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Acts::Experimental::detail Namespace Reference


namespace  BlueprintHelper
namespace  CylindricalDetectorHelper
namespace  GridAxisGenerators
namespace  PortalHelper
namespace  SupportHelper
 This file contains helper methods to build common support structures such as support cylinders or discs.


struct  IndexedGridFiller
 A helper class that fills surfaces into predefined grids. More...
struct  IndexedSurfacesGenerator
 A templated indexed grid generator. More...
struct  CenterReferenceGenerator
struct  BinningValueReferenceGenerator
struct  PolyhedronReferenceGenerator


std::vector< std::size_t > binSequence (std::array< std::size_t, 2u > minMaxBins, std::size_t expand, std::size_t nBins, Acts::detail::AxisBoundaryType type)
 Helper method to generate completely populated bin sequences that respect the boundary type of the axis.
template<typename grid_type >
std::set< typename
grid_type::index_t > 
localIndices (const grid_type &grid, const std::vector< typename grid_type::point_t > &queries, const std::vector< std::size_t > &expansion={})
 Helper method to fill local bins given a set of query points bin in between the extra points are filled, and a possible expansion of the bin window can be chosen.
template<typename local_bin >
std::string outputIndices (const std::set< local_bin > &lbins)
 Helper method to screen output the local bins.

Function Documentation

std::vector< std::size_t > Acts::Experimental::detail::binSequence ( std::array< std::size_t, 2u >  minMaxBins,
std::size_t  expand,
std::size_t  nBins,
Acts::detail::AxisBoundaryType  type 

Helper method to generate completely populated bin sequences that respect the boundary type of the axis.

minMaxBinsestimated bin range (aka binning boundary box)
expandthe parameter to expand the view (extra window)
nBinsthe maximum number of bins on this axis
typethe boundary type of the axis (for correct bin closure)
for closed binning a span over half the bins flips direction
a vector of bins to be filled

Helper method to fill a range

lminthe minimum bin
lmaxthe maximum bin

Definition at line 28 of file IndexedGridFiller.cpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 28 of file IndexedGridFiller.cpp

References KFPMath::b, Acts::Experimental::detail::BlueprintHelper::sort(), and physmon_ckf_tracking::u.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename grid_type >
std::set<typename grid_type::index_t> Acts::Experimental::detail::localIndices ( const grid_type &  grid,
const std::vector< typename grid_type::point_t > &  queries,
const std::vector< std::size_t > &  expansion = {} 

Helper method to fill local bins given a set of query points bin in between the extra points are filled, and a possible expansion of the bin window can be chosen.

Template Parameters
grid_typethe type of the grid that determines locall binning
gridthe grid used for this
queriesthe grid positions for the bin queries
expansionare the additional (configured) number of bins to expand the view
a set of unique indices

These are the axis bounds type parameters - for correct bin sequences

Definition at line 60 of file IndexedGridFiller.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 60 of file IndexedGridFiller.hpp

Referenced by Acts::detail::grid_helper::closestPointsIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getBinCenter(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< 0u >::getBinCenter(), Acts::detail::grid_helper::getBinCenter(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getLowerLeftBinEdge(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< 0u >::getLowerLeftBinEdge(), Acts::detail::grid_helper::getLowerLeftBinEdge(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getLowerLeftBinIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< 0u >::getLowerLeftBinIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper::getLowerLeftBinIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getUpperRightBinEdge(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< 0u >::getUpperRightBinEdge(), Acts::detail::grid_helper::getUpperRightBinEdge(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::getUpperRightBinIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< 0u >::getUpperRightBinIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper::getUpperRightBinIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< N >::neighborHoodIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper_impl< 0u >::neighborHoodIndices(), Acts::detail::grid_helper::neighborHoodIndices(), and Acts::detail::GlobalNeighborHoodIndices< DIM >::iterator::operator++().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<typename local_bin >
std::string Acts::Experimental::detail::outputIndices ( const std::set< local_bin > &  lbins)

Helper method to screen output the local bins.

Template Parameters
local_binthe type of the local bins
lbinsthe local bins
a string containing the local bins ordered in a set

Definition at line 141 of file IndexedGridFiller.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 141 of file IndexedGridFiller.hpp

References KFPMath::b, Acts::enumerate(), add_histos_bX::ib, to_string(), and physmon_ckf_tracking::u.

+ Here is the call graph for this function: