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4 #include <g4detectors/PHG4CellDefs.h> // for genkey, keytype
8 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h> // for PHG4Hit
11 #include <phool/PHRandomSeed.h>
12 #include <phool/getClass.h>
14 // Move to new storage containers
15 #include <trackbase/TpcDefs.h>
16 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h> // for hitkey, hitse...
17 #include <trackbase/TrkrHit.h> // for TrkrHit
18 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitSet.h>
20 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitv2.h> // for TrkrHit
27 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
29 #include <TSystem.h>
30 #include <TFile.h>
32 #include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
33 #include <gsl/gsl_rng.h> // for gsl_rng_alloc
35 #include <cmath>
36 #include <iostream>
37 #include <map> // for _Rb_tree_cons...
38 #include <utility> // for pair
39 #include <cstdlib> // for getenv
41 class PHCompositeNode;
42 class TrkrHitTruthAssoc;
44 namespace
45 {
47  template <class T>
48  inline constexpr T square(const T &x)
49  {
50  return x * x;
51  }
53  template <class T>
54  inline T get_r( const T& x, const T& y )
55  { return std::sqrt(square(x) + square(y)); }
58  template <class T>
59  inline T gaus(const T &x, const T &sigma)
60  {
61  return std::exp(-square(x / sigma) / 2) / (sigma * std::sqrt(2 * M_PI));
62  }
64  static constexpr unsigned int print_layer = 18;
66 } // namespace
69  : PHG4TpcPadPlane(name)
70 {
72  //if(m_flagToUseGain==1)
73  ReadGain();
74  RandomGenerator = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
75  gsl_rng_set(RandomGenerator, PHRandomSeed()); // fixed seed is handled in this funtcion
76  h_gain[0] = nullptr;
77  h_gain[1] = nullptr;
79  return;
80 }
83 {
84  gsl_rng_free(RandomGenerator);
85  delete h_gain[0];
86  delete h_gain[1];
87 }
89 //_________________________________________________________
91 {
92  // base class
93  const auto reply = PHG4TpcPadPlane::InitRun( topNode );
94  if( reply != Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK ) return reply;
96  // load geo node
97  const std::string seggeonodename = "CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX";
98  GeomContainer = findNode::getClass<PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, seggeonodename);
102 }
104 //_________________________________________________________
106 {
107  // Jin H.: For the GEM gain in sPHENIX TPC,
108  // Bob pointed out the PHENIX HBD measured it as the Polya function with theta parameter = 0.8.
109  // Just talked with Tom too, he suggest us to start the TPC modeling with simpler exponential function
110  // with lambda parameter of 1/2000, (i.e. Polya function with theta parameter = 0, q_bar = 2000). Please note, this gain variation need to be sampled for each initial electron individually.
111  // Summing over ~30 initial electrons, the distribution is pushed towards more Gauss like.
112  // Bob A.: I like Tom's suggestion to use the exponential distribution as a first approximation
113  // for the single electron gain distribution -
114  // and yes, the parameter you're looking for is of course the slope, which is the inverse gain.
115  double nelec = gsl_ran_exponential(RandomGenerator, averageGEMGain);
116  //Put gain reading here
118  return nelec;
119 }
123  TpcClusterBuilder &tpc_truth_clusterer,
124  TrkrHitSetContainer *single_hitsetcontainer,
125  TrkrHitSetContainer *hitsetcontainer,
126  TrkrHitTruthAssoc * /*hittruthassoc*/,
127  const double x_gem, const double y_gem, const double t_gem, const unsigned int side,
128  PHG4HitContainer::ConstIterator hiter, TNtuple * /*ntpad*/, TNtuple * /*nthit*/)
129 {
130  // One electron per call of this method
131  // The x_gem and y_gem values have already been randomized within the transverse drift diffusion width
