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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file numericInverse.C
1 #include "sPhenixStyle.h"
2 #include "sPhenixStyle.C"
4 const int nIso = 1;
5 const int nIter = 6;
7 const float isoParams[] = {0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5};
9 string generateFit(int order, string function);
11 void numericInverse(int save = 0, int isUESubtracted = 1, int is10GeV = 0)
12 {
15  TGraphErrors *lin[nIso];
17  TFile *fin[nIso];
18  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("linearity","linearity");
19  TCanvas *cUnity = new TCanvas("UnityDiff","UnityDiff");
20  TCanvas *cDiff = new TCanvas("fitDiff","FitDiff");
21  float fitStart = 15;
22  float fitEnd;
23  if(!is10GeV) fitEnd = 60;
24  else fitEnd = 45;
25  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.6,0.2,0.9,0.5);
26  leg -> SetFillStyle(0);
27  leg -> SetBorderSize(0);
28  //draw and fit our jet energy linearity
29  int colors[] = {1, 2, 4, kGreen +2, kViolet, kCyan, kOrange, kMagenta+2, kAzure-2};
30  TF1 *linFit[nIso];
31  TH2F *pt_true_matched[nIso];
32  TF1 *unity = new TF1("unity","x",0,80);
33  unity -> SetLineColor(1);
34  unity -> SetLineStyle(8);
35  TGraphErrors *unityDiff[nIso];
36  TGraphErrors *chi2NDF[nIso];
37  TGraphErrors *fitDiff[nIso][3];
38  for(int i = 0; i < nIso; i++)
39  {
41  linFit[i] = new TF1(Form("linFit_iso%d",i),"[0] + [1]*x",fitStart,fitEnd);
42  linFit[i] -> SetLineColor(colors[i]);
43  fin[i] = new TFile(Form("hists_R04_dR%g_Corr0_isLin1.root",isoParams[i]));
44  pt_true_matched[i] = (TH2F*)fin[i] -> Get("h_pt_true_matched");
46  lin[i] = (TGraphErrors*)fin[i] -> Get("g_jes_cent0");
47  lin[i] -> SetMarkerColor(colors[i]);
48  lin[i] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(0,70);
49  lin[i] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLimits(0,80);
50  lin[i] -> SetTitle(";p_{T,truth} [GeV/c];#LTp_{T,reco}#GT [GeV/c]");
51  c1 -> cd();
52  if(i == 0) lin[i] -> Draw("ap");
53  else lin[i] -> Draw("samep");
54  unityDiff[i] = new TGraphErrors();
55  for(int j = 0; j < lin[i] -> GetN(); j++)
56  {
57  Double_t x, y;
58  lin[i] -> GetPoint(j,x,y);
60  unityDiff[i] -> SetPoint(j,x,y-x);
61  }
62  lin[i] -> Fit(linFit[i],"RQ");
63  fitDiff[i][0] = new TGraphErrors();
64  for(int n = 0; n < lin[i] -> GetN(); n++)
65  {
66  Double_t x,y;
67  lin[i] -> GetPoint(n,x,y);
69  if(x < fitEnd)
70  {
71  fitDiff[i][0] -> SetPoint(n, x, (y - linFit[i] -> Eval(x))/y);
72  }
73  }
74  fitDiff[i][0] -> SetTitle(";p_{T,truth} [GeV/c];#frac{(Data - Fit)}{Data}");
75  fitDiff[i][0] -> SetMarkerColor(colors[i]);
76  fitDiff[i][0] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(-1,1);
77  cUnity -> cd();
78  unityDiff[i] -> SetTitle(";p_{T,truth} [GeV/c];#LTp_{T,reco}#GT - p_{T,Truth} [GeV/c]");
79  unityDiff[i] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(-30,5);
