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LeptoquarksReco Class Reference

#include <analysis/blob/master/EICAnalysis/LeptoquarksReco.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for LeptoquarksReco:
+ Collaboration diagram for LeptoquarksReco:

Public Member Functions

 LeptoquarksReco (std::string filename)
int Init (PHCompositeNode *)
int process_event (PHCompositeNode *)
int End (PHCompositeNode *)
 Called at the end of all processing.
void set_save_towers (bool savetower=true)
void set_save_tracks (bool savetracks=true)
void set_beam_energies (float beam_electron, float beam_proton)
void set_reco_jet_collection (std::string newname)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SubsysReco
 ~SubsysReco () override
virtual int EndRun (const int)
 Called at the end of each run.
virtual int InitRun (PHCompositeNode *)
virtual int Reset (PHCompositeNode *)
virtual int ResetEvent (PHCompositeNode *)
 Clean up after each event.
void Print (const std::string &="ALL") const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Fun4AllBase
virtual ~Fun4AllBase ()
virtual const std::string Name () const
 Returns the name of this module.
virtual void Name (const std::string &name)
 Sets the name of this module.
virtual void Verbosity (const int ival)
 Sets the verbosity of this module (0 by default=quiet).
virtual void Verbosity (enu_Verbosity ival)
 Sets the verbosity of this module (0 by default=quiet).
virtual int Verbosity () const
 Gets the verbosity of this module.

Private Types

enum  CALOTYPE {
  calo_cemc, calo_ihcal, calo_ohcal, calo_femc,
  calo_fhcal, calo_eemc

Private Member Functions

int AddTrueTauTag (type_map_tcan &, PHHepMCGenEventMap *)
int AddJetInformation (type_map_tcan &, JetMap *, type_map_cdata *)
int AddJetStructureInformation (type_map_tcan &, type_map_cdata *)
int AddTrackInformation (type_map_tcan &, SvtxTrackMap *, SvtxVertexMap *, SvtxEvalStack *, double)
int WritePidCandidatesToTree (type_map_tcan &)
int AddGlobalEventInformation (type_map_tcan &, type_map_cdata *)
PidCandidateFindMinDeltaRCandidate (type_map_tcan *, const float, const float)
float CalculateDeltaR (float, float, float, float)
void ResetBranchMap ()

Private Attributes

bool _verbose
bool _save_towers
bool _save_tracks
int _ievent
int _total_pass
std::string _filename
TFile * _tfile
TTree * _t_event
TNtuple * _ntp_tower
TNtuple * _ntp_track
float _ebeam_E
float _pbeam_E
float _tau_jet_emin
std::string _jetcolname
std::map< std::string,
CaloRawTowerEval * > 
< PidCandidate::PROPERTY,
std::vector< float > > 
std::map< std::string, float > _map_event_branches

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Fun4AllBase
enum  enu_Verbosity {
  VERBOSITY_A_LOT = 4, VERBOSITY_MAX = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - 10
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SubsysReco
 SubsysReco (const std::string &name="NONAME")

Detailed Description

Definition at line 37 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 37 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enum to identify calorimeter types


Definition at line 140 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 140 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LeptoquarksReco::LeptoquarksReco ( std::string  filename)

Definition at line 43 of file LeptoquarksReco.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 43 of file LeptoquarksReco.C

Member Function Documentation

int LeptoquarksReco::AddGlobalEventInformation ( type_map_tcan tauCandidateMap,
type_map_cdata map_towers 

Definition at line 1045 of file LeptoquarksReco.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 1045 of file LeptoquarksReco.C

References _map_event_branches, PidCandidate::evtgen_pid, RawTower::get_energy(), RawTowerGeom::get_eta(), RawTowerGeom::get_phi(), PidCandidate::get_property_float(), PidCandidate::get_property_int(), PidCandidate::jet_eta, PidCandidate::jet_phi, PidCandidate::jet_ptotal, and G4HCALIN::tower_emin.

