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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file observHister.C
1 #include <iostream>
2 using namespace std;
4 #include "TFile.h"
5 #include "Scalar.h"
6 #include "TTree.h"
7 #include "TChain.h"
8 #include "TLegend.h"
9 #include "math.h"
10 #include "TH1.h"
11 #include "TH2.h"
12 #include "TEfficiency.h"
13 #include "TLine.h"
14 #include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
16 TChain* handleFile(string name, string extension, string treename, unsigned int filecount){
17  TChain *all = new TChain(treename.c_str());
18  string temp;
19  for (int i = 0; i < filecount; ++i)
20  {
22  ostringstream s;
23  s<<i;
24  temp = name+string(s.str())+extension;
25  all->Add(temp.c_str());
26  }
27  return all;
28 }
30 void matchPlot(TChain* ttree,TFile* out_file){
31  int b_match;
32  int b_unmatch;
33  ttree->SetBranchAddress("nMatched", & b_match );
34  ttree->SetBranchAddress("nUnmatched", &b_unmatch );
35  unsigned totalmatch=0;
36  unsigned totaltrack=0;
37  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
38  {
39  ttree->GetEvent(event);
41  totalmatch+=b_match;
42  totaltrack+=b_match;
43  totaltrack+=b_unmatch;
44  }
45  cout<<"Match "<<totalmatch<<" tracks\n";
46  cout<<"Matched "<<(float)totalmatch/totaltrack*100.<<"\% of tracks"<<endl;
47 }
49 void makeVtxR(TChain* ttree,TFile* out_file){
50  float vtxr;
51  float tvtxr;
52  ttree->SetBranchAddress("vtx_radius",&vtxr);
53  ttree->SetBranchAddress("tvtx_radius",&tvtxr);
55  std::vector<TH1F*> plots;
56  plots.push_back(new TH1F("vtx_reco","",40,0,30));
57  plots.push_back(new TH1F("vtx_truth","",40,0,30));
59  plots[0]->Sumw2();
60  plots[1]->Sumw2();
62  double calc=0;
63  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
64  {
65  ttree->GetEvent(event);
66  plots[0]->Fill(vtxr);
67  plots[1]->Fill(tvtxr);
68  calc+=TMath::Abs(vtxr-tvtxr);
69  }
70  calc/=ttree->GetEntries();
71  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
72  {
73  plots[i]->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
74  }
75  out_file->Write();
76  std::cout<<"mean deviation="<<calc<<std::endl;
77 }
79 void makepTEff(TChain* ttree,TFile* out_file){
80  float pT;
81  float tpT;
82  float track_pT;
83  ttree->SetBranchAddress("photon_pT",&pT);
84  ttree->SetBranchAddress("tphoton_pT",&tpT);
85  ttree->SetBranchAddress("track_pT",&track_pT);
87  TH1F *pTeffPlot = new TH1F("#frac{#Delta#it{p}^{T}}{#it{p}_{#it{truth}}^{T}}","",40,-2,2);
88  TH2F *pTefffuncPlot = new TH2F("pT_resolution_to_truthpt","",40,1,35,40,-1.5,1.5);
89  TH1F *trackpTDist = new TH1F("truthpt","",40,0,35);
90  pTeffPlot->Sumw2();
91  pTefffuncPlot->Sumw2();
92  trackpTDist->Sumw2();
93  unsigned lowpTCount=0;
95  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
96  {
97  ttree->GetEvent(event);
98  pTeffPlot->Fill((pT-tpT)/tpT);
99  pTefffuncPlot->Fill(tpT,(pT-tpT)/tpT);
100  trackpTDist->Fill(track_pT);
101  if(tpT<.6)lowpTCount++;
102  }
103  pTeffPlot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
104  pTefffuncPlot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
105  trackpTDist->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
106  cout<<"Signal rejection through pT cut= "<<(float)lowpTCount/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
107  cout<<"Signal rejection through pT cut= "<<sqrt((float)lowpTCount)/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
108  out_file->Write();
109 }
110 void testCuts(TChain* ttree,TFile* out_file){
111  float dphi;
112  float prob;
113  float track_pT;
114  float deta;
115  float radius;
116  int layer;
117  int dlayer;
118  ttree->SetBranchAddress("cluster_dphi",&dphi);
119  ttree->SetBranchAddress("cluster_prob",&prob);
120  ttree->SetBranchAddress("track_layer",&layer);
