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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FieldMaps.cxx
1 #include "FieldMaps.h"
2 #include <string>
4 #include "TH3F.h"
5 #include "TFile.h"
6 #include "TMath.h"
8 //=====================
10  fDebug = 0;
11  fRadialBin = -1;
12  fEr = NULL;
13  fEp = NULL;
14  fEz = NULL;
15  fRho = NULL;
16  fInnerRadius=1.;
17  fOutterRadius=2.;
18  fHalfLength=1.;
19  fNRadialSteps=1;
22  fFileNameRoot="rho";
23  fLSNameRoot="none";
24  fMirrorZ=false;
25 }
26 //=====================
28 }
29 //=====================
30 void FieldMaps::Make(int n) {
31  fRadialBin = n;
32  InitMaps();
33  ComputeE();
34  SaveMaps();
35 }
36 //=====================
38  if(fDebug>0) printf("FieldMaps is initializing field maps... ");
39  fEr = new TH3F("Er","Er [V/cm];Radial [cm];Azimuthal [rad];Longitudinal [cm]",
43  fEp = new TH3F("Ep","Ephi [V/cm];Radial [cm];Azimuthal [rad];Longitudinal [cm]",
47  fEz = new TH3F("Ez","Ez [V/cm];Radial [cm];Azimuthal [rad];Longitudinal [cm]",
51  if(fDebug>0) printf("[DONE]\n");
52  ReadFile();
53 }
54 //=====================
56  const char *inputfile= Form("%s_0.root",;
57  if(fDebug>0) printf("FieldMaps is reading from %s... ",inputfile);
58  TFile *ifile = new TFile(inputfile);
59  if(ifile->IsZombie()) ifile=NULL;
60  if(!ifile) exit(1);
61  fRho = (TH3F*) ifile->Get("rho");
62  if(fDebug>0) printf("[DONE]\n");
63  // PLUG Gr Gz HERE
64 }
65 //=====================
67  TString filename;
68  if(fRadialBin<0) filename = Form("%s_1.root",;
69  else filename = Form("%s_1_%d.root",,fRadialBin);
70  if(fDebug>1) printf("FieldMaps saving field maps into %s... ",filename.Data());
71  TFile *ofile = new TFile(filename.Data(),"RECREATE");
72  ofile->WriteObject(fEr,"Er");
73  ofile->WriteObject(fEp,"Ep");
74  ofile->WriteObject(fEz,"Ez");
75  ofile->Close();
76  if(fDebug>1) printf("[DONE]\n");
77 }
78 //=====================
79 float FieldMaps::ReadCharge(float rprime, float phiprime, float zprime, float dr, float dphi,float dz) {
80  int brmin = fRho->GetXaxis()->FindBin(rprime - dr/2 + 1e-8);
81  int brmax = fRho->GetXaxis()->FindBin(rprime + dr/2 - 1e-8);
82  int bpmin = fRho->GetYaxis()->FindBin(phiprime - dphi/2 + 1e-8);
83  int bpmax = fRho->GetYaxis()->FindBin(phiprime + dphi/2 - 1e-8);
84  int bzmin = fRho->GetZaxis()->FindBin(zprime - dz/2 + 1e-8);
85  int bzmax = fRho->GetZaxis()->FindBin(zprime + dz/2 - 1e-8);
86  if(brmin<1||bpmin<1||bzmin<1) return 0;
87  if(brmax<brmin) brmax = brmin +1;
88  if(bpmax<bpmin) bpmax = bpmin +1;
89  if(bzmax<bzmin) bzmax = bzmin +1;
91  float ddr = fRho->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
92  float ddp = fRho->GetYaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
93  float ddz = fRho->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
94  float totalQ = 0;
95  for(int br=brmin; br!=brmax+1; ++br)
96  for(int bp=bpmin; bp!=bpmax+1; ++bp)
97  for(int bz=bzmin; bz!=bzmax+1; ++bz) {
98  float rho = fRho->GetBinContent(br,bp,bz);
99  float r = fRho->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter( br );
100  float dv = r*ddp*ddr*ddz;
101  totalQ += rho*dv;
102  }
103  //return rprime*fRho->Integral( brmin,brmax , bpmin,bpmax , bzmin,bzmax );
104  return totalQ;
105 }