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int LeptoquarksReco::AddJetInformation ( type_map_tcan tauCandidateMap,
JetMap recojets,
type_map_cdata map_calotower 
int LeptoquarksReco::AddJetStructureInformation ( type_map_tcan tauCandidateMap,
type_map_cdata map_towers 

Definition at line 565 of file LeptoquarksReco.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 565 of file LeptoquarksReco.C

References _ievent, _ntp_tower, _save_towers, CalculateDeltaR(), RawTowerDefs::CEMC, PidCandidate::evtgen_decay_hcharged, PidCandidate::evtgen_decay_lcharged, PidCandidate::evtgen_decay_prong, PidCandidate::evtgen_eta, PidCandidate::evtgen_etotal, PidCandidate::evtgen_phi, PidCandidate::evtgen_pid, RawTower::get_energy(), RawTowerGeom::get_eta(), RawTowerGeom::get_phi(), PidCandidate::jet_eta, PidCandidate::jet_etotal, PidCandidate::jet_id, PidCandidate::jet_phi, PidCandidate::jetshape_econe_r01, PidCandidate::jetshape_econe_r02, PidCandidate::jetshape_econe_r03, PidCandidate::jetshape_econe_r04, PidCandidate::jetshape_econe_r05, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_econe_r01, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_econe_r02, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_econe_r03, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_econe_r04, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_econe_r05, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_r90, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_radius, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_rms, PidCandidate::jetshape_r90, PidCandidate::jetshape_radius, PidCandidate::jetshape_rms, rms(), and G4HCALIN::tower_emin.

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int LeptoquarksReco::AddTrackInformation ( type_map_tcan tauCandidateMap,
SvtxTrackMap trackmap,
SvtxVertexMap vertexmap,
SvtxEvalStack svtxevalstack,
double  R_max 

Definition at line 808 of file LeptoquarksReco.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 808 of file LeptoquarksReco.C

References _ievent, _ntp_track, _save_tracks, Average(), SvtxTrackMap::begin(), CalculateDeltaR(), SvtxTrackMap::end(), PidCandidate::evtgen_decay_hcharged, PidCandidate::evtgen_decay_lcharged, PidCandidate::evtgen_decay_prong, PidCandidate::evtgen_eta, PidCandidate::evtgen_etotal, PidCandidate::evtgen_phi, PidCandidate::evtgen_pid, SvtxTrack::get_charge(), SvtxTrack::get_eta(), SvtxTrack::get_p(), SvtxTrack::get_phi(), SvtxTrack::get_quality(), SvtxEvalStack::get_track_eval(), SvtxEvalStack::get_truth_eval(), SvtxTruthEval::get_vertex(), PHG4VtxPoint::get_x(), PHG4VtxPoint::get_y(), PHG4VtxPoint::get_z(), PidCandidate::jet_eta, PidCandidate::jet_etotal, PidCandidate::jet_id, PidCandidate::jet_phi, SvtxTrackEval::max_truth_particle_by_nclusters(), Acts::Experimental::detail::BlueprintHelper::sort(), PidCandidate::tracks_chargesum_R, PidCandidate::tracks_chargesum_r02, PidCandidate::tracks_chargesum_r04, PidCandidate::tracks_count_R, PidCandidate::tracks_count_r02, PidCandidate::tracks_count_r04, PidCandidate::tracks_rmax_R, PidCandidate::tracks_rmax_r02, PidCandidate::tracks_rmax_r04, and PidCandidate::tracks_vertex.

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int LeptoquarksReco::AddTrueTauTag ( type_map_tcan tauCandidateMap,
PHHepMCGenEventMap genevtmap 

Definition at line 326 of file LeptoquarksReco.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 326 of file LeptoquarksReco.C

References _map_event_branches, PidCandidate::evtgen_decay_hcharged, PidCandidate::evtgen_decay_lcharged, PidCandidate::evtgen_decay_prong, PidCandidate::evtgen_eta, PidCandidate::evtgen_etotal, PidCandidate::evtgen_phi, PidCandidate::evtgen_pid, TruthTrackerHepMC::FindDaughterParticle(), TruthTrackerHepMC::FindDecayParticles(), FindMinDeltaRCandidate(), TruthTrackerHepMC::FindParticle(), PidCandidate::get_property_int(), PHHepMCGenEvent::getEvent(), merge_hashes::p, PHHepMCGenEventMap::rbegin(), PHHepMCGenEventMap::rend(), TruthTrackerHepMC::set_hepmc_geneventmap(), and PidCandidate::set_property().

