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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Geant4Converters.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2022 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
26 #include <algorithm>
27 #include <cmath>
28 #include <cstdlib>
29 #include <iterator>
30 #include <stdexcept>
31 #include <utility>
32 #include <vector>
34 #include "G4Box.hh"
35 #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
36 #include "G4Material.hh"
37 #include "G4Trap.hh"
38 #include "G4Trd.hh"
39 #include "G4Tubs.hh"
40 #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
41 #include "G4VSolid.hh"
44  const G4ThreeVector& g4Trans) {
45  Transform3 gTransform = Transform3::Identity();
46  Vector3 scaledTrans =
47  Vector3(scale * g4Trans[0], scale * g4Trans[1], scale * g4Trans[2]);
48  gTransform.pretranslate(scaledTrans);
49  return gTransform;
50 }
53  const G4RotationMatrix& g4Rot, const G4ThreeVector& g4Trans) {
54  // Create the translation
55  Vector3 translation(scale * g4Trans[0], scale * g4Trans[1],
56  scale * g4Trans[2]);
57  // And the rotation to it
58  RotationMatrix3 rotation;
59  rotation << g4Rot.xx(), g4Rot.yx(), g4Rot.zx(), g4Rot.xy(), g4Rot.yy(),
60  g4Rot.zy(), g4Rot.xz(), g4Rot.yz(), g4Rot.zz();
61  Transform3 transform = Transform3::Identity();
62  transform.matrix().block(0, 0, 3, 1) = rotation.col(0);
63  transform.matrix().block(0, 1, 3, 1) = rotation.col(1);
64  transform.matrix().block(0, 2, 3, 1) = rotation.col(2);
65  transform.matrix().block(0, 3, 3, 1) = translation;
66  return transform;
67 }
70  const G4Transform3D& g4Trf) {
71  auto g4Rot = g4Trf.getRotation();
72  auto g4Trans = g4Trf.getTranslation();
73  return transform(g4Rot, g4Trans);
74 }
77  const G4VPhysicalVolume& g4PhysVol) {
78  // Get Rotation and translation
79  auto g4Translation = g4PhysVol.GetTranslation();
80  auto g4Rotation = g4PhysVol.GetRotation();
82  G4Transform3D g4Transform =
83  (g4Rotation == nullptr)
84  ? G4Transform3D(CLHEP::HepRotation(), g4Translation)
85  : G4Transform3D(*g4Rotation, g4Translation);
87  return transform(g4Transform);
88 }
90 std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<Acts::CylinderBounds>, Acts::ActsScalar>
92  using B = Acts::CylinderBounds;
94  std::array<Acts::ActsScalar, B::eSize> tArray = {};
95  tArray[B::eR] = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetInnerRadius() +
96  g4Tubs.GetOuterRadius()) *
97  0.5;
98  tArray[B::eHalfLengthZ] = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetZHalfLength());
99  tArray[B::eHalfPhiSector] =
100  0.5 * static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetDeltaPhiAngle());
101  // Geant fiddles around with user given values, i.e. it would not
102  // allow [-M_PI, +M_PI) as a full segment (has to be [0, 2PI)])
103  if (std::abs(tArray[B::eHalfPhiSector] - M_PI) <
104  std::numeric_limits<ActsScalar>::epsilon()) {
105  tArray[B::eAveragePhi] = 0.;
106  } else {
107  tArray[B::eAveragePhi] =
108  static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetStartPhiAngle()) +
109  tArray[B::eHalfPhiSector];
110  }
111  ActsScalar thickness = g4Tubs.GetOuterRadius() - g4Tubs.GetInnerRadius();
112  auto cBounds = std::make_shared<CylinderBounds>(tArray);
113  return std::make_tuple(std::move(cBounds), thickness);
114 }
116 std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<Acts::RadialBounds>, Acts::ActsScalar>
118  using B = Acts::RadialBounds;
120  std::array<ActsScalar, B::eSize> tArray = {};
121  tArray[B::eMinR] = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetInnerRadius());
122  tArray[B::eMaxR] = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetOuterRadius());
