitReco: Setting Mvtx timing window defaults to tmin = -5000 and tmax = 5000 ns" << std::endl;
766  set_default_double_param("mvtx_tmin", -5000);
767  set_default_double_param("mvtx_tmax", 5000);
768  set_default_double_param("mvtx_strobe_width", 5 * microsecond);
769  set_default_double_param("mvtx_strobe_separation", 0.);
770  set_default_int_param("mvtx_in_sphenix_srdo", (int) false);
771  return;
772 }
775 {
776  unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitsetkey);
777  unsigned int stave = MvtxDefs::getStaveId(hitsetkey);
778  unsigned int chip = MvtxDefs::getChipId(hitsetkey);
779  TrkrDefs::hitsetkey bare_hitsetkey = MvtxDefs::genHitSetKey(layer, stave, chip, 0);
781  return bare_hitsetkey;
782 }
785  delete m_truth_hits;
786 }
789  int new_trkid = (g4hit==nullptr) ? -1 : g4hit->get_trkid();
790  bool is_new_track = (new_trkid != m_trkid);
791  if (Verbosity()>5) std::cout << PHWHERE << std::endl << " -> Checking status of PHG4Hit. Track id("<<new_trkid<<")" << std::endl;
792  if (!is_new_track) {
793  /* FIXME */
794  /* std::cout << " FIXME PEAR Checking g4hit : " << g4hit->get_x(0) << " " */
795  /* << g4hit->get_y(0) << " " << g4hit->get_z(0) */
796  /* << " trackid("<<g4hit->get_trkid() << ") " << std::endl; */
797  if (m_is_emb) {
798  /* std::cout << " FIXME Checking MVTX g4hit : " << g4hit->get_x(0) << " " */
799  /* << g4hit->get_y(0) << " " << g4hit->get_z(0) */
800  /* << " trackid("<<g4hit->get_trkid() << ") " << std::endl; */
801  if (prior_g4hit!=nullptr
802  && ( std::abs(prior_g4hit->get_x(0)-g4hit->get_x(0)) > max_g4hitstep
803  || std::abs(prior_g4hit->get_y(0)-g4hit->get_y(0)) > max_g4hitstep
804  )
805  )
806  {
807  // this is a looper track -- cluster hits up to this point already
808  cluster_truthhits(topNode);
809  }
810  prior_g4hit = g4hit;
811  }
812  return;
813  }
814  // <- STATUS: this is a new track
815  if (Verbosity()>2) std::cout << PHWHERE << std::endl << " -> Found new embedded track with id: " << new_trkid << std::endl;
816  if (m_is_emb) {
817  cluster_truthhits(topNode); // cluster m_truth_hits and add m_current_track
818  m_current_track = nullptr;
819  prior_g4hit = nullptr;
820  }
821  m_trkid = new_trkid;
823  if (m_is_emb) {
825  prior_g4hit = g4hit;
826  }
827 }
830  if (m_is_emb) {
831  cluster_truthhits(topNode); // cluster m_truth_hits and add m_current_track
832  m_current_track = nullptr;
833  m_trkid = -1;
834  m_is_emb = false;
835  }
836  m_hitsetkey_cnt.clear();
837 }
842  float neffelectrons)
843 {
844  if (!m_is_emb) return;
846  // See if this hit already exists
847  TrkrHit *hit = nullptr;
848  hit = hitsetit->second->getHit(hitkey);
849  if (!hit)
850  {
851  // create a new one
852  hit = new TrkrHitv2();
853  hitsetit->second->addHitSpecificKey(hitkey, hit);
854  }
855  // Either way, add the energy to it -- adc values will be added at digitization
856  hit->addEnergy(neffelectrons);
857 }
860  // clusterize the mvtx hits in m_truth_hits, put them in m_truthclusters, and put the id's in m_current_track
861  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
862  // Digitization -- simplified from g4mvtx/PHG4MvtxDigitizer --
863  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
865  /* // We want all hitsets for the Mvtx */
866  /* TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstRange hitset_range = m_truth_hits->getHitSets(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::mvtxId); */
867  /* for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitset_iter = hitset_range.first; */
868  /* hitset_iter != hitset_range.second; */
869  /* ++hitset_iter) */
870  /* { */
871  /* // we have an iterator to one TrkrHitSet for the mvtx from the trkrHitSetContainer */
872  /* // get the hitset key so we can find the layer */
873  /* TrkrDefs::hitsetkey hitsetkey = hitset_iter->first; */
874  /* int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitsetkey); */
875  /* // FIXME */
876  /* /1* if (Verbosity() > 1) std::cout << "PHG4MvtxDigitizer: found hitset with key: " << hitsetkey << " in layer " << layer << std::endl; *1/ */
877  /* std::cout << "PHG4MvtxDigitizer: found hitset with key: " << hitsetkey << " in layer " << layer << std::endl; */
879  /* // get all of the hits from this hitset */
880  /* TrkrHitSet *hitset = hitset_iter->second; */
881  /* TrkrHitSet::ConstRange hit_range = hitset->getHits(); */
882  /* std::set<TrkrDefs::hitkey> hits_rm; */
883  /* for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator hit_iter = hit_range.first; */
884  /* hit_iter != hit_range.second; */
885  /* ++hit_iter) */
886  /* { */
887  /* TrkrHit *hit = hit_iter->second; */
889  /* // Convert the signal value to an ADC value and write that to the hit */
890  /* // Unsigned int adc = hit->getEnergy() / (TrkrDefs::MvtxEnergyScaleup *_energy_scale[layer]); */
891  /* if (Verbosity() > 0) */
892  /* std::cout << " PHG4MvtxDigitizer: found hit with key: " << hit_iter->first << " and signal " << hit->getEnergy() / TrkrDefs::MvtxEnergyScaleup << " in layer " << layer << std::endl; */
893  /* // Remove the hits with energy under threshold */
894  /* bool rm_hit = false; */
895  /* // FIXME: */
896  /* double _energy_threshold = 0.; // FIXME */
897  /* const double dummy_pixel_thickness = 0.001; */
898  /* const double mip_e = 0.003876; */
899  /* double _energy_scale = mip_e * dummy_pixel_thickness; // FIXME: note: this doesn't actually */
900  /* // matter either here or for the Svtx Tracks -- the energy is digital -- either the hit is there or it isn't */
901  /* double _max_adc = 255; */
902  /* if ((hit->getEnergy() / TrkrDefs::MvtxEnergyScaleup) < _energy_threshold) */
903  /* { */
904  /* if (Verbosity() > 0) std::cout << " remove hit, below energy threshold of " << _energy_threshold << std::endl; */
905  /* rm_hit = true; */
906  /* } */
907  /* unsigned short adc = (unsigned short) (hit->getEnergy() / (TrkrDefs::MvtxEnergyScaleup * _energy_scale)); */
908  /* if (adc > _max_adc) adc = _max_adc; */
909  /* hit->setAdc(adc); */
911  /* if (rm_hit) hits_rm.insert(hit_iter->first); */
912  /* } */
914  /* for (const auto &key : hits_rm) */
915  /* { */
916  /* if (Verbosity() > 0) std::cout << " PHG4MvtxDigitizer: remove hit with key: " << key << std::endl; */
917  /* hitset->removeHit(key); */
918  /* } */
919  /* } */
921  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
922  // Prune hits -- simplified from mvtx/MvtxHitReco
923  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
924  std::multimap<TrkrDefs::hitsetkey, TrkrDefs::hitsetkey> hitset_multimap; // will map (bare hitset, hitset with strobe)
925  std::set<TrkrDefs::hitsetkey> bare_hitset_set; // list of all physical sensor hitsetkeys (i.e. with strobe set to zero)
927  TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstRange hitsetrange = m_truth_hits->getHitSets(TrkrDefs::TrkrId::mvtxId); // actually m_truth_hits can only have MVTX hits at this point...
