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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file GBTLink.h
1 // @file GBTLink.h
2 // @brief Declarations of helper classes for the ITS/MFT raw data decoding
3 // @sa <O2/Detectors/ITSMFT/common/reconstruction/include/ITSMFTReconstruction/GBTLink.>
4 // <760019308>
9 #define _RAW_READER_ERROR_CHECKS_ // comment this to disable error checking
13 #include "mvtx_decoder/PayLoadSG.h"
15 #include "mvtx_decoder/GBTWord.h"
18 //#include "MVTXDecoder/RUDecodeData.h"
19 //#include "MVTXDecoder/RUInfo.h"
20 //#include "MVTXDecoder/RAWDataHeader.h"
21 //#include "MVTXDecoder/RDHUtils.h"
22 //#include "MVTXDecoder/PhysTrigger.h"
24 #include <iostream>
25 #include <memory>
26 #include <iomanip>
28 #define GBTLINK_DECODE_ERRORCHECK(errRes, errEval) \
29  errRes = errEval; \
30  if ((errRes)&uint8_t(ErrorPrinted)) { \
31  ruPtr->linkHBFToDump[(uint64_t(subSpec) << 32) + hbfEntry] = irHBF.orbit; \
32  errRes &= ~uint8_t(ErrorPrinted); \
33  } \
34  if ((errRes)&uint8_t(Abort)) { \
35  discardData(); \
36  return AbortedOnError; \
37  }
39 namespace mvtx
40 {
41  using namespace mvtx_utils;
43  struct TRGData
44  {
46  bool hasCDW = false;
47  GBTCalibDataWord calWord = {};
48  size_t first_hit_pos = 0;
49  size_t n_hits = 0;
51  TRGData(uint64_t orb, uint16_t b) : ir(orb, b) {};
53  void clear()
54  {
55  ir.clear();
56  hasCDW = false;
57  calWord = {};
58  first_hit_pos = 0;
59  n_hits = 0;
60  }
61  };
63  struct mvtx_hit
64  {
65  uint8_t chip_id = 0xf;
66  uint16_t bunchcounter = 0xFFFF;
67  uint16_t row_pos = 0xFFFF;
68  uint16_t col_pos = 0xFFFF;
69  };
72 struct GBTLink
73 {
74 // enum RawDataDumps : int { DUMP_NONE, // no raw data dumps on error
75 // DUMP_HBF, // dump HBF for FEEID with error
76 // DUMP_TF, // dump whole TF at error
77 // DUMP_NTYPES };
79  enum CollectedDataStatus : int8_t { None,
82  DataSeen }; // None is set before starting collectROFCableData
84 // enum ErrorType : uint8_t { NoError = 0x0,
85 // Warning = 0x1,
86 // Skip = 0x2,
87 // Abort = 0x4,
88 // ErrorPrinted = 0x1 << 7 };
90  static constexpr int RawBufferMargin = 5000000; // keep uploaded at least this amount
91  static constexpr int RawBufferSize = 10000000 + 2 * RawBufferMargin; // size in MB
92  static constexpr uint8_t MaxCablesPerLink = 3;
96  uint16_t flxId = 0; // FLX ID
97  uint16_t feeId = 0; // FEE ID
99  PayLoadCont data; // data buffer for single feeeid
100  std::array<PayLoadCont, MaxCablesPerLink> cableData;
103  uint32_t hbfEntry = 0; // entry of the current HBF page in the rawData SG list
106  GBTLinkDecodingStat statistics; // link decoding statistics
107  bool hbf_found = false;
109  uint32_t hbf_length = 0;
110  uint32_t prev_pck_cnt = 0;
111  uint32_t hbf_count = 0;
113  PayLoadSG rawData; // scatter-gatter buffer for cached CRU pages, each starting with RDH
114  size_t dataOffset = 0; //
115  std::vector<InteractionRecord> mL1TrgTime;
116  std::vector<TRGData> mTrgData;
118  std::vector<mvtx_hit *> hit_vector = {};
120  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
121  GBTLink() = default;
122  GBTLink(uint16_t _flx, uint16_t _fee);
123  void clear(bool resetStat = true, bool resetTFRaw = false);
125  CollectedDataStatus collectROFCableData();
127  void cacheData(size_t start, size_t sz)
128  {
129  rawData.add(start, sz);
130  }
