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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TrackCaloDist.C
1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <TH2D.h>
3 #include <TH1D.h>
4 #include <TChain.h>
5 #include <TMath.h>
6 #include <TTree.h>
7 #include <TFile.h>
8 #include <sstream> //std::ostringstsream
9 #include <fstream> //std::ifstream
10 #include <iostream> //std::cout, std::endl
11 #include <cmath>
12 #include <TGraphErrors.h>
13 #include <TGraph.h>
14 #include <TSpectrum.h>
15 #include <TF1.h>
16 #include <TTreeReader.h>
17 #include <TTreeReaderValue.h>
18 #include <TTreeReaderArray.h>
19 #include <string>
20 #include <set>
22 using namespace std;
25 {
26  TFile *out = new TFile("TrackCaloDist.root","RECREATE");
28  TH1D* h_dist[6]; // distance between track (eta,phi) and shower vertex (eta,phi)
29  TH1D* h_emcal[6]; // ratio of energy deposition in emcal to track momentum
30  TH1D* h_ihcal[6]; // ratio of energy deposition in ihcal to track momentum
31  TH1D* h_ohcal[6]; // ratio of energy deposition in ohcal to track momentum
32  TH2D* h_totale_dist[6]; // total energy deposition from the shower vs distance between track and shower
34  // only filled in the case of an ohcal shower
35  TH1D* ohcal_top = new TH1D("ohcal_top","",300,0,3); // ratio of energy in leading tower of ohcal to track momentum
36  TH1D* ohcal_towers = new TH1D("ohcal_towers","",300,0,3); // ratio of energy in ohcal tower region to track mom
37  TH1D* ohcal_total = new TH1D("ohcal_total","",300,0,3); // ratio of energy in all calo tower region to track mom
38  TH1D* ohcal_ihcal_mip = new TH1D("ohcal_ihcal_mip","",300,0,1); // energy in ihcal in case of ohcal shower
39  TH1D* ohcal_emcal_mip = new TH1D("ohcal_emcal_mip","",300,0,1); // energy in emcal in case of ohcal shower
40  TH2D* h_4towers = new TH2D("h_4towers","",5,-2.5,2.5,5,-2.5,2.5); // 5x5 tower energy deposition in ohcal
42  // classifications of shower location
43  string detector[6] = { "mip", "ohcal", "magnet", "ihcal", "emcal", "tracker"};
44  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
45  h_dist[i] = new TH1D(TString::Format("h_dist_%s",detector[i].c_str()),"",200,0,5);
46  h_emcal[i] = new TH1D(TString::Format("h_emcale_%s",detector[i].c_str()),"",100,0,3);
47  h_ihcal[i] = new TH1D(TString::Format("h_ihcale_%s",detector[i].c_str()),"",100,0,3);
48  h_ohcal[i] = new TH1D(TString::Format("h_ohcale_%s",detector[i].c_str()),"",100,0,3);
49  h_totale_dist[i] = new TH2D(TString::Format("h_totale_dist_%s",detector[i].c_str()),"",100,0,3,200,0,5);
50  }
52  TH2D* h_ohcal_dist = new TH2D("h_ohcale_dist","",100,0,3,200,0,5);
53  TH1D* h_class = new TH1D("h_class","",7,-0.5,6.5);
55  // distance between the track (eta,phi) and the shower vertex for each classification
56  // energy distribution for each calorimeter for each classification
58  TFile *file = new TFile("TruthCaloTree.root");
59  TTreeReader reader("T",file);
61  TTreeReaderValue<int> n(reader, "n_truth");
62  TTreeReaderArray<float> E(reader, "truthenergy");
63  TTreeReaderArray<int> pid(reader, "truthpid");
64  TTreeReaderArray<float> eta(reader, "trutheta");
65  TTreeReaderArray<float> phi(reader, "truthphi");
66  TTreeReaderArray<float> p(reader, "truthp");
67  TTreeReaderArray<float> pt(reader, "truthpt");
68  TTreeReaderArray<int> track_id(reader, "truth_track_id");
70  TTreeReaderValue<int> n_child(reader, "n_child");
71  TTreeReaderArray<int> child_pid(reader, "child_pid");
72  TTreeReaderArray<int> child_parent_id(reader, "child_parent_id");
73  TTreeReaderArray<int> child_vertex_id(reader, "child_vertex_id");
75  TTreeReaderValue<int> BH_n(reader, "BH_n");
76  TTreeReaderArray<int> BH_track_id(reader, "BH_track_id");
77  TTreeReaderArray<float> BH_e(reader, "BH_e");
79  TTreeReaderValue<int> n_vertex(reader, "n_vertex");
80  TTreeReaderArray<int> vertex_id(reader, "vertex_id");
81  TTreeReaderArray<float> x(reader, "vertex_x");
82  TTreeReaderArray<float> y(reader, "vertex_y");
83  TTreeReaderArray<float> z(reader, "vertex_z");
85  TTreeReaderArray<float> tower_sim_E(reader, "tower_sim_E");
86  TTreeReaderArray<int> tower_sim_ieta(reader, "tower_sim_ieta");
87  TTreeReaderArray<int> tower_sim_iphi(reader, "tower_sim_iphi");
88  TTreeReaderArray<float> tower_sim_eta(reader, "tower_sim_eta");
89  TTreeReaderArray<float> tower_sim_phi(reader, "tower_sim_phi");
90  TTreeReaderValue<int> tower_sim_n(reader, "tower_sim_n");
92  TTreeReaderArray<float> EMcal_sim_E(reader, "EMcal_sim_E");
93  TTreeReaderArray<int> EMcal_sim_ieta(reader, "EMcal_sim_ieta");
94  TTreeReaderArray<int> EMcal_sim_iphi(reader, "EMcal_sim_iphi");
95  TTreeReaderArray<float> EMcal_sim_eta(reader, "EMcal_sim_eta");
96  TTreeReaderArray<float> EMcal_sim_phi(reader, "EMcal_sim_phi");
97  TTreeReaderValue<int> EMcal_sim_n(reader, "EMcal_sim_n");
99  TTreeReaderArray<float> hcalIN_sim_E(reader, "hcalIN_sim_E");
100  TTreeReaderArray<int> hcalIN_sim_ieta(reader, "hcalIN_sim_ieta");
101  TTreeReaderArray<int> hcalIN_sim_iphi(reader, "hcalIN_sim_iphi");
102  TTreeReaderArray<float> hcalIN_sim_eta(reader, "hcalIN_sim_eta");
103  TTreeReaderArray<float> hcalIN_sim_phi(reader, "hcalIN_sim_phi");
104  TTreeReaderValue<int> hcalIN_sim_n(reader, "hcalIN_sim_n");
106  const int nphi_hcal = 64; // number of hcal towers in phi direction
107  const int neta_hcal = 24;
108  const int nphi_emcal = 256;
109  const int neta_emcal = 96;
110  const float max_eta = 0.8; // maximum eta value for isolated track
111  const float neigh_max_eta = 1.0;
112  const float track_pt_cut = 0.5; // pt cut for neighboring particles
113  const float high_pt_cut = 4.0;
114  const float de = 0.045833; // distance from center of one calorimeter tower to edge in eta
115  const float dp = 0.049087; // distacne from center of one calorimeter tower to edge in phi
116  const float ihcal_sf = 0.162166; // sampling fractions
117  const float ohcal_sf = 0.0338021;
118  const float emcal_sf = 0.02;
119  const float emcal_inner = 92; // inner radius of emcal
120  const float emcal_outer = 116;
121  const float ihcal_inner = 117.27;
122  const float ihcal_outer = 134.42;
123  const float ohcal_inner = 183.3;
124  const float ohcal_outer = 274.317;
126  double dr, delta_r, delta_eta, delta_phi, dr_charge, dphi, deta, tower_dr;
127  float mipEM, mipIH, mipOH;
128  double vr, v_phi, v_eta;
129  float avgtracks[10] = {0.0};
130  int ntracks_centrality[10] = {0};
131  int centrality_bins = 10;
132  set<int> charged_pid = {-3334,-3312,-3222,-3112,-2212,-431,-411,-321,-211,-13,-11,11,
133  13,211,321,411,431,2212,3112,3222,3312,3334};
134  set<int> neutral_pid = {-3322,-3212,-3122,-2112,-421,-14,-12,12,14,22,111,130,310,421,
135  2112,3122,3212,3322};
136  int cent[] = {40,50,60,70,80};
138  float five_by_five[5][5] = {{0.0}};
139  int child;
140  set<int> vertex;
141  float v_radius, v_rad;
142  int classify;
144  float eta_map[24],eta_mapIH[24],eta_mapEM[96];
145  float phi_map[64],phi_mapIH[64],phi_mapEM[256];
148  // first find the mapping of (ieta,iphi) calorimeter towers to the actual (eta,phi) coordinates of the towers
149  while (reader.Next()) {
150  for (int i = 0; i < *tower_sim_n; i++) {
151  if (tower_sim_ieta[i] >= 0 && tower_sim_ieta[i] < neta_hcal
152  && tower_sim_iphi[i] >= 0 && tower_sim_iphi[i] < nphi_hcal) {
153  phi_map[tower_sim_iphi[i]] = tower_sim_phi[i];
154  eta_map[tower_sim_ieta[i]] = tower_sim_eta[i];
155  }
156  }
158  for (int i = 0; i < *hcalIN_sim_n; i++) {
159  if (hcalIN_sim_ieta[i] >= 0 && hcalIN_sim_ieta[i] < neta_hcal
160  && hcalIN_sim_iphi[i] >= 0 && hcalIN_sim_iphi[i] < nphi_hcal) {
161  phi_mapIH[hcalIN_sim_iphi[i]] = hcalIN_sim_phi[i];
162  eta_mapIH[hcalIN_sim_ieta[i]] = hcalIN_sim_eta[i];
163  }
164  }
166  for (int i = 0; i < nphi_hcal; i++) {
167  if (phi_map[i] < 0.0) phi_map[i] += 2*M_PI;
168  if (phi_mapIH[i] < 0.0) phi_mapIH[i] += 2*M_PI;
169  }
171  for (int i = 0; i < *EMcal_sim_n; i++) {
172  if (EMcal_sim_ieta[i] >= 0 && EMcal_sim_ieta[i] < neta_emcal
173  && EMcal_sim_iphi[i] >= 0 && EMcal_sim_iphi[i] < nphi_emcal) {
174  phi_mapEM[EMcal_sim_iphi[i]] = EMcal_sim_phi[i];
175  eta_mapEM[EMcal_sim_ieta[i]] = EMcal_sim_eta[i];
176  }
177  }
179  for (int i = 0; i < nphi_emcal; i++) {
180  if (phi_mapEM[i] < 0.0) phi_mapEM[i] += 2*M_PI;
181  }
182  }
184  reader.Restart();
185  int f = 0;
186  while (reader.Next()) {
188  if ( f % 1000 == 0) cout << f << endl;
189  if (!vertex.empty()) vertex.clear();
190  classify = -1;
192  float e_sim[24][64] = {{0.0}};
193  float e_simIH[24][64] = {{0.0}};
194  float e_simEM[96][256] = {{0.0}};
195  float total_energy = 0.0;
197  // find the energy distribution in the calo towers for the event
198  for (int i = 0; i < *tower_sim_n; i++) {
199  if (tower_sim_ieta[i] >= 0 && tower_sim_ieta[i] < neta_hcal
200  && tower_sim_iphi[i] >= 0 && tower_sim_iphi[i] < nphi_hcal) {
201  e_sim[tower_sim_ieta[i]][tower_sim_iphi[i]] += tower_sim_E[i]/ohcal_sf;
202  }
203  }
204  for (int i = 0; i < *hcalIN_sim_n; i++) {
205  if (hcalIN_sim_ieta[i] >= 0 && hcalIN_sim_ieta[i] < neta_hcal
206  && hcalIN_sim_iphi[i] >= 0 && hcalIN_sim_iphi[i] < nphi_hcal) {
207  e_simIH[hcalIN_sim_ieta[i]][hcalIN_sim_iphi[i]] += hcalIN_sim_E[i]/ihcal_sf;
208  }
209  }
210  for (int i = 0; i < *EMcal_sim_n; i++) {
211  if (EMcal_sim_ieta[i] >= 0 && EMcal_sim_ieta[i] < neta_emcal
212  && EMcal_sim_iphi[i] >= 0 && EMcal_sim_iphi[i] < nphi_emcal) {
213  e_simEM[EMcal_sim_ieta[i]][EMcal_sim_iphi[i]] += EMcal_sim_E[i]/emcal_sf;
214  }
215  }
217  // loop over truth level particles
218  for (int i = 0; i < *n; i++) {
220  // find charged isolated high pt particle and check that it is isolated
221  if (pt[i] >= high_pt_cut && charged_pid.find(pid[i])!=charged_pid.end() && abs(double(eta[i])) < max_eta) {
222  if (phi[i] < 0.0) phi[i] += 2*M_PI;
223  dr = 100.0;
224  for (int j = 0; j < *n; j++) {
225  if (i != j && pt[j] > track_pt_cut && abs(double(eta[j])) < neigh_max_eta) {
226  if (phi[j] < 0.0) phi[j] += 2*M_PI;
227  delta_phi = double(phi[i]) - double(phi[j]);
228  if (delta_phi > M_PI) delta_phi -= M_PI;
229  delta_eta = double(eta[i]) - double(eta[j]);
230  delta_r = sqrt(delta_phi*delta_phi + delta_eta*delta_eta);
231  if (delta_r < dr) dr = delta_r;
232  }
233  }
235  // check where particle begins showering
236  if (dr >= 0.2) {
237  for (int j = 0; j < *n_child; j++) {
238  if (child_parent_id[j] == track_id[i] && abs(child_pid[j]) != 11 && child_pid[j] != 22) vertex.insert(child_vertex_id[j]);
239  }
240  v_radius = ohcal_outer + 1;
241  for (set<int>::iterator it = vertex.begin(); it != vertex.end(); it++) {
242  child = 0;
243  for (int j = 0 ; j < *n_child; j++) {
244  if (child_vertex_id[j] == *it && abs(child_pid[j]) != 11 && child_pid[j] != 22) {
245  child++;
246  }
247  }
248  if (child > 1) {
249  // now find the location of the shower vertex
250  for (int v = 0; v < *n_vertex; v++) {
251  if (vertex_id[v] == *it) {
252  v_rad = sqrt(x[v]*x[v] + y[v]*y[v]);
253  if (v_rad < v_radius) {
254  v_radius = v_rad;
255  v_phi = atan2(y[v],x[v]);
256  v_eta = atanh(z[v] / sqrt(x[v]*x[v] + y[v]*y[v] + z[v]*z[v]));
257  dphi = abs(double(v_eta - eta[i]));
258  deta = abs(double(v_phi - phi[i]));
259  if (dphi >= M_PI) dphi -= M_PI;
260  vr = sqrt(dphi*dphi + deta*deta);
261  }
262  }
263  }
264  }
265  }
268  // find the energy deposition and number of towers in tower region
269  int towers[200][2];
270  float top_energy = 0.0;
271  int ti, tj;
272  int numOH = 0;
273  int tn = 0;
274  mipEM = 0.0;
275  mipIH = 0.0;
276  mipOH = 0.0;
277  for (int j = 0; j < neta_hcal; j++) {
278  for (int k = 0; k < nphi_hcal; k++) {
279  dphi = abs(double(eta_map[j] - eta[i]));
280  deta = abs(double(phi_map[k] - phi[i]));
281  if (dphi >= M_PI) dphi -= M_PI;
282  tower_dr = sqrt(dphi*dphi + deta*deta);
283  // find towers in (eta,phi) range of track
284  if (tower_dr <= 0.2) {
285  towers[tn][0] = j;
286  towers[tn][1] = k;
287  mipIH += e_simIH[j][k];
288  mipOH += e_sim[j][k];
289  tn++;
290  }
291  }
292  }
294  for (int j = 0; j < neta_emcal; j++) {
295  for(int k = 0; k < nphi_emcal; k++) {
296  dphi = abs(double(eta_mapEM[j] - eta[i]));
297  deta = abs(double(phi_mapEM[k] - phi[i]));
298  if (dphi >= M_PI) dphi -= M_PI;
299  tower_dr = sqrt(dphi*dphi + deta*deta);
300  if (tower_dr <= 0.2) {
301  mipEM += e_simEM[j][k];
302  }
303  }
304  }
306  int j;
307  int k;
308  double mipTotal = mipEM + mipIH + mipOH;
310  for (int t = 0; t < tn; t++) {
311  j = towers[t][0];
312  k = towers[t][1];
313  if (e_sim[j][k] > top_energy) {
314  top_energy = e_sim[j][k];
315  ti = j;
316  tj = k;
317  }
318  }
320  // based on shower location classification fill histograms
321  if (v_radius < emcal_inner) {
322  h_emcal[5]->Fill(mipEM/p[i]);
323  h_ihcal[5]->Fill(mipIH/p[i]);
324  h_ohcal[5]->Fill(mipOH/p[i]);
325  h_dist[5]->Fill(vr);
326  h_class->Fill(5);
327  h_totale_dist[5]->Fill(mipTotal/p[i],vr);
328  } else if (v_radius >= emcal_inner && v_radius <= emcal_outer) {
329  h_emcal[4]->Fill(mipEM/p[i]);
330  h_ihcal[4]->Fill(mipIH/p[i]);
331  h_ohcal[4]->Fill(mipOH/p[i]);
332  h_dist[4]->Fill(vr);
333  h_class->Fill(4);
334  h_totale_dist[4]->Fill(mipTotal/p[i],vr);
335  } else if (v_radius >= ihcal_inner && v_radius <= ihcal_outer) {
336  h_emcal[3]->Fill(mipEM/p[i]);
337  h_ihcal[3]->Fill(mipIH/p[i]);
338  h_ohcal[3]->Fill(mipOH/p[i]);
339  h_dist[3]->Fill(vr);
340  h_class->Fill(3);
341  h_totale_dist[3]->Fill(mipTotal/p[i],vr);
342  } else if (v_radius > ihcal_outer && v_radius < ohcal_inner) {
343  h_emcal[2]->Fill(mipEM/p[i]);
344  h_ihcal[2]->Fill(mipIH/p[i]);
345  h_ohcal[2]->Fill(mipOH/p[i]);
346  h_dist[2]->Fill(vr);
347  h_class->Fill(2);
348  h_totale_dist[2]->Fill(mipTotal/p[i],vr);
349  } else if (v_radius >= ohcal_inner && v_radius <= ohcal_outer) {
350  h_emcal[1]->Fill(mipEM/p[i]);
351  h_ihcal[1]->Fill(mipIH/p[i]);
352  h_ohcal[1]->Fill(mipOH/p[i]);
353  h_dist[1]->Fill(vr);
354  h_class->Fill(1);
355  h_ohcal_dist->Fill(mipOH/p[i],vr);
356  h_totale_dist[1]->Fill(mipTotal/p[i],vr);
357  ohcal_top->Fill(top_energy/p[i]);
358  ohcal_towers->Fill(mipOH/p[i]);
359  ohcal_total->Fill(mipTotal/p[i]);
360  ohcal_ihcal_mip->Fill(mipIH);
361  ohcal_emcal_mip->Fill(mipEM);
363  // fill 5x5 tower energy distribution for ohcal showers
364  for (int fi = -2; fi < 3; fi++) {
365  for (int fj = -2; fj < 3; fj++) {
366  five_by_five[fi+2][fj+2] += e_sim[ti+fi][tj+fj];
367  h_4towers->SetBinContent(h_4towers->FindBin(fi,fj),five_by_five4[fi+2][fj+2]);
368  }
369  }
370  } else if (v_radius > ohcal_outer) {
371  // check if the event mips through the entire system
372  for (int j = 0; j < *BH_n; j++) {
373  if (BH_track_id[j] == track_id[i]) {
374  h_emcal[0]->Fill(mipEM/p[i]);
375  h_ihcal[0]->Fill(mipIH/p[i]);
376  h_ohcal[0]->Fill(mipOH/p[i]);
377  h_class->Fill(0);
378  h_totale_dist[0]->Fill(mipTotal/p[i],vr);
379  }
380  }
381  }
382  }
383  }
384  }
385  f++;
386  }
387  out->Write();
388  out->Close();
389 }