132  // The t_gem value already reflects the drift time of the primary electron from the production point, and is randomized within the longitudinal diffusion witdth
134  double phi = atan2(y_gem, x_gem);
135  if (phi > +M_PI) phi -= 2 * M_PI;
136  if (phi < -M_PI) phi += 2 * M_PI;
138  double rad_gem = get_r( x_gem, y_gem );
140  // Moving electrons from dead area to a closest pad
141  for (int iregion = 0; iregion < 3; ++iregion)
142  {
143  double daR = 0;
144  if(iregion==0 || iregion==2){
145  daR=1.0;//1.0cm edge to collect electrons from
146  }else{
147  daR = MinRadius[iregion]-MaxRadius[iregion-1];
148  }
149  if ( rad_gem <= MinRadius[iregion] && rad_gem >= MinRadius[iregion]-daR){
150  if( rad_gem <= MinRadius[iregion]-daR/2){
151  rad_gem = MinRadius[iregion] - (1.1*daR) ;
152  }else{
153  rad_gem = MinRadius[iregion] + 0.1*daR;
154  }
156  }
158  }
160  phi = check_phi(side, phi, rad_gem);
161  unsigned int layernum = 0;
162  /* TpcClusterBuilder pass_data {}; */
164  // Find which readout layer this electron ends up in
167  for (PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer::ConstIterator layeriter = layerrange.first;
168  layeriter != layerrange.second;
169  ++layeriter)
170  {
171  double rad_low = layeriter->second->get_radius() - layeriter->second->get_thickness() / 2.0;
172  double rad_high = layeriter->second->get_radius() + layeriter->second->get_thickness() / 2.0;
174  if (rad_gem > rad_low && rad_gem < rad_high)
175  {
176  // capture the layer where this electron hits the gem stack
177  LayerGeom = layeriter->second;
179  layernum = LayerGeom->get_layer();
180  /* pass_data.layerGeom = LayerGeom; */
181  /* pass_data.layer = layernum; */
182  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
183  std::cout << " g4hit id " << hiter->first << " rad_gem " << rad_gem << " rad_low " << rad_low << " rad_high " << rad_high
184  << " layer " << hiter->second->get_layer() << " want to change to " << layernum << std::endl;
185  hiter->second->set_layer(layernum); // have to set here, since the stepping action knows nothing about layers
186  }
188  }
190  if (layernum == 0)
191  {
192  return;
193  }
195  // store phi bins and tbins upfront to avoid repetitive checks on the phi methods
196  const auto phibins = LayerGeom->get_phibins();
197  /* pass_data.nphibins = phibins; */
199  const auto tbins = LayerGeom->get_zbins();
201  // Create the distribution function of charge on the pad plane around the electron position
203  // The resolution due to pad readout includes the charge spread during GEM multiplication.
204  // this now defaults to 400 microns during construction from Tom (see 8/11 email).
205  // Use the setSigmaT(const double) method to update...
206  // We use a double gaussian to represent the smearing due to the SAMPA chip shaping time - default values of fShapingLead and fShapingTail are for 80 ns SAMPA
208  // amplify the single electron in the gem stack
209  //===============================
211  double nelec = getSingleEGEMAmplification();
212  // Applying weight with respect to the rad_gem and phi after electrons are redistributed
213  double phi_gain = phi;
214  if(phi<0)phi_gain += 2*M_PI;
215  double gain_weight = 1.0;
216  if(m_flagToUseGain==1) gain_weight = h_gain[side]->GetBinContent(h_gain[side]->FindBin(rad_gem*10,phi_gain));//rad_gem in cm -> *10 to get mm
217  nelec = nelec*gain_weight;
218  //std::cout<<"PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout::MapToPadPlane gain_weight = "<<gain_weight<<std::endl;
219  /* pass_data.neff_electrons = nelec; */
221  // Distribute the charge between the pads in phi
222  //====================================
224  if (Verbosity() > 200)
225  std::cout << " populate phi bins for "
226  << " layernum " << layernum
227  << " phi " << phi
228  << " sigmaT " << sigmaT
229  //<< " zigzag_pads " << zigzag_pads
