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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file boundParamResolution.C
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2022 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include <array>
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <map>
12 #include <string>
13 #include <vector>
15 #include <TCanvas.h>
16 #include <TColor.h>
17 #include <TDirectory.h>
18 #include <TError.h>
19 #include <TF1.h>
20 #include <TFile.h>
21 #include <TH1F.h>
22 #include <TH2F.h>
23 #include <TLegend.h>
24 #include <TMath.h>
25 #include <TProfile2D.h>
26 #include <TStyle.h>
27 #include <TTree.h>
29 #include "CommonUtils.h"
30 #include "TreeReader.h"
32 using namespace ROOT;
44 int boundParamResolution(const std::string& inFile, const std::string& treeName,
45  const std::string& outFile, bool predicted = true,
46  bool filtered = true, bool smoothed = true,
47  bool fitFiltered = true, bool fitPredicted = true,
48  bool fitSmoothed = true,
49  const std::string& saveAs = "") {
50  // Some style options
51  gStyle->SetOptFit(0000);
52  gStyle->SetOptStat(0000);
53  gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.20);
54  gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.1);
55  gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.1);
56  gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.15);
58  // Pull range, residual ranges are automatically determined
59  double pullRange = 5;
61  //
62  // Residual ranges should be largest in predicted and smallest in smoothed,
63  // hence reverse the order.
64  //
65  std::string range_tag = "smt";
66  if (predicted) {
67  range_tag = "prt";
68  } else if (filtered) {
69  range_tag = "flt";
70  }
72  // Section 0: file handling ---------------------------------------------
73  //
74  // Open root file written by RootTrajectoryWriter
75  // Create output root file
76  std::cout << "Opening file: " << inFile << std::endl;
77  TFile* file = TFile::Open(inFile.c_str(), "read");
79  // Bail out if no tree was found
80  if (file == nullptr) {
81  return -1;
82  }
84  std::cout << "Reading tree: " << treeName << std::endl;
85  TTree* tree = (TTree*)file->Get(treeName.c_str());
87  // Bail out if no tree was found
88  if (tree == nullptr) {
89  return -2;
90  }
92  TFile* out = TFile::Open(outFile.c_str(), "recreate");
93  out->cd();
95  // Section 1: geometry parsing ------------------------------------------
96  //
97  // Gathers accessible volume_id and layer_id values
98  // Draw the volume_id : layer_id correlation matrix
99  std::map<int, std::vector<int>> volLayIds;
100  TCanvas* geometryCanvas =
101  new TCanvas("volLayCanvas", "Volume Layer Matrix", 10, 10, 450, 600);
102  geometryCanvas->Divide(1, 2);
103  // Volume/Layer Id
104  geometryCanvas->cd(1);
105  tree->Draw("layer_id:volume_id>>volID_layID(100,0.5,100.5,100,0.5,100.5)", "",
106  "colz");
107  auto h2_volID_layID = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(out->Get("volID_layID"));
108  setHistStyle(h2_volID_layID, 2);
109  h2_volID_layID->Write();
110  // Geometry size
111  geometryCanvas->cd(2);
112  std::string rz_draw_string = "(sqrt(g_x_";
113  rz_draw_string += range_tag;
114  rz_draw_string += "*g_x_";
115  rz_draw_string += range_tag;
116  rz_draw_string += "+g_y_";
117  rz_draw_string += range_tag;
118  rz_draw_string += "*g_y_";
119  rz_draw_string += range_tag;
120  rz_draw_string += ")):g_z_";
121  rz_draw_string += range_tag;
122  rz_draw_string += ">>geo_dim";
123  tree->Draw(rz_draw_string.c_str());
124  auto h2_geo_dim = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(out->Get("geo_dim"));
125  setHistStyle(h2_geo_dim, 2);
126  float detectorZ = 1.15 * h2_geo_dim->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
127  float detectorR = 1.15 * h2_geo_dim->GetYaxis()->GetXmax();
128  h2_geo_dim->Write();
130  // Save the plots on screen
131  if (not saveAs.empty()) {
132  geometryCanvas->SaveAs((std::string("all_vol_lay_ids.") + saveAs).c_str());
133  }
135  // Now determine the valid volume / layer bins
136  int volBins = h2_volID_layID->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
137  int layBins = h2_volID_layID->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
138  // Add the overall plots
139  volLayIds[-1] = {-1};
140  // Go through volumes and add plots per volume
141  for (int volID = 1; volID <= volBins; ++volID) {
142  for (int layID = 1; layID <= layBins; ++layID) {
143  if (h2_volID_layID->GetBinContent(volID, layID) != 0.) {
144  if (volLayIds.find(volID) == volLayIds.end()) {
145  // First occurrence of this layer, add -1 for volume plots
146  volLayIds[volID] = {-1, layID};
147  } else {
148  volLayIds[volID].push_back(layID);
149  }
150  }
151  }
152  }
154  // Section 2: Branch assignment -----------------------------------------
155  //
156  // Helper for assigning branches to the input tree
157  TrackStatesReader tsReader(tree, false);
159  // Section 3: Histogram booking -----------------------------------------
161  TCanvas* rangeCanvas =
162  new TCanvas("rangeCanvas", "Range Estimation", 10, 10, 900, 600);
163  rangeCanvas->Divide(3, 2);
165  std::vector<std::string> res_ranges = {std::string("res_eLOC0_") + range_tag,
166  std::string("res_eLOC1_") + range_tag,
167  std::string("res_ePHI_") + range_tag,
168  std::string("res_eTHETA_") + range_tag,
169  std::string("res_eQOP_") + range_tag,
170  std::string("res_eT_") + range_tag};
175  auto volLayIdCut = [](int vol, int lay) -> std::array<std::string, 2> {
176  if (vol < 0 and lay < 0) {
177  return {std::string("all_"), ""};
178  }
180  std::string vlstr = "vol" + std::to_string(vol);
181  std::string vlcut = "volume_id == " + std::to_string(vol);
182  if (lay > 0) {
183  vlstr += (std::string("_lay") + std::to_string(lay));
184  vlcut += (std::string(" && layer_id == ") + std::to_string(lay));
185  }
186  vlstr += std::string("_");
187  return {vlstr, vlcut};
188  };
193  auto histRanges =
194  [&](const std::array<std::string, 2>& vlIdCut) -> std::array<float, 6> {
195  std::array<float, 6> ranges = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
196  for (unsigned int ir = 0; ir < 6; ++ir) {
197  rangeCanvas->cd(ir + 1);
198  std::string drawString = res_ranges[ir] + ">>";
199  std::string histString =
200  vlIdCut[0] + std::string("range_") + res_ranges[ir];
201  tree->Draw((drawString + histString).c_str(), vlIdCut[1].c_str());
202  auto h1_range = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(out->Get(histString.c_str()));
203  h1_range->Write();
204  float range = pullRange * h1_range->GetRMS();
205  ranges[ir] = range;
206  }
207  if (not saveAs.empty()) {
208  rangeCanvas->SaveAs(
209  (vlIdCut[0] + std::string("res_ranges.") + saveAs).c_str());
210  }
211  return ranges;
212  };
214  // Track parameter name
215  std::vector<std::string> paramNames = {"loc0", "loc1", "#phi",
216  "#theta", "q/p", "t"};
218  // Book histograms (with adapted range):
219  //
220  // Global profile histograms : residuals/pulls
221  std::array<TProfile2D*, 6> p2d_res_zr_prt{};
222  std::array<TProfile2D*, 6> p2d_res_zr_flt{};
223  std::array<TProfile2D*, 6> p2d_res_zr_smt{};
224  std::array<TProfile2D*, 6> p2d_pull_zr_prt{};
225  std::array<TProfile2D*, 6> p2d_pull_zr_flt{};
226  std::array<TProfile2D*, 6> p2d_pull_zr_smt{};
228  for (unsigned int ipar = 0; ipar < paramNames.size(); ++ipar) {
229  const auto& par = paramNames[ipar];
231  if (predicted) {
232  p2d_res_zr_prt[ipar] =
233  new TProfile2D(Form("all_prof_res_prt_%s", par.c_str()),
234  Form("residual profile of %s", par.c_str()), 100,
235  -detectorZ, detectorZ, 50, 0., detectorR);
237  p2d_pull_zr_prt[ipar] =
238  new TProfile2D(Form("all_prof_pull_prt_%s", par.c_str()),
239  Form("pull profile of %s", par.c_str()), 100,
240  -detectorZ, detectorZ, 50, 0., detectorR);
242  p2d_res_zr_prt[ipar]->SetErrorOption("s");
243  p2d_res_zr_prt[ipar]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z [mm]");
244  p2d_res_zr_prt[ipar]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("R [mm]");
245  p2d_res_zr_prt[ipar]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(Form("r_{%s}", par.c_str()));
246  setHistStyle(p2d_res_zr_prt[ipar], 1);
248  p2d_pull_zr_prt[ipar]->SetErrorOption("s");
249  p2d_pull_zr_prt[ipar]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z [mm]");
250  p2d_pull_zr_prt[ipar]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("R [mm]");
251  p2d_pull_zr_prt[ipar]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(
252  Form("pull_{%s}", par.c_str()));
253  setHistStyle(p2d_pull_zr_prt[ipar], 1);
254  }
256  if (filtered) {
257  p2d_res_zr_flt[ipar] =
258  new TProfile2D(Form("all_prof_res_flt_%s", par.c_str()),
259  Form("residual profile of %s", par.c_str()), 100,
260  -detectorZ, detectorZ, 50, 0., detectorR);
261  p2d_pull_zr_flt[ipar] =
262  new TProfile2D(Form("all_prof_pull_flt_%s", par.c_str()),
263  Form("pull profile of %s", par.c_str()), 100,
264  -detectorZ, detectorZ, 50, 0., detectorR);
266  p2d_res_zr_flt[ipar]->SetErrorOption("s");
267  p2d_res_zr_flt[ipar]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z [mm]");
268  p2d_res_zr_flt[ipar]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("R [mm]");
269  p2d_res_zr_flt[ipar]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(Form("r_{%s}", par.c_str()));
270  setHistStyle(p2d_res_zr_flt[ipar], 2);
272  p2d_pull_zr_flt[ipar]->SetErrorOption("s");
273  p2d_pull_zr_flt[ipar]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z [mm]");
274  p2d_pull_zr_flt[ipar]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("R [mm]");
275  p2d_pull_zr_flt[ipar]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(
276  Form("pull_{%s}", par.c_str()));
277  setHistStyle(p2d_pull_zr_flt[ipar], 2);
278  }
280  if (smoothed) {
281  p2d_res_zr_smt[ipar] =
282  new TProfile2D(Form("all_prof_res_smt_%s", par.c_str()),
283  Form("residual profile of %s", par.c_str()), 100,
284  -detectorZ, detectorZ, 50, 0., detectorR);
286  p2d_pull_zr_smt[ipar] =
287  new TProfile2D(Form("all_prof_pull_smt_%s", par.c_str()),
288  Form("pull profile of %s", par.c_str()), 100,
289  -detectorZ, detectorZ, 50, 0., detectorR);
291  p2d_res_zr_smt[ipar]->SetErrorOption("s");
292  p2d_pull_zr_smt[ipar]->SetErrorOption("s");
294  p2d_res_zr_smt[ipar]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z [mm]");
295  p2d_res_zr_smt[ipar]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("R [mm]");
296  p2d_res_zr_smt[ipar]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(Form("r_{%s}", par.c_str()));
297  setHistStyle(p2d_res_zr_smt[ipar], 4);
299  p2d_pull_zr_smt[ipar]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z [mm]");
300  p2d_pull_zr_smt[ipar]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("R [mm]");
301  p2d_pull_zr_smt[ipar]->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(
302  Form("pull_{%s}", par.c_str()));
303  setHistStyle(p2d_pull_zr_smt[ipar], 4);
304  }
305  }
307  // Residual / Pull histograms
308  std::map<std::string, TH1F*> res_prt;
309  std::map<std::string, TH1F*> res_flt;
310  std::map<std::string, TH1F*> res_smt;
311  std::map<std::string, TH1F*> pull_prt;
312  std::map<std::string, TH1F*> pull_flt;
313  std::map<std::string, TH1F*> pull_smt;
315  // - per layer (identified by vol, lay)
316  // - per volume (identified by vol, -1)
317  // - overall (identified by lay)
318  for (auto [vol, layers] : volLayIds) {
319  for (auto lay : layers) {
320  // Estimate the ranges from smoothed
321  auto vlIdCut = volLayIdCut(vol, lay);
322  auto ranges = histRanges(vlIdCut);
324  // Residual range
325  std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, double> paramResidualRange =
326  {{{"loc0", "l_{0}"}, ranges[0]}, {{"loc1", "l_{1}"}, ranges[1]},
327  {{"#phi", "#phi"}, ranges[2]}, {{"#theta", "#theta"}, ranges[3]},
328  {{"q/p", "q/p"}, ranges[4]}, {{"t", "t"}, ranges[5]}};
330  // Create the hists and set up for them
331  for (const auto& [partwin, resRange] : paramResidualRange) {
332  // histogram creation
333  std::string par = partwin.first;
334  std::string id_par = vlIdCut[0] + par;
336  TString par_string(partwin.second.c_str());
337  TString res_string =
338  par_string + TString("^{rec} - ") + par_string + TString("^{true}");
340  TString pull_string = TString("(") + res_string +
341  TString(")/#sigma_{") + par_string + TString("}");
343  if (predicted) {
344  res_prt[id_par] =
345  new TH1F(Form((vlIdCut[0] + std::string("res_prt_%s")).c_str(),
346  par.c_str()),
347  Form("residual of %s", par.c_str()), 100, -1 * resRange,
348  resRange);
349  res_prt[id_par]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(res_string.Data());
350  res_prt[id_par]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
351  setHistStyle(res_prt[id_par], kRed);
353  pull_prt[id_par] = new TH1F(
354  Form((vlIdCut[0] + std::string("pull_prt_%s")).c_str(),
355  par.c_str()),
356  Form("pull of %s", par.c_str()), 100, -1 * pullRange, pullRange);
357  pull_prt[id_par]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(pull_string.Data());
358  pull_prt[id_par]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Arb. Units");
359  setHistStyle(pull_prt[id_par], kRed);
360  }
362  if (filtered) {
363  res_flt[id_par] =
364  new TH1F(Form((vlIdCut[0] + std::string("res_flt_%s")).c_str(),
365  par.c_str()),
366  Form("residual of %s", par.c_str()), 100, -1 * resRange,
367  resRange);
368  res_flt[id_par]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(res_string.Data());
369  res_flt[id_par]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
370  setHistStyle(res_flt[id_par], kBlue);
372  pull_flt[id_par] = new TH1F(
373  Form((vlIdCut[0] + std::string("pull_flt_%s")).c_str(),
374  par.c_str()),
375  Form("pull of %s", par.c_str()), 100, -1 * pullRange, pullRange);
376  pull_flt[id_par]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(pull_string.Data());
377  pull_flt[id_par]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Arb. Units");
378  setHistStyle(pull_flt[id_par], kBlue);
379  }
381  if (smoothed) {
382  res_smt[id_par] =
383  new TH1F(Form((vlIdCut[0] + std::string("res_smt_%s")).c_str(),
384  par.c_str()),
385  Form("residual of %s", par.c_str()), 100, -1 * resRange,
386  resRange);
388  res_smt[id_par]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(res_string.Data());
389  res_smt[id_par]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
390  setHistStyle(res_smt[id_par], kBlack);
392  pull_smt[id_par] = new TH1F(
393  Form((vlIdCut[0] + std::string("pull_smt_%s")).c_str(),
394  par.c_str()),
395  Form("pull of %s", par.c_str()), 100, -1 * pullRange, pullRange);
397  pull_smt[id_par]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(pull_string.Data());
398  pull_smt[id_par]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Arb. Units");
399  setHistStyle(pull_smt[id_par], kBlack);
400  }
401  }
402  }
403  }
405  // Section 4: Histogram filling -----------------------------------------
406  //
407  // - Running through the entries and filling the histograms
408  int entries = tree->GetEntries();
409  for (int j = 0; j < entries; j++) {
410  tsReader.getEntry(j);
412  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tsReader.nMeasurements; i++) {
413  // global profile filling
414  if (predicted and tsReader.predicted->at(i)) {
415  auto x_prt = tsReader.g_x_prt->at(i);
416  auto y_prt = tsReader.g_y_prt->at(i);
417  auto r_prt = std::hypot(x_prt, y_prt);
418  auto z_prt = tsReader.g_z_prt->at(i);
419  p2d_res_zr_prt[0]->Fill(z_prt, r_prt, tsReader.res_LOC0_prt->at(i));
420  p2d_res_zr_prt[1]->Fill(z_prt, r_prt, tsReader.res_LOC1_prt->at(i));
421  p2d_res_zr_prt[2]->Fill(z_prt, r_prt, tsReader.res_PHI_prt->at(i));
422  p2d_res_zr_prt[3]->Fill(z_prt, r_prt, tsReader.res_THETA_prt->at(i));
423  p2d_res_zr_prt[4]->Fill(z_prt, r_prt, tsReader.res_QOP_prt->at(i));
424  p2d_res_zr_prt[5]->Fill(z_prt, r_prt, tsReader.res_T_prt->at(i));
425  p2d_pull_zr_prt[0]->Fill(z_prt, r_prt, tsReader.pull_LOC0_prt->at(i));
426  p2d_pull_zr_prt[1]->Fill(z_prt, r_prt, tsReader.pull_LOC1_prt->at(i));
427  p2d_pull_zr_prt[2]->Fill(z_prt, r_prt, tsReader.pull_PHI_prt->at(i));
428  p2d_pull_zr_prt[3]->Fill(z_prt, r_prt, tsReader.pull_THETA_prt->at(i));
429  p2d_pull_zr_prt[4]->Fill(z_prt, r_prt, tsReader.pull_QOP_prt->at(i));
430  p2d_pull_zr_prt[5]->Fill(z_prt, r_prt, tsReader.pull_T_prt->at(i));
431  }
432  if (filtered and tsReader.filtered->at(i)) {
433  auto x_flt = tsReader.g_x_flt->at(i);
434  auto y_flt = tsReader.g_y_flt->at(i);
435  auto r_flt = std::hypot(x_flt, y_flt);
436  auto z_flt = tsReader.g_z_flt->at(i);
437  p2d_res_zr_flt[0]->Fill(z_flt, r_flt, tsReader.res_LOC0_flt->at(i));
438  p2d_res_zr_flt[1]->Fill(z_flt, r_flt, tsReader.res_LOC1_flt->at(i));
439  p2d_res_zr_flt[2]->Fill(z_flt, r_flt, tsReader.res_PHI_flt->at(i));
440  p2d_res_zr_flt[3]->Fill(z_flt, r_flt, tsReader.res_THETA_flt->at(i));
441  p2d_res_zr_flt[4]->Fill(z_flt, r_flt, tsReader.res_QOP_flt->at(i));
442  p2d_res_zr_flt[5]->Fill(z_flt, r_flt, tsReader.res_T_flt->at(i));
443  p2d_pull_zr_flt[0]->Fill(z_flt, r_flt, tsReader.pull_LOC0_flt->at(i));
444  p2d_pull_zr_flt[1]->Fill(z_flt, r_flt, tsReader.pull_LOC1_flt->at(i));
445  p2d_pull_zr_flt[2]->Fill(z_flt, r_flt, tsReader.pull_PHI_flt->at(i));
446  p2d_pull_zr_flt[3]->Fill(z_flt, r_flt, tsReader.pull_THETA_flt->at(i));
447  p2d_pull_zr_flt[4]->Fill(z_flt, r_flt, tsReader.pull_QOP_flt->at(i));
448  p2d_pull_zr_flt[5]->Fill(z_flt, r_flt, tsReader.pull_T_flt->at(i));
449  }
450  if (smoothed and tsReader.smoothed->at(i)) {
451  auto x_smt = tsReader.g_x_smt->at(i);
452  auto y_smt = tsReader.g_y_smt->at(i);
453  auto r_smt = std::hypot(x_smt, y_smt);
454  auto z_smt = tsReader.g_z_smt->at(i);
455  p2d_res_zr_smt[0]->Fill(z_smt, r_smt, tsReader.res_LOC0_smt->at(i));
456  p2d_res_zr_smt[1]->Fill(z_smt, r_smt, tsReader.res_LOC1_smt->at(i));
457  p2d_res_zr_smt[2]->Fill(z_smt, r_smt, tsReader.res_PHI_smt->at(i));
458  p2d_res_zr_smt[3]->Fill(z_smt, r_smt, tsReader.res_THETA_smt->at(i));
459  p2d_res_zr_smt[4]->Fill(z_smt, r_smt, tsReader.res_QOP_smt->at(i));
460  p2d_res_zr_smt[5]->Fill(z_smt, r_smt, tsReader.res_T_smt->at(i));
461  p2d_pull_zr_smt[0]->Fill(z_smt, r_smt, tsReader.pull_LOC0_smt->at(i));
462  p2d_pull_zr_smt[1]->Fill(z_smt, r_smt, tsReader.pull_LOC1_smt->at(i));
463  p2d_pull_zr_smt[2]->Fill(z_smt, r_smt, tsReader.pull_PHI_smt->at(i));
464  p2d_pull_zr_smt[3]->Fill(z_smt, r_smt, tsReader.pull_THETA_smt->at(i));
465  p2d_pull_zr_smt[4]->Fill(z_smt, r_smt, tsReader.pull_QOP_smt->at(i));
466  p2d_pull_zr_smt[5]->Fill(z_smt, r_smt, tsReader.pull_T_smt->at(i));
467  }
469  int vol = tsReader.volume_id->at(i);
470  int lay = tsReader.layer_id->at(i);
473  std::vector<std::array<int, 2>> fillIds = {
474  {-1, -1}, {vol, -1}, {vol, lay}};
476  for (const auto& fid : fillIds) {
477  auto vlID = volLayIdCut(fid[0], fid[1])[0];
478  // Fill predicated parameters
479  if (predicted and tsReader.predicted->at(i)) {
480  res_prt[vlID + paramNames[0]]->Fill(tsReader.res_LOC0_prt->at(i), 1);
481  res_prt[vlID + paramNames[1]]->Fill(tsReader.res_LOC1_prt->at(i), 1);
482  res_prt[vlID + paramNames[2]]->Fill(tsReader.res_PHI_prt->at(i), 1);
483  res_prt[vlID + paramNames[3]]->Fill(tsReader.res_THETA_prt->at(i), 1);
484  res_prt[vlID + paramNames[4]]->Fill(tsReader.res_QOP_prt->at(i), 1);
485  res_prt[vlID + paramNames[5]]->Fill(tsReader.res_T_prt->at(i), 1);
486  pull_prt[vlID + paramNames[0]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_LOC0_prt->at(i),
487  1);
488  pull_prt[vlID + paramNames[1]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_LOC1_prt->at(i),
489  1);
490  pull_prt[vlID + paramNames[2]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_PHI_prt->at(i), 1);
491  pull_prt[vlID + paramNames[3]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_THETA_prt->at(i),
492  1);
493  pull_prt[vlID + paramNames[4]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_QOP_prt->at(i), 1);
494  pull_prt[vlID + paramNames[5]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_T_prt->at(i), 1);
495  }
496  // Fill filtered parameters
497  if (filtered and tsReader.filtered->at(i)) {
498  res_flt[vlID + paramNames[0]]->Fill(tsReader.res_LOC0_flt->at(i), 1);
499  res_flt[vlID + paramNames[1]]->Fill(tsReader.res_LOC1_flt->at(i), 1);
500  res_flt[vlID + paramNames[2]]->Fill(tsReader.res_PHI_flt->at(i), 1);
501  res_flt[vlID + paramNames[3]]->Fill(tsReader.res_THETA_flt->at(i), 1);
502  res_flt[vlID + paramNames[4]]->Fill(tsReader.res_QOP_flt->at(i), 1);
503  res_flt[vlID + paramNames[5]]->Fill(tsReader.res_T_flt->at(i), 1);
504  pull_flt[vlID + paramNames[0]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_LOC0_flt->at(i),
505  1);
506  pull_flt[vlID + paramNames[1]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_LOC1_flt->at(i),
507  1);
508  pull_flt[vlID + paramNames[2]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_PHI_flt->at(i), 1);
509  pull_flt[vlID + paramNames[3]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_THETA_flt->at(i),
510  1);
511  pull_flt[vlID + paramNames[4]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_QOP_flt->at(i), 1);
512  pull_flt[vlID + paramNames[5]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_T_flt->at(i), 1);
513  }
514  // Fill smoothed parameters
515  if (smoothed and tsReader.smoothed->at(i)) {
516  res_smt[vlID + paramNames[0]]->Fill(tsReader.res_LOC0_smt->at(i), 1);
517  res_smt[vlID + paramNames[1]]->Fill(tsReader.res_LOC1_smt->at(i), 1);
518  res_smt[vlID + paramNames[2]]->Fill(tsReader.res_PHI_smt->at(i), 1);
519  res_smt[vlID + paramNames[3]]->Fill(tsReader.res_THETA_smt->at(i), 1);
520  res_smt[vlID + paramNames[4]]->Fill(tsReader.res_QOP_smt->at(i), 1);
521  res_smt[vlID + paramNames[5]]->Fill(tsReader.res_T_smt->at(i), 1);
522  pull_smt[vlID + paramNames[0]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_LOC0_smt->at(i),
523  1);
524  pull_smt[vlID + paramNames[1]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_LOC1_smt->at(i),
525  1);
526  pull_smt[vlID + paramNames[2]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_PHI_smt->at(i), 1);
527  pull_smt[vlID + paramNames[3]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_THETA_smt->at(i),
528  1);
529  pull_smt[vlID + paramNames[4]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_QOP_smt->at(i), 1);
530  pull_smt[vlID + paramNames[5]]->Fill(tsReader.pull_T_smt->at(i), 1);
531  }
532  }
533  }
534  }
536  // Section 5: Histogram plotting
538  // Plotting global profiles
539  auto respull_mean_prf =
540  new TCanvas("respull_mean_prf",
541  "Residual/Pull Distributions - mean profiles", 1800, 800);
542  respull_mean_prf->Divide(3, 2);
544  auto respull_var_prf =
545  new TCanvas("respull_var_prf",
546  "Residual/Pull Distributions - variance profiles", 1800, 800);
547  respull_var_prf->Divide(3, 2);
549  auto plotProfiles = [&](std::array<TProfile2D*, 6>& profiles,
550  const std::string& res_pull,
551  const std::string& type) -> void {
552  // Mean
553  for (size_t ipar = 0; ipar < paramNames.size(); ++ipar) {
554  respull_mean_prf->cd(ipar + 1);
556  if (res_pull == "pull") {
557  profiles[ipar]->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(-1. * pullRange, pullRange);
558  }
559  adaptColorPalette(profiles[ipar], -1. * pullRange, pullRange, 0., 0.25,
560  104);
561  profiles[ipar]->Draw("colz");
562  profiles[ipar]->Write();
563  }
564  // Save the canvas: mean
565  if (not saveAs.empty()) {
566  respull_mean_prf->SaveAs((std::string("all_") + res_pull +
567  std::string("_mean_prf_") + type +
568  std::string(".") + saveAs)
569  .c_str());
570  }
572  // Variance
573  for (size_t ipar = 0; ipar < paramNames.size(); ++ipar) {
574  respull_var_prf->cd(ipar + 1);
575  auto zAxis = profiles[ipar]->GetXaxis();
576  auto rAxis = profiles[ipar]->GetYaxis();
577  auto binsZ = zAxis->GetNbins();
578  auto binsR = rAxis->GetNbins();
579  std::string hist_name = "all_";
580  hist_name += res_pull;
581  hist_name += "_";
582  hist_name += paramNames[ipar];
583  hist_name += "_";
584  hist_name += type;
585  TH2F* var =
586  new TH2F(hist_name.c_str(),
587  (res_pull + std::string(" ") + paramNames[ipar]).c_str(),
588  binsZ, zAxis->GetXmin(), zAxis->GetXmax(), binsR,
589  rAxis->GetXmin(), rAxis->GetXmax());
590  for (int iz = 1; iz <= binsZ; ++iz) {
591  for (int ir = 1; ir <= binsR; ++ir) {
592  if (profiles[ipar]->GetBinContent(iz, ir) != 0.) {
593  var->SetBinContent(iz, ir, profiles[ipar]->GetBinError(iz, ir));
594  }
595  }
596  }
597  if (res_pull == "pull") {
598  var->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., pullRange);
599  }
600  adaptColorPalette(var, 0., pullRange, 1., 0.5, 104);
601  var->Draw("colz");
602  var->Write();
603  }
604  // Save the canvas: pulls
605  if (not saveAs.empty()) {
606  respull_var_prf->SaveAs((std::string("all_") + res_pull +
607  std::string("_var_prf_") + type +
608  std::string(".") + saveAs)
609  .c_str());
610  }
611  };
613  // Plotting profiles: res/pulls
614  if (predicted) {
615  plotProfiles(p2d_res_zr_prt, "res", "prt");
616  plotProfiles(p2d_pull_zr_prt, "pull", "prt");
617  }
618  if (filtered) {
619  plotProfiles(p2d_res_zr_flt, "res", "flt");
620  plotProfiles(p2d_pull_zr_flt, "pull", "flt");
621  }
622  if (smoothed) {
623  plotProfiles(p2d_res_zr_smt, "res", "smt");
624  plotProfiles(p2d_pull_zr_smt, "pull", "smt");
625  }
627  // Plotting residual
628  auto residuals =
629  new TCanvas("residuals", "Residual Distributions", 1200, 800);
630  residuals->Divide(3, 2);
632  auto pulls = new TCanvas("pulls", "Pull distributions", 1200, 800);
633  pulls->Divide(3, 2);
635  for (auto [vol, layers] : volLayIds) {
636  for (auto lay : layers) {
637  auto vlID = volLayIdCut(vol, lay)[0];
639  // Residual plotting
640  for (size_t ipar = 0; ipar < paramNames.size(); ipar++) {
641  residuals->cd(ipar + 1);
643  auto legend = new TLegend(0.7, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9);
645  const std::string name = vlID +;
647  // Draw them
648  if (smoothed) {
649  res_smt[name]->DrawNormalized("");
650  res_smt[name]->Write();
651  legend->AddEntry(res_smt[name], "smoothed", "l");
652  }
653  if (filtered) {
654  std::string drawOptions = smoothed ? "same" : "";
655  res_flt[name]->DrawNormalized(drawOptions.c_str());
656  res_flt[name]->Write();
657  legend->AddEntry(res_flt[name], "filtered", "l");
658  }
659  if (predicted) {
660  std::string drawOptions = (smoothed or filtered) ? "same" : "";
661  res_prt[name]->DrawNormalized(drawOptions.c_str());
662  res_prt[name]->Write();
663  legend->AddEntry(res_prt[name], "predicted", "l");
664  }
666  legend->SetBorderSize(0);
667  legend->SetFillStyle(0);
668  legend->SetTextFont(42);
669  legend->Draw();
670  }
671  if (not saveAs.empty()) {
672  residuals->SaveAs((vlID + std::string("residuals.") + saveAs).c_str());
673  }
675  // Pull plotting & writing
676  for (size_t ipar = 0; ipar < paramNames.size(); ipar++) {
677  const std::string name = vlID +;
679  pulls->cd(ipar + 1);
681  auto legend = new TLegend(0.7, 0.5, 0.9, 0.9);
683  // Fit the smoothed distribution
684  if (smoothed) {
685  auto drawOptions = "pe";
687  auto scale = 1. / pull_smt[name]->Integral("width");
688  pull_smt[name]->Scale(scale);
689  pull_smt[name]->Draw(drawOptions);
690  pull_smt[name]->Write();
692  legend->AddEntry(pull_smt[name], "smoothed", "pe");
694  if (fitSmoothed) {
695  pull_smt[name]->Fit("gaus", "q");
696  TF1* gauss = pull_smt[name]->GetFunction("gaus");
697  gauss->SetLineColorAlpha(kBlack, 0.5);
699  auto mu = gauss->GetParameter(1);
700  auto sigma = gauss->GetParameter(2);
701  auto mu_fit_info = TString::Format("#mu = %.3f", mu);
702  auto su_fit_info = TString::Format("#sigma = %.3f", sigma);
704  legend->AddEntry(gauss, mu_fit_info.Data(), "l");
705  legend->AddEntry(pull_prt[name], su_fit_info.Data(), "");
706  }
707  }
709  if (filtered) {
710  auto drawOptions = smoothed ? "pe same" : "pe";
712  auto scale = 1. / pull_flt[name]->Integral("width");
713  pull_flt[name]->Scale(scale);
714  pull_flt[name]->Draw(drawOptions);
715  pull_flt[name]->Write();
717  legend->AddEntry(pull_flt[name], "filtered", "pe");
719  if (fitFiltered) {
720  pull_flt[name]->Fit("gaus", "q", "same");
721  TF1* gauss = pull_flt[name]->GetFunction("gaus");
722  gauss->SetLineColorAlpha(kBlue, 0.5);
724  auto mu = gauss->GetParameter(1);
725  auto sigma = gauss->GetParameter(2);
726  auto mu_fit_info = TString::Format("#mu = %.3f", mu);
727  auto su_fit_info = TString::Format("#sigma = %.3f", sigma);
729  legend->AddEntry(gauss, mu_fit_info.Data(), "l");
730  legend->AddEntry(pull_prt[name], su_fit_info.Data(), "");
731  }
732  }
734  if (predicted) {
735  auto drawOptions = (smoothed or filtered) ? "pe same" : "pe";
737  auto scale = 1. / pull_prt[name]->Integral("width");
738  pull_prt[name]->Scale(scale);
739  pull_prt[name]->Draw(drawOptions);
740  pull_prt[name]->Write();
742  legend->AddEntry(pull_prt[name], "predicted", "pe");
744  if (fitPredicted) {
745  pull_prt[name]->Fit("gaus", "q", "same");
746  TF1* gauss = pull_prt[name]->GetFunction("gaus");
747  gauss->SetLineColorAlpha(kRed, 0.5);
749  auto mu = gauss->GetParameter(1);
750  auto sigma = gauss->GetParameter(2);
751  auto mu_fit_info = TString::Format("#mu = %.3f", mu);
752  auto su_fit_info = TString::Format("#sigma = %.3f", sigma);
754  legend->AddEntry(gauss, mu_fit_info.Data(), "l");
755  legend->AddEntry(pull_prt[name], su_fit_info.Data(), "");
756  }
757  }
759  // Reference standard normal pdf
760  auto ref = new TF1("ref", "ROOT::Math::normal_pdf(x,1,0)", -5, 5);
761  ref->SetLineColor(kGreen);
762  ref->Draw("same");
763  legend->AddEntry(ref, "#mu = 0 #sigma = 1", "l");
765  legend->SetBorderSize(0);
766  legend->SetFillStyle(0);
767  legend->SetTextFont(42);
768  legend->Draw();
769  }
771  // Save the Canvases as pictures
772  if (not saveAs.empty()) {
773  pulls->SaveAs((vlID + std::string("pulls.") + saveAs).c_str());
774  }
775  }
776  }
778  if (out != nullptr) {
779  out->Close();
780  }
781  return 0;
782 }