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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file InteractionList.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018-2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
15 #include <bitset>
16 #include <tuple>
17 #include <type_traits>
18 #include <utility>
20 namespace ActsFatras {
21 namespace detail {
26 template <class T, class Tuple>
27 struct TupleIndexOf;
28 template <class T, class... Types>
29 struct TupleIndexOf<T, std::tuple<T, Types...>> {
30  static constexpr std::size_t value = 0u;
31 };
32 template <class T, class U, class... Types>
33 struct TupleIndexOf<T, std::tuple<U, Types...>> {
34  static constexpr std::size_t value =
35  1u + TupleIndexOf<T, std::tuple<Types...>>::value;
36 };
38 // Construct an index sequence for a subset of the tuple elements.
39 //
40 // Whether an element is part of the subset is defined by the predicate
41 // template type. It must take the element type as its only template parameter
42 // and must provide a static `value` member value. If the value evaluates to
43 // `true`, then the corresponding index will be part of the index sequence.
44 //
45 // Example: The tuple contains four elements, where all but the third one (i=2)
46 // should be selected. This leads to the following recursive expansion
47 // where the index sequence of the subset is filled from the front.
48 //
49 // TupleFilterImpl<..., kCounter=4> // select index=3
50 // -> TupleFilterImpl<..., kCounter=3, 3> // skip index=2
51 // -> TupleFilterImpl<..., kCounter=2, 3> // select index=1
52 // -> TupleFilterImpl<..., kCounter=1, 1, 3> // select index=0
53 // -> TupleFilterImpl<..., kCounter=0, 0, 1, 3> // terminate
54 //
55 template <template <typename> typename predicate_t, typename tuple_t,
56  size_t kCounter, size_t... kIndices>
58  static constexpr auto kIndex = kCounter - 1u;
59  static constexpr bool kElementSelection =
60  predicate_t<std::tuple_element_t<kIndex, tuple_t>>::value;
61  // recursive type if the element would be selected
62  using SelectElement = typename TupleFilterImpl<predicate_t, tuple_t, kIndex,
63  kIndex, kIndices...>::Type;
64  // recursive type if the element would be skipped
65  using SkipElement =
66  typename TupleFilterImpl<predicate_t, tuple_t, kIndex, kIndices...>::Type;
67  // select recursive type based on the selector decision
68  using Type =
69  std::conditional_t<kElementSelection, SelectElement, SkipElement>;
70 };
71 template <template <typename> typename predicate_t, typename tuple_t,
72  size_t... kIndices>
73 struct TupleFilterImpl<predicate_t, tuple_t, 0u, kIndices...> {
74  using Type = std::index_sequence<kIndices...>;
75 };
76 template <template <typename> typename predicate_t, typename tuple_t>
77 using TupleFilter = typename TupleFilterImpl<predicate_t, tuple_t,
78  std::tuple_size_v<tuple_t>>::Type;
83 template <typename process_t>
86  using result_type = unsigned int;
88  static constexpr result_type min() { return 0u; }
89  static constexpr result_type max() { return 1u << 15u; }
90  constexpr result_type operator()() { return 0u; }
91  };
93  METHOD_TRAIT(generatePathLimits_method_t, generatePathLimits);
95  using scalar_pair_t = std::pair<Particle::Scalar, Particle::Scalar>;
97  public:
98  static constexpr bool value = Acts::Concepts::has_method<
99  const process_t, scalar_pair_t, generatePathLimits_method_t,
101 };
103 template <typename process_t>
105  static constexpr bool value = not IsPointLikeProcess<process_t>::value;
106 };
108 template <typename processes_t>
110 template <typename processes_t>
113 } // namespace detail
174 template <typename... processes_t>
176  using Mask = std::bitset<sizeof...(processes_t)>;
177  using Processes = std::tuple<processes_t...>;
181  public:
183  struct Selection {
185  std::numeric_limits<Particle::Scalar>::infinity();
187  std::numeric_limits<Particle::Scalar>::infinity();
188  size_t x0Process = SIZE_MAX;
189  size_t l0Process = SIZE_MAX;
190  };
193  void disable(size_t process) { m_mask.set(process); }
198  template <typename process_t>
199  void disable() {
201  }
204  template <size_t kProcess>
205  std::tuple_element_t<kProcess, Processes>& get() {
206  return std::get<kProcess>(m_processes);
207  }
212  template <typename process_t>
213  process_t& get() {
214  return std::get<process_t>(m_processes);
215  }
225  template <typename generator_t>
226  bool runContinuous(generator_t& rng, const Acts::MaterialSlab& slab,
228  std::vector<Particle>& generated) const {
229  return runContinuousImpl(rng, slab, particle, generated,
231  }
240  template <typename generator_t>
241  Selection armPointLike(generator_t& rng, const Particle& particle) const {
242  Selection selection;
243  armPointLikeImpl(rng, particle, selection, PointLikeIndices());
244  return selection;
245  }
259  template <typename generator_t>
260  bool runPointLike(generator_t& rng, size_t processIndex, Particle& particle,
261  std::vector<Particle>& generated) const {
262  return runPointLikeImpl(rng, processIndex, particle, generated,
263  PointLikeIndices());
264  }
266  private:
267  // allow processes to be masked. defaults to zeros -> no masked processes
271  // for the `runContinuous` call, we need to iterate over all available
272  // processes and apply the ones that implement the continuous process
273  // interface. this is done using an index-based compile-time recursive call.