230  << std::endl;
232  std::vector<int> pad_phibin;
233  std::vector<double> pad_phibin_share;
235  populate_zigzag_phibins(side, layernum, phi, sigmaT, pad_phibin, pad_phibin_share);
236  /* if (pad_phibin.size() == 0) { */
237  /* pass_data.neff_electrons = 0; */
238  /* } else { */
239  /* pass_data.fillPhiBins(pad_phibin); */
240  /* } */
242  // Normalize the shares so they add up to 1
243  double norm1 = 0.0;
244  for (unsigned int ipad = 0; ipad < pad_phibin.size(); ++ipad)
245  {
246  double pad_share = pad_phibin_share[ipad];
247  norm1 += pad_share;
248  }
249  for (unsigned int iphi = 0; iphi < pad_phibin.size(); ++iphi)
250  pad_phibin_share[iphi] /= norm1;
252  // Distribute the charge between the pads in t
253  //====================================
254  if (Verbosity() > 100 && layernum == print_layer)
255  std::cout << " populate t bins for layernum " << layernum
256  << " with t_gem " << t_gem << " sigmaL[0] " << sigmaL[0] << " sigmaL[1] " << sigmaL[1] << std::endl;
258  std::vector<int> adc_tbin;
259  std::vector<double> adc_tbin_share;
260  populate_tbins(t_gem, sigmaL, adc_tbin, adc_tbin_share);
261  /* if (adc_tbin.size() == 0) { */
262  /* pass_data.neff_electrons = 0; */
263  /* } else { */
264  /* pass_data.fillTimeBins(adc_tbin); */
265  /* } */
267  // Normalize the shares so that they add up to 1
268  double tnorm = 0.0;
269  for (unsigned int it = 0; it < adc_tbin.size(); ++it)
270  {
271  double bin_share = adc_tbin_share[it];
272  tnorm += bin_share;
273  }
274  for (unsigned int it = 0; it < adc_tbin.size(); ++it)
275  adc_tbin_share[it] /= tnorm;
277  // Fill HitSetContainer
278  //===============
279  // These are used to do a quick clustering for checking
280  double phi_integral = 0.0;
281  double t_integral = 0.0;
282  double weight = 0.0;
284  for (unsigned int ipad = 0; ipad < pad_phibin.size(); ++ipad)
285  {
286  int pad_num = pad_phibin[ipad];
287  double pad_share = pad_phibin_share[ipad];
289  for (unsigned int it = 0; it < adc_tbin.size(); ++it)
290  {
291  int tbin_num = adc_tbin[it];
292  double adc_bin_share = adc_tbin_share[it];
294  // Divide electrons from avalanche between bins
295  float neffelectrons = nelec * (pad_share) * (adc_bin_share);
296  if (neffelectrons < neffelectrons_threshold) continue; // skip signals that will be below the noise suppression threshold
298  if (tbin_num >= tbins) std::cout << " Error making key: adc_tbin " << tbin_num << " ntbins " << tbins << std::endl;
299  if (pad_num >= phibins) std::cout << " Error making key: pad_phibin " << pad_num << " nphibins " << phibins << std::endl;
301  // collect information to do simple clustering. Checks operation of PHG4CylinderCellTpcReco, and
302  // is also useful for comparison with PHG4TpcClusterizer result when running single track events.
303  // The only information written to the cell other than neffelectrons is tbin and pad number, so get those from geometry
304  double tcenter = LayerGeom->get_zcenter(tbin_num);
305  double phicenter = LayerGeom->get_phicenter(pad_num);
306  phi_integral += phicenter * neffelectrons;
307  t_integral += tcenter * neffelectrons;
308  weight += neffelectrons;
309  if (Verbosity() > 1 && layernum == print_layer)
310  std::cout << " tbin_num " << tbin_num << " tcenter " << tcenter << " pad_num " << pad_num << " phicenter " << phicenter
311  << " neffelectrons " << neffelectrons << " neffelectrons_threshold " << neffelectrons_threshold << std::endl;
313  // new containers
314  //============
315  // We add the Tpc TrkrHitsets directly to the node using hitsetcontainer
316  // We need to create the TrkrHitSet if not already made - each TrkrHitSet should correspond to a Tpc readout module
317  // The hitset key includes the layer, sector, side
319  // The side is an input parameter
321  // get the Tpc readout sector - there are 12 sectors with how many pads each?
