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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file RootMaterialDecorator.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
25 #include <algorithm>
26 #include <cstdio>
27 #include <functional>
28 #include <iostream>
29 #include <stdexcept>
30 #include <string>
31 #include <tuple>
32 #include <vector>
34 #include <TFile.h>
35 #include <TH1.h>
36 #include <TH2.h>
37 #include <TIterator.h>
38 #include <TKey.h>
39 #include <TList.h>
40 #include <TObject.h>
41 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
42 #include <boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp>
43 #include <boost/algorithm/string/iter_find.hpp>
45 namespace Acts {
46 class ISurfaceMaterial;
47 class IVolumeMaterial;
48 } // namespace Acts
53  : m_cfg(config),
54  m_logger{Acts::getDefaultLogger("RootMaterialDecorator", level)} {
55  // Validate the configuration
56  if (m_cfg.folderSurfaceNameBase.empty()) {
57  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing surface folder name base");
58  } else if (m_cfg.folderVolumeNameBase.empty()) {
59  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing volume folder name base");
60  } else if (m_cfg.fileName.empty()) {
61  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing file name");
62  }
64  // Setup ROOT I/O
65  m_inputFile = TFile::Open(m_cfg.fileName.c_str());
66  if (m_inputFile == nullptr) {
67  throw std::ios_base::failure("Could not open '" + m_cfg.fileName);
68  }
70  // Get the list of keys from the file
71  TList* tlist = m_inputFile->GetListOfKeys();
72  auto tIter = tlist->MakeIterator();
73  tIter->Reset();
75  // Iterate over the keys in the file
76  while (TKey* key = (TKey*)(tIter->Next())) {
77  // Remember the directory
78  std::string tdName(key->GetName());
80  ACTS_VERBOSE("Processing directory: " << tdName);
82  // volume
83  std::vector<std::string> splitNames;
84  iter_split(splitNames, tdName,
85  boost::algorithm::first_finder(m_cfg.voltag));
86  // Surface Material
87  if (splitNames[0] == m_cfg.folderSurfaceNameBase) {
88  // The surface material to be read in for this
89  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> sMaterial = nullptr;
91  boost::split(splitNames, splitNames[1], boost::is_any_of("_"));
92  Acts::GeometryIdentifier::Value volID = std::stoi(splitNames[0]);
93  // boundary
94  iter_split(splitNames, tdName,
95  boost::algorithm::first_finder(m_cfg.boutag));
96  boost::split(splitNames, splitNames[1], boost::is_any_of("_"));
97  Acts::GeometryIdentifier::Value bouID = std::stoi(splitNames[0]);
98  // layer
99  iter_split(splitNames, tdName,
100  boost::algorithm::first_finder(m_cfg.laytag));
101  boost::split(splitNames, splitNames[1], boost::is_any_of("_"));
102  Acts::GeometryIdentifier::Value layID = std::stoi(splitNames[0]);
103  // approach
104  iter_split(splitNames, tdName,
105  boost::algorithm::first_finder(m_cfg.apptag));
106  boost::split(splitNames, splitNames[1], boost::is_any_of("_"));
107  Acts::GeometryIdentifier::Value appID = std::stoi(splitNames[0]);
108  // sensitive
109  iter_split(splitNames, tdName,
110  boost::algorithm::first_finder(m_cfg.sentag));
111  Acts::GeometryIdentifier::Value senID = std::stoi(splitNames[1]);
113  // Reconstruct the geometry ID
115  geoID.setVolume(volID);
116  geoID.setBoundary(bouID);
117  geoID.setLayer(layID);
118  geoID.setApproach(appID);
119  geoID.setSensitive(senID);
120  ACTS_VERBOSE("GeometryIdentifier re-constructed as " << geoID);
122  // Construct the names
123  std::string nName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.ntag;
124  std::string vName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.vtag;
125  std::string oName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.otag;
126  std::string minName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.mintag;
127  std::string maxName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.maxtag;
128  std::string tName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.ttag;
129  std::string x0Name = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.x0tag;
130  std::string l0Name = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.l0tag;
131  std::string aName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.atag;
132  std::string zName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.ztag;
133  std::string rhoName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.rhotag;
135  // Get the histograms
136  TH1F* n = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(nName.c_str()));
137  TH1F* v = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(vName.c_str()));
138  TH1F* o = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(oName.c_str()));
139  TH1F* min = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(minName.c_str()));
140  TH1F* max = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(maxName.c_str()));
141  TH2F* t = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(m_inputFile->Get(tName.c_str()));
142  TH2F* x0 = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(m_inputFile->Get(x0Name.c_str()));
143  TH2F* l0 = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(m_inputFile->Get(l0Name.c_str()));
144  TH2F* A = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(m_inputFile->Get(aName.c_str()));
145  TH2F* Z = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(m_inputFile->Get(zName.c_str()));
146  TH2F* rho = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(m_inputFile->Get(rhoName.c_str()));
148  std::vector<const TH1*> hists{n, v, o, min, max, t, x0, l0, A, Z, rho};
150  // Only go on when you have all histograms
151  if (std::all_of(hists.begin(), hists.end(),
152  [](const auto* hist) { return hist != nullptr; })) {
153  // Get the number of bins
154  int nbins0 = t->GetNbinsX();
155  int nbins1 = t->GetNbinsY();
157  // The material matrix
158  Acts::MaterialSlabMatrix materialMatrix(
159  nbins1, Acts::MaterialSlabVector(nbins0, Acts::MaterialSlab()));
161  // We need binned material properties
162  if (nbins0 * nbins1 > 1) {
163  // Fill the matrix first
164  for (int ib0 = 1; ib0 <= nbins0; ++ib0) {
165  for (int ib1 = 1; ib1 <= nbins1; ++ib1) {
166  double dt = t->GetBinContent(ib0, ib1);
167  if (dt > 0.) {
168  double dx0 = x0->GetBinContent(ib0, ib1);
169  double dl0 = l0->GetBinContent(ib0, ib1);
170  double da = A->GetBinContent(ib0, ib1);
171  double dz = Z->GetBinContent(ib0, ib1);
172  double drho = rho->GetBinContent(ib0, ib1);
173  // Create material properties
174  const auto material =
175  Acts::Material::fromMassDensity(dx0, dl0, da, dz, drho);
176  materialMatrix[ib1 - 1][ib0 - 1] =
178  }
179  }
180  }
182  // Now reconstruct the bin untilities
183  Acts::BinUtility bUtility;
184  for (int ib = 1; ib < n->GetNbinsX() + 1; ++ib) {
185  size_t nbins = size_t(n->GetBinContent(ib));
186  Acts::BinningValue val = Acts::BinningValue(v->GetBinContent(ib));
187  Acts::BinningOption opt = Acts::BinningOption(o->GetBinContent(ib));
188  float rmin = min->GetBinContent(ib);
189  float rmax = max->GetBinContent(ib);
190  bUtility += Acts::BinUtility(nbins, rmin, rmax, opt, val);
191  }
192  ACTS_VERBOSE("Created " << bUtility);
194  // Construct the binned material with the right bin utility
195  sMaterial = std::make_shared<const Acts::BinnedSurfaceMaterial>(
196  bUtility, std::move(materialMatrix));
198  } else {
199  // Only homogeneous material present
200  double dt = t->GetBinContent(1, 1);
201  double dx0 = x0->GetBinContent(1, 1);
202  double dl0 = l0->GetBinContent(1, 1);
203  double da = A->GetBinContent(1, 1);
204  double dz = Z->GetBinContent(1, 1);
205  double drho = rho->GetBinContent(1, 1);
206  // Create and set the homogeneous surface material
207  const auto material =
208  Acts::Material::fromMassDensity(dx0, dl0, da, dz, drho);
209  sMaterial = std::make_shared<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
211  }
212  }
213  ACTS_VERBOSE("Successfully read Material for : " << geoID);
215  // Insert into the new collection
216  m_surfaceMaterialMap.insert({geoID, std::move(sMaterial)});
218  } else if (splitNames[0] == m_cfg.folderVolumeNameBase) {
219  // The volume material to be read in for this
220  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::IVolumeMaterial> vMaterial = nullptr;
221  // Volume key
222  boost::split(splitNames, splitNames[1], boost::is_any_of("_"));
223  Acts::GeometryIdentifier::Value volID = std::stoi(splitNames[0]);
225  // Reconstruct the geometry ID
227  geoID.setVolume(volID);
228  ACTS_VERBOSE("GeometryIdentifier re-constructed as " << geoID);
230  // Construct the names
231  std::string nName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.ntag;
232  std::string vName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.vtag;
233  std::string oName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.otag;
234  std::string minName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.mintag;
235  std::string maxName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.maxtag;
236  std::string x0Name = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.x0tag;
237  std::string l0Name = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.l0tag;
238  std::string aName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.atag;
239  std::string zName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.ztag;
240  std::string rhoName = tdName + "/" + m_cfg.rhotag;
242  // Get the histograms
243  TH1F* n = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(nName.c_str()));
244  TH1F* v = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(vName.c_str()));
