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1 #include "RhoFluct.h"
2 #include "fastjet/AreaDefinition.hh"
3 #include "fastjet/ClusterSequenceArea.hh"
4 #include "fastjet/Selector.hh"
5 #include "fastjet/tools/BackgroundEstimatorBase.hh"
6 #include "fastjet/tools/JetMedianBackgroundEstimator.hh"
9 #include <TFile.h>
10 #include <TH1F.h>
11 #include <TH2F.h>
12 #include <TRandom3.h>
13 #include <TString.h>
14 #include <TTree.h>
15 #include <TH2D.h>
16 #include <TVector3.h>
17 #include <algorithm>
18 #include <cassert>
20 #include <cmath>
21 #include <fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh>
22 #include <fastjet/JetDefinition.hh>
23 #include <fastjet/PseudoJet.hh>
25 #include <fun4all/Fun4AllServer.h>
26 #include <fun4all/PHTFileServer.h>
27 #include <g4eval/JetEvalStack.h>
28 #include <jetbase/JetInput.h>
29 #include <jetbase/JetMapv1.h>
30 #include <iostream>
31 #include <limits>
32 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
33 #include <phool/getClass.h>
34 #include <stdexcept>
38 // using namespace fastjet;
41  ( const std::string& _outputfilename
42  , const float _jet_R
43  )
44  : SubsysReco("RhoFluct")
45  , m_outputfilename { _outputfilename }
46  , jet_R { _jet_R }
47 { }
50 {
51  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_input_Sub1.size(); ++i) delete m_input_Sub1[i];
52  m_input_Sub1.clear();
54  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_input_rhoA.size(); ++i) delete m_input_rhoA[i];
55  m_input_rhoA.clear();
56 }
58 int RhoFluct::Init(PHCompositeNode* topNode)
59 {
61  std::cout << "RhoFluct::Init - Outoput to " << m_outputfilename << std::endl;
63  std::cout << " File out: " << m_outputfilename << std::endl;
66  //Tree
67  m_T = new TTree("T", "RhoFluct Tree");
69  // int m_event;
70  /* m_T->Branch("id", &m_id); */
71  m_T->Branch("rho", &m_rho);
72  m_T->Branch("rho_sigma", &m_rho_sigma);
73  m_T->Branch("cent", &m_cent);
74  m_T->Branch("cent_mdb", &m_cent_mdb);
75  m_T->Branch("cent_epd", &m_cent_epd);
76  m_T->Branch("impactparam", &m_impactparam);
79  // embedded objects
80  m_T->Branch("emb_1TeV_phi", &m_1TeV_phi);
81  m_T->Branch("emb_1TeV_eta", &m_1TeV_eta);
83  //Sub1 Jets
84  m_T->Branch("sub1_ismatched", &m_Sub1_ismatched);
85  m_T->Branch("sub1JetPhi", &m_Sub1JetPhi);
86  m_T->Branch("sub1JetEta", &m_Sub1JetEta);
87  m_T->Branch("sub1JetPt", &m_Sub1JetPt);
88  m_T->Branch("sub1Jet_delPt", &m_Sub1Jet_delpt);
90  //rhoA jets
91  m_T->Branch("rhoA_ismatched", &m_rhoA_ismatched);
92  m_T->Branch("rhoAJetPhi", &m_rhoAJetPhi);
93  m_T->Branch("rhoAJetEta", &m_rhoAJetEta);
94  m_T->Branch("rhoAJetPt", &m_rhoAJetPt);
95  m_T->Branch("rhoAJetArea", &m_rhoAJetArea);
96  m_T->Branch("rhoAJetPtLessRhoA", &m_rhoAJetPtLessRhoA);
97  m_T->Branch("rhoAJet_delPt", &m_rhoAJet_delpt);
100 }
102 int RhoFluct::End(PHCompositeNode* topNode)
103 {
104  std::cout << "RhoFluct::End - Output to " << m_outputfilename << std::endl;
107  m_T->Write();
109 }
112 {
113  topNode->print();
114  std::cout << " Input Selections:" << std::endl;
115  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_input_rhoA.size(); ++i) m_input_rhoA[i]->identify();
116  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_input_Sub1.size(); ++i) m_input_Sub1[i]->identify();
118 }
121 {
122  ++nevent;
124  // cut for only event with good vertices
125  GlobalVertexMap *mapVtx = findNode::getClass<GlobalVertexMap>(topNode, "GlobalVertexMap");
126  if (mapVtx->size() == 0) return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK;
128  // centrality
129  CentralityInfo* cent_node = findNode::getClass<CentralityInfo>(topNode, "CentralityInfo");
130  if (cent_node)
131  {
132  m_cent_epd = cent_node->get_centile(CentralityInfo::PROP::epd_NS);
133  m_cent_mdb = cent_node->get_centile(CentralityInfo::PROP::mbd_NS);
134  m_impactparam = cent_node->get_quantity(CentralityInfo::PROP::bimp);
135  m_cent = cent_node->get_centile(CentralityInfo::PROP::bimp);
136  }
138  const double ghost_max_rap = 1.1;
139  const double ghost_R = 0.01;
140  const double max_jet_rap = 1.1; // - jet_R;
142  //get the SUB1 jets
143  m_1TeV_phi = rand3.Uniform(-M_PI, M_PI);
144  m_1TeV_eta = rand3.Uniform(-0.7, 0.7);
146  const int TOW_PRINT_INT = 8000;
148  // build the towers for rhoA
149  int n_inputs {0};
150  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> calo_pseudojets;
151  for (auto inp : m_input_rhoA) {
152  if (Verbosity()>TOW_PRINT_INT) std::cout << " Input Tower Set("<<n_inputs++<<"): ";
153  float sum_pt {0.};
154  float n_towers {0};
155  std::vector<Jet *> particles = inp->get_input(topNode);
156  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < particles.size(); ++i)
157  {
158  auto& part = particles[i];
159  float this_e = part->get_e();
160  if (this_e == 0.) continue;
161  float this_px = particles[i]->get_px();
162  float this_py = particles[i]->get_py();
163  float this_pz = particles[i]->get_pz();
164  if (this_e < 0)
165  {
166  // make energy = +1 MeV for purposes of clustering
167  float e_ratio = 0.001 / this_e;
168  this_e = this_e * e_ratio;
169  this_px = this_px * e_ratio;
170  this_py = this_py * e_ratio;
171  this_pz = this_pz * e_ratio;
172  }
173  fastjet::PseudoJet pseudojet(this_px, this_py, this_pz, this_e);
174  /* if ( < 0.2) continue; */
175  calo_pseudojets .push_back(pseudojet);
176  if (Verbosity() > TOW_PRINT_INT) {
177  sum_pt += pseudojet.perp();
178  ++n_towers;
179  }
180  }
181  if (Verbosity()>TOW_PRINT_INT) std::cout << " sumpt(" << sum_pt <<") from ntowers("<<n_towers <<")" << std::endl;
182  for (auto &p : particles) delete p;
183  }
184  // add the TeV particle
185  auto embjet = fastjet::PseudoJet();
186  embjet.reset_PtYPhiM(30., m_1TeV_eta, m_1TeV_phi);
187  calo_pseudojets.push_back(embjet);
189  fastjet::Selector jetrap = fastjet::SelectorAbsEtaMax(max_jet_rap);
190  fastjet::Selector not_pure_ghost = !fastjet::SelectorIsPureGhost();
192  fastjet::Selector selection = jetrap && not_pure_ghost;
193  fastjet::AreaDefinition area_def(
194  fastjet::active_area_explicit_ghosts, fastjet::GhostedAreaSpec(ghost_max_rap, 1, ghost_R));
196  fastjet::JetDefinition jet_def_antikt(fastjet::antikt_algorithm, jet_R);
199  fastjet::JetDefinition jet_def_bkgd(fastjet::kt_algorithm, jet_R); // <--
200  fastjet::Selector selector_rm2 = jetrap * (!fastjet::SelectorNHardest(2)); // <--
201  //
202  fastjet::JetMedianBackgroundEstimator bge_rm2 {selector_rm2, jet_def_bkgd, area_def};
203  bge_rm2.set_particles(calo_pseudojets);
205  m_rho = bge_rm2.rho();
206  m_rho_sigma = bge_rm2.sigma();
208  mBGE_mean_area = bge_rm2 .mean_area();
209  mBGE_empty_area = bge_rm2 .empty_area();
210  mBGE_n_empty_jets = bge_rm2 .n_empty_jets();
211  mBGE_n_jets_used = bge_rm2 .n_jets_used();
213  fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea clustSeq(calo_pseudojets, jet_def_antikt, area_def);
214  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> jets
215  = sorted_by_pt( selection( clustSeq.inclusive_jets(5.) ));
217  int fixmek = 0;
218  if (Verbosity()>100 && m_cent_mdb<10) {
219  fixmek = 0;
220  std::cout << " --- rhoA jets [set("<<outevent<<")]" << std::endl;
221  for (auto jet : jets) {
222  if (jet.perp()-m_rho*jet.area() > 5.) {
223  auto phi = jet.phi();
224  while (phi > M_PI) phi -= 2*M_PI;
225  std::cout << Form("k[%i] pt:phi:eta[%5.2f:%5.2f:%5.2f]", fixmek++, (jet.perp()-m_rho*jet.area()), phi, jet.eta()) << std::endl;
226  }
227  }
228  }
230  // check that the leading jet is within R=0.4 of the embedded jet
231  if (jets.size() == 0) {
232  std::cout << " no jets reconstructed; something is very wrong" << std::endl;
233  m_rhoA_ismatched = false;
234  m_rhoAJetPhi = -100.;
235  m_rhoAJetEta = -100.;
236  m_rhoAJetPt = -100.;
237  m_rhoAJetArea = -100.;
238  m_rhoAJetPtLessRhoA = -100.;
239  m_rhoAJet_delpt = -100.;
240  } else {
241  auto& lead_jet = jets[0];
242  m_rhoAJetPhi = lead_jet.phi();
243  m_rhoAJetEta = lead_jet.eta();
244  m_rhoAJetPt = lead_jet.perp();
245  m_rhoAJetArea = lead_jet.area();
248  float dphi = TMath::Abs(lead_jet.phi_std() - m_1TeV_phi);
249  while (dphi>M_PI) dphi = TMath::Abs(dphi-2*M_PI);
250  float dR = TMath::Sq(dphi)+TMath::Sq(lead_jet.eta()-m_1TeV_eta);
251  if (dR > 0.16) {
252  m_rhoA_ismatched = false;
253  m_rhoAJet_delpt = -100.;
254  } else {
255  m_rhoA_ismatched = true;
257  }
258  }
260  // --------------------------------------
261  // now make the jets with Sub1
262  // --------------------------------------
263  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> sub1_pseudojets;
264  for (auto inp : m_input_Sub1) {
265  if (Verbosity()>TOW_PRINT_INT) std::cout << " Input Tower Set("<<n_inputs++<<"): ";
266  float sum_pt {0.};
267  float n_towers {0};
268  std::vector<Jet *> particles = inp->get_input(topNode);
269  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < particles.size(); ++i)
270  {
271  auto& part = particles[i];
272  float this_e = part->get_e();
273  if (this_e == 0.) continue;
274  float this_px = particles[i]->get_px();
275  float this_py = particles[i]->get_py();
276  float this_pz = particles[i]->get_pz();
277  if (this_e < 0)
278  {
279  // make energy = +1 MeV for purposes of clustering
280  float e_ratio = 0.001 / this_e;
281  this_e = this_e * e_ratio;
282  this_px = this_px * e_ratio;
283  this_py = this_py * e_ratio;
284  this_pz = this_pz * e_ratio;
285  }
286  fastjet::PseudoJet pseudojet(this_px, this_py, this_pz, this_e);
287  /* if ( < 0.2) continue; */
288  sub1_pseudojets .push_back(pseudojet);
289  if (Verbosity() > TOW_PRINT_INT) {
290  sum_pt += pseudojet.perp();
291  ++n_towers;
292  }
293  }
294  if (Verbosity()>TOW_PRINT_INT) std::cout << " sumpt(" << sum_pt <<") from ntowers("<<n_towers <<")" << std::endl;
295  for (auto &p : particles) delete p;
296  }
297  // add the TeV particle
298  sub1_pseudojets.push_back(embjet);
300  fastjet::ClusterSequenceArea clustSeq_sub1(sub1_pseudojets, jet_def_antikt, area_def);
301  std::vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> jets_sub1
302  = sorted_by_pt( selection( clustSeq_sub1.inclusive_jets(5.) ));
304  // check that the leading jet is within R=0.4 of the embedded jet
305  if (jets_sub1.size() == 0) {
306  std::cout << " no jets_sub1 reconstructed; something is very wrong" << std::endl;
307  m_Sub1_ismatched = false;
308  m_Sub1JetPhi = -100.;
309  m_Sub1JetEta = -100.;
310  m_Sub1JetPt = -100.;
311  m_Sub1Jet_delpt = -100.;
312  } else {
313  auto& lead_jet = jets_sub1[0];
314  m_Sub1JetPhi = lead_jet.phi();
315  m_Sub1JetEta = lead_jet.eta();
316  m_Sub1JetPt = lead_jet.perp();
318  float dphi = TMath::Abs(lead_jet.phi_std() - m_1TeV_phi);
319  while (dphi>M_PI) dphi = TMath::Abs(dphi-2*M_PI);
320  float dR = TMath::Sq(dphi)+TMath::Sq(lead_jet.eta()-m_1TeV_eta);
321  if (dR > 0.16) {
322  m_Sub1_ismatched = false;
323  m_Sub1Jet_delpt = -100.;
324  } else {
325  m_Sub1_ismatched = true;
327  }
328  }
330  m_T->Fill();
332 }