322  unsigned int pads_per_sector = phibins / 12;
323  unsigned int sector = pad_num / pads_per_sector;
324  TrkrDefs::hitsetkey hitsetkey = TpcDefs::genHitSetKey(layernum, sector, side);
325  // Use existing hitset or add new one if needed
326  TrkrHitSetContainer::Iterator hitsetit = hitsetcontainer->findOrAddHitSet(hitsetkey);
327  TrkrHitSetContainer::Iterator single_hitsetit = single_hitsetcontainer->findOrAddHitSet(hitsetkey);
329  // generate the key for this hit, requires tbin and phibin
330  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = TpcDefs::genHitKey((unsigned int) pad_num, (unsigned int) tbin_num);
331  // See if this hit already exists
332  TrkrHit *hit = nullptr;
333  hit = hitsetit->second->getHit(hitkey);
334  if (!hit)
335  {
336  // create a new one
337  hit = new TrkrHitv2();
338  hitsetit->second->addHitSpecificKey(hitkey, hit);
339  }
340  // Either way, add the energy to it -- adc values will be added at digitization
341  hit->addEnergy(neffelectrons);
343  tpc_truth_clusterer.addhitset(hitsetkey, hitkey, neffelectrons);
345  // repeat for the single_hitsetcontainer
346  // See if this hit already exists
347  TrkrHit *single_hit = nullptr;
348  single_hit = single_hitsetit->second->getHit(hitkey);
349  if (!single_hit)
350  {
351  // create a new one
352  single_hit = new TrkrHitv2();
353  single_hitsetit->second->addHitSpecificKey(hitkey, single_hit);
354  }
355  // Either way, add the energy to it -- adc values will be added at digitization
356  single_hit->addEnergy(neffelectrons);
358  /*
359  if (Verbosity() > 0)
360  {
361  assert(nthit);
362  nthit->Fill(layernum, pad_num, tbin_num, neffelectrons);
363  }
364  */
366  } // end of loop over adc T bins
367  } // end of loop over zigzag pads
368  /* pass_data.phi_integral = phi_integral; */
369  /* pass_data.time_integral = t_integral; */
371  /*
372  // Capture the input values at the gem stack and the quick clustering results, elecron-by-electron
373  if (Verbosity() > 0)
374  {
375  assert(ntpad);
376  ntpad->Fill(layernum, phi, phi_integral / weight, t_gem, t_integral / weight);
377  }
378  */
380  if (Verbosity() > 100)
381  if (layernum == print_layer)
382  {
383  std::cout << " hit " << m_NHits << " quick centroid for this electron " << std::endl;
384  std::cout << " phi centroid = " << phi_integral / weight << " phi in " << phi << " phi diff " << phi_integral / weight - phi << std::endl;
385  std::cout << " t centroid = " << t_integral / weight << " t in " << t_gem << " t diff " << t_integral / weight - t_gem << std::endl;
386  // For a single track event, this captures the distribution of single electron centroids on the pad plane for layer print_layer.
387  // The centroid of that should match the cluster centroid found by PHG4TpcClusterizer for layer print_layer, if everything is working
388  // - matches to < .01 cm for a few cases that I checked
390  /*
391  assert(nthit);
392  nthit->Fill(hit, layernum, phi, phi_integral / weight, t_gem, t_integral / weight, weight);
393  */
394  }
396  m_NHits++;
397  /* return pass_data; */
398 }
399 double PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout::check_phi(const unsigned int side, const double phi, const double radius)
400 {
401  double new_phi = phi;
402  int p_region=-1;
403  for (int iregion = 0; iregion < 3; ++iregion)
404  {
405  if (radius < MaxRadius[iregion] && radius > MinRadius[iregion]) p_region = iregion;
406  }
408  if(p_region>0)
409  {
410  for(int s=0; s<12;s++)
411  {
412  double daPhi = 0;
413  if (s==0)
414  {
415  daPhi = fabs(sector_min_Phi_sectors[side][p_region][11] + 2*M_PI - sector_max_Phi_sectors[side][p_region][s]);
416  }else{
417  daPhi = fabs(sector_min_Phi_sectors[side][p_region][s-1] - sector_max_Phi_sectors[side][p_region][s]);
418  }
419  double min_phi = sector_max_Phi_sectors[side][p_region][s];