132  void clearCableData()
133  {
134  for ( auto&& data : cableData )
135  {
136  data.clear();
137  }
138  }
140  int readFlxWord( GBTWord* gbtwords, uint16_t &w16 );
141  int decode_lane( const uint8_t chipId, PayLoadCont& buffer );
143  void getRowCol(const uint8_t reg, const uint16_t addr, uint16_t& row, uint16_t& col)
144  {
145  row = ( addr >> 0x1 ) & 0x1FF;
146  col = ( reg << 5 | ( (addr >> 9) & 0x1E ) ) | ( (addr ^ addr >> 1) & 0x1 );
147  }
149  void addHit(const uint8_t laneId, const uint8_t bc, uint8_t reg, const uint16_t addr)
150  {
151  auto* hit = new mvtx_hit();
152  memset(hit, 0, sizeof(*hit));
154  hit->chip_id = laneId;
155  hit->bunchcounter = bc;
156  getRowCol(reg, addr, hit->row_pos, hit->col_pos);
158  hit_vector.push_back(hit);
159  }
161  void check_APE(const uint8_t& chipId, const uint8_t& dataC)
162  {
163  std::cerr << "Link: " << feeId << ", Chip: " << (int)chipId;
164  switch (dataC)
165  {
166  case 0xF2:
167  std::cerr << " APE_STRIP_START" << std::endl;
168  break;
169  case 0xF4:
170  std::cerr << " APE_DET_TIMEOUT" << std::endl;
171  break;
172  case 0xF5:
173  std::cerr << " APE_OOT" << std::endl;
174  break;
175  case 0xF6:
176  std::cerr << " APE_PROTOCOL_ERROR" << std::endl;
177  break;
178  case 0xF7:
179  std::cerr << " APE_LANE_FIFO_OVERFLOW_ERROR" << std::endl;
180  break;
181  case 0xF8:
182  std::cerr << " APE_FSM_ERROR" << std::endl;
183  break;
184  case 0xF9:
185  std::cerr << " APE_PENDING_DETECTOR_EVENT_LIMIT" << std::endl;
186  break;
187  case 0xFA:
188  std::cerr << " APE_PENDING_LANE_EVENT_LIMIT" << std::endl;
189  break;
190  case 0xFB:
191  std::cerr << " APE_O2N_ERROR" << std::endl;
192  break;
193  case 0xFC:
194  std::cerr << " APE_RATE_MISSING_TRG_ERROR" << std::endl;
195  break;
196  case 0xFD:
197  std::cerr << " APE_PE_DATA_MISSING" << std::endl;
198  break;
199  case 0xFE:
200  std::cerr << " APE_OOT_DATA_MISSING" << std::endl;
201  break;
202  default:
203  std::cerr << " Unknown APE code" << std::endl;
204  }
205  return;
206  }
208  void AlpideByteError(const uint8_t& chipId, PayLoadCont& buffer)
209  {
210  uint8_t dataC = 0;
212  std::cerr << "Link: " << feeId << ", Chip: " << (int)chipId;
213  std::cerr << " invalid byte 0x" << std::hex << (int)(dataC) << std::endl;
214  while ( )
215  {
216  std::cerr << " " << std::hex << (int)(dataC) << " ";
217  }
218  std::cerr << std::endl;
219  buffer.clear();
220  return;
221  }
223  void PrintFlxWord(std::ostream& os, uint8_t* pos)
224  {
225  os << std::setfill('0');
226  for ( int i = 0; i < 32 ; i++)
227  {
228  os << std::hex << std::setw(2) << (int)pos[i] << " " << std::dec;
229  }
230  os << std::setfill(' ') << std::endl;
231  }
233  void PrintBlock(std::ostream& os, uint8_t* pos, size_t n)
234  {
235  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
236  {
237  PrintFlxWord(os, pos + 32 * i);
238  }
239  }
241 // ClassDefNV(GBTLink, 1);
242 };
248 {
249  bool prev_evt_complete = false;
250  bool header_found = false;
251  bool trailer_found = false;
252  uint8_t* hbf_start = nullptr;
254  status = None;
256  auto currRawPiece = rawData.currentPiece();
257  dataOffset = 0;
258  while (currRawPiece)
259  { // we may loop over multiple FLX page
260  uint32_t n_no_continuation = 0;
261  uint32_t n_packet_done = 0;
263  if (dataOffset >= currRawPiece->size)
264  {
265  data.movePtr(currRawPiece->size);
266  dataOffset = 0;
267  // start of the RDH
268  if ( ! (currRawPiece = rawData.nextPiece()) )
269  { // fetch next CRU page
270  break; // Data chunk (TF?) is done
271  }
272  }
274  if ( currRawPiece->hasError ) // Skip
275  {
276  dataOffset = currRawPiece->size;
277  ++hbf_count;
278  continue;
279  }
281  if ( !dataOffset )
282  {
283  hbf_start = data.getPtr();
284  }
286  // here we always start with the RDH
287  RdhExt_t rdh = {};
288  uint8_t* rdh_start = data.getPtr() + dataOffset;
289  rdh.decode(rdh_start);
291  size_t pagesize = (rdh.pageSize + 1) * FLXWordLength;
292  const size_t nFlxWords = (pagesize - (2 * FLXWordLength)) / FLXWordLength;
293  //Fill statistics
294  if ( !rdh.packetCounter )
295  {
296  if ( dataOffset )
297  {
298  log_error << "Wrong dataOffset value " << dataOffset << " at the start of a HBF" << std::endl;
299  assert(false);
300  }
301  statistics.clear();
302  //TODO: initialize/clear alpide data buffer
303  for ( uint32_t trg = GBTLinkDecodingStat::BitMaps::ORBIT; trg < GBTLinkDecodingStat::nBitMap; ++trg )
304  {
305  if ( (rdh.trgType >> trg) & 1 )
306  {
307  statistics.trgBitCounts[trg]++;
308  }
309  }
310  hbfEntry = rawData.currentPieceId(); // in case of problems with RDH, dump full TF
311  ++hbf_count;
312  }
313  else if ( !rdh.stopBit )
314  {
315  if (prev_evt_complete)
316  {
317  log_error << "Previous event was already completed" << std::endl;
318  assert(false);
319  }
320  }
322  dataOffset += 2 * FLXWordLength;
323  int prev_gbt_cnt = 3;
324  GBTWord gbtWords[3];
325  uint16_t w16 = 0;
326  for ( size_t iflx = 0; iflx < nFlxWords; ++iflx )
327  {
328  readFlxWord(gbtWords, w16);
329  int16_t n_gbt_cnt = (w16 & 0x3FF) - prev_gbt_cnt;
330  prev_gbt_cnt = (w16 & 0x3FF);
331  if (n_gbt_cnt < 1 || n_gbt_cnt > 3)
332  {
333  log_error << "Bad gbt counter in the flx packet. FLX: " << flxId << ", Feeid: " << feeId << ", n_gbt_cnt: " << n_gbt_cnt \
334  << ", prev_gbt_cnt: " << prev_gbt_cnt << ", size: " << currRawPiece->size << ", dataOffset: " << dataOffset << std::endl;
335  PrintBlock(std::cerr, rdh_start, nFlxWords + 2);
336  std::cerr << "Full HBF" << std::endl;
337  PrintBlock(std::cerr, hbf_start, (currRawPiece->size/32) );
338  break;
339  }
340  for ( int i = 0; i < n_gbt_cnt; ++i )
341  {
342  auto &gbtWord = gbtWords[i];
343  if ( gbtWord.isIHW() ) // ITS HEADER WORD
344  {
345  //TODO assert first word after RDH and active lanes
346  if (! ( !gbtWord.activeLanes ||
347  ((gbtWord.activeLanes >> 0) & 0x7) == 0x7 ||
348  ((gbtWord.activeLanes >> 3) & 0x7) == 0x7 ||
349  ((gbtWord.activeLanes >> 6) & 0x7) == 0x7) )
350  {
351  log_error << "Expected all active lanes for links, but " << gbtWord.activeLanes << "found in HBF " << hbfEntry << ", " \
352  << gbtWord.asString().data() << std::endl;
353  assert(false);
354  }
355  }
356  else if ( gbtWord.isTDH() ) // TRIGGER DATA HEADER (TDH)
357  {
358  header_found = true;
359  ir.orbit = gbtWord.bco;
360  ir.bc = gbtWord.bc;
361  if ( gbtWord.bc ) //statistic trigger for first bc already filled on RDH
362  {
363  for ( uint32_t trg = GBTLinkDecodingStat::BitMaps::ORBIT; trg < GBTLinkDecodingStat::nBitMap; ++trg )
364  {
365  if ( trg == GBTLinkDecodingStat::BitMaps::FE_RST ) // TDH save first 12 bits only
366  break;
367  if ( ((gbtWord.triggerType >> trg) & 1) )
368  {
369  statistics.trgBitCounts[trg]++;
370  }
371  }
372  }
374  if ( (gbtWord.triggerType >> GBTLinkDecodingStat::BitMaps::PHYSICS) & 0x1 )
375  {
376  mL1TrgTime.push_back(ir);
377  }
379  if ( !gbtWord.continuation && !gbtWord.noData)
380  {
381  n_no_continuation++;
382  mTrgData.emplace_back(ir.orbit, ir.bc);
383  } // end if not cont
384  } // end TDH
385  else if ( gbtWord.isCDW() ) // CALIBRATION DATA WORD
386  {
387  mTrgData.back().hasCDW = true;
388  mTrgData.back().calWord = *(reinterpret_cast<GBTCalibDataWord*>(&gbtWord));
389  }
390  else if ( gbtWord.isTDT() )
391  {
392  trailer_found = true;
393  if ( gbtWord.packet_done )
394  {
395  n_packet_done++;
396  if (n_packet_done < n_no_continuation)
397  {
398  log_error << "TDT packet done before TDH no continuation " << n_no_continuation \
399  << " != " << n_packet_done << std::endl;
400  assert(false);
401  }
402  }
403  prev_evt_complete = gbtWord.packet_done;
404  //TODO: YCM Add warning and counter for timeout and violation
405  }
406  else if ( gbtWord.isDDW() ) // DIAGNOSTIC DATA WORD (DDW)
407  {
408  if (! rdh.stopBit)
409  {
410  log_error << "" << std::endl;
411  assert(false);
412  }
413  }
414  else if ( gbtWord.isDiagnosticIB() ) // IB DIAGNOSTIC DATA
415  {
416  std::cout << "WARNING: IB Diagnostic word found." << std::endl;
417  std::cout << "diagnostic_lane_id: " << ( >> 5);
418  std::cout << " lane_error_id: " << gbtWord.lane_error_id;
419  std::cout << " diasnotic_data: 0x" << std::hex << gbtWord.diagnostic_data << std::endl;
420  }
421  else if ( gbtWord.isData() ) //IS IB DATA
422  {
423  if (! header_found )
424  {
425  log_error << "Trigger header not found before chip data" << std::endl;
426  assert(false);
427  }
428  auto lane = ( gbtWord.data8[9] & 0x1F ) % 3;
429  cableData[lane].add(gbtWord.getW8(), 9);
430  }
432  if ( prev_evt_complete )
433  {
434  auto&& trgData = mTrgData.back();
435  trgData.first_hit_pos = hit_vector.size();
436  for( auto&& itr = cableData.begin(); itr != cableData.end(); ++itr)
437  {
438  if (!itr->isEmpty())
439  {
440  decode_lane(std::distance(cableData.begin(), itr), *itr);
441  }
442  }
443  trgData.n_hits = hit_vector.size() - trgData.first_hit_pos;
444  prev_evt_complete = false;
445  header_found = false;
446  trailer_found = false;
447  clearCableData();
448  }
449  }
450  }
451  }
452  return (status = StoppedOnEndOfData);
453 }
455 //_________________________________________________
456 inline int GBTLink::decode_lane( const uint8_t chipId, PayLoadCont& buffer)
457 {
458  int ret = 0; // currently we just print stuff, but we will add stuff to our
459  // structures and return a status later (that's why it's not a const function)
461  if ( buffer.getSize() < 3 )
462  {
463  log_error << "chip data is too short: " << buffer.getSize() << std::endl;
464  assert(false);
465  }
467  uint8_t dataC = 0;
468  uint16_t dataS = 0;
470  bool busy_on = false, busy_off = false;
471  bool chip_header_found = false;
472  bool chip_trailer_found = false;
474  uint8_t laneId = 0xFF;
475  uint8_t bc = 0xFF;
476  uint8_t reg = 0xFF;
478  if ( !( (buffer[0] & 0xF0) == 0xE0 || (buffer[0] & 0xF0) == 0xA0 ||\
479  (buffer[0] == 0xF0) || (buffer[0] == 0xF1) || (buffer[0] & 0xF0) == 0xF0 ) )
480  {
481  AlpideByteError(chipId, buffer);
482  return 0;
483  }
485  while ( )
486  {
487  if ( dataC == 0xF1 ) // BUSY ON
488  {
489  busy_on = true ;
490  }
491  else if ( dataC == 0xF0 ) // BUSY OFF
492  {
493  busy_off = true;
494  }
495  else if ( (dataC & 0xF0) == 0xF0) // APE
496  {
497  check_APE(chipId, dataC);
498  chip_trailer_found = 1;
499  busy_on = busy_off = chip_header_found = 0;
500  }
501  else if ( (dataC & 0xF0) == 0xE0 ) // EMPTY
502  {
503  chip_header_found = false;
504  chip_trailer_found = true;
505  laneId = (dataC & 0x0F) % 3;
506  if ( laneId != chipId )
507  {
508  log_error << "Error laneId " << laneId << " (" << (dataC & 0xF) << ") and chipId " << chipId << std::endl;
509  assert(false);
510  }
512  busy_on = busy_off = false;
513  }
514  else
515  {
516  if ( chip_header_found )
517  {
518  if ( (dataC & 0xE0) == 0xC0 ) // REGION HEADER
519  {
520  if ( buffer.getUnusedSize() < 2 )
521  {
522  log_error << "No data short would fit (at least a data short after region header!)" << std::endl;
523  assert(false);
524  }
525  // TODO: move first region header out of loop, asserting its existence
526  reg = dataC & 0x1F;
527  }
528  else if ( (dataC & 0xC0) == 0x40 ) // DATA SHORT
529  {
530  if( buffer.isEmpty() )
531  {
532  log_error << "data short do not fit" << std::endl;
533  assert(false);
534  }
535  if ( reg == 0xFF )
536  {
537  log_error << "data short at " << buffer.getOffset() << " before region header" << std::endl;
538  assert(false);
539  }
540  dataS = (dataC << 8);
542  dataS |= dataC;
543  addHit(laneId, bc, reg, (dataS & 0x3FFF));
544  }
545  else if ( (dataC & 0xC0) == 0x00) // DATA LONG
546  {
547  if ( buffer.getUnusedSize() < 3 )
548  {
549  log_error << "No data long would fit (at least a data short after region header!)" << std::endl;
550  assert(false);
551  }
552  if ( reg == 0xFF )
553  {
554  log_error << "data short at " << buffer.getOffset() << " before region header" << std::endl;
555  assert(false);
556  }
558  uint16_t addr = ((dataC & 0x3F) << 8) | ( (dataS >> 8) & 0xFF );
559  addHit(laneId, bc, reg, addr);
560  uint8_t hit_map = (dataS & 0xFF);
561  if ( hit_map & 0x80 )
562  {
563  log_error << "Wrong bit before DATA LONG bit map" << std::endl;
564  assert(false);
565  }
566  while( hit_map != 0x00 )
567  {
568  ++addr;
569  if ( hit_map & 1 )
570  {
571  addHit(laneId, bc, reg, addr);
572  }
573  hit_map >>= 1;
574  }
575  }
576  else if ( (dataC & 0xF0) == 0xB0 ) // CHIP TRAILER
577  {
578 // uint8_t flag = (dataC & 0x0F);
579  //TODO: YCM add chipdata statistic
580  chip_trailer_found = 1;
581  busy_on = busy_off = chip_header_found = 0;
582  }
583  else // ERROR
584  {
585  AlpideByteError(chipId, buffer);
586  }
587  }
588  else
589  {
590  if ( (dataC & 0xF0) == 0xA0 ) // CHIP HEADER
591  {
592  chip_header_found = true;
593  chip_trailer_found = false;
594  laneId = (dataC & 0x0F) % 3;
595  if (laneId != chipId )
596  {
597  log_error << "Error laneId " << laneId << " (" << (dataC & 0xF) << ") and chipId " << chipId << std::endl;
598  assert(false);
599  }
601  reg = 0xFF;
602  }
603  else if ( dataC == 0x00 ) // PADDING
604  {
605  continue;
606  }
607  else
608  { // ERROR
609  AlpideByteError(chipId, buffer);
610  } // else !chip_header_found
611  } // if chip_header_found
612  } // busy_on, busy_off, chip_empty, other
613  } // while
615  return ret;
616 }
619 } // namespace mvtx