121  ttree->SetBranchAddress("track_dlayer",&dlayer);
122  ttree->SetBranchAddress("track_pT",&track_pT);
123  ttree->SetBranchAddress("track_deta",&deta);
124  ttree->SetBranchAddress("vtx_radius",&radius);
126  TH1F *layerDist = new TH1F("layer","",16,-.5,15.5);
127  TH1F *probDist = new TH1F("clust_prob","",30,-.5,1.);
128  TH1F *deta_plot = new TH1F("deta","",30,-.001,.01);
129  TH1F *dlayer_plot = new TH1F("dlayer","",11,-.5,10.5);
130  TH1F *r_plot = new TH1F("signal_vtx_radius_dist","",26,-.5,25.5);
131  layerDist->Sumw2();
132  probDist->Sumw2();
133  deta_plot->Sumw2();
134  dlayer_plot->Sumw2();
135  r_plot->Sumw2();
136  unsigned badLayCount=0;
137  unsigned badClusCount=0;
138  unsigned bigDetaCount=0;
139  unsigned shortRadiusCount=0;
141  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
142  {
143  ttree->GetEvent(event);
144  if(layer==0)badLayCount++;
145  if(dphi<0&&track_pT>.6){
146  badClusCount++;
147  }
148  if(track_pT>.6&&dphi>=0){
149  layerDist->Fill(layer);
150  probDist->Fill(prob);
151  deta_plot->Fill(deta);
152  dlayer_plot->Fill(TMath::Abs(dlayer));
153  if(deta>.0082||TMath::Abs(dlayer)>9)bigDetaCount++;
154  else{
155  r_plot->Fill(radius);
156  if(radius<1.84) shortRadiusCount++;
157  }
158  }
160  }
161  layerDist->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries());
162  deta_plot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries());
163  dlayer_plot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries());
164  r_plot->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries());
165  cout<<"Signal rejection through layer cut= "<<(float)badLayCount/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
166  cout<<"error= "<<sqrt((float)badLayCount)/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
167  cout<<"Signal rejection through clus cut= "<<(float)badClusCount/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
168  cout<<"error= "<<sqrt((float)badClusCount)/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
169  cout<<"Signal rejection through deta cut= "<<(float)bigDetaCount/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
170  cout<<"error= "<<sqrt((float)bigDetaCount)/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
171  cout<<"Signal rejection through radius cut= "<<(float)shortRadiusCount/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
172  cout<<"error= "<<sqrt((float)shortRadiusCount)/ttree->GetEntries()<<endl;
173  out_file->Write();
174 }
175 void makeRefitDist(TChain* ttree, TFile *out_file){
176  float diffx;
177  float diffy;
178  float diffz;
179  ttree->SetBranchAddress("refitdiffx",&diffx);
180  ttree->SetBranchAddress("refitdiffy",&diffy);
181  ttree->SetBranchAddress("refitdiffz",&diffz);
182  TH1F *diffplotx= new TH1F("x_{0}-x_{refit}","",40,-10,10);
183  TH1F *diffploty= new TH1F("y_{0}-y_{refit}","",40,-10,10);
184  TH1F *diffplotz= new TH1F("z_{0}-z_{refit}","",40,-10,10);
186  diffplotx->Sumw2();
187  diffploty->Sumw2();
188  diffplotz->Sumw2();
190  for (int event = 0; event < ttree->GetEntries(); ++event)
191  {
192  ttree->GetEvent(event);
193  diffplotx->Fill(diffx);
194  diffploty->Fill(diffy);
195  diffplotz->Fill(diffz);
196  }
198  diffplotx->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
199  diffploty->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
200  diffplotz->Scale(1./ttree->GetEntries(),"width");
202  out_file->Write();
203 }
206 {
207  string treePath = "/sphenix/user/vassalli/minBiasConversion/conversiontruthanaout.root";
208  string treeExtension = ".root";
209  unsigned int nFiles=100;
210  TFile *out_file = new TFile("obsrvplots.root","RECREATE");
211  TChain *ttree = new TChain("observTree");
212  ttree->Add(treePath.c_str());
213  cout<<"Total events= "<<ttree->GetEntries()<<'\n';
214  matchPlot(ttree,out_file);
215 }