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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file MultiIndex.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
11 #include <array>
12 #include <cassert>
13 #include <climits>
14 #include <ostream>
15 #include <type_traits>
16 #include <utility>
18 namespace Acts {
28 template <typename T, std::size_t... BitsPerLevel>
29 class MultiIndex {
30  public:
31  static_assert(std::is_integral_v<T> and std::is_unsigned_v<T>,
32  "The underlying storage type must be an unsigned integer");
33  static_assert(0 < sizeof...(BitsPerLevel),
34  "At least one level must be defined");
35  static_assert((sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) == (... + BitsPerLevel),
36  "The sum of bits per level must match the underlying storage");
39  using Value = T;
40  enum : std::size_t {
41  NumLevels = sizeof...(BitsPerLevel),
42  };
45  static constexpr MultiIndex Zeros() { return MultiIndex(0u); }
53  template <typename... Us>
54  static constexpr MultiIndex Encode(Us&&... us) {
55  static_assert(sizeof...(Us) <= NumLevels,
56  "Can only encode as many levels as in the MultiIndex");
58  MultiIndex index(0u);
59  std::size_t lvl = 0;
60  for (Value val : std::array<Value, sizeof...(Us)>{us...}) {
61  index.set(lvl++, val);
62  }
63  return index;
64  }
67  constexpr MultiIndex(Value encoded) : m_value(encoded) {}
69  MultiIndex() = default;
70  MultiIndex(const MultiIndex&) = default;
71  MultiIndex(MultiIndex&) = default;
72  MultiIndex& operator=(const MultiIndex&) = default;
73  MultiIndex& operator=(MultiIndex&&) = default;
75  constexpr MultiIndex& operator=(Value encoded) {
76  m_value = encoded;
77  return *this;
78  }
81  constexpr Value value() const { return m_value; }
83  constexpr Value level(std::size_t lvl) const {
84  assert((lvl < NumLevels) and "Index level outside allowed range");
85  return (m_value >> shift(lvl)) & mask(lvl);
86  }
88  constexpr MultiIndex& set(std::size_t lvl, Value val) {
89  assert((lvl < NumLevels) and "Index level outside allowed range");
90  // mask of valid bits at the encoded positions for the index level
91  Value shiftedMask = (mask(lvl) << shift(lvl));
92  // value of the index level shifted to its encoded position
93  Value shiftedValue = (val << shift(lvl));
94  // combine existing values with the value for the index level
95  m_value = (m_value & ~shiftedMask) | (shiftedValue & shiftedMask);
96  return *this;
97  }
100  constexpr MultiIndex makeNextSibling(std::size_t lvl) const {
101  assert((lvl < NumLevels) and "Index level outside allowed range");
102  // remove lower levels by shifting the upper levels to the left edge
103  Value upper = (m_value >> shift(lvl));
104  // increase to create sibling and shift back to zero lower levels again
105  return ((upper + 1u) << shift(lvl));
106  }
108  constexpr MultiIndex makeLastDescendant(std::size_t lvl) const {
109  assert((lvl < NumLevels) and "Index level outside allowed range");
110  // mask everything below the selected level
111  Value maskLower = (Value(1u) << shift(lvl)) - 1u;
112  // replace the masked lower levels w/ ones
113  return (m_value & ~maskLower) | maskLower;
114  }
117  static constexpr std::size_t bits(std::size_t lvl) {
118  assert((lvl < NumLevels) and "Index level outside allowed range");
119  return s_bits[lvl];
120  }
122  private:
123  // per-level mask and right-most bit position for shifting
124  static constexpr std::array<std::size_t, NumLevels> s_bits{BitsPerLevel...};
125  static constexpr std::size_t shift(std::size_t lvl) {
126  std::size_t s = 0u;
127  // sum up all bits below the requested level
128  for (std::size_t i = (lvl + 1); i < s_bits.size(); ++i) {
129  s += s_bits[i];
130  }
131  return s;
132  }
133  static constexpr Value mask(std::size_t lvl) {
134  return (Value(1u) << s_bits[lvl]) - 1u;
135  }
139  friend constexpr bool operator<(MultiIndex lhs, MultiIndex rhs) {
140  return lhs.m_value < rhs.m_value;
141  }
142  friend constexpr bool operator==(MultiIndex lhs, MultiIndex rhs) {
143  return lhs.m_value == rhs.m_value;
144  }
145  friend inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, MultiIndex idx) {
146  // one level is always defined
147  os << idx.level(0u);
148  for (std::size_t lvl = 1; lvl < NumLevels; ++lvl) {
149  os << '|' << idx.level(lvl);
150  }
151  return os;
152  }
153 };
155 } // namespace Acts
157 // specialize std::hash so MultiIndex can be used e.g. in an unordered_map
158 namespace std {
159 template <typename Storage, std::size_t... BitsPerLevel>
160 struct hash<Acts::MultiIndex<Storage, BitsPerLevel...>> {
161  auto operator()(
163  return std::hash<Storage>()(idx.value());
164  }
165 };
166 } // namespace std