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ActsFatras::detail Namespace Reference


struct  SimulationActor
struct  TupleIndexOf< T, std::tuple< T, Types...> >
struct  TupleIndexOf< T, std::tuple< U, Types...> >
struct  TupleFilterImpl
struct  TupleFilterImpl< predicate_t, tuple_t, 0u, kIndices...>
class  IsPointLikeProcess
struct  IsContinuousProcess
struct  GaussianMixture
 Generate scattering angles using a Gaussian mixture model. More...
struct  GeneralMixture
struct  Highland
struct  ScatteringImpl
struct  NuclearInteractionParameters
 Data storage of the parametrized nuclear interaction. More...
class  CombineSelectors
 Combine multiple selectors with a configurable combine function. More...


template<template< typename > typename predicate_t, typename tuple_t >
using TupleFilter = typename TupleFilterImpl< predicate_t, tuple_t, std::tuple_size_v< tuple_t >>::Type
template<typename processes_t >
using ContinuousIndices = TupleFilter< IsContinuousProcess, processes_t >
template<typename processes_t >
using PointLikeIndices = TupleFilter< IsPointLikeProcess, processes_t >
using NuclearInteractionParametrisation = std::vector< std::pair< float, NuclearInteractionParameters >>
 Parametrisation of a single particle.
using MultiParticleNuclearInteractionParametrisation = std::vector< std::pair< int, NuclearInteractionParametrisation >>
 Parametrisation of multiple particles.
using SelectElectronLike = AbsPdgSelector< Acts::PdgParticle::eElectron >
 Select electrons and positrons only.
using SelectPMin = Min< Casts::P >
 Select particles above a minimum absolute momentum.
using StandardScattering = ContinuousProcess< HighlandScattering, ChargedSelector, EveryParticle, EveryParticle >
 Highland multiple scattering that applies to all charged particles.
using StandardBetheBloch = ContinuousProcess< BetheBloch, ChargedSelector, SelectPMin, EveryParticle >
using StandardBetheHeitler = ContinuousProcess< BetheHeitler, SelectElectronLike, SelectPMin, SelectPMin >


enum  SimulationError


std::error_code make_error_code (SimulationError e)

Typedef Documentation

template<typename processes_t >
using ActsFatras::detail::ContinuousIndices = typedef TupleFilter<IsContinuousProcess, processes_t>

Definition at line 109 of file InteractionList.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 109 of file InteractionList.hpp

Parametrisation of multiple particles.

Definition at line 106 of file NuclearInteractionParameters.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 106 of file NuclearInteractionParameters.hpp

Parametrisation of a single particle.

Definition at line 103 of file NuclearInteractionParameters.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 103 of file NuclearInteractionParameters.hpp

template<typename processes_t >
using ActsFatras::detail::PointLikeIndices = typedef TupleFilter<IsPointLikeProcess, processes_t>

Definition at line 111 of file InteractionList.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 111 of file InteractionList.hpp

using ActsFatras::detail::SelectElectronLike = typedef AbsPdgSelector<Acts::PdgParticle::eElectron>

Select electrons and positrons only.

Definition at line 29 of file StandardInteractions.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 29 of file StandardInteractions.hpp

Select particles above a minimum absolute momentum.

Definition at line 31 of file StandardInteractions.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 31 of file StandardInteractions.hpp

Ionisation/excitation energy loss with a lower p cut on output particles.

Bethe-Bloch generates no particles and the child selector has no effect.

Definition at line 41 of file StandardInteractions.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 41 of file StandardInteractions.hpp

Electron Bremsstrahlung energy loss with a lower p cut on output particles.

Only applies to electrons and positrons.

Definition at line 46 of file StandardInteractions.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 46 of file StandardInteractions.hpp

Highland multiple scattering that applies to all charged particles.

Definition at line 36 of file StandardInteractions.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 36 of file StandardInteractions.hpp

template<template< typename > typename predicate_t, typename tuple_t >
using ActsFatras::detail::TupleFilter = typedef typename TupleFilterImpl<predicate_t, tuple_t, std::tuple_size_v<tuple_t>>::Type

Definition at line 78 of file InteractionList.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 78 of file InteractionList.hpp

Enumeration Type Documentation

Definition at line 17 of file SimulationError.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 17 of file SimulationError.hpp

Function Documentation

std::error_code ActsFatras::detail::make_error_code ( SimulationError  e)

Construct and error_code from the enum.

Must use snake_case naming for STL compatibility.

Definition at line 35 of file SimulationError.cpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 35 of file SimulationError.cpp

References Acts::UnitConstants::e.