420  double max_phi = sector_max_Phi_sectors[side][p_region][s]+daPhi;
421  if (new_phi<=max_phi && new_phi>=min_phi)
422  {
423  if(fabs(max_phi - new_phi) > fabs(new_phi - min_phi))
424  {
425  new_phi = min_phi-PhiBinWidth[p_region]/5;//to be changed
426  }else{
427  new_phi = max_phi+PhiBinWidth[p_region]/5;
428  }
429  }
430  }
431  if(new_phi<sector_min_Phi_sectors[side][p_region][11] && new_phi>=-M_PI)
432  { new_phi += 2*M_PI; }
433  }
435  return new_phi;
436 }
438 void PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout::populate_zigzag_phibins(const unsigned int side, const unsigned int layernum, const double phi, const double cloud_sig_rp, std::vector<int> &phibin_pad, std::vector<double> &phibin_pad_share)
439 {
440  const double radius = LayerGeom->get_radius();
441  const double phistepsize = LayerGeom->get_phistep();
442  const auto phibins = LayerGeom->get_phibins();
444  // make the charge distribution gaussian
445  double rphi = phi * radius;
446  if (Verbosity() > 100)
447  if (LayerGeom->get_layer() == print_layer)
448  {
449  std::cout << " populate_zigzag_phibins for layer " << layernum << " with radius " << radius << " phi " << phi
450  << " rphi " << rphi << " phistepsize " << phistepsize << std::endl;
451  std::cout << " fcharge created: radius " << radius << " rphi " << rphi << " cloud_sig_rp " << cloud_sig_rp << std::endl;
452  }
454  // Get the range of phi values that completely contains all pads that touch the charge distribution - (nsigmas + 1/2 pad width) in each direction
455  const double philim_low_calc = phi - (_nsigmas * cloud_sig_rp / radius) - phistepsize;
456  const double philim_high_calc = phi + (_nsigmas * cloud_sig_rp / radius) + phistepsize;
458  // Find the pad range that covers this phi range
459  const double philim_low = check_phi(side, philim_low_calc, radius);
460  const double philim_high = check_phi(side, philim_high_calc, radius);
462  int phibin_low = LayerGeom->get_phibin(philim_high);
463  int phibin_high = LayerGeom->get_phibin(philim_low);
464  int npads = phibin_high - phibin_low;
467  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
468  if (layernum == print_layer)
469  std::cout << " zigzags: phi " << phi << " philim_low " << philim_low << " phibin_low " << phibin_low
470  << " philim_high " << philim_high << " phibin_high " << phibin_high << " npads " << npads << std::endl;
472  if (npads < 0 || npads > 9) npads = 9; // can happen if phibin_high wraps around. If so, limit to 10 pads and fix below
474  // Calculate the maximum extent in r-phi of pads in this layer. Pads are assumed to touch the center of the next phi bin on both sides.
475  const double pad_rphi = 2.0 * LayerGeom->get_phistep() * radius;
477  // Make a TF1 for each pad in the phi range
478  using PadParameterSet = std::array<double, 2>;
479  std::array<PadParameterSet, 10> pad_parameters;
480  std::array<int, 10> pad_keep;
483  // Now make a loop that steps through the charge distribution and evaluates the response at that point on each pad
484  std::array<double, 10> overlap = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};
485  double pads_phi[10] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
486  double sum_of_pads_phi = 0.;
487  double sum_of_pads_absphi = 0.;
488  for (int ipad = 0; ipad <= npads; ipad++)
489  {
490  int pad_now = phibin_low + ipad;
491  if (pad_now >= phibins) pad_now -= phibins;
492  pads_phi[ipad] = LayerGeom->get_phicenter(pad_now);
493  sum_of_pads_phi += pads_phi[ipad];
494  sum_of_pads_absphi += fabs(pads_phi[ipad]);
495  }
497  for (int ipad = 0; ipad <= npads; ipad++)
498  {
499  int pad_now = phibin_low + ipad;
500  //if(phibin_low<0 && phibin_high<0) pad_now = phibin_high + ipad;
501  // check that we do not exceed the maximum number of pads, wrap if necessary