80  unityDiff[i] -> SetMarkerColor(colors[i]);
81  if(i == 0)unityDiff[i] -> Draw("ap");
82  else unityDiff[i] -> Draw("samep");
83  leg -> AddEntry(lin[i],Form("#DeltaR = %gR",isoParams[i]),"p");
85  cDiff -> cd();
86  if(i == 0) fitDiff[i][0] -> Draw("ap");
87  else fitDiff[i][0] -> Draw("samep");
89  }
90  c1 -> cd(); leg -> Draw("same"); unity -> Draw("same");
91  cUnity -> cd(); leg -> Draw("same");
92  cDiff -> cd(); leg -> Draw("same");
93  if(save)
94  {
95  c1 -> SaveAs("plots/lin_isoStack.pdf");
96  cUnity -> SaveAs("plots/unityDiff.pdf");
97  cDiff -> SaveAs("plots/fitDiff0.pdf");
98  }
100  //for the numerical inversion, first we must compute
101  //the function R, which is the avaerage JES
103  TGraphErrors *r_lin[nIso];
104  const int nPoints = lin[0] -> GetN();
105  TF1 *rFit[nIso][nIter];
106  TCanvas *cChi2 = new TCanvas("chi2","resolution");
107  TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("resolution","resolution");
108  int bestIter[nIso] = {-1};
109  TLine *bestIterLn[nIso];
111  for(int i = 0; i < nIso; i++)
112  {
113  r_lin[i] = new TGraphErrors();
114  c2 -> cd();
116  for(int j = 0; j < nPoints; j++)
117  {
118  Double_t x, y, erry, errx;
119  lin[i] -> GetPoint(j, x, y);
120  erry = lin[i] -> GetErrorY(j);
121  errx = lin[i] -> GetErrorX(j);
122  TH1F *pt_true_proj = (TH1F*)pt_true_matched[i] -> ProjectionX();
123  pt_true_proj -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(x - errx, x + errx);
124  x = pt_true_proj -> GetMean();
126  r_lin[i] -> SetPoint(j, x, y/x);
127  float err = y/x * sqrt(pow(erry/y,2) /*+ pow((errx/2)/x,2)*/);
128  r_lin[i] -> SetPointError(j, errx, err);
130  }
131  r_lin[i] -> SetMarkerColor(colors[i]);
132  r_lin[i] -> SetTitle(";p_{T,truth} [GeV/c];#LTp_{T,reco}#GT/#LTp_{T,truth}#GT");
133  r_lin[i] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(0.5,1);
135  string fit = "[0]";
136  chi2NDF[i] = new TGraphErrors();
137  chi2NDF[i] -> SetTitle(";Iterations;chi2/NDF");
138  chi2NDF[i] -> SetMarkerColor(colors[i]);
139  float minChi2NDF = 9999;
140  //Double_t xstart, ystart;
141  //r_lin[i] -> GetPoint(1,xstart,ystart);
142  for(int l = 0; l < nIter; l++)
143  {
144  rFit[i][l] = new TF1("polyFitBase",fit.c_str(),fitStart,fitEnd);
145  rFit[i][l] -> SetLineColor(colors[i]);
147  r_lin[i] -> Fit(rFit[i][l],"Q0","0",fitStart,fitEnd);
148  r_lin[i] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(0.5,1);
149  float chi2, ndf;
150  chi2 = rFit[i][l] -> GetChisquare();
151  ndf = rFit[i][l] -> GetNDF();
152  chi2NDF[i] -> SetPoint(l,l,chi2/ndf);
153  if(chi2/ndf < minChi2NDF)
154  {
155  minChi2NDF = chi2/ndf;
156  bestIter[i] = l;
157  }
160  fit = generateFit(l+1,fit);
161  }
163  fitDiff[i][1] = new TGraphErrors();
164  for(int n = 0; n < r_lin[i] -> GetN(); n++)
165  {
166  Double_t x,y;
167  r_lin[i] -> GetPoint(n,x,y);
168  if(x < fitEnd)
169  {
