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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file RootMaterialWriter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
13 #include "Acts/Geometry/Layer.hpp"
31 #include <cstddef>
32 #include <ios>
33 #include <stdexcept>
34 #include <type_traits>
35 #include <vector>
37 #include <TFile.h>
38 #include <TH1.h>
39 #include <TH2.h>
44  : m_cfg(config),
45  m_logger{Acts::getDefaultLogger("RootMaterialWriter", level)} {
46  // Validate the configuration
47  if (m_cfg.folderSurfaceNameBase.empty()) {
48  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing surface folder name base");
49  } else if (m_cfg.folderVolumeNameBase.empty()) {
50  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing volume folder name base");
51  } else if (m_cfg.filePath.empty()) {
52  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing file name");
53  }
55  // Setup ROOT I/O
56  m_outputFile = TFile::Open(m_cfg.filePath.c_str(), m_cfg.fileMode.c_str());
57  if (m_outputFile == nullptr) {
58  throw std::ios_base::failure("Could not open '" + m_cfg.filePath);
59  }
60 }
63  const Acts::DetectorMaterialMaps& detMaterial) {
64  // Change to the output file
65  m_outputFile->cd();
67  auto& surfaceMaps = detMaterial.first;
68  for (auto& [key, value] : surfaceMaps) {
69  // Get the Surface material
70  const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial* sMaterial = value.get();
72  // get the geometry ID
73  Acts::GeometryIdentifier geoID = key;
74  // decode the geometryID
75  const auto gvolID = geoID.volume();
76  const auto gbouID = geoID.boundary();
77  const auto glayID = geoID.layer();
78  const auto gappID = geoID.approach();
79  const auto gsenID = geoID.sensitive();
80  // create the directory
81  std::string tdName = m_cfg.folderSurfaceNameBase.c_str();
82  tdName += m_cfg.voltag + std::to_string(gvolID);
83  tdName += m_cfg.boutag + std::to_string(gbouID);
84  tdName += m_cfg.laytag + std::to_string(glayID);
85  tdName += m_cfg.apptag + std::to_string(gappID);
86  tdName += m_cfg.sentag + std::to_string(gsenID);
87  // create a new directory
88  m_outputFile->mkdir(tdName.c_str());
89  m_outputFile->cd(tdName.c_str());
91  ACTS_VERBOSE("Writing out map at " << tdName);
93  size_t bins0 = 1, bins1 = 1;
94  // understand what sort of material you have in mind
95  const Acts::BinnedSurfaceMaterial* bsm =
96  dynamic_cast<const Acts::BinnedSurfaceMaterial*>(sMaterial);
97  if (bsm != nullptr) {
98  // overwrite the bin numbers
99  bins0 = bsm->binUtility().bins(0);
100  bins1 = bsm->binUtility().bins(1);
102  // Get the binning data
103  auto& binningData = bsm->binUtility().binningData();
104  // 1-D or 2-D maps
105  size_t binningBins = binningData.size();
107  // The bin number information
108  TH1F* n = new TH1F(m_cfg.ntag.c_str(), "bins; bin", binningBins, -0.5,
109  binningBins - 0.5);
111  // The binning value information
112  TH1F* v = new TH1F(m_cfg.vtag.c_str(), "binning values; bin", binningBins,
113  -0.5, binningBins - 0.5);
115  // The binning option information
116  TH1F* o = new TH1F(m_cfg.otag.c_str(), "binning options; bin",
117  binningBins, -0.5, binningBins - 0.5);