928  for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitsetitr = hitsetrange.first;
929  hitsetitr != hitsetrange.second;
930  ++hitsetitr)
931  {
932  auto hitsetkey = hitsetitr->first;
934  // get the hitsetkey value for strobe 0
935  unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(hitsetitr->first);
936  unsigned int stave = MvtxDefs::getStaveId(hitsetitr->first);
937  unsigned int chip = MvtxDefs::getChipId(hitsetitr->first);
938  auto bare_hitsetkey = MvtxDefs::genHitSetKey(layer, stave, chip, 0);
940  hitset_multimap.insert(std::make_pair(bare_hitsetkey, hitsetkey));
941  bare_hitset_set.insert(bare_hitsetkey);
943  if(Verbosity() > 0) std::cout << " found hitsetkey " << hitsetkey << " for bare_hitsetkey " << bare_hitsetkey << std::endl;
944  }
946  // Now consolidate all hits into the hitset with strobe 0, and delete the other hitsets
947  //==============================================================
948  for(auto bare_it = bare_hitset_set.begin(); bare_it != bare_hitset_set.end(); ++bare_it)
949  {
950  auto bare_hitsetkey = *bare_it;
951  TrkrHitSet* bare_hitset = (m_truth_hits->findOrAddHitSet(bare_hitsetkey))->second;
952  if(Verbosity() > 0) std::cout << " bare_hitset " << bare_hitsetkey << " initially has " << bare_hitset->size() << " hits " << std::endl;
954  auto bare_hitsetrange= hitset_multimap.equal_range(bare_hitsetkey);
955  for(auto it = bare_hitsetrange.first; it != bare_hitsetrange.second; ++ it)
956  {
957  auto hitsetkey = it->second;
959  int strobe = MvtxDefs::getStrobeId(hitsetkey);
960  if(strobe != 0)
961  {
962  if(Verbosity() > 0) std::cout << " process hitsetkey " << hitsetkey << " for bare_hitsetkey " << bare_hitsetkey << std::endl;
964  // copy all hits to the hitset with strobe 0
967  if(Verbosity() > 0)
968  std::cout << " hitsetkey " << hitsetkey << " has strobe " << strobe << " and has " << hitset->size() << " hits, so copy it" << std::endl;
970  TrkrHitSet::ConstRange hitrangei = hitset->getHits();
971  for (TrkrHitSet::ConstIterator hitr = hitrangei.first;
972  hitr != hitrangei.second;
973  ++hitr)
974  {
975  auto hitkey = hitr->first;
976  if(Verbosity() > 0) std::cout << " found hitkey " << hitkey << std::endl;
977  // if it is already there, leave it alone, this is a duplicate hit
978  auto tmp_hit = bare_hitset->getHit(hitkey);
979  if(tmp_hit)
980  {
981  if(Verbosity() > 0) std::cout << " hitkey " << hitkey << " is already in bare hitsest, do not copy" << std::endl;
982  continue;
983  }
985  // otherwise copy the hit over
986  if(Verbosity() > 0) std::cout << " copying over hitkey " << hitkey << std::endl;
987  auto old_hit = hitr->second;
988  TrkrHit *new_hit = new TrkrHitv2();
989  new_hit->setAdc(old_hit->getAdc());
990  bare_hitset->addHitSpecificKey(hitkey, new_hit);
991  }
993  // all hits are copied over to the strobe zero hitset, remove this hitset
995  }
996  }
997  }
999  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1000  // cluster hits -- simplified from mvtx/MvtxClusterizer
1001  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1002  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer* geom_container = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, "CYLINDERGEOM_MVTX");
1003  if (!geom_container) {
1004  std::cout << PHWHERE << std::endl;
1005  std::cout << "WARNING: cannot find the geometry CYLINDERGEOM_MVTX" << std::endl;
1006  m_truth_hits->Reset();
1007  return;
1008  }
1010  //-----------
1011  // Clustering
