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1 import sys, os
2 from os import environ
3 import argparse
5 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='sPHENIX MDC2 Reco Job Creator')
6 parser.add_argument('-i', '--inputType', default="PYTHIA8_PP_MB", help='Input type: PYTHIA8_PP_MB, HIJING_[0-20/0-4P88], HF_CHARM[D0], HF_BOTTOM[D0], JET_[10GEV/30GEV/PHOTON], SINGLE_PARTICLE')
7 parser.add_argument('-f', '--nFilesPerJob', default=5, type=int, help='Number of input files to pass to each job')
8 parser.add_argument('-t', '--nTotEvents', default=-1, type=int, help='Total number of events to run over')
9 parser.add_argument('-r', '--run', default=11, type=int, help='Production run to use')
10 parser.add_argument('--nopileup', help='Get data without pileup', action="store_true")
11 parser.add_argument('--truth', help='Enable truth DST reading', action="store_true")
12 parser.add_argument('--calo', help='Enable calo DST reading', action="store_true")
13 parser.add_argument('--trkr_hit', help='Enable tracker hit DST reading', action="store_true")
14 parser.add_argument('--mbd', help='Enable MBD/ZDC DST reading', action="store_true")
15 parser.add_argument('--mbd_g4hit', help='Enable MBD G4 hit DST reading', action="store_true")
16 parser.add_argument('--g4hit', help='Enable G4 hit DST reading', action="store_true")
17 parser.add_argument('--truth_table', help='Use DSTs for running tracking and making the truth/reco table', action="store_true")
19 args = parser.parse_args()
21 inputType = args.inputType.upper()
23 types = {'PYTHIA8_PP_MB' : 3, 'HIJING_0-20' : 4, 'HIJING_0-4P88' : 6, 'HF_CHARM' : 7, 'HF_BOTTOM' : 8, 'HF_CHARMD0' : 9, 'HF_BOTTOMD0' : 10
24  , 'JET_30GEV' : 11, 'JET_10GEV' : 12, 'JET_PHOTON' : 13, 'SINGLE_PARTICLE' : 14 , 'D0JETS' : 17}
25 if inputType not in types:
26  print("The argument, {}, was not known. Use --help to see available types".format(args.inputType))
27  sys.exit()
30 dstSets = ['DST_TRACKS', 'DST_GLOBAL']
31 if args.truth:
32  args.g4hit = False
33  dstSets.append('DST_TRUTH')
34  #dstSets.append('DST_TRKR_G4HIT')
35  dstSets.append('G4Hits')
36  dstSets.append('DST_TRACKSEEDS')
37  dstSets.append('DST_TRKR_CLUSTER')
38 if args.calo: dstSets.append('DST_CALO_CLUSTER')
39 if args.trkr_hit: dstSets.append('DST_TRKR_HIT')
40 if args.mbd:
41  dstSets.append('DST_MBD_EPD')
42 if args.mbd_g4hit:
43  args.g4hit = False
44  dstSets.append('DST_BBC_G4HIT')
45 if args.g4hit: dstSets.append('G4Hits')
46 if args.truth_table:
47  dstSets.append('DST_TRUTH_RECO')
48  if args.truth == False: dstSets.append('DST_TRUTH')
50 myShell = str(environ['SHELL'])
51 goodShells = ['/bin/bash', '/bin/tcsh']
52 if myShell not in goodShells:
53  print("Your shell {} was not recognised".format(myShell))
54  sys.exit()
56 memory = 8
58 def makeCondorJob():
59  print("Creating condor submission files for {} production".format(inputType))
60  inputFiles = []
61  line = []
62  for i in range(len(dstSets)):
63  inputFiles.append(open("{0}.list".format(dstSets[i].lower()), "r"))
64  line.append(inputFiles[i].readline())
65  myOutputPath = os.getcwd()
66  condorDir = "{}/condorJob".format(myOutputPath)
67  os.makedirs("{}/log".format(condorDir), exist_ok=True)
68  os.makedirs("{}/fileLists".format(condorDir), exist_ok=True)
69  nJob = 0;
70  while line[0]:
71  listFile = []
72  listFileGeneric = []
73  for i in range(len(dstSets)):
74  fileStart = "fileLists/productionFiles-{1}-{2}-".format(condorDir, inputType, dstSets[i].lower())
75  listFile.append("{0}/{1}{2:05d}.list".format(condorDir, fileStart, nJob))
76  listFileGeneric.append("$(condorDir)/{0}$INT(Process,%05d).list".format(fileStart))
77  productionFilesToUse = open(listFile[i], "w")
78  for j in range(0, args.nFilesPerJob):
79  splitLine = line[i].split("/")
80  fileName = splitLine[-1]
81  productionFilesToUse.write(fileName)
82  line[i] = inputFiles[i].readline()
83  nJob += 1
84  condorFileName = "{0}/my{1}.job".format(condorDir, inputType)
85  condorFile = open("{}".format(condorFileName), "w")
86  condorFile.write("Universe = vanilla\n")
87  condorFile.write("initialDir = {}\n".format(myOutputPath))
88  if myShell == '/bin/bash': condorFile.write("Executable = $(initialDir)/\n")
89  if myShell == '/bin/tcsh': condorFile.write("Executable = $(initialDir)/run_MDC2reco.csh\n")
90  condorFile.write("PeriodicHold = (NumJobStarts>=1 && JobStatus == 1)\n")
91  condorFile.write("request_memory = {}GB\n".format(memory))
92  condorFile.write("Priority = 20\n")
93  condorFile.write("job_lease_duration = 3600\n")
94  condorFile.write("condorDir = $(initialDir)/condorJob\n")
95  condorOutputInfo = "$(condorDir)/log/condor-{0}-$INT(Process,%05d)".format(inputType)
96  condorFile.write("Output = {0}.out\n".format(condorOutputInfo))
97  condorFile.write("Error = {0}.err\n".format(condorOutputInfo))
98  condorFile.write("Log = {0}.log\n".format(condorOutputInfo))
99  condorFile.write("Arguments = \"{}\"\n".format(' '.join(listFileGeneric)))
100  condorFile.write("Queue {}\n".format(nJob))
101  print("Submission setup complete!")
102  print("This setup will submit {} subjobs".format(nJob))
103  print("You can submit your job with the script:\n{}".format(condorFileName))
105 catalogCommand = " -run {0} -type {1} {2}".format(, types[inputType], ' '.join(dstSets))
106 if args.nTotEvents != -1: catalogCommand += " -n {}".format(args.nTotEvents)
107 if args.nopileup: catalogCommand += " -nopileup"
108 os.system(catalogCommand)