502  if (pad_now >= phibins) pad_now -= phibins;
504  pad_keep[ipad] = pad_now;
505  double phi_now = pads_phi[ipad];
506  const double rphi_pad_now = phi_now * radius;
507  pad_parameters[ipad] = {{pad_rphi / 2.0, rphi_pad_now}};
509  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
510  if (layernum == print_layer)
511  std::cout << " zigzags: make fpad for ipad " << ipad << " pad_now " << pad_now << " pad_rphi/2 " << pad_rphi / 2.0
512  << " rphi_pad_now " << rphi_pad_now << std::endl;
513  //}
515  // use analytic integral
516  //for (int ipad = 0; ipad <= npads; ipad++)
517  //{
518  //const double pitch = pad_parameters[ipad][0];
519  //const double x_loc = pad_parameters[ipad][1] - rphi;
520  //const double sigma = cloud_sig_rp;
522  const double pitch = pad_rphi / 2.0;//eshulga
523  double x_loc_tmp = rphi_pad_now - rphi;//eshulga
524  const double sigma = cloud_sig_rp;//eshulga
526  // Checking if the pads are on the same side of the TPC in phi
527  if(fabs(sum_of_pads_phi)!= sum_of_pads_absphi){
528  if(phi<-M_PI/2 && phi_now>0){
529  x_loc_tmp = (phi_now - 2*M_PI) * radius - rphi;
530  }
531  if(phi>M_PI/2 && phi_now<0){
532  x_loc_tmp = (phi_now + 2*M_PI) * radius - rphi;
533  }
534  if(phi<0 && phi_now>0){
535  x_loc_tmp = (phi_now+fabs(phi)) * radius;
536  }
537  if(phi>0 && phi_now<0){
538  x_loc_tmp = (2*M_PI - phi_now + phi) * radius;
539  }
540  }
542  const double x_loc = x_loc_tmp;
543  // calculate fraction of the total charge on this strip
544  /*
545  this corresponds to integrating the charge distribution Gaussian function (centered on rphi and of width cloud_sig_rp),
546  convoluted with a strip response function, which is triangular from -pitch to +pitch, with a maximum of 1. at stript center
547  */
548  overlap[ipad] =
549  (pitch - x_loc) * (std::erf(x_loc / (M_SQRT2 * sigma)) - std::erf((x_loc - pitch) / (M_SQRT2 * sigma))) / (pitch * 2) + (pitch + x_loc) * (std::erf((x_loc + pitch) / (M_SQRT2 * sigma)) - std::erf(x_loc / (M_SQRT2 * sigma))) / (pitch * 2) + (gaus(x_loc - pitch, sigma) - gaus(x_loc, sigma)) * square(sigma) / pitch + (gaus(x_loc + pitch, sigma) - gaus(x_loc, sigma)) * square(sigma) / pitch;
551  }
553  // now we have the overlap for each pad
554  for (int ipad = 0; ipad <= npads; ipad++)
555  {
556  phibin_pad.push_back(pad_keep[ipad]);
557  phibin_pad_share.push_back(overlap[ipad]);
558  }
560  return;
561 }
563 void PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout::populate_tbins(const double t, const std::array<double, 2> &cloud_sig_tt, std::vector<int> &tbin_adc, std::vector<double> &tbin_adc_share)
564 {
565  int tbin = LayerGeom->get_zbin(t);
566  if (tbin < 0 || tbin > LayerGeom->get_zbins())
567  {
568  // std::cout << " t bin is outside range, return" << std::endl;
569  return;
570  }
572  double tstepsize = LayerGeom->get_zstep();
573  double tdisp = t - LayerGeom->get_zcenter(tbin);
575  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
576  std::cout << " input: t " << t << " tbin " << tbin << " tstepsize " << tstepsize << " t center " << LayerGeom->get_zcenter(tbin) << " tdisp " << tdisp << std::endl;
578  // Because of diffusion, hits can be shared across the membrane, so we allow all t bins
579  int min_cell_tbin = 0;
580  int max_cell_tbin = NTBins - 1;
582  double cloud_sig_tt_inv[2];
583  cloud_sig_tt_inv[0] = 1. / cloud_sig_tt[0];
584  cloud_sig_tt_inv[1] = 1. / cloud_sig_tt[1];
586  int zsect = 0;
587  if (t < 0)
588  zsect = -1;
589  else
590  zsect = 1;
592  int n_zz = int(3 * (cloud_sig_tt[0] + cloud_sig_tt[1]) / (2.0 * tstepsize) + 1);
593  if (Verbosity() > 1000) std::cout << " n_zz " << n_zz << " cloud_sigzz[0] " << cloud_sig_tt[0] << " cloud_sig_tt[1] " << cloud_sig_tt[1] << std::endl;
594  for (int it = -n_zz; it != n_zz + 1; ++it)
595  {
596  int cur_t_bin = tbin + it;
