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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file IndexedGridFiller.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
19 #include "Acts/Utilities/IAxis.hpp"
22 #include <algorithm>
23 #include <array>
24 #include <set>
25 #include <string>
26 #include <vector>
28 namespace Acts {
29 namespace Experimental {
30 namespace detail {
43 std::vector<std::size_t> binSequence(std::array<std::size_t, 2u> minMaxBins,
44  std::size_t expand, std::size_t nBins,
59 template <typename grid_type>
60 std::set<typename grid_type::index_t> localIndices(
61  const grid_type& grid,
62  const std::vector<typename grid_type::point_t>& queries,
63  const std::vector<std::size_t>& expansion = {}) {
64  // Return indices
65  std::set<typename grid_type::index_t> lIndices;
67  if (queries.empty()) {
68  throw std::runtime_error("IndexedSurfaceGridFiller: no query point given.");
69  }
71  if (not expansion.empty() and expansion.size() != grid_type::DIM) {
72  throw std::runtime_error(
73  "IndexedSurfaceGridFiller: wrong dimension of bin expansion given.");
74  }
77  std::array<Acts::detail::AxisBoundaryType, grid_type::DIM> axisTypes{};
78  std::array<std::size_t, grid_type::DIM> axisBins{};
79  // Fill the axis types
80  for (auto [ia, a] : enumerate(grid.axes())) {
81  axisTypes[ia] = a->getBoundaryType();
82  axisBins[ia] = a->getNBins();
83  }
85  // Initialize the bin ranges
86  std::array<std::array<std::size_t, 2u>, grid_type::DIM> binRanges = {};
87  for (auto& br : binRanges) {
88  br[0u] = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
89  br[1u] = 0u;
90  }
91  // Bin range bounding box - estimated from the query points
92  for (const auto& q : queries) {
93  auto qbin = grid.localBinsFromPosition(q);
94  for (std::size_t ib = 0; ib < grid_type::DIM; ++ib) {
95  auto iqb = qbin[ib];
96  binRanges[ib][0u] = std::min(iqb, binRanges[ib][0u]);
97  binRanges[ib][1u] = std::max(iqb, binRanges[ib][1u]);
98  }
99  }
100  // Fill the bins - 1D case
101  if constexpr (grid_type::DIM == 1u) {
102  // Take the expansion if available & generate the local bin sequence
103  std::size_t expand = expansion.empty() ? 0u : expansion[0u];
104  auto localBins0 =
105  binSequence(binRanges[0u], expand, axisBins[0u], axisTypes[0u]);
106  for (auto l0 : localBins0) {
107  typename grid_type::index_t b;
108  b[0u] = l0;
109  lIndices.insert(b);
110  }
111  }
112  // Fill the bins - 2D case
113  if constexpr (grid_type::DIM == 2u) {
114  // Take the expansion if available & generate the local bin sequence
115  std::size_t expand = expansion.empty() ? 0u : expansion[0u];
116  auto localBins0 =
117  binSequence(binRanges[0u], expand, axisBins[0u], axisTypes[0u]);
118  expand = expansion.empty() ? 0u : expansion[1u];
119  auto localBins1 =
120  binSequence(binRanges[1u], expand, axisBins[1u], axisTypes[1u]);
121  for (auto l0 : localBins0) {
122  for (auto l1 : localBins1) {
123  typename grid_type::index_t b;
124  b[0u] = l0;
125  b[1u] = l1;
126  lIndices.insert(b);
127  }
128  }
129  }
130  return lIndices;
131 }
140 template <typename local_bin>
141 std::string outputIndices(const std::set<local_bin>& lbins) {
142  std::string rString;
143  for (auto [ilb, lb] : Acts::enumerate(lbins)) {
144  if (ilb == 0) {
145  rString = "bins: [";
146  } else {
147  rString += ", [";
148  }
149  for (auto [ib, b] : Acts::enumerate(lb)) {
150  if (ib != 0u) {
151  rString += ", ";
152  }
153  rString += std::to_string(b);
154  }
155  rString += "]";
156  }
157  return rString;
158 }
163  std::vector<std::size_t> binExpansion = {};
166  std::unique_ptr<const Logger> oLogger =
167  getDefaultLogger("IndexedGridFiller", Logging::INFO);
188  template <typename index_grid, typename indexed_objects,
189  typename reference_generator>
190  void fill(
191  const GeometryContext& gctx, index_grid& iGrid,
192  const indexed_objects& iObjects, const reference_generator& rGenerator,
193  const typename index_grid::grid_type::value_type& aToAll = {}) const {
194  // Loop over the surfaces to be filled
195  for (auto [io, o] : enumerate(iObjects)) {
196  // Exclude indices that should be handled differently
197  if (std::find(aToAll.begin(), aToAll.end(), io) != aToAll.end()) {
198  continue;
199  }
200  // Get the reference positions
201  auto refs = rGenerator.references(gctx, *o);
202  std::vector<typename index_grid::grid_type::point_t> gridQueries;
203  gridQueries.reserve(refs.size());
204  for (const auto& ref : refs) {
205  // Cast the transform according to the grid binning
206  gridQueries.push_back(iGrid.castPosition(ref));
207  }
208  ACTS_DEBUG(gridQueries.size() << " reference points generated.");
209  auto lIndices = localIndices<decltype(iGrid.grid)>(
210  iGrid.grid, gridQueries, binExpansion);
211  ACTS_DEBUG(lIndices.size() << " indices assigned.");
212  if (oLogger->level() <= Logging::VERBOSE) {
213  ACTS_VERBOSE("- list of indices: " << outputIndices(lIndices));
214  }
215  // Now fill the surface indices
216  for (const auto& li : lIndices) {
217  auto& bContent = iGrid.grid.atLocalBins(li);
218  if (std::find(bContent.begin(), bContent.end(), io) == bContent.end()) {
219  bContent.push_back(io);
220  }
221  }
222  }
224  // Assign the indices into all
225  if (not aToAll.empty()) {
226  assignToAll(iGrid, aToAll);
227  }
228  }
235  template <typename index_grid, typename indices>
236  void assignToAll(index_grid& iGrid, const indices& idcs) const {
237  for (std::size_t gi = 0; gi < iGrid.grid.size(true); ++gi) {
238  auto& bContent =;
239  for (const auto& io : idcs) {
240  if (std::find(bContent.begin(), bContent.end(), io) == bContent.end()) {
241  bContent.push_back(io);
242  }
243  }
244  }
245  }
250  const Logger& logger() const { return (*oLogger); }
251 };
253 } // namespace detail
254 } // namespace Experimental
255 } // namespace Acts