245  TH1F* o = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(oName.c_str()));
246  TH1F* min = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(minName.c_str()));
247  TH1F* max = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(maxName.c_str()));
248  TH1F* x0 = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(x0Name.c_str()));
249  TH1F* l0 = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(l0Name.c_str()));
250  TH1F* A = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(aName.c_str()));
251  TH1F* Z = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(zName.c_str()));
252  TH1F* rho = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(m_inputFile->Get(rhoName.c_str()));
254  // Only go on when you have all the material histograms
255  if ((x0 != nullptr) and (l0 != nullptr) and (A != nullptr) and
256  (Z != nullptr) and (rho != nullptr)) {
257  // Get the number of grid points
258  int points = x0->GetNbinsX();
259  // If the bin information histograms are present the material is
260  // either a 2D or a 3D grid
261  if ((n != nullptr) and (v != nullptr) and (o != nullptr) and
262  (min != nullptr) and (max != nullptr)) {
263  // Dimension of the grid
264  int dim = n->GetNbinsX();
265  // Now reconstruct the bin untilities
266  Acts::BinUtility bUtility;
267  for (int ib = 1; ib < dim + 1; ++ib) {
268  size_t nbins = size_t(n->GetBinContent(ib));
269  Acts::BinningValue val = Acts::BinningValue(v->GetBinContent(ib));
270  Acts::BinningOption opt = Acts::BinningOption(o->GetBinContent(ib));
271  float rmin = min->GetBinContent(ib);
272  float rmax = max->GetBinContent(ib);
273  bUtility += Acts::BinUtility(nbins, rmin, rmax, opt, val);
274  }
275  ACTS_VERBOSE("Created " << bUtility);
277  if (dim == 2) {
278  // 2D Grid material
279  std::function<Acts::Vector2(Acts::Vector3)> transfoGlobalToLocal;
280  Acts::Grid2D grid = createGrid2D(bUtility, transfoGlobalToLocal);
282  Acts::Grid2D::point_t gMin = grid.minPosition();
283  Acts::Grid2D::point_t gMax = grid.maxPosition();
284  Acts::Grid2D::index_t gNBins = grid.numLocalBins();
286  Acts::EAxis axis1(gMin[0], gMax[0], gNBins[0]);
287  Acts::EAxis axis2(gMin[1], gMax[1], gNBins[1]);
289  // Build the grid and fill it with data
290  Acts::MaterialGrid2D mGrid(std::make_tuple(axis1, axis2));
292  for (int p = 1; p <= points; p++) {
293  double dx0 = x0->GetBinContent(p);
294  double dl0 = l0->GetBinContent(p);
295  double da = A->GetBinContent(p);
296  double dz = Z->GetBinContent(p);
297  double drho = rho->GetBinContent(p);
298  // Create material properties
299  const auto material =
300  Acts::Material::fromMassDensity(dx0, dl0, da, dz, drho);
301 - 1) = material.parameters();
302  }
304  transfoGlobalToLocal, mGrid);
305  vMaterial = std::make_shared<Acts::InterpolatedMaterialMap<
307  bUtility);
308  } else if (dim == 3) {
309  // 3D Grid material
310  std::function<Acts::Vector3(Acts::Vector3)> transfoGlobalToLocal;
311  Acts::Grid3D grid = createGrid3D(bUtility, transfoGlobalToLocal);
313  Acts::Grid3D::point_t gMin = grid.minPosition();
314  Acts::Grid3D::point_t gMax = grid.maxPosition();
315  Acts::Grid3D::index_t gNBins = grid.numLocalBins();
317  Acts::EAxis axis1(gMin[0], gMax[0], gNBins[0]);
318  Acts::EAxis axis2(gMin[1], gMax[1], gNBins[1]);
319  Acts::EAxis axis3(gMin[2], gMax[2], gNBins[2]);
321  // Build the grid and fill it with data
322  Acts::MaterialGrid3D mGrid(std::make_tuple(axis1, axis2, axis3));
324  for (int p = 1; p <= points; p++) {
325  double dx0 = x0->GetBinContent(p);
326  double dl0 = l0->GetBinContent(p);
327  double da = A->GetBinContent(p);
328  double dz = Z->GetBinContent(p);
329  double drho = rho->GetBinContent(p);
330  // Create material properties
331  const auto material =
332  Acts::Material::fromMassDensity(dx0, dl0, da, dz, drho);
333 - 1) = material.parameters();
334  }
336  transfoGlobalToLocal, mGrid);
337  vMaterial = std::make_shared<Acts::InterpolatedMaterialMap<
339  bUtility);
340  }
341  } else {
342  // Homogeneous material
343  double dx0 = x0->GetBinContent(1);
344  double dl0 = l0->GetBinContent(1);
345  double da = A->GetBinContent(1);
346  double dz = Z->GetBinContent(1);
347  double drho = rho->GetBinContent(1);
348  // Create material properties
349  const auto material =
350  Acts::Material::fromMassDensity(dx0, dl0, da, dz, drho);
351  vMaterial =
352  std::make_shared<Acts::HomogeneousVolumeMaterial>(material);
353  }
354  }
355  ACTS_VERBOSE("Successfully read Material for : " << geoID);
357  // Insert into the new collection
358  m_volumeMaterialMap.insert({geoID, std::move(vMaterial)});
360  // Incorrect FolderName value
361  } else {
363  "Invalid FolderName, does not match any entry in the root file");
364  }
365  }
366 }
369  if (m_inputFile != nullptr) {
370  m_inputFile->Close();
371  }
372 }