597  if ((cur_t_bin < min_cell_tbin) || (cur_t_bin > max_cell_tbin)) continue;
599  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
600  std::cout << " it " << it << " cur_t_bin " << cur_t_bin << " min_cell_tbin " << min_cell_tbin << " max_cell_tbin " << max_cell_tbin << std::endl;
602  double t_integral = 0.0;
603  if (it == 0)
604  {
605  // the crossover between lead and tail shaping occurs in this bin
606  int index1 = -1;
607  int index2 = -1;
608  if (zsect == -1)
609  {
610  index1 = 0;
611  index2 = 1;
612  }
613  else
614  {
615  index1 = 1;
616  index2 = 0;
617  }
619  double tLim1 = 0.0;
620  double tLim2 = 0.5 * M_SQRT2 * (-0.5 * tstepsize - tdisp) * cloud_sig_tt_inv[index1];
621  // 1/2 * the erf is the integral probability from the argument Z value to zero, so this is the integral probability between the Z limits
622  double t_integral1 = 0.5 * (erf(tLim1) - erf(tLim2));
624  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
625  if (LayerGeom->get_layer() == print_layer)
626  std::cout << " populate_tbins: cur_t_bin " << cur_t_bin << " center t " << LayerGeom->get_zcenter(cur_t_bin)
627  << " index1 " << index1 << " tLim1 " << tLim1 << " tLim2 " << tLim2 << " t_integral1 " << t_integral1 << std::endl;
629  tLim2 = 0.0;
630  tLim1 = 0.5 * M_SQRT2 * (0.5 * tstepsize - tdisp) * cloud_sig_tt_inv[index2];
631  double t_integral2 = 0.5 * (erf(tLim1) - erf(tLim2));
633  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
634  if (LayerGeom->get_layer() == print_layer)
635  std::cout << " populate_tbins: cur_t_bin " << cur_t_bin << " center t " << LayerGeom->get_zcenter(cur_t_bin)
636  << " index2 " << index2 << " tLim1 " << tLim1 << " tLim2 " << tLim2 << " t_integral2 " << t_integral2 << std::endl;
638  t_integral = t_integral1 + t_integral2;
639  }
640  else
641  {
642  // The non zero bins are entirely in the lead or tail region
643  // lead or tail depends on which side of the membrane
644  int index = 0;
645  if (it < 0)
646  {
647  if (zsect == -1)
648  index = 0;
649  else
650  index = 1;
651  }
652  else
653  {
654  if (zsect == -1)
655  index = 1;
656  else
657  index = 0;
658  }
659  double tLim1 = 0.5 * M_SQRT2 * ((it + 0.5) * tstepsize - tdisp) * cloud_sig_tt_inv[index];
660  double tLim2 = 0.5 * M_SQRT2 * ((it - 0.5) * tstepsize - tdisp) * cloud_sig_tt_inv[index];
661  t_integral = 0.5 * (erf(tLim1) - erf(tLim2));
663  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
664  if (LayerGeom->get_layer() == print_layer)
665  std::cout << " populate_tbins: t_bin " << cur_t_bin << " center t " << LayerGeom->get_zcenter(cur_t_bin)
666  << " index " << index << " tLim1 " << tLim1 << " tLim2 " << tLim2 << " t_integral " << t_integral << std::endl;
667  }
669  tbin_adc.push_back(cur_t_bin);
670  tbin_adc_share.push_back(t_integral);
671  }
673  return;
674 }
676 void PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout::UseGain(const int flagToUseGain)
677 {
678  m_flagToUseGain = flagToUseGain;
679  if(m_flagToUseGain == 1 && Verbosity()>0) std::cout << "PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout: UseGain: TRUE " << std::endl;
680 }
683 {
684  // Reading TPC Gain Maps from the file
685  if(m_flagToUseGain==1){
686  char *calibrationsroot = getenv("CALIBRATIONROOT");
687  if (calibrationsroot != nullptr)
688  {
689  std::string gain_maps_filename = std::string(calibrationsroot)+std::string("/TPC/GainMaps/TPCGainMaps.root");
690  TFile *fileGain = TFile::Open(gain_maps_filename.c_str(), "READ");
691  h_gain[0] = (TH2F*)fileGain->Get("RadPhiPlot0")->Clone();
692  h_gain[1] = (TH2F*)fileGain->Get("RadPhiPlot1")->Clone();
693  h_gain[0]->SetDirectory(nullptr);
694  h_gain[1]->SetDirectory(nullptr);
695  fileGain->Close();
696  }
697  }
698 }
700 {
702  set_default_double_param("tpc_minradius_inner", 31.105);//30.0); // cm