123  tArray[B::eHalfPhiSector] =
124  0.5 * static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetDeltaPhiAngle());
125  // Geant fiddles around with user given values, i.e. it would not
126  // allow [-M_PI, +M_PI) as a full segment (has to be [0, 2PI)])
127  if (std::abs(tArray[B::eHalfPhiSector] - M_PI) <
128  std::numeric_limits<ActsScalar>::epsilon()) {
129  tArray[B::eAveragePhi] = 0.;
130  } else {
131  tArray[B::eAveragePhi] =
132  static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetStartPhiAngle()) +
133  tArray[B::eHalfPhiSector];
134  }
135  ActsScalar thickness = g4Tubs.GetZHalfLength() * 2;
136  auto rBounds = std::make_shared<RadialBounds>(tArray);
137  return std::make_tuple(std::move(rBounds), thickness);
138 }
140 std::shared_ptr<Acts::LineBounds> Acts::Geant4ShapeConverter::lineBounds(
141  const G4Tubs& g4Tubs) {
142  auto r = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetOuterRadius());
143  auto hlZ = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetZHalfLength());
144  return std::make_shared<LineBounds>(r, hlZ);
145 }
147 std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<Acts::RectangleBounds>, std::array<int, 2u>,
150  std::vector<ActsScalar> hG4XYZ = {
151  static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Box.GetXHalfLength()),
152  static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Box.GetYHalfLength()),
153  static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Box.GetZHalfLength())};
155  auto minAt = std::min_element(hG4XYZ.begin(), hG4XYZ.end());
156  std::size_t minPos = std::distance(hG4XYZ.begin(), minAt);
157  ActsScalar thickness = 2. * hG4XYZ[minPos];
159  std::array<int, 2u> rAxes = {};
160  switch (minPos) {
161  case 0: {
162  rAxes = {1, 2};
163  } break;
164  case 1: {
165  if (keepAxisOrder) {
166  rAxes = {0, -2}; // flip for right-handed
167  } else {
168  rAxes = {2, 0}; // cyclic positive
169  }
170  } break;
171  case 2: {
172  rAxes = {0, 1};
173  } break;
174  }
175  auto rBounds = std::make_shared<RectangleBounds>(hG4XYZ[std::abs(rAxes[0u])],
176  hG4XYZ[std::abs(rAxes[1u])]);
177  return std::make_tuple(std::move(rBounds), rAxes, thickness);
178 }
180 std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<Acts::TrapezoidBounds>, std::array<int, 2u>,
183  // primary parameters
184  ActsScalar hlX0 = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Trd.GetXHalfLength1());
185  ActsScalar hlX1 = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Trd.GetXHalfLength2());
186  ActsScalar hlY0 = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Trd.GetYHalfLength1());
187  ActsScalar hlY1 = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Trd.GetYHalfLength2());
188  ActsScalar hlZ = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Trd.GetZHalfLength());
190  std::vector<ActsScalar> dXYZ = {(hlX0 + hlX1) * 0.5, (hlY0 + hlY1) * 0.5,
191  hlZ};
193  auto minAt = std::min_element(dXYZ.begin(), dXYZ.end());
194  std::size_t minPos = std::distance(dXYZ.begin(), minAt);
195  ActsScalar thickness = 2. * dXYZ[minPos];
197  ActsScalar halfLengthXminY = 0.;
198  ActsScalar halfLengthXmaxY = 0.;
199  ActsScalar halfLengthY = 0.;
201  std::array<int, 2u> rAxes = {};
202  switch (minPos) {
203  case 0: {
204  halfLengthXminY = hlY0;
205  halfLengthXmaxY = hlY1;
206  halfLengthY = hlZ;
207  rAxes = {1, 2};
208  } break;
209  case 1: {
210  halfLengthXminY = hlX0;
211  halfLengthXmaxY = hlX1;
212  halfLengthY = hlZ;
213  rAxes = {0, -2};
214  } break;
215  case 2: {
216  if (std::abs(hlY0 - hlY1) < std::abs(hlX0 - hlX1)) {
217  halfLengthXminY = hlX0;
218  halfLengthXmaxY = hlX1;
219  halfLengthY = (hlY0 + hlY1) * 0.5;