1012  //-----------
1014  // loop over each MvtxHitSet object (chip)
1016  for (TrkrHitSetContainer::ConstIterator hitsetitr = hitsetrange.first;
1017  hitsetitr != hitsetrange.second;
1018  ++hitsetitr)
1019  { // hitsetitr : pair(TrkrDefs::hitsetkey, TrkrHitSet>; TrkrHitSet : map <HitKey, TrkrHit>
1020  TrkrHitSet *hitset = hitsetitr->second; // hitset : map <TrkrDefs::hitkey, TrkrHit>
1022  /* if (true) */
1023  if(Verbosity() > 0)
1024  {
1025  unsigned int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer (hitsetitr ->first);
1026  unsigned int stave = MvtxDefs::getStaveId (hitsetitr ->first);
1027  unsigned int chip = MvtxDefs::getChipId (hitsetitr ->first);
1028  unsigned int strobe = MvtxDefs::getStrobeId (hitsetitr ->first);
1029  std::cout << "MvtxClusterizer found hitsetkey " << hitsetitr->first << " layer " << layer << " stave " << stave << " chip " << chip << " strobe " << strobe << std::endl;
1030  }
1032  if (Verbosity() > 2)
1033  hitset->identify();
1035  TrkrHitSet::ConstRange hitrangei = hitset->getHits();
1037  auto hitsetkey = hitset->getHitSetKey();
1038  auto ckey = TrkrDefs::genClusKey(hitsetkey, 0); // there is only one cluster made per cluskey
1040  // determine the size of the cluster in phi and z
1041  std::set<int> phibins;
1042  std::set<int> zbins;
1044  // determine the cluster position...
1045  double locxsum = 0.;
1046  double loczsum = 0.;
1048  double locclusx = NAN;
1049  double locclusz = NAN;
1051  // we need the geometry object for this layer to get the global positions
1052  int layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckey);
1053  auto layergeom = dynamic_cast<CylinderGeom_Mvtx *>(geom_container->GetLayerGeom(layer));
1054  if (!layergeom)
1055  exit(1);
1058  // make a tunable threshold for energy in a given hit
1059  // -- percentage of someting? (total cluster energy)
1060  double sum_adc { 0. };
1061  for ( auto ihit = hitrangei.first; ihit != hitrangei.second; ++ihit) {
1062  sum_adc += ihit->second->getAdc();
1063  }
1064  const double threshold = sum_adc * m_pixel_thresholdrat; //FIXME -- tune this as needed
1065  std::map<int,unsigned int> m_iphi, m_it, m_iphiCut, m_itCut; // FIXME
1066  /* const unsigned int npixels = std::distance( hitrangei.first, hitrangei.second ); */
1067  // to tune this parameter: run a bunch of tracks and compare truth sizes and reco sizes,
1068  // should come out the same
1069  double npixels {0.};
1070  for ( auto ihit = hitrangei.first; ihit != hitrangei.second; ++ihit)
1071  {
1072  const auto adc = ihit->second->getAdc();
1073  int col = MvtxDefs::getCol( ihit->first);
1074  int row = MvtxDefs::getRow( ihit->first);
1076  if (mClusHitsVerbose) {
1077  std::map<int,unsigned int>& m_phi = (adc<threshold) ? m_iphiCut : m_iphi;
1078  std::map<int,unsigned int>& m_z = (adc<threshold) ? m_itCut : m_it;
1080  auto pnew = m_phi.try_emplace(row,adc);
1081  if (!pnew.second) pnew.first->second += adc;
1083  pnew = m_z.try_emplace(col,adc);
1084  if (!pnew.second) pnew.first->second += adc;
1085  }
1086  if (adc<threshold) continue;
1088  // size
1089  npixels += 1.;
1090  zbins.insert(col);
1091  phibins.insert(row);
1093  // get local coordinates, in stave reference frame, for hit
1094  auto local_coords = layergeom->get_local_coords_from_pixel(row,col);
1096  /*
1097  manually offset position along y (thickness of the sensor),
1098  to account for effective hit position in the sensor, resulting from diffusion.