703  set_default_double_param("tpc_minradius_mid", 41.153);//40.0);
704  set_default_double_param("tpc_minradius_outer", 58.367);//60.0);
707  set_default_double_param("tpc_maxradius_inner", 40.249);//40.0); // cm
708  set_default_double_param("tpc_maxradius_mid", 57.475);//60.0);
709  set_default_double_param("tpc_maxradius_outer", 75.911);//77.0); // from Tom
712  set_default_double_param("neffelectrons_threshold", 1.0);
713  set_default_double_param("maxdriftlength", 105.5); // cm
714  set_default_double_param("tpc_adc_clock", 53.0); // ns, for 18.8 MHz clock
715  set_default_double_param("gem_cloud_sigma", 0.04); // cm = 400 microns
716  set_default_double_param("sampa_shaping_lead", 32.0); // ns, for 80 ns SAMPA
717  set_default_double_param("sampa_shaping_tail", 48.0); // ns, for 80 ns SAMPA
719  set_default_double_param("tpc_sector_phi_inner", 0.5024);//2 * M_PI / 12 );//sector size in phi for R1 sector
720  set_default_double_param("tpc_sector_phi_mid", 0.5087);//2 * M_PI / 12 );//sector size in phi for R2 sector
721  set_default_double_param("tpc_sector_phi_outer", 0.5097);//2 * M_PI / 12 );//sector size in phi for R3 sector
723  set_default_int_param("ntpc_phibins_inner", 1152);
724  set_default_int_param("ntpc_phibins_mid", 1536);
725  set_default_int_param("ntpc_phibins_outer", 2304);
727  // GEM Gain
728  /*
729  hp (2020/09/04): gain changed from 2000 to 1400, to accomodate gas mixture change
730  from Ne/CF4 90/10 to Ne/CF4 50/50, and keep the average charge per particle per pad constant
731  */
732  set_default_double_param("gem_amplification", 1400);
733  return;
734 }
737 {
739  neffelectrons_threshold = get_double_param("neffelectrons_threshold");
741  MinRadius =
742  {{
743  get_double_param("tpc_minradius_inner"),
744  get_double_param("tpc_minradius_mid"),
745  get_double_param("tpc_minradius_outer")
746  }};
748  MaxRadius =
749  {{
750  get_double_param("tpc_maxradius_inner"),
751  get_double_param("tpc_maxradius_mid"),
752  get_double_param("tpc_maxradius_outer")
753  }};
755  sigmaT = get_double_param("gem_cloud_sigma");
756  sigmaL = {{
757  get_double_param("sampa_shaping_lead"),
758  get_double_param("sampa_shaping_tail")
759  }};
761  const double tpc_adc_clock = get_double_param("tpc_adc_clock");
763  const double MaxZ = get_double_param("maxdriftlength");
764  const double TBinWidth = tpc_adc_clock;
765  const double MaxT = extended_readout_time + 2.0 * MaxZ / drift_velocity; // allows for extended time readout
766  const double MinT = 0;
767  NTBins = (int) ((MaxT - MinT) / TBinWidth) + 1;
769  const std::array<double, 3> SectorPhi =
770  {{get_double_param("tpc_sector_phi_inner"),
771  get_double_param("tpc_sector_phi_mid"),
772  get_double_param("tpc_sector_phi_outer")}};
774  const std::array<int,3> NPhiBins =
775  {{
776  get_int_param("ntpc_phibins_inner"),
777  get_int_param("ntpc_phibins_mid"),
778  get_int_param("ntpc_phibins_outer")
779  }};
781  PhiBinWidth =
782  {{
783  SectorPhi[0] * 12 / (double) NPhiBins[0],
784  SectorPhi[1] * 12 / (double) NPhiBins[1],
785  SectorPhi[2] * 12 / (double) NPhiBins[2]
786  }};
788  averageGEMGain = get_double_param("gem_amplification");
790  for (int iregion = 0; iregion < 3; ++iregion)
791  {
792  for (int zside = 0; zside < 2;zside++)
793  {
794  sector_min_Phi_sectors[zside][iregion].clear();
795  sector_max_Phi_sectors[zside][iregion].clear();
796  for (int isector = 0; isector < NSectors; ++isector)
797  {
798  double sec_gap = (2*M_PI - SectorPhi[iregion]*12)/12;
799  double sec_max_phi = M_PI - SectorPhi[iregion]/2 - sec_gap - 2 * M_PI / 12 * isector;// * (isector+1) ;
800  double sec_min_phi = sec_max_phi - SectorPhi[iregion];
801  sector_min_Phi_sectors[zside][iregion].push_back(sec_min_phi);
802  sector_max_Phi_sectors[zside][iregion].push_back(sec_max_phi);
804  }
805  }
806  }
807 }