170  fitDiff[i][1] -> SetPoint(n, x, (y - rFit[i][bestIter[i]] -> Eval(x))/y);
171  }
172  }
173  fitDiff[i][1] -> SetMarkerColor(colors[i]);
174  fitDiff[i][1] -> SetTitle(";p_{T,truth} [GeV/c];#frac{(Data - Fit)}{Data}");
175  fitDiff[i][1] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(-1,1);
177  bestIterLn[i] = new TLine(bestIter[i],0,bestIter[i],20);
178  bestIterLn[i] -> SetLineColor(colors[i]);
179  bestIterLn[i] -> SetLineStyle(8);
182  c2 -> cd();
183  if(i == 0)
184  {
185  r_lin[i] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLimits(0,80);
186  r_lin[i] -> Draw("ap");
187  }
188  else r_lin[i] -> Draw("samep");
189  rFit[i][bestIter[i]] -> Draw("same");
191  cChi2 -> cd();
192  if(i == 0)
193  {
194  chi2NDF[i] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(0,20);
195  chi2NDF[i] -> Draw("ap");
197  }
198  else chi2NDF[i] -> Draw("samep");
199  bestIterLn[i] -> Draw("same");
201  cDiff -> cd();
202  if(i == 0)fitDiff[i][1] -> Draw("ap");
203  else fitDiff[i][1] -> Draw("samep");
204  }
205  TLine *thirty = new TLine(30,0.5,30,1);
206  thirty -> SetLineStyle(8);
207  thirty -> SetLineColor(1);
208  c2 -> cd();
209  thirty -> Draw("same");
210  leg -> Draw("same");
211  cChi2 -> cd();
212  //gPad -> SetLogy();
213  leg -> Draw("same");
214  cDiff -> cd(); leg -> Draw("same");
216  if(save)
217  {
218  c2 -> SaveAs("plots/fMeanScaled.pdf");
219  cChi2 -> SaveAs("plots/chi2NdffMean.pdf");
220  cDiff -> SaveAs("plots/fitDiff1.pdf");
221  }
222  //Now, in order to get the calibration factor, we have to compute R^-1
223  //Which is defined by R^-1(y) = R(f^-1(y))
225  TGraphErrors *rTilde[nIso];
226  TGraphErrors *gfInv[nIso];
227  TF1 *correctionFit[nIso][nIter];
228  TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas();
229  TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas();
230  TCanvas *cChi22 = new TCanvas();
232  for(int i = 0; i < nIso; i++)
233  {
234  rTilde[i] = new TGraphErrors();
235  gfInv[i] = new TGraphErrors();
236  //if(!isUESubtracted)correctionFit[i] = new TF1(Form("corrFit_Iso%g",isoParams[i]),"[0] + [1]*x");
237  //else{ correctionFit[i] = new TF1(Form("corrFit_Iso%g",isoParams[i]),"[0]*exp([1]*x) + [2]");
238  for(int j = 0; j < nPoints; j++)
239  {
240  Double_t x, y;
241  lin[i] -> GetPoint(j, x, y);
242  if(x < fitStart || x > fitEnd) continue;
243  float fInv = linFit[i] -> GetX(y);
244  gfInv[i] -> SetPoint(j, y, fInv);
245  //gfInv[i] -> SetPointError(j, lin
246  float R = rFit[i][bestIter[i]] -> Eval(fInv);
247  //if(y <= fitStart)continue;
248  rTilde[i] -> SetPoint(j, y, 1/R);
249  }
250  rTilde[i] -> SetMarkerColor(colors[i]);
251  gfInv[i] -> SetMarkerColor(colors[i]);
253  rTilde[i] -> SetTitle(";#LTp_{T,reco}#GT [GeV/c];1/#tilde{R}(p_{T,reco})");
254  gfInv[i] -> SetTitle(";#LTp_{T,reco}#GT [GeV/c];p_{T,truth} [GeV/c]");
256  rTilde[i] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(0,2);