1099  Effective position corresponds to 1um above the middle of the sensor
1100  */
1101  local_coords.SetY( 1e-4 );
1103  // update cluster position
1104  locxsum += local_coords.X();
1105  loczsum += local_coords.Z();
1106  // add the association between this cluster key and this hitkey to the table
1107  } //mapiter
1108  if (mClusHitsVerbose) {
1109  if (Verbosity()>10) {
1110  for (auto& hit : m_iphi) {
1111  std::cout << " m_phi(" << hit.first <<" : " << hit.second<<") " << std::endl;
1112  }
1113  }
1114  for (auto& hit : m_iphi) mClusHitsVerbose->addPhiHit (hit.first, (float)hit.second);
1115  for (auto& hit : m_it) mClusHitsVerbose->addZHit (hit.first, (float)hit.second);
1116  for (auto& hit : m_iphiCut) mClusHitsVerbose->addPhiCutHit (hit.first, (float)hit.second);
1117  for (auto& hit : m_itCut) mClusHitsVerbose->addZCutHit (hit.first, (float)hit.second);
1118  }
1120  // This is the local position
1121  locclusx = locxsum / npixels;
1122  locclusz = loczsum / npixels;
1124  const double pitch = layergeom->get_pixel_x();
1125  const double length = layergeom->get_pixel_z();
1126  const double phisize = phibins.size() * pitch;
1127  const double zsize = zbins.size() * length;
1129  /* if (true) { */
1130  if(Verbosity() > 0) {
1131  std::cout << " MvtxClusterizer: cluskey " << ckey << " layer " << layer << " rad " << layergeom->get_radius() << " phibins " << phibins.size() << " pitch " << pitch << " phisize " << phisize
1132  << " zbins " << zbins.size() << " length " << length << " zsize " << zsize
1133  << " local x " << locclusx << " local y " << locclusz
1134  << std::endl;
1135  }
1137  // ok force it use use cluster version v4 for now (Valgrind is not happy with application of v5)
1138  /* if (m_cluster_version==4){ */
1139  if (m_cluster_version == 4) {
1140  auto clus = std::make_unique<TrkrClusterv4>();
1141  clus->setAdc(npixels);
1142  clus->setLocalX(locclusx);
1143  clus->setLocalY(locclusz);
1145  clus->setPhiSize(phibins.size());
1146  clus->setZSize(zbins.size());
1147  // All silicon surfaces have a 1-1 map to hitsetkey.
1148  // So set subsurface key to 0
1149  clus->setSubSurfKey(0);
1151  if (Verbosity() > 2) clus->identify();
1153  // get the count of how many clusters have allready been added to this hitsetkey (possibly from other embedded tracks tracks)
1154  m_hitsetkey_cnt.try_emplace(hitsetkey,0);
1155  unsigned int& cnt = m_hitsetkey_cnt[hitsetkey];
1156  ckey = TrkrDefs::genClusKey(hitsetkey, cnt);
1157  m_truthclusters->addClusterSpecifyKey(ckey, clus.release());
1158  m_current_track->addCluster(ckey);
1159  if (mClusHitsVerbose) {
1160  mClusHitsVerbose->push_hits(ckey);
1161  }
1162  ++cnt;
1163  } else {
1164  std::cout << PHWHERE << std::endl;
1165  std::cout << "Error: only cluster version 4 allowed." << std::endl;
1166  } // loop over hitsets
1167  }
1168  m_truth_hits->Reset();
1169  prior_g4hit = nullptr;
1170  return;
1171 }