119  // The binning option information
120  TH1F* min = new TH1F(m_cfg.mintag.c_str(), "min; bin", binningBins, -0.5,
121  binningBins - 0.5);
123  // The binning option information
124  TH1F* max = new TH1F(m_cfg.maxtag.c_str(), "max; bin", binningBins, -0.5,
125  binningBins - 0.5);
127  // Now fill the histogram content
128  size_t b = 1;
129  for (auto bData : binningData) {
130  // Fill: nbins, value, option, min, max
131  n->SetBinContent(b, int(binningData[b - 1].bins()));
132  v->SetBinContent(b, int(binningData[b - 1].binvalue));
133  o->SetBinContent(b, int(binningData[b - 1].option));
134  min->SetBinContent(b, binningData[b - 1].min);
135  max->SetBinContent(b, binningData[b - 1].max);
136  ++b;
137  }
138  n->Write();
139  v->Write();
140  o->Write();
141  min->Write();
142  max->Write();
143  }
145  TH2F* t = new TH2F(m_cfg.ttag.c_str(), "thickness [mm] ;b0 ;b1", bins0,
146  -0.5, bins0 - 0.5, bins1, -0.5, bins1 - 0.5);
147  TH2F* x0 = new TH2F(m_cfg.x0tag.c_str(), "X_{0} [mm] ;b0 ;b1", bins0, -0.5,
148  bins0 - 0.5, bins1, -0.5, bins1 - 0.5);
149  TH2F* l0 = new TH2F(m_cfg.l0tag.c_str(), "#Lambda_{0} [mm] ;b0 ;b1", bins0,
150  -0.5, bins0 - 0.5, bins1, -0.5, bins1 - 0.5);
151  TH2F* A = new TH2F(m_cfg.atag.c_str(), "X_{0} [mm] ;b0 ;b1", bins0, -0.5,
152  bins0 - 0.5, bins1, -0.5, bins1 - 0.5);
153  TH2F* Z = new TH2F(m_cfg.ztag.c_str(), "#Lambda_{0} [mm] ;b0 ;b1", bins0,
154  -0.5, bins0 - 0.5, bins1, -0.5, bins1 - 0.5);
155  TH2F* rho = new TH2F(m_cfg.rhotag.c_str(), "#rho [g/mm^3] ;b0 ;b1", bins0,
156  -0.5, bins0 - 0.5, bins1, -0.5, bins1 - 0.5);
158  // loop over the material and fill
159  for (size_t b0 = 0; b0 < bins0; ++b0) {
160  for (size_t b1 = 0; b1 < bins1; ++b1) {
161  // get the material for the bin
162  auto& mat = sMaterial->materialSlab(b0, b1);
163  if (mat) {
164  t->SetBinContent(b0 + 1, b1 + 1, mat.thickness());
165  x0->SetBinContent(b0 + 1, b1 + 1, mat.material().X0());
166  l0->SetBinContent(b0 + 1, b1 + 1, mat.material().L0());
167  A->SetBinContent(b0 + 1, b1 + 1, mat.material().Ar());
168  Z->SetBinContent(b0 + 1, b1 + 1, mat.material().Z());
169  rho->SetBinContent(b0 + 1, b1 + 1, mat.material().massDensity());
170  }
171  }
172  }
173  t->Write();
174  x0->Write();
175  l0->Write();
176  A->Write();
177  Z->Write();
178  rho->Write();
179  }
181  auto& volumeMaps = detMaterial.second;
182  for (auto& [key, value] : volumeMaps) {
183  // Get the Volume material
184  const Acts::IVolumeMaterial* vMaterial = value.get();
186  // get the geometry ID
187  Acts::GeometryIdentifier geoID = key;
188  // decode the geometryID
189  const auto gvolID = geoID.volume();
191  // create the directory
192  std::string tdName = m_cfg.folderVolumeNameBase.c_str();
193  tdName += m_cfg.voltag + std::to_string(gvolID);
195  // create a new directory
196  m_outputFile->mkdir(tdName.c_str());
197  m_outputFile->cd(tdName.c_str());
199  ACTS_VERBOSE("Writing out map at " << tdName);
201  // understand what sort of material you have in mind
202  auto bvMaterial3D = dynamic_cast<const Acts::InterpolatedMaterialMap<
204  auto bvMaterial2D = dynamic_cast<const Acts::InterpolatedMaterialMap<
207  size_t points = 1;
208  if (bvMaterial3D != nullptr || bvMaterial2D != nullptr) {