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

float LeptoquarksReco::CalculateDeltaR ( float  eta1,
float  phi1,
float  eta2,
float  phi2 

Calculate Delta R ("distance in eta-phi space") between two sets of eta, phi angles

Definition at line 1030 of file LeptoquarksReco.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 1030 of file LeptoquarksReco.C

Referenced by AddJetStructureInformation(), AddTrackInformation(), and FindMinDeltaRCandidate().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int LeptoquarksReco::End ( PHCompositeNode )

Called at the end of all processing.

Reimplemented from SubsysReco.

Definition at line 1174 of file LeptoquarksReco.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 1174 of file LeptoquarksReco.C

References _ntp_tower, _ntp_track, _t_event, and _tfile.

PidCandidate * LeptoquarksReco::FindMinDeltaRCandidate ( type_map_tcan candidates,
const float  eta_ref,
const float  phi_ref 

Find tau candidate in map that is closest to given eta, phi angle

Definition at line 989 of file LeptoquarksReco.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 989 of file LeptoquarksReco.C

References CalculateDeltaR(), eta, PidCandidate::jet_eta, PidCandidate::jet_phi, and ActsTests::PropagationDatasets::phi.

Referenced by AddTrueTauTag().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int LeptoquarksReco::Init ( PHCompositeNode )

Called during initialization. Typically this is where you can book histograms, and e.g. register them to Fun4AllServer (so they can be output to file using Fun4AllServer::dumpHistos() method).

Reimplemented from SubsysReco.

Definition at line 62 of file LeptoquarksReco.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 62 of file LeptoquarksReco.C

References _filename, _ievent, _map_event_branches, _map_tau_candidate_branches, _ntp_tower, _ntp_track, _save_towers, _save_tracks, _t_event, _tfile, dummy, PidCandidate::evtgen_decay_hcharged, PidCandidate::evtgen_decay_lcharged, PidCandidate::evtgen_decay_prong, PidCandidate::evtgen_eta, PidCandidate::evtgen_etotal, PidCandidate::evtgen_phi, PidCandidate::evtgen_pid, PidCandidate::evtgen_ptotal, PidCandidate::evtgen_theta, PidCandidate::get_property_info(), PidCandidate::jet_eta, PidCandidate::jet_etotal, PidCandidate::jet_etrans, PidCandidate::jet_id, PidCandidate::jet_minv, PidCandidate::jet_mtrans, PidCandidate::jet_ncomp, PidCandidate::jet_ncomp_above_0p1, PidCandidate::jet_ncomp_above_1, PidCandidate::jet_ncomp_above_10, PidCandidate::jet_ncomp_emcal, PidCandidate::jet_phi, PidCandidate::jet_ptotal, PidCandidate::jet_ptrans, PidCandidate::jetshape_econe_r01, PidCandidate::jetshape_econe_r02, PidCandidate::jetshape_econe_r03, PidCandidate::jetshape_econe_r04, PidCandidate::jetshape_econe_r05, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_econe_r01, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_econe_r02, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_econe_r03, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_econe_r04, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_econe_r05, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_r90, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_radius, PidCandidate::jetshape_emcal_rms, PidCandidate::jetshape_r90, PidCandidate::jetshape_radius, PidCandidate::jetshape_rms, PidCandidate::tracks_chargesum_R, PidCandidate::tracks_chargesum_r02, PidCandidate::tracks_chargesum_r04, PidCandidate::tracks_count_R, PidCandidate::tracks_count_r02, PidCandidate::tracks_count_r04, PidCandidate::tracks_rmax_R, PidCandidate::tracks_rmax_r02, PidCandidate::tracks_rmax_r04, and PidCandidate::tracks_vertex.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

int LeptoquarksReco::process_event ( PHCompositeNode )
void LeptoquarksReco::ResetBranchMap ( )

Reset branch maps for each event

Definition at line 1151 of file LeptoquarksReco.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 1151 of file LeptoquarksReco.C

References _map_event_branches, and _map_tau_candidate_branches.