220  rAxes = {0, 1};
221  } else {
222  halfLengthXminY = hlY0;
223  halfLengthXmaxY = hlY1;
224  halfLengthY = (hlX0 + hlX1) * 0.5;
225  rAxes = {-1, 0};
226  }
227  } break;
228  }
230  auto tBounds = std::make_shared<TrapezoidBounds>(
231  halfLengthXminY, halfLengthXmaxY, halfLengthY);
232  return std::make_tuple(std::move(tBounds), rAxes, thickness);
233 }
235 std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<Acts::PlanarBounds>, std::array<int, 2u>,
238  const G4Box* box = dynamic_cast<const G4Box*>(&g4Solid);
239  if (box != nullptr) {
240  auto [rBounds, axes, thickness] = rectangleBounds(*box);
241  return std::make_tuple(std::move(rBounds), axes, thickness);
242  }
244  const G4Trd* trd = dynamic_cast<const G4Trd*>(&g4Solid);
245  if (trd != nullptr) {
246  auto [tBounds, axes, thickness] = trapezoidBounds(*trd);
247  return std::make_tuple(std::move(tBounds), axes, thickness);
248  }
250  std::shared_ptr<Acts::PlanarBounds> pBounds = nullptr;
251  std::array<int, 2u> rAxes = {};
252  ActsScalar rThickness = 0.;
253  return std::make_tuple(std::move(pBounds), rAxes, rThickness);
254 }
256 namespace {
257 Acts::Transform3 axesOriented(const Acts::Transform3& toGlobalOriginal,
258  const std::array<int, 2u>& axes) {
259  auto originalRotation = toGlobalOriginal.rotation();
260  auto colX = originalRotation.col(std::abs(axes[0u]));
261  auto colY = originalRotation.col(std::abs(axes[1u]));
262  colX *= std::copysign(1, axes[0u]);
263  colY *= std::copysign(1, axes[1u]);
264  Acts::Vector3 colZ = colX.cross(colY);
266  Acts::Transform3 orientedTransform = Acts::Transform3::Identity();
267  orientedTransform.matrix().block(0, 0, 3, 1) = colX;
268  orientedTransform.matrix().block(0, 1, 3, 1) = colY;
269  orientedTransform.matrix().block(0, 2, 3, 1) = colZ;
270  orientedTransform.matrix().block(0, 3, 3, 1) = toGlobalOriginal.translation();
272  return orientedTransform;
273 }
274 } // namespace
276 std::shared_ptr<Acts::Surface> Acts::Geant4PhysicalVolumeConverter::surface(
277  const G4VPhysicalVolume& g4PhysVol, const Transform3& toGlobal,
278  bool convertMaterial, ActsScalar compressed) {
279  // Get the logical volume
280  auto g4LogVol = g4PhysVol.GetLogicalVolume();
281  auto g4Solid = g4LogVol->GetSolid();
283  auto assignMaterial = [&](Acts::Surface& sf, ActsScalar moriginal,
284  ActsScalar mcompressed) -> void {
285  auto g4Material = g4LogVol->GetMaterial();
286  if (convertMaterial and g4Material != nullptr) {
287  if (compressed < 0.) {
288  mcompressed = moriginal;
289  }
290  auto surfaceMaterial = Geant4MaterialConverter{}.surfaceMaterial(
291  *g4Material, moriginal, mcompressed);
292  sf.assignSurfaceMaterial(std::move(surfaceMaterial));
293  }
294  };
296  // Dynamic cast chain & conversion
297  std::shared_ptr<Surface> surface = nullptr;
299  // Into a rectangle
300  auto g4Box = dynamic_cast<const G4Box*>(g4Solid);
301  if (g4Box != nullptr) {
302  if (forcedType == Surface::SurfaceType::Other or
303  forcedType == Surface::SurfaceType::Plane) {
304  auto [bounds, axes, original] =
306  auto orientedToGlobal = axesOriented(toGlobal, axes);
307  surface = Acts::Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(orientedToGlobal,
308  std::move(bounds));
309  assignMaterial(*surface.get(), original, compressed);
310  return surface;
311  } else {
312  throw std::runtime_error("Can not convert 'G4Box' into forced shape.");
313  }
314  }
316  // Into a Trapezoid
317  auto g4Trd = dynamic_cast<const G4Trd*>(g4Solid);
318  if (g4Trd != nullptr) {
319  if (forcedType == Surface::SurfaceType::Other or
320  forcedType == Surface::SurfaceType::Plane) {
321  auto [bounds, axes, original] =
323  auto orientedToGlobal = axesOriented(toGlobal, axes);
324  surface = Acts::Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(orientedToGlobal,
325  std::move(bounds));
326  assignMaterial(*surface.get(), original, compressed);
327  return surface;
328  } else {
329  throw std::runtime_error("Can not convert 'G4Trd' into forced shape.");
330  }
331  }
333  // Into a Cylinder, disc or line
334  auto g4Tubs = dynamic_cast<const G4Tubs*>(g4Solid);
335  if (g4Tubs != nullptr) {
336  ActsScalar diffR = g4Tubs->GetOuterRadius() - g4Tubs->GetInnerRadius();
337  ActsScalar diffZ = 2 * g4Tubs->GetZHalfLength();
338  // Detect if cylinder or disc case
339  ActsScalar original = 0.;
340  if (forcedType == Surface::SurfaceType::Cylinder or
341  (diffR < diffZ and forcedType == Surface::SurfaceType::Other)) {
342  auto [bounds, originalT] = Geant4ShapeConverter{}.cylinderBounds(*g4Tubs);
343  original = originalT;
344  surface = Acts::Surface::makeShared<CylinderSurface>(toGlobal,
345  std::move(bounds));
346  } else if (forcedType == Surface::SurfaceType::Disc or
347  forcedType == Surface::SurfaceType::Other) {
348  auto [bounds, originalT] = Geant4ShapeConverter{}.radialBounds(*g4Tubs);
349  original = originalT;
350  surface =
351  Acts::Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(toGlobal, std::move(bounds));
352  } else if (forcedType == Surface::SurfaceType::Straw) {
353  auto bounds = Geant4ShapeConverter{}.lineBounds(*g4Tubs);
354  surface =
355  Acts::Surface::makeShared<StrawSurface>(toGlobal, std::move(bounds));
357  } else {
358  throw std::runtime_error("Can not convert 'G4Tubs' into forced shape.");
359  }
360  assignMaterial(*surface.get(), original, compressed);
361  return surface;
362  }
364  return nullptr;
365 }
368  const G4Material& g4Material, ActsScalar compression) {
369  auto X0 = g4Material.GetRadlen();
370  auto L0 = g4Material.GetNuclearInterLength();
371  auto Rho = g4Material.GetDensity();
373  // Get{A,Z} is only meaningful for single-element materials (according to
374  // the Geant4 docs). Need to compute average manually.
375  auto g4Elements = g4Material.GetElementVector();
376  auto g4Fraction = g4Material.GetFractionVector();
377  auto g4NElements = g4Material.GetNumberOfElements();
378  double Ar = 0;
379  double Z = 0;
380  if (g4NElements == 1) {
381  Ar = g4Elements->at(0)->GetN();
382  Z = g4Material.GetZ();
383  } else {
384  for (size_t i = 0; i < g4NElements; i++) {
385  Ar += g4Elements->at(i)->GetN() * g4Fraction[i];
386  Z += g4Elements->at(i)->GetZ() * g4Fraction[i];
387  }
388  }
390  return Material::fromMassDensity(X0 / compression, L0 / compression, Ar, Z,
391  compression * Rho);
392 }
394 std::shared_ptr<Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>
396  ActsScalar original,
397  ActsScalar compressed) {
398  ActsScalar compression = original / compressed;
399  return std::make_shared<HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(
400  MaterialSlab(material(g4Material, compression), compressed));
401 }
403 std::shared_ptr<Acts::CylinderVolumeBounds>
407  std::array<Acts::ActsScalar, C::eSize> tArray = {};
408  tArray[C::eMinR] = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetInnerRadius());
409  tArray[C::eMaxR] = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetOuterRadius());
410  tArray[C::eHalfLengthZ] = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetZHalfLength());
411  tArray[C::eHalfPhiSector] =
412  0.5 * static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetDeltaPhiAngle());
413  tArray[C::eAveragePhi] = static_cast<ActsScalar>(g4Tubs.GetStartPhiAngle());
415  return std::make_shared<CylinderVolumeBounds>(tArray);
416 }