209  // Get the binning data
210  std::vector<Acts::BinningData> binningData;
211  if (bvMaterial3D != nullptr) {
212  binningData = bvMaterial3D->binUtility().binningData();
213  Acts::MaterialGrid3D grid = bvMaterial3D->getMapper().getGrid();
214  points = grid.size();
215  } else {
216  binningData = bvMaterial2D->binUtility().binningData();
217  Acts::MaterialGrid2D grid = bvMaterial2D->getMapper().getGrid();
218  points = grid.size();
219  }
221  // 2-D or 3-D maps
222  size_t binningBins = binningData.size();
224  // The bin number information
225  TH1F* n = new TH1F(m_cfg.ntag.c_str(), "bins; bin", binningBins, -0.5,
226  binningBins - 0.5);
228  // The binning value information
229  TH1F* v = new TH1F(m_cfg.vtag.c_str(), "binning values; bin", binningBins,
230  -0.5, binningBins - 0.5);
232  // The binning option information
233  TH1F* o = new TH1F(m_cfg.otag.c_str(), "binning options; bin",
234  binningBins, -0.5, binningBins - 0.5);
236  // The binning option information
237  TH1F* min = new TH1F(m_cfg.mintag.c_str(), "min; bin", binningBins, -0.5,
238  binningBins - 0.5);
240  // The binning option information
241  TH1F* max = new TH1F(m_cfg.maxtag.c_str(), "max; bin", binningBins, -0.5,
242  binningBins - 0.5);
244  // Now fill the histogram content
245  size_t b = 1;
246  for (auto bData : binningData) {
247  // Fill: nbins, value, option, min, max
248  n->SetBinContent(b, int(binningData[b - 1].bins()));
249  v->SetBinContent(b, int(binningData[b - 1].binvalue));
250  o->SetBinContent(b, int(binningData[b - 1].option));
251  min->SetBinContent(b, binningData[b - 1].min);
252  max->SetBinContent(b, binningData[b - 1].max);
253  ++b;
254  }
255  n->Write();
256  v->Write();
257  o->Write();
258  min->Write();
259  max->Write();
260  }
262  TH1F* x0 = new TH1F(m_cfg.x0tag.c_str(), "X_{0} [mm] ;gridPoint", points,
263  -0.5, points - 0.5);
264  TH1F* l0 = new TH1F(m_cfg.l0tag.c_str(), "#Lambda_{0} [mm] ;gridPoint",
265  points, -0.5, points - 0.5);
266  TH1F* A = new TH1F(m_cfg.atag.c_str(), "X_{0} [mm] ;gridPoint", points,
267  -0.5, points - 0.5);
268  TH1F* Z = new TH1F(m_cfg.ztag.c_str(), "#Lambda_{0} [mm] ;gridPoint",
269  points, -0.5, points - 0.5);
270  TH1F* rho = new TH1F(m_cfg.rhotag.c_str(), "#rho [g/mm^3] ;gridPoint",
271  points, -0.5, points - 0.5);
272  // homogeneous volume
273  if (points == 1) {
274  auto mat = vMaterial->material({0, 0, 0});
275  x0->SetBinContent(1, mat.X0());
276  l0->SetBinContent(1, mat.L0());
277  A->SetBinContent(1, mat.Ar());
278  Z->SetBinContent(1, mat.Z());
279  rho->SetBinContent(1, mat.massDensity());
280  } else {
281  // 3d grid volume
282  if (bvMaterial3D != nullptr) {
283  Acts::MaterialGrid3D grid = bvMaterial3D->getMapper().getGrid();
284  for (size_t point = 0; point < points; point++) {
285  auto mat = Acts::Material(;
286  if (mat) {
287  x0->SetBinContent(point + 1, mat.X0());
288  l0->SetBinContent(point + 1, mat.L0());
289  A->SetBinContent(point + 1, mat.Ar());
290  Z->SetBinContent(point + 1, mat.Z());
291  rho->SetBinContent(point + 1, mat.massDensity());
292  }
293  }
294  }
295  // 2d grid volume
296  else if (bvMaterial2D != nullptr) {
297  Acts::MaterialGrid2D grid = bvMaterial2D->getMapper().getGrid();
298  for (size_t point = 0; point < points; point++) {
299  auto mat = Acts::Material(;
300  if (mat) {
301  x0->SetBinContent(point + 1, mat.X0());
302  l0->SetBinContent(point + 1, mat.L0());
303  A->SetBinContent(point + 1, mat.Ar());
304  Z->SetBinContent(point + 1, mat.Z());
305  rho->SetBinContent(point + 1, mat.massDensity());
306  }
307  }
308  }
309  }
310  x0->Write();
311  l0->Write();
312  A->Write();
313  Z->Write();
314  rho->Write();
315  }
316 }
319  if (m_outputFile != nullptr) {
320  m_outputFile->Close();
321  }
322 }
326  // Create a detector material map and loop recursively through it
327  Acts::DetectorMaterialMaps detMatMap;
328  auto hVolume = tGeometry.highestTrackingVolume();
329  if (hVolume != nullptr) {
330  collectMaterial(*hVolume, detMatMap);
331  }
332  // Write the resulting map to the file
333  writeMaterial(detMatMap);
334 }
337  const Acts::TrackingVolume& tVolume,
338  Acts::DetectorMaterialMaps& detMatMap) {
339  // If the volume has volume material, write that
340  if (tVolume.volumeMaterialSharedPtr() != nullptr and m_cfg.processVolumes) {
341  detMatMap.second[tVolume.geometryId()] = tVolume.volumeMaterialSharedPtr();
342  }
344  // If confined layers exist, loop over them and collect the layer material
345  if (tVolume.confinedLayers() != nullptr) {
346  for (auto& lay : tVolume.confinedLayers()->arrayObjects()) {
347  collectMaterial(*lay, detMatMap);
348  }
349  }
351  // If any of the boundary surfaces has material collect that
352  if (m_cfg.processBoundaries) {
353  for (auto& bou : tVolume.boundarySurfaces()) {
354  const auto& bSurface = bou->surfaceRepresentation();
355  if (bSurface.surfaceMaterialSharedPtr() != nullptr) {
356  detMatMap.first[bSurface.geometryId()] =
357  bSurface.surfaceMaterialSharedPtr();
358  }
359  }
360  }
362  // If the volume has sub volumes, step down
363  if (tVolume.confinedVolumes() != nullptr) {
364  for (auto& tvol : tVolume.confinedVolumes()->arrayObjects()) {
365  collectMaterial(*tvol, detMatMap);
366  }
367  }
368 }
371  const Acts::Layer& tLayer, Acts::DetectorMaterialMaps& detMatMap) {
372  // If the representing surface has material, collect it
373  const auto& rSurface = tLayer.surfaceRepresentation();
374  if (rSurface.surfaceMaterialSharedPtr() != nullptr and
375  m_cfg.processRepresenting) {
376  detMatMap.first[rSurface.geometryId()] =
377  rSurface.surfaceMaterialSharedPtr();
378  }
380  // Check the approach surfaces
381  if (tLayer.approachDescriptor() != nullptr and m_cfg.processApproaches) {
382  for (auto& aSurface : tLayer.approachDescriptor()->containedSurfaces()) {
383  if (aSurface->surfaceMaterialSharedPtr() != nullptr) {
384  detMatMap.first[aSurface->geometryId()] =
385  aSurface->surfaceMaterialSharedPtr();
386  }
387  }
388  }
390  // Check the sensitive surfaces
391  if (tLayer.surfaceArray() != nullptr and m_cfg.processSensitives) {
392  // sensitive surface loop
393  for (auto& sSurface : tLayer.surfaceArray()->surfaces()) {
394  if (sSurface->surfaceMaterialSharedPtr() != nullptr) {
395  detMatMap.first[sSurface->geometryId()] =
396  sSurface->surfaceMaterialSharedPtr();
397  }
398  }
399  }
400 }