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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SpacePointGrid.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
16 #include <memory>
18 namespace Acts {
21  // minimum pT to be found by seedFinder
22  float minPt = 0;
23  // maximum extension of sensitive detector layer relevant for seeding as
24  // distance from x=y=0 (i.e. in r)
25  float rMax = 0;
26  // maximum extension of sensitive detector layer relevant for seeding in
27  // positive direction in z
28  float zMax = 0;
29  // maximum extension of sensitive detector layer relevant for seeding in
30  // negative direction in z
31  float zMin = 0;
32  // maximum distance in r from middle space point to bottom or top spacepoint
33  float deltaRMax = 0;
34  // maximum forward direction expressed as cot(theta)
35  float cotThetaMax = 0;
36  // maximum impact parameter in mm
37  float impactMax = 0;
38  // minimum phi value for phiAxis construction
39  float phiMin = -M_PI;
40  // maximum phi value for phiAxis construction
41  float phiMax = M_PI;
42  // Multiplicator for the number of phi-bins. The minimum number of phi-bins
43  // depends on min_pt, magnetic field: 2*M_PI/(minPT particle phi-deflection).
44  // phiBinDeflectionCoverage is a multiplier for this number. If
45  // numPhiNeighbors (in the configuration of the BinFinders) is configured to
46  // return 1 neighbor on either side of the current phi-bin (and you want to
47  // cover the full phi-range of minPT), leave this at 1.
49  // maximum number of phi bins
50  int maxPhiBins = 10000;
51  // enable non equidistant binning in z
52  std::vector<float> zBinEdges;
53  bool isInInternalUnits = false;
55  if (isInInternalUnits) {
56  throw std::runtime_error(
57  "Repeated conversion to internal units for SpacePointGridConfig");
58  }
59  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
61  config.isInInternalUnits = true;
62  config.minPt /= 1_MeV;
63  config.rMax /= 1_mm;
64  config.zMax /= 1_mm;
65  config.zMin /= 1_mm;
66  config.deltaRMax /= 1_mm;
68  return config;
69  }
70 };
73  // magnetic field
74  float bFieldInZ = 0;
75  bool isInInternalUnits = false;
77  if (isInInternalUnits) {
78  throw std::runtime_error(
79  "Repeated conversion to internal units for SpacePointGridOptions");
80  }
81  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
83  options.isInInternalUnits = true;
84  options.bFieldInZ /= 1000_T;
86  return options;
87  }
88 };
90 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
91 using SpacePointGrid = detail::Grid<
92  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>>>,
93  detail::Axis<detail::AxisType::Equidistant,
94  detail::AxisBoundaryType::Closed>,
95  detail::Axis<detail::AxisType::Variable, detail::AxisBoundaryType::Bound>>;
98  public:
99  template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
100  static std::unique_ptr<SpacePointGrid<external_spacepoint_t>> createGrid(
101  const Acts::SpacePointGridConfig& _config,
102  const Acts::SpacePointGridOptions& _options);
103 };
104 } // namespace Acts