257  string fit = "[0]";
258  chi2NDF[i] = new TGraphErrors();
259  chi2NDF[i] -> SetTitle(";Iterations;chi2/NDF");
260  chi2NDF[i] -> SetMarkerColor(colors[i]);
261  float minChi2NDF = 9999;
262  for(int l = 0; l < nIter; l++)
263  {
264  correctionFit[i][l] = new TF1("polyFitBas2",fit.c_str(),fitStart,52);
266  rTilde[i] -> Fit(correctionFit[i][l],"Q0","",5,70);
267  float chi2, ndf;
268  chi2 = correctionFit[i][l] -> GetChisquare();
269  ndf = correctionFit[i][l] -> GetNDF();
270  chi2NDF[i] -> SetPoint(l,l,chi2/ndf);
271  if(chi2/ndf < minChi2NDF)
272  {
273  minChi2NDF = chi2/ndf;
274  bestIter[i] = l;
275  }
277  fit = generateFit(l+1,fit);
278  }
280  correctionFit[i][bestIter[i]] -> SetLineColor(colors[i]);
281  fitDiff[i][2] = new TGraphErrors();
282  for(int n = 0; n < rTilde[i] -> GetN(); n++)
283  {
284  Double_t x,y;
285  rTilde[i] -> GetPoint(n,x,y);
286  if(x < fitEnd)
287  {
288  fitDiff[i][2] -> SetPoint(n, x, (y - correctionFit[i][bestIter[i]] -> Eval(x))/y);
289  }
290  }
292  fitDiff[i][2] -> SetTitle(";p_{T,reco} [GeV/c];#frac{(Data - Fit)}{Data}");
293  fitDiff[i][2] -> SetMarkerColor(colors[i]);
294  fitDiff[i][2] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(-1,1);
296  c3 -> cd();
297  if(i == 0)rTilde[i] -> Draw("ap");
298  else rTilde[i] -> Draw("samep");
299  correctionFit[i][bestIter[i]] -> Draw("same");
301  c4 -> cd();
302  if(i == 0)gfInv[i] -> Draw("ap");
303  else gfInv[i] -> Draw("samep");
305  bestIterLn[i] = new TLine(bestIter[i],-0.005,bestIter[i],0.03);
306  bestIterLn[i] -> SetLineColor(colors[i]);
307  bestIterLn[i] -> SetLineStyle(8);
309  cChi22 -> cd();
310  if(i == 0)
311  {
312  chi2NDF[i] -> GetYaxis() -> SetRangeUser(-0.005,0.03);
313  chi2NDF[i] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLimits(-1,14.5);
315  chi2NDF[i] -> Draw("ap");
316  }
317  else chi2NDF[i] -> Draw("samep");
318  bestIterLn[i] -> Draw("same");
320  cDiff -> cd();
321  if(i == 0)fitDiff[i][2] -> Draw("ap");
322  else fitDiff[i][2] -> Draw("samep");
323  }
324  c3 -> cd();
325  leg -> Draw("same");
326  c4 -> cd();
327  leg -> Draw("same");
328  cDiff -> cd();
329  leg -> Draw("same");
330  if(save)
331  {
332  c3 -> SaveAs("plots/jesCorrection.pdf");
333  c4 -> SaveAs("plots/jesInv.pdf");
334  cChi22 -> SaveAs("plots/chi2NdfCorrFit.pdf");
335  cDiff -> SaveAs("plots/fitDiff2.pdf");
337  TFile *corrOut = new TFile("JES_IsoCorr_NumInv.root","RECREATE");
338  corrOut -> cd();
339  for(int i = 0; i < nIso; i++)
340  {
341  correctionFit[i][bestIter[i]] -> SetName(Form("corrFit_Iso%g",isoParams[i]));
342  correctionFit[i][bestIter[i]] -> Write();
343  }
344  corrOut -> Close();
345  }
346 }
348 string generateFit(int order, string function)
349 {
350  string nextTerm = Form("+ [%d]*pow(log(x),%d)", order, order);
352  function += nextTerm;
354  //TF1 *fit = new TF1("polyLog",function.c_str(),11,60);
356  return function;
357 }