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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Layer.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
17 #include <algorithm>
18 #include <functional>
19 #include <iterator>
20 #include <vector>
22 Acts::Layer::Layer(std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> surfaceArray, double thickness,
23  std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ades, LayerType laytyp)
24  : m_nextLayers(NextLayers(nullptr, nullptr)),
25  m_surfaceArray(surfaceArray.release()),
26  m_layerThickness(thickness),
27  m_approachDescriptor(nullptr),
28  m_representingVolume(nullptr),
29  m_layerType(laytyp),
30  m_ssRepresentingSurface(1) {
31  if (ades) {
32  ades->registerLayer(*this);
34  m_ssApproachSurfaces = 1; // indicates existence
35  }
36  // indicates existence of sensitive surfaces
37  if (m_surfaceArray) {
39  }
40 }
43  return m_approachDescriptor.get();
44 }
47  return const_cast<ApproachDescriptor*>(m_approachDescriptor.get());
48 }
50 void Acts::Layer::closeGeometry(const IMaterialDecorator* materialDecorator,
51  const GeometryIdentifier& layerID,
52  const GeometryIdentifierHook& hook,
53  const Logger& logger) {
54  // set the volumeID of this
55  assignGeometryId(layerID);
56  // assign to the representing surface
57  Surface* rSurface = const_cast<Surface*>(&surfaceRepresentation());
58  if (materialDecorator != nullptr) {
59  materialDecorator->decorate(*rSurface);
60  }
61  ACTS_DEBUG("layerID: " << layerID);
63  rSurface->assignGeometryId(layerID);
65  // also find out how the sub structure is defined
66  if (surfaceRepresentation().surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
67  m_ssRepresentingSurface = 2;
68  }
69  // loop over the approach surfaces
70  if (m_approachDescriptor) {
71  // indicates the existence of approach surfaces
72  m_ssApproachSurfaces = 1;
73  // loop through the approachSurfaces and assign unique GeomeryID
74  GeometryIdentifier::Value iasurface = 0;
75  for (auto& aSurface : m_approachDescriptor->containedSurfaces()) {
76  auto asurfaceID = GeometryIdentifier(layerID).setApproach(++iasurface);
77  auto mutableASurface = const_cast<Surface*>(aSurface);
78  mutableASurface->assignGeometryId(asurfaceID);
79  if (materialDecorator != nullptr) {
80  materialDecorator->decorate(*mutableASurface);
81  }
82  // if any of the approach surfaces has material
83  if (aSurface->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
84  m_ssApproachSurfaces = 2;
85  }
86  }
87  }
88  // check if you have sensitive surfaces
89  if (m_surfaceArray) {
90  // indicates the existence of sensitive surfaces
91  m_ssSensitiveSurfaces = 1;
92  // loop sensitive surfaces and assign unique GeometryIdentifier
93  GeometryIdentifier::Value issurface = 0;
94  for (auto& sSurface : m_surfaceArray->surfaces()) {
95  auto ssurfaceID = GeometryIdentifier(layerID).setSensitive(++issurface);
96  ssurfaceID = hook.decorateIdentifier(ssurfaceID, *sSurface);
97  auto mutableSSurface = const_cast<Surface*>(sSurface);
98  mutableSSurface->assignGeometryId(ssurfaceID);
99  if (materialDecorator != nullptr) {
100  materialDecorator->decorate(*mutableSSurface);
101  }
102  // if any of the sensitive surfaces has material
103  if (sSurface->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
104  m_ssSensitiveSurfaces = 2;
105  }
106  }
107  }
108 }
110 boost::container::small_vector<Acts::SurfaceIntersection, 10>
112  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& position,
113  const Vector3& direction, const NavigationOptions<Surface>& options) const {
114  // the list of valid intersection
115  boost::container::small_vector<SurfaceIntersection, 10> sIntersections;
117  // fast exit - there is nothing to
118  if (!m_surfaceArray || !m_approachDescriptor) {
119  return sIntersections;
120  }
122  // (0) End surface check
123  // @todo: - we might be able to skip this by use of options.pathLimit
124  // check if you have to stop at the endSurface
125  double pathLimit = options.pathLimit;
126  double overstepLimit = options.overstepLimit;
127  if (options.endObject != nullptr) {
128  // intersect the end surface
129  // - it is the final one don't use the boundary check at all
130  SurfaceIntersection endInter =
131  options.endObject
132  ->intersect(gctx, position, direction, BoundaryCheck(true))
133  .closest();
134  // non-valid intersection with the end surface provided at this layer
135  // indicates wrong direction or faulty setup
136  // -> do not return compatible surfaces since they may lead you on a wrong
137  // navigation path
138  if (endInter) {
139  pathLimit = endInter.pathLength();
140  } else {
141  return sIntersections;
142  }
143  } else {
144  // compatibleSurfaces() should only be called when on the layer,
145  // i.e. the maximum path limit is given by the layer thickness times
146  // path correction, we take a safety factor of 1.5
147  // -> this avoids punch through for cylinders
148  double pCorrection =
149  surfaceRepresentation().pathCorrection(gctx, position, direction);
150  pathLimit = 1.5 * thickness() * pCorrection;
151  }
153  // lemma 0 : accept the surface
154  auto acceptSurface = [&options](const Surface& sf,
155  bool sensitive = false) -> bool {
156  // surface is sensitive and you're asked to resolve
157  if (sensitive && options.resolveSensitive) {