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LeptoquarksReco::set_beam_energies ( float  beam_electron,
float  beam_proton 

Definition at line 67 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 67 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

References _ebeam_E, and _pbeam_E.

void LeptoquarksReco::set_reco_jet_collection ( std::string  newname)

Definition at line 74 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 74 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

References _jetcolname.

Referenced by G4_Lepto().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LeptoquarksReco::set_save_towers ( bool  savetower = true)

Definition at line 53 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 53 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

References _save_towers.

Referenced by G4_Lepto().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void LeptoquarksReco::set_save_tracks ( bool  savetracks = true)

Definition at line 60 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 60 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

References _save_tracks.

Referenced by G4_Lepto().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int LeptoquarksReco::WritePidCandidatesToTree ( type_map_tcan tauCandidateMap)

Definition at line 952 of file LeptoquarksReco.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 952 of file LeptoquarksReco.C

References _map_tau_candidate_branches, PidCandidate::get_property_info(), PidCandidate::type_float, PidCandidate::type_int, PidCandidate::type_uint, and PidCandidate::type_unknown.

Referenced by process_event().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

float LeptoquarksReco::_ebeam_E

Definition at line 97 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 97 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by set_beam_energies().

std::string LeptoquarksReco::_filename

Definition at line 88 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 88 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by Init().

int LeptoquarksReco::_ievent

Definition at line 85 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 85 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by AddJetStructureInformation(), AddTrackInformation(), Init(), and process_event().

std::string LeptoquarksReco::_jetcolname

name of jet collection

Definition at line 104 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 104 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by process_event(), and set_reco_jet_collection().

std::map< std::string , float > LeptoquarksReco::_map_event_branches

Map of Event properties that will be written to output ROOT Tree

Definition at line 116 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 116 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by AddGlobalEventInformation(), AddTrueTauTag(), Init(), and ResetBranchMap().

std::map< PidCandidate::PROPERTY , std::vector< float > > LeptoquarksReco::_map_tau_candidate_branches

Map of PidCandidate properties that will be written to output ROOT Tree

Definition at line 112 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 112 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by Init(), ResetBranchMap(), and WritePidCandidatesToTree().

std::map< std::string, CaloRawTowerEval* > LeptoquarksReco::_map_towereval

CaloRawTowerEvaluators to access tru particle info for given towers

Definition at line 108 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 108 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

TNtuple* LeptoquarksReco::_ntp_tower

Definition at line 93 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 93 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by AddJetStructureInformation(), End(), and Init().

TNtuple* LeptoquarksReco::_ntp_track

Definition at line 94 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 94 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by AddTrackInformation(), End(), and Init().

float LeptoquarksReco::_pbeam_E

Definition at line 98 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 98 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by set_beam_energies().

bool LeptoquarksReco::_save_towers

Definition at line 82 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 82 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by AddJetStructureInformation(), Init(), and set_save_towers().

bool LeptoquarksReco::_save_tracks

Definition at line 83 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 83 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by AddTrackInformation(), Init(), and set_save_tracks().

TTree* LeptoquarksReco::_t_event

Definition at line 92 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 92 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by End(), Init(), and process_event().

float LeptoquarksReco::_tau_jet_emin

Definition at line 101 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 101 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by process_event().

TFile* LeptoquarksReco::_tfile

Definition at line 89 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 89 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

Referenced by End(), and Init().

int LeptoquarksReco::_total_pass

Definition at line 86 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 86 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

bool LeptoquarksReco::_verbose

Definition at line 81 of file LeptoquarksReco.h.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 81 of file LeptoquarksReco.h

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: