4// sPHENIX Style, based on a style file from ATLAS
7// @author Peter Steinberg
9// Copyright (C) 2017 sPhenix Collaboration
11// Version 0.1
13#ifndef __SPHENIXSTYLE_H
14#define __SPHENIXSTYLE_H
16#include <TStyle.h>
20Please find instruction at https://wiki.bnl.gov/sPHENIX/index.php/Plot_template . Here is a snapshot:
21# How to use
22To ensure some consistency among plots produced by different sPHENIX members, a candidate style file is being proposed (May 2017), based on the ATLAS style file. Please click here for the gzipped tar file.
23For general use, copy or link the ``sPHENIXStyle.h`` and ``sPHENIXStyle.C`` files somewhere, either locally or in your macro path (``gROOT->GetMacroPath()`` will tell you, and add it in ``.rootrc`` if you need one).
24Then do
26[0] gROOT->LoadMacro("sPhenixStyle.C")
27[1] SetsPhenixStyle()
29and you're good to go (even better, add this all into your ``.rootlogon.C`` file)
30# Rules of the sPHENIX style
31* Don't talk about the style file.
32* Always use the style file.
33* Units should always be indicated in brackets "[ ]", while counts will typically specify the bin width "Events / 2 GeV" or "Events / 0.13 rad".
34* Every plot should have a legend indicating "sPHENIX", "sPHENIX Preliminary", "sPHENIX Simulation", etc.
35* sPHENIX should be bold, italic
36* Where possible, indicate the system being considered and it's energy
37* "MC" predictions should be filled, with distinguishable colors
38* Data or pseudodata should always be histograms or graphs with error bars
39* Elements should never overlap, with each other or with the axis