158  return true;
159  }
160  // next option: it's a material surface and you want to have it
161  if (options.resolveMaterial && sf.surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
162  return true;
163  }
164  // last option: resolve all
165  return options.resolvePassive;
166  };
168  // lemma 1 : check and fill the surface
169  // [&sIntersections, &options, &parameters
170  auto processSurface = [&](const Surface& sf, bool sensitive = false) {
171  // veto if it's start or end surface
172  if (options.startObject == &sf || options.endObject == &sf) {
173  return;
174  }
175  // veto if it doesn't fit the prescription
176  if (!acceptSurface(sf, sensitive)) {
177  return;
178  }
179  bool boundaryCheck = options.boundaryCheck;
180  if (std::find(options.externalSurfaces.begin(),
181  options.externalSurfaces.end(),
182  sf.geometryId()) != options.externalSurfaces.end()) {
183  boundaryCheck = false;
184  }
185  // the surface intersection
187  sf.intersect(gctx, position, direction, boundaryCheck);
188  for (const auto& sfi : sfmi.split()) {
189  // check if intersection is valid and pathLimit has not been exceeded
190  if (sfi &&
191  detail::checkIntersection(sfi.intersection(), pathLimit,
192  overstepLimit, s_onSurfaceTolerance)) {
193  sIntersections.push_back(sfi);
194  }
195  }
196  };
198  // (A) approach descriptor section
199  //
200  // the approach surfaces are in principle always testSurfaces
201  // - the surface on approach is excluded via the veto
202  // - the surfaces are only collected if needed
203  if (m_approachDescriptor &&
204  (options.resolveMaterial || options.resolvePassive)) {
205  // the approach surfaces
206  const std::vector<const Surface*>& approachSurfaces =
207  m_approachDescriptor->containedSurfaces();
208  // we loop through and veto
209  // - if the approach surface is the parameter surface
210  // - if the surface is not compatible with the collect
211  for (auto& aSurface : approachSurfaces) {
212  processSurface(*aSurface);
213  }
214  }
216  // (B) sensitive surface section
217  //
218  // check the sensitive surfaces if you have some
219  if (m_surfaceArray && (options.resolveMaterial || options.resolvePassive ||
220  options.resolveSensitive)) {
221  // get the candidates
222  const std::vector<const Surface*>& sensitiveSurfaces =
223  m_surfaceArray->neighbors(position);
224  // loop through and veto
225  // - if the approach surface is the parameter surface
226  // - if the surface is not compatible with the type(s) that are collected
227  for (auto& sSurface : sensitiveSurfaces) {
228  processSurface(*sSurface, true);
229  }
230  }
232  // (C) representing surface section
233  //
234  // the layer surface itself is a testSurface
235  const Surface* layerSurface = &surfaceRepresentation();
236  processSurface(*layerSurface);
238  // Sort by object address
239  std::sort(
240  sIntersections.begin(), sIntersections.end(),
241  [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a.object() < b.object(); });
242  // Now look for duplicates. As we just sorted by path length, duplicates
243  // should be subsequent
244  auto it = std::unique(
245  sIntersections.begin(), sIntersections.end(),
246  [](const SurfaceIntersection& a, const SurfaceIntersection& b) -> bool {
247  return a.object() == b.object();
248  });
250  // resize to remove all items that are past the unique range
251  sIntersections.resize(std::distance(sIntersections.begin(), it),
254  // sort according to the path length
255  std::sort(sIntersections.begin(), sIntersections.end(),
258  return sIntersections;
259 }
262  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3& position,
263  const Vector3& direction, const NavigationOptions<Layer>& options) const {
264  // resolve directive based by options
265  // - options.resolvePassive is on -> always
266  // - options.resolveSensitive is on -> always
267  // - options.resolveMaterial is on
268  // && either sensitive or approach surfaces have material
269  bool resolvePS = options.resolveSensitive || options.resolvePassive;
270  bool resolveMS = options.resolveMaterial &&
271  (m_ssSensitiveSurfaces > 1 || m_ssApproachSurfaces > 1 ||
272  (surfaceRepresentation().surfaceMaterial() != nullptr));
274  // The Limits: current path & overstepping
275  double pLimit = options.pathLimit;
276  double oLimit = options.overstepLimit;
277  // TODO this should be configurable
280  // Helper function to find valid intersection
281  auto findValidIntersection =
282  [&](const SurfaceMultiIntersection& sfmi) -> SurfaceIntersection {
283  for (const auto& sfi : sfmi.split()) {
284  if (sfi && detail::checkIntersection(sfi.intersection(), pLimit, oLimit,
285  tolerance)) {
286  return sfi;
287  }
288  }
290  // Return an invalid one
292  };
294  // Approach descriptor present and resolving is necessary
295  if (m_approachDescriptor && (resolvePS || resolveMS)) {
296  SurfaceIntersection aSurface = m_approachDescriptor->approachSurface(
297  gctx, position, direction, options.boundaryCheck, pLimit, oLimit,
298  tolerance);
299  return aSurface;
300  }
302  // Intersect and check the representing surface
303  const Surface& rSurface = surfaceRepresentation();
304  auto sIntersection =
305  rSurface.intersect(gctx, position, direction, options.boundaryCheck);
306  return findValidIntersection(sIntersection);
307 }