274  template <typename generator_t, std::size_t kI0, std::size_t... kIs>
275  bool runContinuousImpl(generator_t& rng, const Acts::MaterialSlab& slab,
276  Particle& particle, std::vector<Particle>& generated,
277  std::index_sequence<kI0, kIs...> /*indices*/) const {
278  const auto& process = std::get<kI0>(m_processes);
279  // only call process if it is not masked
280  if (not m_mask[kI0] and process(rng, slab, particle, generated)) {
281  // exit early in case the process signals an abort
282  return true;
283  }
284  return runContinuousImpl(rng, slab, particle, generated,
285  std::index_sequence<kIs...>());
286  }
287  template <typename generator_t>
288  bool runContinuousImpl(generator_t& /*rng*/,
289  const Acts::MaterialSlab& /*slab*/,
290  Particle& /*particle*/,
291  std::vector<Particle>& /*generated*/,
292  std::index_sequence<> /*indices*/) const {
293  return false;
294  }
296  // for the `armPointLike` call, we need to iterate over all available
297  // processes and select the ones that generate the smallest limits. this is
298  // done using an index-based compile-time recursive call.
299  template <typename generator_t, std::size_t kI0, std::size_t... kIs>
300  void armPointLikeImpl(generator_t& rng, const Particle& particle,
301  Selection& selection,
302  std::index_sequence<kI0, kIs...> /*indices*/) const {
303  // only arm the process if it is not masked
304  if (not m_mask[kI0]) {
305  auto [x0Limit, l0Limit] =
306  std::get<kI0>(m_processes).generatePathLimits(rng, particle);
307  if (x0Limit < selection.x0Limit) {
308  selection.x0Limit = x0Limit;
309  selection.x0Process = kI0;
310  }
311  if (l0Limit < selection.l0Limit) {
312  selection.l0Limit = l0Limit;
313  selection.l0Process = kI0;
314  }
315  }
316  // continue with the remaining processes
317  armPointLikeImpl(rng, particle, selection, std::index_sequence<kIs...>());
318  }
319  template <typename generator_t>
320  void armPointLikeImpl(generator_t& /*rng*/, const Particle& /*particle*/,
321  Selection& /*selection*/,
322  std::index_sequence<> /*indices*/) const {}
324  // for the `runPointLike` call we need to call just one process. since we can
325  // not select a tuple element with a runtime index, we need to iterate over
326  // all processes with a compile-time recursive function until we reach the
327  // requested one.
328  template <typename generator_t, size_t kI0, size_t... kIs>
329  bool runPointLikeImpl(generator_t& rng, size_t processIndex,
330  Particle& particle, std::vector<Particle>& generated,
331  std::index_sequence<kI0, kIs...> /*indices*/) const {
332  if (kI0 == processIndex) {
333  if (m_mask[kI0]) {
334  // the selected process is masked. since nothing is executed the
335  // particle continues to be alive; not a break condition.
336  return false;
337  }
338  return std::get<kI0>(m_processes).run(rng, particle, generated);
339  }
340  // continue the iteration with the remaining processes
341  return runPointLikeImpl(rng, processIndex, particle, generated,
342  std::index_sequence<kIs...>());
343  }
344  template <typename generator_t>
345  bool runPointLikeImpl(generator_t& /*rng*/, size_t /*processIndex*/,
346  Particle& /*particle*/,
347  std::vector<Particle>& /*generated*/,
348  std::index_sequence<> /*indices*/) const {
349  // the requested process index is outside the possible range. **do not**
350  // treat this as an error to simplify the case of an empty physics lists or
351  // a default process index.
352  return false;
353  }
354 };
356 } // namespace ActsFatras