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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file RecoConversionEval.h
1 #ifndef RecoConversionEval_H__
2 #define RecoConversionEval_H__
4 //===============================================
8 //===============================================
9 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h>
10 #include <GenFit/GFRaveVertex.h>
11 #include <string>
12 #include <cmath>
13 namespace PHGenFit {
14  class Track;
15 } /* namespace PHGenFit */
16 class PHCompositeNode;
18 class SvtxEvalStack;
19 class SvtxVertex;
20 class SvtxTrack;
21 class SvtxTrackMap;
22 class SvtxHitMap;
25 class TTree;
26 class TFile;
27 class TLorentzVector;
28 class SVReco;
29 class VtxRegressor;
33  public:
35  RecoConversionEval(const std::string &name,std::string tmvamethod, std::string tmvapath);
37  int Init(PHCompositeNode *topNode);
38  int InitRun(PHCompositeNode *topNode);
39  void doNodePointers(PHCompositeNode *topNode);
40  int process_event(PHCompositeNode *topNode);
41  int End(PHCompositeNode *topNode);
43  private:
47  SvtxHitMap *_hitMap=NULL;
50  TFile *_file=NULL;
51  TTree *_treeSignal=NULL;
52  TTree *_treeBackground=NULL;
58  bool hasNodePointers()const;
62  std::pair<PHGenFit::Track*,PHGenFit::Track*> refitTracks(genfit::GFRaveVertex* vtx,SvtxTrack* reco1,SvtxTrack* reco2);
64  TLorentzVector* reconstructPhoton(SvtxTrack* reco1,SvtxTrack* reco2);
66  TLorentzVector* reconstructPhoton(std::pair<PHGenFit::Track*,PHGenFit::Track*> recos);
67  inline bool detaCut(float eta1, float eta2) const{
68  return (eta1>eta2?eta1-eta2:eta2-eta1)<_kDetaCut;
69  }
71  bool pairCuts(SvtxTrack* t1, SvtxTrack* t2)const;
76  bool hitCuts(SvtxTrack* t1, SvtxTrack* t2)const ;
77  bool vtxCuts(genfit::GFRaveVertex* vtxCan);
79  bool vtxTrackRZCut(TVector3 recoVertPos, SvtxTrack* track);
81  bool vtxTrackRPhiCut(TVector3 recoVertPos, SvtxTrack* track);
83  bool vtxRadiusCut(TVector3 recoVertPos);
85  bool photonCuts(TLorentzVector* photon)const;
86  /* cut on the distance between the closest point between the two tracks*/
91  float _b_photon_m;
92  float _b_photon_pT;
95  float _b_track1_pT;
96  float _b_track2_pT;
97  bool _b_refit;
101  unsigned totalTracks=0;
102  unsigned passedpTEtaQ=0;
103  unsigned passedCluster=0;
104  unsigned passedPair=0;
105  unsigned passedVtx=0;
106  unsigned passedPhoton=0;
109  // I want these to be static constexpr
110  // TODO confirm these numbers
111  unsigned int _kNSiliconLayer=7;
114  float _kTrackPtCut=2.5;
115  float _kEMProbCut=.0;
116  float _kVtxRCut=1.84;
117  float _kDetaCut=.008;
118  float _kPhotonMmin=.27;
119  float _kPhotonMmax=8.;
120  float _kPhotonPTmin=0.039;
121  int _kDLayerCut=9;
123  //these are not useful
124  float _kFirstHit=1;
126  double _kApprochCut=30;
127  float _kVtxRPhiCut=.4;
128  float _kVtxRZCut=.4;
129  float _kVtxChi2Cut=.4;
131  float _kElectronRestM=.005109989461;
132 };
134 #endif // __RecoConversionEval_H__